A list of things you probably need to know about the NOOK. If you ...

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power, the E-Ink screen will not go blank—it will keep showing whatever was last on it. The LCD display will, of course, be dark, and the unit will be unresponsive. Many people call this ... "Check for new B&N content" to synchronize your NOOK to your account. Free samples ... For example,. "m.cnn.com" or "m.gmail.com".
A list of things you probably need to know about the NOOK. If you don't have time to read the manual, at least look over this list!

Charging: the NOOK will not charge if it's turned off. Most other gizmos will charge better when turned off, but the NOOK won't charge at all! It'll automatically turn itself on when you hook it up to charge; just let it be. Freezing up: there is no "power-on" indicator on the NOOK. If the NOOK loses power, the E-Ink screen will not go blank—it will keep showing whatever was last on it. The LCD display will, of course, be dark, and the unit will be unresponsive. Many people call this frozen, but it's usually just out of power. The first step in this case is to recharge the NOOK. If the battery has run down, it can take half an hour or so for the yellow "charging" light to come on. Power button: the power button behaves differently depending on how long you hold it down. • A really quick tap: does nothing. • A short press of a half-second to a couple of seconds: wakes up the LCD screen if it was dark; puts the NOOK into sleep mode (screen-saver showing) if the LCD was lit; wakes up the NOOK if it was in sleep mode. • Five to ten seconds: shuts down the reader software, leaving a white screen. The reader software will restart when you turn the NOOK back on. This will often clear up glitches that occur in the reader software. • Twelve seconds or more—twenty is the usual recommendation: full shutdown of all software and full power-off (white screen). This will clear up almost any software-related problems. It also completely shuts down the NOOK, keeping it from draining power from the battery. Done reading: when you're done reading, either let the NOOK fall asleep on its own or use a short press of the power button to put it to sleep—two presses if the LCD was dark. Turn your NOOK all the way off when you expect to leave it unused for a week or more.

Touch-screen: the touch-screen is not pressure-sensitive. It's skin-contact and motion-sensitive. It will not respond to being touched by fingernails. It will often respond better to a gentle touch than to a hard press. If you want to use a stylus, get one made for Apple products such as the iPhone and iPod Touch. The touch screen recognizes a variety of gestures: tap, double-tap, touch, drag/scroll, throw, and swipe. Different gestures are used in different places. Actions: patience is in order after each touch of the touch-screen or the paging buttons. Most actions take a half-second or longer. Going crazy with touches and clicks can overload the NOOK and make it appear to "freeze". Menus: many menus scroll. Touch a selection that you don't want and push it out of the way. Don't touch the scroll bar; that won't do anything. B&N shopping, categories: while using the B&N Shop button, you can select specific e-book categories with the "Browse subject" menu option. B&N shopping, free e-books: if you search for 0.00 you'll get a list of free e-books. B&N Library and account: the B&N Library on your NOOK is a copy of your B&N account. Anything you do to one will be done to the other whenever the NOOK synchronizes. That occurs whenever you touch "Check for new B&N content" and occasionally during the day (if a wireless connection is available). B&N e-books, removing: B&N e-books can be archived. This removes them from the NOOK but the e-books remain in your B&N account and can be redownloaded at no charge. Select the e-book you want to archive, touch "View Item Details & Options", and touch "Archive". Then move the e-book selector on the library listing to an unarchived e-book and touch "Check for new B&N content". B&N ebooks can also be archived from your B&N account area on the Web site. Archived B&N e-books, hiding: archived e-books appear in gray on the B&N Library screen. They can be made to disappear from the list by selecting the "Hide archived items" menu option. (You have to scroll to find this one!) Periodical issues, saving: periodical issues are automatically deleted from your account (and NOOK) after 10 issues or one year, whichever comes first, unless

you archive them. Once you've archived an issue, it becomes a permanent part of your B&N Library even if you unarchive it later, and if you want to delete it you'll have to do it through the B&N account area of the Web site. B&N e-books and periodical issues, deleting: e-books and periodical issues can only be deleted from the B&N account area of the Web site. Deletion is permanent and deleted e-books will have to be re-bought if you want them back, so you probably want to archive them instead. Don't forget to touch "Check for new B&N content" to synchronize your NOOK to your account. Free samples, deleting: free samples cannot be archived. To get rid of them, you have to delete them from the B&N account area of the Web site. Don't forget to touch "Check for new B&N content" to synchronize your NOOK to your account. Automatic synchronization: if your NOOK is left in "sleep" mode with airplane mode off (wireless on), it will automatically wake up and synchronize your B&N Library with your B&N account sometime between 5 and 6 AM each day. This is usually very brief, but you might notice a different screen-saver image in the morning than it had the previous evening. Sideloading, connecting: when you're about to sideload, if the NOOK is on the My Documents screen when you connect it to the computer, the NOOK won't automatically check for new content when ejected. You'll need to touch "Check for new content" afterward. Sideloading, library e-books: e-books borrowed from the library must be installed onto the NOOK using Adobe Digital Editions. Adobe EPUB e-books bought at other stores can simply be copied using whatever tool you want once your NOOK has been authorized. Similarly, library e-books must be removed from the NOOK using Adobe Digital Editions. Sideloading, deleting: when you're deleting sideloaded content via your computer, be sure that the content is completely deleted and not just moved into a Recycle or Trash folder, because the NOOK will still find your files in the trash. On Windows, you can use Shift-Delete to delete without recycling.

Sideloading, disconnecting: after you're done sideloading, you should use "Eject" rather than "Safely Remove" to tell your computer you want to disconnect the NOOK. When you "Eject", the computer lets the NOOK known that it's being disconnected. PDF files, viewing: PDF files are shrunk to fit the screen when the "Small" font size is selected. Larger font sizes cause the text items to be extracted from the PDF and presented at a larger size. The results at a larger size may be less than optimal, with unusual line breaks, paragraph breaks, and page breaks; and with headers and footers mixed in. Highlights, notes, bookmarks, and text font style do not work for PDFs. Screen-savers and wallpaper: screen-saver images must be placed into subfolders within the "my screensavers" folder; those sub-folder names will appear on the list of available screen-savers. Wallpaper images must not be placed into sub-folders; they go directly into the "my wallpapers" folder. Sudoku, kicked out: if you accidentally find yourself at the "Easy/Medium/Hard/Extreme" menu when you were in the middle of a game, do not select any of those options or you'll start a new game. Instead, exit out of Sudoku by touching either the "back-arrow" or the "n" button. Then re-select Sudoku, and you'll return to the game that you were playing. Web browser: many Web sites provide "mobile" versions of their sites. These usually work much better with the NOOK browser than normal sites do. If you don't know the mobile site URL, try using an "m" instead of "www". For example, "m.cnn.com" or "m.gmail.com". Customer Service: B&N's telephone customer service is top-notch—and not outsourced to India. Call them if you need help or have a question. 1-800-THEBOOK (1-800-843-2665), option 2 for Digital Support. Don't bother e-mailing; that gets you an automated response facility. Call them. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Outside of the US, call 1-201-438-1834.