Gut Online First, published on February 7, 2017 as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-313235 Inflammatory bowel disease
A microbial signature for Crohn’s disease Victoria Pascal,1 Marta Pozuelo,1 Natalia Borruel,1,2 Francesc Casellas,1,2 David Campos,1 Alba Santiago,1 Xavier Martinez,1 Encarna Varela,1 Guillaume Sarrabayrouse,1 Kathleen Machiels,3 Severine Vermeire,3 Harry Sokol,4 Francisco Guarner,1,2 Chaysavanh Manichanh1,2 ▸ Additional material is published online only. To view please visit the journal online ( gutjnl-2016-313235). 1
Department of Gastroenterology, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain 2 CIBERehd, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 3 Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium 4 Department of Gastroenterology, AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France Correspondence to Dr Chaysavanh Manichanh, Department of Gastroenterology, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, Pg Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona 119-129, Spain;
[email protected] VP and MP share co-first authorship Received 14 October 2016 Revised 22 December 2016 Accepted 28 December 2016
ABSTRACT Objective A decade of microbiome studies has linked IBD to an alteration in the gut microbial community of genetically predisposed subjects. However, existing profiles of gut microbiome dysbiosis in adult IBD patients are inconsistent among published studies, and did not allow the identification of microbial signatures for CD and UC. Here, we aimed to compare the faecal microbiome of CD with patients having UC and with non-IBD subjects in a longitudinal study. Design We analysed a cohort of 2045 non-IBD and IBD faecal samples from four countries (Spain, Belgium, the UK and Germany), applied a 16S rRNA sequencing approach and analysed a total dataset of 115 million sequences. Results In the Spanish cohort, dysbiosis was found significantly greater in patients with CD than with UC, as shown by a more reduced diversity, a less stable microbial community and eight microbial groups were proposed as a specific microbial signature for CD. Tested against the whole cohort, the signature achieved an overall sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 94%, 94%, 89% and 91% for the detection of CD versus healthy controls, patients with anorexia, IBS and UC, respectively. Conclusions Although UC and CD share many epidemiologic, immunologic, therapeutic and clinical features, our results showed that they are two distinct subtypes of IBD at the microbiome level. For the first time, we are proposing microbiomarkers to discriminate between CD and non-CD independently of geographical regions.
To cite: Pascal V, Pozuelo M, Borruel N, et al. Gut Published Online First: [please include Day Month Year] doi:10.1136/gutjnl2016-313235
CD and UC, the two main forms of IBD with a similar annual incidence (10–30 per 100 000 in Europe and North America), have both overlapping and distinct clinical pathological features.1 Given that these conditions do not have a clear aetiology, diagnosis continues to be a challenge for physicians. Standard clinical testing to diagnose CD and UC includes blood tests and stool examination for biomarker quantification, endoscopy and biopsy. The diagnosis of IBD, particularly CD, can be missed or delayed due to the non-specific nature of both intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms at presentation. In this regard, non-invasive, cost-effective, rapid and reproducible biomarkers would be helpful for patients and clinicians alike.
Significance of this study What is already known on this subject?
▸ Microbiome in Crohn’s disease (CD) is associated with a reduction of faecal microbial diversity and plays a role in its pathogenesis. ▸ Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Escherichia coli, in particular, were found decreased and increased, respectively, in CD. ▸ No clear comparison between dysbiosis in CD and in UC has been performed. ▸ Longitudinal study of the intestinal microbiome in adult patients with IBD has also been poorly investigated in large cohorts.
What are the new findings?
▸ Dysbiosis is greater in CD than in UC, with a lower microbial diversity, a more altered microbiome composition and a more unstable microbial community. ▸ Different microbial groups are associated with smoking habit and localisation of the disease in CD and UC. ▸ Eight groups of microorganisms including Faecalibacterium, an unknown Peptostreptococcaceae, Anaerostipes, Methanobrevibacter, an unknown Christensenellaceae, Collinsella and Fusobacterium, Escherichia could be used to discriminate CD from non-CD; the six first groups being in lower relative abundance and the last two groups in higher relative abundance in CD.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?
▸ Considering CD and UC as two distinct subtypes of IBD at the microbiome level could help designing specific therapeutic targets. ▸ The microbial signature specific to CD combined with either imaging techniques or calprotectin data could help decision-making when the diagnosis is initially uncertain among CD, UC and IBS.
Dysbiosis, which is an alteration of the gut microbial composition, has been reported in IBD over the last 10 years.2–5 Patients with IBD, in particular patients with CD, are associated with a
Pascal V, et al. Gut 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-313235
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2017. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (& BSG) under licence.
Inflammatory bowel disease lower microbial α-diversity and are enriched in several groups of bacteria compared with healthy controls (HC). Using faecal samples and culture-independent techniques, including qPCR, T-RFLP, cloning/Sanger, pyrosequencing or Illumina sequencing, several studies have reported that CD is associated with a decrease in Clostridiales such as Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and an increase in Enterobacteriales such as Escherichia coli.6–8 Patients with UC are associated to some extent with a decrease in microbial diversity; however, no strong dysbiosis has been reported compared with healthy controls or patients with CD.5 Although many studies have revealed a clear association between an altered microbiome and IBD, they have not addressed the differences between CD and UC at the microbiome level nor have proposed a set of biomarkers that is useful for diagnosis based on stool samples.9 To deeply characterise the microbiome of UC and CD, we combined 669 newly collected samples with 1376 previously sequenced ones, thus building one of the largest cohorts covering sequence data generated from four countries (Spain, Belgium, the UK and Germany). Our findings reveal that CD and UC are two distinct intestinal disorders at the microbiome level. We also developed and validated a microbial signature for the detection of CD.
METHODS Study design We performed a cohort study (Spanish IBD cohort) to identify microbial biomarkers for CD and validated the outcome with several other published and unpublished studies: a Belgian CD cohort, a Spanish IBS cohort, a UK healthy twin cohort and a German anorexic cohort. The Belgian CD cohort was part of an unpublished study, whereas the other cohorts were from published research. For the Spanish IBD and Belgian CD cohorts, the protocols were submitted and approved by the local Ethical Committee of the University Hospital Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona, Spain) and of the University Hospital Gasthuisberg in Leuven (Belgium), respectively. All volunteers received information concerning their participation in the study and gave written informed consent.
Study population To study differences in the microbiome composition between IBD and healthy subjects and between inactive and active disease (remission vs recurrence), 34 patients with CD and 33 patients with UC were enrolled for a follow-up study in the Spanish cohort. Inclusion criteria were a diagnosis of UC and CD confirmed by endoscopy and histology in the past, clinical remission for at least 3 months—defined by the validated colitis activity index (CAI) for UC and the CD activity index (CDAI) for CD,10 stable maintenance therapy (either amino-salicylates, azathioprine or no drug) and previous history of at least three clinical recurrences in the past 5 years. HC were without previous history of chronic disease. At inclusion and during the follow-up (every 3 months), we collected diagnostic criteria, location and behaviour of CD, extension of UC, and clinical data including tobacco use and medical treatment. Clinical recurrence was defined by a value of 4 or higher for CAI and higher than 150 for CDAI. Blood samples were collected to assess ESR, the blood cell count and CRP. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy or breast-feeding, severe concomitant disease involving the liver, heart, lungs or kidneys, and treatment with antibiotics during the previous 4 weeks. A total of 415 faecal samples for microbiome analysis were collected from 178 participants (111 HC and 67 patients with IBD) at various 2
time points (table 1). Patients with CD and UC who showed recurrence during the study also provided a stool sample at the time of recurrence. In the Belgian prospective cohort, 54 patients with CD undergoing curative ileocecal resection of the diseased bowel were included at the University Hospital Leuven. Originally, patients with CD were enrolled before ileocecal resection in order to study early triggers of inflammation and to unravel the sequence of events before and during the development of early inflammatory lesions. A total of 187 faecal samples were collected at four time points before and during the postoperative follow-up period (baseline, 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery) for microbiome analysis. Baseline characteristics are shown in table 1.
Faecal microbiome analysis Sample collection and genomic DNA extraction Faecal samples collected in Spain and Belgium were immediately frozen by the participants in their home freezer at −20°C for the Spanish cohort and cooled (maximum 24 hours) for the Belgian cohort and later brought to the laboratory in a freezer pack, where they were stored at −80°C. Genomic DNA was extracted following the recommendations of the International Human Microbiome Standards (IHMS; http://www. A frozen aliquot (250 mg) of each sample was suspended in 250 mL of guanidine thiocyanate, 40 mL of 10% N-lauroyl sarcosine, and 500 mL of 5% N-lauroyl sarcosine. DNA was extracted by mechanical disruption of the microbial cells with beads, and nucleic acids were recovered from clear lysates by alcohol precipitation. An equivalent of 1 mg of each sample was used for DNA quantification using a NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (Nucliber). DNA integrity was examined by micro-capillary electrophoresis using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer with the DNA 12 000 kit, which resolves the distribution of double-stranded DNA fragments up to 17 000 bp in length.
High-throughput DNA sequencing For profiling microbiome composition, the hyper-variable region (V4) of the bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR. On the basis of our analysis done using Primer Prospector software,12 the V4 primer pairs used in this study were expected to amplify almost 100% of the bacterial and archaeal domains. The 50 ends of the forward (V4F_515_19: 50 GTGCCAGCAMGCCGCGGTAA -30 ) and reverse (V4R_806_20: 50 - GGACTACCAGGGTATCTAAT -30 ) primers targeting the 16S gene were tagged with specific sequences as follows: 50 -{AATGATACGGCGACCACCGAGATCTACACTATGGTAATTGT}12 {GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA}-30 and 50 -{CAAGCA GAAGACGGCATACGAGAT} {Golay barcode} {AGTCAGTCA GCC} {GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT}-30 . Multiplex identifiers, known as Golay codes, had 12 bases and were specified downstream of the reverse primer sequence (V4R_806_20).13 14 Standard PCR (0.15 units of Taq polymerase (Roche) and 20 pmol/μL of the forward and reverse primers) was run in a Mastercycler gradient (Eppendorf ) at 94°C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 45 s, 56°C for 60 s, 72°C for 90 s and a final cycle of 72°C for 10 min. Amplicons were first purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Barcelona, Spain), quantified using a NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (Nucliber) and then pooled in equal concentration. The pooled amplicons (2 nM) were then subjected to sequencing using Illumina MiSeq technology at the technical support unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB, Spain), following standard Illumina platform protocols. Pascal V, et al. Gut 2017;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-313235
Inflammatory bowel disease Table 1
Baseline clinical characteristics of the patients with CD and UC Comparison between cohorts (p value)
Baseline clinical characteristics
CD Spanish cohort (n=34)
CD Belgian cohort (n=53)
Male/female (%) Median (IQR) age at surgery (years) or at sample collection Median duration of disease (IQR) at surgery (years) or at sampling Maximum disease location (Montreal classification) L1 ileal (%) L2 colonic (%) L3 ileocolonic (%) L4 isolated upper disease (%) Disease behaviour at surgery (Montreal classification) B1 non-stricturing, non-penetrating (%) B2 stricturing (%) B3 penetrating (%) p perianal disease (%) Active smoking at surgery (%) Medication at surgery or at sampling Mesalamine–sulfasalazine (%) Corticosteroids (%) Immunosuppressants (%) Anti-TNF (%) Antibiotics (%) Methotrexate Other None
13/21 (38.2/61.7) 34 (18 –58) 6.5 (0–28)
28/25 (52.8/47.2) 41.3 (26.5–52.9) 15.7 (4.1–27.1)
12 (35) 0 (0) 22 (64.7) 2 (5.8)
18 (34) 0 (0) 35 (66) 2 (3.8)
3 (8.8) 22 (64.7) 5 (14.7) 3 (8.8) 10 (29.4)
2 (3.8) 21 (39.6) 30 (56.6) 15 (28.3) 16 (30.2)
4 (11.8) 2 (2.9) 14 (41.1) 12 (23.5) 0 (0) 1 (2.9) 10 (29.4) 1 (2.9)
4 (7.5) 10 (18.9) 12 (22.6) 7 (13.2) 9 (16.9)
0.012 0.183 0.087 0.023 0.033
UC Spanish cohort 1 (n=33)
UC Spanish cohort 2 (n=41)
9/24 (27.2/72.7) 43 (24–62) 9 (1–23)
17/24 (41.4/58.5) 43 (24–68) 10 (1–34)
9 (27.3) 11 (33.3) 13 (39.4)
18 (43.9) 10 (24.4) 13 (31.7)
11 (24) 2 (6) 8 (24) 2 (6)
26 (63.4) 0 0 3 (7.3) 2 (4.8)
Male/female (%) Median (IQR) age at sample collection Median duration of disease (IQR) at sampling Disease behaviour at sampling E1 proctitis E2 left sided colitis E3 pancolitis Medication at sampling Mesalamine (%) Corticosteroids (%) Immunosuppressants (%) Other None
0.201 0.141 0.0002 0.682
0.595 0.500 0.392 0.208
0.021 0.617 0.026 0.708
Comparison between cohorts have been performed; the χ2 test was applied to categorical variables, and the t-test was applied to continuous variables; when p