A Model to Minimize the Hot Rolling Time of a Steel Slab Considering the Steel’s Chemical Composition Carlos A. Hernández Carreón1, Héctor J. Fraire-Huacuja2, Karla Espriella Fernandez1, Guadalupe Castilla-Valdez2, and Juana E. Mancilla Tolama1 1
Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería mecánica y Eléctrica, Unidad Azcapotzalco, I.P.N. Av. de las Granjas No. 682 Col. Santa Catarina Azcapotzalco, México, D. F. C.P. 02550
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] 2 Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero. 1º de Mayo y Sor Juana I. de la Cruz S/N. 89440-Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas, México
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract. This paper presents an optimization approach to deal with the problem of minimizing the hot rolling time of a steel slab. Unlike traditional approaches, this work also considers the chemical composition of the steel slab as a parameter, allowing the automatic setup for different steels of the hot rolling mill. To validate the approach discussed here, a six-stand rolling mill is modeled as an optimization constrained problem solving for six different steel types taken from real processes. The mathematical formulation and considerations for each presented case are fully described. The experimental evidence shows that the solution of the hot rolling scheduling problem requires a more efficient method than just a constrained nonlinear optimizer and that the proposed model properly simulates the hot rolling process. Keywords: Evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, rolling pass schedule.
1 Introduction Hot rolling is one of the most important metalworking processes in comparison with any other forming process aimed to manufacture products of relatively large dimensions (i.e., sheets, strips, plates, foils, etc.), at high speeds [1]. The rolling mill reduces the slab thickness with two work rollers in a mill stand (Fig. 1). Due to the high operational costs of a rolling mill, it is not an acceptable approach to define the rolling schedule in an empirical way.
Fig. 1. Hot rolling process
J.M. Corchado et al. (Eds.): DCAI 2008, ASC 50, pp. 471–480, 2009. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 springerlink.com
C.A.H. Carreón et al.
In essence, the hot rolling scheduling problem consist in determining the reductions for every rolling pass in order to obtain the final thickness, considering that the rolling power should be lower than the motor power.
2 Related Work The hot rolling scheduling problem has been the subject of several research works. Nolle & Armstrong propose the optimization of a 7-stand hot rolling mill using simulated annealing (SA) and genetic algorithms (GAs) [2]. The goal was to optimize the surface quality of a steel slab. In this work, the SA shows a better performance than GAs. Oduguwa & Tiwari propose a general methodology to solve problems of sequential processes using GAs [3]. The proposal consists in a binary representation of the full set of parameters as a sub-set of strings using a multi-objective model, specifically applied to multi-pass hot rolling example. The goal was to maximize the system productivity by optimizing the rolling force. Chakraborti [4] applied GAs to the problem of minimizing the hot rolling time in a reversing mill stand by determining the optimum number of odd passes. In this work the efficiency of GAs to calculate a suitable hot rolling schedule, with respect to traditional methods, is demonstrated. Another contribution of Chakraborti [5] was the study of surface profiles of rolled slabs. In this case, two objective functions were applied to evaluate the wearing and deflection of the rolls as the main factors of the variation of the thickness during the rolling process. The GA produces good quality solutions with respect to the solutions corresponding to the industrial data [6]. Other approaches to determine hot rolling schedules have been applied, such as neural network [7, 8], fuzzy logic [9], and finite element methods [10]. Currently the more successfully approach to solve the hot rolling scheduling problem is the genetic algorithm approach. In this work the chemical composition of the steel slab is incorporated, allowing the automatic setup of the rolling schedule for different types of steel to be rolled in the mill. To validate the approach, a six-stand rolling mill is modeled as an optimization constrained problem and a set of industrial cases is considered.
3 Hot Rolling Model The process parameters to roll the steel are obtained using a rolling model. Fig. 2 shows the hot rolling schedule flowchart to calculate the parameters, for a rolling mill with n deformation passes of the roll stand i. In this work we use the Hernández model to predict the flow stress of any kind of steel, independently of their chemical composition [11-14]. The flow stress parameters include temperature, strain, strain rate, grain size and the chemical composition of the steel. The hot rolling model is used to calculate the flow stress and the resistance to deformation in two steps. The first step uses a stress-strain curve model to calculate the flow stress as follows:
A Model to Minimize the Hot Rolling Time
Let Zi the Zener-Hollomon parameter in stand i, A =(12.19 + 65.58·%C -49.05·%Nb) exp (7.076·Q) and Q = 267,000-253552·%C +1010·%Mn +33,620.7·%Si + 35,651.28·%Mo +93,680.52·%Ti 0.5919+ 70,729.85·%Nb0.5649+ 31,673.46·%V where: %C : percentage weight of carbon. %Mn : percentage weight of Manganese. %Si : percentage weight of Silicon. %Mo : percentage weight of molybdenum. %Nb : percentage weight of Niobium. %Ti : percentage weight of Titanium. %V : percentage weight of Vanadium. %C, %Mn, %Si, %Mo, %Nb, %Ti, %V Steel characteristics: do , hi-1 , hi , Ti Mill train characteristics: Di , Pi , vi , li Flow stress σi Resistance to deformation
Roll force Fi Roll torque
Roll power Wi
i h1 > h2 >h3 > h4> h5 > hf 2.
To achieve the thickness reduction in a rolling stand the obtained rolling power should be lower than the real motor power:
Wi < Pi
for i = 1 …. 6
6 Industrial Rolling Time Calculation For each type of steel there is a rolling schedule given by the machine manufacturer. The rolling schedule indicates to the machine operator the reductions that must be applied to roll the steel slab. These reductions are a suboptimal solution of the problem solely based on empirical assumptions. This work considers the parameters for each individual case - as defined in Table 2, the rolling schedule proposed by the manufacturer and the intermediate process time (equation 8) to calculate the total industrial rolling time. Table 3 shows the reduction configurations for the steel specified in the Hylsa Monterrey data and the rolling time calculated with expression (8) for each stand.
A Model to Minimize the Hot Rolling Time
Table 3. Total industrial rolling time Rolling stand No.
Di mm
li m
Stand exit thickness, mm h0
Rolling time,s
Total industrial rolling time:
0.0024 10.3444
The total industrial rolling time will be taken as the reference time to compare the rolling times obtained from the different solution methods.
7 Experimental Results
execution time (sec)
This section reports the experimental results of the model evaluation. The experiments were carried out with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for Small Business, dual Xeon CPU 3.06 GHZ, 3.87 GB RAM and the compiler C++. In the first experiment, the computational cost of the problem solution was studied. The five cases were solved considering different number of rolling passes, based on the Hylsa Monterrey data using a simplified version of the proposed model and a constrained nonlinear optimizer. Figure 3 shows the execution time to solve the hot rolling problem for 2 to 6 rolling passes. As it can be seen, for 6 rolling passes the execution time is increased to 400 CPU sec. Thus it can be conclude that the solution of the hot rolling scheduling problem requires a more efficient approach than the constrained nonlinear optimizer. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1
rolling passes
Fig. 3. Execution time with respect to the number of rolling passes
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In the second experiment, the 17 defined cases were solved 30 times using a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm was configured using 40% of crossover, 50% of mutation, a population of 100 individuals and 100 generations. With the genetic algorithm the obtained results were: total solution average time of 42 CPU seconds and the average time to obtain the best solution of 23 CPU seconds. Figure 4 shows the typical differences observed between the rolling schedules proposed by the manufacturer and the genetic rolling schedules generated for a given instance. In the graph, the rolling time and the thickness reductions for each one of the six stands are shown. The global rolling time obtained solving the modeled problem with a genetic algorithm is 0.051% better than the industrial rolling time proposed by the manufacturer. These results show that the proposed model has the capacity of simulating the hot rolling process. Additionally the rolling schedule generated produces softer reductions than the rolling schedule proposed by the manufacturer. This characteristic of the solutions generated using the proposed model, reduces the equipment damage risks. industrial time
GA time
soft change
40 35 30 25 20
hard change
15 10 5 0 0
6 rolling time
Fig. 4. Comparison of rolling schedule obtained with the GA vs. the industrial schedule
8 Conclusions In this work the problem of minimizing the hot rolling time was approached. Unlike traditional approaches, the chemical composition of the steel is incorporated as a parameter. This allows the automatic setup of the hot rolling schedule for different types of steel. To validate the approach a six-stand rolling mill was modeled as an optimization constrained problem. The mathematical model and the instances set were completely described. The considered cases were defined from industrial schedules considering six different types of steels. The suboptimal industrial rolling time was used as the reference time to evaluate the performance of the solution methods. Using a constrained nonlinear optimizer, the computational cost of the problem solution was studied. With the observed experimental evidence it can be concluded that, the solution derived from the before mentioned optimizer is not yet optimal, requiring the investigation on alternative approaches, like the one presented here based on genetic
A Model to Minimize the Hot Rolling Time
algorithms. Finally, the results obtained from the genetic approach, indicate that the proposed model simulates the hot rolling process properly.
Acknowledgments Thanks to Hylsa Monterrey or software HSMM of INTEG Process Group for their technical support. This research was founded by CONACYT (62233) and IPN (SIP 20082593).
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