A Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Rotated-L Slot Antenna - ispacs

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Keywords: Cognitive radio, Multi frequency-agile antenna, PIN diode, Rotated-L .... S2. Simulated Resonant. Frequency (GHz). Bi (MHz). State 1. OFF. OFF. 4.61.
Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 Available online at www.ispacs.com/acte Volume 2015, Issue 1, Year 2015 Article ID acte-00196, 7 Pages doi:10.5899/2015/acte-00196 Research Article

A Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Rotated-L Slot Antenna Pardeep Kumar1, Rajeev Kumar2*, Satish Saini1, Ritu vijay3 (1) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Haryana, India (2) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Sukhmani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, India (3) Department of Electronics Engineering, Banasthali Vidyapith University, Rajasthan,India

Copyright 2015 © Pardeep Kumar, Rajeev Kumar, Satish Saini and Ritu vijay. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Abstract A multiband frequency reconfigurable rotated-L slot antenna is presented. The antenna is switchable between 4.61-6.20 GHz at nine different frequencies and capable to operates multi frequency at a time. The proposed antenna has a microstrip patch and two rotated-L slots, one slot is at patch and other is at ground plane. The two p-i-n diode is used in the ground plane rotated-L slot to achieve multi frequency agility. Results such as return losses, radiation patterns, gain and bandwidth are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed antenna. Keywords: Cognitive radio, Multi frequency-agile antenna, PIN diode, Rotated-L slot antenna.

1 Introduction In last decade, frequency- agile antennas are most popular and get a great attention especially for future wireless communication systems such as cognitive radio system. The basic architecture of cognitive radio system generally includes two antennas [1]-[4].One is a frequency agile antenna that can dynamically agile its characteristics to perform the required communication within the unused electromagnetic spectrum. The other is a wideband antenna that continuously monitors the electromagnetic spectrum and searches for unused electromagnetic spectrum. Antenna agility in radiation pattern, polarization and frequency has a capability to fulfill current and future demand for a cognitive radio system. To achieve agility in frequency, radiation pattern and polarization the RF p-i-n diodes or varactor diodes are commonly used. In [5], a frequency reconfigurable microstrip patchslot antenna is discussed, and the antenna can be agile at eight different operating frequencies between 1.98 and 3.59 GHz. The reconfigurable rotated-T slot antenna for cognitive radio systems is described in [6], in which the antenna can operate at eight adjacent frequencies between 6.0-10.6 GHz. Similarly, in [7], the antenna can be reconfigured for 16 different frequencies within a wide bandwidth from 0.8 to 3.0 GHz. Now * Corresponding Author. Email address: [email protected]; Tel: +919468182278 59

Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 http://www.ispacs.com/journals/acte/2015/acte-00196/


in [8], a simple way to achieve the antenna agility is by selectively switching in or out some parts of antenna structure such as in [9]-[11], in these papers, the antenna has different number of p-i-n diodes that are connected within a slots. Some of frequency agile antennas are presented in [12]-[17]. Most of these are single type antenna. Combining two antennas into one structure is new. This can benefit into extra function, inherent from each antenna, such as radiation pattern or frequency properties. In this paper, a multi frequency-agile microstrip slot antenna is presented with a frequency ratio of 1.3:1.The antenna consists of two slots, one is at microstrip patch and other is at antenna ground plane. To achieve frequency agility the two RF p-i-n diodes are placed into the patch slots. The antenna guarantees an overall of 22=4 different states with multi frequency resonances between 4.61-6.20 GHz. During simulation a 2 x 1 mm2 metal strip is used instead of RF p-i-n diode. The size of the antenna is compact with a dimension of 35.4x53.95 mm2.In this paper, Results such as Return loss, radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth are discussed. The detail of the proposed antenna is described below. 2 Design and configuration The geometry of the proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 1.The antenna is designed on a Rogers RT/ duriod 5880(tm) substrate with a relative permittivity is 2.2, thickness 0.51mm and dielectric loss tangent is 0.0009. The dimensions of the proposed antenna are shown in Table 1. The length and width of the ground plane slot is 16 mm and 2 mm respectively. By changing effective length of the slot by using p-i-n diodes, the different multi-frequency resonances can be obtained. Table 1: Dimension of proposed antenna. Parameters Values Unit Feed length (a)



Feed width (b)



Inset distance (c)



Inset gap (d)



Patch dimension (e)



Patch dimension (f)



Substrate dimension(g)



Substrate dimension (h)



Slot width (i)



Slot length (j)



International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services

Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 http://www.ispacs.com/journals/acte/2015/acte-00196/



(b) Figure 1: Geometry of the proposed antenna (a) Front view (b) Back view

3 Result and disscussion The simulated return loss results against resonance frequencies of different states are shown in Fig. 2. The simulated return loss of various states is less than -10 dB.

Figure 2: Simulated return loss, S11 results

International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services

Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 http://www.ispacs.com/journals/acte/2015/acte-00196/


The simulation performance of the multi frequency reconfigurable rotated-L slot antenna of various states are summarizes in Table 2. Table 2: State of each switch with correspondent frequency and bandwidth. State S1 S2 Simulated Resonant Bi (MHz) Frequency (GHz) State 1 OFF OFF 4.61 13 5.11 86 6.20 85 State 2 ON OFF 5.31 34 6.07 81 State 3 OFF ON 5.26 94

State 4









The E-plane and H-plane radiation pattern of proposed antenna of various states at the different resonant frequencies are shown in Fig 3-fig 6.



(c) Figure 3: Simulated radiation pattern of E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dotted line) (a) at 4.61 GHz (b) at 5.11 GHz (c) at 6.20 GHz

International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services

Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 http://www.ispacs.com/journals/acte/2015/acte-00196/




Figure 4: Simulated radiation pattern of E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dotted line) (a) at 5.31 GHz (b) at 6.07 GHz



Figure 5: Simulated radiation pattern of E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dotted line) (a) at 5.26 GHz (b) at 6.04 GHz



Figure 6: Simulated radiation pattern of E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dotted line) (a) at 5.32 GHz (b) at 6.10 GHz

Fig.3-6 shows that the radiation patterns of E-plane and H-plane at different frequencies. The proposed antenna is capable to operate at nine different frequencies. This shows that the antenna is fit for cognitive radio system because to make the design more demanding for cognitive radio system, the antenna should be compact and has multi frequency resonances. The gain of the proposed antenna varies from 0.2 to 3.5 dBi. 4 Conclusion A compact multi frequency reconfigurable rotated-L slot antenna has been presented. The proposed antenna is capable to agile at nine different frequencies of 4.61-6.20 GHz by using two PIN diodes that are built into the ground plane rotated-L slot. The rotated-L slot antenna has good radiation pattern in the Eplane and H-plane at each of its nine frequency sub-bands. A frequency ratio of proposed antenna is 1.3:1 is obtained. This shows that the proposed antenna is capable for cognitive radio application.

International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services

Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 2015 No. 1 (2015) 59-65 http://www.ispacs.com/journals/acte/2015/acte-00196/


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