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Dec 5, 2009 - tipping point that allows a business to stay in the black and weather a turbulent economic ..... firm offe
Letter from the President 2 Valley Economic Forecast 3 Business and Government 4

t he

Ribbon Cuttings 5


Calendar 7 Military Affairs 8 Upcoming Events 9 New Members 10

Volume 28 Number 5 December 2009



A LOOK BACK AT A YEAR OF MEMBER BENEFITS AND SUCCESSES The Tempe Chamber of Commerce has enjoyed a productive and successful year providing enhanced, dynamic benefits to our membership. Though 2009 has had its challenges, the Tempe Chamber has been at the forefront in ensuring that our members have the tools and training they need to thrive. Membership in the Tempe Chamber has often been the tipping point that allows a business to stay in the black and weather a turbulent economic storm.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel 1600 S. 52nd Street, Tempe

“Over the last century, the Chamber has re-engineered itself over and over again to meet the needs of the members it serves,” said Tempe Chamber Board Chair Vicki Kringen. “It has met the challenges of the community and has been an agent of change to ensure that it has continued to be of value to the business community.” As we near the end of the year, we take a look back at some of the ways in which we benefitted you, our valued members. • We presented the “Doing Business with Government” seminar series to teach our members how to generate profits by submitting successful RFPs and bids to all levels of government and procurement officers. • We hosted 24 free networking events for you and your employees, allowing attendees to network and grow their business connections. Our mixers provide exposure, contacts and relationship building for your business. • We improved and enhanced our website and social media presence, offering all members the chance to benefit at no cost by interactively participating with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and by listing events on our calendar and posting on our blog.

Get more exposure for your product and services by participating in this trade show while you enjoy complimentary food and drinks, networking opportunities and the chance to grow your business. For more information or to reserve your booth (first come, first served basis), please contact Renee Lopata at (480) 736-4284 or renee@ tempechamber.org.

Booth Pricing $150 - Members $225 - General Public $25 – Electricity

• We legislatively advocated on behalf of our members for the enhancement of statewide economic development, improvement of the transportation systems and networks, strengthening of the educational system, and for the permanent repeal of the state equalization tax. • We worked with the three local school districts to create a streamlined, advantageous working relationship between member businesses and the districts. • We worked with the Tempe city staff to create and counsel City Council to pass a temporary code modification that allows businesses more signage flexibility. • We hosted key political figures including Governor Jan Brewer, Congressman Harry Mitchell, Dept. of Transportation’s Shannon Scutari, Secretary of State Ken Bennett and Eileen Klein, Gov. Brewer’s Chief of Staff who listened to our concerns and addressed significant legislative issues affecting the business community. • We published the 2009-2010 Business Partner Directory in print and electronically through our interactive online database, promoting each and every one of our members. • We implemented the Business Owners Forum, which allows our members to discuss issues and solve problems through ownerexclusive open discussions. Through these and a multitude of other programs, initiatives, events and training seminars, we worked diligently on your behalf. As we look excitedly forward to 2010, we have even more in store for you. As always, your success is our business. Thank you for your membership and for your continued partnership.

How to Reach Us Phone (480) 967-7891 Fax (480) 966-5365 Email [email protected] Visit www.tempechamber.org The mission of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce is to build an environment that enhances the economic vitality of our membership.

Chairman of the Board Directors (cont.)

Vicki Kringen Jack Pisano Virgil Renzulli Chair-Elect Jody Robertson Steve Bauer Jim Scussel Carl Streiff Treasurer

Dave Long


Chad Ackerley Stephanie Nowack Lorraine Bergman Curt Ritland Mark Thompson Chris Salomone Vice-Chairs

Immediate Past Chair Committee Chairs

Marilyn Joyce Monte Borgeson Neil Chitel Directors Eric Emmert Brad Beakley Bill Goodman Sandy Catour Kelly Lorenzen Sharon Kausal John Nelson Robert Normile, Sr. Marilyn Joyce RJ Orr Jack Smith Clark Peterson

Mary Ann Miller Sachiyo Ragsdale

President / CEO Customer Service Representative (480) 736-4280 (480) 967-7891

[email protected] [email protected]

Sean Donovan Heidi Santos

Communications Director Bookkeeper (480) 736-4285 (480) 736-4289

[email protected] [email protected]

Brian Krupski Kari Sliva

Membership Development VP of Communications (480) 736-4287 and Special Events [email protected] (480) 736-4283 [email protected]

Renée Lopata, CAE

Senior Vice President Magdalena Warecka (480) 736-4284 Director of Operations [email protected] (480) 736-4281

Catherine Mayorga

[email protected]

Vice President Public Affairs (480) 736-4282

[email protected]

10th Anniversary Brings Thankful Memories Last month I celebrated my 10th anniversary as president of the Tempe Chamber. November was a fitting month for a celebration, because there’s so much for which I’m thankful. While I’m extremely proud of our accomplishments over the past decade, what stays with me are the people who have helped along the way. Please indulge me while I mention just a few of them. Let’s start with Pat Thielen, General Manager of the Twin Palms Hotel. Always ready and willing to pitch in wherever she may be needed, Pat is one of Tempe’s and the Chamber’s biggest cheerleader. And she does everything with great style. Speaking of style, Heidi Vail of Heidi’s Events and Catering is more than willing to work with yours, but you’d be better served by listening to her advice. In the past 10 years her business has grown immensely, and her willingness to give back is a key to her success. Then there’s Al and Michelle Taylor of Special Moments Catering and The Waterfront Restaurant. As their business grew their children grew, and Dawn and Brad are now integral parts of their operation. While I can lay no claim to their raising, I feel a sense of pride in how the kids have grown. I remember first meeting Joan Jakel-Smith at a New Member Briefing. After starting her own law firm, her reputation has grown to be the go-to small business expert. Her love of life is infectious and a source of inspiration. I’m proud of former staff members who have gone on to bigger things. Alissa Pierson is at the ASU Alumni Association, Eric Emmert is at Dorn Policy Group and Andrea Chalmers is at Kema. It was so much fun to see all three of them at the last Sun Devil Football Kick-off Luncheon. I have an active and engaged board filled with people who are astute, hard working and fun, and an incredible group of staff members who work hard to make the organization better. These are the folks who make me look good. It’s been a great decade, and I so look forward to working with you all on the next. All best regards,

Mary Ann Miller The Business Advocate is designed by grantdarrah.com (480) 374-7460. Printed and mailed by OfficeMax (480) 921-1581. Articles are written by Chamber Staff.

December 2009 : Business Advocate

President/CEO Tempe Chamber of Commerce 2


Phoenix-based law firm Baird Williams & Greer has released the results of its 2010 Valley Economic Forecast in which more than 150 Valley businesses voiced their opinion about the direction they expect the economy to take in the new year. The survey provides an insightful measure of the opinions, perceptions and plans of local business owners as they predict the economic climate in 2010. Though there are areas where the business community has not expressed enthusiasm, the survey does highlight areas in which it expects to see improvement. Though 68% of businesses surveyed did not agree with the response of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate toward the current economic challenges, they still have positive predictions for the future. For 2010, less than 20% expect a decrease in earnings, and less than 50% expect the unemployment rate to rise. 61% anticipate that Arizona’s real estate market will see increased sales, and more than half of those surveyed plan to increase spending. The survey polled a variety of political, social and economic issues that are affecting the operations of local organizations, including the current banking pandemic, rising unemployment rate and projected spending and growth rates for Arizona companies in 2010. The survey is designed to focus on current and upcoming issues to provide Valley entrepreneurs and professionals with information on how they should plan for the future. “Last year’s survey indicated a lot of uncertainties for local businesses, a trend that echoed throughout these tough economic times,” said Ernie Baird, managing partner of Baird Williams & Greer. “The 2010 survey gives us a light at the end of the tunnel, as the economy seems to have hit a solid bottom and is on a very slow, but relatively certain path to recovery.” Please visit our website at www.tempechamber.org or email [email protected] for a copy of the complete survey and report. December 2009 : Business Advocate

The Business Advocate is the Tempe Chamber of Commerce’s monthly newsletter. Its mission is to report on events and news of interest to our membership and the business community in a magazine-style format available as a PDF on our website at www. tempechamber.org. Each issue has business and community news, alerts on political legislation impacting your business, a calendar, ribbon cuttings, member spotlights and more. It’s a powerful tool that’s available for your marketing needs as well. The newsletter serves our entire membership of more than 1,000 member businesses representing more than 70,000 employees. Additionally, the current and most recent issues are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week worldwide though our online archives. Posted as a PDF, anyone is able to view The Business Advocate on their computer screen, print it in full color, download it, or send it to friends and coworkers. Each month we send emails to our full membership with a hyperlink to the issue, and the current issue is highly visible on the main page of our website. The Business Advocate is an excellent resource allowing us to serve the needs of our membership and business community. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities it offers you to reach this audience too. For article submission guidelines or advertising opportunities please contact Sean Donovan at [email protected] or (480) 736-4285.


The following is a list of ten of the most frequently displayed members from the Membership Directory for the month of October. 1. El Pollo Loco 2. AccuPro Accounting, Inc. 3. Famous Dave’s 4. Byblos Restaurant 5. Contreras State Farm Agency, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mary Contreras,LUTCF-owner/agent Bison Witches Bar and Deli El Penasco Mexican Kitchen Great Harvest Bread Company House of Tricks Restaurant Aloft Tempe




October, 14 with 5,031 hits

THE CHAMBER NUMBERS Lobby visits: Phone & Email: Referrals/ City info: Chamber Events: Visitors:

92 988 194 215 84

www.tempechamber.org Become A Tempe Chamber

Preferred Member!

Preferred Membership - It’s more than just an offer; it’s an opportunity to grow your business, outperform your competition and thrive financially! Our Preferred Members receive special recognition and exclusive opportunities that expand and increase their levels of success to new heights. Increase your exposure, boost your brand recognition and watch your profitability grow. Become a Preferred Member today and enjoy the advantages you deserve. For more details contact Renee Lopata at (480) 736-4284 or [email protected]


ESGR Support Available to Chamber Members Tempe Chamber Communications Director Sean Donovan participated in an ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve) “Boss Lift” last month. More than 40 representatives from the business community took part in the trip which was designed to offer employers a firsthand view of what their employees in the armed forces experience when duty calls them away from their jobs. The trip included mid-air refueling of F-16 fighters from a KC135R tanker of the 161st Air Refueling Wing of the Air National Guard on the way to a weekend visit to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

The Tempe Chamber participates in the ESGR program, and invites all interested members to learn more. The ESGR promotes cooperation and understanding between Reserve component members and their civilian employers. It assists in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment, guides employers on federal laws relating to employing members of the military, and trains businesses how to create policies that are mutually beneficial to them and their service member employees. There is no cost to participate. Visit www.esgr.org/site or contact Sean Donovan at [email protected] to learn more.

Tempe Chamber’s 2010 Legislative Policy Agenda Published In 2006, Arizona ranked second in the nation for job creation. In 2009 Arizona’s ranking has slipped to 48th. Today’s challenging economic times have resulted in businesses reducing operations, eliminating jobs and, in some instances, going out of business. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce sees opportunity in these tough economic times. Tempe is a unique community. As the location of Arizona State University’s main campus with an enrollment of more than 68,000 students and 12, 000 faculty and staff, Tempe is a major education center. It is centrally located with major freeways providing easy access from all parts of the metropolitan area. This access gives Tempe the ability to attract economic development and increase job opportunities. The Tempe Chamber has identified key areas where the state can provide ways to speed the recovery by enhancing economic development, improving transportation and strengthening the educational system. With such critical issues facing the state, the Tempe Chamber’s Board of Directors voted to approve the 2010 Legislative policy agenda. A condensed version (available in this newsletter after page 9) will be given to the legislators at the start of the 2010 regular legislative session, providing them a list of the most important issues affecting our members’ businesses. We’ve provided this condensed version so legislators may keep it easily accessible to reference during debate and voting. vA full-length version will soon be on the Chamber’s website with in-depth discussions of specific issues that represent our membership’s biggest concerns. If you have questions about the 2010 Arizona Policy Agenda or regarding the 2010 regular legislative session, please contact Catherine Mayorga, Vice President of Public Affairs at (480) 736-4282 or [email protected] If you have any questions about the 2010 Arizona Policy Agenda or other legislative issues, please contact Catherine Mayorga, Vice President of Public Affairs at (480) 736-4282 or [email protected].

December 2009 : Business Advocate


Benefits By Design, an extensive employee benefits company and insurance broker, celebrated the opening of its new offices. Owner Kristine Kassel cuts the ribbon while Ambassadors, staff and clients look on. It is located at 8631 S. Priest Dr. #101 in Tempe. For more information visit www.benefitsbydesignaz. com or call (480) 831-7700.

Zion & Zion celebrated its new offices with the Tempe Chamber, Chamber Ambassadors, and staff. It provides industry expertise through structured marketing practice areas in health & wellness, home improvement products, real estate, retail, high tech & engineering and hospitality. It is located at 464 S. Farmer Ave., # 105 in Tempe. Visit www.zionandzion.com.

ActionCOACH celebrated its grand opening with the Tempe Chamber, Chamber Ambassadors, and staff. It offers executives and professionals an opportunity to leverage their extensive business experience and skill sets to assist them and their businesses. It is located at 2141 E Broadway, # 201 in Tempe. Visit www.actioncoach.com.

The ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts announced the appointment of Gordon Knox as the new director for the ASU Art Museum. Famous Dave’s BBQ fed more than 2,500 military personnel for free at three local locations as part of its Veteran’s Day “thank you”. Linda Cicchillo was recently recognized by Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. as Arizona’s Top Producer. During the Tempe Chamber’s State of the City Address, attendees donated $1,573 to the Tempe Community Action Agency’s food pantry which supplies 40-55 families per day with canned goods, meat, dairy and bread. Fairytale Brownies has signed a deal with 23 California-based Costco locations allowing the retailer to sell Fairytale’s two-pound walnut brownies. Stephanie Nowack, President and CEO of the Tempe Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), took office as President of the Western Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus. John Erlandson, owner of Famous Dave’s, became the Honorary Commander of 944 Fighter Wing of 2009. The Phoenix Zoo opened Land of the Dragons, its largest animal exhibit in recent years featuring two full-grown Komodo dragons.

Lobby’s Beef-Burgers-Dogs celebrated its grand opening with the Tempe Chamber, Chamber Ambassadors, and staff. It offers Chicago-style Italian beef, burgers, and hot dogs. Lobby’s is located at 3141 S. McClintock Dr. #13 in Tempe.

Morrison Maierle celebrated its new offices with the Tempe Chamber, Chamber Ambassadors, industry partners, and staff. It is an established, regional, full-service, consulting engineering firm offering a broad range of engineering, planning, surveying and scientific capabilities. It is located at 1275 W. Washington St., # 108 in Tempe. Visit www.m-m.net.

CHAMBER PRESIDENT CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY! Mary Ann Miller celebrated her 10th anniversary as President/ CEO of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce last month. During her tenure at its helm, the Chamber has benefitted thousands of businesses in the community. Scores of programs, events, seminars and legislative work have continued to foster a progressive business environment that has allowed Tempe to remain a dynamic force in the state.

Congratulations, Mary Ann!

TEMPE CHAMBER’S FREE HOLIDAY MIXER ANNOUNCED On Dec. 15 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. we host our annual holiday mixer at the ASU Art Museum. This free evening features amazing food by Heidi’s Events and Catering, wine and beverages, fun and games, art, and exuberant networking. Embrace a welcoming and casual atmosphere where you can meet and mingle with other members of the business community. The museum will be open to showcase its Defining Sustainability installments and allow you to participate in a project that will end up in the Smithsonian. Free parking is available in the adjacent Lot 16. We hope to see you there!

December 2009 : Business Advocate


The Tempe Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors wants to thank the following members for renewing their Chamber Membership this past month. You are the backbone of Chamber Success!

31-40 Years Four Points by Sheraton Heritage Bank Patrick T. Foley Construction, MPP

21 – 30 Years Fiesta Bowl Native New Yorker TDC Interiors Tempe Trophy The Flower Shop

16 – 20 Years Boys and Girls Club Delta Diversified

11 – 15 Years Chompie’s P.F. Chang’s Pinnacle Education

6 – 10 Years Casino Arizona DB Home Inspection Front Row Tickets ITT Technical Institute

ProVision Sir Speedy Printing Tempe

1 – 5 Years ABC Bartending and Casino College All Star Insurance Agency ASU Karsten Golf Course Cookson Door Sales of Arizona Desert Insurance Advisors Development Strategies India Plaza Lawrence and Geyser Development LifeLock National Bank of Arizona Philip R. Amorosi Quality Suites Security World Network Sleep Inn Phoenix Airport State Farm Sunbelt Business Advisors Sun Devil Masters Tempe Accelerated High School, The Leona Group LLC Tilted Kilt Tri-City Transmission Service University Veterinary Hospital Yucca Tap Room

National Bank of Arizona Development Strategies

December 2009

December 1 Ambassadors Committee 8:00 a.m. Heidi’s Events and Catering 2095 W. 15th St.

December 8 Tempe Chamber Executive Committee 7:30 a.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce 909 E. Apache Blvd.

December 16 Business Resource Advantage Committee 8:00 a.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce 909 E. Apache Blvd.

December 1 New Member Briefing 9:00 a.m. Heidi’s Events and Catering 2095 W. 15th St.

December 10 Networking at Noon 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Famous Dave’s BBQ Mesa Riverview 1011 N. Dobson Rd.

December 16 Military Affairs Committee 11:30 a.m. Heidi’s Events and Catering 2095 W. 15th St. R.S.V.P. by December 10th

December 15 Business After Hours 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ASU Art Museum Food provided by Heidi’s Events and Catering Nelson Fine Arts Center 51 E. 10th Street

December 17 Tempe Leadership Board of Directors 7:30 a.m. Hatton Hall 34 E. 7th St.

December 2 Government Relations and Transportation Committees 7:30 a.m. Four Points by Sheraton 1333 S. Rural Rd. (Conference Room at 911 E. Apache Blvd.) December 3 Women in Business Council 8:00 a.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce 909 E. Apache Blvd. December 3 Tempe Links Committee 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tempe Chamber of Commerce 909 E. Apache Blvd.

December 2009 : Business Advocate

December 16 Business Before Hours 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Bobbie’s Flowers & Gift Shop 5801 S. McClintock Dr.

December 17 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hot Topics and Lunch Kimber Lanning of Local First Arizona Fiesta Resort Conference Center 2100 S. Priest Dr.

Please, note that our office will be closed on

December 25 Happy Holidays!


MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE SPOTLIGHT COMMITTEE RECOGNIZED BY AIR FORCE On November 7, the Tempe Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs Committee was recognized by the 944th Fighter Wing of the Air Force National Guard. Wing Commander Col. Mike Popovich, thanked the committee for its support over the years and for the annual Graydon Williams Award.

MAC AWARDS ROTC CADETS In late October, the Military Affairs Committee awarded its annual ROTC scholarships to recipients from the Army and Air Force programs at Arizona State University. The $750 scholarships are fully funded by the members of the committee. For details regarding joining the committee, please call (480) 736-4281.

Outstanding ASU Army ROTC Cadet William Petty receives his award and scholarship from Military Affairs Committee Chairman John Nelson.


FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SAVE LIVES, PROPERTY Different types of fires require different types of extinguishers. Five different extinguishing agents are available: Class A – ordinary combustible materials such as cloth, wood, rubber, paper and many plastic Class B – flammable liquids such as grease, gasoline, oil and oil-based paints Class C – appliances, tools or other equipment that is electronically energized or plugged in Class D – flammable metals Class K – vegetable or animal oils or fats in cooking appliances Some extinguishers can be used on two or more kinds of fires, and they are labeled to indicate the usages, such as “B-C” or “A-B-C.” Extinguishers should be kept pressurized, in good working condition and in a conspicuous place unblocked by anything that might limit access. Use a fire extinguisher only if you have alerted other occupants and someone has called the fire department, the fire is small and contained to a single object, you are safe from smoke, and you have identified a means of escape where the fire is not between you and it. If these conditions are not present, alert other occupants, leave the building and call the fire department once away from the fire. Additionally the USFA recommends that you shake dry chemical extinguishers at least once a month to prevent the powder from settling or packing, pressure test the extinguisher regularly to ensure the cylinder is safe to use, and immediately replace an extinguisher if it needs to be recharged or if it is damaged. For a brochure on how to use a fire extinguisher, visit www.scfaz.com. Provided by Tod Dennis, SCF Association Coordinator. If you would like more information on participating with the SCF program for free, please contact Renee Lopata at the Tempe Chamber at (480) 736-4284.

December 2009 : Business Advocate

Military Affairs Committee member Al Shipley receives a special recognition plaque from Col. Mike Popovich

Outstanding Arizona State University Air Force ROTC Cadet Ryan M. Merrifield receives his award and scholarship from Military Affairs Committee Chairman John Nelson.

VEOLIA TRANSPORTATION WINS HDTV Veolia Transportation was the winner of a 42” LG HDTV in a recent Tempe Chamber of Commerce raffle. The television was provided by Walt’s TV and Home Theater and was raffled off at our Nov. 18 Business After Hours mixer at the Aloft hotel in Tempe. Veolia employees held a fund raiser whose proceeds were used to support two organizations – the Tempe Chamber and breast cancer awareness. A portion of the proceeds were used to purchase raffle tickets, among which was the winning ticket. “The TV will be placed in the operators lounge to enjoy,” said Jack Pisano, General Manager of Veolia. “Veolia’s ‘Together We CARE’ values are personified by our community engagement with our partners throughout the City of Tempe. We are proud to make a difference in our community.” 8

Tuesday, December 1

New Member Briefing 9:00 a.m. Heidi’s Events and Catering 2095 W. 15th St.

Sponsored by:


New members of the Tempe Chamber are invited to join us for a complimentary breakfast and the chance to meet the staff, other new members, and representatives from our committees. Attendees will learn about the great opportunities that the Chamber affords and network with their fellow new members while promoting their business. Sponsored by Telesphere.

Thursday, December 10 Networking @ Noon 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Famous Dave’s BBQ Mesa Riverview 1011 N. Dobson Rd.


Employing effective networking techniques is a powerful way to promote your business, make strong connections and outperform your competition. Learn the art of relationship building, enjoy a fantastic BBQ lunch and have fun promoting your services at this “speed dating for business” event. $25 Members in Advance $30 Members on Day Of Event $35 General Public

Tuesday, December 15

Business After Hours 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ASU Art Museum With food provided by Heidi’s Events and Catering Nelson Fine Arts Center 51 E. 10th Street

Wednesday, December 16 Business Before Hours 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Bobbie’s Flowers & Gift Shop 5801 S. McClintock Dr.


Join the Tempe Chamber for a morning of fabulous food and networking. Bring brochures and business cards and be ready to give a 30-second commercial about yourself or your business. This is a wonderful way to start the day and meet with other Chamber members and the business community. A light breakfast is provided. Business Before Hours is sponsored by Guaranteed Clean Carpet Systems.

Thursday, December 17

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hot Topics and Lunch Fiesta Resort Conference Center 2100 S. Priest Dr.


Our special guest and presenter at this month is Kimber Lanning, founder and director of Local First Arizona, a non-profit organization working to strengthen local communities and economies. During this informative and engaging presentation, she will educate citizens, business leaders, and legislators about the significant environmental, economic, and cultural benefits of strong local economies. $25 Members in Advance $30 Members on Day Of Event $35 General Public


Join your colleagues for a free evening of amazing food, fun and networking. This informal mixer provides a welcoming and casual atmosphere where you can meet and mingle with other members of the business community. This is our special holiday edition of Business After Hours and features fabulous food by Heidi’s Events and Catering, hosted by the ASU Art Museum, which will remain open to guests during the event. Free for Members $10 General Public December 2009 : Business Advocate



ABBA Plans - America’s Business Benefit Association Insurance Jennifer Heafey 1490 S. Price Rd., Ste 203 Chandler, AZ 85286 (480) 786-4020 (480) 786-4092 www.jenniferheafey.abbaplans.com ActionCOACH Business Consultants Jesse Zellmer 2141 E Broadway, Suite 201 Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 968-9701 (480) 968-9706 www.actioncoach.com/kevinalft All Copy Products Office Equipment David Strohman 1407 W. Drivers Way Tempe, AZ 85284 (480) 282-5410 www.allcopyproducts.com Bekins Moving Solutions, Inc Moving & Storage Mike Marr 5701 W. Latham Street #104 Phoenix, AZ 85043 (602) 443-2850 (602) 278-6020 www.bekinsa1.com Bridgeview at Hyden Ferry lakeside Condominiums Bob Normile 80 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.,Suite 105 Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 966-5253 (480) 966-6357 www.bridgeviewAZcondos.com Carpathia Hosting Internet Services Dan Sughrue 120 E. Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004 (703) 297-4383 www.carpathiahost.com

Compass Consulting Team Consulting Services Al Andersen 3470 S. Camellia Place Chandler, AZ 85248 (602) 684-9300 www.compassconsultingteam.com Dynamic Worldwide Training Consultants Computer Training Dave Warren 4500 S. Lakeshore Dr. #695 Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 820-4101 Ext:402 (480) 718-7902 www.dwwtc.com

Lobby’s Beef-Burgers-Dogs Restaurants Lobby Syregeoas 3141 S. McClntock Dr. #13 Tempe, AZ 85282 (708) 655-5265

Stoney-Wilson Business Consulting, LLC Business Consultants Bob Wilson 6501 E. Greenway Pkwy, #103-583 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (602) 696-1060 www.stoneywilson.com

Massage Heights Tempe Massage Therapy Christine Dura 8058 S. Priest Drive, B101 Tempe, AZ 85284 (480) 785-2582 www.massageheights.com/tempe

Tempe Honda Auto Dealers Dave Wallace 8030 South Autoplex Loop Tempe, AZ 85284 (480) 893-7900 (480) 421-4875 Neighborhood Economic Development www.TempeHonda.com Corp. Non-Profit Organizations Tempe Tint & Detail East Valley Office Supplies (EVOS) Terry Benelli Auto Glass Tinting & Replacement Office Supplies/Service 12 N. Center Street Dave & Tammy Wildman Carol Bell Mesa, AZ 85201 250 W. Guadalupe Rd. #6 3265 N. Delaware St. (480) 969-1093 Tempe, AZ 85283 Chandler, AZ 85225 (480) 258-6972 (480) 491-5135 (480) 497-0407 www.nedco-mesa.org (480) 491-5193 (480) 497-9711 www.tempetint.com www.evosinc.com Pomeroy & Pomeroy Insurance Walmart Supercenter #5768 Hidden Rhythm Acupuncture Thomas Pomeroy Retail Shops Acupuncture 3134 N. 7th Street Chris Jescheling Craig Amrine Phoenix, AZ 85014 800 E. Southern Ave. 1905 E. Univeristy Dr., #152 (602) 265-8900 Tempe, AZ 85282 Tempe, AZ 85283 (602) 230-0398 (480) 966-0264 (602) 430-5812 www.pomeroygroup.com (480) 966-3642 www.hiddenrhythmacupuncture.com www.walmart.com Procare Commercial Landscape Higginbotham & Son, Inc. Services Inc. Air Conditioning & Heating Landscape & Design Amy Shaffer Jason Schenk 1415 E. University Dr. #101 8755 W. State Ave. Tempe, AZ 85281 Glendale, AZ 85305 (480) 874-2665 (623) 872-9028 (480) 947-0978 (623) 872-9029 www.higginbothamhvac.com www.procareaz.com LakeShore Producers, LLC Entertainment Woody Wilson 1982 E. Oxford Dr. Tempe, AZ 85283 (480) 345-2392 (480) 839-4626 www.lakeshoreproducers.com

November 2009 : Business Advocate

Schlotzsky’s - Cinnabon Restaurants Marcy Enriquez 1401 W. Southern Ave Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 966-7672


DECEMBER 2009 All content and text on this page are provided directly by the individual members and businesses. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for errors, inconsistencies or omissions.

Bekins Moving Solutions, Inc

Compass Consulting Team

FREE, No Obligation Estimates and Consultation on Local and Long Distance Relocation, Office and Industrial Moving. Residential and Commercial storage available without any long term contracts. Bekins -- providing quality moving services for over 70 years.

Compass Consulting Team is a “high impact” learning company, helping businesses “remarkabalize” themselves by providing experiential training that powers performance. We specialize in Purple Cow innovation, TEAMPOWER, and Tribal Leadership Workshops. We blend Social Media practices with interpersonal skills that propels growth, gets you noticed, and attracts loyal customers!

East Valley Office Supplies (EVOS)

East Valley Urgent Care

Office Supplies/Service Carol Bell 3265 N. Delaware St. Chandler, AZ 85225 Ph. (480) 497-0407 F. (480) 497-9711 www.evosinc.com

Health Care Jeff Sawyer, Community Relations Manager 6323 S. Rural Rd Suite 107 Tempe, AZ 85283 Ph. (480) 775-2657 F. (480) 775-0290 www.eastvalleyurgentcare.com

Free delivery on everything your office needs. Get your supplies for the office, break room, copy room, rest room, and more all on one order! Members can realize an overall average discount of more than 50%. Contact Carol Bell at [email protected] for your online account and password information. EVOS means savings, service, simple!

East Valley Urgent Care is committed to giving patients quick, comprehensive care for problems often referred to the Emergency Department. We are available to assist you Monday through Friday, from 8am to 8pm, And Saturday and Sunday 8am to 6pm. If you’d like to learn more about us, we invite you to log on to our website at www. eastvalleyurgentcare.com(www.evuc.biz).When you can’t wait to feel better, there’s no one better to turn to than East Valley Urgent Care.

Ernst & Young, CPAs

HSS Logistics

Accountants-Certified Public Accountant Ron Butler, Managing Partner 2 N. Central Ave., Suite 2300 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ph. (602) 322-3064 F. (866) 359-9795 www.ey.com

Logistics Broxy Meyers 1715 S. Holbrook Ln., Suite 103 Tempe, AZ 85281 Ph. (480) 894-1401 F. (480) 894-1785 www.hotshotservices.com

Ernst & Young is a global professional services firm that provides advisory, assurance, tax and transaction services to clients throughout the world. Our Arizona practice is a leader in guiding high-growth companies to market leadership. Through our talented people, we deliver seamless, consistent and high quality services to many growing companies.

HSS Logistics offers delivery, warehousing and logistics services in Arizona and beyond. We are a division of Hot Shot Services, Inc., which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year. We pride ourselves on our dedication as well as our ability to customize our services to fit our customer’s needs.

Moving & Storage Mike Marr 5701 W. Latham Street #104 Phoenix, AZ 85043 Ph. (602) 443-2850 F. (602) 278-6020 www.bekinsa1.com

November 2009 : Business Advocate

Consulting Services Al Andersen 3470 S. Camellia Place Chandler, AZ 85248 Ph. (602) 684-9300 www.compassconsultingteam.com


• Contractor Tax Collection

The Tempe Chamber supports the current means of contractor’s tax collections, which allows growth to pay for itself. The collection of contractor’s sales tax at the place of sales origin will adversely affect many municipalities including Tempe. The recapture of this lost tax generator will ultimately be at the expense of the business community through higher local taxes.

• Designated Funds

The legislature should honor the integrity of and restore revenues to special funds that were used over previous budget cycles to mask the shortfall in state revenue. The credibility of the budget process must be restored by returning these dollars to their intended purposes. If tax supported funds are found not used for the intended purpose during frequent review, the tax and fund should be abolished.

• Institution Infrastructure Improvements

The Tempe Chamber supports legislative efforts to direct construction sales tax revenues to pay for university infrastructure improvements, statewide.

• Internet Taxes

While Arizona businesses have an obligation to collect tax on sales in Arizona, including e-commerce, the Tempe Chamber believes that Internet sales taxation is a national and global issue and is that should more appropriately be addressed by the federal government.

• Research and Development Tax Credit

Research and development can be an expensive and laborious process. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce supports the retention and expansion of the R & D tax credit for Arizona businesses.

• Sales Tax Expansion

The Tempe Chamber opposes legislation that would expand the sales tax base to include activities currently not taxable in Arizona or a majority of the 50 states, including taxes on services.

• Sales Tax Increase

Arizona is currently challenged by the deepest economic crisis to face it since it joined the United States of America nearly a century ago. Its citizens are looking to the leaders of this great state to steer a course through this storm. The job before you of balancing the budget and preparing for recovery is daunting but necessary. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce is in support of placing on the ballot a temporary sales tax increase. The Chamber understands that the ballot clearly spells out that this sales tax will come to an end after three years.

• State Equalization Tax

The Tempe Chamber strongly urges the Legislature to permanently eliminate the state equalization property tax.

• State Shared Revenues

Studies have demonstrated when state shared revenues are cut local taxes not only offset but exceed the reduction in state taxes. The Tempe Chamber strongly opposes any effort to reduce the amount of state shared revenues to Arizona municipalities.

of life, availability, and efficiency of the area workforce. The Tempe Chamber supports efforts to address the statewide transportation needs. The Chamber encourages public/private partnerships in building a statewide transportation system for the next century.

• Equitable Representation

Approximately 60% of the state’s population resides in Maricopa County, yet the Phoenix metro area does not receive a proportional amount of state transportation funding. The Tempe Chamber recommends a state strategy that allows for true equity in the distribution of resources and metro area representation on the State Transportation Board.

• Funding

The Tempe Chamber strongly encourages state government to work with the Arizona Congressional delegation to ensure that Arizona receives its fair share of federal transportation funding. Currently, Arizona sends more to the federal government in taxes and fees than it receives in transportation funding. The Chamber urges use of innovative transportation solutions that maximize multi-modal connectivity, such as public-private partnerships and commuter rail, to improve movement of people and goods in the East Valley and Pinal County. The Chamber is opposed to any shifting or repealing of funds currently designated for the development and maintenance of the East Valley regional freeway system. Any efforts to further expedite transportation project construction should be based on immediate congestion relief, air quality compliance and should be multi-modal in nature.

• High Capacity Transit and Funding

A balanced system of transit and roadways is necessary for high-quality growth. High capacity transit is a key component of a multi-modal transportation system and provides the means to move large volumes of people in congested corridors throughout the Valley. Recognizing that Maricopa County is at the crossroads of commerce in Arizona, state participation in the completion of the Valley’s light rail system is important to all Arizonans. The Tempe Chamber encourages the cities engaged in the construction of the light rail starter line and its extensions to seek a portion of the project funding from the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and other appropriate state funding sources. Further, when an appropriate funding source is identified, the Tempe Chamber urges the state to match local dollars in order to maximize federal funding.

• Sky Harbor Governance

The Tempe Chamber opposes legislation which would create additional state oversight of Sky Harbor International Airport. However, the Chamber supports a centrally managed regional airport system that leverages the opportunities of metro airports capable of commercial service.

• Transportation Governance

The metropolitan area has grown well beyond the borders of Maricopa County. Similarly, regional transportation planning should be considered beyond county borders. The Tempe Chamber supports a transportation governance structure which allows for maximum local control with cooperative use planning beyond the confines of Maricopa County borders.

• Tax Cuts

For more comprehensive information, please see the document in its entirety on the Chamber’s website at www.tempechamber.org. Arizona ranked second in the nation for job creation in 2006; however, In 2009 Arizona’s ranking has slipped to 48th. Today’s challenging economic times and the lack of available financial market funding have greatly impacted business and required that businesses reduce operations, eliminate jobs and, in some instances, cease operations altogether. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce believes that there is great opportunity for future growth and prosperity as we emerge from these tough economic times. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce has identified key areas and opportunities where the State should focus its efforts to ensure a speedy recovery through the enhancement of State-wide economic development, improvement of transportation systems and networks, and strengthening the educational system.

Economic Development The long-term viability of the state is dependent upon the successful development of new and existing business and industry. The most beneficial and sustainable economic development results from the creation of a competitive business climate. State government should establish policies that provide incentives to encourage and foster an attitude that will bring about an increase in growth and development opportunities for existing Arizona businesses and provide a basis for bringing new businesses to the State. The Tempe Chamber recognizes the economic development value of our educational institutions. In addition to producing graduates for local businesses, each dollar spent on education brings a significant return to the Tempe and Arizona economy. The Chamber recommends lawmakers consider the economic impact of funding for our educational institutions when drafting legislation.

Transportation The Tempe Chamber of Commerce has long been a leading advocate for a multi-modal transportation system. Efficient transportation of goods and people is critical to growing our economy. A modern and efficient system will enable Tempe businesses to effectively compete in a market with increasing demands for on-time delivery of goods and services. A balanced transportation system reduces pollution, relieves traffic congestion and increases the quality

Tempe, AZ 85281

The mission of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce is to build an environment that enhances the economic vitality of our membership.

• Educational Economic Development

Lower taxes encourage economic growth. However, the Tempe Chamber believes responsible tax cuts should be accompanied by responsible reductions in the state budget.

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Arizona Policy Agenda 2010

• Incentives

The Chamber believes incentives are fundamentally a local issue. Arizona must continue to compete nationwide for new and expanding businesses. The Chamber believes incentives, financial and otherwise, play a role in business

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Tempe, AZ 85281

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Tempe, AZ 85281

retention, expansion and attraction. It is incumbent upon each community to use incentives in a judicious and responsible manner. The Chamber believes the need for incentives has diminished, but targeted incentives can be useful and necessary tools for continued economic development.

• Privatization of Services

The Tempe Chamber encourages subcontracting appropriate public services to private industry in an effort to increase service, reduce expenditures and avoid unfair competition with the private sector.

• State Economic Development

The Tempe Chamber supports the role the state must maintain in attracting and developing industry within Arizona. The Chamber opposes removal of the core functions currently performed by the Arizona Department of Commerce.

• Tourism Funding

The Tempe Chamber believes the State of Arizona invests an insufficient amount of money in tourism marketing efforts. The Chamber supports continued funding for Arizona tourism.

• Workforce Development

significant difference in the freedom employees have for personal matters. The Tempe Chamber believes that the Family Medical Leave Act adequately addresses the need for compensatory employee latitude for family matters.

• Arizona Minimum Wage

The Tempe Chamber continues to oppose any additional increase in the state minimum wage above and beyond the federal minimum wage. The Chamber firmly believes that the labor market adequately determines necessary compensation.

• Right-to-Work

The Tempe Chamber believes that it is critical that Arizona remain committed to being a “Right to Work” state in order to give us a competitive advantage in attracting new businesses.

Environment The Tempe Chamber of Commerce is an organization committed to economic development and environmental protection. Economic development goals should not be achieved at the cost of our environment. Environmental preservation adds to the quality of life in the region and thus positively benefits the economy.

The Tempe Chamber supports the state’s continued emphasis on the importance of job training and workforce development. Priority funding should be given to training and development of the current Arizona workforce.

The Chamber is opposed to Arizona’s participation in the Western Climate Initiative. Any greenhouse gas emission regulations should be addressed at the federal level.

Education/Workforce Preparedness

Environmental protection is a shared responsibility of the organization and the individual members of the Chamber. It is not something that can be achieved solely mandates to businesses. The Tempe Chamber favors a state regulatory system that encourages voluntary compliance and incentives as an alternative to mandates whenever possible. Residual affects of mandates can range from diminishing returns on industry investments to stifled business growth and economic detriment.

A quality educational system is an essential part of a productive workforce. Students of today are the workforce of tomorrow. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce strives to develop working relationships with students, educators, administrators, government officials and businesses in an attempt to build the most effective educational system that will provide the business community with a workforce that is prepared to meet the challenges and demands that face business today.

• Higher Education Funding

The Tempe Chamber supports an adjusted higher education formula funding based on student enrollment. The Chamber supports efforts to connect business and education with a shared goal of improving and aligning K-20 education system. Increased funding should be linked to increased student retention and graduation rates.

• K -12 Funding

The Tempe Chamber supports a comprehensive review of the educational funding formula to maximize the use of the taxpayer’s money. Specifically, the Tempe Chamber feels strongly that there are two areas of the formula that should be examined: 1) ; standardizing student count and 2) the Revenue Control Limit (RCL).

Employee Relations The Tempe Chamber of Commerce believes that a high quality work force is essential to maintain a vibrant economy.The Chamber encourages a supportive regulatory environment which provides the flexibility to explore and formulate ways for our workplace policies to create an “economy of opportunity” that addresses today’s challenges to both the employee and the employer and keeps our state competitive into the future. State employment statutes and the state regulatory environment should foster, rather than mandate, access to affordable workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation, and should encourage a drug-free work environment while maintaining entrepreneurial innovation. The Tempe Chamber supports retention of the concept of employment-at-will.

• Mandatory Compensatory Time

The Federal Family & Medical Leave Act passed in the early 1990s made a

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Tempe, AZ 85281

Business and environmental organizations share a common vision of public policies that protect the environment as well as the economy. Appropriate environmental policies can enhance the diversification of Arizona’s economy and expand the state’s growing biotech sector. Working cooperatively with all stakeholders in the evolution of environmental protection will not only share the responsibilities, but also benefit the environment.

• Environmental Permit Process

The lengthy environmental permitting process hinders business operations and suppresses business growth. A swift permit review process would especially assist the state’s emerging biotech sector. The Tempe Chamber believes the state should work to streamline the environmental permitting process with an emphasis on faster application review.

initiative process as provided for in the state constitution. The Tempe Chamber supports efforts to reform ballot referendums and the initiative process. The Chamber supports a referendum suspending automatic spending increases for voter protected funds in a fiscal year when revenues do not meet projections.

Health Insurance Health care insurance is one of the most valued employee benefits and the most costly for any employer, large or small to provide. While the federal government has a significant role to play in health care, the state should encourage, rather than mandate, the expansion of affordable health care benefits. The Tempe Chamber of Commerce believes that health care policies should seek to maximize free market forces and minimize mandates upon insurers, resulting in the expansion of affordable coverage. The Tempe Chamber supports looking at a new and innovative 21st century health plan. The Chamber urges significant tort reform measures to reduce the costs of health care and health insurance. Health care related tort reform will encourage retention of a qualified health care workforce. Mandated coverage of clinical trial procedures and drugs can significantly impact the cost of health insurance. The Tempe Chamber opposes mandatory specified coverage before conclusive evidence that demonstrates the significant cost-effective benefit of the remedy.

• Access

The Chamber urges the legislature to ensure sustainability and accessibility of Health Care Group or a similar program as an alternative for small business. The Chamber supports the creation of a responsibly managed high risk pool to serve uninsurable Arizonans.

• Employer Liability

Health insurance is often a benefit of employment. The Tempe Chamber strongly opposes legislation that would increase an employer’s liability for offering a limited number of insurance options as a benefit of employment.

• Health Care Coverage Mandates

Mandated health care benefits restrict the employer and employee ability to select a benefit package that is appropriate for the employer group. This is of particular importance to small employers and their employees who are sensitive to cost and have a limited range of health care choices. The Tempe Chamber opposes legislation that would require mandatory employerprovided health insurance benefits.

• Insurance Provider Accountability

As our health care system continues to evolve, health insurance providers must be held accountable for their actions. To reduce health insurance costs, the Tempe Chamber encourages state lawmakers to consider alternative dispute mechanisms and reconsider the cost of a litigious system of dispute resolution, such as but not limited to external and internal review processes.

• Water Conservation



The Tempe Chamber recognizes the current financial climate and the significance of the current State budget crisis. The Tempe Chamber advocates for fair and cost-effective tax policies that are a part of a comprehensive tax plan to reduce the cost of doing business and make the region more competitive for private investment.

The Chamber urges the Department of Water Resources to promote statewide water conservation and ensure coordination between active management areas.

The Tempe Chamber of Commerce believes that governments at all levels should strive to streamline processes and provide maximum service at minimal cost. The Chamber encourages State government to eliminate debt financing, increase oversight of individual agency budgets and to make the public reporting of state spending transparent.

• Business Personal Property Tax

• Ballot Referendums and Initiatives

Many Arizona businesses receive or are the recipients of tax credits and/or exemptions. These credits and exemptions stimulate and encourage growth and expansion. The Tempe Chamber opposes legislation that would rescind credits and/or exemptions that would harm Arizona businesses.

The Tempe Chamber strongly believes that elected officials should address issues in the legislative arena rather than the referendum process. In a representative democracy, elected officials are charged by the electorate with making tough decisions. The last resort for the citizens of Arizona should be the

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Tempe, AZ 85281

The business personal property tax places a disproportionate burden on businesses. The Tempe Chamber strongly encourages increasing the business personal property tax threshold.

• Business Tax Credits & Exemptions

909 E. Apache Blvd.

Tempe, AZ 85281