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Keywords: signature matching, parallel model, network security, GPU. ... GPUs for security purpose applications like digital forensics tools, intrusion de- tection or .... GPU in the form of the data structures required by specific pattern matching.
A Hybrid Parallel Signature Matching Model for Network Security Applications Using SIMD GPU Chengkun Wu , Jianping Yin, Zhiping Cai, En Zhu, and Jieren Chen School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology, 410073, Changsha, Hunan Province, China {chengkun_wu,jpyin,enzhu,zpcai,jrchen}@nudt.edu.cn

Abstract. High performance signature matching against a large dictionary is of great importance in network security applications. The many-core SIMD GPU is a competitive choice for signature matching. In this paper, a hybrid parallel signature matching model (HPSMM) using SIMD GPU is proposed, which uses pattern set partition and input text partition together. Then the problem of load balancing for multiprocessors in the GPU is discussed carefully, and a balanced pattern set partition method (BPSPM) employed in HPSMM is introduced. Experiments demonstrate that using pattern set partition and input text partition together can help achieve a better performance, and the proposed BPSPM-Length works well in load balancing. Keywords: signature matching, parallel model, network security, GPU.



Signature matching against a large dictionary or a set of many patterns is of great importance in network security applications.Typical applications include digital forensics tools, intrusion detection/prevention systems, antivirus software, etc. Signature matching usually becomes the performance bottleneck in those applications. Take the famous open source network intrusion detection system Snort for example, signature matching can consume up to 70% of the execution time [1]. A conventional way to improve the performance of signature matching is to use hardware technologies like ASIC [2], FPGA [3,4,5] and TCAMs [6,7]. Those solutions can achieve a throughput up to tens of gigabits per second, compared to several hundreds of kilobits per second of software solutions on general purpose CPUs. However, the hardware solutions are usually very weak in adaptability and scalability, and they are very expensive, thus confine their applications. 

This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.60603015, NO.60603062), Science Foundation of Hunan Province (06JJ3035).

Y. Dou, R. Gruber, and J. Joller (Eds.): APPT 2009, LNCS 5737, pp. 191–204, 2009. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 


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The rapid development of multi-core technologies makes it possible to develop flexible and cheaper high-performance solutions. Solutions based on current multi-core CPUs can achieve a throughput about hundreds of megabits per second. Yet it’s still not fast enough. Application Specific Instruction Processor (ASIP) is another choice, for example, the multi-core network processors (NP) can combine the flexibility of commodity processors with the high performance of ASICs. The throughput of NP-based solutions can be up to several gigabits per second [8, 9], which is not that far from the fastest solutions using hardware technologies. NPs are optimized for network packet processing, and often appear as part of network devices, which can be suitable for network applications but not applications like antivirus software and host forensics tools. Many-core and SIMD Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) becomes another potential alternative. The mainstream GPUs like Nvidia G80 [10] comprise many general purpose stream processors, and support thousands of concurrent threads executed in the SIMD fashion. SIMD GPU has demonstrated its power in computationally intensive applications. Many attempts have been made to use SIMD GPUs for security purpose applications like digital forensics tools, intrusion detection or prevention systems, and anti-virus software. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid parallel signature matching model using SIMD GPU, called HPSMM. In HPSMM, we used pattern set partition and input text partition together, and we introduced a balanced pattern set partition method (BPSPM) to balance the workload of different multiprocessors inside the GPU. Then we presented experiments about pattern set partition and input text partition, at last we evaluated the efficiency of BPSPM. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we give an overview of a typical SIMD GPU at first, then we perform a survey of most recent related work. In Section 3, we propose a hybrid parallel signature matching model using SIMD GPU. Then in Section 4, we describe the BPSPM algorithms in detail. In Section 5, we present our experiments and evaluate the correctness of our model and the efficiency of BPSPM. Finally, in Section 6, we draw some conclusions and outline some ideas for future work.

2 2.1

Related Work Overview of a Typical SIMD GPU

Nvidia G80 [10] series GPUs are typical SIMD GPUs. The G80 series and later are designed to be highly parallel,massive-threading, and many-core processors. They’re optimized for compute-intensive applications that execute the same program on many data elements in parallel, namely, the SIMD fashion. A G80 GPU consists of sixteen multiprocessors. Each multiprocessor is composed of eight Stream Processors (SPs), two special function units, on-chip shared memory, and a shared Instruction Unit. A sketch map is depicted in Fig.1 [11]. Each multiprocessor executes one or more thread blocks, and each block has the same number of threads. The number of threads in a block can be up to 768 for devices with Compute Capability 1.0 [11], limited by the number of on-chip

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU














Fig. 1. The G80 GPU Architecture

registers. The maximum number of blocks supported is 65535. Threads within a block can communicate with each other through the shared memory, they can also synchronize by a barrier synchronization intrinsic. But threads in different blocks cannot synchronize with each other. The G80 GPU is programmed through the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) [11], which is a parallel programming model for using the GPU as a general purpose SIMD processor. CUDA consists of a set of extension to the C language, a supporting library that provides control to the GPU from the host, and some built-in functions and data types. With the help of CUDA, we can write a program for a thread, specify the parameters that determine the number of threads, and then CUDA will organize all the threads to execute the instructions of the program in SIMD fashion. Moreover, CUDA can support multiple GPUs at the same time, which can provide more computation power. 2.2

A Brief Survey of Signature Matching Using SIMD GPU

L. Marziale, et al. illustrated that binary string searches can be substantially sped up by utilizing a SIMD GPU (Nvidia 8800GTX) [12]. In their work, the 8800GTX GPU executes a kernel that creates 65,536 threads; each thread is responsible for a portion of the incoming data; a simple sequential string search is used to avoid thread divergence. Experiments against multi-threaded and multi-core CPUs are carried out to prove that GPU can provide higher performance at a lower cost than adding additional cores or CPUs. The search algorithm employed in their GPU implementation is the naive brute-force method whereas a more efficient algorithm, the Boyer-Moore algorithm is used in CPU implementations, thus the GPU implementation can be further optimized and improved to obtain even higher performance. G. Vasiliadis, et al. presented a Snort based prototype system Gnort assisted by GPU and explored how SIMD GPUs like Nvidia G80 can be used to speed up the processing throughput of NIDS by offloading the signature matching operations to the GPU [13]. The multi-pattern matching Aho-Corasick algorithm [14]


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was used. In the preprocessing phase, the deterministic finite automaton (DFA) of the state machine is stored as a two-dimensional array, each element in the array is made up of four bytes: the first two bytes contain the next state to move and the last two contain the ID of the matching pattern if the state is final or zero otherwise; the DFA array is then copied to the texture memory to utilize the texture memory cache. In the search phase, two different approaches splitting the computation were introduced: one packet per multiprocessor, in which each thread in a block process a portion of the packet; one packet per stream processor, in which each thread process a different packet. Experiment results showed that the performance of two counterparts were almost the same. Gnort could achieve a throughput of 2.3 Gbit/s in the best case, which outperformed conventional Snort by a factor of two. N. Goyal, et al. analyzed the basic memory, control flow, and concurrency properties of signature matching for network processing in detail [15]. Different platforms for signature matching such as ASICs, FPGAs, network processors, general purpose processors, and SIMD architectures were compared. They also identified the feasibility of using SIMD architecture for signature matching applications. Results showed that SIMD GPUs can provide significantly higher performance at a cost similar to general purpose processors. Two methods for signature matching were examined: deterministic finite automata (DFAs) based and extended finite automata (XFAs) [16] based. The DFA based method is simple and uniform in per byte processing, which map it naturally to the SIMD architecture. The XFA method has been proved to be a high performance solution at much lower memory cost on general purpose microprocessors [16], but it’s more complex and less uniform, and requires auxiliary storage and extra operations which will cause threads divergence. A SIMD design that supports both methods was outlined and an implementation with a speed up of 6X to 9X was achieved using Nvidia G80 GPU compared to normal schemes using Pentium 4 CPU. It was also concluded that a number of other applications like virus scanning could benefit from SIMD architectures.


A Hybrid Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU

In this section, an analysis of the parallelism inside signature matching against a large pattern set in network security applications is performed at first, then a hybrid parallel processing model using an SIMD GPU as a signature matching co-processor to a multi-core CPU is proposed. 3.1

Data Parallelism Analysis

In this paper, we mainly focus on data parallelism as we are using the SIMD GPU, which is weak in the sophisticated and complex control brought by instruction parallelism. There are two kinds of data in the signature matching

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU


procedure of security applications: the input text and the signature set with a large number of patterns. The input text can be split into chunks and different chunks can be processed by different processors in parallel, some previous works like [13] make use of this method. If the chunks are equal, then the working load of all the different processors will be the same. The method can reduce the processing time of each input text to a degree. The signature set can be partitioned into several smaller subsets then each multiprocessor is responsible for matching the input text against one or several smaller signature subsets. The partition can be done once when the system is initialized, no overhead will be introduced at runtime. Our experiments in Section 5 proved that pattern set partition can help increase the throughput of each multiprocessor. Some parallelism exists outside the GPU too. An important point in our paper is that the SIMD GPU is used as the co-processor for CPU, which means the concurrency between CPU and GPU should also be taken into consideration. The CUDA enables the CPU continue to execute instructions while the GPU are running a kernel (the program that runs on GPU) by using the asynchronous function calls. At the same time, CUDA supports multiple GPUs around one CPU, thus the concurrency between the GPUs will be taken account of. 3.2

The Hybrid Parallel Signature Matching Model

Our HPSMM (hybrid parallel signature matching model) is depicted in Fig.2. In this model, the SIMD GPU is used as a co-processor of a multi-core CPU. Inside the GPU, pattern set partition for multiprocessors and input text partition for stream processors within a multiprocessor are introduced to gain maximum parallelism. On the CPU side, input texts are buffered in order to transfer the data from the CPU to the GPU in batches, which can reduce the overhead associated with the memory copy from CPU to GPU. The number of buffers will be twice as many as the number of GPUs, that is, dual buffers for each GPU, thus the CPU can continue collecting input texts while the data in the fully filled buffer is being transferred to the GPU. Besides, once a new kernel (the program that runs on GPU) is launched, the CPU can perform other operations like post processing for results generated by preceding GPU kernel launch or preprocessing for the next kernel launch. On the GPU side, the pattern set is partitioned into several subsets, and the number of the subsets is no less than the number of multiprocessors on the GPU. Each subset is processed by one multiprocessor, and one multiprocessor might possess multiple subsets. The partition is done on the host, and copied to the GPU in the form of the data structures required by specific pattern matching algorithms and stored in the cached texture memory. Input text partition is introduced inside each multiprocessor to decrease the processing time of each multiprocessor, stream processors (SP) will operate on equally split chunks, each chunk will be assigned to a unique SP, as depicted in Fig.3. The results are all


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written to the result buffer residing on the global memory. When the pattern matching on the GPU is finished, the content of the result buffer is copied to the host for post-processing in a single operation. The HPSMM model can be easily extended to the multi-GPUs scheme, and the scheme of four GPUs is shown in Fig.4, which can be implemented easily with the help of CUDA. A dispatcher is added, which is essential for load balancing among different GPUs. Each GPU is allocated a dual buffer. The results generated by each GPU will be integrated on the CPU, the post processing and final result generation will be done on the CPU too. The operation of transferring data between the CPU and GPUs will be organized in streams in case of the memory bandwidth problem.

0XOWL&RUH&38 6,0'*38







%XIIHU0 03






Fig. 2. The hybrid parallel signature matching model - HPSMM










Fig. 3. Input text partition inside each multiprocessor

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU
















Fig. 4. Multi-GPU scheme for HPSMM


Analysis of HPSMM

Three types of parallelism are considered in HPSMM: parallelism inside the SIMD GPU, parallelism between CPU and GPU, parallelism among multiGPUs. Inside the GPU, pattern set partition and input text partition is carefully examined at the level of data parallelism. Theoretically, input text partition can reduce the processing time by a factor of the number of processors. However, the experiments in Section 5 demonstrate that the processing time decreases when the number of processors increases, which turned out to be a smoothly lower down curve rather than a straight line. This phenomenon is caused by the memory access operations. The input text is stored in the GPU’s cached texture memory, but the cache size is quite small, up to 16 KB [11]. Input text partition will cause more cache misses, thus affects the performance. On the contrary, smaller pattern set will have better locality, which can increase the chance of cache hits. In HPSMM, pattern set partitioning and input text partitioning are combined in the following way: for different multiprocessors, each input text is sent to every multiprocessor, each pattern subset obtained from the pattern set partitioning is sent to one single multiprocessor, so different multiprocessors operate on the same input text but on different pattern subset; for different stream processors inside a multiprocessor, they operate on the same pattern subset allocated to the multiprocessor, but different stream processors will handle different parts of the input text assigned to the multiprocessor. In other words, pattern set partitioning is introduced at the multiprocessors’ level while input text partitioning is introduced between different stream processors. By doing this, SPs inside a multiprocessor operate on different text chunks in parallel, and different MPs process the same input text but on different pattern set, thus we maximize the parallelism inside the GPU. We are emphasizing the use of multi-core CPU for two reasons: the first is that in security applications there are some preprocessing need to be done before the signature matching begins, such as capturing packets, decoding and so on. Instead of waiting for the matching results, we want the CPU to do the


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preprocessing for the coming input while the preceding input are being processed by the GPU, the multi-core CPU can handle this well; the second is that some more processing need to be done after the matching procedure on GPU, for example, some Snort rules require specific signatures to appear at certain offset, and checking this is not a job that suits the SIMD GPU well. When using multiple GPUs, there are also two methods to distribute the workloads: the input flow segmentation and the pattern set partition. The former one will split the input flows and assign them to different GPUs. The latter one will broadcast the input data to every GPU but different GPUs will work one different pattern subsets. Load balancing is an important issue that must be covered in both methods, and that’s not an easy question, because in security applications there are many extra requirements, this part will not be discussed in this paper. Another possible problem is that different GPUs may perform memory copy operations between the host and GPU through PCI-E16 bus at the same time, solutions to this problem will be discussed in future work rather than in this paper.


Load Balancing Inside the GPU

In this section, we will discuss the problem of load balancing inside the GPU, which includes load balancing for input text partition and load balancing for pattern set partition. 4.1

Load Balancing When Using Input Text Partition

As described in Section 3, the input text partition will be split into chunks that are equal in length, and that’s a pretty good load balancing strategy. There’s no need to employ other sophisticated strategy, the reasons run as follows: (1) More complex load balancing strategies require more control, in which the SIMD GPU is weak. (2) In most commonly used multi-pattern matching algorithm, the length of the input text will affect the performance most rather than the content of the input text, thus partition the text by equal length is well enough. 4.2

BPSPM: The Balanced Pattern Set Partition Method

The balanced pattern set partition method (BPSPM) is proposed to balance the workload of different multiprocessors when performing pattern set partition. The idea is to make each subset as similar as possible. If two pattern subsets have the approximate number of patterns and the structure of the patterns are close to each other, then we consider the two subsets to be similar. BPSPM uses the round-robin dispatch, which will make the number of patterns in pattern subsets approximately the same, the difference between any subset will be at most one pattern.

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU


To make the structures of patterns in different subsets similar, BPSPM sorts the patterns. Two typical methods for sorting strings are the length-first sorting and the lexically sorting. Both are considered for BPSPM, called BPSPMLength and BPSPM-Lexical, respectively. Our experiments in Section 5 shows the BPSPM-Length algorithm outperforms its counterpart on Snort signature set. The BPSPM-Length algorithm can be finished in O(rlogr) time (r is the number of patterns), and will be executed only once at the initial phase of the calling application. The BPSPM-Lexical algorithm is obtained by replacing the Length-First-Sort function in BPSPM-Length with a lexically string sorting function. The BPSPM-Length algorithm is listed as follows: Algorithm 1. BPSPM-Length: The Length First Balanced Pattern Set Partition Method Input: The pattern set P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pr }; The number of output subsets m Output: A set of pattern subset {P1 , P2 , . . . , Pm }, m  Pi = P,∀i, j, Pi ∩ Pj = ∅ where Pi ⊂ P , and i=1

Boolean Function Pattern-Compare(pattern pi , pattern pj ) Begin if |pi | = |pj | and pi < pj return TRUE; if |pi | < |pj | then return TRUE; return FALSE; End Procedure Length-First-Sort(Pattern-Set P ) Begin Sort the elements in P such that for any i, j, Pattern-Compare(pi , pj ) = TURE; End Begin (1) Length-First-Sort(P ); (2) for i:=1 to m do P i =  r (3) for j:=1 to m do for i:=1 to m do Pi = Pi ∪ {pm×(j−1)+i }; End


Experiments and Results

In this section, we present our experiments about pattern set partition and input text partition. We use a SIMD GPU GTX 9800+, whose architecture is similar to the G80 series. The input texts are constructed randomly on the ASCII alphabet, and


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the size is 128MB. The Snort signature set and the ClamAV signature set are chosen because of their different pattern length distribution characteristics: the signature set of Snort has shorter average length and the most frequent patterns are the 5 bytes patterns; the signature set of ClamAV has longer average length and the most frequent patterns are the 38 bytes patterns. 5.1

Experiments on Pattern Set Partition and Input Text Partition

We measured the average throughput of the multiprocessors using the pattern partition based method BPSPM-Length. The experiments were carried out using the Aho-Corasick algorithm [14] both on Snort and ClamAV signature sets. The number of subsets is equal to the exponent of 2, ranging from 4 to 2048; the throughput of a single multiprocessor is obtained for each division. We can see that the throughput will increase with the number of subsets until the number is greater than 2048, as is depicted in Fig.5. The result demonstrates that pattern partition introduced in our model can help improve the throughput. We also measured the maximum execution time of all the stream processors inside a multiprocessor using both the pattern partition based and text partition based methods. The experiments were carried out using the Aho-Corasick algorithm [14] both on Snort and ClamAV signature sets. The pattern partition method is the same as the antecedent experiment of throughput variation. When using the text partition method, the input text T | is split into equal chunks T Ci , and |T Ci | = |T m + pmaxl , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, where |T | is the length of the input text, |T Ci | is the length of chunk i, m is the number of chunks per text, and pmaxl is the max pattern length. The number of chunks per text is equal to the exponent of 2, ranging from 4 to 2048; the maximum execution time of the stream processors inside a multiprocessor is obtained for each division. On the Snort signature set, the maximum execution time decreases if the number of pattern subsets increases when the patterns are partitioned, as is shown in Fig.6(a); the maximum execution time also decreases if the number of 800


700 600 500 400 ClamAV 300


200 100 0 4







512 1024 2048

Number of Pattern Subsets

Fig. 5. The throughput variation using pattern set partition

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU 1200

Max Execution Time(s)

Max Execution Time(s)



5000 4000 3000 2000 1000

1000 800 600 400 200











512 1024 2048








1024 2048

Number of Chunks per Input Text

Number of Pattern Subsets

(b) Input text partition used

(a) Pattern set partition used

Fig. 6. The max execution time variation on Snort signature set 70

Max Execution Time(s)

Max Execution Time(s)

180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145

60 50 40 30 20 10 0








512 1024 2048

Number of Pattern Subsets

(a) Pattern set partition used









1024 2048

Number of Chunks per Input Text

(b) Input text partition used

Fig. 7. The max execution time variation on ClamAV signature set

chunks increases when the input texts are split, as is presented in Fig.6(b). But the former max execution time is 5 times larger than the latter one. On the ClamAV signature set, similar results can be obtained, which is depicted in Fig.7(a) and Fig.7(b), and the maximum execution time of the former one is 3˜5 times larger than the latter one. This proves that both pattern set partition and input text partition can help reduce the processing time of stream processors. But text partition based method has smaller maximum execution time than pattern set partition based methods. That is why input text partition is introduced inside the multiprocessor between different stream processors, while the pattern set partition is introduced between multiprocessors. And the correctness and feasibility of the idea adopted in HPSMM that considers combining pattern set partition and input text partition is verified. 5.2

Effects of Load Balancing

As discussed in Section 4, input text partition works well at load balancing, so we only present experiments of the load balancing effect of BPSPMs. The time Coefficient Variant (C.V) is introduced as a measurement of load balancing


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Time C.V

5 4 3

Not Sorted BPSPM-Lexical



1 0 2







Number of Sub Groups Fig. 8. Time C.V variation with the number of pattern subsets on Snort signature set

effect. For an array of data d = {d1 , d2 , . . . , dn }, C.V of d is defined as: n (di − d)2 C.V (d) = i=1 . (1) n∗d From the above equation, greater C.V value means a more dispersive distribution of data which represents poor effect of load balancing, and zero means a uniform distribution which represents perfect effect of load balancing. We performed signature matching on pattern subsets generated from Snort signature set, and then we calculated the C.V of the signature matching time on different pattern subsets. The same procedure was executed three times using the BPSPM-Lexical, BPSPM-Length and the not sorted pattern set partition method respectively. The results are depicted in Fig.8. We can see that BPSPMLength outperforms the other two, which demonstrates the power of our method. 5.3

Comparison with Hardware Based Methods

Our method is quite different from the hardware based methods in many ways, such as performance, cost, scalability, and adaptability. A comparison is listed in Table.1. A GPU that supports CUDA costs no more than several hundred dollars, which is approximate to the price of a general purpose CPU, while dedicated hardware cost much more; the GPU based signature matching applications can Table 1. Comparison between GPU based and hardware based methods Parameters GPU based method Hardware based method Performance medium high Cost low high Scalability high low

A Parallel Signature Matching Model Using SIMD GPU


be run on any host with a GPU that supports CUDA, rather than a small number of devices, while hardware based methods is usually designed to run on certain hardware such as FPGA,TCAM,etc; the performance of GPU based methods is much higher than that of CPU based methods, but it is still not that high as hardware based methods. However, there are some applications like network situation awareness and network attack prediction, which require a massive number of high performance network sensors, hardware based methods are too expensive and not scalable enough, but GPU based methods can be quite suitable.



In this paper, the SIMD GPU is introduced to speed up the signature matching in network security applications. A thorough analysis of the data parallelism when using the SIMD GPU to speed up signature matching is made at first. Then an HPSMM using SIMD GPU is presented, which combines the pattern set partition and input text partition to gain more parallelism. The load balancing problem of HPSMM is discussed carefully, and a load balance method based on pattern set partition BPSPM is proposed. Experiment results on a SIMD GPU GTX 9800+ demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of the HPSMM model, and the load balancing effect of BPSPM-Length is proved to be good. There are four points that differentiate our work from previous ones: (1) A hybrid architecture that combines pattern set partition and input texts partition to maximize parallelism inside the GPU. (2) An effective load balancing method is proposed for the multiprocessors inside the GPU. (3) Multi-core CPUs are used, which help increase the concurrency between the host and the GPU device. (4) Multi-GPUs scheme is outlined, which introduce more processing power. Further study will focus on the workload balancing when multi-GPUs are employed.

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