Zootaxa 3765 (5): 458–468 www.mapress.com /zootaxa / Copyright © 2014 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3765.5.4 http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B759B46B-9769-40F9-844B-BD6DB7A9351A
A new species and notes on Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Paraná and Santa Catarina States, southern Brazil MARCOS CARNEIRO NOVAES1,2 & PITÁGORAS DA CONCEIÇÃO BISPO2,3 1
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Assis, SP, Brazil E-mails:
[email protected];
[email protected] 3 Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected] 2
Abstract Specimens of Perlidae (Plecoptera) deposited in the Entomological Collection "Padre Jesus S. Moure" of the Universidade Federal do Paraná and additional material recently collected in Paraná and Santa Catarina states, Brazil were studied. Six previously described species were identified, Anacroneuria debilis (Pictet, 1841), A. cathia Froehlich, 2002, A. polita (Burmeister, 1839), A. trimacula Jewett, 1959, Kempnyia neotropica (Jacoson and Bianchi, 1905) and K. colossica (Navás, 1934). Additionally, a new species, Anacroneuria iguazu n. sp is described. Keywords: aquatic insects, streams, biodiversity, Neotropical
Resumo Espécimes de Perlidae (Plecoptera) depositados na Coleção Entomológica "Padre Jesus S. Moure" da Universidade Federal do Paraná e material adicional recentemente coletado nos Estados do Paraná e de Santa Catarina, Brazil foram estudados. Seis espécies anteriormente descritas foram identificadas, Anacroneuria debilis (Pictet, 1841), A. cathia Froehlich, 2002, A. polita (Burmeister, 1839), A. trimacula Jewett, 1959, Kempnyia neotropica (Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905) e K. colossica (Navás, 1934). Adicionalmente, uma nova espécie, Anacroneuria iguazu n. sp., é descrita Palavras chave: insetos aquáticos, riachos, biodiversidade, Neotropical
Introduction Perlidae is the largest family of Plecoptera and more than 100 species have been described from Brazil (Froehlich, 2010), primarily in last three decades (Froehlich, 1984, 1988, 2002; Bispo & Froehlich, 2004a; Ribeiro & Rafael, 2007, Righi-Cavallaro & Lecci, 2010; Righi-Cavallaro & Froehlich, 2013). The taxonomic knowledge of this family for southern Brazil, which comprises Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul states, is based mainly on specimens collected by Fritz Plaumann in Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina State (Jewett, 1959; Froehlich, 2002). In addition, other studies based on specimens collected in other southern Brazilian localities has been published (Froehlich, 1996; De Ribeiro & Froehlich, 2007; Novaes et al., 2012), improving our knowledge of this fauna. In this paper, specimens of Perlidae from Paraná and Santa Catarina States deposited in the Entomological Collection "Padre Jesus S. Moure", Departamento de Zoologia of the Universidade Federal do Paraná (DZUP) and additional material recently collected in these states were studied. Comments on the six known species of Perlidae are presented and a new species of Anacroneuria is described.
458 Accepted by B. C. Kondratieff: 23 Dec. 2013; published: 20 Feb. 2014
Material and methods The specimens studied were collected in Paraná and Santa Catarina states and are mostly deposited in the Entomological Collection "Padre Jesus S. Moure" (DZUP). Additionally, we studied other specimens recently collected in these states by the first author, which are deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Laboratório de Biologia Aquática (UNESP, Assis). The holotype male and the paratype male of A. iguazu n. sp. are deposited in DZUP. For identification, the genitalia of adults were cleared using KOH. The specimens were photographed and the hammer and penial armature were illustrated with the aid of a microscope with a camera lucida. The illustrations were completed using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
Results and discussion Anacroneuria debilis (Pictet, 1841) Figs. 1–5. Perla (Perla) debilis Pictet, 1841: 255; Anacroneuria debilis, Zwick, 1972: 1155; Zwick, 1973: 486; Froehlich, 2002: 76; Baldin et al., 2013: 392.
Material examined. BRAZIL (BR), Santa Catarina (SC), Nova Teutonia: 12 males, xi.1980, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP); 1 male, 7.x.1955 (Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History—NMNH); 5 males, 27 females, i.1975 (NMNH). Paraná (PR), Foz do Iguaçu, Cataratas: 1 female, 8.iii.1968, W. L. & J. G. Peters (NMNH). Remarks. The redescriptions and comments about this species can be found in the papers of Zwick (1972, 1973), Froehlich (2002) and Baldin et al. (2013). The adult males studied here have a forewing length of 11.1–12.1 mm. The structure of the penial armature (Figs. 3–5) agrees with Zwick (1972) and Baldin et al. (2013). However, in several of the above listed males, the penial armature is slightly smaller and has a stronger dorsal inclination apically. The penial differences at this time are accepted as variation occurring in A. debilis. However, study of additional material from different localities is needed to ascertain if cryptic species are involved.
Anacroneuria cathia Froehlich 2002 Figs. 6–9. Anacroneuria cathia Froehlich, 2002: 91.
Material examined. BR, SC, Nova Teutonia: 1 male, xi.1980, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP). Remarks. This specimen is heavily damaged and does not have the head, but all the other characteristics agree with the original description of Anacroneuria cathia (Froehlich, 2002). The adult male studied here has a forewing length of 12.2 mm. The penial armature (Figs. 6-8) is in accordance with the description of Froehlich (2002).
Anacroneuria polita (Burmeister, 1839) Figs.10–14. Perla polita Burmeister 1839: 880; Anacroneuria polita, Zwick, 1972: 1163; Froehlich, 2002: 87; Bispo & Froehlich, 2004b: 98; Anacroneuria polita, Froehlich, 2004: 58.
Material examined. BR, PR, Foz do Iguaçu: 1 male, 07.xi.1966 (DZUP). SC, Joaçaba: 1 male, 02.i.1967 (DZUP). Remarks. The two males studied here have forewing lengths of 14.5–15.0 mm. These specimens are larger than those known from other localities, but penial armature (Figs. 12–14) agrees well with the illustrations presented by Froehlich (2002).
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FIGURES 1–5. Anacroneuria debilis. Male: (1) head and pronotum; (2) sternum 9; (3–5) penial armature (3 dorsal, 4 ventral and 5 lateral views). Scales: figure (1) 0.5 mm; figure (2) 1.0 mm; figures (3–5) 0.75 mm.
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FIGURES 6–9. Anacroneuria cathia. Male: (6–8) penial armature (6 dorsal, 7 ventral and 8 lateral views); (9) sternum 9. Scales: figures (6–8) 1.0mm; figure (9) 1.5mm.
Anacroneuria trimacula Jewett 1959 Figs. 15–19. Anacroneuria trimacula Jewett, 1959, p. 155; Froehlich, 2002, p. 88.
Material examined. BR, SC, Nova Teutonia: 1 male, xi.1980, light trap, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP). Remarks. The male studied has a forewing length of 12.5 mm. The color pattern of the head (Fig. 15) is
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similar to the descriptions and illustrations as presented in Jewett (1959) and Froehlich (2002). The penial armature of the above male (Figs. 17-19) agrees with illustrations presented by Froehlich (2002).
FIGURES 10–14. Anacroneuria polita. Male: (10) head and pronotum; (11) sternum 9; (12–14) penial armature (12 dorsal, 13 ventral and 14 lateral views). Scales: figure (10) 0.5 mm; figure (11) 1.5 mm; figures (12–14) 1.0 mm.
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FIGURES 15–19. Anacroneuria trimacula. Male: (15) head and pronotum; (16) sternum 9; (17–19) penial armature (17 dorsal, 18 ventral and 19 lateral views). Scales: figure (15) 0.5 mm; figure (16) 1.0 mm; figures (17–19) 0.8 mm.
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Anacroneuria iguazu n. sp. Figs. 20–24. Material examined. Holotype: male: BR, PR, Foz do Iguaçu, 07.xii.1966 (DZUP). Paratype; 1 male, BR, PR, Campo Largo (Estrada do Cerne Km 40), 07.xii.1974 (DZUP). Description. Forewing length 11.5–13.9 mm, total body length 14.6–16.7 mm. General color brownish. Head brownish with M-line, parts of clypeal area, frons and laterally to ocelli brownish (Fig. 20); lappets brown; clypeal area setose; postfrontal line U-shaped; scape and pedicel brown; flagellum brownish; palpi yellowish. Pronotum brownish with lighter rugosities (Fig. 20). Legs brownish, tibia and tarsi darker. Wing membrane brownish, veins brown. Cerci brownish. Hammer truncate, wider than long (Fig. 21). Penial armature narrowing gradually from base to apex in ventral/dorsal views (Figs. 22–23), apical third strongly bent ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 24); hooks regularly curved and directed dorsally, passing above the body of the penial armature; pair of large ventral vesicles present; keel slightly elevated in lateral view. Remarks. The forewing length and color of this species are similar to several species. In dorsal and ventral views, the penial armature resembles those of A. flintorum (Froehlich, 2002) and A. ofaye (Froehlich, 2007). However, in A. iguazu, the hooks extend above the penial armature, which is strongly curved ventrally, differing from the other species of the genus. Etymology. the name makes reference to Foz do Iguaçu, region where the holotype was collected.
Kempnyia colossica (Navás, 1934) Figs. 25–30. Laeissa colossica Navás, 1934: 2; Jewett, 1959: 151; Kempnyia colossica, Froehlich, 1988: 154; Bispo & Froehlich, 2004b: 107.
Material examined. BR, PR, Morretes: 3 males, 4 females, 11.i.2012, M. C. Novaes & M. P. B. Bertolucci. Remarks. The adult males studied here have forewing length of 22.9–26.0 mm and adult females 32.3–36.5 mm. The penial armature (Figs. 27–29) agrees well with illustrations in Froehlich (1988).
Kempnyia neotropica (Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905) Figs. 31–37. Perla (Perla) obscura Pictet, 1841: 28; Perla neotropica Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905: 617; Macrogynoplax aterrima Klapálek 1916: 73; Kempnyia neotropica, Zwick, 1972: 1168; Bispo & Froehlich, 2004b: 107; Bispo & Froehlich, 2008: 62.
Material examined: BR, PR, Morretes: 2 males, 1 female, 11.i.2012, M. C. Novaes & M. P. B. Bertolucci. Remarks. The above males have a forewing length of 10.1–11.0 mm and the female of 15.5 mm. The head is pale laterally (Fig. 31) and the wings are milky, resembling K. petersorum (Froehlich, 1996) and differing from the common color pattern of K. neotropica. The subgenital plates of the male (Fig. 32) and female (Fig. 37) and the penial armature (Figs. 33–35), agree with the concept of K. neotropica as presented by Bispo & Froehlich (2008). Therefore, at this time, we accept the above noted differences as variation exhibited by K. neotropica. Further studies, especially molecular analyses of specimens from different localities are required to determine if cryptic species are present.
Acknowledgements The authors thank PROTAX-CNPq (Taxonomy Training Program, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, number 562203/2010-9) by fellowship to MCN and by financial support; to Taxonline which manages the Entomological Collection "Padre Jesus S. Moure" of the Universidade Federal do Paraná. PCB thanks CNPq (numbers 301652/2008-2 and 307577/2011-2) for fellowships. The Laboratory of Aquatic Biology of UNESP (Assis) has received constant financial support of FAPESP (State of São Paulo Research Foundation, numbers 04/09711-8; 09/53233-7; 2012/21196-8) and CNPq (numbers 473246/2004-0; 477349/2007-2).
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FIGURES 20–24. Anacroneuria iguazu n. sp. Male: (20) head and pronotum; (21) sternum 9; (22–24) penial armature (22 dorsal, 23 ventral and 24 lateral views). Scales: figure (20) 0.5 mm; figure (21) 1.5 mm; figures (22–24) 1.0 mm.
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FIGURES 25–30. Kempnyia colossica. Male: (25) head and pronotum; (26) sternum 9; (27–29) penial armature (27 dorsal, 28 ventral and 29 lateral views). Female: (30) sternum 8. Scales: figure (25) 0.5 mm; figure (26) 2.0 mm; figures (27–29) 1.5 mm; figure (30) 3.0 mm.
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FIGURES 31–37. Kempnyia neotropica. Male: (31) head and pronotum; (32) sternum 9; (33–35) penial armature (33 dorsal, 34 ventral and 35 lateral views); (36) spinous sclerotisation of membranous penis base. Female: (37) sternum 8. Scales: figure (31) 0.5 mm; figure (32) 1.0 mm; figures (33–35) 1.0 mm; figure (36) 0.75 mm; figure (37) 2.0 mm.
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