In recent years, the growing availability of pen- based computing ..... Post-process. Quill. SATIN. Figure 4. The architecture of the primitive shape recognizer.
A Multi-layer Parsing Strategy for On-line Recognition of Hand-drawn Diagrams Gennaro Costagliola, Vincenzo Deufemia, Michele Risi Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Salerno Via Ponte don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano(SA), Italy {gcostagliola,deufemia,mrisi} Abstract The existing sketch recognizers perform only a limited drawing recognition since they process simple sketches, or rely on drawing style assumptions that reduce the recognition complexity, and in most cases they require a substantial amount of training data. In this paper we present a parsing strategy for the recognition of hand-drawn diagrams that can be used in interactive sketch interfaces. The approach is based on a grammar formalism, namely Sketch Grammars (SkGs), for describing both the symbols’ shape and the syntax of diagrammatic notations, and from which recognizers are automatically generated. The recognition system was evaluated in the domain of UML use case diagrams and the results highlight the recognition accuracy improvements produced by the use of context in the disambiguation process.
1. Introduction In recent years, the growing availability of penbased computing hardware, such as PDAs, electronic whiteboards and tablet computers, has increased the interest in the creation of computer software that works exclusively from freehand drawings, especially for the disciplines of engineering, software design, and architecture [5,13]. These tools allow users to convey information efficiently releasing them from a maze of menus, toolbars and many complicated commands. The existing sketching systems provide good user interfaces but have only limited recognition capability for the graphical input. This problem introduces redundancy and inefficiency when the systems are used as early phase design tools, since they are not able to transform the edited sketches into input for more powerful design systems. In general, the construction of sketch recognizers for new domain-specific languages is a non trivial and time-consuming task. Indeed, the recognition details of
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the new language are hand coded into the system and/or a considerable amount of training data are required to customize the system [2,3]. Inspired by the approaches used in visual language recognition and compiler-compilers, in this paper we present a parsing strategy for the on-line recognition of hand-drawn diagrams. The approach is based on the grammar formalism of Sketch Grammars for modeling diagrammatic sketch notations and for the automatic generation of the corresponding recognizers [9]. In particular, the formalism allows designers to hierarchically describe both the symbols’ shapes and the syntax of diagrammatic notations and to obtain efficient recognizers whose parsing technique is based on LR parsing techniques [1]. These recognizers form the high layer of the sketch recognition system for a diagrammatic notation, while the low layer consists of a domain-independent primitive shape recognizer. Once integrated into a sketch editor, the proposed recognition system incrementally and unobtrusively interprets the sketches as they are created. In particular, the user’ strokes are first segmented and interpreted as primitive shapes, then clustered into symbols of the domain by using the grammar-based symbol recognizers, and finally the best sentence interpretation is selected by exploiting the domain context of the recognizer of the diagrammatic notation. This approach does not constrain users to a specific drawing style since the symbols of the diagrams can be drawn with a varying number of strokes and without a particular direction or order. The approach also allows users to draw the diagrams in interspersed fashion, i.e., the system recognizes new drawn symbols even if other symbols have not been completely drawn. We have evaluated the proposed recognition strategy in the domain of UML use case diagrams. In particular, we have evaluated the accuracy improvements produced by the language recognizer by comparing the proposed three-layer approach with the one without language recognizer. The results have shown that many ambiguities in the sketches have been
solved thanks to the knowledge of domain context aside of the language recognizer. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the main issues to be addressed in the construction of diagrammatic sketch recognizers and successively we present our approach. In Section 3 we describe the grammar formalism for describing sketch languages, while the recognition strategy is presented in Section 4. An evaluation of the recognition system in the domain of UML use case diagrams is presented in Section 5. We discuss the related work in Section 6. Finally, the conclusion and further research are discussed in Section 7.
2. The proposed approach In this section we start by discussing the main issues to be taken into account for the construction of on-line sketch recognizers and then we provide an outline of the proposed recognition system. As opposed to traditional diagram editors, where the domain specific symbols are provided in palettes, abstract shapes are imprecise and highly variable in hand-sketched diagrams. Thus, the first challenge in building a sketch-based system is recognizing the meaningful patterns implied by a user’s pen stroke. This task is not trivial because pattern matching must be flexible enough to allow some tolerance in sketch recognition, but sufficiently constrained not to accept incorrect patterns. As an example, let us consider stroke 2 in Fig. 1(a). It is an arc but in the recognition process it should also be considered as a line segment since these two primitive elements are very similar. Sketch recognition systems should also not place constraints on how the users can draw a symbol. Indeed, they should be able to draw without having to worry about where to start a stroke, how many strokes to use, in what order to draw the strokes, etc. Thus, the recognition should be independent of stroke-order, stroke-number, and stroke-direction, as well as invariant to rotation, scaling, and reflection of symbols. Another important issue in sketch understanding concerns ink parsing that establishes which strokes are part of which shapes by grouping and segmenting the user’s strokes into clusters of intended symbols [17]. This is a particularly challenging problem since the same shape can be drawn by varying the number of pen strokes. For example a use case symbol of a use case diagram can be drawn as a single pen stroke, or as two or more separate strokes as shown in Fig. 1(b). Alternatively, a single pen stroke can contain multiple shapes as in Fig. 1(c) where a communication symbol
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(the line segment) and a use case are drawn. This variation in drawing style together with the inherent ambiguities increase the difficulties in the segmentation and clustering tasks because a recognizer cannot know a priori how many strokes will be used to draw each object, nor the order in which the parts of a shape will appear. 1 3
4 2
(a) (b) (c) Figure 1. A sketched actor symbol (a), a use case symbol drawn with three strokes (b), and two use case diagram symbols drawn with a single stroke (c). Based on these issues, accurate sketch recognition requires clever techniques for their resolution. As an example sketch recognition merely based on shape has a number of serious drawbacks. Indeed, the recognition of a sketched symbol is significantly influenced by the objects surrounding it. Thus, the ambiguities in the sketches can be correctly solved by analyzing the context around the ambiguous parts. The recognition approach proposed in this paper exploits the context provided by grammars during the recognition of sketched ink. For example, when a recognized symbol is unique to a context then the recognizer uses this symbol to determine the context and thereby resolve pending recognition ambiguities. Moreover, the recognition process focuses on the shape of the strokes as opposed to other features, such as drawing speed and size. In this way, the system will not place single stroke requirements on the users, allowing users to draw the shapes as they would naturally. As shown in Fig. 2, the process of definition of a sketch recognition system starts by specifying a grammar for each symbol of the domain language. As an example, for state transition diagrams the designer must specify a grammar for each one of the following symbols: state, initial state, final state, initial and final state, and transition. Successively, it is specified a grammar modeling the abstract syntax of the language. For each one of these grammars the Parser Generator constructs the corresponding recognizer. The recognition process consists of three phases. First the strokes are interpreted as primitive objects, such as lines, arcs, ellipses, etc., by using a domain independent recognizer. Then, symbol recognizers
Language Grammar Symbol Grammar 1
Parser Generator
Language Recognizer Symbol Symbol Recognizer 1 Recognizer 2
Symbol Recognizer n
Symbol Grammar 2
x x x Symbol Grammar n
Domain-independent Primitive Shape Recognizer
Figure 2. The process of generation of the sketch recognition system. cluster the primitive objects in order to identify possible domain symbols. Finally, the language recognizer analyzes these candidate symbols produced by the symbol recognizers, prunes some of the symbol interpretations according to the recognition context, interacts with symbol recognizers to force the recognition of incomplete symbols, and selects the more suitable interpretation. In this paper we consider the diagrammatic notation of UML use case diagrams as our running example of hand-drawn diagram language. Such diagrams are mainly composed of the following six symbols: actors, use cases, communication links, and arrows of type include, extend and generalize [21].
3. Describing diagrammatic sketches In this section we describe Sketch Grammars (SkGs, for short) [9], the grammar formalism used in the proposed recognition approach for modeling both the shape of the domain symbols and the abstract syntax of the sketch languages. SkGs are an extension of eXtended Positional Grammars (XPGs) [6], a formalism that overcomes the inefficiency of the visual languages syntactic analysis through efficient parsing algorithms based on suitable extensions of the wellknown LR technique [1]. The SkG formalism conceives the primitive and domain symbol shapes as formed by a graphical representation and a type. The latter has associated a set of attributes, which are used to relate a shape to others, and their values depend on the “position” of the shape in the sentence. The idea underlying the proposed formalism is to use the grammar productions for clustering the pen strokes of the input sketches into shapes of the domain language, and consequently for selecting the most appropriate interpretations for the input strokes provided by the primitive shape recognizer. The productions have also associated actions that allow designers to specify the display of the recognized
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shapes, to specify editing gestures, to define routines for verifying properties on the sketches. Sketch Grammars (SkGs) represent a direct extension of context-free string grammars, where more general relations other than concatenation are allowed. A SkG production has the following format: A * o x1(p1) R1 x2(p2) R2… xm-1(pm-1) Rm-1 xm(pm), Act where í A is a non-terminal shape type, í * is used to dynamically insert new terminal shape in the input during the parsing process, enhancing the expressive power of the formalism. í each xi is a terminal or nonterminal shape type, each pi is an optional value between 0 and 100 indicating the importance of the shape xi in the modeled is a sequence symbol, and each Rj (¢RELj1h1(t1),...,RELjnhn(tn)²). Each RELjihi(ti) relates attributes of xj+1 with attributes of xj-hi, with 1didn and 0dhi Line2(12) < joint2_1(t4), near1(t5), near2(t6)> Line3(3) Line4(12) Line5(3), ^Actor.attach(1) = Ellipse.attach(1) Line1.attach(1); }
The non-terminals Ellipse and Line cluster the single stroke arcs that form an ellipse and the parallel single
Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL-HCC'06) 0-7695-2586-5/06 $20.00 © 2006
4.1. The primitive shape recognizer As shown in Fig. 2, the first task of the sketch recognition process is the classification of the pixels composing the strokes into primitive geometric objects, such as line, arc, ellipse, etc. This task is performed by the primitive shape recognizer whose architecture is shown in Fig. 4. In order to support the recognition of multi-stroke symbols the stroke to be classified should be suitably split into single-stroke segments by exploiting stroke information such as curvature, speed and direction. This is accomplished by the segmentation algorithm of the SATIN toolkit [16]. Such segments are classified by using Quill [19], a domain-independent gesture recognition system, which has been properly trained on the primitive shapes used for the classification. Finally, a post-process is applied to the identified segments in order to eliminate possible redundancies. In particular, primitive shapes satisfying particular conditions are merged into single strokes. As an example, two connected line segments with nearly the same angle (two connected arcs with nearly the same center and radius, resp.) are represented with only one line (arc, resp.) stroke. Thus, for each input stroke the primitive shape recognizer outputs a sequence of substrokes with associated a classification of their most similar primitive shapes. segment stroke
classification Quill classification Post-process
Figure 4. The architecture of the primitive shape recognizer.
4.2. The symbol recognizer Symbol recognizers are domain-aware modules that try to cluster into symbols of the domain language the classified segments produced by the primitive recognizer. The parsing technique underlying such recognizers is an extension of the approaches proposed in [7] and [8]. In particular, the parsers scan the input in an incremental and non-sequential way, driven by the spatial relations specified in the grammar productions. The input to the incremental parser is formed by the new shapes produced by the primitive shape recognizer and stored in a dictionary, a parse tree and a graph stack built on the strokes analyzed so far. The parser restructures the parse tree, which represents the recognized strokes, on the base of the new strokes and updates the graph stack. Each node of the tree might have associated a value representing the importance rate of the strokes associated to the leaves of its subtree. In particular, such value is computed during the reduction of the applied productions by using the importance values associated to the symbols of the grammar. The output of the symbol recognizer is obtained by analyzing the parse tree and the graph stack. In particular, the interpretation is composed by the triple: name of the symbol, sequence of the strokes analyzed by the parser, which corresponds to the leaves of the parse tree, and eventually the importance rate obtained by the sum of the importance values associated to the grammar symbols in the graph stack. Fig. 5 shows the recognition process of an actor symbol. In particular, from the bottom to the top it shows the incremental editing of the symbol, the primitive shapes (more similar to the last edited stroke) identified by the primitive shape recognizer, and how the symbol recognizer incrementally constructs the parse tree. Note that the third edited stroke is segmented in two substrokes.
4.3. The language recognizer The language recognizer analyzes the interpretations produced by the symbol recognizers and applies its knowledge of the domain context to select the best interpretation, to force the recognition of incomplete or inaccurate symbols, and to prune the execution of unnecessary active symbol recognizers, thus improving the efficiency of the overall recognition approach. Each time the user draws a new stroke the output of the primitive recognizer is given in input to all active symbol recognizers. The ones that are not able to
Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL-HCC'06) 0-7695-2586-5/06 $20.00 © 2006
compound the new interpreted strokes with those previously parsed reject the new strokes and wait for the next ones. The other recognizers give their new interpretations as input to the language recognizer. In any case new symbol recognizers are launched on the new strokes since they can be part of a new symbol. The language recognizer includes a non-deterministic parser [8], generated from the language grammar, which analyses the symbol interpretations produced by symbol recognizers and eventually uses the importance rates associated to them for selecting the most suitable. In some cases the language recognizer is also able to prune active symbol recognizers. In particular, when a symbol interpretation S reaches a predefined high importance rate it discards the active recognizers whose analyzed strokes are also in S. Moreover, when two different symbol interpretations are such that the strokes of one are a subset of the other the symbol recognizer analyzing the strokes of the first interpretation is pruned. Actor
parse tree
Ellipse 45 ARC
Line 25
Line 12
Line 3
Line 12
Line 3
primitive shapes
new strokes
on-line symbol construction
Figure 5. Incremental recognition of an actor symbol. Fig. 6 shows the incremental editing and recognition of a use case diagram portion. At each editing step the figure shows the symbol interpretations provided by the active symbol recognizers and highlights the choices made by the language recognizer. In particular, the selected interpretations are indicated with a check-mark, whereas those pruned with a cross-mark. The user starts by sketching the head of the actor symbol with a single stroke, as shown in Fig. 6(a). The symbol recognizers able to parse such stroke are the actor recognizer with an importance rate of 45 and the use case recognizer. Obviously, the candidate symbol to be selected by the language recognizer is the use case interpretation since it is a complete symbol. Successively, the user draws with a single stroke the body and a leg of the actor symbol as shown in Fig.
6(b). In this case, the new stroke is segmented into two line segments and only the actor recognizer is able to compound the lines to the previously recognized strokes with an importance rate of 82. Moreover, other recognizers are launched on the new strokes. In particular, those that recognize symbols containing a line segment are active on the two new strokes. In this case, the language recognizer selects the complete interpretations provided by the use case and communication recognizers. When the user draws the arms of the actor (see Fig. 6(c)) the interpretation of the active actor recognizer reaches an importance rate of 97 that is enough for the language recognizer to disambiguate the actor symbol from the others. Moreover, it prunes the communication recognizer since it interprets a stroke that is included into the include interpretation. In Fig. 6(d) the actor symbol is completely drawn and the language recognizer discards the remaining active recognizers. After the sketching of a use case symbol with three strokes (see Fig. 6(e)), which is interpreted by use case and actor recognizers, the user draws a communication symbol connecting them as shown in Fig. 6(f). A ctor 45
U se case
A ctor 82
U se case
Include 55
C om m un.
Ex tend 55
G eneralize 55
diagram composed of 20~25 symbols. Students draw the desired sentences in an unconstrained fashion. In order to highlight the results produced by the proposed system we have integrated two recognizers into a sketch-based interface. In addition to the one proposed in this paper, we have considered the recognition system obtained by deactivating the language recognizer. In this system the interpretation of the sentence was done by selecting the symbol interpretations that cover the higher number of strokes. Statistical results and recognition rates about the experiment are summarized in Table 1. In general, the results show that the use of the language recognizer improves the overall precision in the recognition even if the recognition of some symbols is not influenced by it. In fact, let us observe that, for the communication symbol the two recognizers produce the same results, the motivation is that the symbol is formed by a single stroke and is difficult to be misunderstood. Moreover, the correctness rate for include and extend arrows is the same for both configurations. This is due to the fact that both symbols can be related to the same symbols, i.e., they have the same context, and consequently the language recognizer was not able to add information to those provided by symbol recognizers. On the contrary, the recognition of the other symbols is enhanced by the use of the context provided by the language recognizer. Table 1. Performance evaluation.
Actor 97
Use case
Actor 100
Include 75
Include 75
Extend 75
Generalize 70
Extend 75
Use case
Actor 70
Actor 100
With Language Recognizer
Actor Use Case Commun. Include Extend Generalize Total
13 54 21 13 9 11 121
12 49 21 8 8 11 111
13 54
Use Case
Commun. Include Extend Generalize Total
21 13 9 11 121
21 8 8 9 98
100 61.54 88.89 81.82 80.99
Use case
Use case Actor 45
Generalize 70
Actor 100
Include 55 Extend 55
Commun. Generalize 55
(e) (f) Figure 6. The incremental recognition of a use case diagram.
5. Evaluation We have conducted a first user study to assess the effectiveness of the proposed recognition system by implementing a recognizer for the diagrammatic notation of UML use case diagrams [21]. The study included five students, with poor experience using sketch-based interfaces, which have taken a lesson of 10 minutes to learn the principles of drawing by sketches. Each student was asked to sketch a use case
Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL-HCC'06) 0-7695-2586-5/06 $20.00 © 2006
Without Language Recognizer
#Symbols #Correct
%Accuracy 92.31 90.74 100 61.54 88.89 100 91.74
6. Related work In this work, we have proposed a grammar-based approach for the recognition of symbols of diagrammatic notations. In the following we provide a review of sketch recognition systems and the formalisms used for their generation.
6.1. Sketch recognition systems In the last two decades several approaches have been proposed for the recognition of freehand drawings. The Rubine recognition engine is a trainable recognizer for single stroke gestures [22]. Gestures are represented by global features and are classified according to a linear function of the features. The recognizer does not break down the stroke into primitive shapes preventing the creation of a hierarchical multi-stroke system of recognition. The Electronic Cocktail Napkin (ECN) is a pen interface for knowledge-based critiquing, simulation and information retrieval [13,14]. The system employs a bottom-up recognition method that also includes a method for representing ambiguities in the user’s sketches, and is capable of refining its early interpretations of user’s strokes by analyzing the surrounding context. In order for ECN to resolve ambiguity, the user must either explicitly inform the system of the correct interpretation, or the system must find a specific higher-level pattern that would provide the context to disambiguate the stroke interpretation. JavaSketchIt is a system that allows creating user interfaces through hand-drawn geometric shapes [5]. In order to recognize UI components, JavaSketchIt uses CALI [10], a system for recognizing multi-stroke geometric shapes based on a naïve Bayesian classifier. Fuzzy logic is also employed in their graphics recognition approach such that their recognition approach is orientation independent. However, the filters applied during the recognition are ineffective on ambiguous shapes such as pentagon and hexagon. By the observation that in certain domains people draw objects using consistent stroke orderings Sezgin and Davis have proposed a technique to model and recognize sketches using Hidden Markov Models [23]. The HMM-based approach exploits the regularities to perform very efficient segmentation and recognition. However, the recognition algorithm requires each object to be completed before the next one is drawn. Kara and Stahovich [17] present a domainindependent, multi-stroke, trainable symbol recognizer having the advantage of learning new definitions from single prototype examples. Moreover, it includes a multi-level parsing scheme that allows users to continuously sketch. The parser uses contextual knowledge to both improve accuracy and reduce recognition times. However, the recognition process is guided from “marker symbols”, which are symbols easy to recognize, that they assume to exist always in the sketch. Moreover, the approach assumes that the hand-drawn diagram consists of shapes linked by arrows. This is a constraint also of the approach
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proposed in [11], which recognizes the hand-drawn symbols using a process similar to that proposed in this paper. In particular, the symbols are located by considering the areas with high density of pen strokes and the temporal information associated to the segmented input strokes. Then, the candidate symbols are classified using a statistical model constructed on training examples. However, the approach constrains users to drawn non-overlapping symbols and to complete drawing one symbol before beginning the next. A strategy quite similar to that proposed in this paper has been developed by Alvarado and Davis [4]. They present a parsing approach based on dynamically constructed Bayesian networks that combines bottomup and top-down recognition algorithm that generates the most likely interpretations first, then actively seeks out parts of those interpretations that are still missing.
6.2. Specification languages Shape grammars have been the first grammar formalism for describing shape languages [26], and many systems have been built using this formalism [12]. However, shape grammars do not provide several stroke information that may be helpful in their recognition, such as temporal information. Mahoney uses a non-hierarchical language to describe and recognize stick figures [20], which is not suitable to describe large shapes. Fuzzy relational grammars have been used by Caetano et al. [5] for describing shapes. However, they do not take into account the possibility that a single pen stroke can contain multiple symbols. The sketch recognition systems described in [18] and [25] use variants of visual language grammars to provide contextual information in order to face the inherent ambiguity of sketched drawings. However, although these early efforts provide a context for resolving ambiguity, their use of grammars was not focused on ambiguity but to find a concise way to specify valid visual structures. LADDER is a language that allows designers to specify how shapes are drawn, displayed and edited in a certain domain [15]. The language consists of a set of predefined shapes, constraints, editing behaviors and a syntax for combining them. New domain objects are created by specifying the shape descriptions. They do not consider the problem of stroke segmentation in case of multi-symbol strokes. A statistical visual language model for ink parsing has been introduced in [24]. A new recognizer is created by writing a declarative context-free grammar for the language, generating a model from the
grammar, and training the model on drawing examples. The approach is designed to parse the single components of a composite symbol, rather than parsing entire sketches, and assumes that shapes are drawn in certain preferred orientations.
7. Conclusions and future works In this paper we have presented a grammar-based parsing strategy for the on-line recognition of handdrawn diagrams. The recognition system consists of three hierarchically arranged layers that include context-based disambiguation and ink parsing. The evaluation of the system in the domain of UML use case diagrams has highlighted the improvements in the recognition accuracy achieved with the proposed parsing approach. However, in the future more accurate and formal user studies have to be performed in order to understand the limitations of the proposed parsing strategy and how to improve it. Moreover, to simply the grammar specification process we plan to automatically generate symbol grammars from visual descriptions.
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