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Oct 27, 2018 - rating category; some issues have higher credit quality than the average for the rating while ... The first is a propensity score matching ... Because the gross value of insurance is negative, on average, for all but the lowest-quality ...... Skelton, Jeffrey L., 1983, Relative risk in municipal and corporate debt, ...
The Price of Safety: The Evolution of Insurance Value in Municipal Markets∗ Kimberly Cornaggia†1 , John Hund‡2 , and Giang Nguyen§3 1,3

Pennsylvania State University 2 University of Georgia October 27, 2018

Abstract We examine the benefits of bond insurance to taxpayers using comprehensive data and selection models to control for fundamentals and the endogenous choice to insure. Prior to the crisis, when insurance provided AAA coverage, insurance saves issuers 6 bps, on average. Since the crisis, bond insurance companies are rated the same or below the majority of municipal issuers and insurance is associated with offering yields 10 bps higher than otherwise similar uninsured issuers. Only the lowest-rated issuers obtain any gross benefit. Overall, the cost of bond insurance appears to be a wealth transfer from taxpayers to insurance companies.

Keywords: bond insurance, municipal bonds, yield inversion, municipal market liquidity, propensity score matching IPWRA JEL Classification: G01, G12, G22, H74

We thank Ryan Israelsen for comprehensive historical municipal bond ratings. We thank Mattia Landoni, Anjan Thakor, and audience members at the Federal Reserve Board, Penn State University, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the University of Georgia for comments and suggestions. We thank Brian Gibbons, Dan McKeever, and Zihan Ye for research assistance. † Department of Finance, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University. Email: [email protected] ‡ Department of Finance, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. Email: [email protected] § Department of Finance, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University. Email: [email protected]

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statement The author declares that she has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. I have no conflict of interest to disclose. Kimberly Cornaggia The author declares that he has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. I have no conflict of interest to disclose. John Hund The author declares that she has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. I have no conflict of interest to disclose. Giang Nguyen


Introduction The purpose of this paper is to test whether bond insurance provides value to investors

in and issuers of municipal bonds (munis). This question is important because the cost of insurance is borne by taxpayers.1 This question remains unanswered by a literature providing mixed evidence based on relatively small samples of munis issued in particular states (e.g., Texas, California, New York) or in limited time periods. In theory, insurance should reduce the cost of municipal borrowing by reducing expected default costs, providing due diligence, and improving price stability and market liquidity. Indeed, these are claims made by insurers.2 From the literature, Thakor (1982) models a signaling benefit, Nanda and Singh (2004) indicate a tax benefit, and Gore et al. (2004) find that insurers reduce asymmetric information costs. It is further intuitive that bond insurers provide more reliable certification than the credit rating agencies (CRAs), given that insurers potentially incur losses in the event of issuer default; see Bergstresser et al. (2015). Still, prior empirical studies document a yield inversion in the secondary market, where insured bonds have higher yields than uninsured bonds during the 2008 financial crisis suggesting that insurance has no value (or even negative value) precisely when it was needed most; see Bergstresser et al. (2010), Lai and Zhang (2013), and Chun et al. (2018). We bring a more comprehensive dataset to the question of insurance value than prior studies. We examine the direct and indirect value of municipal bond insurance with a sample of nearly 400,000 munis issued over the last 30 years with data on issuers, insurers, issue characteristics including the time series of changes in underlying credit quality, and secondary 1

Municipal bond insurance premiums peaked at approximately $1.5 billion per year in 2007 (see Joffe 2017). Although the industry contracted following the financial crisis of 2008, the fraction of newly issued bonds with insurance has rebounded since 2012. See Section 2.1 for more details. 2 The largest public providers of municipal bond insurance sponsor “articles” promoting the value of their products at www.municipalbonds.com. See, for example, “Top 5 Reasons You Should Choose Insured Muni Bonds Over Uninsured” available here: http://www.municipalbonds.com/bond-insurance/ top-5-reasons-should-choose-insured-muni-bonds-over-uninsured/.


market activities. Importantly, we examine not only the secondary market value of insurance to investors, but also the primary market value to the taxpayers paying the premiums. Our results suggest that the yield inversion observed in secondary markets during the financial crisis is attributable to the financial distress and downgrades of the major insurers. After losing their Aaa certification, bond insurers were rated at or below most munis’ underlying credit ratings. We find that the secondary-market yield inversion is driven by the insured munis with credit ratings at or above the ratings of the downgraded insurers.3 In all time periods, including the crisis, lower-rated bonds with insurance continue to face lower yields than their uninsured counterparts with the same underlying ratings. We conclude from our secondary market results that insurance is valuable to investors, provided the insurance company is of higher credit quality than the insured issuers. Because insurers claim that insurance improves secondary market liquidity, and because many issuers are interested in refunding, we further consider that lost liquidity associated with the loss of Aaa insurance might play a role. However, using transaction costs estimated following Harris and Piwowar (2006), we find virtually no difference in the liquidity of insured versus uninsured bonds of similar credit quality, either before or since the crisis. We then focus on the primary market and measure the direct benefit to issuers as a reduction in true interest costs (TIC) at issuance. We take seriously the endogenous choice by issuers whether or not to insure their bonds. Because credit ratings are coarse measures of credit risk (see Goel and Thakor 2015), there exists variation in credit quality within each rating category; some issues have higher credit quality than the average for the rating while others have lower-than-average quality. The most transparent highly-rated issuers, observable as high-quality to market participants, have less need for insurance to signal their quality. If insurance is purchased only by opaque and lower-quality issuers within each rating category, 3 Conversations with municipal advisors and underwriters at the 2018 Brookings Conference on Municipal Finance indicate that some dealers price insured bonds based on the insured rating, rather than the underlying rating, regardless of which is higher.


then we should observe a yield inversion (higher yields faced by insured bonds than uninsured bonds with the same credit rating) in the primary market, even if insurance lowers TIC. In order to test the effect of insurance on pricing, given the selection effects described above, we control for observable issue characteristics and macroeconomic variables in OLS regressions and employ two types of selection adjusted models to further control for the endogenous choice by issuers to insure their bonds. The first is a propensity score matching model, based on which we calculate average treatment effects to cleanly estimate the value of insurance. The second is a “doubly-robust” inverse-probability weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA) model that controls for the endogenous choice to insure yet remains robust to potential misspecification. Against our priors, we find no evidence in the period since 2008 that insurance lowers the average municipal issuers’ borrowing costs, even in gross terms, after controlling for credit quality and the endogenous choice to insure. Only a relatively small number of low-rated issuers obtain any direct benefit of insurance. We conclude that the majority of highly-rated issuers are subsidizing these low-rated issuers. Similar to the results from the secondary market, time series analysis indicates that this lack of insurance value stems from the relative quality of insurers vis--vis insured issuers. In the pre-crisis period (1985-2007), when bond insurers were universally rated Aaa, we find that insurance lowers issuance costs by an average of six basis points (gross insurance value). The negative value of insurance accrues only since the crisis, when no Aaa coverage is available and most municipal issuers have higher credit ratings than their insurance companies. Because the gross value of insurance is negative, on average, for all but the lowest-quality municipal issuers, any insurance premium represents negative value for most municipal issuers. The puzzle is why highly-rated issuers continue to pay for relatively low-quality insurance. However, this evidence that municipalities pay for coverage that provides no value is consistent with prior literature documenting an “over-insurance” phenomenon. For example, Shapira and Venezia (2008) document the irrational consumer preference of full-coverage (zero-dollar 3

deductible) automobile liability, medical insurance, and consumer product policies (e.g., fabric stain coverage sold in furniture stores and TV and appliance warranties sold by major retailers). Different from those covered losses, where premiums are paid by the policies’ direct beneficiaries, we find evidence of an over-insurance phenomenon in a market where premiums are instead paid in (unrealized) expectation of an indirect benefit (reduced interest expense). Our paper proceeds as follows. We briefly describe the municipal bond insurance market and related literature in Section 2 and provide a detailed description of our data in Section 3 including details on our bond transaction cost function estimation. We examine the secondary market value of insurance (reduced yield and/or increased liquidity) in Section 4. In Section 5, we examine the primary market value of insurance (reduction in total interest costs) to the issuers. Section 6 concludes.


Background and Related Literature


Evolution of municipal bond insurance

In 1971, the American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation (AMBAC) began writing insurance to guarantee timely payment of municipal bond issues in the event of an underlying default by the municipality. AMBAC was quickly joined by a competitor, the Municipal Bond Insurance Association (MBIA), which formed as a joint entity by major property and casualty insurers of the day (Aetna, Travelers, Cigna, Fireman’s Fund, and Continental). The well-publicized financial distress of New York City, and default by Washington Power Supply (in 1983), increased demand for muni insurance. AMBAC and MBIA were later joined by Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC) and Financial Security Assurance (FSA) in 1983 and 1985, respectively. The subsequent default by Orange County, CA (in 1994) further increased demand. The so-called “big four” were joined in the early 2000s by other insurers, most notably Assured Guaranty Corporation (AGC) which emerged from the re-insurance market, Radian Guaranty, XL Capital Assurance (XLCA), and CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty (CIFG). By 4

the end of 2006, the monoline insurance market was insuring 49% of all new issues, and $2.3 trillion of par outstanding in the secondary market.4 The market remained concentrated with the big four insurers controlling nearly $2 trillion of that $2.3 trillion amount. Figure 1 plots the ascent in the popularity of bond insurance in the General Obligation (GO) bond market and its subsequent crash during the financial crisis. In the pre-crisis period, a high of over 60% of GO bonds are insured. By 2010, the percentage was closer to 10%. Since the depth of the crisis and the demise of the largest monolines, the remaining market (a much smaller number and amount) was ceded to Assured Guaranty who wrote virtually all the municipal bond insurance issued from 2009 to 2012.5 Beginning in 2013, Build America Municipal (BAM), a mutually incorporated insurer, emerges as a serious competitor in the much smaller post-crisis market. By 2016, the percentage of GO bonds wrapped by an insurer rebounds to approximately 20% representing approximately 7% of issuance volume.


Contribution to prior literature

Prior empirical research documents several puzzles in the muni market. The first such puzzle examined extensively is the evidence that long-term tax-exempt yields are too high relative to after-tax yields on taxable bonds.6 Related papers appeal to the tax-sensitivity of muni investors to explain other puzzling phenomena; see Starks et al. (2006) and Landoni (2018) regarding the “January effect” and the original issue premium, respectively. Finally, Ang et al. (2017) document the puzzling evidence that the widespread advance refunding by municipal issuers is exercised prematurely and at a net present value loss. 4

Bond insurers are referred to as “monolines” because they are prohibited by insurance regulators from providing other types of coverage such as property & casualty or life & health insurance. 5 Assured Guaranty operates in this market with two subsidiaries, AGC and Assured Guaranty Municipal (AGM). For details on the demise of the monoline insurance industry, see Moldogaziev (2013) and Cornaggia et al. (2018b). 6 For examples, see Trzcinka (1982), Kidwell and Trzcinka (1982), Skelton (1983), Buser and Hess (1986), Kochin and Parks (1988), Green (1993), Green and Oedegaard (1997), Chalmers (1998), Chalmers (2006), and Longstaff (2011).


The improved disclosure of trade prices via the Electronic Municipal Market Access database and issuer fundamentals made available by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) helped expand the literature to analyze market efficiency (as in Downing and Zhang 2004, Harris and Piwowar 2006, Green et al. 2007, and Schultz 2012), real economic effects of muni rating changes (as in Adelino et al. 2017 and Cornaggia et al. 2018a), the relative importance of default, liquidity, and tax components in muni credit spreads (e.g., Wang et al. 2008, Ang et al. 2014, and Schwert 2017), municipality financing constraints (Ang et al. 2017), and market segmentation (e.g., Pirinsky and Wang 2011, Schultz 2012, Babina et al. 2017, and Cornaggia et al. 2018b), muni market information environment (Gao et al. 2018a), and the effects of state bankruptcy policies (Gao et al. 2018b). To this growing literature, we contribute another puzzle. We analyze the value of credit enhancement provided by the monoline insurers, specifically to municipal issuers in the form of reduced interest costs at issuance. Prior empirical analysis of insurance value (discussed below) has focused primarily on secondary market value (to investors) and/or employed relatively small samples from individual states or in specific time periods. We believe that the question of insurance value is even more important in the primary markets (i.e., to the taxpayers paying the premiums) and we bring the question to the entire market for GO bonds over a 30-year period. We focus on GO bonds because of their homogeneity due to recourse to tax revenues, because taxpayers at large bear the cost of buying insurance on GO bonds, and for consistency with prior literature, e.g., Kidwell et al. (1987); Bergstresser et al. (2010); and Bergstresser et al. (2015). We find robust evidence that, since the 2008 financial crisis, highly rated issuers purchase insurance from relatively low-rated insurance companies and that primary market investors penalize them for doing so.


Prior evidence of insurance value

Early work from Thakor (1982) provides a theoretical model showing the signaling benefit of bond insurance. Nanda and Singh (2004) subsequently model the value of muni bond insurance from a tax perspective; the tax exemption of most muni bonds gives rise to tax 6

arbitrages (positive with respect to tax-exempt interest payments and negative with respect to capital loss write-offs). Consistent with both theories, empirical evidence from Cole and Officer (1981) indicates a significant negative difference between the true interest cost with and without insurance suggesting that insurance provides at least a gross benefit in lowering financing costs. Adding data on insurance premiums for 333 MBIA-insured bonds, Kidwell et al. (1987) estimate a net benefit increasing in issuer credit risk: on average, issuers purchasing bond insurance enjoyed issuance costs 22 bps lower than their uninsured peers (after accounting for the 11 bps average premium) with Baa rated issuers saving 59 bps. More recently, Wilkoff (2013) finds that insurance lowers yields by 8 bps, on average. However, recent empirical studies suggest less actual benefit over time. Analyzing a sample of bonds issued in California and New York, Bronshtein (2015) finds that the value of insurance has fallen from over 3% of deal value in years prior to the financial crisis to below 1% of deal value after the crisis. Kriz and Joffe (2017) also analyze bonds issued in California and find that insurance conveys no significant value to issuers in that state after including comprehensive issuance costs. Based on a sample of munis issued in 2015, Landoni (2017) finds that the tax-arbitrage value of insurance suggested by Nanda and Singh (2004) is negligible, and even negative under a realistic calibration. Cornaggia et al. (2018b) find that insured bonds price identically to true Aaa uninsured bonds (indicating that insurance is valuable) prior to the crisis, but then returns on insured bonds diverge from true Aaa returns after the financial crisis. Other studies document a negative benefit of municipal bond insurance over time and during the crisis period in particular; see Bergstresser et al. (2010), Lai and Zhang (2013), and Chun et al. (2018). As the apparent benefit of insurance is declining, evidence from Ely (2012) suggests that the cost of coverage is increasing. Converting the mean values in Ely (2012) to a basis point cost using the method in Kidwell et al. (1987) yields a 7.3 bps premium in 2008 and 2009 compared to a 2.5 bps premium from 2004 to 2007. We aim to resolve the apparent puzzle 7

that issuers are paying more for a less valuable product with models that control for selection bias. Issuers choose whether to purchase insurance and prior evidence suggests, for example, that issuers in more corrupt locations are more likely to buy insurance; see Butler et al. (2009). However, we find that insurance only lowers borrowing costs among the lowest quality issuers. For most municipalities, our results indicate that any premiums paid to insurers represent negative value. This result remains even after controlling for underlying credit quality and the endogenous choice to insure. We are the first to document this yield inversion in the primary market. Because taxpayers pay the insurance premiums, we believe that the value of insurance to issuers is even more important than that to secondary market investors.




Primary market data

We construct our sample from a variety of sources to comprehensively describe the municipal bond universe up to June 16, 2016, the cutoff date for our access to the Mergent Municipal Bond Securities (Mergent) database. We start with 3,555,964 bonds issued by 53,045 municipal issuers across different levels of government. From there we limit our sample to only bonds that are unlimited tax general obligations (GO bonds), issued between 1985 and June 2016, have a positive offering amount and coupon rate, and represent new borrowing (i.e., not for re-funding purposes).7 We also exclude all bonds that are offered via unconventional channels (e.g. limited offerings, private placements, and remarketing), and a small number of bonds that are issued by U.S. territories other than Puerto Rico. Our primary market analysis requires rating and insurer’s ID at issuance. Cornaggia et al. (2018b) document key limitations of the Mergent data, including over-written bond 7

We also exclude a small number of CUSIPs that are the pre-refunded portion of an original new borrowing bond. When a bond gets pre-refunded, the pre-refunded portion and the remaining balance become two separate CUSIPs in the Mergent database but retain all issuance characteristics of the original bond. For analysis related to the primary market, we exclude both CUSIPs to avoid double counting. For analysis related to the secondary market, we exclude only the pre-refunded CUSIPs, given that trading activity in the original bond switches to that of the remaining-balance CUSIP after the pre-refunding date.


ratings and insurer providers; that is, Mergent overwrites these values as they change over time. Because the majority of municipal bonds have changes in insurer (mainly due to the restructurings in the monoline insurance industry after the crisis), credit rating, or both over our sample window, relying exclusively on Mergent data would result in erroneous inferences. We therefore employ the reconstructed time series of original and subsequent insurers of each bond available from Cornaggia et al. (2018b) and supplement the credit ratings with a comprehensive history of S&P and Moody’ ratings for municipal bonds obtained directly from these rating agencies’ websites.8 We convert character ratings into numeric ratings with 21 corresponding to the highest credit quality and 1 the lowest. Many bonds are rated by more than one credit rating agency; when rating information is available from multiple rating agencies, we employ the harshest as our measure of underlying credit quality. Table 1 reports the distribution of underlying credit rating categories of the sample bonds. From Moody’s press releases and news updates available on their website, we obtain the credit rating history of the insurers. We obtain data on corporate restructuring dates from a wide variety of sources, including Moldogaziev (2013) and insurers’ websites.


Secondary market data

We obtain trade data for the bonds in our sample from the MSRB (available on WRDS) from January 2005 to June 16, 2016. We then filter the trade data by removing primary market transactions (i.e., when-issued trades, offering takedown trades, and trades within two weeks of issuance), trades that occur less than one year prior to maturity, a handful of trades with size of less than $1,000, and price outliers (bonds with prices less than 50 or higher than 150, following Schwert 2017). We use the trade data for two purposes. One is to analyze trading activities and the yields at which municipal bonds trade in the secondary market. Because we care about prices paid or received by investors, we examine only customer trades. Our sample after cleaning has 8

We are grateful to Ryan Israelsen for providing us these data, originally collected for analysis in Cornaggia et al. (2018a).


7,284,088 customer trades in 281,882 bonds. The second use of the trade data is to estimate transaction costs as our measure of bond liquidity, following the methodology developed by Harris and Piwowar (2006). We estimate transaction costs for the full sample period (2005– 2016), as well as separately for the three sub-sample periods: pre-crisis (2005–6/2007), crisis (7/2007–6/2009), and post-crisis (7/2009–6/2016). A detailed description of our transaction cost estimation applied to the MSRB data is in Appendix A.


Value of insurance to investors According to bond insurers, insured bonds are more attractive than uninsured bonds of

comparable quality due to an extra layer of credit protection, and are thus easier to trade in the secondary market. Figure 2 provides ex post anecdotal evidence of the insurance value in the rare event of a municipal default. However, any preference for insured bonds breaks down during the crisis; in this period, Bergstresser et al. (2010) find that insured yields are higher than uninsured yields for bonds in the same underlying credit category. We conjecture that this yield inversion is a consequence of the turmoil in the insurance industry during the crisis period, coupled with the facts that (1) muni investors rely heavily on insurer credit rating and (2) rating agencies were slow to update insurer ratings; see Cornaggia et al. (2018b). In order to test our conjecture, we first establish a baseline estimate of insurance value following Bergstresser et al. (2010) in subsection 4.1. In subsection 4.2, we introduce variation in insurer credit quality. Because credit quality is correlated with liquidity, we test in subsection 4.3 the extent to which disruption in bond liquidity explains the yield inversion.


Insurance value in secondary market trading

We run the following regression on the cross section of bond-trade observations separately for each month and each underlying credit category, controlling for bond characteristics and trade characteristics: yi,j = Ibuy,i,j (β1 + β2 LnTradeSizei,j ) + Isell,i,j (β3 + β4 LnTradeSizei,j ) +β5 Mati + β6 Mat2i + β7 LnIssueSizei + β8 LnBondSizei + β9 Iinsured,i + i,j , (1) 10

where yi,j is the trade yield on bond i and trade j. M at is the maturity of the bond, and M at2 is included in the regression to account for possible non-linear effects of maturity on trade yield. LnBondSize is the logged size of the bond, while LnIssueSize is the logged size of the issue that includes the bond. LnT radeSize is the logged size of the trade, with Ibuy or Isell indicating whether the trade is a customer buy or customer sell. The value of insurance is reflected in β9 , the coefficient on the insurance dummy Iinsured that captures the difference in trade yields between insured and uninsured bonds, holding all else constant. If insurance is valuable, we should observe negative β9 indicating that insurance lowers the trade yield (or equivalently, increases the value of the bond). Table 2 shows the estimated value of insurance based on the specification in Equation (1) for each underlying rating category. Panel A reports the time-series average of β9 based on 36 monthly regressions for the pre-crisis period from 2005 through 2007. Panel B reports β9 based on 102 monthly regressions for the period from 2008 through 2016. Alongside the estimates, we report the t-statistics (t-stat) and the average number of bond-trade observations (Nobs) in the monthly regressions for the given underlying rating category. We compute t-statistics for the average estimates using the corresponding time-series standard errors. Despite having a longer data sample period and more complete data on credit rating histories, we find largely similar results to those in Bergstresser et al. (2010), namely that insurance is valuable before the crisis but that it negatively affects bond value in the period since the start of the crisis. The pre-crisis insurance coefficients are invariably negative in Panel A, confirming that trade yields on insured bonds are lower than those of uninsured bonds across all underlying credit rating categories, including unrated bonds. Panel B shows the yield inversion (i.e., positive estimates) in the 2008-2016 period on insured bonds with Aa and A ratings as well as those unrated. However, different from Bergstresser et al. (2010), we find that insurance is still valuable to relatively low quality bonds, i.e., those with underlying credit rating of Baa and below. The trade yield on these bonds is about 96 bps lower than that on their uninsured counterparts. The results here suggest that the deterioration of 11

the insurance quality through the crisis (resulting in the lost opportunity to purchase Aaa certification) might help explain why the value of insurance is inverted only on higher quality bonds, but not on the low quality bonds for which the insurance rating is still higher than the underlying bond rating.


Does insurance value depend on the insurer’s credit rating?

The analysis in Bergstresser et al. (2010) assumes that all insurers provide the same insurance value. This is likely reasonable in the pre-crisis period when virtually all major insurers are Aaa-rated. However, as discussed in Cornaggia et al. (2018b) and references therein, the monoline insurers were downgraded in 2008 and 2009 and went through bankruptcies or restructuring activities. MBIA and AMBAC lost their Aaa certification in June 2008. After the newly established Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp lost its Aaa rating in April 2009, there are no longer any Aaa rated monoline insurers. After this point, insured ratings were at best Aa, others A or Baa. If the secondary market prices insured bonds at the insurance rating rather than the underlying rating as suggested by the results from Cornaggia et al. (2018b), then such bonds could exhibit yield inversion following the insurer’s downgrade. To test the role of contemporaneous insurance rating, we augment the regression model specified in Equation (1) with indicators to differentiate insurance’s credit quality: yi,j = Ibuy,i,j (β1 + β2 LnTradeSizei,j ) + Isell,i,j (β3 + β4 LnTradeSizei,j ) + β5 Mati + β6 Mat2i + β7 LnIssueSizei + β8 LnBondSizei + βAaa IAaa + βAa IAa + βA IA + βBaa IBaa + i,j (2) where IAaa , IAa , IA , and IBaa indicate whether the contemporaneous insurance rating is Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa-and-below. We collect the rating history for all insurers in our data sample from Moody’s. Because Moody’s does not rate the new entrant BAM, we use the rating history for that insurer from S&P. Based on this history, we are able to assign the prevailing insurance credit quality for each bond at the time of each trade.


The value of insurance for each insurance rating category is captured by βAaa , βAa , βA , and βBaa respectively. As before, we run the regressions separately for each month and each underlying credit rating category. We report the time-series average of insurance value estimates over the period since the crisis in Panel A of Table 3.9 In the trade data sample for this period, the percent of insured bond-trade observations with Aaa-rated insurance falls to about 11%, while that of Aa-, A-, and Baa-and-below-rated insurance increases to about 30%, 21%, and 38% respectively. In addition to each insurance value estimate and its corresponding t-statistics, we also report the number of monthly regressions (N regs) for which such value is estimable (requiring observations with such insurance rating in monthly cross sections). Here, several important results emerge. First, Aaa-rated insurance continues to be valuable in the post-crisis period. All estimates are significantly negative and the value is higher for lower underlying quality. Insured yields are about 10 bps, 14 bps, and 49 bps lower than uninsured yields for Aa-, A-, and Baaand-below-rated bonds. Unrated bonds with Aaa-rated insurance trade at yields that are roughly 24 bps lower than uninsured unrated bonds. This result indicates that there is no yield inversion if the insurance is of the highest quality (Aaa). Second, we observe yield inversion only when the contemporaneous insurance rating is at or below the underlying rating, and not when insurance rating is above the underlying rating. For example, the Aa-rated insurance wrap is valuable to A- and Baa-and-below-rated bonds but not valuable to bonds whose underlying credit quality is already Aa. Likewise, A-rated insurance is valuable to bonds rated Baa or lower, but not Aa- and A- rated bonds. This result is consistent with a secondary market that prices insured bonds at their insurance rating and not at their underlying rating even when the former falls below the latter. This interpretation is further consistent with Cornaggia et al. (2018b), who provide initial evidence of insurance rating stickiness in secondary market pricing of insured bonds based on the behavior of bond portfolios insured by MBIA and AMBAC through their credit rating downgrades. 9

In untabulated results for the pre-crisis period, we find almost identical findings to those in Panel A of Table 2.


The inclusion of the insurance rating dummies in the specification in Equation (1) used by Bergstresser et al. (2010) indicates that the quality of the insurance wrap matters for insurance value, especially in the post-crisis period when Aaa insurance wrap is no longer the norm (in fact, no longer available) and there is greater diversity of insurer quality. We believe that this evidence provides significant progress toward understanding the otherwise curious secondary market yield inversion. Next, we improve the specification further by including important controls for bond characteristics and the prevailing level of interest rate that are missing from Equations (1) and (2). In particular, Chun et al. (2018) show that bond age is an important proxy for bond liquidity. Thus in Equation (3), we expand the specification in Equation (2) to include the age and coupon of the bond, along with the daily 10-year Treasury rate (yield10Y ) to control for within-month variation in the general level of interest rates given that trades within a given month are pooled as one single cross section: yi,j = Ibuy,i,j (β1 + β2 LnTradeSizei,j ) + Isell,i,j (β3 + β4 LnTradeSizei,j ) + β5 Mati + β6 Mat2i +β7 LnIssueSizei + β8 LnBondSizei + β10 Coupon + β11 Age + β12 Yield10Y +βAaa IAaa + βAa IAa + βA IA + βBaa IBaa + i,j . (3)

As in the preceding specification, βAaa , βAa , βA , and βBaa reflects the value of insurance provided by Aaa-, Aa-, A-, and Baa-and-below-rated insurers respectively. We report the average of these coefficients in the period since the crisis in Panel B of Table 3. Our conclusion remains robust to this more expanded specification. We continue to find that since the crisis, insured yields are significantly lower than uninsured yields for bonds whose insurances credit quality exceeds their underlying credit quality, confirming that insurance is valuable to low credit quality bonds. In contrast, Aa- and A-rated insurance (which is the best insurance quality available after April 2009) is of no value to the already high quality Aa-rated bonds. In addition to the robust results that support our previous evidence, including additional bond characteristics (coupon and age) can help explain away some variation in trade yields among unrated bonds, and leave us with a better estimate of the impact of insurance on


such bonds. We find that in the period since the crisis, only high quality insurance (Aaa and subsequently Aa) is beneficial to unrated bonds. Lower quality insurance, i.e., A rating or lower, does not add value to unrated bonds, reflecting perhaps the fact that the fundamental characteristics of the majority of unrated bonds are at least A-level credit quality. The consistent finding that insurance has negative value for high quality bonds is the remaining puzzle. One possible explanation is that these bonds originally carry a higher quality insurance. When that insurance value subsequently falls due to downgrades of the monolines, investors sell (or are forced to sell) them off at the insurance rating rather than at the higher intrinsic credit quality. This reaction could arise due to dealers understanding the insured/underlying rating dichotomy better than the unsophisticated retail investors dominating this market, or due to different clienteles in insured and uninsured bonds. To test the clientele hypothesis, we split our sample into two sub-samples: 1) the “lost Aaa” sub-sample, consisting of bonds issued prior to 2008 and insured by the four major pre-crisis Aaa-rated insurers (MBIA, AMBAC, FGIC, and FSA), together with the “control” bonds being uninsured bonds issued prior to 2008, and 2) the “never Aaa” sub-sample, consisting of bonds issued after 2008 during which only Aa-or-below insurance wrap is available, together with the “control” bonds being uninsured bonds issued after 2008. We then rerun our regression model specified in Equation (3) on these sub-samples and report the results in Table 4 in Panel A and Panel B respectively. Because we observe yield inversion in both Panels, we cannot conclude that our results are fully attributable to portfolio rebalancing following the monoline downgrades. Finding yield inversion only among high quality bonds in both sub-samples leads us to conclude that the yield inversion phenomenon documented since the crisis is likely due at least in part to the disappearance of Aaa insurance wrap in the market place and the new lower (and more diverse) insurance quality era. Without Aaa certification, insurance does not provide value to highly-rated munis.



Liquidity value of insurance

Bond insurers further suggest that insurance increases the liquidity of bonds in the secondary market. If so, the improved liquidity should lower trade yields of insured bonds, and disruption in market liquidity of insured bonds during the crisis might help explain the yield inversion phenomenon. We examine bond liquidity, as measured by transaction costs, before and since the crisis in order to test this hypothesis. We plot the transaction cost curves for insured bonds and non-insured bonds in Figure 3. The figure indicates that on average, insured bonds are slightly more expensive to trade. However, this figure masks the heterogeneity among insured, as well as uninsured bonds. To isolate the value of insurance on bond liquidity, we thus estimate a weighted least squares regression of transaction cost on the insurance dummy Iinsured , controlling for bond characteristics (bond size, issue size, maturity, coupon, bank-qualified status, whether the bond is issued at a discount or premium), dummy variables for issuer ratings (I.Rating), state fixed effects for the top 10 states (in terms of GO bond issuance volume), and macroeconomic variables at the time of bond issuance (M acroV ar). Macroeconomic variables include the Baa–Aaa credit spread, the slope of the yield curve measured by the difference between the 10Y and 1Y Treasury yields, the 10Y Treasury constant maturity yield, and the inflation rate. Following Harris and Piwowar (2006), the weights used in the regression are the inverse of the estimated variance of the transaction cost estimate appearing on the left hand side of the regression model: TransCosti = α + β1 Iinsured,i + β2 LnBondSizei + β3 LnIssueSizei + β4 LnMaturityi +β5 Couponi + β6 BankQlfi + β7 DiscountBondi + β8 PremiumBondi +γ1 I.ratingit + γ2 Top10Statei + γ3 MacroVari + i . (4) The results are reported in Table 5. We run the regression for five trade sizes that reflect the most frequently occurring trade sizes at the retail and institutional levels. Once we properly account for the heterogeneity in the cross section of insured bonds, it seems 16

that insurance does help reduce transaction costs, but the magnitude of the reduction is economically small. The saving in transaction cost due to insurance is between 1 to 3 bps, which is negligible when the (untabulated) average transaction cost is 85 bps for a $10,000 trade and 38 bps for a $200,000 trade. To control for possible vintage effects not fully captured by macroeconomic variables prevailing at the time of bond issuance, we repeat the regression separately for three vintages of bond issue years: 1) bonds that are issued between 1985 and 1999, 2) bonds that are issued between 2000 and 2007, and 3) bonds that are issued between 2008 and 2016. We report the result of this vintage analysis in Table 6. To save space, we report only the coefficient on the insurance dummy, our variable of interest, together with the adjusted R-squared from the regressions and the associated number of observations used. For bonds that are issued between 2000 and 2007, the golden era of the monoline industry with an almost universal Aaa insurance wrap, insurance delivers liquidity benefit, and the transaction cost savings occur for all trade sizes. For bonds that are issued from 2008 onward (when the industry goes through downgrades and restructurings and thus Aaa insurance is no longer available), there is no significant improvement in transaction costs for insured bonds, except for very small trade sizes ($20,000 and below). Overall, we conclude that the economic magnitude of the liquidity value of insurance, if any, is small. Clearly, liquidity in markets changes through time and the financial crisis caused liquidity disruptions in many markets. To ensure that the crisis (or other time periods) is not causing our results, we repeat the transaction cost estimation procedure for 3 subperiods: 1) the pre-crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between 2005 and June 2007, 2) the crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between July 2007 and June 2009, and 3) the post-crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between July 2009 and June 2016 (the end of our data sample). We find that the costs to trade small trade sizes steadily fall through all subperiods. For example, the cost to trade $5,000 in a muni bond is roughly 100 bps in the pre-crisis period, reduced to 96 bps in the crisis period and further to 83 bps in the post-crisis period. 17

Consistent with evidence in Schultz (2012), for larger trade sizes, transaction costs are highest during the crisis period and since then have fallen. We compare transaction costs of insured and uninsured bonds by subperiods in Figure 4. Contrary to insurers’ claims, insured bonds in general have slightly higher transaction costs than uninsured bonds. Through the crisis and after the crisis, the transaction cost function of an average insured bonds increasingly converge to that of an average uninsured bond. To assess the statistical significance of the liquidity value of insurance after controlling for the cross sectional variation in bond characteristics, we repeat the regression model in Equation (4) separately for the pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis estimates of transaction costs, and report the coefficient on the insurance dummy in Table 7. Here, we continue to see that insured bonds are slightly more expensive to trade than uninsured bonds in the pre-crisis and crisis period, but become slightly less expensive to trade in the post-crisis period. There is some evidence of increased transaction costs for insured bonds during the crisis, but the magnitude of the increase (around 1.2 bps for $50,000 and $100,000 trade sizes) is too small to explain the yield inversion.


Value of insurance to municipal issuers We have documented in previous sections the heterogeneity in insurance value for secondary

market investors. However, in our sample, it is the issuing municipalities in the primary market (and ultimately their taxpayers) who pay the premiums to the insurance companies.10 To assess the direct benefit of insurance to issuers (which we measure by the reduction in offering yield, or true interest cost), we proceed by first examining simple summary statistics on differences. We then control for issuer and time-period specific characteristics using OLS regressions and then further control for the endogenous choice by issuers to insure their bonds with semi-parametric and robust selection-adjusted models. 10

Our insurance dummy reflects the insurance status at issuance. We discard a small number of bonds (including the Puerto Rico bond pair in Figure 2) where investors pay for secondary market insurance.



Unconditional values of insurance

Table 8 shows the unconditional differences between insured and uninsured yields, along with differences in characteristics between insured and uninsured issues over time. Positive differences reflect higher values for insured bonds compared to uninsured bonds. Over the entire sample period, insured bonds’ offering yields are 42 bps higher than uninsured bonds on average. However, as the subperiod analysis reveals, this is entirely due to the large and positive differences in the 2008–2016 period. In contrast, insured bonds have lower yields than uninsured bonds in the pre-crisis period. The distributions of insured and uninsured offering yields, plotted in Figure 5, demonstrate that the change between the pre- and post-crisis period is not only in the central tendency, but a shift in the entire distribution. The distribution of insured yields is lower than that of uninsured yields prior to the crisis, but shifts higher during and following the crisis. We test whether the yield inversion in the lower panel of Figure 5 is driven by 2008 specifically and the flight-to-quality during the crisis. We plot the density separately by year and find that the yield inversion in Figure 5 exists in each year since 2008, which rules out any particular vintage effect. We further investigate this distributional shift by rating category and find that the yield inversion in Figure 5 exists for bonds rated Aa or A (the majority of bonds as per Table 1). For bonds rated Baa and below, we find no yield inversion, as shown in Figure 6.11 We also observe in Table 8 that uninsured bonds are larger in issue size, have shorter maturities, and have more favorable underlying ratings by almost two notches on average, providing preliminary evidence of a selection effect. Because we find persistent differences in average credit quality over our 30 year sample period, but unconditional yield inversion only after 2008, we infer that higher insured yields are not just compensation for credit risk. 11

Figures by year and by each rating category are available from the authors.



OLS estimates of insurance value

Kidwell et al. (1987) examines the value of insurance to issuers in the beginning years of the monoline bond insurance market, using data from 333 MBIA-insured bonds (and 2,393 “control” uninsured bonds) issued from 1975 to 1980. Using a modified version of their methods, we extend their analysis to the 1985–2016 period. We first estimate a pooled multivariate regression model including an insurance dummy as an explanatory variable. We then reestimate the model only for uninsured bonds, and use the parameter estimates to predict the offering yields on insured bonds with equivalent characteristics (“fitted yield”). The direct benefit of insurance is then the difference between the actual yield and the fitted yield. Negative values indicate a gain to the issuer because the insured bond is issued with a lower yield than an equivalent uninsured bond.12 We only observe insurance premium in the two states with mandatory disclosure (i.e., CA and TX). Based on these disclosures, we observe that insurance premium is a separate fee and not part of the offering yields. 5.2.1

Baseline OLS model of insurance value

We follow a large literature in estimating the determinants of municipal bond yields, and employ the following initial model for offering yields: OffYieldit = α + β1 Insuredi + β2 LnBondSizei + β3 LnIssueSizei + β4 LnMaturityi +β5 I.Ratingi + β6 BankQlfi + γ1 MacroVart + γ2 BigStatei + it , (5) where Of f Y ieldit is the offering yield of bond i issued in month t, and other variables are as previously described. We also include (but do not tabulate) BigState dummy variables for the high-issuance states (CA, TX, IL, and NY).13 Table 9 presents estimates of the pooled regression (with robust standard errors clustered at the issue level) over the entire sample period, and for three subperiods: 1985–1999; 12

This is the same concept as the Gross Price Benefit (GPB) in Kidwell et al. (1987), however we instead express the benefit as a negative number, reflecting the lower borrowing costs achieved by the issuer. 13 Excluding these state dummies or including additional state dummies as we do in the enhanced model does not materially affect our estimates.


2000–2007; and 2008–2016. We observe that the model fits the data well, with an R2 for the entire period of nearly 88%. Insurance has a gross benefit of 2.92 bps over the entire period. However, consistent with the unconditional results in the previous section, this benefit dissipates over time, becoming a cost in the period since the crisis. Coefficients for controls are sensible, with longer maturities and lower ratings being associated with higher yields. In Table 10, we report the average difference between actual and fitted yields on insured bonds by year, based on the procedure in Kidwell et al. (1987). Specifically we run the regression specified in Equation (5) using only uninsured bonds (and obviously omitting the insurance dummy variable) for each year and then form predicted values for the insured bonds. The difference reported is then the actual offering yield less the fitted (predicted) yield, averaged for that year. We report both the simple average and the weighted average (based on bond size) of the yield differences. The results by rating class appear in Table 11. Overall, the gross benefit of insurance estimated via these cross-sectional fitted regressions is 3.0 bps, which is similar to insurance premiums previously documented, although data on insurance premiums are limited. For instance, Liu (2012) finds that in CA from 2001 to 2005, the overall average premium is 3.72 bps, but with AA borrowers paying approximately 2 bps and BBB+ borrowers paying 8 bps. These values are consistent with the costs documented in Texas by Ely (2012). However, the implication that bond insurance is “fairly priced” disappears when the data is disaggregated by rating and year. For borrowers with an underlying rating of Aa3 or greater, any insurance premium seem to be wasted; conversely, bond issuers with Baa ratings and below seem to reap significant gains in yield for any premiums previously documented in the literature. The mean difference in offering yields does not translate into a dollar cost estimate easily; multiplying the mean difference by the total issuance amount will give biased estimates of the economic impact due to heterogeneity. To estimate the true total economic cost/benefit of insurance to issuers, we first multiply the difference in offering yield at the bond level by bond size. We then treat this amount as an annuity paid each year until the bond’s maturity and 21

calculate the present value using the 1-year US Treasury rate at issuance before aggregating across bonds. We report this aggregate number as the “Dollar Loss” in both Table 10 and Table 11 and then convert into percentage terms by dividing by the aggregate amount of insured debt that year.14 The mean difference in yields indicates that insurance slightly lowers yields vs. comparable uninsured issues generally in the period before 2012. However, in dollar terms, insurance has an aggregate economic loss of over $130 million in each year from 1997 to 2002. Over the entire sample period from 1985 to 2016, we estimate a collective loss to issuers (taxpayers) in foregone yield of $1.36 billion. In percentage terms, issuers overpay nearly 50 bps in aggregate, even before accounting for premiums paid. These premiums can be substantial. Using information from the insurers’ 10-Ks, we calculate that just two publicly traded insurers collected $4.7 billion (AMBAC) and $5.2 billion (MBIA) from US domestic municipal issuers in the 1995–2008 period. Extrapolating using reported market shares by MBIA and AMBAC to the rest of the industry results in a total of $17.1 billion paid in premium by taxpayers during this 14-year period. Finally, we note that the yield differences and percentage losses are an order of magnitude higher in the 2012–2016 period. Figure 1 shows that this period corresponds with an uptick in insurance popularity with over 5000 newly issued bonds ($3.5 billion) insured in 2015 alone. From Table 11, we see that the benefit to insurance is increasing almost monotonically as credit quality decreases, with Baa1 issuers receiving a gross reduction in yield of nearly 16 bps, but with Aa2 issuers issuing bonds at nearly 14 bps higher than equivalent uninsured issues. Estimated dollar losses indicate that high-rated issuers (above A1) subsidize low-rated issuers (A2 and below). 14

We discount at the riskfree rate here for two reasons. First, it is somewhat consistent with the present valuing of insurance promised and not yet paid in the financial statements of the insurers, which is done at the riskfree rate. Second, we are attempting to not introduce another potentially correlated source of heterogeneity by discounting at the offering yield. Discounting at the offering yield leads to a total “loss” of $1.13 billion vs. the $1.36 billion we report; not discounting at all leads to a “loss” of $2.04 billion



Expanded OLS model of insurance value

We have little guidance about the determinants of offering yields in the municipal market, and though the model in Equation (5) produces an R2 of nearly 88% in the entire sample, critical omitted variables could be producing the results documented above. We therefore expand the model by adding controls for many potential determinants of yield that previous studies have not included. The expanded model is defined as: OffYieldit = α + β1 Insuredi + β2 LnBondSizei + β3 LnIssueSizei + β4 Maturityi + β5 Maturity2i + β6 I.Ratingi + β7 I.UnderwriterDeci + β8 NumOfAgentsi + β9 BankQlfi + β10 Compi + β11 Negi + γ1 MacroVart + γ2 BiggerStatei + γ3 UseOfProceedsi + γ4 PrevInsurancei + it . (6) In this model, we add two new variables as controls for the underwriting and advisory process: N umOf Agentsi is the total number of advisors and underwriters for the bond issue, and I.U nderwriterDeci is a dummy variable representing whether the bond issue was underwritten by an underwriter in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. decile of insured/uninsured issuance in the year the bond was issued. We also include dummy variables for whether the issue is negotiated (N eg) or competitively offered (Comp); a substantial fraction of issues have no information which we include as a base category. We expand the state dummies in the vector BiggerState to include the 10 largest issuers (as well as NJ, which we include as a high state/local tax jurisdiction), and we move to a slightly more flexible non-linear specification for the effects of maturity. We also add a vector of dummy variables in U seOf P roceeds for the issues’ primary purpose, creating categories for General Purposes, Water and Sewer, K-12 Education, Higher Education, and All Other Uses. Finally, P revInsurance is for whether the issuer had insured nearly all, none, or a mixed amount of their issues in the previous time period (the time periods are pre–2000, 2000–2008, and 2009–2016; in the first time period we omit this variable).


After estimating Equation (6) each year and forming fitted values as previously discussed, we report yield differences and dollar losses by year in Table 12 and by rating category in Table 13. While many of the added controls are significant in the pooled time period regression, jointly they increase R2 by only approximately 2 percentage points, for instance, raising the R2 for the 2009–2016 period to 90.3%. Since many of these determinants of offering yields have never been investigated, we note that (as expected) negotiated offerings have higher yields than competitive offerings by about 10 bps in the full sample, and that Water and Sewer GO bonds have slightly (11 bps) higher yields than General Purpose GO bonds. Finally, issuers with little previous insurance purchases tend to have slightly (3 bps) lower yields than issuers who tend to insure more in prior periods.15 Table 12 shows the same pattern as in the initial model, with overall insurance value of 4 bps and virtually no value in dollar terms. Dollar losses are significantly lower than in the initial estimation at $337 million vs. $1.36 billion, but still point to the curious phenomenon that insurance conveys no aggregate yield benefit even before accounting for premiums paid. As before, much of this is due to a dramatic shift in insurance value from slightly positive to largely negative (higher yields) in the 2012–2016 period. Again, Table 13 shows that high-rated purchasers subsidize low-rated purchasers of insurance, although the breakpoint is now Aa2 rather than A1. We conclude that our basic conclusions and the puzzling primary market yield inversion we document above are robust to a much expanded year-by-year cross-sectional OLS model. We investigate next the possibility that within each group with common characteristics (e.g., within each rating category), only the poorest quality issuers purchase insurance and that selection effects drive our results.


Selection-adjusted models of insurance value

Whether or not to purchase insurance is a choice by the issuer and as Table 8 makes clear, there are substantial differences between insured and uninsured bonds. Prior literature on municipal bond insurance value does not explicitly address this choice, probably due 15

Full expanded regression model results are available on request.


to limited sample sizes. We control for selection bias here in two ways. First, we use a classic propensity scoring model to estimate the probability of insurance usage using a probit model of selection. Second, we use an inverse-probability weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA) model, which improves upon the propensity-score model. While the matching step of propensity-scoring is non-parametric, it is highly prone to potential misspecification of the selection model. This is especially problematic because we have very little guidance on what determines the choice of insurance for municipal issuers. In contrast, IPWRA models have an attractive doubly-robust property: estimates are consistent if either the selection equation or the outcome equation is correctly specified. Leveraging on the well-established literature that examines determinants of offering yields, the outcome model linking offering yields to their determinants is much more likely to be correctly specified, lending more confidence to the results obtained from the IPWRA model. 5.3.1

Propensity score model of insurance value

For the propensity scoring model, we use a “kitchen-sink” approach and use all the covariates in Equation (6), using the insurance dummy as the dependent variable instead of offering yield and estimating via probit. We then match each treated (insured) bond to its 3 nearest (uninsured) neighbors based on this score and calculate the yield differences. We calculate standard errors as in Abadie and Imbens (2016) to account for the fact that the scores themselves are estimates. Table 14 presents the marginal effects from the probit equation. As expected, longer maturity and larger bonds are more likely to be insured, as are lower-rated bonds. Water and education-related bonds are significantly more likely to be insured than those for general purposes, and issuers tend to be persistent in their insurance choices. State effects are included but not tabulated to save space, but PA, NJ, and CA issuers tend to be much more likely to insure their bonds than TX, MD, or MN issuers. Panel A of Table 15 presents the results from the propensity-scoring method. Once controlling for the decision to insure over the entire period, insurance saves issuers approximately 1.2 bps in yield. It is worth noting that while statistically significant, this is far smaller 25

than any documented premiums charged by insurers. There is significant variation across periods, with insurance having values consistent with estimates by Kidwell et al. (1987) in the two periods before the financial crisis, but significantly negative value afterwards. We interpret these results with caution, however, since although we control for monthly values of macroeconomic variables in the selection model, it is possible that bonds are matched to controls in different time periods and this could bias the results. This pooled-by-period model, controlling for the time variation in macroeconomic variables, facilitates the best matches. However, in unreported results, we estimate a probit model year by year based on the initial model in Equation (5), force matching within year, and then calculate the average treatment effect as above, and obtain similar results. Results from Panel A seem to rule out the possibility that the results in Tables 12–13 are entirely attributable to a selection effect. 5.3.2

IPWRA model of insurance value

We recognize that propensity score models are dependent on the selection model, which in this case is the choice to purchase insurance, and prior literature offers little guidance on this choice. A new approach based on Cattaneo (2010) to control for selection effects augments the regression for the outcome variable (the offering yields) with probability weights derived from a probit model for the selection variable (the insurance choice). The key advantage of this approach is that estimates are consistent if either the outcome model (Equation 7) or the selection model (Equation 8) is correct. In our case, this allows us to leverage our guidance on the proper model for the outcome variable given the large literature on the determinants of offering yields (e.g., Equation 6) while controlling parametrically for the choice of insurance. Specifically, we estimate the outcome model on offering yields: OffYieldit = α + β1 LnIssueSizei + β2 Maturityi + β3 Maturity2i +β4 I.Ratingi + β5 BankQlfi + β6 Compi + β7 Negi +γ1 MacroVart + γ2 BiggerStatei + γ3 UseOfProceedsi + it , and the selection model to generate probability weights for the outcome:



Insuredi = α + β1 LnIssueSizei + β2 Maturityi + β3 Maturity2i + β4 I.Ratingi +β5 I.UnderwriterDeci + β6 NumOfAgentsi + β7 BankQlfi + β8 Compi +β9 Negi + γ1 BiggerStatei + γ2 UseOfProceedsi + γ3 PrevInsurancei + i . (8) Note that β4 and β5 in Equation (8) are both vectors of coefficients for the ratings and underwriter decile dummies. As noted earlier, there is virtually no guidance in the literature for the variables in the selection model in Equation (8). For instance, it is unclear whether the NY dummy best represents demand effects for primary issue purchasers in the state of NY (presumably because of the higher tax rates that are shielded and other home biases) or whether issuers in NY choose to be insured differently than in the rest of the country. We test the robustness of our results to the inclusion of only big state (CA, NY, IL, TX) dummies in both regressions; big state dummies in the outcome equation and all state dummies in the selection equation; raw and quadratic maturity effects in both equations; and interactions of issue amount and rating in the selection equation. All of these specifications produce similar results for the mean offering yield by insurance status. We present the expanded model defined above in Panel B of Table 15 for the full period and each subperiod. For the full period there is a small economic difference between insured and uninsured yields (insured yields are 6 bps lower). This overall effect obscures again the vast dispersion between the early years of the insurance market and the period since 2008. In the early period (1985–1999), the gross benefit of insurance to issuers was about 4 bps, and in the “heyday” of bond insurance (2000–2007), the benefit was 8 bps. The benefit reverses after 2008, with insured bonds facing 10 bps higher yields than uninsured bonds after explicitly controlling for both characteristics and selection in a doubly-robust empirical model. Put differently, the unconditional difference of 42 bps in offering yields from Table 8 in the post-crisis period is narrowed to 10 bps by controlling for endogeneity and characteristics, but in no model is it erased. Insurance appears valuable only to the lowest rated issuers. As


such, the substantial premiums paid represent additional negative value to taxpayers. The price of safety paid by taxpayers appears to be economically large and increasing.


Conclusion Our contributions to the literature are as follows. We provide an explanation (downgrade

and bankruptcy of the monolines) for the municipal bond yield inversion previously documented in the secondary market during the financial crisis. We find that insurance remains valuable, during the crisis and since, provided insurers maintain credit ratings higher than the underlying bonds they insure. Because most municipal bonds have ratings as high (or higher) than the bond insurers since 2008, the observed yield inversion obtains, on average, in the full cross-section of bonds. We also test whether insurance improves bond liquidity and find that the economic magnitude of this benefit is negligible. Overall, the secondary market evidence for insurance value to investors is limited in the post-crisis period. We further examine the direct benefit of insurance to the issuers (taxpayers) paying the premiums. Here we find that insurance provides an average six basis points of gross value across our broad sample of issuers in the pre-crisis period (1985–2007) when the monoline insurers were universally rated Aaa. However, in the post-crisis period when Aaa coverage is no longer available, we find that insurance provides negative value for the overwhelming majority of issuers with credit ratings that are equivalent or higher than their insurers’ ratings. These highly-rated issuers appear to be subsidizing the lower-quality issuers for whom insurance continues to provide positive gross value. The substantial post-crisis yield inversion we document in the primary market could result from some correlated risk variable omitted from our analysis. However, such an omitted variable would have to be (1) unimportant in the decades preceding the 2008 financial crisis, (2) suddenly significant in the post-crisis period, (3) known and observable to the (primarily retail) investors in these bonds, (4) known and observable to the municipal officials issuing and insuring bonds, (5) unknown or unobservable to the credit rating agencies, and (6)


uncorrelated with macroeconomic variables for which we can obtain data. For now, we leave our evidence of primary market yield inversion as a two-part puzzle. Why do highly rated municipal issuers purchase insurance from relatively low-rated insurance companies? And, why do primary market bond investors penalize them for doing so?


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Table 1: Distribution of Underlying Rating The table shows the distribution of underlying credit quality of all municipal GO bonds issued between 1985 and 2016. Panel A reports the statistics for all bonds, while Panel B reports the statistics for the subset of bonds with insurance. Shown in each panel are the count and percent of bonds with a given underlying credit rating, computed for the full sample period, as well as the pre-crisis period (1985–2007) and the period since the crisis (2008–2016). Bond characteristics are from the Mergent Municipal FISD database, and underlying rating data for bonds at their issuance are collected directly from Moody’s and S&P.

Panel A: All GO Bonds 1985–2016 1985–2007 Rating


Aaa 75,023 Aa 203,696 A 211,531 Baa 58,289 Below Baa 645 Unrated 205,334







9.94 27.00 28.04 7.73 0.09 27.21

46,970 111,266 174,419 51,378 634 156,826

8.67 20.55 32.21 9.49 0.12 28.96

27,825 91,746 36,047 6,595 9 47,835

13.25 43.68 17.16 3.14 0.00 22.77

Panel B: GO Bonds with Insurance 1985–2016 1985–2007 2008–2016 Rating


Aaa 13,628 Aa 56,720 A 144,997 Baa 38,850 Below Baa 286 Unrated 69,365






4.21 17.51 44.77 12.00 0.09 21.42

13,537 43,742 125,743 35,038 286 66,590

4.75 15.35 44.13 12.30 0.10 23.37

91 12,972 18,903 3,757

0.24 33.86 49.33 9.81




Table 2: Value of insurance in secondary market trading of municipal GO bonds The table shows the estimated value of insurance in the secondary market trading of municipal GO bonds, based on cross-sectional regressions of trade yields using the specification proposed in Bergstresser et al. (2010), i.e., yi = Ibuy (β1 + β2 LnTradeSize) + Isell (β3 + β4 LnTradeSize) + β5 MAT + β6 MAT2 + β7 LnIssueSize + β8 LnBondSize+β9 Iinsured . The regressions are run separately for each month and each category of underlying credit quality. β9 captures the difference in trade yields between insured and uninsured bonds, holding all else constant, and reflects the value of insurance. Panel A reports the time-series average of β9 estimates for the pre-crisis period, and Panel B reports that for the 2008–2016 period. t-statistics are computed as the time-series averages divided by the corresponding time-series standard errors. Nobs is the average number of bonds in a monthly regression for the given underlying rating category. Bond characteristics are from the Mergent Municipal FISD database, and trade data are from the MSRB. Rating data are collected from various sources as described in the text. The underlying credit rating is contemporaneous at the time of trade.

Panel A: Pre-crisis Period (2005–2007) Underlying Rating Estimate t-stat Aa -0.094 -20.56 A -0.189 -34.27 Baa and below -0.151 -24.55 Unrated -0.223 -27.18 Number of monthly regressions: 36

Nobs 18,523 16,750 3,035 3,864

Panel B: Crisis and Post-Crisis Period (2008–2016) Underlying Rating Estimate t-stat Nobs Aa 0.420 13.17 28,601 A 0.203 11.64 13,096 Baa and below -0.957 -6.11 2,945 Unrated 0.353 7.01 2,456 Number of monthly regressions: 102



Underlying Rating Aa A Baa and below Unrated

Underlying Rating Aa A Baa and below Unrated

Aaa t-stat -7.82 -4.77 -4.02 -10.47 Nregs 11 16 16 11

Estimate 0.115 -0.121 -1.057 -0.079

Aa t-stat 6.76 -4.99 -6.32 -2.99 Nregs 97 101 93 66

A Estimate t-stat 0.524 11.30 0.198 6.75 -2.177 -7.59 0.232 4.06

Nregs 52 54 56 53

Aaa Estimate t-stat -0.053 -5.32 -0.085 -2.97 -0.554 -3.53 -0.222 -15.55 Nregs 11 16 16 11

Aa Estimate t-stat 0.121 6.81 0.020 1.27 -0.756 -4.04 -0.185 -8.80

Nregs 97 101 93 66

A Estimate t-stat 0.131 7.46 0.024 0.83 -2.226 -7.57 -0.064 -0.79

Nregs 52 54 56 53

Panel B: With Insurance Credit Quality and Additional Controls Insurance Rating

Estimate -0.095 -0.141 -0.490 -0.236

Panel A: With Insurance Credit Quality Insurance Rating

Baa-and-below Estimate t-stat Nregs 0.035 1.09 76 0.087 6.83 86 -0.353 -3.91 86 -0.059 -1.89 92

Baa-and-below Estimate t-stat Nregs 0.379 7.34 76 0.326 12.26 86 -0.309 -3.32 86 0.428 8.10 92

The table shows the estimated value of insurance for different insurance ratings in the secondary market trading of municipal GO bonds. Panel A shows the results based on the following regression model of the yield on trade j of bond i: yi,j = Ibuy (β1 + β2 LnTradeSizei,j ) + Isell (β3 + β4 LnTradeSizei,j ) + β5 Mati + β6 Mat2i + β7 LnIssueSizei + β8 LnBondSizei + βAaa IAaa + βAa IAa + βA IA + βBaa IBaa + i,j . Panel B shows the results based on this model with additional controls (bond age, bond coupon rate, and the daily 10-year Treasury yields). The regressions are run separately for each month and each category of underlying credit quality. IAaa , IAa , IA , and IBaa are dummies indicating whether the bond is insured by a Aaa-rated, Aa-rated, A-rated, and Baa-and-below-rated insurer at the time of trade, respectively. Reported in this table are the time-series average of βAaa , βAa , βA , and βBaa coefficients in the 2008–2016 period. t-statistics are computed as the time-series averages divided by the corresponding time-series standard errors. Nregs is the number of monthly regressions from which the value of insurance of the given rating class is estimable. Bond characteristics are from the Mergent Municipal FISD database, and trade data are from the MSRB. Rating data are collected from various sources as described in the text. Both the underlying and insurance credit rating are contemporaneous at the time of trade.

Table 3: Post-crisis value of insurance by insurance rating


Underlying Rating Aa A Baa and below Unrated

Underlying Rating Aa A Baa and below Unrated

Aaa Estimate t-stat

Aaa Estimate t-stat -0.054 -5.16 0.011 0.69 -0.146 -7.91 -0.242 -11.54 Nregs 56 56 56 56

A Estimate t-stat 0.071 8.67 -0.192 -2.98 -3.252 -9.14 -0.484 -6.70


Aa Estimate t-stat 0.154 19.92 0.001 0.04 -0.237 -4.38 0.014 0.57

Nregs 89 87 65 51

A Estimate t-stat 0.166 20.01 0.053 5.61 -0.220 -3.86 0.223 4.59

Panel B: Bonds Issued After 2008 Insurance Rating

Nregs 11 11 11 11

Aa Estimate t-stat 0.053 7.66 0.016 1.61 -0.064 -1.67 -0.382 -15.63

Nregs 42 42 42 34

Nregs 50 50 50 39

Panel A: Bonds Issued Before 2008 with Aaa insurance (if insured) Insurance Rating

Baa-and-below Estimate t-stat Nregs

Baa-and-below Estimate t-stat Nregs 0.031 5.00 75 0.066 5.82 75 -0.253 -2.32 75 -0.252 -10.18 75

The table shows the estimated value of insurance separately for bonds issued prior to 2008 and carry original Aaa insurance (Panel A), and bonds issued after 2008 for which Aaa insurance is no longer available (Panel B). The value is estimated based on the following regression model of the yield on trade j of bond i: yi,j = Ibuy (β1 + β2 LnTradeSizei,j ) + Isell (β3 + β4 LnTradeSizei,j ) + β5 Mati + β6 Mat2i + β7 LnIssueSizei + β8 LnBondSizei + β9 couponi + β10 agei + β11 yield10Y + βAaa IAaa + βAa IAa + βA IA + βBaa IBaa + i,j . The regressions are run separately for each month and each category of underlying credit quality. IAaa , IAa , IA , and IBaa are dummies indicating whether the bond is insured by a Aaa-rated, Aa-rated, A-rated, and Baa-and-below-rated insurer at the time of trade, respectively. Reported in this table are the time-series average of βAaa , βAa , βA , and βBaa coefficients in the 2008–2016 period. t-statistics are computed as the time-series averages divided by the corresponding time-series standard errors. Nregs is the number of monthly regressions from which the value of insurance of the given rating class is estimable. Bond characteristics are from the Mergent Municipal FISD database, and trade data are from the MSRB. Rating data are collected from various sources as described in the text. Both the underlying and insurance credit rating are contemporaneous at the time of trade.

Table 4: Post-crisis value of insurance by insurance rating: bonds issued before and after crisis

Table 5: Determinants of Bond Liquidity This table reports cross-sectional weighted least squares estimates of determinants of bond liquidity. The dependent variable is the transaction cost estimate (in basis points) for a given trade size. Transaction costs are estimated based on the Harris and Piwowar (2006) transaction cost model and MSRB trade data over the period from 2005 through to June 17, 2016, for GO fixed-rate coupon municipal bonds. The weights used in the regression are the inverse of the estimated variance of the cost estimates. Coefficients that are significantly different from zero at 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels are flagged with ***,**, or *.

Insurance (1/0) Bond Size (logged) Issue Size (logged) Years to Maturity (logged) Coupon Rate (%) Rating: A3 Rating: A2 Rating: A1 Rating: Aa3 Rating: Aa2 Rating: Aa1 Rating: Aaa Rating: Non-rated Bank Qualified Discount Bond (1/0) Premium Bond (1/0) Treasury Slope Baa Credit Spread 10-year Treasury Rate Inflation State: CA State: CT State: IL State: MD State: MN State: NY State: OH State: PA State: TX State: WA Constant Adjusted R-squared Number of Observations






−1.09∗∗∗ 0.84∗∗∗ −1.04∗∗∗ 44.90∗∗∗ −11.42∗∗∗ −1.99∗∗∗ −5.00∗∗∗ −6.79∗∗∗ −8.76∗∗∗ −12.07∗∗∗ −12.40∗∗∗ −13.81∗∗∗ −10.46∗∗∗ 0.04 3.18∗∗∗ −0.94∗∗ 0.60∗∗∗ -0.17 −7.41∗∗∗ 13.13∗∗∗ 4.18∗∗∗ −2.68∗∗∗ 5.84∗∗∗ 3.24∗∗∗ 6.18∗∗∗ 7.21∗∗∗ −4.54∗∗∗ 0.18 0.09 −2.54∗∗∗ 38.92∗∗∗ 0.4998 68,933

−1.76∗∗∗ 0.00 -0.01 45.42∗∗∗ −12.21∗∗∗ −2.73∗∗∗ −5.88∗∗∗ −7.86∗∗∗ −10.51∗∗∗ −14.35∗∗∗ −15.37∗∗∗ −15.72∗∗∗ −11.79∗∗∗ 2.25∗∗∗ 4.04∗∗∗ −1.01∗∗ -0.02 −0.52∗∗∗ −8.67∗∗∗ 14.36∗∗∗ 5.08∗∗∗ −1.02∗∗ 8.26∗∗∗ 3.63∗∗∗ 4.84∗∗∗ 10.05∗∗∗ −4.72∗∗∗ −1.44∗∗∗ 1.22∗∗∗ −2.11∗∗∗ 35.25∗∗∗ 0.5700 68,933

−1.83∗∗∗ -0.20 0.65∗∗∗ 41.63∗∗∗ −11.21∗∗∗ −4.18∗∗∗ −6.85∗∗∗ −9.00∗∗∗ −11.73∗∗∗ −15.59∗∗∗ −16.63∗∗∗ −16.60∗∗∗ −12.66∗∗∗ 3.96∗∗∗ 4.75∗∗∗ −1.58∗∗∗ −0.72∗∗∗ −1.00∗∗∗ −10.00∗∗∗ 14.84∗∗∗ 5.71∗∗∗ 1.23∗∗∗ 8.74∗∗∗ 3.04∗∗∗ 3.60∗∗∗ 12.12∗∗∗ −4.63∗∗∗ −1.53∗∗∗ 3.54∗∗∗ −1.57∗∗∗ 28.64∗∗∗ 0.5793 68,933

−2.60∗∗∗ 0.22∗ 0.75∗∗∗ 35.79∗∗∗ −9.74∗∗∗ −4.14∗∗∗ −7.09∗∗∗ −8.82∗∗∗ −11.91∗∗∗ −15.60∗∗∗ −16.97∗∗∗ −16.21∗∗∗ −12.40∗∗∗ 5.69∗∗∗ 5.00∗∗∗ −0.75∗ −1.05∗∗∗ −1.11∗∗∗ −9.62∗∗∗ 13.59∗∗∗ 6.01∗∗∗ 2.25∗∗∗ 9.06∗∗∗ 2.05∗∗∗ 2.83∗∗∗ 12.20∗∗∗ −3.53∗∗∗ −1.21∗∗∗ 5.05∗∗∗ -0.54 19.95∗∗∗ 0.5401 68,933

−3.19∗∗∗ 0.21 0.86∗∗∗ 29.29∗∗∗ −8.18∗∗∗ −3.28∗∗∗ −6.55∗∗∗ −7.30∗∗∗ −10.66∗∗∗ −14.02∗∗∗ −15.00∗∗∗ −14.23∗∗∗ −11.21∗∗∗ 7.86∗∗∗ 4.71∗∗∗ -0.13 −1.05∗∗∗ −1.20∗∗∗ −8.67∗∗∗ 11.91∗∗∗ 5.99∗∗∗ 2.60∗∗∗ 8.70∗∗∗ 1.39∗∗∗ 2.11∗∗∗ 11.03∗∗∗ −3.05∗∗∗ −1.28∗∗∗ 5.83∗∗∗ 0.32 15.53∗∗∗ 0.4692 68,933


Table 6: Determinants of Bond Liquidity by Issue Year This table reports cross-sectional weighted least squares estimates of determinants of bond liquidity by bond issuance period: 1) between 1985 and 1999, 2) between 2000 and 2007, and 3) between 2008 and 2016. The dependent variable is the transaction cost estimate (in basis points) for a given trade size. Transaction costs are estimated based on the Harris and Piwowar (2006) transaction cost model and MSRB trade data over the period from 2005 through to June 17, 2016, for GO fixed-rate coupon municipal bonds. The regression model is identical to that reported in Table 5, but estimated separately for each subsample period. The weights used in the regression are the inverse of the estimated variance of the cost estimates. This table reports only the coefficient on Insurance dummy, together with the regression adjusted R-squared and number of observations for each issue year vintage. Coefficients that are significantly different from zero at 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels are flagged with ***,**, or *.

Bond Vintage






0.27 −1.57∗∗∗ 0.32

0.84 −1.73∗∗∗ 0.99

0.22 0.51 0.70

0.14 0.43 0.64

4,332 42,902 21,765

4,332 42,902 21,765

A. Coefficient on Insurance Dummy Bonds Issued 1985–1999 −3.34∗∗∗ Bonds Issued 2000–2007 −1.95∗∗∗ Bonds Issued 2008–2016 −1.45∗∗

−2.90∗∗∗ −1.53∗∗∗ −1.28∗∗

-0.77 −1.18∗∗∗ -0.24

B. Adjusted R-squared Bonds Issued 1985–1999 Bonds Issued 2000–2007 Bonds Issued 2008–2016

0.29 0.48 0.65

0.31 0.54 0.72

0.30 0.55 0.73

C. Number of Observations Bonds Issued 1985–1999 Bonds Issued 2000–2007 Bonds Issued 2008–2016

4,332 42,902 21,765

4,332 42,902 21,765


4,332 42,902 21,765

Table 7: Liquidity value of insurance before, during, and after crisis This table reports cross-sectional weighted least squares estimates of determinants of bond liquidity as measured by transaction costs estimated separately for three sub-sample periods. The dependent variable is the transaction cost estimate (in basis points) for a given trade size. Transaction costs are estimated based on the Harris and Piwowar (2006) transaction cost model and MSRB trade data over the period from 2005 through to June 17, 2016, for GO fixed-rate coupon municipal bonds. The regression model is identical to that reported in Table 5, but estimated separately for each sub-sample period. The weights used in the regression are the inverse of the estimated variance of the cost estimates. This table reports only the coefficient on Insurance dummy, together with the regression adjusted R-squared and number of bonds in each sub-sample. Coefficients that are significantly different from zero at 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels are flagged with ***,**, or *.

Sub-sample Period






1.71∗∗∗ 1.22∗∗∗ −1.55∗∗∗

1.56∗∗∗ 0.04 −0.81∗∗

0.40 0.38 0.38

0.26 0.28 0.27

47,916 46,952 86,248

47,916 46,952 86,248

A. Coefficient on Insurance Dummy Pre-crisis (1/2005–6/2007) −1.05∗∗ Crisis (7/2007–6/2009) 0.31 Post-crisis (7/2009–6/2016) −1.59∗∗∗

0.41 0.10 −2.49∗∗∗

1.73∗∗∗ 1.29∗∗∗ −2.19∗∗∗

B. Adjusted R-squared Pre-crisis (1/2005–6/2007) Crisis (7/2007–6/2009) Post-crisis (7/2009–6/2016)

0.37 0.33 0.30

0.47 0.423 0.40

0.48 0.443 0.43

C. Number of Observations Pre-crisis (1/2005–6/2007) Crisis (7/2007–6/2009) Post-crisis (7/2009–6/2016)

47,916 46,952 86,248

47,916 46,952 86,248


47,916 46,952 86,248

Table 8: Differences in Variables Over Time The table presents t-tests for differences in variables between bonds issued with insurance and without insurance. The raw means by insurance status are presented in the columns headed by “Uninsured” or “Insured”. Yields and coupons are in percent, maturity is expressed in years and rating is numerically encoded in a scale where Aaa is 21 and Ba1 is 11. Differences that are significantly different from zero are flagged with ***,**, or * corresponding to 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level (two-sided).

Offering Yield Coupon Maturity Bond Rating LN(Issue Amount) LN(Bond Amount) Num. of Agents

N(Ins.) 250,750 250,750 250,750 250,750 250,701 250,750 250,517

Full Period: 1985–2016 Insured N(Unins.) UnInsured 4.12 290,965 3.71 4.50 290,965 4.29 10.47 290,965 9.97 16.54 290,965 18.44 15.99 290,627 16.17 12.93 290,965 13.22 5.32 290,119 5.68

Diff. 0.40∗∗∗ 0.21∗∗∗ 0.49∗∗∗ -1.90∗∗∗ -0.18∗∗∗ -0.30∗∗∗ -0.37∗∗∗

Std. Error 0.0039 0.0035 0.0165 0.0057 0.0038 0.0039 0.0065

Offering Yield Coupon Maturity Bond Rating LN(Issue Amount) LN(Bond Amount) Num. of Agents

Pre 2000 Period: 1985–1999 N(Ins.) Insured N(Unins.) UnInsured 72,653 5.05 88,180 5.26 72,653 5.32 88,180 5.53 72,653 10.24 88,180 10.15 72,653 16.10 88,180 17.60 72,604 15.81 87,850 15.87 72,653 12.80 88,180 12.91 72,454 4.57 87,411 4.67

Diff. -0.21∗∗∗ -0.21∗∗∗ 0.09∗∗∗ -1.50∗∗∗ -0.07∗∗∗ -0.11∗∗∗ -0.10∗∗∗

Std. Error 0.0051 0.0056 0.0296 0.0112 0.0070 0.0071 0.0109

Offering Yield Coupon Maturity Bond Rating LN(Issue Amount) LN(Bond Amount) Num. of Agents

Pre-Crisis Period: 2000–2007 N(Ins.) Insured N(Unins.) UnInsured 142,628 3.90 77,021 3.98 142,628 4.29 77,021 4.35 142,628 10.52 77,021 9.81 142,628 16.67 77,021 18.53 142,628 16.14 77,013 16.25 142,628 13.05 77,021 13.28 142,594 5.56 76,984 6.02

Diff. -0.08∗∗∗ -0.06∗∗∗ 0.71∗∗∗ -1.86∗∗∗ -0.11∗∗∗ -0.23∗∗∗ -0.46∗∗∗

Std. Error 0.0040 0.0039 0.0269 0.0095 0.0060 0.0063 0.0103

Offering Yield Coupon Maturity Bond Rating LN(Issue Amount) LN(Bond Amount) Num. of Agents

Post-Crisis Period: 2008–2016 N(Ins.) Insured N(Unins.) UnInsured 35,469 3.06 125,764 2.46 35,469 3.68 125,764 3.39 35,469 10.72 125,764 9.95 35,469 16.90 125,764 18.97 35,469 15.76 125,764 16.33 35,469 12.71 125,764 13.41 35,469 5.84 125,724 6.18

Diff. 0.60∗∗∗ 0.29∗∗∗ 0.78∗∗∗ -2.07∗∗∗ -0.57∗∗∗ -0.71∗∗∗ -0.34∗∗∗

Std. Error 0.0071 0.0066 0.0373 0.0106 0.0082 0.0083 0.0150


Table 9: Determinants of Offering Yield This table reports the determinants of offering yields over the entire period using a pooled OLS regression, with standard errors clustered by issue. Variable definitions are in the text. Variable

Full Period




Insured (Y/N)

-0.0225∗∗∗ (-5.11) -0.00705∗∗∗ (-3.38) 0.00102 (0.41) 0.0428∗∗∗ (5.52) 0.161∗∗∗ (25.63) -0.0323∗∗∗ (-5.85) 0.151∗∗∗ (13.93) 0.835∗∗∗ (292.27) -0.0300 (-0.33) -0.107 (-1.22) -0.157 (-1.81) -0.280∗∗ (-3.23) -0.252∗∗ (-2.91) -0.277∗∗ (-3.19) -0.323∗∗∗ (-3.72) -0.333∗∗∗ (-3.84) -0.407∗∗∗ (-4.69) -0.427∗∗∗ (-4.92) -0.102∗∗∗ (-22.47) Yes 0.876 541,013

-0.0403∗∗∗ (-4.34) -0.0209∗∗∗ (-4.19) 0.0179∗∗ (3.24) 0.0459∗ (2.14) 0.148∗∗∗ (10.29) -0.000252 (-0.03) 0.116∗∗∗ (4.95) 0.503∗∗∗ (101.53) -0.133 (-1.46) -0.0407 (-0.48) -0.0886 (-1.04) -0.247∗∗ (-2.92) -0.205∗ (-2.44) -0.228∗∗ (-2.71) -0.289∗∗∗ (-3.40) -0.304∗∗∗ (-3.61) -0.333∗∗∗ (-3.93) -0.273∗∗ (-3.22) -0.116∗∗∗ (-13.75) Yes 0.726 160,211

-0.0307∗∗∗ (-5.55) -0.00677∗∗ (-2.72) 0.00232 (0.71) -0.0394∗∗∗ (-5.24) 0.0752∗∗∗ (10.12) -0.0504∗∗∗ (-7.83) 0.0709∗∗∗ (6.11) 0.799∗∗∗ (200.33) -0.436∗∗ (-2.77) -0.534∗∗∗ (-3.41) -0.548∗∗∗ (-3.51) -0.575∗∗∗ (-3.68) -0.575∗∗∗ (-3.69) -0.598∗∗∗ (-3.83) -0.599∗∗∗ (-3.84) -0.614∗∗∗ (-3.94) -0.615∗∗∗ (-3.94) -0.619∗∗∗ (-3.96) -0.0644∗∗∗ (-11.55) Yes 0.795 219,571

0.0955∗∗∗ (9.46) -0.00422 (-1.35) -0.0144∗∗∗ (-3.61) 0.122∗∗∗ (9.24) 0.158∗∗∗ (15.65) -0.0337∗∗ (-2.73) 0.285∗∗∗ (14.32) 1.191∗∗∗ (352.64) 1.065∗∗∗ (15.79) 0.655∗∗∗ (14.02) 0.615∗∗∗ (14.83) 0.240∗∗∗ (10.82) 0.248∗∗∗ (13.65) 0.199∗∗∗ (13.08) 0.131∗∗∗ (10.01) 0.0965∗∗∗ (7.89) -0.00806 (-0.65) -0.117∗∗∗ (-9.29) -0.187∗∗∗ (-22.25) Yes 0.878 161,231

LN(Bond Amount) LN(Issue Amount) CAstate TXstate NYstate ILstate LN(Bond Maturity) Ba1 rated Baa2 rated Baa1 rated A3 rated A2 rated A1 rated Aa3 rated Aa2 rated Aa1 rated Aaa rated Bank Qualified Macro Controls? Adjusted R2 Observations


Table 10: Actual Yield - Fitted Yield for Insured Bonds By Year This table reports the mean difference between offering yields and predicted yields for insured bonds tabulated by year. Yields for insured bonds are predicted using coefficients obtained from yearly OLS cross-sectional models that regress offering yields on bond characteristics and macro-variables for uninsured bonds issued in that year using the specification in Equation 5. Negative values represent a lower cost of borrowing to issuers. N is the number of insured bonds in that year and Insured represents the dollar value of the insured bonds in millions. Dollar loss is the present value of difference in yield paid as an annuity over the life of the bond and discounted at the riskfree rate at issuance expressed in millions and the Loss as % divides the Dollar Loss by the total insured (.495 = 49.5 bps). S.A. = Simple Average; W.A. = Weighted Average.

Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total


Diff. Yield (%, S.A.)

Diff. Yield (% W.A.)

Insured ($ million)

Dollar Loss ($ million)

% Loss

152 354 208 586 793 1,413 3,376 3,041 2,870 5,811 6,179 8,204 10,581 14,889 13,650 13,274 16,752 18,130 19,709 22,395 19,662 16,936 15,701 8,925 5,728 2,179 1,976 1,329 2,419 3,910 5,715 3,288 250,135

-0.217 -0.246 -0.116 -0.055 -0.057 -0.160 -0.271 -0.097 -0.129 -0.031 -0.037 -0.032 0.001 0.028 0.024 -0.005 -0.016 -0.055 -0.125 -0.094 -0.029 -0.021 -0.036 -0.084 -0.163 -0.115 -0.167 0.142 0.381 0.302 0.190 0.189 -0.030

-0.324 -0.426 0.439 -0.078 -0.028 -0.145 -0.353 -0.075 -0.126 0.006 -0.003 -0.011 0.067 0.106 0.092 0.078 0.034 0.082 -0.072 -0.051 0.011 0.049 0.021 -0.073 0.001 0.026 0.027 0.278 0.332 0.300 0.197 0.238 0.021

56 163 215 274 541 1,703 2,240 3,778 2,533 5,872 5,992 7,837 12,399 13,580 12,285 13,695 17,450 22,312 25,119 29,690 23,631 23,566 23,526 8,715 4,898 1,260 1,284 1,084 1,432 2,248 3,494 1,975 274,846

-1.0 -4.7 8.9 -0.9 0.8 -15.9 -57.8 -27.4 -37.3 16.9 5.4 18.9 133.5 212.7 145.8 142.0 131.6 265.3 -221.8 -135.3 82.3 169.2 111.8 -70.0 22.9 5.9 10.7 58.2 91.3 110.0 111.0 78.5 1361.4

-1.774 -2.871 4.142 -0.342 0.140 -0.933 -2.579 -0.724 -1.470 0.287 0.090 0.241 1.077 1.566 1.187 1.037 0.754 1.189 -0.883 -0.456 0.348 0.718 0.475 -0.803 0.468 0.467 0.836 5.370 6.377 4.892 3.176 3.977 0.495


Table 11: Actual Yield - Fitted Yield for Insured Bonds By Rating This table reports the mean difference between offering yields and predicted yields for insured bonds tabulated by rating. Yields for insured bonds are predicted using coefficients obtained from yearly OLS cross-sectional models that regress offering yields on bond characteristics and macro-variables for uninsured bonds issued in that year using the specification in Equation 5. Negative values represent a lower cost of borrowing to issuers. N is the number of insured bonds in that year and Insured represents the dollar value of the insured bonds in millions. Dollar loss is the present value of difference in yield paid as an annuity over the life of the bond and discounted at the riskfree rate at issuance expressed in millions and the Loss as % divides the Dollar Loss by the total insured (.495 = 49.5 bps). S.A. = Simple Average; W.A. = Weighted Average.

Rating Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Total


Diff. Yield (%, S.A.)

Diff. Yield (%, W.A.)

Insured ($ million)

Dollar Loss ($ million)

% Loss

13,311 3,353 26,593 25,689 53,722 59,946 28,984 20,628 12,787 5,001 121 250,135

0.102 0.018 0.138 -0.003 -0.032 -0.051 -0.037 -0.161 -0.163 -0.274 -0.231 -0.030

0.150 0.087 0.110 0.050 0.008 -0.024 0.007 -0.082 -0.092 -0.282 0.017 0.021

8,668 8,236 40,842 57,130 59,308 46,496 22,037 20,772 8,401 2,302 653 274,846

163.7 82.2 688.5 416.8 177.2 -38.1 63.5 -97.6 -37.4 -65.3 7.9 1361.4

1.889 0.998 1.686 0.730 0.299 -0.082 0.288 -0.470 -0.445 -2.837 1.205 0.495


Table 12: Actual Yield - Fitted Yield for Insured Bonds By Year (Expanded Model) This table reports the mean difference between offering yields and predicted yields for insured bonds tabulated by year. Yields for insured bonds are predicted using coefficients obtained from yearly OLS cross-sectional models that regress offering yields on bond characteristics and macro-variables for uninsured bonds issued in that year using the specification in Equation 6. Negative values represent a lower cost of borrowing to issuers. N is the number of insured bonds in that year and Insured represents the dollar value of the insured bonds in millions. Dollar loss is the present value of difference in yield paid as an annuity over the life of the bond and discounted at the riskfree rate at issuance expressed in millions and the Loss as % divides the Dollar Loss by the total insured (.123 = 12.3 bps). S.A. = Simple Average; W.A. = Weighted Average.

Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total


Diff. Yield (%, S.A.)

Diff. Yield (% W.A.)

Insured ($ million)

Dollar Loss ($ million)

% Loss

151 347 178 519 727 1,294 3,212 2,816 2,562 5,490 5,780 7,862 10,293 14,680 13,436 13,188 16,694 18,003 19,463 19,789 19,578 16,921 15,701 8,925 5,728 2,179 1,976 1,329 2,419 3,910 5,706 3,288 244,144

-0.249 -0.407 -0.124 -0.062 0.013 -0.162 -0.249 -0.120 -0.128 -0.078 -0.067 -0.056 0.017 0.027 0.018 -0.024 -0.007 -0.047 -0.160 -0.104 -0.033 -0.035 -0.052 -0.097 -0.184 -0.138 -0.191 0.082 0.366 0.248 0.161 0.158 -0.041

-0.280 -0.513 -0.019 0.035 -0.018 -0.237 -0.345 -0.043 -0.074 0.026 -0.056 -0.055 0.049 0.063 0.065 -0.011 0.034 0.055 -0.110 -0.050 -0.013 0.014 -0.022 -0.070 0.025 0.018 -0.014 0.219 0.255 0.238 0.158 0.163 -0.005

56 163 215 274 541 1,703 2,240 3,778 2,533 5,872 5,992 7,837 12,399 13,580 12,285 13,695 17,450 22,312 25,119 29,690 23,631 23,566 23,526 8,715 4,898 1,260 1,284 1,084 1,432 2,248 3,494 1,975 274,846

-0.8 -6.3 -0.7 0.7 0.7 -29.1 -54.9 1.1 -17.3 13.0 -45.0 -18.0 79.8 120.5 82.7 -21.9 116.1 173.4 -290.6 -126.0 -17.5 44.6 -41.1 -44.5 77.1 7.2 0.8 45.9 68.1 87.6 87.8 44.2 337.5

-1.402 -3.850 -0.307 0.268 0.135 -1.711 -2.451 0.029 -0.683 0.221 -0.752 -0.230 0.643 0.887 0.673 -0.160 0.665 0.777 -1.157 -0.425 -0.074 0.189 -0.174 -0.510 1.574 0.570 0.066 4.237 4.754 3.897 2.512 2.237 0.123


Table 13: Actual Yield - Fitted Yield for Insured Bonds By Rating (Expanded Model) This table reports the mean difference between offering yields and predicted yields for insured bonds tabulated by rating. Yields for insured bonds are predicted using coefficients obtained from yearly OLS cross-sectional models that regress offering yields on bond characteristics and macro-variables for uninsured bonds issued in that year using the specification in Equation 6. Negative values represent a lower cost of borrowing to issuers. N is the number of insured bonds in that year and Insured represents the dollar value of the insured bonds in millions. Dollar loss is the present value of difference in yield paid as an annuity over the life of the bond and discounted at the riskfree rate at issuance expressed in millions and the Loss as % divides the Dollar Loss by the total insured (.123 = 12.3 bps). S.A. = Simple Average; W.A. = Weighted Average.

Rating Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Total


Diff. Yield (%, S.A.)

Diff. Yield (%, W.A.)

Insured ($ million)

Dollar Loss ($ million)

% Loss

13,061 3,220 26,140 25,304 52,429 58,192 28,377 19,979 12,385 4,936 121 244,144

0.086 0.004 0.115 -0.023 -0.040 -0.061 -0.043 -0.167 -0.165 -0.259 -0.305 -0.041

0.127 0.061 0.056 0.017 -0.008 -0.042 -0.008 -0.101 -0.105 -0.269 -0.195 -0.005

8,668 8,236 40,842 57,130 59,308 46,496 22,037 20,772 8,401 2,302 653 274,846

145.5 78.6 344.9 109.9 59.8 -140.1 30.6 -160.9 -55.8 -63.0 -12.1 337.5

1.679 0.954 0.845 0.192 0.101 -0.301 0.139 -0.775 -0.664 -2.736 -1.846 0.123


Table 14: Marginal Effects of Selection Model This table reports the marginal effects from the probit selection models for estimating propensity scores. Each coefficient represents the percentage increase in the probability of insurance from a unit change in the coefficient. Monthly macroeconomic controls for inflation, constant-maturity 10yr yield, credit spread, and treasury slope are included in all models but not tabulated. McFadden pseudo R2 are displayed as well as the percentage of insured and uninsured issues correctly classified by the model. Variable

Full Period




Maturity Maturity Sq. LN(Issue Amount) Under. Decile Num. of Agents Comp. Offering Neg. Offering Bank Qualified Ratings Ba2 rated Ba1 rated Baa2 rated Baa1 rated A3 rated A2 rated (A1 rating base) Aa3 rated Aa2 rated Aa1 rated Aaa rated Proceeds General OtherEd PrimaryEd Water LowPre2000 MedPre2000 HighPre2000 PriorIssuance LowPreCrisis MedPreCrisis HighPreCrisis State Controls Observations Pseudo R2 % Insured Correct % UnInsured Correct

0.009*** -0.000*** 0.019*** -0.012*** -0.002 -0.011 -0.032*** -0.003

0.009*** -0.000*** 0.041*** -0.014*** -0.005* -0.058*** -0.084* -0.001

0.012*** -0.000*** 0.016*** -0.018*** -0.010*** 0.016 0.004 -0.009

0.003*** -0.000** -0.022*** -0.002 -0.004* 0.129 0.146 0.015

-0.338*** 0.056* 0.046** 0.078*** 0.094*** 0.066*** 0.000 -0.243*** -0.317*** -0.524*** -0.430***

-0.190 0.060 0.062** 0.126*** 0.024 0.069*** 0.000 -0.433*** -0.455*** -0.546*** -0.287***

-0.489*** 0.031 0.028 0.048** -0.010 0.023 0.000 -0.093*** -0.168*** -0.417*** -0.381***

0.000 -0.225*** -0.086** -0.109*** -0.047 0.056** 0.000 -0.283*** -0.099*** -0.363*** -0.376***

0.007 0.101*** 0.057*** 0.193***

0.023 0.081*** 0.079*** 0.084***

-0.014 0.042** 0.034*** 0.127*** -0.137*** 0.017 0.135***

0.007 0.127 0.058*** 0.125***

Yes 526,553 26.86 74.26 74.28

Yes 150,899 30.25 76.32 76.14


Yes 214,504 35.93 89.62 66.30

-0.126*** -0.048*** 0.009 Yes 161,143 43.23 60.62 93.27

Table 15: Average Value of Insurance: Selection Models Expanded This table reports estimates of insurance value (in bps) from empirical specifications that control for selection of insurance by issuers. Panel A reports the mean predicted yields and average treatment effects of insurance using a propensity score matching procedure which predicts the choice of insurance. The insurance choice model is fit using a probit specification including controls for issue size, maturity, issuer rating, bank qualified status, number of agents, underwriter activity, and monthly macroeconomic controls. Insured bonds are matched with replacement to their 3 nearest neighbors by propensity score. Negative values for the average treatment effect (ATE) indicate that insured bonds have lower yields than comparable (control) uninsured bonds. Standard errors of the ATE estimates are in parentheses. Panel B reports the mean predicted yields and average treatment effects for uninsured and insured bonds using an inverse probability weighted regression adjustment model to control for insurance selection. The insurance selection model is fit using a probit specification including controls for issuer rating, underwriter activity, issue size and maturity, and the augmented weighted outcome regression on offering yield includes issuer ratings, size and maturity variables, as well as monthly macroeconomic controls. Robust standard errors of the ATE estimates are in parentheses. For the propensity score matched models, errors are calculated according to Abadie and Imbens (2016).

Panel A: Propensity Score Matched Models 1985–2016 1985–1999 2000–2007 2008–2016 Uninsured Insured Avg. Treatment Effect S.E. of ATE

3.962 3.950 -0.012*** (0.003)

5.231 5.143 -0.087*** (0.008)

3.972 3.898 -0.074*** (0.006)

2.660 2.951 0.291*** (0.013)






Panel B: Inverse-Probability Weighted Regression Models 1985–2016 1985–1999 2000–2007 2008–2016 Uninsured Insured Avg. Treatment Effect S.E. of ATE

3.973 3.913 -0.060*** (0.002)

5.218 5.175 -0.043*** (0.005)

3.985 3.901 -0.084*** (0.004)

2.641 2.743 0.102*** (0.008)










0.4 20


0.2 10

Number of GO Bonds ('000)





0 1985











Issue Year Fraction of Bonds with Insurance Volume Share of Bonds with Insurance Number of GO Bonds (Right Scale)

Figure 1: Trend in municipal general obligation bond issuance and use of bond insurance







PR 5% Dated 10/4/07 Maturity 7/1/26

60 Uninsured


50 2008









Figure 2: The Value of Insurance in Secondary Market Trading This figure plots the volume-weighted daily average price of two Puerto Rico GO bonds issued on 10/4/2007 with a coupon rate of 5% and maturity date of 07/01/2026. The offering size of the uninsured bond is $18.35 million, $7 million of which is subsequently insured in the secondary insurance market. Trade data are from MSRB.


100 Insured Bonds (50.4%) Non-Insured Bonds (49.6%)


Transaction Cost (bps)

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100

#Obs = 69074 101




Trade Size ($1,000) (log scale)

Figure 3: Transaction Costs of Insured versus Non-Insured Bonds for 2005-2016 Period This figure shows the transaction cost functions for insured bonds versus non-insured bonds. Estimation is based on MSRB municipal bond trade database for the 2005-2016 period. Bond insurance status is from Mergent FISD Municipal Bonds database.


Transaction Cost (bps)


Pre-Crisis (2005-Jun2007) (#Bonds = 48082) Insured Bonds (65%) Non-Insured Bonds (35%)

100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 100





Trade Size ($1,000) (log scale)

Transaction Cost (bps)


Crisis (Jul2007-Jun2009) (#Bonds = 47065) Insured Bonds (65%) Non-Insured Bonds (35%)

100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 100





Trade Size ($1,000) (log scale)

Transaction Cost (bps)


Post-Crisis (Jul2009-2016) (#Bonds = 86323) Insured Bonds (48%) Non-Insured Bonds (52%)

100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 100





Trade Size ($1,000) (log scale)

Figure 4: Transaction Costs of Insured versus Non-Insured Bonds By Sub Sample Periods This figure shows the transaction cost functions for insured bonds versus non-insured bonds over the three sub sample periods. Estimation is based on MSRB municipal bond trade database for the 2005-2016 period. Bond insurance status is from Mergent FISD Municipal Bonds database.




kdensity offyld .2 .3



Insured vs Uninsured Offering Yields, 1985-2007







x Insured Yield

Uninsured Yield



kdensity offyld .2



Insured vs Uninsured Offering Yields, 2008-2016



4 Offering Yield (%) Insured Bonds



Uninsured Bonds

Figure 5: Distribution of Offering Yields of Insured and Uninsured Bonds


2008 (#ins=1046, #nins=667)


2009 (#ins=1075, #nins=502)

0.4 0.3


2010 (#ins=603, #nins=439)



0.2 0.2




0 0





0 0

Offering Yield (%) insured





Offering Yield (%)



2011 (#ins=609, #nins=384)












Offering Yield (%)




2012 (#ins=128, #nins=504)




0 0






Offering Yield (%) insured




Offering Yield (%)



2014 (#ins=23, #nins=33)




2015 (#ins=155, #nins=65)









0 0




Offering Yield (%) insured



2016 (#ins=118, #nins=84)


0 0




Offering Yield (%) insured








Offering Yield (%) insured


Figure 6: Post-crisis distribution of offering yields of Baa bonds This figure shows the distribution of offering yields of bonds with Baa ratings and lower over the 2008-2016 period.



Estimating Municipal Bond Transactions Costs

One key challenge in measuring secondary market liquidity for municipal bonds is the lack of frequent trading activities in this market. We choose to measure liquidity by transaction costs as estimated from the Harris and Piwowar (2006) model for two reasons. First, the use of another popular transaction cost measure—dealer markups first developed by Green et al. (2007)—depends on access to the regulatory version of the MSRB data to trace the complete intermediation chain when a bond trades. Otherwise, one risks introducing measurement errors from assumptions regarding which trades belong to a given intermediation chain. Second, the Harris and Piwowar (2006) method makes use of all available trade data in a rigorous regression framework to estimate the transaction cost function for each bond, which allows us to compute the cost to transact various trade sizes in the bond. This is particularly important in analyses where we wish to distinguish liquidity facing retail vs. institutional investors.16 Unreported summary statistics on retail participation for insured and uninsured bonds indicate that retail participation is greater in insured bonds. Thus, a direct comparison of average transaction costs between insured and uninsured bonds might reflect differences in trade costs faced by retail and institutional investors. A fairer comparison can be achieved using the transaction cost function to compare the liquidity of insured and uninsured bonds at each trade size. We estimate transaction costs for the full sample period (2005 – 2016), as well as separately for the three sub-sample periods: pre-crisis (2005 – 6/2007), crisis (7/2007 – 6/2009), and post-crisis (7/2009 – 6/2016). Specifically, for each bond, we estimate the following regression: 1 1 − Qs ) + c2 (Qt logSt − Qs logSs ) St Ss +β1 M KTts + β2 T ERMts + ηts . (A.1)

rts − N Dts (5% − CP ) = c0 (Qt − Qs ) + c1 (Qt

In this regression, rts is the change in logged price of the bond from trade at time s to trade at time t.17 The price of the bond is converted to the equivalent price had the bond had a 5% coupon rate. N Dts is the number of days, expressed in fraction of years, between trade s and trade t. CP is the coupon rate of the bond. Q is the trade direction. It is equal to 1 for a buy customer trade, -1 for a sell customer trade, and 0 for an interdealer trade.18 S is the size of the trade, expressed in $1,000. M KTts is the overall municipal bond market 16

Trades sized below $100,000 are typically considered retail, while trades sized at or above $100,000 are likely institutional. 17 If multiple trades occur in the same bond at the same time and with the same trade type, we aggregate them as one single trade with the price being the size-weighted average price. 18 We note that MSRB records trade indicator type from dealers’ perspective. That is, a “P” (“S”) indicates a purchase (sale) by the dealer, which corresponds to a customer sell (buy) trade.


return between trades s and t. This is computed as the logged change in Merrill Lynch U.S. Municipal Bond Market Total Return Index between times s and t. T ERMts is the difference in return between long-term and short-term municipal bonds between times s and t. The short-term municipal bond return is computed as the logged change in Merrill Lynch U.S. Municipal Bonds 1-3 Years Total Return Index. The long-term municipal bond return is computed similarly from Merrill Lynch U.S. Municipal Bonds 12-22 Years Total Return Index. ηts is the regression error term. With five parameters to estimate, the minimum requirement is that a bond has at least six trades. Even among these bonds with at least six trades, the model estimation is not always possible (for example, if all the trades in a bond are buyer-initiated). These constraints reduce substantially the number of bonds for which transaction costs can be reliably estimated. The model is estimated by iterated weighted least squares, with the weight being the inverse of the variance of the error term given by: 2 2 σts = N Sts σSessions + Dts σδ2 + (2 − Dts )σκ2 ,


where N Sts is the number of trading sessions (and fractions of trading sessions) between 2 trades s and t, σSessions is the variance of the bond-specific valuation factor per trading session, Dts is the number of interdealer trades in the trade pair s and t (Dts = 0, 1, 2), σδ2 is the variance of the price concession in interdealer trades, and σκ2 is the variance of customer transaction cost not explained by the average transaction cost function. The variance of the error term is estimated from a pooled regression across all bonds, and thus all bonds have 2 the same σSessions , σδ2 , and σκ2 2 The estimation proceeds as follows. Starting with an initial guess for σSessions , σδ2 , and σκ2 , 2 2 we obtain an estimate for σts . The inverse of σts is then used as the weight for the regression in equation (A.1) for each bond. From this step, we obtain the regression error term ηts . 2 In the next step, we pool all bonds and regress ηts on N Sts , Dts , and (2 − Dts ) to obtain 2 estimates of σSessions , σδ2 , and σκ2 . This is a constrained regression as the estimated variances have to be non-negative. The process continues until convergence.

Once the model is estimated for each bond, the transaction cost for that bond for a given trade size S is computed as: 1 cˆ(S) = c0 + c1 + c2 logS. S This is the transaction cost function for the bond and is interpreted as the half-spread. It reflects the increase in price if a customer wants to buy, or the decrease in price if a customer wants to sell. A higher transaction cost indicates a low level of liquidity, and vice versa. We


use our transaction cost estimates in analyzing bond liquidity and whether insurance provides value to investors in the form of increased secondary market liquidity in Section 4. Our primary transaction cost estimates are obtained from the full sample of trade data. However, a common concern is that bond liquidity is affected by the crisis, so the costs to trade bonds might differ before, during, and after the crisis. To address this concern, we repeat the transaction cost estimation on three sub-samples of trade data: 1) the pre-crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between 2005 and June 2007, 2) the crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between July 2007 and June 2009, and 3) the post-crisis sub-sample, which includes all trades between July 2009 and June 2016 (the end of our data sample). As a result, we obtain three separate transaction cost functions corresponding to the three sub-sample periods for each bond. Because the number of trades in each sub-sample is much lower, we adopt a less stringent data filter. We previously require each bond to have at least 30 trades in our transaction cost estimation based on the full data sample. Here, the necessary condition is that each bond have at least six trades. The sufficient condition is that the estimates are reasonable. Examining the distribution of transaction cost coefficients, we trim 5% on each side to ensure that the cross section of transaction cost estimates contains only those reliably estimated.