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2011 Vol. 6 No. 12 1897 - 1900
Natural Product Communications
Shamiminol: A New Aromatic Glycoside from the Stem Bark of Bombax ceiba Shaheen Faizia,*, Sadia Zikr-Ur-Rehmana and Muhammad Ali Versianib,† a
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan b Department of Chemistry, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus, Karachi-75300, Pakistan
[email protected];†
[email protected] Dedicated to the fond memory of Professor Salimuzzaman Siddiqui FRS, (1897–1994), the founding director of HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Received: July 30th, 2011; Accepted: October 18th, 2011
A new aromatic glycoside, shamiminol was isolated from the stem bark of Bombax ceiba along with the known constituents stigmasta-3,5diene, lupenone, (±)-lyoniresinol 2a-O--D-glucopyranoside and opuntiol, obtained for the first time from this plant. The structure of shamiminol was elucidated on the basis of extensive 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopic and mass spectrometric studies as 3,4,5trimethoxyphenol 1-O--D-xylopyranosyl-(1→2)--D-glucopyranoside (1). Keywords: Bombax cieba, Bombacaceae, aromatic glycoside, shamiminol.
Bombax cieba Linn. (Syn. B. malabaricum D.C. and Salmalia malabarica D.C.) commonly known as simbal or red silk-cotton tree, belongs to the family Bombaceaeae. It grows in the hotter forest regions of India, Sri Lanka, Malayasia, China, Java and Sumatra. In Pakistan, it is found in Hazara and other parts of the North West frontier province, and also in Sindh province [1]. Various parts of the plant are highly reputed in traditional medicine for the treatment of a variety of ailments [1]. This medicinal plant has immense therapeutic importance, and pharmacological studies showed that it possesses hypoglycemic, hypotensive, antiangiogenic, analgesic, antioxidant, vibriocidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activities [2]. Phytochemical investigation of B. ceiba has resulted in the isolation of a number of constituents belonging to different classes of compounds [3]. In this communication, we report the isolation and structure elucidation of a new natural product, shamiminol (1), along with four known compounds, stigmasta-3,5diene [4], lupenone [5], (±)-lyoniresinol 2a-O--Dglucopyranoside [6] and opuntiol [7], which were obtained for the first time from B. ceiba. Shamiminol (1) was obtained as a colorless gum from the stem bark of B. ceiba. Its IR spectrum indicated the presence of a hydroxyl group (3405 cm–1) and an aromatic ring (1595 and 1507 cm–1), while the UV spectrum showed absorption at 215 and 265 nm, indicative of its aromatic
Figure 1: 3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenol 1-O--D-xylo-pyranoside-(1→2)-D-glucopyranoside [shamiminol (1)].
nature. Shamiminol (1) has the composition C20H30O13, MW = 478, as derived from positive and negative FABMS and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic data (Table 1). It has twenty carbons in the 13C NMR spectrum (three methyls, two methylenes, nine methines, two sp2 CH, and four sp2 quaternary carbons). The 1H NMR spectrum of 1 in CD3OD (Table 1) showed the presence of two equivalent methoxy groups ( 3.80, 6H, s) and two aromatic protons ( 6.45, s), along with another methoxy group at 3.69, as a three protons singlet, suggesting that the molecule contained an aromatic ring with a symmetrical substitution pattern [8] (Figure 1). The presence of the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol system was supported by the 13C NMR spectrum which showed signals for three aryl methoxy groups at δ 56.62 (3- and 5-OCH3) and 61.23 (4-OCH3), four quaternary carbons at δ 155.93
1898 Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (12) 2011
Faizi et al.
Table 1: NMR spectroscopic characteristics [δ (ppm) and J (Hz)] of shamiminol (1) C 155.93 96.39 154.78 134.01 154.78 96.39 102.09 83.74 77.89 71.38 78.18 62.63
Assignments 1 2 3 4 5 6 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6 a´ 6b´ 1´´ 2´´ 3´´ 4´´ 5a´´ 5b´´ 3-OCH3 4-OCH3 5-OCH3 OH
6.45 (s) 4.92 (d, 7.0) 3.64 (m) 3.36 (t, 8.7) 3.25 (m) 3.46 (ddd, 1.6, 4.0, 9.4) 3.90 (dd, 1.6, 11.1) 3.68 (dd, 4.0, 11.1) 4.62 (d, 7.4) 3.21 (t, 7.4) 3.62(t, 7.4) 3.49 (m) 3.85 (dd, 5.9, 10.9) 3.25 (m) 3.80 (s) 3.69 (s) 3.80 (s)
Figure 2: Important HMBC correlations of shamiminol (1).
(C-1), 154.78 (C-3 and 5) and 134.01 (C-4), and two methine carbons at δ 96.39 (C-2 and 6). The HSQC spectrum showed one bond correlation of H-2,6 at δ 6.45 with C-2,6, while the HMBC spectrum showed 3J correlation of 3- and 5-OCH3 protons (δ 3.80) with C-3 and C-5, respectively; 4-OCH3 protons (δ 3.69) showed correlation with C-4; H-2,6 with C-4, which also showed 2 J connectivities with C-1, C-3 and C-5 (Figure 2). These spectral data confirmed that a 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol moiety was present in the molecule [8–10], which was corroborated by the fragment ions at m/z 184 (C9H12O4) and 167 (C9H11O3) in the EIMS. The presence of a disaccharide moiety was also revealed by the 1H NMR spectrum, which exhibited two anomeric proton signals at δ 4.92 (d, J = 7.0, H-1) and 4.62 (d, J = 7.4, H-1) attributable to those of glucose and xylose units, respectively [11]. The spectrum analyzed with the aid of 1H-1H shift correlation spectroscopy (COSY) further exhibited signals due to four methines at 3.64 (m, H-2), 3.36 (t, J = 8.7, H-3), 3.25 (m, H-4), and 3.46 (ddd, J = 1.6, 4.0, 9.4, H-5), and one oxymethylene at 3.90 (dd, 1.6, 11.1, H-6a) and 3.68 (dd, J = 4.0, 11.1, H-6b), which were ascribed to glucose protons. The 13C NMR spectrum also showed signals corresponding to the sugar unit. In the HMQC plot, chemical shift values at 102.09 (C-1),
6.45 (s)
56.62 61.23 56.62
106.28 75.76 77.39 71.12 67.24
Figure 3: Important NOESY correlations for shamiminol (1).
83.74 (C-2), 77.89 (C-3), 71.38 (C-4), 78.18 (C-5) and 62.63 (C-6) showed direct one bond correlations with H1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5 and H-6, respectively (Table 1). Additionally, the 1H NMR spectrum exhibited two multiplets at 3.49 and 3.25, two triplets at 3.21 and 3.62 with the same coupling constant of 7.4 Hz and a double doublet at 3.85 (J = 5.9, 10.9) which were assigned to H-4, H-5b, H-2, H-3 and H-5a, respectively, of the xylose moiety. In the COSY-45o plot the anomeric proton of xylose at 4.62 (H-1) correlated with H-2; H-3 with H-4 and H-2; and H-4 with H-5a, H-5b and H-3, while in the HMQC spectrum H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4 and H-5 showed direct connectivity with δ 106.28 (C-1), 75.76 (C-2), 77.39 (C-3), 71.12 (C-4) and 67.24 (C-5), respectively. The glycosidic linkages in both glucose and xylose was determined to be , based on the large coupling constants of the respective anomeric proton signals (7.0 and 7.4 Hz) [11]. That the glucose is attached via its anomeric carbon with the oxygen of the trimethoxy aromatic ring was indicated by the high frequency chemical shift of the anomeric proton (δ 4.92) and confirmed by the long-range correlation between the anomeric proton ( 4.92) and C-1 ( 155.93) of the benzene ring in the HMBC spectrum (Figure 2). It was reaffirmed by the cross peak observed in the NOESY-plot for the spatial connectivity of the anomeric proton with the aromatic H-2,6 ( 6.45) (Figure 3). The 13C NMR spectral data suggested the attachment of xylose with the C-2 of the glucose residue, as it demonstrated marked glycosidation shifts, showing an effect on C-2 and -effects on C-1and C-3. Thus C-2 resonated at higher frequency ( 83.74), and C-1 and C-3 appeared at 102.09 and 77.89, respectively. A literature search revealed that when a sugar (xylose or apiose) has a linkage with the C-6 of glucose, that carbon showed a marked glycosidation shift, while C-5 resonated at a low frequency [9,11a]. When the same sugar was located on C-2 of glucose then this carbon resonated at high frequency, showing the -effect [10,11b]. Consequently, the disaccharide moiety was identified as -Dxylopyranosyl-(12)--D-glucopyranosyl, which was
An aromatic glycoside from Bombax cieba
Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (12) 2011 1899
supported by the mass fragments at m/z 185 and 183 in the positive and negative ion FABMS, respectively, which arose due to the loss of glucose and xylose moieties from the molecular ion. This was confirmed by the 2D NMR spectral data. Thus, in the HMBC spectrum, H-2 showed crucial long-range coupling with the anomeric carbon (C-1) of xylose and H-1 in turn has connectivity with the C-2 of glucose (Figure 2). The NOESY spectrum exhibited an important cross peak for the spatial proximity of H-2 of glucose with H-1 of xylose (Figure 3).
column) used a mixed solvent of MeOH/H2O (1:1) at a flow rate of 4.0 mL/min.
All the evidence discussed above led to the formulation of shamiminol as 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol 1-O--Dxylopranosyl-(1→2)--D-glucopranoside (1), which was corroborated by the important fragment ions in the positive and negative ion FABMS at m/z 461 (M++1–H2O) and 459 (M+-1-H2O), and at m/z 364 (M+–xylose), 432 (M+–3CH3– H), 414 and 137 in the EIMS. The complete 1H and 13C NMR spectral assignments for 1 has been made through the help of 2D NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the 1H NMR spectrum of 1, in C5D5N, showed no resonances for the aromatic hydroxyls. However, it exhibited a broad hump at 5.20 for the sugar hydroxyprotons, which disappeared on shaking with D2O. Additionally, all the chemical shifts of the compound shifted to high frequency in C5D5N as compared with those in CD3OD, except for those of 3-OCH3 and 5-OCH3, which resonated at low frequency, and 4-OCH3, which appeared at high frequency (Table 1). It is important to mention that the regioisomer of 1, 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl 1-O--D-xylopyranosyl-(16)-D-glucopyranoside, has been reported earlier from Ailanthus integrifolia [11a]. Stigmasta-3,5-diene [4], lupenone [5], (±)-lyoniresinol 2aO--D-glucopyranoside [6] and opuntiol [7] were also isolated from the stem bark and identified by comparison with reported data. The literature search revealed that these compounds are mostly found in the stem bark of plants [4– 7]. Moreover, Cinnamomum cassia (family Lauraceae) and B. ceiba, belonging to two different families, contained glucosides of lyoniresinol and 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol, as well as catechin derivatives in their stem bark [9,2c]. Experimental General: The IR (in KBr disc) spectrum was recorded on a JASCO A 302 spectrophotometer, and the EI and FAB mass spectra were measured on Finnigan MAT 112 and JMS HX-110 spectrometers. The 1H NMR spectra were run in CD3OD and C5D5N on Bruker Aspect AM-500 and AM-400 spectrometers operating at 500 and 400 MHz, respectively, while 13C NMR spectra were recorded at 125 MHz. Purity of the compounds was checked on silica gel 60GF254 precoated cards (0.2 mm thickness), while for flash column chromatography (FCC) (Model Aldrich), silica gel 9385 (E. Merk) was used. For vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC), silica gel 60 GF254 was used. Recycling HPLC (LC-908w): Semipreparative ODS (C4
Plant material: The stem bark of B. ceiba was collected in February 2000 from the Karachi University Campus. The plant was authenticated by Prof. Dr Surraya Khatoon of the Department of Botany, University of Karachi and a voucher specimen (No. 66854 KUH) was deposited in the same department. Extraction and isolation of chemical constituents: Fresh, uncrushed and undried stem bark (2.5 kg) of B. ceiba was extracted twice with light petroleum at room temperature. The extracts were combined and freed of the solvent in vacuo to a residue (BCBP, 5 g), which on treatment with methanol, followed by filtration, gave soluble (BCBPM, 3.47 g) and insoluble (BCBPMX) fractions. The filtrate (BCBPM, 30 mg) was subjected to preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC) over silica gel (light petroleum: EtOAc, 7.5:2.5), which afforded 10 bands (BCBPM1–10). Spectral studies (mass, peak matching and 1H NMR) on bands 2 and 4 revealed their structures as stigmasta-3,5diene [4] and lupenone [5]. The marc left after light petroleum extraction was extracted with methanol 3 times. The combined methanolic extracts were freed of the solvent in vacuo to give a thickish mass (BCBM) in which insoluble matter settled down on keeping in the cold. This was removed by filtration to give soluble (BCBMM, 36.5 g) and insoluble (BCBMI, 4.50 g) fractions. The former (BCBMM, 36.4 g) was subjected to VLC (silica gel 60 GF254, light petroleum, EtOAc, MeOH and H2O in order of increasing polarity by 10%, which gave 38 fractions). Fractions 1–13 (light petroleum 100% – EtOAc 100%), 14–17 (MeOH:EtOAc, 1:9 – MeOH:EtOAc, 4:6), 18–21 (MeOH:EtOAc, 1:1 – MeOH:EtOAc, 8:2), 22–26 (MeOH:EtOAc, 9:1 – MeOH, 100%) and 27–38 (MeOH:H2O, 9:1 – H2O, 100%) were combined on the basis of TLC. Fractions 14–17 (3.0 g) were subjected to FCC (silica gel 9385, light petroleum, EtOAc, MeOH and H2O in order of increasing polarity) affording 64 fractions. Fractions 28–32 (EtOAc:MeOH, 7.5:2.5 – EtOAc:MeOH, 5.5:4.5) were purified through FCC (silica gel 9385, lightg petroleum, CHCl3 and MeOH in order of increasing polarity), affording 43 fractions. FCC fractions S-11 (CHCl3: MeOH, 8:2, 252 mg) and S-12 (CHCl3:MeOH, 7.75:2.25, 21.0 mg) were separately subjected to recycling HPLC semi-preparative ODS (C4 column), eluted with (MeOH:H2O, 1:1) at a flow rate of 4.0 mL/min. S-11 yielded 2 fractions S11-HP1 (15.0 mg, Rt 24 min.) and S11-HP2 (4.0 mg, Rt 18 min.), which were collected and evaporated to dryness. Spectral studies, along with 2D NMR data, disclosed that S11-HP1 was a mixture of 2 known isomers of lyoniresinol [6]. Eluate S11-HP2 was characterized as a known compound, opuntiol [7]. S-12 also gave 3 sub-fractions in which only S-12HP2 (5.0 mg,
1900 Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (12) 2011 Rt 22 min.) was found to be pure and characterized as a new compound, shamiminol (1). Shamiminol [3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol 1-O-β-Dxylopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside] (1) Colorless gum. []D24: –25.20 (c 0.016, CH3OH) IR vmax (KBr) cm–1: 3405, 1595, 1507, 1415, 1165. UV λmax (MeOH) nm: 215, 265. 1 H and 13C NMR: Table 1. HR FAB MS (+ve) m/z: 479.4522 (M++1, calcd. for C20H31O13, 479.4583), 461.4370 (M++1–H2O, calcd. for C20H29O12, 461.4431), 185.1981 (M++1–glucose–xylose, calcd. for C9H13O4, 185.1998). HR FAB MS (–ve) m/z: 477.4363 (M+–1, calcd. for C20H29O13, 477.4425), 459.4259 (M+–1–H2O, calcd. for
Faizi et al. C20H27O12, 459.4272), 183.1829 (M+–1–glucose–xylose, calcd. for C9H11O4, 183.1839). HR EIMS m/z (rel. intensity, %): 432.0863 (M+–3CH3–H, calcd. for C17H20O13, 432.0903, 57), 346.1260 (M+–xylose, C15H22O9, 15), 184.0703 (M+–glucose–xylose, C9H12O4, 35). EIMS m/z (rel. intensity, %): 432 (C17H20O13, 2), 414 (C17H18O12, 5), 346 (C15H22O9, M+-xylose, 2), 311 (C11H19O10, 10), 295 (C11H19O9, 35), 184 (C9H12O4, M+– glucose–xylose, 51), 182 (72), 167 (C9H11O3, 72), 154 (74), 137 (100), 124 (C7H8O2, 45) 107 (C7H7O, 55). Acknowledgments - One of the authors (Sadia Zikr-UrRehman) is grateful to the Higher Education Commission Islamabad, Pakistan for financial support through the Merit Scholarship Scheme for Ph.D. studies in Science and Technology (200 Scholarships).
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Two New Phenolic Glycosides from Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum Saki Katagiri, Yoshiki Watanabe, Yasunori Yaoita, Masao Kikuchi and Koichi Machida
Antimicrobial Chemical Constituents from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis sp. from Notobasis syriaca Hidayat Hussain, Michel Kenne Tchimene, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Kathrin Meier, Michael Steinert, Siegfried Draeger, Barbara Schulz and Karsten Krohn
Phomosines H–J, Novel Highly Substituted Biaryl Ethers, Isolated from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis sp. from Ligustrum vulgare Karsten Krohn, Umar Farooq, Hidayat Hussain, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Joachim Rheinheimer, Siegfried Draeger, Barbara Schulz and Teunis van Ree
Isolation and Characterization of a new Benzofuran from the Fungus Alternaria sp. (HS-3) Associated with a Sea Cucumber Xuekui Xia, Jun Qi, Fang Wei, Airong Jia, Wenpeng Yuan, Xiumei Meng, Miansong Zhang, Changheng Liu and Changyun Wang
Potent Toxic Macrocyclic Trichothecenes from the Marine-Derived Fungus Myrothecium verrucaria Hmp-F73 Li Zhao, Li Liu, Nan Wang, Shu-Jin Wang, Jing-Chun Hu and Jin-Ming Gao
Synthesis and Bioactivity of Novel Coumarin Derivatives Ai-Ying Guan, Chang-Ling Liu, Miao Li, Zhi-Nian Li, Ming-Xing Zhang and Hong Zhang
Kinase Inhibitory, Haemolytic and Cytotoxic Activity of Three Deep-water Sponges from North Western Australia and their Fatty Acid Composition Ana Zivanovic, Natalie J. Pastro, Jane Fromont, Murray Thomson and Danielle Skropeta
Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Effects of Mexican Medicinal Plants Maria del Rosario Jacobo-Salcedo, Angel Josabad Alonso-Castro, Luis A. Salazar-Olivo, Candy Carranza-Alvarez, Luis Ángel González-Espíndola, Fabiola Domínguez, Sandra Patricia Maciel-Torres, Concepción García-Lujan, Marisela del Rocio González-Martínez, Maricela Gómez-Sánchez, Eduardo Estrada-Castillón, Rocio Zapata-Bustos, Pedro Medellin-Milán and Alejandro García-Carrancá
Chemometrics Evaluation of the Herbal Drug Andrographis paniculata Shiv Narayan Sharma, Zenu Jha and D. K. Sharma
Garcina cambogia Leaf and Seawater for Tannase Production by Marine Aspergillus awamori BTMFW032 under Slurry State Fermentation Beena P. S, Soorej M. Basheer, Sarita G. Bhat and Chandrasekaran M
Gas Chromatographic Quantitative Analysis of Methanol in Wine: Operative Conditions, Optimization and Calibration Model Choice Rosario Caruso, Grazia Laura Gambino, Monica Scordino, Leonardo Sabatino, Pasqualino Traulo and Giacomo Gagliano
Composition and Biological Potential of Essential Oil from Thelechitonia trilobata Growing in South Africa Jamie Peebles, Ephraim Gwebu, Opeoluwa Oyedeji, Sarah Nanyonga, Nokuthula Kunene, David Jackson, William Setzer and Adebola Oyedeji
Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential oil from Salvia mukerjeei Lalit Mohan, Anuradha Negi, Anand B. Melkani and Vasu Dev
Review/Account Revealing Indigenous Indonesian Traditional Medicine: Anti-infective Agents Ari S. Nugraha and Paul A. Keller
Natural Product Communications 2011 Volume 6, Number 12 Contents Original Paper
Sibiralactone: A New Monoterpene from Sibiraea angustata Guangbo Xie, Xianlong Wang, Tibor Kurtán, Attila Mándi and Tianzhi Wang
Bioconversion of Proposed Precursors into Theobroxide and Related Compounds Peng Li, Kosaku Takahashi, Ahmed Elkhateeb, Hideyuki Matsuura, Teruhiko Yoshihara and Kensuke Nabeta
Microbial Hydroxylation of S-(-)-Perillyl Alcohol by Fusarium heterosporium Ismail Kiran
A Phytochemical Investigation of Zanthoxylum setulosum Tameka M. Walker, Bernhard Vogler, Debra M. Moriarity, William A. Haber and William N. Setzer
Cytotoxic Cembranoids from the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Ahmed A. El-Beih, Alaa Y. Moustafa, Abdelhamed A. Hamdy, Montaser A. Alhammady, Rehab M. Selim, Mohamed Abdel-Rehim and Paul W. Paré
C-Lactam Derivatives of Oleanolic Acid. The synthesis of C-lactam by Beckmann rearrangement of C-oxime Barbara Bednarczyk – Cwynar
Analysis of Native Carotenoid Composition of Sweet Bell Peppers by Serially Coupled C30 Columns Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, Germana Torre and Luigi Mondello
New Antifungal Cholestane and Aldehyde Derivatives from the Red Alga Laurencia papillosa Walied M. Alarif, Sultan S. Al-Lihaibi, Ahmed Abdel-Lateff and Seif-Eldin N. Ayyad
Steroidal Saponins from the Fruits of Cestrum ruizteranianum Elier Galarraga M., Anne-Claire Mitaine-Offer, Juan Manuel Amaro-Luis, Tomofumi Miyamoto, Chiaki Tanaka, Laurent Pouységu, Stéphane Quideau, Luis B. Rojas and Marie-Aleth Lacaille-Dubois
Isolation and Cholinesterase Activity of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids from Nerine bowdenii Lucie Cahlíková, Stanislav Zavadil, Kateřina Macáková, Irena Valterová, Andrea Kulhánková, Anna Hošťálková, Jiří Kuneš and Lubomír Opletal
HPLC Determination of Majdine in Vinca herbacea Natia Gagua, Beatrice Baghdikian, Fathi Mabrouki, Riad Elias, Valentina Vachnadze, Aliosha Bakuridze and Evelyne Ollivier
Pyridine Metabolism and Trigonelline Synthesis in Leaves of the Mangrove Legume trees Derris indica (Millettia pinnata) and Caesalpinia crista Yuling Yin, Hamako Sasamoto and Hiroshi Ashihara
Anti-adipogenic Activity of Cordyceps militaris in 3T3-L1 Cells Qing Liu, In Pyo Hong, Mi-Jeong Ahn, Hwan-Soo Yoo, Sang-Bae Han, Bang Yeon Hwang and Mi Kyeong Lee
Two New Cyclopeptides and One New Nonenolide from Xylaria sp. 101 Yao-Yao Li, Zhi-Yu Hu, and Yue-Mao Shen
A Novel Flavonoid and Furoquinoline Alkaloids from Vepris glomerata and their Antioxidant Activity Joyce J. Kiplimo, Md. Shahidul Islam and Neil A. Koorbanally
Flavonoid Constituents and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Alchemilla mollis Antoaneta Trendafilova, Milka Todorova, Milena Nikolova, Anna Gavrilova and Antonina Vitkova
Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Total Phenols and Flavonoids from Dry Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Leaves Ivana T. Karabegović, Vlada B. Veljković and Miodrag L. Lazić
Characterization of Polyphenolic Compounds in Unripe Chinotto (Citrus myrtifolia) Fruit by HPLC/PDA/ESI/MS-MS Monica Scordino, Leonardo Sabatino, Adalgisa Belligno and Giacomo Gagliano
Bioactive Compounds, RP-HPLC Analysis of Phenolics, and Antioxidant Activity of Some Portuguese Shrub Species Extracts Ângelo Luís, Fernanda Domingues and Ana Paula Duarte
HPLC/PDA/ESI-MS Evaluation of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Adulteration Leonardo Sabatino, Monica Scordino, Maria Gargano, Adalgisa Belligno, Pasqualino Traulo and Giacomo Gagliano
Continued inside backcover