Medical Physics Letter A new formalism for reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields R. Alfonso International Atomic Energy Agency, A-1400 Vienna, Austria and Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiologia, CP 10400 La Habana, Cuba
P. Andreo International Atomic Energy Agency, A-1400 Vienna, Austria and University of Stockholm-Karolinska Institutet, SE-17176 Stockholm, Sweden
R. Capote International Atomic Energy Agency, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
M. Saiful Huq University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232
W. Kilby Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale, California 94089
P. Kjäll Elekta Instrument AB, SE-10393 Stockholm, Sweden
T. R. Mackie Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
H. Palmansa兲 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middx TW11 0LW, United Kingdom and Slovenský Metrologický Ústav, SK-84255 Bratislava, Slovakia
K. Rosser Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, United Kingdom
J. Seuntjens Medical Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Québec H3G 1A4, Canada
W. Ullrich BrainLAB AG, D-85622 Feldkirchen, Germany
S. Vatnitsky International Atomic Energy Agency, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
共Received 2 June 2008; revised 2 October 2008; accepted for publication 2 October 2008; published 28 October 2008兲 The use of small fields in radiotherapy techniques has increased substantially, in particular in stereotactic treatments and large uniform or nonuniform fields that are composed of small fields such as for intensity modulated radiation therapy 共IMRT兲. This has been facilitated by the increased availability of standard and add-on multileaf collimators and a variety of new treatment units. For these fields, dosimetric errors have become considerably larger than in conventional beams mostly due to two reasons; 共i兲 the reference conditions recommended by conventional Codes of Practice 共CoPs兲 cannot be established in some machines and 共ii兲 the measurement of absorbed dose to water in composite fields is not standardized. In order to develop standardized recommendations for dosimetry procedures and detectors, an international working group on reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields has been established by the International Atomic Energy Agency 共IAEA兲 in cooperation with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 共AAPM兲 Therapy Physics Committee. This paper outlines a new formalism for the dosimetry of small and composite fields with the intention to extend recommendations given in conventional CoPs for clinical reference dosimetry based on absorbed dose to water. This formalism introduces the concept of two new intermediate calibration fields: 共i兲 a static machine-specific reference field for those modalities that cannot establish conventional reference conditions and 共ii兲 a plan-class specific reference field closer to the patient-specific clinical fields thereby facilitating standardization of composite field dosimetry. Prior to progressing with developing a CoP or other form of recommendation, the members of this IAEA working group welcome comments from the international medical physics community on the formalism presented here. © 2008 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.3005481兴 5179
Med. Phys. 35 „11…, November 2008
© 2008 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med.
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
Key words: small field, composite field, reference dosimetry, formalism I. INTRODUCTION Recent developments in radiotherapy delivery techniques have substantially increased the use of small fields for stereotaxy and of larger uniform or nonuniform fields that are composed of small fields. This is the case for all treatment beam types including high-energy photon beams, electron beams, proton beams, and light-ion beams. A small field is defined as a field with a size smaller than the lateral range of charged particles. Nonstandard fields are either made of small fields or whenever nonequilibrium conditions exist; this occurs, for example, when the size of the penumbrae is similar to the field size.1 The recent advances have become possible due to technological changes in conventional accelerators that have improved mechanical accuracy, stability and dosimetric control. At the same time, there has been an increasing availability in the clinic of standard-, mini- and micro-multileaf collimators 共MLCs兲 on conventional accelerators 共e.g., BrainLAB—m3®High-Resolution Multileaf Collimator, BrainLAB AG, Feldkirchen, Germany兲, as well as the introduction of treatment units specifically designed for stereotaxy 关GammaKnife 共Leksell GammaKnife®, Elekta Instrument AB, Stockholm, Sweden兲, CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery System, Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale, CA兴 or intensity modulated treatments 共TomoTherapy® Hi-Art®, TomoTherapy Inc., Madison, WI, USA兲. These developments have increased the uncertainty of clinical dosimetry and its link to reference dosimetry based on Codes of Practice 共CoPs兲 or dosimetry protocols. At the same time, dosimetry errors have become considerably larger than in conventional beams as is illustrated by various references, including Das et al.,1 Verhaegen et al.,2 and the discrepancies between Monte Carlo calculated and measured outputs by different detectors shown in Fig. 1.3 Moreover, in some of the treatment units mentioned above, the reference
conditions specified in current dosimetry protocols for beam calibration cannot be realized. Ionization chambers, which have been the “backbone” of radiotherapy dosimetry, are not always suitable where situations of high dose gradients, time-dose variance, and nonuniform beam distributions are encountered. Volume averaging and lack of electronic equilibrium, which requires a sufficiently large region of uniform beam intensity surrounding the detector, complicate the use of ionization chambers for the dosimetry of small photon beams. A large detector, such as an ionization chamber, perturbs particle fluence in the medium. This implies that the conversion from ionization to absorbed dose to water based on cavity theory and using the currently available perturbation factors used in existing dosimetry CoPs or protocols such as IAEA TRS-3984 and AAPM TG-515 is not accurate.6–8 Furthermore, spectra, and, therefore, beam quality, may change as the field size decreases.2 At some treatment units, the use of water phantoms for reference dosimetry is possible but highly inconvenient, and, therefore, plastic phantoms may be necessary. Today, pure plastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate 共PMMA, Lucite兲 and bisphenol-A polycarbonate have well-controlled densities, well defined atomic properties, and can be machined for accurate positioning of dosimeters. Therefore, there is a clear need for a methodology that complements the dosimetry in the reference conditions recommended in existing CoPs. The aim of this paper is to present a methodology that has been developed at two meetings held at the IAEA in December 2007 and in May 2008. This may form the basis of new international recommendations for the dosimetry of small and nonstandard treatment fields and will provide a standardized framework for establishing traceable dosimetry for the wide variety of beams and delivery techniques now available and others that will become available in the future. II. FORMALISM II.A. General formalism and definitions
The core of the formalism consists of two related routes to determine the absorbed dose to water in external beam radiotherapy using ionization chambers in situations different from the conventional reference conditions for which dosimetry CoPs apply, usually related to special or complex treatment deliveries. Both routes require the extension of the concept of reference field to incorporate small and nonstandard fields as well as modified reference conditions such as phantom shape and material. These two routes are: FIG. 1. Ratios of Monte Carlo calculated absorbed doses to water 共square symbols; right hand vertical axis兲 and ratios of measured readings of different detectors 共other symbols; left hand vertical axis兲 as a function of field size, both normalized to the corresponding quantity for a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm field. The results shown are for a 6 MV beam at a depth of 5.0 cm in RW3 water equivalent plastic 共PTW, Freiburg兲 关data from Ref. 3兴. Medical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
Small static-field dosimetry, traceable to a broad-beam calibration, which introduces an intermediate step through a machine-specific-reference field 共msr兲 for treatment machines that cannot establish a conventional reference field.
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
Composite-field dosimetry, traceable to a broad-beam calibration, which can include an intermediate machinespecific-reference field if needed, as well as a so-called plan-class specific reference field 共pcsr兲 as defined below. Note that a plan-class specific reference field can be a 3D irradiated volume or a 4D delivery sequence. The pcsr should be as close as possible to a class of clinical plans of interest, and provide a uniform dose over a region exceeding the dimensions of a reference detector.
The following calibration and delivery fields are introduced: f ref denotes the conventional reference field in dosimetry CoPs for which the calibration coefficient of an ionization chamber in terms of absorbed dose to water has been provided by a standards laboratory. f msr denotes a machine-specific reference field, for static modalities or treatment machines that cannot establish the conventional reference field. Examples of machine-specific reference fields are the 6 cm diam collimator field in a CyberKnife, the 1.6/ 1.8 cm diam collimator field in the GammaKnife, or the 5 cm⫻ 20 cm static field in TomoTherapy equipment. In general, the machine-specific reference field should be as close as possible to the conventional reference field in existing dosimetry CoPs.4,5 f pcsr denotes a plan-class specific reference field that represents a class of dynamic or step-and-shoot delivery fields, or a combination of fields, such that full charged-particle equilibrium 共CPE兲 is achieved in a time-average sense at the position of the detector 共as opposed to transient chargedparticle equilibrium in conventional broad-beam dosimetry兲. Different plan-class specific reference fields can be defined for different treatment sites and can utilize a delivery protocol agreed upon with the manufacturer. Examples of possible plan-class specific reference fields are a composed homogeneous dose distribution delivered to a 10 cm diam ⫻10 cm long cylindrical irradiation volume in a 20 cm diam cylindrical water equivalent phantom in a tomotherapy or other linac-based IMRT machine; a multiple-shot plan delivered with a GammaKnife unit, a square IMRT field generated by adding small square fields, and a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm square field homogeneously spread out over a depth of 10 cm for a scanned, range-modulated proton beam. f clin denotes the clinical radiation field for which the absorbed dose to water needs to be determined. The proposed formalism is applicable to both small static fields and composite fields. For the sake of clarity, the formalism will first be described for small static fields, followed by a discussion for composite fields. II.A.1. Small static fields f msr The absorbed dose to water, Dw,Q , at the reference msr depth in water, in a beam of quality Qmsr and reference field f msr and in the absence of the chamber is given by f msr Dw,Q
= M Qf msr · ND,w,Q0 · kQ,Q0 · kQf msr,f,Qref , msr
where: Medical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
Q is the beam quality of the conventional reference field f ref according to an established dosimetry CoP. Qmsr is the beam quality of the machine-specific reference field f msr. If the msr field is in the same machine as the ref field, as will mostly be the case, the difference in beam quality is due purely to the difference in field size between f msr and f ref 共and possibly other conditions of geometry and phantom material兲. If, in addition, the msr field is large enough to preserve charged particle equilibrium, the beam quality will be equal to Q and, strictly, a different notation is not required. However, the usage of a different notation is maintained here to indicate that the beam quality could be different. M Qf msr is the reading of the dosimeter in the field f msr msr corrected for influence quantities, such as pressure, temperature, incomplete charge collection, and polarity effects. ND,w,Q0 is the calibration coefficient in terms of absorbed dose to water for an ionization chamber at a reference beam quality Q0 共usually 60Co兲. ND,w,Q0 is measured at the standards laboratory for a reference field of size 10 cm⫻ 10 cm. kQ,Q0 is the beam-quality correction factor, which corrects for the differences between the reference beam quality Qo at the standards laboratory and the beam quality Q of the conventional reference field f ref. kQf msr,f,Qref is a factor that corrects for the differences between msr the conditions of field size, geometry, phantom material, and beam quality of the conventional reference field f ref and the machine-specific reference field f msr. This is a generalized version of the classical beam-quality correction factor. If the field size and all other conditions of geometry and phantom material, i.e., water, are the same, it reduces to a conventional beam-quality correction factor. In that sense, the beam-quality correction factor in TRS-398 can be regarded as a special case of this newly introduced factor. The factor kQf msr,f,Qref accounts for the difference between the msr responses of an ionization chamber in the fields f ref and f msr and is defined as
kQf msr,f,Qref = msr
f msr Dw,Q /M Qf msr msr
f ref Dw,Q /M Qfref
and represents an extension from the established CoP. It is expected that the change in beam quality between the conventional reference field and the machine-specific-reference field is minor. Ideally, this factor would be obtained by a direct calibration of the ionization chamber in the two fields against a primary standard or against another dosimeter such as alanine, radiochromic film, or ferrous sulphate dosimetry whose calibration is traceable to a primary standard of absorbed dose to water and does not exhibit a substantial beam quality dependence. Alternatively, it could be calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation alone 共as for example explained in Ref. 9兲 or it could be measured using a suitable detector applying corrections obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation.
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
Equations 共1兲 and 共2兲 describe the formalism for reference dosimetry. For the purposes of relative dosimetry a field factor is introduced. f clin , at a reference point The absorbed dose to water, Dw,Q clin in a phantom for a clinical field f clin of quality Qclin and in the absence of the chamber is given by f clin Dw,Q
f msr = Dw,Q
· ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr , clin
where Qclin is the beam quality of the clinical field f clin and ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr is a field factor that converts the absorbed dose to clin msr water for the machine-specific reference field f msr to the absorbed dose to water for the clinical field f clin. In relative dosimetry of single static fields, this factor is conventionally called a field output factor. From Eq. 共3兲, it is clear that this field factor is defined as a ratio of absorbed doses to water. It can be calculated directly as a ratio of absorbed doses to water using Monte Carlo alone. Alternatively, the field factor can be measured as a ratio of detector readings multiplied by a Monte Carlo calculated correction factor kQf clin,f,Qmsr 共similar to factors calclin msr culated in Refs. 6–8兲, which accounts for the difference between the detector response in the fields f clin and f msr according to: ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr = clin msr
M Qf clin
M Qf msr msr
f clin Dw,Q /M Qf clin clin
f msr Dw,Q /M Qf msr msr msr
or ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr = clin msr
M Qf clin
M Qf msr
kQf clin,f,Qmsr , clin msr
showing that if the correction factor kQf clin,f,Qmsr is close to clin msr unity for a given detector, then the ratio of readings alone is a sufficiently accurate approximation to the field factor. For any detector not satisfying this condition, the correction factor in square brackets needs to be taken into account. For some treatment delivery systems that utilize an add-on beam modifier, such as a BrainLab mini multileaf attached to a conventional linac, the conventional reference field can be realized by removing the add on. In this case there is, strictly, no need for the intermediate machinespecific reference field. Equation 共1兲 then reduces to f ref = M Qfref · ND,w,Q0 · kQ,Q0 , Dw,Q
which is essentially the formalism for the determination of absorbed dose to water in a reference field according to IAEA TRS-398 or AAPM TG-51. The relative dosimetry step then requires a field factor ⍀Qf clin,f,Qref, which converts the clin absorbed dose to water in the field f ref to the absorbed dose to water in the field f clin. However, the concept of the machine-specific reference field remains useful for machines with an add on since it may not be practical to refer every small field measurement to the conventional reference field. The field factor above can then be regarded as the product of two field factors: Medical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
⍀Qf clin,f,Qref = ⍀Qf msr,f,Qref · ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr . clin
For beams in which the add on cannot be removed or the conventional reference field cannot be established in any way, the conventional reference field is a hypothetical field. The relation between the absorbed dose to water in the msr field and the ref field may then have to be determined experimentally through the use of another treatment unit with similar beam quality. As a summary, a graphical representation of the procedures of route 1 for dosimetry in small static fields is given in Fig. 2.
II.A.2. Composite fields The absorbed dose to water in a composite field, during a step-and-shoot or a dynamic IMRT delivery, a TomoTherapy, a GammaKnife, a CyberKnife, a scanned proton beam delivery, etc. can also be determined using Eq. 共1兲. However, instead of a machine-specific reference field, preference is given to use a different type of intermediate field, which is a plan-class specific reference field 共pcsr兲. This is a reference field for a class of dynamic or step-andshoot delivery fields, or a class of combinations of fields in a configuration that is as close as possible to the final clinical delivery scheme, but delivers a homogeneous absorbed dose to an extended and geometrically simple target volume. In this case, the msr field is replaced with the pcsr field and Eq. 共1兲 converts to: f pcsr Dw,Q
= M Qf pcsr · ND,w,Q0 · kQ,Q0 · kQf pcsr,f,Qref , pcsr
and Eq. 共3兲 for relative dosimetry converts to: f clin Dw,Q
f pcsr = Dw,Q
· ⍀Qf clin,f,Qpcsr . clin
The determination of the correction factor kQf pcsr,f,Qref from the pcsr conventional reference field to the plan-class specific reference field in Eq. 共7兲, which might require different setups, can be established with tight tolerance levels 共as in conventional reference dosimetry兲. On the other hand, the relative conversion of absorbed dose to water from the plan-class specific reference field to the clinical field in Eq. 共8兲, which will have to be established for every treatment delivery, can be performed in the same setup using the same phantom, e.g., for patient specific QA in IMRT, the phantom should be the same as for the dosimetry in the pcsr field with a crosscalibrated field chamber 共see below兲. The factor kQf pcsr,f,Qref will generally be close to unity under pcsr the condition that the addition and geometrical matching of fields in the homogeneous phantom compensates for the loss of charged-particle equilibrium in the penumbrae of individual fields. Ideally, it would be obtained by a direct calibration of the ionization chamber in the conventional reference field and the plan-class specific reference field against a primary standard or against another dosimeter such as alanine, radiochromic film, or ferrous sulphate dosimetry whose calibration is traceable to a primary standard of absorbed dose to water. Alternatively, it could be calculated by a
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
FIG. 2. Schematic overview of the dosimetry of small static fields with reference to a machine-specific reference field according to the formalism presented in this paper.
Monte Carlo simulation alone or it could be measured using a suitable detector applying corrections obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation. In this second route, the possibility also exists that a treatment unit cannot establish a conventional reference field and that the dosimetry of the plan-class specific reference field is referred to a machine-specific reference field. An additional factor is then required to correct between the msr and the pcsr fields, i.e., f pcsr Dw,Q
= M Qf pcsr · ND,w,Q0 · kQ,Q0 · kQf msr,f,Qref · kQf pcsr,f,Qmsr . pcsr
As a summary, a graphical representation of the procedures of route 2 for dosimetry in nonstandard composite fields is given in Fig. 3. In both cases, small and composite fields, it can be seen that the formalism stays close to the one of conventional CoPs in the sense that a calibration of a reference field is performed followed by the application of output factors or an equivalent type of factors for clinical fields, the main difference being the extension of the concept of reference field. In line with this approach, it is possible that a standards laboratory is able to provide a direct calibration coefficient f msr for an ionization chamber in the machine-specificND,w,Q msr f pcsr reference field or ND,w,Q for the plan-class specific referpcsr ence field. From these, the factors kQf msr,f,Qref and kQf pcsr,f,Qref in Eqs. msr pcsr 共1兲 and 共7兲 can be derived. This opens the path for introducMedical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
ing a cross-calibration procedure. If a detector is available, which, based on a calibration in a standards laboratory for a conventional reference field, can reliably measure absorbed dose to water in the machine-specific-reference field or in the plan-class specific reference field, it can be used to crosscalibrate a second detector for subsequent use as a reference dosimeter in the clinical field. In what follows two example applications of the dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields will be discussed to illustrate the use of the different correction and field factors. They are not meant to be comprehensive and there are many more examples from the literature that can be found. These will be extensively reviewed in future activities of the IAEA working group. III. EXAMPLES III.A. Application to TomoTherapy
The TomoTherapy HiArt system delivers helical tomotherapy plans using a nominal 6 MV unflattened x-ray beam and a binary multileaf collimator. For this system, the reference conditions for applying TRS-398 or TG-51, i.e., a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm homogeneous field, cannot be established. In addition, the calibration procedure is integrated in the fluence-based planning and delivery. Dosimetry according to route 1 共small static fields兲 can form part of a QA system to
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
FIG. 3. Schematic overview of the dosimetry of nonstandard composite fields with reference to a plan-class specific reference field according to the formalism presented in this paper 关note that in the route starting from the hypothetical field, Eq. 共9兲 applies instead of the equation in the figure兴.
verify, and if necessary, adjust the calibration of the monitor, but has no relevance to the user regarding the calculated output of a helical delivery. In this case, the relevant dosimetry methods for the user are described by route 2 共composite fields兲. A first issue with the TomoTherapy unit is beam quality since high-energy x-ray dosimetry in TG-51 and TRS-398 has been developed mainly based on experience with photon beams that contain flattening filters and, thus, have a harder energy spectrum. On the other hand, it has been argued that in the energy region of beams with nominal energies around 6 MV, the variation of the beam quality correction factors kQ,Q0 with beam quality Q is small.10,11 Factors equivalent to kQf msr,f,Qref were calculated using the msr Monte Carlo method by Jeraj et al.10 for a generic secondary-standard-level graphite-walled Farmer-type chamber 共cfr. Table I兲 and Thomas et al. for an Exradin A1SL chamber. For a machine-specific reference field f msr of 5 cm⫻ 10 cm at 85 cm SSD in the TomoTherapy unit and a hypothetical 10 cm⫻ 10 cm reference field f ref, the correction factor was unity to within 0.3% for both chamber types.10,11 These findings were experimentally confirmed by Duane et al.,12 who determined calibration coefficients for an NE2611 and an Exradin A1SL ionization chamber. They were obtained by comparison with the therapy-level alaninedosimetry service13 from the National Physical Laboratory Medical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
共NPL兲 in 5 cm⫻ 10 cm and 5 cm⫻ 20 cm static fields at 85 cm SSD in four different TomoTherapy HiArt units. The calibration coefficients agreed to within 0.3% with those determined in NPL beams with the same values of TPR20,10 共ranging between 0.62 and 0.64兲. Table I also shows the factor kQf pcsr,f,Qref derived from Dupcsr ane’s alanine work12 in a TomoTherapy unit at the Cromwell Hospital, London, UK. The calibration coefficient for two ionization chambers 共one of type NE2611 and one of type Exradin A1SL兲 derived by calibration against NPL’s alanine
TABLE I. Correction factors kQfmsr,f ref derived from a Monte Carlo study 共Ref. msr,Q 10兲 for a generic graphite-walled Farmer type chamber 共second column兲 and fpcsr,f ref derived from an experimental study 共Ref. 12兲 for a NE2611 factors kQ pcsr,Q ionization chamber 共last column兲. Route 1 refers to the calibration in the msr field of 5 cm⫻ 10 cm; route 2 refers to calibration in the pcsr field, which is a helically delivered composite field of 8.0 cm diam and 10.0 cm length in a cylindrical clear polystyrene phantom. The axial collimations 共fan widths兲 for the pcsr fields were 5.0, 2.5, and 1.0 cm. kQf msr,f,Qref
kQf pcsr,f,Qref
f msr 共route 1兲 共Ref. 10兲 5 cm⫻ 10 cm 2 cm⫻ 10 cm 2 cm⫻ 2 cm
0.997 0.993 0.990
f pcsr 共route 2兲 共Ref. 12兲 Helical, 5 cm Helical, 2.5 cm Helical, 1 cm
1.000 1.000 0.997
Alfonso et al.: Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields
TABLE II. kQf clin,f,Qmsr factors derived from Monte Carlo simulations18 for the clin msr three smallest fixed circular collimators 共0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 cm diam兲 of a CyberKnife unit with reference to the msr field of 6.0 cm diam. Values of kQf clin,f,Qmsr are stated for a range of electron beam spatial full width at half clin msr maximum 共FWHM兲 values between 1.4 and 2.6 mm. Field size Detector Exradin A16 PTW 31014 共PinPoint兲 PTW 60012 共diode兲 PTW 60003 共diamond兲
0.5 cm
0.75 cm
1.0 cm
1.067–1.112 1.082–1.124 0.940–0.957 1.066–1.123
1.017–1.027 1.024–1.037 0.966–0.967 1.001–1.012
1.007–1.012 1.013–1.017 0.978–0.978 0.999–1.001
indicates that kQf pcsr,f,Qref is unity within the experimental relapcsr tive standard uncertainty 共which is reported to be 0.8% for this specific example12兲. III.B. Application to CyberKnife
The CyberKnife system cannot achieve a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm square reference field. The machine specific reference field, f msr, is defined by a fixed collimator that produces a beam diam of 6 cm at the standard treatment distance of 80 cm. This is the largest field size available. TPR20,10 is measured in the field f msr using SCD= 80 cm in water. The equivalent square field size S is 5.4 cm, based on the BJR supplement 25 conversion method.14 TPR20,10共S兲 values for these treatment units are typically in the range 0.629–0.647; they can be converted to equivalent values for f ref 共i.e., a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm square field兲 using data tables in BJR supplement 2514 as described by Sharma et al.15 This corrected TPR20,10 value is then used to select kQ,Q0 from a conventional CoP 共alternatively, beam quality may be specified using a depth-dose ratio measured at 100 cm SSD. In this case S = 6.75 cm. This PDD may be converted to a 10 cm⫻ 10 cm field using the method described here, and this value used to obtain kQ,Q0兲. As the field f msr is large enough to preserve chargedparticle equilibrium on the central axis, no significant difference in beam quality is expected between f msr and f ref and, therefore, kQf msr,f,Qref is unity. The kQ,Q0 value determined using msr this method agrees to within 0.1%,16 and 0.4%17 with Monte Carlo calculations of the product kQ,Q0 · kQf msr,f,Qref. msr Francescon et al.18 have reported a Monte Carlo simulation method for deriving correction factors equivalent to kQf clin,f,Qmsr in Eq. 共4b兲. These values are given in Table II. The clin msr method was validated by deriving and applying the kQf clin,f,Qmsr clin msr to determine ⍀Qf clin,f,Qmsr from ratios of detector readings obclin msr tained with all four detectors, resulting in excellent agreement between the four corrected measurement results obtained for each collimator 共relative standard deviation 艋 0.4%兲. IV. CONCLUSIONS A new formalism is presented for the dosimetry of small and composite fields. The concept of two new intermediate Medical Physics, Vol. 35, No. 11, November 2008
calibration fields is introduced: 共i兲 a static machine-specific reference field for those modalities that cannot establish conventional reference conditions and 共ii兲 a plan-class specific reference field closer to the patient-specific clinical fields thereby facilitating standardization of composite field dosimetry. This formalism may form the basis of new international recommendations for the dosimetry of small and nonstandard treatment fields and will provide a standardized framework for establishing traceable dosimetry for the wide variety of beams and delivery techniques currently available. It will further harmonize research efforts in this field so that data produced in line with this formalism become more consistent and more widely usable. We want to emphasize that this paper presents a framework and does not aim to present a code of practice or recommendation for its practical implementation. For enabling the latter, a substantial research effort is still required. For static field dosimetry, where a lot of data are available in the literature, the working group will undertake a thorough review and determine areas where sufficient data are lacking. For composite and dynamic field dosimetry, the main challenge is the definition of suitable pcsr fields. The working group will propose procedures to come up with and test pcsr fields based on a class of clinical plans and will actively participate in testing these procedures. Prior to progressing with developing a CoP or other form of recommendation, the members of this IAEA working group welcome comments from the international medical physics community on the formalism presented here. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the AAPM Therapy Physics Committee for endorsing this initiative. The authors are further thankful for input and comments from Ahmed Meghzifene 共IAEA兲, Joanna Izewska 共IAEA兲, Ken Shortt 共IAEA兲, Robert Jeraj 共University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, USA兲, and Simon Duane 共National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK兲, and for comments on this manuscript by Maria Mania Aspradakis 共TomoTherapy, Zurich, Switzerland兲, Lee Walton 共Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK兲, Stefaan Vynckier 共Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium兲, Stephen Seltzer 共National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA兲, and David Rogers 共Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada兲. a兲
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
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