A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks (AONs)* 1
Sahadeb Jana , Debashis Saha , Amitava Mukherjee , and Pranay Chaudhuri 1
Department of Science, Maheshtala College, 24 Paraganas(S), India {
[email protected]} 2 Indian Institute of Management (IIM)-Calcutta, Joka, D. H. Road, Kolkata 700104, India {
[email protected]} 3 IBM Global Services, Kolkata, India {
[email protected]} 4 Dept of Computer Science, Mathematics & Physics, University of the West Indies, Barbados, West Indies {
[email protected]}
Abstract. This paper presents a fast algorithm for effectively assigning wavelengths to requested ligthpaths in a wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical network. The physical medium of the network consists of optical fiber segments interconnected by wavelength selective optical switches. WDM permits a limited number of wavelengths to be re-used among various fiber links, thereby offering a very high aggregate capacity. Here we have followed a technique, which can assign wavelengths to the lightpath without making any auxiliary graphs. The algorithm is proved to be correct, and its complexity is analyzed. The performance of the algorithm is tested on several networks for various lightpath demands through extensive simulations. The timing efficiency is studied and compared with the existing best-known wavelength assignment heuristic. It is found that, for a wide range of lightpath requests, the proposed algorithm performs considerably better than the existing one.
1 Introduction Fiber optic technology [1] holds out the promise of catering to the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth intensive end-user applications of future. The technique of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) [2], due to its efficient use of bandwidth, has emerged as the most promising transmission technology for optical networks. It divides the huge bandwidth of an optical fiber into a number of channels, where each channel corresponds to a different wavelength. A WDM optical network consists of optical wavelength routers interconnected by pairs of point-to-point fiber links (Figure * This work is partially supported by the UGC funded major research project (SWOPNET) grant no. F.14-24/2001 (SR – I) and AICTE funded R&D project (OPTIMAN) grant No. 8088/RDII/BOR/R&D(189)/99-2000 of Govt. of India. S.K. Das and S. Bhattacharya (Eds.): IWDC 2002, LNCS 2571, pp. 290–299, 2002. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002
A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks
1). A wavelength router receives a message at some wavelength from an input fiber and redirects it to any one of the output fibers at the same wavelength. Hence, a message can be transmitted from one routing node to another through a wavelength continuous path by configuring the intermediate routing nodes on that path. Such a wavelength continuous path is known as a lightpath [3]. The requirement, that the same wavelength must be used on all the links along the selected path, is known as the wavelength continuity constraint. This constraint is unique to WDM networks. Due to this constraint, wavelength channels may not always be utilized efficiently. Usually, a lightpath LPi is uniquely identified by a tuple , where li is the wavelength used in the lightpath and Pi represents the physical path corresponding to LPi. Two lightpaths LP1 and LP2 can share the same fiber, if and only if they use different wavelengths i.e., l1l2. The problem of establishing lightpaths, with the objective of minimization of the required number of wavelengths or minimization of the lightpath blocking probability, for a fixed number of wavelengths, is termed as the lightpath establishment problem (LEP) [4]. Usually, lightpath establishment is of two types. One is static (SLEP) or proactive [4], where a set of lightpaths and their wavelengths are identified a priori. Another is dynamic (DLEP) [4], where lightpath management is done on-demand, i.e., they are established and terminated on the fly. A good survey of the existing formulations for LEP can be found in [3]. A number of heuristic algorithms for assigning wavelengths in WDM optical networks are available in the literature [4]-[7]. An overall review of these algorithms is also available in [4]. The static lightpath establishment problem (SLEP) can be formulated as a mixedinteger linear program, which is NP complete [4]. In order to make the problem more tractable, SLEP is normally partitioned into two sub-problems: routing, and wavelength assignment. Each sub-problem can be solved separately. In this paper, we assume that routes of the lightpaths are known i.e., routing is done prior to wavelength assignment and concentrate only on the wavelength assignment problem (WAP) [5]. This work improves upon our previous effort on WAP, which is to be presented elsewhere [8] in the terms of execution efficiency.
2 Network Architecture The network architecture, considered in this work is based on the use of: a) highdensity WDM, b) wavelength to route each signal to its intended destination in the network (wavelength routing) and c) multihop switching and multiplexing/ demultiplexing. These three principles are used to build a virtual network [3]-[5] in which the number of nodes is essentially unlimited and is independent of the number of wavelengths available. The network 1) consists of: a) an all-optical inner portion which contains the wavelength routing cross-connection (or switching) elements, each capable of independently routing an incident wavelength, and b) an outer portion which contains user access stations which attach to the optical medium. The WDM core permits a limited number of wavelengths available to each link to enable full virtual connectivity, if desired, among all users.
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l3 l1 l1
l3 D
l2 l2 WDM Crossconnect
Access Hop
l3 E
Fig. 1. An example WDM optical network showing access nodes and the core network
In Figure 1, WDM cross connects are shown within the circle constituting the optical portion, and the squares represent the network access stations. Wavelength l3 carries a one-optical-hop signal (no intermediate detection or wavelength translation) from node A to node E, while a signal from node A to node C is carried in two optical hops: A to B on l1 and B to C on l2. Wavelength l1 is reused to carry a signal from C to D. Since the number of receivers and transmitters per access station is limited, the optical connectivity among the stations is not full. Thus, most of the end-to-end connections will require multiple hops, through a sequence of optical channels or lightpaths. These connections are referred to virtual connections. The full virtual connectivity is possible by using intermediate stations cooperating as relay nodes. When a new virtual connection request is generated, the job of the admission controller is to decide whether to admit or block the request by finding a path capable of handling the virtual connection. A virtual connection request is blocked, if the controller is unable to find or create a path, without unacceptably degrading the quality of service enjoyed by other virtual connections. For a given fiber topology which consists of some nodes, a long term average traffic demand matrix (tij), and number of wavelength available, K, an objective is to find a wavelength assignment algorithm and a routing scheme such that the call blocking probability is minimized, subject to following physical constraint: on each fiber link no two virtual connection use the same wavelength. The problem, being conjectured to be NP–hard [4], is usually decomposed into two separate sub-problems [5] stated below. Sub-problem 1: Find a wavelength assignment algorithm, which tends to favor the one-optical-hop traffic (i.e., pair of stations exhibiting large traffic flow receive optical links from the resulting optical connection graph; heavy traffic flow is thereby handled in one hop, reducing the burden on the other optical links).
A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks
Sub-problem 2: For the resulting optical connection graph, develop routing schemes, which produce low call blocking probability. As pointed out in section 1, we consider only the sub-problem 1, namely wavelength assignment problem (WAP) [5] such that the one-optical-hop traffic is maximized, subject to the following physical layer constraint: on each optical link, two connections can not use a common wavelength. Because of the constraint, the mathematical formulation of the problem is difficult, and a mixed linear integer program results [5] shown below. Let us define a connection-link indication matrix m = (m(p q),(l m)), where m (pq),(lm) = 1, if connection (p, q) and connection (l, m) use a common link = 0, otherwise (1) It is also assumed that zpq (w) = 1, if node p and node q are connected through wavelength w = 0, otherwise. Let the capacity of each wavelength be C and the maximum capacity of the optical K K channel between i and j be S w=1 zpq (w)C. If S w=1 zpq(w)C = 0, no optical channel is set up between p and q. The maximum one-optical-hop traffic carried on the optical K channel between p and q is min(tpq , S w=1zpq(w)C). Hence, WAP can be formulated as follows [5]: max Spq min ( tpq , S subject to: N S m=1 zpm(w) 1
z (w)C)
w=1 pq
and S m=1 zmq(w) 1 w = 1,2,...,K and p,q = 1,2,..,N m(p,q),(l,m)(zpq(w) + zlm(w)) 1, w = 1,2,...,K for all distinct pairs (p,q) and (l,m) zpq(w) = 0 or 1, w = 1,2,...,K and i,j = 1,2,..,N N
(2) (3) (4)
For each wavelength, constraint (2) states that there should be at most one connection starting from node p and at most one connection terminating at q, respectively. Constraint (3) indicates that, if connections (p, q) and (l, m) use a common link, zpq(w) and zlm(w) can not be equal to 1 at the same time, i.e., connections (p, q) and (l, m) can not use the same wavelength w at the same time. Constraint 4 indicates that, if zpq (w) = 1, then nodes p and q are connected through the wavelength w.
3 Wavelength Assignment Algorithm Given the physical topology and lightpath requests of a WDM optical network, we try to assign wavelength to the lightpaths at one go using this algorithm. The wavelength assignment is done in such a way that a lightpath LPi in the system gets a wavelength (say, li ) which is not used by any of the links of Pi . For example, Figure 2(a) shows the physical topology of an example optical network with eight lightpaths (solid lines numbered 1 through 8) requested upon it. Throughout the paper, dotted lines indicate
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the fiber links among network nodes. Say, during assignment, we get that route of lightpath_1 as F-A-B and that of lightpath-4 as A-B-C (Figure 2(a)). When wavelength assignment is considered, these two lightpaths cannot use the same wavelength as they share a common link viz. (A-B) (remember that li lj, if Pi ¬ Pj f). Let us now introduce a few related notations before we discuss the algorithm: LP: Set of lightpaths in the WDM optical network = {LPi., i = 1, 2, 3………..M} WUm,n : A bit array of size K for link (m-n), where each bit indicates whether the wavelength is currently in use. A bit 0 indicates that wavelength is in use and 1 indicates that it is free now. (m,n = 1, 2, ,N). N is the number of nodes in the physical network. wavlength_set : Set of wavelengths needed to assign, { l j | 1 j K } wavelength(LPi) : Wavelength assigned to LPi
B 4
F 3
6 E
Fig. 2 (a). Physical topology of an optical network (different colors represent different lightpaths)
The proposed algorithm, PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN assigns wavelength to it in two passes. In the first pass, it takes a lightpath, finds out the corresponding route (we assume predetermined static routing) and probes the lowest order non-used wavelength on its rout. In the second pass, it assigns that wavelength to the current lightpath and updates the link/links in the routed path about the assignment. Individual information about the used wavelengths of all the links avoids reassigning of the same wavelength to any future lightpath sharing the same link(s). Thus at the termination of the algorithm, each lightpath is assigned with a different wavelength. Avoiding the construction of auxiliary graph and assigning wavelengths at one go are the novelties of the algorithm. Here, it has been assumed that sufficient number of wavelengths has been supplied in the given wavelength_set to assign all the lightpaths.
A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks
3.1 Algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN Input: A set of lightpaths LP for a given WDM optical network. Output: At the termination of the algorithm, each lightpath is assigned with a permanent wavelength, wavelength(i). Step 1: Set WUm,n = {f}, (m,n = 1, 2, 3, ………………., N) Step 2: wavelength(LP1)= wavelength _set(0). Step 3: Inform the wavelength usage to all the links of LP1 setting the corresponding bits in WUm,n as 0. Step 4: for each LPi ³ [LP - LP1] do wavelength(LPi) = Probe the lowest order wavelength yet to be used by all the links of LPi taking interdsection of all WUm,n Inform the wavelength usage to all the links of LPi setting corresponding bits in WUm,n as 0. od Step 5: End . Now, we will describe how this algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN works with the example network shown in Figure 2(a). In step 1, all WUs (i.e., wavelength usage information on all links) are set to be null to indicate any of the wavelengths are not being used in any link. In step2, LP1 is assigned the first available wavelength in the wavelength_set (here l0 ). Now this information is used to update WUs on all the links involved in P1. So, for the links F-A and A-B, the bits of WUF,A and WUA,B, corresponding to l0 is set to zero. Then, in step 3, when the turn of LP2 comes, first of all, it checks all the links in the routed path (F-A-B-D). At the time of checking, it probes that the links F-A and A-B have already used l0 and the link B-D is yet to use any available wavelength. So it finds that l1 is lowest order wavelength yet to be used by any of the links of LP2 and assigns l1 to it. Accordingly, it updates the corresponding bits of WUF,A, WUA,B and WUB,D. In this way, all the demanded lightpaths are assigned a particular wavelength as shown in the final auxiliary graph of Figure 2(b), corresponding to 8 lightpaths of Figure 2(a). In Figure 2(b), nodes represent lightpaths [8] and an edge between two nodes indicates that they are sharing some common link/links.
4 Correctness Proof The correctness of algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN can be established through the following lemmas. Lemma 1.1: At the termination of algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN, every lightpath is assigned with a wavelength.
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Proof. As wavelength_set is assumed to consist of enough number of wavelengths and steps 2 and 4 considers all lightpaths one by one, it is obvious that all the lightpaths will be assigned wavelength at the termination of the algorithm. Lemma 1.2: Any two lightpaths will have distinct wavelengths at the termination of algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN. Proof. Let us prove it by contradiction. Say, LPi and LPj (j>i) have identical wavelengths at the end of the execution of algorithm and they share some common link/links. Now, we will prove that wavelength(i) and wavelength(j) cannot be same. Let us consider the stage at which the wavelength of the LPi is fixed to have wavelength(i). Now, whenever LPi will be assigned wavelength(i) that information will immediately be informed to all the links in the route Pi of that very lightpath. When turn of LPj will come, first of all it will probe which wavelengths are currently unused by all the links in Pj. At the time of probing, it is obvious that LPj must not get wavelength(i) as the non-used one (as all links in Pi are already previously informed about its usage). Thus, probe will get some other wavelength as non-used one, wavelength(j) wavelength(i) and will assign that to LPj.
l1 l0
l0 l0
l1 5
Fig. 2(b). The auxiliary graph with final wavelength assignment
Lemma 1.3: Algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN eventually terminates. Proof. Due to the presence of the deterministic ‘for each’ loop, the algorithm requires a finite amount of time to complete the wavelength assignment. More specifically, it always requires exactly (|LP|-1) i.e., of the order of M iterations to be terminated.
A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks
Theorem 1: Algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN is correct. Proof. Follows from Lemmas 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Now we examine the complexity of the algorithm minutely. Step 1 takes time in the order of (N^2*K), where K is the number of wavelengths. Step 2 does (N*K) operations and step 3 N operations. In Step 4, there is a “for each” loop. This “for” loop performs two things within it. First, wavelength to be used is probed and it does (N*K) operations and then this information is sent to all the links that does N operations. Thus, Step 4 does total (M-1)(N*K +N) operations. Therefore, the overall (worst case) complexity of algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN comes as O(N*M*K + N*M + N^2*K) i.e., O(N^3*K). This completes the analysis.
5 Results The algorithm has been tested with a number of synthetically generated networks of varying node sizes and lightpath demands. In the simulation, we first generate a network graph and then create a number of lightpath requests, randomly from a small value to a considerably large one, for the network. Routes of the lightpaths have been fixed using shortest path algorithm. Taking those lightpath requests as input, we apply them to our proposed algorithm to obtain the assignment scheme. The results are found to be satisfactory in all cases. However, in order to rate the performance of the algorithm PROBE ‘N’ ASSIGN (called as PNA in short) against the best-known algorithm by Zhang and Acampora [5] (called as Z-A in short), we calculate the number of wavelengths required and computational time taken by each algorithm for several networks. In all cases, the number of wavelengths is found to be the same for both the algorithms. Table 1. Total number of nodes in physical network: 30 (Connectivity: 0.3)
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Interestingly, our algorithm always takes much less time than that taken by its competitor. Two such comparative results are given in Table 1 (for a 30-node network) and in Figures 3 (for a 50-node network). Here, the unit of time is taken as: 1unit = 1 msec., when run on a P4 Intel PC under Borland C++ compiler. Connectivity signifies the ratio of links among the nodes, which is actually present in the network, to the total possible links among the nodes (i.e., N^2/2). For comparing the time efficiencies of the algorithms, we consider the speed-up factor = t2/t1, where t1 = time taken by PNA and t2 = time taken by Z-A. Both Table 1and Figure 3 indicate that the speed-up is considerable for larger networks.
9 8 Time(msec.) ->
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 50
LP Requests ->
Fig. 3. Execution time comparison for a 50-node Network (Connectivity: 0.3)
6 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented an efficient algorithm for wavelength assignment, which can be employed for assigning wavelengths in WDM optical networks. Given the physical topology and lightpath requests of a WDM network, we assign wavelength to the lightpaths using the above algorithm. The algorithm is applicable to SLEP only i.e., it can assign wavelengths to the lightpaths in a static WDM optical network environment. The algorithm has been tested, and the coloring and timing efficiencies are studied through extensive simulation studies. When compared with the existing wavelength assignment algorithm, we find that, for a wide range of lightpath requests, the proposed algorithm performs better.
A Fast Technique for Assigning Wavelengths in WDM All-Optical Networks
Acknowledgements. This work is partially supported by the UGC funded major research project (SWOPNET) grant No. F.14-24/2001 (SR – I) and AICTE funded R&D project (OPTIMAN) grant No. 8088/RDII/BOR/R&D(189)/99-2000 in the department of Computer Science & Engg. Of Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Indian Institute of Management(IIM) – Calcutta, India.
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