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chies, since they both use transitive properties. As an example in Fig. 1, we calculate the degree of similarity between Bus and Autobus by these assumptions:.
A new Structural Similarity Measure for Ontology Alignment B. Bagheri Hariri

H. Abolhassani

A. Khodaei

Semantic Web Research Laboratory Computer Engineering Department Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Semantic Web Research Laboratory Computer Engineering Department Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

[email protected]

[email protected]

Bren School of Information and Computer Science University of California, Irvine, USA [email protected]

Abstract— several methods have been suggested for Ontology Alignment problem, each exploits some measures and uses of their combinations in order to come up with higher quality of alignment. A group of such measures are especially based on structural position of the entities in ontologies, the corresponding measures of which are named Structural Measures. This paper is about to present a new method for computing Structural Similarity, based on the notion of Information Content. The method employs various aspects of the structure of ontologies to recognize related entities. We evaluate the proposed measure using standard methods of Precision and Recall, as well as a new one based on Sensitivity Analysis from Data Mining. Evaluation results show superiority of proposed structural measure over the rest of the methods taking part in the presented tests.

I. I NTRODUCTION Sematic Web, as like as the web itself, is by design distributed and heterogenous. Alongside, ontology is used to support interoperability and common understanding between the different sides of the task. However, the ontologies themselves may also have heterogeneities as well. It is along tackling this heterogeneity where Ontology Alignment is used for finding semantic relationships among the entities of ontologies. Many of the existing methods for ontology alignment compare similarity of entities using some predefined measures, and via the interpretation of the results, they put forward some possible set of semantical relationships among the entities. The measures for similarity computation can be divided into two general groups; namely, Lexical Measures and Structural Measures. Lexical measures are based on surface similarities such as that of the title, label, or URI of entities. The main idea in using such measures is the fact that it happens that usually similar entities have similar names and descriptions across different ontologies. On the other hand, Structural Measures try to recognize similarities by considering the kinship of the components and structures residing in the ontology graphs. Leveraging other available information in two ontologies, they hope to recognize related entities outside the site of the lexical measures. Methods which are used by such similarities rely on the intuition that elements of two distinct models are similar when their adjacent elements are similar [1]. To compare exiting works we assume seven criteria for deciding that two entities are similar:

C1 Their direct super-entities (or all of their super-entities) are already similar [2]. C2 Their sibling-entities (or all of their sibling-entities) are already similar. C3 Their direct sub-entities (or all of their sub-entities) are already similar [2]. C4 All (or most) of their descendant-entities (entities in the subtree rooted at the entity in question) are already similar. C5 All (or most) of their leaf-entities (entities, which have no sub-entity, in the subtree rooted at the entity in question) are already similar [3]. C6 All (or most) of entities in the paths from the root to the entities in question are already similar[4]. C7 All (or most) of relative entities to the entities in question using properties are similar. In Criteria C1 to C6 it is tried to find similarities in the Taxonomic hierarchy within the graphs of input ontologies. In a taxonomic hierarchy, the relationships between entities are specialization relations. The sub-entity is a specialization of the super-entity, and vice versa, the super-entity is a generalization of the sub-entity. On the other hand finding similarities in the Mereologic hierarchies can be handled using criteria C7 . In a Mereologic hierarchy, the relationships between entities are whole-part relations [1]. In this paper a new measure for structural similarity of two entities (i.e. concepts) from two given ontologies is presented. In section 2 a review of related works is given. Section 3 introduces our suggested measure and section 4 discusses evaluations on it. Finally a conclusion is given in section 5. II. R ELATED W ORKS There have been numerous works for finding structural similarities of graph entities. Some of them are developed specifically for ontology alignment while some others have been developed for other domains, like for Wordnet1 similarity, but still are useful for the ontology alignment problem. In what follows a review of famous methods among those known by authors is given. 1

Where δ(e, c) is the number of intermediate edges between an element and another element c. This corresponds to the unit tree distance of [6] with weight 1 on each edge.

concepts. When it is applied in a single ontology, f req should be interpreted as the number of children for the concept. Similarly methods like introduced in [9], [10], and [11] also try to use the similarity of parents, children and siblings to calculate the relationships of concepts in two ontologies. All the above A to D measures cannot be applied as such in the context of ontology alignment since the ontologies are not supposed to necessarily share the same taxonomy H. For that purpose, it is necessary to extend these kinds of measures over a pair of ontologies. For example in [12], [13], this amounts to use a (local) matching between the elements to be compared.

B. Upward Cotopic Similarity

E. Anchor Prompt

The upward cotopic distance [7] δ : O × O → R is a dissimilarity over a hierarchy HhO, ≤i, such that:

U C(c, H) = {c0 ∈ H; c ≤ c0 } is the set of superclasses of c.

This measure [14] tries to find relationships between entities based on the primary relationships recognized before. The central observation behind Anchor-Prompt is that if two pairs of terms from the source ontologies are similar and there are paths connecting the terms, then the elements in those paths are often similar as well.

C. Similarity Distance

F. Similarity Flooding

This measure [8] computes the relationship among entities for a single hierarchy. The concept similarity is defined as:

The Similarity Flooding (SF) [15] compares graphs representing the schemas, looking for similarities in the graph structure. SF utilizes a hybrid matching algorithm based on the ideas of similarity propagation. The basic concept behind the algorithm is the similarity spreading from similar nodes to the adjacent neighbors through propagation coefficients.

A. Structural Topological Dissimilarity on Hierarchies This method [5] computes the dissimilarity of elements in a hierarchy based on their distance from closest common parent. Structural topological dissimilarity δ : O × O → R is a dissimilarity over a hierarchy H = hO, ≤i, such that: ∀e, e0 ∈ O, δ(e, e0 ) = min[δ(e, c) + δ(e0 , c)] c∈O

δ(c, c0 ) =

U C(c, H) ∩ U C(c0 , H) U C(c, H) ∪ U C(c0 , H)

Sim(c1 , c2 ) = 1 − distance(c1 , c2 ).




Every concept in the concept hierarchy is assigned a milestone value. Since the distance between two given concepts in a hierarchy represents the path over the closest common parent ccp, the distance is calculated as: distance(c1 , c2 ) = distance(c1 , ccp) + distance(c2 , ccp) (4) distance(c, ccp) = milestone(ccp) − milestone(c) (5) The milestone values of concepts in the concept hierarchy are calculated as follows: milestone(n) =

1 k l(n)+1


where l(n) is the length of the longest path from the root to the node n in the hierarchy and k is a predefined factor larger than 1 indicating the rate at which the milestone values decrease along the hierarchy. D. Resnik Similarity This method introduces a measure to calculate similarity of Wordnet concepts, i.e. a single hierarchy. The similarity is computed based on the closest common parent and distance of the two entities from root: sim(c1 , c2 ) =

max [− log p(c)] c∈S(c1 ,c2 )


f eq(c) (8) N In the above formula S(c1 , c2 ) is the set of concepts that subsume both c1 and c2 , f req is the number of occurrences of a concept in a hierarchy and N is the total number of p(c) =

G. OLA OLA (OWL Lite Aligner) [16] is designed with the idea of balancing the contribution of each component that compose an ontology. OLA converts definitions of distances based on all the input structures into a set of equations. The algorithm then looks for the matching between the ontologies that minimizes the overall distance between them. ST [5] UC [7] SD [8] RS [17] AP [14] OL [16] SF [15] IC

C √1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √


C √3






√ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √

√ √ √ √


Table I shows a comparison of the methods based on the types of information they use. ST is an abbreviation for Structural Topological, UC is for Upward Cotopic, SD is for Similarity Distance, RS is for Resnik Similarity, AP is for Anchor Prompt, OL for OWL Lite Aligner and IC is for our proposed method discussed later named as Information Content. Also C1 to C7 are described in Section I, and OA is an abbreviation for Ontology Alignment Specific which shows if the method is designed specially for ontology alignment.

III. O UR S EMANTIC M EASURE We first introduce a new measure, then in Sect. III-B, we present its theoretical and intuitive basis, and finally discuss on adjusting it for OWL2 ontologies in section III-B. A. Definition The purpose of this measure is to have a means to calculate structural similarity between the entities of two given ontologies. In this measure, similarity among entities of two ontologies is estimated using a real number based on existing transitive relationships across the ontologies. Our measure is, in fact, deemed to be a generalization for the Resnik Hierarchical Similarity[17]. As explained, the presented method in Resnik is not directly usable for the ontology alignment problem. Therefore, here we try to customize it so that it can be applicable on ontologies. The first customization is generalizing the concept of Common Father to a concept applicable for a pair of ontologies. We do this by identification of similar entities across the two ontologies. In order to propose a structural similarity, we need to somehow identify some similar pairs of entity. We perform this alike the other methods – such as Anchor-Prompt [14] – in which for semi-automatic approaches the pairs are inputted from the user, and for the automatic ones the lexical similarities are employed. Having pairs with similarity above a certain threshold, we are ready to identify the related pairs of concept. One of the conceptual heterogeneity types is the granularity [18]. Granularity Heterogeneity occurs when one ontology has more details than the other. In such situations, there might exist some entities in one ontology which are out of consideration in the other. Existence of such entities in one side, may make the identification of structural relationships across entities of ontologies quite problematic. One of the goals of presenting this measure is enabling current ones in resisting against such effects. For this purpose, a concept called Relative Elements is introduced which is considered to be a generalization of the closest common father [8], [17]. Relative elements of a pair (c1 ,c2 ) from ontologies O1 and O2 are defined as a pair (rc1 ,rc2 ), such that following requirements are satisfied: 1) rc1 ∈ entities(O1 ) and rc2 ∈ entities(O2 ). 2) rc1 and rc2 are already identified to be similar either from the user inputs or from one of the lexical similarity measures, for which the amount of similarity is greater than a certain specified threshold. 3) If we represent ontology entities as nodes of a graph, and its properties as directed edges from its domain to its range, and also represent subclass relationship (i.e. isa relationship) as an edge from the special to the general side, there exist at least one path from c1 to rc1 or from rc1 to c1 . The same property holds likewise for c2 and rc2 . A vector first element of which is the direction of a path (indicated using 0/1 here), and the other elements of which are the properties met along the path is what we call Relationship. If the direction is from the entity 2 Web

Ontology Language

to its corresponding relative entity, we represent it by 0, otherwise by 1. For instance, in ontology A of Fig. 1, Bus has the h1·is-a·is-a·has·hasi with Horsepower. 4) Relationships between c1 and rc1 holding also for c2 and rc2 are of length greater than 1 and less than the predetermined value M axLength. Also, in such a path there is no repeated entity – there is no cycle in it.

Fig. 1.

Example of Ontology Alignment

5) There exists at least one Optimal Relationship Couple for c1 and c2 connected via rc1 and rc2 . Optimal Relationship Couple consists of two relationships one from c1 to rc1 , and another from c2 to rc2 such that: a) Their Reduced Relationships are equal. b) Their total lengths among the pair relationships satisfying the first condition, is minimum. We define the sum of the lengths of these two vectors as length between c1 and c2 , connected via rc1 and rc2 . Reduced Relationship of a given relationship is a vector whose the first element (i.e. direction indicator) is as same as the relationship, and its other elements are the same of the relationship except that all the is-a properties are eliminated, and every run of transitive equal properties is replaced with only one occurrence of such a property. As an example, in Fig. 2 several relationships and their reduced relationships are shown. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R.

0 · T1 · T2 · T2 · N1 · N1 · N2 · T1 · I · T3 0 · T1 · T2 · N1 · N1 · N2 · T1 · T3 0 · T1 · T2 · N1 · N1 · N2 · T1 · T3 · T3 0 · T1 · T2 · N1 · N1 · N2 · T1 · T3 1 · T1 · N1 · I · I · N2 · T1 · T2 · T2 · I 1 · T1 · N1 · N2 · T1 · T2

Tx : Transitive Property

R.: Relationship

Nx : Non-Transitive Property

R. R.: Reduced Relationship

I: Is-a

Fig. 2.

Extracting Reduced Relationship from Relationship

Now, we define structural similarity δ : O × O → R between two entities c1 and c2 as follows: X sim(rc1 , rc2 )α × IC(rc1 , rc2 ) δ(c1 , c2 ) = lengthβ (r1 ,r2 )∈RE(c1 ,c2 )

(9) IC(c1 , c2 ) =


log p(c1 ) × log p(c2 )


In which c1 and c2 are two entities from two ontologies in consideration. α and β are real numbers and have to be tuned. sim : O × O → R is the lexical similarity for two entities (each from a different ontology) which can be determined by one of the existing measures (e.g. string-based similarities, Wordnet similarities or their combination). Function IC : O × O → R represents the information content for relative entities in which P : O → R is a function that returns a number between 0 and 1 for a given entity based on its location in the ontology. Here we extend the concept of common father from Resnik to a pair of similar concepts as shown in formula 9. For calculating function P , first we define function f req. This function gets one as input and returns that entity’s number of children as output. Now, we define function P as follows: f req(c) (11) N In which N is total number of entities in the ontology. Also, value of length for c1 and c2 regarding rc1 and rc2 is computed from item number 5 of relative entity definition. p(c) =

B. Theoretical and Intuitive Basis of the Proposed Measure As mentioned earlier, various measures for identifying relationships in structures related to ontologies have been introduced. Some of them are designed specifically for ontology alignment. For instance, Anchor-Prompt by recognition of some anchor points and finding paths between anchor points with similar length in the two ontologies tries to assign higher weights to the elements of such a path so that it be possible to identify some relationships that are not recognizable by lexical measures. Because of the limitation of the equal lengths, this method is only able to identify new semantic relationships among those entities that have really the same structures and this is not something happening most of the time. For instance, if we have a→b→c→d in one ontology and a→x→d in another one, this algorithm will not do anything in identifying relationships between x and b or c to not decrease the precision. In the other words, it will sacrifice recall for precision. One of our goals in presenting the new measure is to study these kind of relationships in more details so we will be able to increase recall as much as possible with minimum decrease of precision. In this measure with a special attention to transitive properties and more specifically to isa relationships (i.e. subclass-superclass), we try to increase recall. As an example in a→b→c→d, if we assume each of the arrows as an is-a relationship and if in the second ontology we have a→x, so that a entities of two ontologies are matched, then matching probability for each of entities b, c or d from first ontology and x in second ontology is same and there is no difference between them in terms of matching probability. Also this holds for other transitive properties. Suppose arrows be consist−of relationship, in this case if a has a relationship with b and b has a relationship with c, we can infer that a has relationship with c too. Now if in the second ontology, a has a relationship with x, the probability for each of entities b, c or d being matched to x is equal. This is in fact the basis for the

concept of reduced relationship in our measure. In this vector, we eliminate all is-a properties because for the mentioned reason, their existence and difference between two vectors in them and number and location of these properties, none of them decrease the probability of matching two entities of ontologies. For the same reason, we replace other consecutive transitive equal properties by one of them, because their repetition can not make any difference in entities matching probability. However, we should keep non-transitive properties in reduced relationship as they appear in the original vector. As a result, this method similar to Anchor-Prompt checks that vectors are at the same length and even with the same signature, but after construction of reduced relationships there are more chances to have structural matching than can be found by Anchor-Prompt. In [17], according to quantifying information content in the nodes, it is tried to identify structural similarities. One of the consequences of this idea is the fact that the degree of structural similarity between two entities is not affected by the amount of entities’ distance from their Closest Common Father. Justification of this idea is the transitive property of is-a mentioned above. On the other hand, in [8] the distance is considered to be important. Regarding our generalization of common father, a new definition for length is induced. For simplifying this concept in a case that other relationships besides is-a are considered in ontology, this concept becomes totally matching with length concept in [8]. In the presented formula for finding the degree of similarity, we affected the length by power of β. In a case that this value is small and close to zero, behavior of this measure will approach the behavior of Resnik Similarity [17], otherwise to the behavior of Similarity Distance [8]. In the formula 9, IC(rc1, rc2) exists which shows the fact that the more number of children of one entity, the less matching probability of the children. This definition is in fact a generalization of the information concept defined in [19], [17]. Here, for simplicity, we took into the consideration the classic definition of child concept as entities which has isa relationships with a specified entity under consideration. However, we can also generalize this concept to the entities for which there is a path from the specified entity to them. Expression sim(c1 , c2 )α in the formula 9 is also a number always between thresholdα and 1. If we set the value of α to zero, then lexical similarity will not directly affect the value of structure similarity and it only gets checked to be above a specific limit. If we set the value to 1, lexical similarity will have the direct effect on the amount of structure similarity. This way, by adjusting the value of α, we can get a desired behavior from structure similarity. In the presented measure, if we have two entities of a single ontology as input, meaning P O1 = O2 , and we set the β to 0 and use max instead of , then our measure will be similar to the measure introduced in [17] for comparing the entities in Wordnet. Also, if the value of IC is ignored and O1 = O2 and only is-a relationships are taken into consideration, our measure is similar to the measure introduced in [8].

With this measure, 6 criteria out of 7 criteria mentioned in section are covered and only sibling’s entities are not covered just because the limitations that we put in the conditions 2 and 3 of the relative entities definition – paths should be traversed in one direction. Other information such as indirect children, fathers and leaves all can have influence in identifying degree of similarity of two entities. The measure is also well capable of identifying similarity in Taxonomic and Mereologic hierarchies, since they both use transitive properties. As an example in Fig. 1, we calculate the degree of similarity between Bus and Autobus by these assumptions: α = 1, β = 0.5, threshold = 0.7 and also the assumption that all the lexical similarities which are not shown in the figure have the value less than threshold = 0.7. First we calculate relativeElements(c1 , c2 ). We know from the first condition of relative elements definition, that rc1 is one of the entities of ’A’ ontology, and rc2 is one of the entities of ’B’ ontology. From the second condition of the definition, it is deduced that rc1 is a member of {T hing, Horsepower, Car, Locomotive} and rc2 is a member of {Object, Automobile, Horsepower, T rain}. From the condition 3, it is inferred that rc1 can not be Locomotive because there is no path from c1 to Locomotive or from Locomotive to c1 , also same thing holds for rc2 and T rain. In this stage, relationships shown in Table II are identified. Ontology A c1 rc1 Bus Thing Bus Car Bus Horsepower Ontology B c2 rc2 Autobus Object Autobus Automobile Autobus Horsepower

Relationship 1· is-a · is-a · is-a 1· is-a · is-a 1· is-a · is-a · has · has

Reduced Relation. 1 1 1 · has

Relationship 1· is-a · is-a · is-a 1· is-a 1· is-a · has

Reduced Relation. 1 1 1 · has


rc1 , rc2 Hors., Hors. Car, Auto. Thing, Object

Relationship1 1 · is-a · is-a · is-a 1 · is-a · is-a 1 · is-a · is-a · has · has

Relationship2 1 · is-a · is-a · is-a 1· is-a 1· is-a · has

Len. 6 3 6


All these six vectors satisfy condition 4. Regarding condition 5, corresponding reduced relationships for the above six vectors are also shown in Table II. By considering T hing and Object as relative entities, h1·is-a·is-a·has·has, 1·is-a·hasi is one optimal relationship couple between Bus and Autobus with a length equal to 4 + 2 = 6. Table III shows optimal relationship couples between Bus and Autobus which are gained by considering hT hing, Objecti, hCar, Automobilei, hHorsepower, Horsepoweri as relative entities. The values of Information Content are calculated as follows:

p IC(T hing, Object) = plog 8/8 × log 6/6 =0.000 IC(Car, Automobile) =plog 3/8 × log 2/6 =0.451 IC(Horse., Horse.) = log 1/8 × log 1/6 =0.838 Now we can calculate the amount of proposed similarity: 0.90.5 × 0.45 0.838 + 0.5 = 1.12 30.5 6 It should be noted that this value and other calculated values must be normalized before interpretation and usage. δ(Bust, Automobile) =

C. Specialization of the Method for OWL Ontologies The purpose of this modification is improving the quality of alignment using additional information in an OWL file. The main idea here is to use especially owl:equalProperty and owl:inverseOf to find more useful couples of related elements. In order to use owl:equalProperty in Reduced Relationship creation phase, the elements which are met along a run of transitive properties of the Relationship, and which are related to each other with owl:equalProperty, are replaced by only one occurrence of such a property. It is worth mentioning that this is done in addition to the aforementioned steps. Also, owl:equalProperty is itself transitive in that given an equal pair, as well as another pair each of which related one-and-only-one of the former pair, we consider the latter owl:equalProperty as well. In the process of studying the equality of two Reduced Relationships, we call two properties of an ontology equal when we realize their equality either directly or indirectly using owl:equalProperty. For example two following reduced relationships can be considered equal if there exists a owl:equalProperty – h0·x1 ·x2 i , h0·x1 ·x2 ·x3 i – between x2 and x3 . To use owl:inversOf for improving the alignment quality, in the relationship calculation step, properties for which their inverse properties are specified with owl:inversOf are considered as non-directed edges. In the detection phase of the reduced relationship, when one of the two consecutive transitive properties is the inverse of the other, and their original directions are opposite of each other, we eliminate one of them. For example the reduced relationship of the h1 · x1 · x2 · x1 i will be h1 · x1 i, if x2 is inverse of x1 . In the phase of finding Relationship Couples, we call two reduced relationships equal when each and every of their vector entities are equal, in which equal means: 1) Two properties are equal and their directions are as same as the direction of their corresponding relationships. 2) Two properties are equal and inverse property for at least one of them exists. Also directions of both are either as the direction of relationship or opposite of it. 3) Inverse properties of two properties are defined and also equal and directions of both are either as the direction of relationship or opposite of it. 4) Inverses of both properties exists, and the inverse of one property is equal to the other one. The direction of one property is as same as the direction of it’s corresponding relationship, while the direction of the other is the opposite of the direction of it’s corresponding relationship.

IV. E VALUATION To evaluate the performance of the proposed measure, we use EON2004 [20] data set – tests numbers 203, 221, 222, 223, 230, 303, and 304 – and compare our measure with Upward cotopic, Similarity Distance and Structural Topological measures. As discussed in section 3 our measure uses several parameters for adjustments. We estimate appropriate values for the parameters in our measure using a new evaluation method which is based on Sensitivity Analysis of Data Mining area. Also we evaluate our measure using Precision and Recall as well as the new evaluation method. We have developed a simple framework using Jena3 which by having two ontologies as input, it compares elements of the first ontology with all elements of the second one based on all mentioned measures. To do so, Lexical Similarities are computed based on average of normalized Levenshtein [21] and Resnik [17] similarity values. Two concepts are considered to be Lexically Similar if they satisfy following: 1- Lexical similarity value for them is greater than a specified threshold – here we set it to be 0.5. 2- Each concept is matched with at most one concept in the other ontology. Such relationships are basic information for calculating structural similarity.

B. Evaluation of Measures Using Data Mining Techniques Evaluating the measures based on precision and recall requires several intermediate tasks such as determining a mechanism for result interpretation, and therefore may reduce the accuracy of the evaluation. Hence in what follows, we suggest a method called from Data Mining that resolves the above problem and based on that we can evaluate measures directly without any requirements for intermediate tasks. In this method the effect of a measure in predicting relationships between elements of ontologies is evaluated. To apply our method to the Measure Evaluation Problem, we create a matrix in which rows represent relation between an entity from the first ontology to an entity of the second one. Columns show the similarity value for two entities as given by corresponding similarity measure, and the last column shows the actual relationship between two entities (0 or 1) with 1 indicates matching of the two entities while 0 is for the un-matched cases. Fig. 4 shows this method.

A. Evaluation of Measures Using Precision and Recall In each experiment one of the structural measures are selected and Precision and Recall values as well as their harmonically average – F-Measure – are calculated. Fig.3 shows the results in which IC is an abbreviation for Information Content achieved by setting alpha = beta = 0 and M aximumLength = 12 (next section discusses about why such values are selected). U C is an abbreviation for Upward Coptic Distance, ST is for Structural Topological and SD is for Similarity Distance. Also 2xx indicates the average results for 205, 221, 222, 223 and 230 tests. Similarly 3xx is average results for 302, 303 and 304 tests. As shown in the figure,

Fig. 3.

Evaluation of Structural Measures Using Precision and Recall

Information Content measure has shown better behavior in both two test sets. It should be noted that the figure shows FMeasure for only structural similarities. If we consider lexical similarities as well, then the F-Measure values are much higher than what is shown. However, since we are interested on comparing structural similarity measures we do not include lexical similarity in the calculation of F-Measure here. 3

Fig. 4.

Evaluation of Measures Using Data Mining Techniques

In this formulation, the last column represents the target variable while other columns are predictors. Now the problem is reduced to a data mining problem in which we are interested to know the effect of each predictor on the target variable, and therefore it is possible to apply Data Mining methods for this problem. The techniques which are used to find most effective variables in Data Mining are Neural Networks{Sensitivity Analysis}, CART 4 and C5.0 decision trees [22]. They are using different mathematical basis. CART bases its decisions on the goodness of split criterion, that C5.0 applies an informationtheoretic approach, and that neural network bases their learning on back-propagation. We use combination of these three methods to rank the metrics used in alignment. In order to predict the behavior of Information Content for different values of α, β and M axLength an experiment based on Sensitivity Analysis has been done. In this experiment we examined the Information Content for different states of α ∈ {0.0, 0.5, 1.0}, β ∈ {0.0, 0.5, 1.0} and M axLength ∈ {4, 8, 12}. In the Table IV, five most important states for 2xx and 3xx tests are shown. In this table Importance value indicates relative importance of predictors on the results – importance of the selected values for the parameters on predicting relationships between elements of two ontologies. According to the results, the effect of this measure is directly related 4 Classification

And Regression Trees

to the value of M axLength. However, increasing this value, results in more costly computation and therefore it should not be increased too much. On the other hand, β has reverse effect on sensitivity which means length does not have direct effect on predicting related elements. This is what could be inferred from Resnik Similarity [17] for calculation of similarity of Wordnet concepts. We can not conclude any results for α value. However, in most of experiments, α = β = 0 and M axLength = 12 has shown the best behavior. α 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 1.0

β 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5

2xx Tests Length Importance 12 0.676 12 0.676 8 0.668 12 0.662 12 0.653

α 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0

β 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0

3xx Tests Length Importance 12 0.129 12 0.047 12 0.026 12 0.019 8 0.015


In another set of experiments, we have applied sensitivity analysis for comparison of structural measures. Fig. 5 shows the results. As shown, Information Content has the most effect on the results. To confirm the results, we applied the Decision Tree methods CART and C5.0 , and similarly calculated the Relative Importance of each measure [22]. Proposed measure with α = β = 0 and M axLength = 12 is the most important state in these experiments.

Fig. 5.

Evaluation of Measures Using Sensitivity Analysis

V. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper we have developed an original measure for calculating structural similarity between entities of two ontologies, which is capable of recognizing more correspondences than can be recognized by current methods. The measure is a generalization of Resnik and Similarity Distance methods. Our proposed method behaves relatively stable against the Granularity heterogeneity, and this happens merely because of the special definition of Reduced Relationship in it. We have compared proposed method with some famous existing structural methods using EON2004 tests and results show higher precision and recall. Also in this paper, a new method for direct evaluation of measures is introduced, which is based on Sensitivity Analysis from Data Mining area. It is our belief that this method is more suitable than standard precision and recall metrics, since it is not dependent on the framework in

which evaluations is made. Our new measure shows superiority according to Sensitivity Analysis too. More works are needed to simplify the measure for actual applications. Also we intend to develop a complete framework in which our structural similarity measure, together with other measures can be used for real applications. R EFERENCES [1] J. Euzenat, T. L. Bach, J. Barrasa, P. Bouquet, J. D. Bo, and et al., “State of the Art on Ontology Alignment,” Knowledge Web, Statistical Research Division, Room 3000-4, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC, 20233-9100 USA, Tech. Rep. deliverable 2.2.3, August 2004. [2] R. Dieng and S. Hug, “Comparison of personal ontologies represented through conceptual graphs,” in Proceedings of the 13th ECAI, 1998. [3] J. Madhavan, P. Bernstein, and E. Rahm, “schema matching using cupid,” in Proceedings of the 27th VLDB, 2001, pp. 48–58. [4] T. L. Bach, R. Dieng-Kuntz, and F. Gandon, “On ontology matching problems (for building a corporate semantic web in a multi-communities organization),” in Proceedings of the oICEIS 2004, 2004, pp. 48–58. [5] P. Valtchev and J. Euzenat, Eds., Dissimilarity measure for collections of objects and values, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. London, UK: Springer, 1997, vol. 1280. [6] J.-P. Barthlemy and A. Gunoche, Trees and Proximity Representations. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons, 1992. [7] A. Maedche and V. Zacharias, “Clustering ontologybased metadata in the semantic web,” in Proceedings of the 13th ECML and 6th PKDD, 2002. [8] J. Zhong, H. Zhu, Y. Li, and Y. Yu, “Conceptual graph matching for semantic search,” in Proceedings of Conceptual Structures: Integration and Interfaces (ICCS-2002), 2002, pp. 92–106. [9] Y. Kalfoglou and B. Hu, “Crosi mapping system (cms) results of the 2005 ontology alignment contest,” in Proceedings of K-Cap’05 Integrating Ontologies workshop, 2005, pp. 77–85. [10] A. Doan, J. Madhavan, P. Domingos, and A. Halevy, “Learning to map ontologies on the semantic web,” in Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2003, pp. 662–673. [11] M. Ehrig and Y. Sure, “Ontology mapping - an integrated approach,” in Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS), may 2004, pp. 76–91. [12] P. Valtchev, “Construction automatique de taxonomies pour laide la reprsentation de connaissances par objets,” Ph.D. dissertation, Universit Grenoble. [13] J. Euzenat and P. Valtchev, “Similarity-based ontology alignment in owllite,” in Proceedings of ECAI, 2004, pp. 333–337. [14] N. Noy and M. Musen, “Anchor-prompt: using non-local context for semantic matching,” in Proceedings of the workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2001, pp. 63–70. [15] S. Melnik, H. Garcia-Molina, and E. Rahm, “A versatile graph matching algorithm,” in Proceedings of ICDE, 2002. [16] J. Euzenat and P. Valtchev, “An integrative proximity measure for ontology alignment,” in Proceedings of Semantic Integration workshop at ISWC, 2003. [17] J. Zhong, H. Zhu, Y. Li, and Y. Yu, “Using information content to evaluate semantic similarity in a taxonomy,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI95), 1995. [18] P. Bouquet, M. Ehrig, J. Euzenat, E. Franconi, P. Hitzler, and et al., “Specification of a Common Framework for Characterizing Alignment,” Knowledge Web, Statistical Research Division, Room 3000-4, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC, 20233-9100 USA, Tech. Rep. deliverable 2.2.1, February 2005. [19] S. Ross, A First Course in Probability. Macmillan, 1976. [20] Y. Sure, O. Corcho, J. Euzenat, and T. Hughes, Eds., Proceedings of the 3rd Evaluation of Ontology-based tools (EON), 2004. [21] V. Levenshtein, “Binary Codes Capable of Correcting Deletions, Insertions and Reversals,” Soviet Physics-Doklady, vol. 10, pp. 707–710, August 1966. [22] D. T. Larose, Discovering Knowledge In Data, 1st ed. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2005. [23] A. Apostolico and Z. Galil, Pattern Mathing Algorithms. Oxford University, 1997.