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the abbess and her sisters that the ap- parition in the kitchen ... Bell RM. Holy anorexia. Chicago, IL: ... family member, "keeping the secret" in child abuse does ...
convent kitchen on numerous occasions, usually at night. She persuaded the abbess and her sisters that the apparition in the kitchen was the devil, disguised as her and determined to undermine the faith and piety of all who might be taken in by this ruse. In a recognized variant of bulimia, the bulimic person experiences sleep disturbance, night wakenings with a compulsion to eat that must be satisfied before normal sleep returns. People suffering from bulimia usually starve themselves during the day to

avoid the weight gain that would otherwise result from these nocturnal binges. It is a self-perpetuating cycle of unconsciously learned behaviour whereby the bulimic person is unable to use the distraction techniques that permit diurnal appetite control when experiencing sensory deprivation while lying in bed at night when all is quiet and dark. It is not for me to imperil my immortal soul by casting aspersions on the behaviour of others more pious than myself. It is perhaps enough for

me to say that I am currently treating one individual who has St. Veronica's syndrome! James McSherry, MB, ChB Kingston, Ontario

References 1. Higgins GL. Bulimia: a comment on an old case report by Sir Thomas Browne. Can Fam Physician 1989; 35:395-7. 2. Brumberg JJ. Fasting girls: the emergence of anorexia nervosa as a modern disease. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. 3. Bell RM. Holy anorexia. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

Refusing to Keep the Secret

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I am flying too much these days, which encourages thorough line-byline reading of the journal and prompts my response to one of the articles in the excellent April issue. In Dr. Higgins' interesting review,1 he does not address our mandatory requirement as citizens to report suspected child abuse, under the child protection legislation in all Canadian provinces and the North West Territories. It is essential that physicians understand this exception to confidentiality, which does not depend on subpoena. While our duty to report is sometimes painful and conflict-ridden for us as physicians to more than one family member, "keeping the secret" in child abuse does not serve the best interests of the individuals, families, or society. Carol P. Herbert, MD, FCFP Vancouver, B.C.

Reference 1. Higgins GL. The history of confidentiality in medicine: the physician-patient relationship. Can Fam Physician 1989; 35:921-6, 914.

Family Medicine Research Update I just finished reading my Family Medicine Research Update, Winter 1989. It was informative and vibrated with enthusiasm about research. I learned about a free analysis program, Epi-Info, a good review article on methods in clinical trials, and about important new family practice studies in Newfoundland, Quebec, and British Columbia. 1239