posed a newer version of Jacob's algorithm for in- cremental learning, the ..... Linden D.J., M. Dickinson, M. Smeyne, and J. Connor. 1991. A long term ...
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A model of cerebellar metaplasticity. N Schweighofer and M A Arbib Learn. Mem. 1998 4: 421-428 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/lm.4.5.421
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A Model of Cerebellar Metaplasticity Nicolas S c h w e i g h o f e r I and Michael A. Arbib 1USC Brain Project University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-2520
we propose a model of ccrebellar Purkinje cell metaplasticity and argue that the cerebellum has much to gain from "learning h o w to learn." Marr (1969) and Albus (1971) hypothesized that the cerebellar cortex is an array of perceptrons, each being a Purkinje cell, with parallel fibers providing the context in which the movements are made and the climbing fiber giving the error signal necessary for modifying each parallel fiber --> Purkinje cell synapse. Over the last three decades, evidence has been mounting that corroborates a form of the synaptic plasticity they postulated (for review, see for instance Crepel et al. 1996). Moreover, it has been suggested (Kawato et al. 1987) that the cerebellum acquires internal neural models of the motor system. Given the large number of degrees of freedom and the pervasive nonlinearities of the physical systems, these internal models are extremely complex neural representations of the systems they control (Kawato et al. 1987). Thus, if assemblies of cerebellar Purkinje cells are to learn inverse models, the cells need very efficient learning capabilities (learning at the cellular level). Theoretical considerations emphasize three important factors that could limit the learning performance (assessed at the system level of effective motor control): First, the learning rates of the parallel --> Purkinje synapses (i.e., the rate of change in synaptic efficacy) should be adequate to allow fast learning at the system level to respond rapidly to changes in the controlled system or in the environment. However, overly large learning rates are not desirable in adaptive neural networks as they can induce oscillations in the patterning of synaptic weights and even divergence from the de-
Abstract The term "learning rule" in neural n e t w o r k t h e o r y u s u a l l y r e f e r s to a r u l e f o r the p l a s t i c i t y o f a g i v e n s y n a p s e , w h e r e a s metaplasticity i n v o l v e s a " m e t a l e a r n i n g a l g o r i t h m " d e s c r i b i n g h i g h e r level c o n t r o l mechanisms for apportioning plasticity a c r o s s a p o p u l a t i o n o f s y n a p s e s . We propose here that the cerebellar cortex may use metaplasticity, and we demonstrate this b y i n t r o d u c i n g t h e C e r e b e l l a r A d a p t i v e Rate L e a r n i n g (CARL) a l g o r i t h m t h a t c o n c e n t r a t e s l e a r n i n g o n t h o s e P u r k i n j e cell s y n a p s e s w h o s e a d a p t a t i o n is m o s t r e l e v a n t to learning an overall pattern. Our results show that this biologically plausible metalearning algorithm not only improves s i g n i f i c a n t l y t h e l e a r n i n g c a p a b i l i t y o f the c e r e b e l l u m b u t is v e r y r o b u s t . Finally, w e identify several putative neurochemicals that could be involved in a cascade of events l e a d i n g to a d a p t i v e l e a r n i n g r a t e s i n P u r k i n j e cell s y n a p s e s .
Introduction Metaplasticity is a form of "controlled plasticity" that augments the local synaptic learning rules by a "metalearning algorithm" that describes higher level control mechanisms for apportioning plasticity across a population of synapses 1. It has been described recently in neural network research (Jacobs 1988; Sutton 1992) and in hippocampal learning by Abraham and Bear (1996) w h o assert that "metaplasticity has occurred if prior synaptic plasticity or cellular activity (or inactivity) leads to a persistent change in the direction or degree of synaptic plasticity elicited by a given pattern of synaptic activation." In the present paper,
1We may use the term learning to refer to adaptive improvements at the level of an overall organism or neural network and the term synaptic plasticity to refer to mechanisms for changing efficacy at the synaptic level. However, it has become accepted in neural network theory to use the term "learning rule" to refer to a rule for changing the weight of a given synapse, at the risk of some confusion as to the level of "learning"involved.
1Corresponding author. Present address: ERATO, Kawato Dynamic Brain Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02 Japan.
LEARNING & MEMORY 4:421-428 © 1998 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN1072-0502/98 $5.00
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Schweighofer and Arbib is very robust to the choice of the parameters. Finally, w e propose n e u r o c h e m i c a l m e c h a n i s m s that could i n d e e d i m p l e m e n t adaptive learning rates in the living cerebellum.
sired results at the system level (Hertz et al. 1991). Conversely, excessively small learning rates slow d o w n the system's learning. Because it is doubtful that the optimal learning rates are genetically coded, there should exist some self-tuning properties so that " g o o d " learning rates can be found. Second, the very large n u m b e r of synapses p e r Purkinje cell (on the order of 200,000 synapses in humans) w o u l d i n d u c e w h a t is called "overfitting" in the artificial neural n e t w o r k literature: The n u m b e r of free parameters (the modifiable synapses) exceeds by far the desired n u m b e r of parameters required for the learning of a specific problem. A curve fit by too m a n y parameters follows all the small details or noise but is very poor for interpolation and extrapolation. Hence, to possess good generalization properties, the c e r e b e l l u m w o u l d greatly benefit from a process that w o u l d reduce the n u m b e r of potentially modifiable synapses. Third, the brain in g e n e r a l - - a n d the c e r e b e l l u m in particular--is " w i r e d " o v e r a b u n d a n t l y to allow for the learning of m a n y possible combinations. Thus, it is p r o b a b l e that a majority of parallel fibers does not have information relevant to a particular Purkinje cell. Learning about irrelevant inputs acts as noise, interfering w i t h learning about relevant inputs (Sutton 1992). Inputs that are likely to be irrelevant should be given small or null learning rates, w h e r e a s inputs that are likely to be relevant should be given large learning rates. Jacobs (1988) p r o p o s e d a neural m o d e l in w h i c h each synapse has its o w n adaptive learning rate. The n u m b e r of free parameters is reduced by "freezing" the synaptic weights w h e n their variation is not needed: Inputs to a cell that are likely to be irrelevant in a given task are given small learning rates, w h e r e a s inputs that are likely to be relevant are given large learning rates. Sutton (1992) proposed a n e w e r version of Jacob's algorithm for incremental learning, the Incremental Delta-BarDelta algorithm CIDBD). The key feature of the metaplasticity rules c o n s i d e r e d in this p a p e r is that the learning rate for a given synapse is proportional to the temporal correlation b e t w e e n current w e i g h t c h a n g e and recent w e i g h t changes. We first review the w a y this is obtained in the IDBD rule. W e then s h o w h o w CARL (Cerebellar Adaptive Rates Learning), a modified version of IDBD, can be i m p l e m e n t e d in a biologically plausible way, that is, by a cascade of putative n e u r o c h e m i c a l s in the Purkinje cell synapse. Our simulation results s h o w that CARL performs considerably better than a simple p e r c e p t r o n w i t h a fixed learning rate and
THE IDBD ALGORITHM The basic idea of the IDBD algorithm is that if the current w e i g h t change is positively correlated with past weight changes, this indicates that the past w e i g h t changes should have b e e n larger, and thus the learning rate can be increased; it should be decreased otherwise. In Sutton's IDBD, the learning system is a simple one cell linear perceptron, w i t h base learning rule the delta rule [or "least m e a n square (LMS)" rule]. At each instant, the synaptic inputs are w e i g h t e d by the synaptic efficacies to give the cell's "firing rate" y: n
y(t) = Ewi(t)xi(t)
i= 1
The weight change rule is given by Awi(t ) =oq(t + 1)xi(t) 8(t)
w h e r e % is an adjustable "learning rate" and the error b e t w e e n the desired output y* and the real output y is 8(t) =y*(t)
Note that if the value of the learning rate w e r e the same for all synapses and constant over time, equation 2 reduces to the simple delta rule: The weights are modified w h e n e v e r the synaptic input and the error c h a n n e l are activated simultaneously. Sutton (1992) introduces metaplasticity as follows: The learning rates are of the form %(t) = e [3i(t)
The e x p o n e n t i a l is not n e e d e d in theory but speeds up learning and forces the o~i t o always be positive. The [3i vary w i t h time and are u p d a t e d according to
[~i(t + 1 ) =
6~(t) +
w h e r e 0 is the metalearning rate and b i is an additional per-input m e m o r y variable:
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hi(t+ 1) = hi(t)[1- %(t + 1)x2(t)] ÷ + OLi(t+ 1 )xi( t)8(t)
ebellar learning (LTD could be a c c o u n t e d for by a m i n u s sign):
x, ¢::>GCi;
w h e r e [x] + is x if x > 0, else 0. Because the first term on the right-hand side of equation 6 is a decay term [the term eq(t + 1)xi2(t) is normally zero or a positive fraction] and the s e c o n d term is the last w e i g h t c h a n g e (see equation 2), hi(t) is a decaying trace of the cumulative s u m of r e c e n t changes of wi. 2 Thus, the-overall changes in [3i are proportional to the temporal correlation b e t w e e n the current w e i g h t c h a n g e x i ( t ) 8 ()t and recent w e i g h t changes hi(t). W h e n this correlation is consistently positive for the ith synapse, the learning rate % converges toward a close to optimal, positive value and toward zero otherwise (Sutton 1992). Simulations s h o w that IDBD gives very good learning results c o m p a r e d w i t h the delta rule w i t h a fixed learning rate, at least in a simple tracking task (Sutton 1992).
W e n o w relate this to the plasticity of parallel fiber --+ Purkinje cell synapses and propose CARL. There is evidence that the c l i m b i n g fibers c o n v e y signals e n c o d i n g error in the p e r f o r m a n c e of the system in w h i c h the cerebellar subsystem is installed (Ito 1984). A c l i m b i n g fiber signal depresses the synaptic efficacies of those parallel fiber --+ Purkinje cell synapses that w e r e activated in c o n j u n c t i o n with the c l i m b i n g fiber (Ito et al. 1982). It has b e e n suggested that this long-term depression (LTD) is e x p r e s s e d b y a phosphorylation of the ionotropic glutamate AMPA receptors (Daniel et al. 1992). Requirements for LTD are a rise of postsynaptic Ca 2+ i n d u c e d b y climbing fiber action w i t h c o n c u r r e n t activation of m e t a b o t r o p i c glutamate receptors by parallel fiber action (Linden et al. 1991; Daniel et al. 1992). Assuming that the Purkinje cells act like onecell p e r c e p t r o n s learning incrementally, w e propose that a modified version of IDBD could be i m p l e m e n t e d at the parallel fibers ---> Purkinje cell synapses. With the following c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s , equation 1 gives the firing rate potential of a linearized Purkinje cell, and equation 2 models cer-
3For the purpose of comparing the responses of CARL and IDBD, we assume here that the PC response is instantaneous, i.e., there are no dynamics in the equation giving the PC firing as a function of its inputs. A more detailed model of the Purkinje cell--including compartmental modeling--would be fully compatible with CARL.
2These forms of [3i and h i w e r e derived from a gradient descent analysis [see Sutton (1992) for more details].
8 ¢::>I 0
w h e r e GCi, PC, and I 0 r e p r e s e n t the activities of, respectively, the ith granule cell, the Purkinje cell, and the inferior olive. Thus, the Purkinje cell activity is simply the w e i g h t e d sum of the granule cell (parallel fiber) inputs, and the synapses are modified by c o n c u r r e n t climbing fiber and parallel fiber activities. 3 Note that ff the learning rate was the same for all the synapses, the learning rule w o u l d simply reduce to the LTD portion of the learning rule p r o p o s e d by Albus; the original contribution of the p r e s e n t w o r k is the proposal that each Purkinje cell synapse can b e modified at its o w n and (as w e will see below) near optimal rate. Moreover, w e s h o w that this "learning" of the learning rate can be achieved in a biologically plausible manner. As described above, the key feature of IDBD is that the c h a n g e in learning rate is proportional to the temporal correlation b e t w e e n current w e i g h t change and recent w e i g h t changes. Because h i (in equation 5) is a m e m o r y of the w e i g h t changes, its decay should be significantly slower than a cell m e m b r a n e time constant, w h i c h is of the order of 10 msec. In IDBD, [3i is described as an integrator but could also be r e p r e s e n t e d by a leaky integrator w i t h a time constant m u c h longer than the time constant of h r W e thus propose that [3i and h i m o d e l second-messenger concentrations, w h i c h have significantly larger time constants than electrical activities. As w e shall see below, these time constants are o n the order of hours for ~i and on the order of a second for h i. Equations 4, 5, and 6 w e r e derived from optimization theory, not according to biological plausibility. There is no reason to believe that chemical processes in the synapse could i m p l e m e n t the exponential function of equation 4 or the nonlinear, activity-dependent decay factor [1 - %(t + 1)xi2(t)] + in equation 6. Instead, provided that the diffusional delays of the n e u r o c h e m i c a l s in the synapses [in the order of 10-20 msec (Fiala et al. 1996)] are negligible c o m p a r e d w i t h the time constants of the
y ¢::>PC;
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Schweighofer and Arbib chemical reactions, s e c o n d - m e s s e n g e r concentrations can be m o d e l e d w i t h first o r d e r kinetics equations OViala et al. 1996). Thus, w e rewrite equation 5 and 6 as follow:
-- ---- + kl
dt dhi dt
[, f 4;
% hi
-- --
(~max -
~ i ) GCi I O b i
(7) zs
+ k2 (bmax-
w h e r e k 1 and k 2 a r e input gains, ~max and hma x maximal concentrations, and q'l and v 2 the time constants of the t w o s e c o n d messengers. In CARL the adaptive learning rate is taken simply as [3i (and not as the e x p o n e n t i a l of [3i). Weight changes occur in those parallel fiber --+ Purkinje cell synapses activated in conjunction w i t h the climbing fiber:
0 L0
Equations 9 and 8 s h o w that h i is a decaying trace (with time constant %) of the cumulative sum of r e c e n t changes of w v Moreover, as s h o w n by the last t e r m of equation 7, the overall c h a n g e in learning rate [3iis p r o p o r t i o n a l to the t e m p o r a l correlation b e t w e e n current w e i g h t c h a n g e GCJO and r e c e n t w e i g h t changes h i .
+ 0X2o
w h e r e all the s i are either +1 or -1.5 To m a k e it a tracking problem, after every 100 e x a m p l e s one of the five si is selected and s w i t c h e d in sign. W e chose a time step of 10 msec; thus, the target changes every second. If the metalearning algorithm can identify w h i c h inputs are relevant, t h e n it should be able to track the drifting target function m o r e accurately than ordinary delta rule. O n e long run of 100,000 sec is p e r f o r m e d , and on ano t h e r 1000 sec the average asymptotic error is c o m p u t e d . The integration m e t h o d is the Euler m e t h o d , the p r o g r a m is written in C, and simulations are run on a DEC alpha 500. The solid line bars of Figure 1 s h o w the best p e r f o r m a n c e obtained w i t h the three algorithms in the task described above. With its optimal learning rate (learning rate = 0.05), the LMS (delta) rule attains a m e a n square error (MSE) of 0.89. IDBD and CARL p e r f o r m m u c h better: IDBD has an MSE of 0.27 w i t h the metalearning rate 0 = 0.01, and CARL
4A convenient, stationary task could also be used, but nonstationary tasks are more appropriate because they show the ability of the IDBD algorithm to generalize, i.e., to use previous learning in future, related tasks.
y * ----_S l X 1 + S2X 2 -{- S3X 3 + S4X 4 + S 5 g 5 + 0 X 6 + . . .
For our p u r p o s e (namely s h o w i n g that the advantages of adaptive learning rates can be obtained w i t h a n e u r o c h e m i c a l l y plausible learning rule), w e require only that CARL has p e r f o r m a n c e comparable w i t h that of IDBD and significantly b e t t e r than the delta learning rule (i.e., learning w i t h o u t metaplasticity). Sutton (1992) assessed the capabilities of the IDBD by using a series of tracking tasks, supervised learning tasks in w h i c h the target drifts over time and must be tracked. 4 Here w e use a very similar task, w h i c h involves 20 real-valued inputs and one output. The inputs are c h o s e n ind e p e n d e n t l y and r a n d o m l y according to a normal distribution w i t h zero m e a n and unit variance. The
target is the sum of the first five inputs, e a c h multiplied either by +1 or - 1 , that is,
Figure 1: Comparison of the best average asymptotic performances of LMS, IDBD, and CARL. (Solid line bars) The neuron with 20 synapses; (broken line) the neuron with 500 synapses. In the latter case, the LMS learning rule cannot decrease the error, but IDBD and CARL do almost as well as in the former case.
dw i
dt - ~3i GCi IO
I ]
5In this simple model there are no sign constraints for the weights and neural activities; in the real cerebellum these quantities can vary around positive means.
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has an MSE of 0.29 w i t h the following p a r a m e t e r values: k 1 = 5, ~ m a x = 10, "1"1 = 10,000 sec, k 2 = 0.1, hma,, = 0.01, and "r2 = 0.32 sec. Biological n e u r o n s have m a n y synapses and receive m a n y irrelevant, noisy inputs. Consequently, w e n o w assess the p e r f o r m a n c e of CARL w i t h a large n u m b e r of modifiable synapses, that is, 500 synapses instead of 20 as formerly. The tracking task is of the same nature (only five inputs are relevant). Because the n u m b e r of relevant inputs has d e c r e a s e d from 25% to 1%, the learning task is very arduous (such a low p e r c e n t a g e of relevant inputs is likely to be unrealistic in the real cerebellum, but it allows us h e r e to s h o w the capacity of CARL). As the b r o k e n line bars of Figure 1 show, the simple LMS is unable to decrease the error significantly for any learning rate (MSE - 5.06). Both IDBD and CARL, h o w e v e r , reduces the error significantly: Their respective MSE results are 0.28 and 0.31 (same p a r a m e t e r set as above, e x c e p t for LMS learning rate - 0.001). To exhibit biological plausibility, CARL must be robust in the choice of the parameters. In Figure 2, w e s h o w CARL's p e r f o r m a n c e as a function of the loglo of the t w o time constants (the cell has n o w 20 synapses again). G o o d p e r f o r m a n c e s are obtained for a large range of values, that is, "rI > 1000 sec and "r2 < 1 sec. Similarly, the perform a n c e of CARL should not be too affected by the choice of the gains kl and k 2. In equation 7, k~ is the rate of adjusting of the learning rate and corr e s p o n d s to the metalearning rate in IDBD. If the range of values of k I yielding g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e s is
b 3
.......... . . . . . . . .........................
a.s •
0.1 0.05 LMS learning rate
0 IoglO(kl)
-1 0 ioglO(k2)
Figure 3: Average asymptotic error for the LMS learning rule over a range of learning rates (a), and CARL over wide ranges of the two input gains k 1 (b) and k 2 (c) (logarithmic plot). Note the robustness of CARL compared with the LMS learning rule.
narrow, CARL w o u l d not solve the p r o b l e m of finding the " g o o d " learning rate, but instead the problem w o u l d be similar to the LMS, merely displaced an o r d e r higher. O n the contrary if the learning p e r f o r m a n c e s do not d e p e n d m u c h on kl, t h e n a very r o u g h value of k I could be inherited. Figure 3, b and c, s h o w s that the values of k I and k 2 for w h i c h good learning occurs belong to very large ranges (note that w e plotted the MSE as a function of the logmo of the gains), all the m o r e w h e n comp a r e d w i t h the n a r r o w range of optimal learning rates for the LMS s h o w n in Figure 3a. Thus, there is no n e e d for a metalearning process of higher o r d e r (i.e., the learning of k I and k2). In Figure 4, w e s h o w h o w cellular activity leads to a persistent c h a n g e in the d e g r e e of synaptic plasticity. We plot the time course of the adaptive learning rates 13i for CARL for one relevant and one irrelevant input (an input is relevant if it has a n o n z e r o w e i g h t in the target, equation 10) as a function of time. The learning rates for irrelevant synapses converge to values close to zero, as desired. The learning rate of the relevant inputs all converge t o w a r d -0.14. To see if this is an optimal value, w e use an LMS rule w h e r e the irrelevant inputs are given zero learning rates and the relevant inputs are given fixed learning rates b e t w e e n 0.05 and 0.25. Simulations s h o w that best perform a n c e is obtained for learning rates b e t w e e n O. 13 and 0.16. Thus CARL, as IDBD (see Sutton 1992), finds near optimal learning rates.
log 10(tau1)
Figure 2: Average asymptotic error for CARL over wide ranges of the two time constants -r1 and % (logarithmic plot ). Note the robustness of the algorithm for % > 1000 sec and % < 1 sec.
In this p a p e r w e p r o p o s e d a n e w m o d e l of metaplasticity in the cerebellar Purkinje cell. This m o d e l dramatically improves learning p e r f o r m a n c e
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Schweighofer and Arbib fiber synaptic input) will not only d e t e r m i n e the value of the synaptic efficacy (cerebellar plasticity, i.e., LTD) but also d e t e r m i n e the optimal learning rate of the synapse, allowing efficient learning of the shoulder motor c o m m a n d . Thus, metaplasticity w o u l d allow the c e r e b e l l u m to be a neural n e t w o r k with powerful learning capabilities, as required for the acquisition of c o m p l e x internal inverse neural models. Two other learning algorithms are relevant to the present work. First, the basic LMS rule can be modified by adding a " m o m e n t u m " tenr~ (Rumelhart et al. 1986) that can greatly i m p r o v e the speed of learning. The idea is to give each w e i g h t some inertia, or m o m e n t u m , so that the w e i g h t changes direction on average and not w i t h each little kick. The m o m e n t u m effectively adjusts the w e i g h t change as a function of past experience, as IDBD or CARL does. Moreover, the LMS rule including a m o m e n t u m term could be i m p l e m e n t e d by cellular n e u r o c h e m i s t w as readily as CARL. However, the a u g m e n t e d m o m e n t u m rule does not directly deal w i t h irrelevant inputs, and the p r o b l e m of the appropriate choice of the parameters (i.e., the learning rate and the m o m e n t u m parameter) is even more difficult than in the simple LMS rule. It has b e e n s h o w n that, for the LMS, the use of the mom e n t u m reduces the stable range of the learning rate p a r a m e t e r and thus could lead to instability if the learning rate is not adjusted appropriately. Moreover, the misadjustment increases w i t h increasing learning rate (Roy and Shynk 1990). The second m e t h o d that is related to CARL is the exp o n e n t i a t e d gradient (EG) m e t h o d of Littlestone (1988). This algorithm addresses the issue of irrelevant inputs, albeit w i t h a different m e c h a n i s m than CARL, and simulation results s h o w that it outperforms the LMS w h e n only a f e w inputs are relevant. The original EG rule might be difficult to i m p l e m e n t in a biologically plausible m a n n e r because of the use of the e x p o n e n t i a l function at each synapse and the n e e d for equal distribution of a global quantity that d e p e n d s on the s u m of tile weight changes over the cell. The a p p r o x i m a t e d EG (Kivinen and W a r m u t h 1994) appears more biologically plausible because it has the benefit to avoid the use of the e x p o n e n t i a l functions and has a m u c h simpler form. However, the a p p r o x i m a t e d EG cannot be i m p l e m e n t e d in the Purkinje cell because it requires c o m p u t a t i o n of the correlation b e t w e e n the difference of the target signal y* w i t h the local synaptic input x i and the error signal 8. However, as discussed above, the Purkinje cell syn-
0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1
0.08 ._ 0.06 0.04 0.02
time (sec)
Figure 4: Time course of two learning rates under CARL for one relevant and one irrelevant input. For the relevant input, the corresponding 13~quickly climbs to a large value to ensure responsiveness to changes; for the irrelevant input, the corresponding 13~stays near zero.
by automatically setting near optimal synaptic learning rates ( w h i c h can be zero), in order to deal w i t h the p r o b l e m of i n p u t relevance or nonrelevance in regard to a certain goal. As a concrete example, w e can relate metaplasticity to the role of the Purkinje cells in multijoint m o v e m e n t s . The c e r e b e l l u m is k n o w n to provide the m o t o r c o m m a n d s necessary to compensate for the interaction forces occurring during fast reaching m o v e m e n t s (Bastian et al. 1996). For a Purkinje cell to c o m p u t e a precise motor comm a n d for a joint, c o n v e r g e n c e of kinematic information from other joints is necessary (Schw e i g h o f e r et al. 1998a,b). For a shoulder-related Purkinje cell for instance, kinematic information about the e l b o w joint is crucial, but information about the wrist is less relevant, and p r o p r i o c e p t i v e information about the t h u m b is probably irrelevant because its mass is negligible. However, information about m a n y joints reaches the Purkinje cell, because each parallel fiber spans the cerebellar cortex a over a long distance (about 6 m m long in the monkey; Mugnaini 1983) and links m a n y cerebellar functional units (or "cerebellar microzones," each having a w i d t h o f - 2 0 0 ram; Oscarsson 1980). The degree of input relevance, however, cannot be available a priori for the shoulder Purkinje cell. W e propose that the temporal correlation b e t w e e n (1) the error signal (carried by the climbing fiber) resulting from a n o n c o r r e c t shoulder m o v e m e n t and (2) the kinematic information from a specific joint (brought about by the parallel
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apses are only thought to be able to compute the correlation b e t w e e n the error signal ~ (carried by the climbing fiber) and the local synaptic input x i (from the parallel fibers). Computer models represent one possible solution to a given problem. To provide generalized significance, computer models have to be experimentally validated. Although the metalearning algorithm we developed is biologically plausible, the simulation protocol we used is not directly based on neuroscience experimental data; but because our simulations were computationally tractable and because we did not need to make unnecessary assumptions, we could concentrate on the learning algorithm per se and study it in detail. We can now make several testable predictions that may lead to future progress in the empirical studies of cerebellar plasticity. Several experiments show that synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus can be dramatically modulated by prior synaptic activity (see Abraham and Bear 1996). Similarly, we predict that the rate at w h i c h cerebellar LTD occurs can be greatly modulated by prior conjoint stimulation of the parallel fiber and climbing fiber pathways. We further predict that in the cerebellum, metaplasticity and synaptic modification are induced simultaneously by the same synaptic activity, as shown by equations 8 and 9. But what would be the cascade of events in the Purkinje cell responsible for a putative mechanism underlying cerebellar metaplasticity? and what would be a minimal model describing it? Our simulation results suggest that cerebellar LTD could be modulated by different neurochemical concentrations at the synapse. In CARL, h i is a second messenger whose concentration depends on the concurrent activation of both the inferior olive and the parallel fiber and whose time constant is 1 sec or less. Possible candidates include high levels of Ca 2+ arising from both external sources after climbing fiber action and internal stores after PF activity (Llano et al. 1991) and protein kinase C (Crepel and Krupa 1988). Because [3i must have a very long haft-life for the system to have good performance (on the order of an hour or more), proteins would be good candidates. In the hippocampus, induction of long-term potentiation is followed by a complex pattern of changes in protein synthesis. Facilitation of activation of the protein calpain is associated with a greater degree of synaptic potentiation (Muller et al. 1995). Calpain is involved in the regulation of glutamatergic
synapses (Bi et al. 1994), and calpain activation has a slow onset (1-4 hr) that lasts for several days after stimulation (Bi et al. 1996). Because the isoform calpain II has recently b e e n shown to exist in relatively high quantity in the Purkinje cells (Li et al. 1996), we suggest that this form of calpain is one possible candidate candidate for a molecule that influences the Purkinje cell learning rates.
Acknowledgments This research was supported by grant N00014-92+4026 from the Office of Naval Research for research on "Cerebellum and the Adaptive Coordination of Movement" and by J.S.T. We are grateful to S. Schaal for raising the issues of overfitting and metalearning and to G. Tocco, M. Kawato, and K. Doya for useful comments. Constructive criticism on an earlier draft was kindly provided by M. Baudry, R. Simantov, F. Pollick, and M. Tiede. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
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