A Guideline for Virtual Machine Migration Algorithm in ...

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[4] Clark, Christopher, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Jacob Gorm. Hansen, Eric Jul, Christian Limpach, Ian Pratt, and Andrew. Warfield, "Live migration of virtual ...
International Journal of Computer & Communication Engineering Research (IJCCER) Volume 3 - Issue 5 September 2015

A Guideline for Virtual Machine Migration Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment VIJAYA RAJU MOTRU1, Dr. PENMETSA V KRISHNA RAJA2, ASHOK KOTE3, GUDIKANDHULA NARASIMHA RAO4, RAJESH DUVVURU5 1

Dept. of Information Technology, 2,3 Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering , 4Dept. of GeoEngineering & Centre for Remote Sensing 1 UshaRama College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada, 2 Sri Vatsavai Krishnam Raju College of Engineering& Technology, Bhimavaram, 3 Nova College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada 4,5 Andhra University College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Email: { vijayaraju.m, drpvkraja, kote.ashok } @ gmail.com1,2,3, { narasimha.geo, drajesh.sch } @cea.auvsp.edu.in 4,5


Live relocation of virtual machines (VMs) is generally utilized for overseeing distributed computing stages. Notwithstanding, live relocation causes execution obstruction on cloud administrations running on moved VMs or different VMs arranging with the administrations amid or after movement. Solidification of various applications on a solitary Physical Machine (PM) inside of a cloud server farm can expand usage, minimize vitality utilization, and diminish operational expenses. Notwithstanding, these advantages come at the expense of expanding the unpredictability of the booking issue. In this paper, we show a topology-mindful asset administration structure. As a major aspect of this system, we present a PlaceMent scheduler that gives and keeps up solid distributions with low support costs for server farms with element workloads. We concentrate on workloads including both brief cluster employments and inertness delicate administrations, for example, intuitive web applications. The scheduler relegates assets to Virtual Machines and keeps up pressing productivity while considering movement costs. As indicated by our exploratory results, we uncover the exchange offs of every relocation arrangement and usage that are not simply identified with downtime and movement time and present rules for selecting proper strategies and executions.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Peer to peer, Virtual Machine consolidation, Physical Machine, Resource management. 1. INTRODUCTION To utilize live relocation for element substitution of VMs, cloud directors must take impedance of live movement execution into thought [1]. Since relocation expends registering assets, live movement essentially meddles with of the execution of moving and arranging VMs [2]. In this paper, we call this execution obstruction on moving VMs relocation impedance, and that on gathering VMs collocation obstruction. Cloud suppliers offer a foundation to be shared by various applications, which is normally costly and should be astutely used [3], [4]. Use can be enhanced by running a proper blend of utilization workloads on every individual machine, which is known as combination. While solidification can be utilized to expand usage, it likewise builds the many-sided quality of the booking issue [5]. Security is imperative issue in systems and distributed computing [6], on the grounds that cloud live relocation arrives in enormous information frameworks. So we have to secure cloud ©http://ijccer.org

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arrangements and cloud alleviations. As a piece of this one information upkeep is vital issue [7]. A level of imperfect application position is unavoidable because of burden changes and the way that it would be unreasonably costly to totally remap each segment of each running application over the majority of the accessible servers every time a heap change happened [8]. Hence, there is a requirement for a scheduler that can react quickly to changes sought after, creating effective and sturdy pressing in a way that records for the heterogeneity of the cloud's workloads, forces low expenses of keeping up the pressing productivity, and can scale up to a huge number of servers per server farm. After finishing of cloud relocation then we need to group the information by utilizing bunching methods [9]. Each cloud ought to be kept up by every client data with their family subtle elements additionally (Healthy clients and undesirable clients) [10]. We propose another P2P solidification structure. Some of this current structure's essential usefulness has beforehand been checked in model structure. The proposed structure is a general computational model for helpfully advancing a worldwide framework objective through neighborhood communications and calculations in a multioperators framework over a semi-irregular network. We likewise acquaint a booking heuristic composed with give and keep up strong pressing with low upkeep costs for a server farm with a dynamic workload. A scheduler in view of this heuristic is appeared to accomplish such strong pressing in a way that keeps away from excessive reconfigurations, and to offer modest movement arrangements to keep up pressing productivity [11]. The primary commitments of this paper are:   

A formulation of the VM consolidation problem as a distributed optimization problem. A topology-aware resource management framework for VM consolidation. A heuristic algorithm for VM consolidation that factors in the risks of resource contention, packing efficiency, migration costs, and migration locality to produce durable consolidations and offer cheap migration plans to maintain packing efficiency and reduce resource stranding.

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An in-depth simulation-based evaluation of the system behaviour under different settings and configurations.

2. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPOSED SYSTEM When scheduling VMs to run different services or batch jobs, the scheduler must meet several requirements and it faces a number of challenges in meeting them. A summary of these challenges are: 2.1. Resource contention caused by consolidation: Colocating different applications can cause performance variability or degradation due to resource contention when resources are being shared [12]. The scheduler should therefore identify complementary workloads and place them together to improve packing efficiency and minimize resource contention. 2.2 Job heterogeneity: A data centre will be required to run different types of applications. In broad terms, two classes of application can be distinguished: long-running interactive services and batch jobs, which perform a specific computation and then finish. Batch jobs that are run in cloud data centres are usually shorter and less latency-sensitive than interactive services, involve constant resource utilization, and do not usually require careful scheduling. 2.3. Migration cost: VM migration is a widely used technique for achieving consolidation once the decision on which jobs to consolidate has been made. However, migrations are often costly. Particularly important costs to consider include the cost of double resource utilization during the migration, the costs of SLA violations caused by migration downtime, the cost of network traffic, and the potential network contention issues that may arise during the migration [13]. 2.4. Topological constraints: The scheduler should consider the network topology to avoid high migration costs due to network traffic, contentions, or redundant configurations. Most existing works on scheduling treat the data centre as an unstructured pool of resources, but real data centres Virtual LANs (VLANs), Access Control Lists (ACLs), broadcast domains, and load balancers that impose constraints and create barriers that reduce the scope for agility in migration. 2.5. Risk of load change and contention: The scheduler should factor the risk of change and contention into its decision function so as to avoid frequent migrations and produce durable decisions. 2.6. Computation time: The scheduler should produce a solution with in an acceptable time-frame, and before the solution becomes disparaged due to load changes. 3. CLOUD MIGRATION ARCHITECTURE Cloud migration consists different procedure for solving the problems of customers. Basically live migration is one of the important issue in cloud computing. 3.1 Live Migration One of the to a great degree effective devices of virtualization is VM movement. We can classify the movement capacity into two noteworthy sorts: the one is called as non-live (disconnected from the net) relocation and the other is called as live (online) relocation. In non-live relocation prepare, the status of virtual machine is suspended and clients


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face administration intrusion amid movement. Then again, the live movement procedure will keep the running conditions of virtual machine and it won't lose the status of VMs amid relocation process. Our exchange will essentially concentrate on live movement rather than non-live relocation on the grounds that it is out of extent of our examination [14].

Figure.1: Cloud Data Centre Architecture.

At present, most well known hypervisors (Xen, KVM, VMWare, and so forth) are utilizing the pre duplicate methodology with distinctive ways, however the essential idea of execution in all is same. In pre duplicate, first iteratively duplicates the whole substance of memory from source VM to destination, and after that switches the execution states at focused host. Amid the procedure of duplicating memory substance, the VM stays responsive and dynamic at source [15]. The primary point of preference of utilizing pre duplicate is the unwavering quality and heartiness, in light of the fact that the relocation procedure can be returned at source host if movement falls flat [16]. The relocation procedure of pre duplicate methodology is appeared in Figure 1. In this figure we can see that the VM from readiness stage to pre duplicate round N is a live at source. The aggregate number of pre duplicate rounds depend on the adjusted/grimy page rate of memory at source host. Amid pre duplicate adjusts officially transmitted memory pages may require retransmission in light of the fact that same memory pages may be changed/messy in the wake of having been exchanged to destination. After finishing of round N, the VM will stop the execution and duplicate the staying filthy pages and VM`s processor states and after that VM continues and restarts at destination. Cloud Migration Process:  Awareness is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing.  Cost effectiveness is positively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing.  . Risk is negatively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing.  Data security is negatively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing.  Availability of good ICT infrastructure is positively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing.  Relative advantage is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing.

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Compatibility is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Complexity is negatively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Observability is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Trial ability is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Results demonstrable is positively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Ease of use is positively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing. Usefulness is positively correlated with the intent to adopt and use cloud computing. Socio-cultural factors are negatively correlated with the intent to adopt cloud computing. Age of the university will moderate the intent to adopt cloud computing

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The evaluation of the proposed P2P management framework and the associated heuristics was performed by simulating a large scale data centre using Peer Sim. A variable load was applied to the data centre due to VM churn and changing VM demand. The simulated data centre consists of 65 536 PMs interconnected in a multi-rooted tree topology, with 1 core router at the core level, 2 clusters at the aggregator level, 32 groups at the third level, and 1024 physical machines in each group [17]. A. Migration interference Live migration interferes with the migrating VM’s workload during migration. The Migrating VM should stop its workload during downtime, which results in serious performance degradation and SLA violations. In addition to the downtime, throughput degradation of the migrating VM is also not negligible when the VM is not in downtime. B. Collocation interference As with migration interference, the migration process also deprives computational resources from collocating VMs. One point to be noted is that live migration degrades a collocating VM’s throughput even when the migrating VM is not running on the host. C. Interference Metrics To quantitatively analyze migration noise, we use the following metrics. • Original metrics: We use downtime and migration time as the original metrics, which are often used to evaluate live migration. Downtime is the length of stop-and-copy and migration time is the term from when the migration process starts its execution until completion. • Regular migration interference: The merge value of the interference occurring while the migrating VM and collocating VMs are collocating on the same host. This metrics indicates the usual performance interference caused during migration. • Total migration interference: The integration of interference appears during migration. This metric indicates the total amount of interference considering the original metrics and our metrics of migration interference. • Relocation interference: Migration interference appears on a host even where migrating VM is not running on. We discuss


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the interference caused while the migrating VM is running on another host during and after migration. • Performance parameters The aim of the evaluation was to answer the following questions: How well are the applications packed? How does each of the core function variables (risk, efficiency, migration locality, migration cost, and imbalance) affect the stability and reliability of consolidation. It deals how effectively the scheduler minimizes the migration costs. The following are the measurements for performance. 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Firstly find out average resource utilization. Count number of active servers at time t in a net work. Find out average number of active servers. Average active servers (t)= ∑j=1t n active (t) / t. Calculate total number of pending requests: The number of VM requests that are not scheduled within the assigned time frame. Average imbalance rate: This parameter is a representation of resource stranding in the data centre. Generate total number of data transfer in Giga Bytes. Batch job data transfer (GB): The volume of data transferred due to the cold migration of the batch jobs. Service data transfer (GB): The volume of data transferred due to the live migration of the services. Under load data transfer (GB): The volume of data transferred to free up the resources in an under loaded PM, either to open up space for larger jobs or to be put into a power saving mode. Overload data transfer (GB): The volume of data transferred to resolve an overload event. Identify total number of migrations. Identify number of batch job migrations. Observe number of service migrations. Notice overload triggers, under load triggers and un resolved triggers. Stop the process.

We also evaluated the system’s performance in cases featuring different ratios of batch jobs to services. The greater the proportion of batch jobs, the greater the volatility of the workload and thus the greater the need for frequent scheduling. 4.1. Efficiency The execution measurements affected by changing the weighting of the effectiveness element. Considering productivity of situation while selecting servers expanded the normal usage and decreased the dynamic number of servers required to serve a particular burden [18]. Interestingly, the primary effect of acquainting proficiency was not due with upgrades in usage but rather to a decrease in the quantity of under burden triggers, which diminished the volume of information exchange required to determine the under burden state in figure 2. Productive pressing additionally decreased the quantity of uncertain triggers by up to 70%.

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Vijaya Raju Motru, et al International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering Research [Volume 3, Issue 5 September 2015] 4.4. Migration Cost Figure.5 depicts the low effect of the relocation cost variable is because of the way that the general movement expense is for the most part subject to the quantity of relocations that are performed as opposed to the volume of information exchanged amid a solitary movement. The low effect of the relocation cost variable is because of the way that the general movement expense is essentially reliant on the quantity of relocations that are performed instead of the volume of information exchanged amid a solitary relocation. Figure.2: Impact of the efficiency factor on packing efficiency.

4.2. Risk We assessed the effect of considering the danger of burden variability and asset dispute on conceivable future overburdens, relocations and information exchange. Figure.3 demonstrates the quantities of over-burden triggers and overburden information exchanges and in addition the normal number of dynamic servers amid the reproduction runtime for distinctive danger weightings[ 19]. Representing danger in the score capacity decreased the quantity of over-burden triggers by up to 35% and the volume of information exchange because of offload by up to 33%. Be that as it may, this came at the expense of a 2% expansion in the normal number of dynamic servers.

Figure.5: Numbers of migrations performed within groups, between groups, and between clusters with different distance factor weightings.

4.5. Locality Factor It portrays expanding the weighting of the relocation territory element builds the extent of nearby movements inside of a server bunch in respect to those of relocations between gatherings or groups. However figure.6 portrays slight addition of the movement cost as far as information exchange furthermore the quantity of imperfect state triggers because of the related exchange off with danger and relocation cost.

Figure.3: Impact of the risk factor on packing efficiency.

4.3. Imbalance We inspected the outcomes of asset stranding and the effect of representing the lopsidedness element as a method for relieving the negative impacts of stranding. Consider the lopsidedness component enhanced asset use and lessened the quantity of pending solicitations. Besides figure.4 shows setting integral workloads together lessened the likelihood of over-burden and in this way the quantity of over-burden triggers [20]. Figure.6: Impact of the locality factor on packing efficiency.

Figure.4: Impact of the imbalance factor on packing efficiency


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5. CONCLUSION This examination assesses a decentralized asset administration structure for vast scale cloud bases. The P2P structure of the system gives parallelization, a high level of simultaneousness and gives sensible adaptability as the quantity of PMs and VMs increments. In addition, the P2P construction modeling's arbitrary overlay permits the framework to make a consistent element availability among a substantial pool of assets and diminish the negative effects of static parceling, which prompt low use. It additionally

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Vijaya Raju Motru, et al International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering Research [Volume 3, Issue 5 September 2015] represents the physical vicinity of the neighbors when building the intelligent overlay, in this manner decreasing the expenses of system travel and reconfiguration. We examined the obstruction of live movement brought on by different relocation approaches and executions. Be that as it may, when throughput-basic administrations are running on a VM, all movement routines can be applicants relying upon the prerequisites on moving VMs.



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AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY Dr. PENMETSA VAMSI KRISHNA RAJA: He is presently working as a principal in Sri Vatsavai Krishnam Raju College of Engineering & Technology Bhimavaram. He did his PhD from JNTU, Kakinada. He received his M.Tech (CST) from Andhra University Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh, India. He has authored more than 20 relevant publications in journals and conferences related to these areas. His research areas include Computer Networks, Network Security, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Data Mining and Software Engineering. Vijaya Raju Motru received the Bachelor degree in computer science and engineering from university of JNTUH, hyderabad in 2007, and the Master’s degree in computer Scinece and engineering from the University of ANU, Guntur, India, in 2010. Currently, he as been working as assistant professor in the department of Information Tecnology. His research areas include, Cloud Computing, Adhoc Networks, Big Data and Network Security.

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