A multi-criteria decision-making tool with information ...

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Keywords— Multi-criteria decision making, design assessment, fuzzy logic ... Aggregation of the fuzzy vector with given weights by ... CASE ILLUSTRATION.

A multi-criteria decision-making tool with information redundancy treatment for design evaluation Nikolai Efimov-Soini*, Mariia Kozlova, Pasi Luuka, Mikael Collan School of business and management Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta, Finland *[email protected] Abstract — This article introduces a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method that takes into account interdependency of criteria. Recognizing information redundancy in related criteria the proposed approach offers their weight formation based on their interaction. Further, normalized estimated criteria and their weights are aggregated by means of Fuzzy Heavy Weighted Averaging (FHWA) operator. The approach is illustrated with a numerical case study of engineering design selection problem.


Aggregation of the fuzzy vector with given weights by means of FHWA operator;


Forming rankings from resulting aggregated fuzzy numbers [4].

The interaction matrix in the step 4 is a special matrix that reflects dependence (or independence) of criteria to each other. The interaction matrix can be defined as: (1)

Keywords— Multi-criteria decision making, design assessment, fuzzy logic, information redunduncy



The design evaluation is a crucial task on the conceptual design stage, as far as the concept chosen in this stage influences the whole further product life-cycle [1]. On the one hand, the information about concepts is often incomplete, uncertain and evolving. On the other hand, key decision criteria are often interdependent that hinders unbiased decisionmaking. This paper proposes a method suitable for the design evaluation. In contrast to existing techniques [2], the distinct feature of the new method is that it takes into account information redundancy of evaluating criteria. The latter allows more accurate decision-making. In this paper, the flow meter case is used to illustrate the proposed method. II.


The proposed method is based on the procedure presented in [3] and incorporates in addition information redundancy treatment. It contains six main steps: 1.

Transformation of data vector into fuzzy numbers to capture imprecision and uncertainty of estimates;


Normalization of fuzzy numbers in order to transform them into comparable units and enable aggregation;


Distinguishing between cost and benefit criteria and taking a complement from cost ones;


Creating weights by using interaction matrix of criteria;

Where denoting presence/absence of interaction. We assume , meaning that variable does not interact with itself. The interaction vector is created by cardinality of interactions presented: (2) Further, it is scaled to a unit interval by (3)

where denoting maximum possible interactions with variable. The weights are formed by taking the complement of the the interaction vector: (4) Thus, the weight vector reflects information redundancy in the criteria. The more the interdependence between one criterion with others, the lower its weight in the final estimate. A Fuzzy Heavy Weighted Averaging (FHWA) operator [3] is used for aggregation. FHWA of dimension n is a mapping operator that maps Un → U that has an associated weighting vector W of dimension n such that the sum of the weights is between [1,n] and wi  0,1 , then:


FHWA (aˆ1 , aˆ 2 , , aˆ n )   wi aˆ i


i 1

where ( aˆ1 , aˆ2 ,, aˆn ), are now fuzzy triangular numbers For details on other steps, see [5].

Proceedings of NSAIS16 - 2016 Lappeenranta Finland - ISBN 978-952-265-986-6




The application of the above algorithm is illustrated with a selection problem among designs of three different flow meters: electromagnetic (EM), turbine and ultrasonic. The flow meters are used for measuring of the flow of liquids or gases in the different areas, such as construction, oil and gas, nuclear power etc. For these devices eight important criteria are identified: the cost of device, the work time, the electricity consumption, the accuracy, the amount of liquids on which they can operate, the easiness of installation, the processing of the electronic signal, and the shelf-time. The specifications on each flow meter type is presented in Table I [6]. TABLE I.

of this criterion, computed as the complement is equal to 0.5. The overall weight vector defined in this manner is [0.5 0.875 0.75 0.875 0.5 0.75 0.5 1]. Aggregation of normalized fuzzified criteria with their weights provides the final fuzzy estimates for each design represented on Fig. 1.


Turbine (Okhta T50)

Ultrasonic (Vzloyt MR)

1. Cost, rubles




2. Work time, hours




3. Consumption, V*A




4. Accuracy, m3/hour




5. Operatied liquids

6. Easiness installation 7. Processing of electronic signal

Water, and sold water, dirty water

Only water












8. Shelf-time, years


Fig. 1. Final fuzzy numbers for each flowmeter.

According to the Kaufmann and Gupta method [4] a unique linear order of fuzzy numbers can be found by using some properties of the numbers as criteria for ordering. In this method, the following three properties are used: removal number, mode and divergence. If the first criterion does not give a unique linear order, then the second criterion is used, and ultimately the third criterion is applied as well. In our case the first criterion is enough to obtain the final ranking. In particular, the removal for a triangular fuzzy number is calculated as:

All liquids

(6) Detailed computations in accordance with the defined algorithm are left outside this extended abstract, however, we dwell upon the weight formation here. Table II presents the interaction matrix of eight defined criteria numbered consequently. TABLE II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sum


INTERACTION MATRIX 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 4

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2

4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

The final ranking (Table III) of these fuzzy estimates proposes electromagnetic flow meter as the best one, followed by turbine and ultrasonic designs.

5 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 4

6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2

7 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4

8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The interaction matrix shows that e.g. cost of the design is influenced by its durability, accuracy, amount of operated liquids and ability to process the electronic signal. Thus, the overall interaction of the first criterion with others is equal to 4 (defined as cardinality). Scaling it to unit interval with the total possible interactions equal to 8 returns 0.5. Hence, the weight


Flow meter

Final ranking

EM Turbine Ultrasonic

1 2 3



This paper introduces a new multi-criteria decision-making method that treats information redundancy in evaluating criteria. The approach is illustrated on engineering design selection problem. The results show its effectiveness in removing the effect of interdependent criteria from the final estimate. The proposed approach is suitable for the majority of MCDM problems and can potentially find its application in a variety of industries and academic fields.

Proceedings of NSAIS16 - 2016 Lappeenranta Finland - ISBN 978-952-265-986-6





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[4] [5] [6]

strategic R&D projects & analyzing and seleting projects with a system that uses new fuzzy weighted averaging operators, Submitted Kaufmann, M. and M. Gupta (1985). Introduction to fuzzy arithmetics: theory and applications. New York, NY, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Efimov-Soini, N., Kozlova, M., Luuka, P. and Collan M. (unpublished). A multi-criteria decision-making tool with information redundancy Termotronic, product description. Available at: http://termotronic.ru/products/ [Accessed 12.05.2016]

Proceedings of NSAIS16 - 2016 Lappeenranta Finland - ISBN 978-952-265-986-6