A family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions with ...

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Conference: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. ... with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009. Problem. Retrieval ...
A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval Florent Perronnin, Yan Liu and Jean-Michel Renders Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) Textual and Visual Pattern Analysis (TVPA) group

To be presented at CVPR 2009

Problem Retrieval as ranking Ranking: given a query, return all images in descending rank order (or at least large subset) Rational: retrieval is highly subjective and the system cannot guess the intent of the user (which might be unclear)  do not take a decision

? Ranking is sufficient for browsing-type applications, i.e. retrieve a specific image or a fixed number of images Limited practical use:  in fully automatic applications: e.g. query-expansion  when guarantees are required: e.g. ensure average recall of 90%

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Problem Retrieval as matching In several retrieval applications the user intent is (fairly) unambiguous:

near-duplicate detection

logo detection

scene retrieval

document retrieval

Impression sunrise, Claude Monet

Coca-Cola brand

Holiday dataset, [Jegou et al.]

NIST form database

 For such problems, the user might expect a subset of images Matching: given a pair of images, return a binary decision (classification) Choosing an appropriate threshold can guarantee on average a given:  precision level: e.g. useful for query expansion  recall level: e.g. retrieve 90% of duplicates

Although related, ranking and matching are different problems Page 3

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Problem Matching and context Is matching only about setting a threshold? Given these two forms, should we declare a match?  in a general context of docs: yes  in the context of forms: yes  in the context of US tax forms: no

 Humans judge in a context Different contexts can correspond to:  different scales of a hierarchy: e.g. mammals, felids, cats, breeds  different taxonomies: e.g. waterscape paintings vs impressionist paintings

Different contexts can impact the cues used to judge similarity  Provide different views on the same problem Page 4

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Problem Proposed solution Is matching only about setting a threshold?  if one does not take into account the context: yes…

 … but taking into account the context can provide much better accuracy.

We propose a novel family of contextual measures between distributions. Many works model images as distributions:  discrete distribution: e.g. bag-of-visual-words [Sivic & Zisserman, Csurka et al.]  continuous distribution: e.g. GMM [Goldberger et al., Moreno et al., Vasconcelos]

… but our framework is not restricted to images (e.g. text, speech, etc.)

Coming back to our US tax form example:  in the general context of document images: 80% match  in the context of US tax forms (NIST form): 4% match

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Outline Definition and properties Multinomial distributions (special cases) Application to retrieval Experimental validation Conclusion

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Definition and properties Definition Notations:  p, q: two distributions to be compared  u: a context distribution  f: a measure of similarity

u ω

By definition:

1-ω q

Interpretation:  Estimate the mixture of p and u that best approximates u according to f  projection of q on the line which joins p and u  ω reflects how much p contributes to the approximation

Each similarity / distance f has its contextual counterpart.

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.


Definition and properties Basic properties

By definition

in even if f symmetric

Symmetric similarity:

if f(q,p) is maximum for p=q (the converse is not true) and the converse seems to hold Page 8

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Definition and properties Convex optimization Bregman divergences:  x and y two distributions in  convex Includes Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence, Itakura-Saito divergence Csiszár divergences:  x and y two discrete distributions  convex Includes Manhattan distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence, Hellinger distance, Rényi divergence If f is a Bregman or Csiszár divergence then

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convex in ω

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Outline Definition and properties Multinomial distributions (special cases) Application to retrieval Experimental validation Conclusion

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Multinomial distributions Euclidean distance L2 is known to be a poor measure of distance between multinomial distributions (Gaussian noise assumption)… but interesting because of closed-form formula.

clipped to u ω 1-ω q asymmetric

p symmetric

Using symmetric similarity is important in small dimensional spaces.

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Multinomial distributions Manhattan distance Equivalent to intersection kernel:

Weighted median problem:

Piece-wise linear convex function  minimum reached at one of the Solved efficiently using Hoare’s algorithm in O(D)

asymmetric Page 12


F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.


Multinomial distributions KL divergence Objective function similar to that of PLSA:

Can be solved iteratively using Expectation-Maximization: E-step:


Slow convergence  in practice use gradient-based methods


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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Multinomial distributions Other distances Hellinger’s distance (equivalent to Bhattacharyya similarity):

Chi2 divergence:

Both lead to convex objective functions. No special-purposed optimization algorithm  gradient-based methods

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Outline Definition and properties Multinomial distributions (special cases) Application to retrieval Experimental validation Conclusion

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Application to retrieval / matching Limitations of a single context A single context might be insufficient for retrieval:

cats xu dogs  use different contexts for different queries No “best” context for a given query:  broad contexts: coarse similarity  increase precision at high recalls  narrow contexts: fine similarity  increase precision at low recalls

For each query:  use contexts at multiple scales  “average” across contexts Page 16

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.


Application to retrieval / matching Multi-scale retrieval algorithm Retrieval algorithm for a given query q: 1) Compute the similarity to all templates and keep Let be the list of indices 2) Estimate the context :


3) For all templates compute: Final similarity:  Give more weight to fine similarity than to coarse similarity High computational cost: 1 contextual similarity computation per template per scale

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Application to retrieval / matching Speeding-up retrieval We introduce: If

convex we have:


much cheaper to compute than

Example: Two interesting cases:  if  if

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then then

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.


Application to retrieval / matching Speeded-up multi-scale retrieval algorithm Retrieval algorithm for a given query q: 1) Compute the similarity to all templates and keep Let be the list of indices 2) Estimate the context : 3) For all templates compute: Final similarity:

Speed-up computation:  test 

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.


Application to retrieval / matching Relationship with query expansion

Query expansion (QE):  query system with original image  use close images to define new query  re-query the system  iterate (optional) Two main differences with QE:  re-estimate the context model vs query model for QE  use mostly irrelevant images vs use (hopefully) only relevant images for QE

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Outline Definition and properties Multinomial distributions (special cases) Application to retrieval Experimental validation Conclusion

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset The Holiday dataset: 1,491 images, 500 image groups http://lear.inrialpes.fr/people/jegou/data.php

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset

Bag-of-visual-words description:  SIFT features extracted on dense grids at multiple scales  Visual vocabulary (GMM) of approximately 4,000 visual words  Each image is encoded as a histogram of soft occurrences , i.e. a multinomial

Measure of retrieval accuracy: Average Precision (AP)  Ranking: compute one AP per query and average  Matching: compute one AP for all queries

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset

rank match

Experiments with contextual KL using a single scale:  context-size has large impact on matching, smaller impact on ranking

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset

Experiments with contextual KL using a single scale:  context-size has large impact on matching, smaller impact on ranking  different contexts bring complementary information for matching Page 25

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset

rank rank match match

Experiments with contextual KL averaging multiple scales:  weighted average somewhat better than unweighted average for matching

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Holiday dataset

match rank

Experiments with different measures:  large improvement for the matching problem (+20-30%)  small improvement for the ranking problem (+ 1-6%) as a bonus  poor measures make poor contextual measures (c.f. L2)

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Experimental validation Document dataset

1,400 images = 14 classes of documents x 100 documents per class Run-length description of document images:  a run is a set of consecutive pixels with the same color in a given direction  histogram of run-lengths in 4 directions for black and white pixels

 non-sparse histogram of 1,680 dimensions

match rank

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Outline Definition and properties Multinomial distributions (special cases) Application to retrieval Experimental validation Conclusion

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Conclusion Summary Although ranking and matching are related, they are different problems. Matching makes little sense if we do not specify a context. We introduced a family of contextual measures between distributions. In our framework, each measure has its contextual counterpart. We showed how to compute the contextual similarity in practice for several measures in the case of multinomials. Context has modest impact on ranking but very large impact on matching.

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F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.

Conclusion Future work Current work restricted to distributions. How to go beyond? How to learn a context model? Preliminary work on hierarchical clustering:  a similarity should not be more detailed than needed.  adapt similarity (through context) at each level of the hierarchy

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? Page 32

F. Perronnin, Y. Liu and J.-M. Renders, “A Family of Contextual Measures of Similarity between Distributions with Application to Image Retrieval”, to appear in CVPR 2009.