A nonlinear theory of generalized tensor fields on Riemannian manifolds

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v. Preface vii. Part I The algebra of generalized tensor fields. 1. 1 Introduction to Part I. 3 ...... Wilhelm P. A. Klingenberg. Riemannian Geometry. Walter de. Gruyter, Berlin, second edition, 1995. [KM81] ... 848, 1954. [Sch71]. Helmut H. Schaefer.
DISSERTATION Titel der Dissertation

A nonlinear theory of generalized tensor fields on Riemannian manifolds


Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Nigsch

angestrebter akademischer Grad

Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)

Wien, im Oktober 2010

Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt: Dissertationsgebiet lt. Studienblatt: Betreuer:

A 091 405 Mathematik ao. Prof. Dr. Michael Kunzinger

Für Birgit, Valentin und Florentin.

Table of Contents Acknowledgments



Part I


The algebra of generalized tensor elds


1 Introduction to Part I


2 Preliminaries



Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Distributions on manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Full Colombeau algebras, the local theory


. . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Smoothing kernels



Global smoothing kernels

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Local smoothing kernels


Approximation properties of smoothing kernels

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Construction of the Algebra

14 17 20



The basic spaces

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Algebraic description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Localization and sheaf properties


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Embedding of distributional tensor elds


6 Pullback and Lie derivatives


7 Commutation relations


Part II


Topology and tensor products of section spaces

8 Introduction to Part II


9 Preliminaries



Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Table of Contents


Inductive locally convex topologies

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Final convex bornologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Relations between bornology and topology . . . . . . . . . . . .


10 Tensor product of locally convex modules


10.1 Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex spaces

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10.2 Vector space structures on rings and modules


. . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


10.3 Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex modules

11 Topology on section spaces


12 Tensor product of section spaces


13 Distributions on manifolds


13.1 Isomorphic representations of distributions . . . . . . . . . . . .


13.2 Coordinates of distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Part III Point values in full Colombeau algebras


14 Introduction to Part III


15 Preliminaries


15.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 15.2 Calculus on convenient vector spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 15.3 Colombeau algebras


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

16 Previous results in the special algebra G s (Ω)


17 Point values in

G e (Ω)


18 Point values in

G d (Ω)










Curriculum Vitæ


Acknowledgments I have been depending on many colleagues, friends, and family members during the years I have been working on this thesis. This is the place to thank them all. At the faculty of mathematics, the triumvirate formed by my thesis supervisor Michael Kunzinger and his colleagues Michael Grosser and Roland Steinbauer provided the ideal nest in which I could breed on my ideas. The working conditions there were incredibly friendly and supporting, as is the whole DIANA group. This work was nanced by the Initiativkolleg Dierential Geometry and Lie Groups (speaker Peter Michor) of the University of Vienna as well as projects P16742 Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions and STARTproject Y237 Nonlinear Distributional Geometry (Michael Kunzinger) of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Extra thanks go to my supervisor for giving me the creative freedom to follow my inspirations in my own way; for having the willingness to painstakingly work through the minute details of my results; and for showing me not only how to do good mathematics, but what it takes to be a good mathematician. The continuing support of my parents is invaluable, and has always been. In pressing times I can count on them. My brothers too, though far away, were at my side. But those I owe the most are my beloved wife and our two sons, whose birth and life is more impressive than mathematics can ever be. You know how dear you are to me, even if it is not always easy to hold the balance between work and family.


Preface I was introduced to Colombeau algebras when I was looking for a topic for my master's thesis back in 2006. After a stimulating lecture by Michael Grosser about Colombeau algebras and some conversations I found that the research direction of the Vienna branch of the DIANA group (DIerential Algebras and Nonlinear Analysis) combined exactly the topics I was interested in, ranging from dierential geometry over generalized functions to functional analysis. Furthermore, this is a relatively young eld of research; there are many avenues to follow, and walking along established paths for another time can give many new and intriguing insights. Later on, I was lucky to be able to stay at the faculty of mathematics for my Ph.D. thesis. A long-time research project of the DIANA group was the construction of a full dieomorphism-invariant Colombeau-type algebra of nonlinear generalized tensor elds on manifolds.

I eventually worked on three

distinct but related topics focused in this area.

They are presented in this

thesis independently of each other. My primary research assignment was to perform a construction of a space of

nonlinear generalized tensor elds similar to the above, but based on Riemannian manifolds. This simplies the whole construction. I took steps towards a new view on smoothing kernels, which lie at the basis of full Colombeau algebras on manifolds, and obtained results on the question of whether the embedding of tensor distributions commutes with pullback and Lie derivatives in my setting. This is presented in Part I. Occasionally, in mathematical work questions arise about the basic mathematical building blocks one is using whenever some implicit details are missing. One can leave it then to good belief, or follow the urge to do it properly from scratch. The latter happened to me when I used well-known isomorphisms of

the space of tensor distributions. My notes grew into a rather detailed treatment of the topological background of these isomorphisms in Part II. Finally, it was tempting to extend the concept of point values of generalized

functions  which has been available only in simpler settings before  to the dieomorphism-invariant algebra. For the local case this was done in Part III.

Vienna, October 2010


Part I

The algebra of generalized tensor elds


Chapter 1

Introduction to Part I While the theory of distributions developed by S. L. Sobolev and L. Schwartz as a generalization of classical analysis is a powerful tool for many applications, in particular in the eld of linear partial dierential equations, it is inherently linear and not well-suited for nonlinear operations. In particular, one cannot dene a reasonable intrinsic multiplication of distributions ([Obe92]).


0 more, if one aims at embedding the space of distributions D (Ω) (for some n open set Ω ⊆ R ) into a dierential algebra one is limited by the Schwartz impossibility result [Sch54] which in eect states that there can be no associative commutative algebra


satisfying the following conditions:

D0 (Ω) → A(Ω) A(Ω).

(i) There is a linear embedding function (ii)



to the identity in

which maps the constant

is a dierential algebra with linear derivative operators satisfying

the Leibniz rule. (iii) The derivations on (iv) The product in


extend the partial derivatives of

D0 (Ω).

A(Ω) restricted to C k -functions for some k < ∞ coincides

with the usual pointwise product. However, it was found that such a construction is indeed possible if one replaces condition (iv) by the stronger requirement (iv') The product in


coincides with the pointwise product of smooth

functions. In the 1980s J. F. Colombeau developed a theory of generalized functions ([Col84, Col85, Obe92, GKOS01]) displaying maximal consistency with both the distributional and the smooth theory under the restrictions dictated by the Schwartz impossibility result. A Colombeau algebra thus has come to mean a dierential algebra as above satisfying (i),(ii),(iii), and (iv'), i.e., containing the



Introduction to Part I

space of distributions as a linear subspace and the space of smooth functions as a faithful subalgebra. The basic idea behind Colombeau algebras is to represent distributions as families of smooth functions obtained through a regularization procedure.


space of these families is then subjected to a quotient construction which ensures that the pointwise product of smooth functions is preserved. Once can distinguish two variants of Colombeau algebras, namely the full and the special variant. Full algebras possess a canonical embedding of distributions which allows for a more universal approach to physical models. Special algebras use a xed mollier for the embedding and thus are more restrictive but have a considerably simpler structure. In the context of the special algebra on manifolds ([AB91, dRD91, GFKS01]) the development of generalized counterparts of elements of classical semiRiemannian geometry was comparatively easy, leading to concepts like generalized sections of vector bundles (thus generalized tensor elds), point values, Lie and covariant derivatives, generalized vector bundle homomorphisms etc. ([KSV05, KS02b]).

However, the embedding into the special algebra is not

only non-canonical, it is essentially non-geometric ([GKOS01, Section 3.2.2]). Therefore the construction of a full variant was desired. After several attempts and preliminary work by various authors in this direction ([CM94, VW98, Jel99]) the full dieomorphism invariant algebra of generalized functions on open subsets

Ω ⊆

which in turn led to the introduction of the full algebra functions on a manifold


G d (Ω)

Rn came to life in [GFKS01], ˆ ) G(M

of generalized

in intrinsic terms in [GKSV02].

The latest cornerstone in the development of geometric Colombeau algebras outlined here was the construction of a full Colombeau-type algebra of generalized tensor elds on a manifold as in [GKSV09].

Note that this is not

ˆ ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) T r (M ) and using a coGˆsr (M ) := G(M s 0r ordinatewise embedding ι ⊗ id of Ds (M ) ∼ = D0 (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Tsr (M ), as for the ∞ latter map to be well-dened one would require ι to be C (M )-linear, which

possible by simply dening

cannot be the case; we refer to [GKSV09, Section 4] for a detailed discussion of the obstructions to tensorial extensions of generalized function algebras like

ˆ ). G(M The deeper reason for this (and also the key to the way forward) is that regularization of distributional tensor elds in a coordinate-invariant way requires some additional structure on the manifold in order to compare the values of a tensor eld at dierent points, namely a connection. In [GKSV09] this connection is not assumed to be given on the manifold but  in order to obtain a canonical embedding  one introduces an additional parameter on which generalized objects depend instead, encoding all ways of transporting tensor elds as needed. This additional parameter further adds to the complexity of the theory; even more, one does not retain


ˆ ) G(M

as the space of scalars.

In this work we will take the other route and assume that a Riemannian metric is given on the manifold. This allows us to carry out a construction of a space of generalized tensor elds similar to [GKSV09], but instead of introducing an additional parameter for the generalized objects we use the Levi-Civita connection for embedding distributional tensor elds. In Chapter 2 we will introduce necessary notation and the basic denitions of distributions on manifolds and local dieomorphism-invariant Colombeau algebras. Chapter 3 is devoted to smoothing kernels, the essential building blocks of

full Colombeau algebras on manifolds. We introduce their local equivalent and study approximation properties of local smoothing kernels. This is not only useful in the construction to follow, but gives some new insights. In Chapter 4 the space of generalized tensor elds on a Riemannian manifold is constructed. We establish algebraic isomorphisms and show localization and sheaf properties. Chapter 5 will give the denition of the embedding of distributional tensor

elds, using the background connection in an essential way. In Chapter 6 we dene pullback and Lie derivative of generalized tensor elds. Chapter 7 nally studies commutation relations of pullback along dieomor-

phisms and Lie derivatives with the embedding of tensor distributions. The main result is that these commute for isometries resp. Killing vector elds, but not in general.


Chapter 2

Preliminaries In this chapter we will list the basic denitions and conventions we will be working with throughout.

Additionally, some standard reference texts used

are mentioned.

2.1 Notation We write

A ⊂⊂ B



mapping is denoted by

is a compact subset of the interior of


B . The identity I = (0, 1]. The

We will frequently use the index set

quotient map, assigning to an element of a set its class in a certain quotient space, is written as


The topological boundary of a set


is denoted by

∂U .

M1 , . . . , Mn , N over a commutative ring R we denote by LnR (M1 × . . . × Mn , N ) the space of all R-multilinear maps from M1 × . . . × Mn to N . We omit the subscript R whenever it is clear from the context, in For any modules

particular in the case of linear maps between vector spaces. The subspace of all symmetric multilinear mappings is denoted by For any open set



V ⊆

Rn ,

Ωnc (V


Lnsym (M1 × . . . × Mn , N ).

denotes the space of compactly supported


The space of smooth mappings between subsets



∞ vector spaces (or manifolds) is C (U, V ), we write


of nite-dimensional

C ∞ (U ) if

V = R or C. We f (ε) = O(g(ε)) (ε → 0) if there exist positive C and ε0 such that |f (ε)| ≤ Cg(ε) for all ε ≤ ε0 . D(Ω) denotes n of test functions on an open subset Ω ⊆ R . We use the usual

use the usual Landau notation constants the space

multi-index notation. For calculus on innite-dimensional locally convex spaces we refer to [KM97] for a complete exposition of calculus on convenient vector spaces as we use it and to [GKSV09] for background information more specic to our setting. The dierential

d : C ∞ (U, F ) → C ∞ (U, L(E, F ))

is that of [KM97, Theorem

3.18]. Several smoothness arguments are identical to the corresponding ones in [GKSV09] and will only be referred to at the appropriate place.




Our basic references for dierential geometry are [AMR88, Kli95]. A manifold will always mean an orientable second countable Hausdor manifold


of nite

n throughout if not otherwise U an open subset of M and ϕ n a homeomorphism from U to an open subset of R . A vector bundle E with base M is denoted by E → M , its ber over the point p ∈ M by Ep . The space of sections of E is denoted by Γ(E), the space of sections with compact support by Γc (E), and the space of sections with support in a compact set L ⊆ M by Γc,L (E). TM resp. T∗ M is the tangent resp. cotangent bundle of M , Λn T∗ M is the vector bundle of exterior n-forms on M . A particular vector ∗ r r bundle we will use is Γ(pr2 Ts (M )), the pullback of the tensor bundle Ts (M ) ∗ along the projection of M × M onto the second factor. X(M ) resp. X (M ) is n the space of vector resp. covector elds, Ωc (M ) denotes the space of n-forms r and Ts (M ) the space of (r, s)-tensor elds on M . D(M ) is the space of test functions on M , i.e., the space of smooth functions with compact support. ∗ For a dieomorphism µ : M → N between manifolds M and N , µ denotes −1 pullback of whatever object in question along µ, we set µ∗ := (µ )∗ . Tµ r is the tangent map of µ, (Tµ)s the corresponding map on the tensor bundle Trs (M ). The result of the action of a tensor eld t ∈ Tsr (M ) on a dual tensor s eld u ∈ Tr (M ) is written as t · u. LX denotes the Lie derivative with respect to a vector eld X .

dimension. This dimension will be denoted by stated. Charts are written as a pair


g we speak of the Riemannian (M, g). The action of g is denoted by h·, ·ig and the corresponding norm by k·kg . A metric ball of radius r > 0 about p ∈ M with respect to g is denoted by Brg (p). Following the notation of [Kli95, Denition 1.5.1] a covariant derivation is a mapping X(M ) × X(M ) → X(M ) determined by a If


(U, ϕ)

is endowed with a Riemannian metric


family of Christoel symbols, which are smooth mappings

Γ : ϕ(U ) → L2 (Rn × Rn , Rn ) on each chart

(U, ϕ)

satisfying the appropriate transformation rule.

2.2 Distributions on manifolds Our basic reference for distributions on manifolds is [GKOS01, Section 3.1]. For orientable manifolds we dene the space of (scalar) distributions on



D0 (M ) := (Ωnc (M ))0 and the space of

(r, s)-tensor

distributions on



Ds0r (M ) := (Γc (Tsr M ⊗ Λn T∗ M ))0 where the spaces of sections carry the usual (LF)-topology (cf. Part III, Chapter 11). 8

D0 (M ) and Ds0r (M ) are endowed with the strong dual topology ([Tre76,


Full Colombeau algebras, the local theory

Chapter 19]). We will furthermore make use of the following isomorphic representations:

Ds0r (M ) ∼ = (Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ))0 ∼ = LC ∞ (M ) (T s (M ), D0 (M )) r

∼ = Tsr (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ). Part II contains a detailed treatment of these isomorphisms. The action of a tensor distribution

T ∈ Ds0r (M )

will accordingly be denoted by either of

hT, ξi = hT, s ⊗ ωi = hT (s), ωi for to

ξ ∈ Γc (Tsr M ⊗Λn T∗ M ), s ∈ Trs (M ), and ω ∈ Ωnc (M ), with ξ corresponding s ⊗ ω under the isomorphism Γc (Tsr (M ) ⊗ Λn T∗ M ) ∼ = Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ).

E 0 (Ω) ⊆ D0 (Ω) we denote the space of distributions Ω ⊆ Rn ; this is only used in Chapter 7.

By in

with compact support

(U, ϕ) on M , to each distribution T ∈ D0 (U ) there corresponds a 0 n unique distribution in D (ϕ(U )) also denoted by T such that for all ω ∈ Ωc (M ) 1 n with support in U and local representation ω(x) = f (x) dx ∧ . . . ∧ dx with f ∈ D(ϕ(U )) the relation hT, ωi = hT, f i holds. More explicitly we may also write hT (p), ω(p)i = hT (x), f (x)i. Given a chart


T ∈ Ds0r (M ) and s ⊗ ω ∈ Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ) with supp ξ ⊆ U

we write

hT, s ⊗ ωi = hT λ , sλ · ωi T λ ∈ D0 (M ) are the coordinates of T and the sλ ∈ C ∞ (U ) coordinates of s on U ; we use the Einstein summation convention. where the

are the

2.3 Full Colombeau algebras, the local theory For the following denitions and for later use we need the spaces of molliers

Z A0 (Ω) := { ϕ ∈ D(Ω) |

ϕ(x) dx = 1 } Z

Aq (Ω) := { ϕ ∈ A0 (Ω) |


xα ϕ(x) dx = 1 , 1 ≤ |α| ≤ q, α ∈ Nn0 },

each endowed with the subspace topology.

Furthermore, we need mappings

for translating and scaling test functions, given for

Tx : D(Rn ) → D(Rn ), n


Sε : D(R ) → D(R ), T : D(Rn ) × Rn → D(Rn ), n


S : (0, ∞) × D(R ) → D(R ),

ε ∈ (0, ∞)


x ∈ Rn


(Tx ϕ)(y) := ϕ(y − x) (Sε ϕ)(y) := ε−n ϕ(y/ε) T(ϕ, x)(y) := (Tx ϕ)(y) S(ε, ϕ)(y) := (Sε ϕ)(y). 9



The local dieomorphism invariant algebra

G d (Ω)

on an open set

Ω ⊆ Rn


be given in two dierent but equivalent formalisms, called J-formalism and C-formalism after J. Jelínek and J. F. Colombeau, respectively (see [GFKS01, Section 5] for a detailed discussion). We will consider both. The corresponding basic spaces are given by

E J (Ω) := C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω)


E C (Ω) := C ∞ (U (Ω))


U (Ω) := T −1 (A0 (Ω) × Ω) = {ϕ ∈ A0 (Rn ) | x + supp ϕ ⊆ Ω}. Distributions

t ∈ D0 (Ω)

are embedded into

(ιJ t)(ϕ, x) := ht, ϕi and the embedding



E J (Ω)


E C (Ω)

with the maps

(ιC t)(ϕ, x) := ht, Tx ϕi

of smooth functions is given for both formalisms by

σ(f )(ϕ, x) = f (x). By a procedure commonly called testing so-called moderate and negligible elements are singled out in order to perform a quotient construction that ensures equality of the two embeddings in the quotient. For this one needs suitable test

I := (0, 1]. The test objects for G d (Ω) are elements of the space Cb∞ (I × Ω, A0 (Rn )), which is dened as the set of all φ ∈ C ∞ (I × Ω, A0 (Rn )) n α n such that ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ N0 the set {(∂x φ)(ε, x) | ε ∈ I, x ∈ K} ⊆ D(R ) is α β bounded. For partial derivatives of φ we use the notation (∂x ∂y φ)(ε, x0 )(y0 ) = β α ∂ (∂ (φ(ε, .))(x0 ))(y0 ).

objects. Set

R ∈ E J (Ω) then is called moderate if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn0 ∃N ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb∞ (I × Ω, A0 (Rn )) we have supx∈K |∂ α (R(Tx Sε φ(ε, x), x))| = O(ε−N ) J J for ε → 0, the set of moderate elements is denoted by EM (Ω). R ∈ EM (Ω) is ∞ n called negligible if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb (I × Ω, Aq (R )) we have m supx∈K |R(Tx Sε φ(ε, x), x)| = O(ε ) for ε → 0, the set of negligible elements J is denoted by N (Ω). An element

Tx in the test and accordingly gets C N (Ω). The bijective map T∗ : E J (Ω) → E C (Ω) allows to

In C-formalism one simple leaves away the

C spaces EM (Ω) and

translate between the formalisms and preserves moderateness and negligibility.

G d (Ω) C (Ω)/N C (Ω). EM

The algebra of generalized functions

J J tient EM (Ω)/N (Ω) resp.

The fact that in [GFKS01] for

G d (Ω)

is then simply dened as the quo-

the C-formalism was used has the fol-

lowing consequences:

The class of test objects

Cb∞ (I ×Ω, A0 (Rn )) is not invariant under dieo-

morphisms, which requires the introduction of a larger (but equivalent) class of test objects which are dened only on subsets of Section 7.4]). 10

I ×Ω ([GFKS01,


Full Colombeau algebras, the local theory

Smoothness on

Because the full algebra on a manifold has to be constructed using J-

U (Ω) has to be handled carefully ([GFKS01,

Section 6]).

G d (Ω) invariably has to involve d uses J-formalism also for G (Ω),

formalism, any local calculation involving a change of formalism; even in case one

the above test objects are still not well-behaved under dieomorphisms. We will see in Chapter 3 that one can replace these test objects by more suitable ones in order to evade these problems: the development of the full algebra

ˆ ) G(M

on a manifold


in [GKSV02] has shown that in some sense

the right test objects for the dieomorphism invariant setting are smoothing kernels, which will be treated next.


Chapter 3

Smoothing kernels Although the full Colombeau algebra

G d (Ω)

is dieomorphism invariant its

formulation in [GFKS01] still uses the linear structure of

Rn :

in C-formalism

the domain of representatives of generalized functions is

U (Ω) = T−1 (A0 (Ω) × Ω) and testing a representative


of a generalized function for moderateness or

negligibility involves expressions of the form tion

R(Sε φ(ε, x), x),

but both transla-

T and scaling S have no direct counterpart on a manifold.

In J-formalism

the translation appears in the testing procedure instead of the basic space: the domain of representatives of generalized functions is involve expressions of the form

A0 (Ω) × Ω,

but tests now

R(Tx Sε φ(ε, x), x).

For the construction of the full algebra on a manifold replacing

A0 (Ω)


n-forms with integral one gives a suitable basic space of ˆ ) := C ∞ (Aˆ0 (M ), C ∞ (M )). Note that the author E(M ∞ ˆ (M ) × M ), and similarly for tensor case below. By prefers this form to C (A 0

compactly supported

generalized functions,

the exponential law for spaces of smooth functions ([KM97, 27.17]) we have

C ∞ (Aˆ0 (M ) × M ) ∼ = C ∞ (Aˆ0 (M ), C ∞ (M )) so this amounts to a purely notational dierence. Going to a manifold, the test objects have to be adapted in the following way:

˜ x) := Tx Sε φ(ε, x) as a test object (called smoothing kernel) φ(ε, on ε and x, infers its properties from those of φ, and in this way

one regards depending

denes a new space of test objects in a coordinate-free way. directly results in the global algebra

ˆ ) G(M

This approach

of [GKSV02], using smoothing

kernels ([GKSV02, Section 3] or Denition 3.6 below) as direct equivalents of scaled and translated local test objects. While [GKSV02] denes smoothing kernels only on manifolds we will introduce

local smoothing kernels as immediate equivalents of their global version. This will serve two purposes.



Smoothing kernels

First, they eliminate the need for a change of formalism in local calculations as in [GKSV02, Lemma 4.2]. Having established approximation properties of local smoothing kernels, proofs like injectivity of the embedding of distributions or results related to the concept of association (in the sense it is usually used in Colombeau algebras) can be obtained more easily.

Second, the J-setting together with smoothing kernels as test objects apparently seems to be the natural way for describing the dieomorphism invariant algebra, which suggest that smoothing kernels will make possible a clearer formulation also of the local dieomorphism invariant theory. Most notable, dieomorphism invariance is seen very easily with smoothing kernels (see Chapter 6). In comparison, the use of Cformalism in [GFKS01] entails considerable technical diculties because the space of test objects

Cb∞ (I ×Ω, A0 (Rn )) is not invariant under dieo-

morphisms; one needs to introduce a larger (but ultimately equivalent, cf. [GFKS01, Section 7.4]) class of test objects having smaller domains of denition in order to prove dieomorphism invariance of

G d (Ω)

in the

C-setting. We will begin with dening smoothing kernels on a manifold before we study their local equivalent.

3.1 Global smoothing kernels Smoothing kernels basically are


depending on

ε ∈ I

and an addi-

tional space variable, satisfying certain properties needed for the construction of Colombeau algebras.

As a preliminary we will dene such


on a

manifold as well as their Lie derivative in both variables and pullback. We will only be concerned with compactly supported quent results remain valid if



throughout. All subse-

additionally depends on

ε ∈ I,

as it will for

smoothing kernels.

Lemma 3.1.

The Lie derivative

LX : Ωnc (M ) → Ωnc (M ) is smooth with respect

to the (LF)-topology. Proof. By [GFKS01, Theorem 4.1] it suces to verify that for each compact n n set K ⊂⊂ M the mapping LX : Ωc,K (M ) → Ωc (M ) is bounded, which follows from [GKSV09, Proposition A.2 (2) (i)].

Denition 3.2.


C ∞ (M, Ωnc (M ))

we dene two Lie derivatives

LX Φ := LX ◦ Φ d 0 (LX Φ)(p) := Φ(FlX t p) dt t=0




Φ ∈ C ∞ (M, Ωnc (M )), X ∈ X(M ),

Proposition 3.3.





Global smoothing kernels

p ∈ M.

are smooth linear maps from

C ∞ (M, Ωnc (M ))

into itself.

0 Proof. The case of LX is clear from Lemma 3.1. For LX , Φ is an element of ∞ n C (M, Ωc (M )) if and only if for each chart (U, ϕ) of an atlas Φ ◦ ϕ−1 is in C ∞ (ϕ(U ), Ωnc (M )). Denote by α(t, x) the local ow of X in the chart. Then for xed




in a neighborhood of zero

local expression of


α(t, ϕ(p))

exists and (denoting the

by the same letter)

d d X Φ(Flt p) = (Φ ◦ ϕ−1 )(ϕ ◦ FlX t p) dt t=0 dt t=0 d (Φ ◦ ϕ−1 )(α(t, ϕ(p))) = dt t=0 = d(Φ ◦ ϕ−1 )(ϕ(p)) · X(ϕ(p)). From this we see that the limit exists and is smooth.

Denition 3.4. the pullback of


Given a smooth map along


µ: M → N


Φ ∈ C ∞ (N, Ωnc (N )),

is dened as

µ∗ Φ := µ∗ ◦ Φ ◦ µ ∈ C ∞ (M, Ωnc (M )). Now we will examine how the Lie derivatives dened above translate under pullbacks.

Lemma 3.5. N

∞ n Let Φ ∈ C (N, Ωc (N )). Then for any dieomorphism ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ ∗ we have LX (µ Φ) = µ (Lµ∗ X Φ) and LX (µ Φ) = µ (Lµ∗ X Φ).

µ: M →

LX (µ∗ Φ) = LX ◦µ∗ ◦Φ◦µ = µ∗ ◦Lµ∗ X ◦Φ◦µ = µ∗ (Lµ∗ X Φ). n n Second, because µ : Ωc (M ) → Ωc (M ) is linear and smooth we have d d 0 ∗ ∗ X LX (µ Φ)(p) = (µ Φ)(Flt p) = (µ∗ ◦ Φ ◦ µ ◦ FlX t )(p) dt t=0 dt t=0  d µ∗ X ∗ ∗ d = (µ ◦ Φ ◦ Flt ◦µ)(p) = µ Φ(Flµt ∗ X (µ(p))) dt t=0 dt t=0

Proof. First, we have ∗

= µ∗ ((L0µ∗ X Φ)(µ(p))) = µ∗ (L0µ∗ X Φ). With

ε-dependence added we can now give the denition of (global) smoothing

kernels ([GKSV02, Denition 3.3]).

Denition 3.6.

A map

Φ ∈ C ∞ (I × M, Aˆ0 (M ))

is called a smoothing kernel

if it satises the following conditions for any Riemannian metric






Smoothing kernels

(i) (ii)

g ∀K ⊂⊂ M ∃ε0 , C > 0 ∀p ∈ K ∀ε ≤ ε0 : supp Φ(ε, p) ⊆ BεC (p),

∀K ⊂⊂ M ∀l, m ∈ N0 ∀θ1 , . . . , θm , ζ1 , . . . , ζl ∈ X(M ) we have

sup (Lθ1 . . . Lθm (L0ζ1 + Lζ1 ) . . . (L0ζl + Lζl )Φ)(ε, p)(q) g = O(ε−n−m ).

p∈K q∈M

The space of all smoothing kernels is denoted by For each

Ae0 (M ). Φ ∈ Ae0 (M )

k ∈ N denote by Aek (M ) the set of all K ⊂⊂ M we have the approximation property Z sup f (p) − f · Φ(ε, p) = O(εk+1 ).

C ∞ (M ) and


such that

∀f ∈



Remark 3.7. Note that elements of

Ae0 (M )

satisfy (3.1) for

k = 0.

One fur-

thermore even has

Z sup f (p, p) −

p∈K for

Φ ∈ Aek (M )


f (p, .) · Φ(ε, p) = O(εk+1 )

([GKSV09, Lemma 3.6]).

That Denition 3.6 indeed is independent of the metric follows from the next lemma.

Lemma 3.8. feomorphism

C>0 (i) (ii) (iii)

Let (M, g) and (N, h) be Riemannian manifolds. Given a difµ : M → N and a compact set K ⊂⊂ M there exists a constant

such that

k(µ∗ t)(p)kg ≤ C kt(µ(p))kh ∀t ∈ Tsr (N ) ∀p ∈ K . k(µ∗ ω)(p)kg ≤ C kω(µ(p))kh ∀ω ∈ Ωnc (N ) ∀p ∈ K . ∗

h (µ(p))) = B µ h (p) Brg (p) ⊆ µ−1 (BrC rC

Proof. First, we note that for

k(µ∗ t)(p)kµ∗ h

t ∈ Tsr (N )

for all small



∀p ∈ K .

we have

= ((Tµ−1 )rs ◦ t ◦ µ)(p) µ∗ h = kt(µ(p))kh .

K is contained U is strongly convex (as dened in [Kli95, Denition 1 n n ∞ 1.9.9]). Then for any ω = f dx ∧ · · · ∧ dx in Ωc (U ) with f ∈ C (U ) we have

k(µ∗ ω)(p)kµ∗ h = (f ◦ µ)(p)(µ∗ (dx1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ µ∗ (dxn ))(p) µ∗ h 1/2 = |f (µ(p))| · det(hµ∗ (dxi )(p), µ∗ (dxj )(p)iµ∗ h )i,j 1/2 = |f (µ(p))| · det(hdxi (µ(p)), dxj (µ(p))ih )i,j

= (f dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn )(µ(p)) = kω(µ(p))k .

Second, we can assume without limitation of generality that in a chart

(U, ϕ)






Local smoothing kernels

µ−1 (Brh (µ(p))) = Brµ h (p) is clear for small r because the isometry µ : (M, µ∗ h) → (N, h) preserves geodesics in both directions. r n ∗ ˜ . Let g˜U , h ˜U ⊆ Denote the extensions of g, h to Ts (M ) resp. Λ T M by g ˜, h 2 m m ˜ L (R × R , R) be local representatives of g˜, h where m is the dimension Third,


of the respective chart. Then all claims follow directly from

g˜U (v, v) g˜U (v, v) = sup < ∞. ˜ ˜ v∈Rn \{0} hU (v, v) kvk=1 hU (v, v) sup



Now we use the pullback from Denition 3.4 for smoothing kernels.

Proposition 3.9. µ : M → N the Aek (M ).

Φ ∈ Aek (N ) with k ∈ N0 and a dieomorphism Ψ : I × M → Ωnc (M ) dened by Ψ(ε, p) := µ∗ (Φ(ε, µ(p)))



is in

K ⊂⊂ M be given. For any Riemannian h on N there are constants ε0 > 0 and C > 0 such that for all p ∈ K ∗ −1 (B h (µ(p))). By and ε ≤ ε0 the support of µ (Φ(ε, µ(p))) is contained in µ εC Lemma 3.8 (iii) for any Riemannian metric g on M there is a constant L > 0 −1 (B h (µ(p))) ⊆ B g such that µ εC εLC (p) for all p ∈ K and small ε.

Proof. For (i) of Denition 3.6, let metric

For (ii), given any vector elds

ζ1 , . . . , ζl , θ1 , . . . , θm ∈ X(M )

we see that

Lθ1 . . . Lθm (L0ζ1 + Lζ1 ) . . . (L0ζl + Lζl )Ψ equals (by Lemma 3.5)

µ∗ (Lµ∗ θ1 . . . Lµ∗ θm (L0µ∗ ζ1 + Lµ∗ ζ1 ) . . . (L0µ∗ ζl + Lµ∗ ζl )Φ) whence by Lemma 3.8 (i) the assertion on the derivatives of the dening properties of



follows from

Finally, the approximation property (3.1) follows

directly from writing down the corresponding integral.

Denition 3.10.

Φ ∈ Aek (N ) for k ∈ N0 and a dieomorphism µ : M → e ∈ Ak (M ) dened by (µ∗ Φ)(ε, p) := µ∗ (Φ(ε, µ(p)) is called Φ along µ. Given

N , the map µ∗ Φ

the pullback of

3.2 Local smoothing kernels In this section we will introduce local versions of the spaces of smoothing kernels

Aek (M ).

Locally, compactly supported


can be identied with test functions,

ˆ : Ωn (Ω) → D(Ω) λ c x 7→ ω(x)(e1 , . . . , en ) in D(Ω), where

which is made precise by the vector space isomorphism assigning to

ω ∈

Ωnc (Ω) the function



Smoothing kernels

e1 , . . . , en is the standard basis of Rn ; its inverse is the mapping f 7→ f dx1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxn and both assignments are continuous. The local equivalent of the Lie derivative is simply the directional derivative, dened as the smooth map

LX : D(Ω) → D(Ω) (LX f )(x) := (df )(x) · X(x) f ∈ D(Ω), X ∈ C ∞ (Ω, Rn ), and x ∈ Ω. It LX (µ∗ f ) = (Lµ∗ X f ) ◦ µ with the pushforward of X


also satises the relation along a dieomorphism


dened by

(µ∗ X)(x) := dµ(x) · X(µ−1 (x)). ˆ n-form Rω ∈ Ωnc (Ω) we have the identities ω = λ(ω) dx1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxn , ˆ ˆ ˆ X ω) = LX (λ(ω)) ˆ λ(ω)(x) dx = ω , supp λ(ω) = supp ω , and λ(L . We fur∞ n ∞ ∼ thermore have a vector space isomorphism C (Ω, Ωc (Ω)) = C (Ω, D(Ω)) ˆ ∗ : φ˜ 7→ λ ˆ ◦ φ˜. realized by the mapping λ For any


Denition 3.11.


C ∞ (Ω, D(Ω))

LX φ˜ := LX ◦ φ˜ for

φ˜ ∈ C ∞ (Ω, D(Ω)), x ∈ Ω,

and and

we dene two Lie derivatives,

˜ ˜ := (dφ)(x) (L0X φ)(x) · X(x)

X ∈ C ∞ (Ω, Rn ).

ˆ ∗ φ) ˜ = LX ◦ λ◦ ˆ φ˜ = λ◦L ˆ X ◦ φ˜ and L0 (λ ˆ ˜ ˆ ˜ LX (λ X ∗ φ)(x) = d(λ◦ φ)(x)·X(x) = ˆ φ)(x) ˜ ˆ 0 φ)(x)) ˜ ˆ ∗ commutes with both LX and λ((d · X(x)) = λ((L we see that λ X 0 LX , thus we have the following lemma. From

Lemma 3.12. isomorphism

ˆ ∗ : C ∞ (I × Ω, Ωn (Ω)) → C ∞ (I × Ω, D(Ω)) is a vector λ c ˆ −1 )∗ and commutes with LX and L0 . with inverse (λ X


We will see in Proposition 3.15 that the dening properties of a smoothing kernel

Φ ∈ C ∞ (I × U, Aˆ0 (U )), namely shrinking support, growth estimates for

all derivatives, and approximation properties, translate verbatim to its local

expression, which is dened as

ˆ ∗ (ϕ∗ Φ) ∈ C ∞ (I × ϕ(U ), A0 (ϕ(U ))) φ˜ := λ for a chart

(U, ϕ).

Denition 3.13. kernel (on (i) (ii)


We thus dene local smoothing kernels as follows. A mapping

if it satises the following conditions:

˜ x) ⊆ BεC (x). ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∃ε0 , C > 0 ∀x ∈ K ∀ε ≤ ε0 : supp φ(ε, ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α, β ∈ Nn0 we have α ˜ sup (∂yβ ∂x+y φ)(ε, x)(y) = O(ε−n−|β| ). x∈K y∈Ω


φ˜ ∈ C ∞ (I ×Ω, A0 (Ω)) is called a local smoothing


The space of all local smoothing kernels is denoted by For each


k ∈ N

C ∞ (Ω) and

denote by

Aek (Ω)

the set of all

Local smoothing kernels

Ae0 (Ω).

φ˜ ∈ Ae0 (Ω)

such that for all

K ⊂⊂ Ω we have the approximation property Z ˜ x)(y) dy = O(εk+1 ). sup f (x) − f (y)φ(ε, x∈K


Ae0 (Ω)

Remark 3.14. Again, elements of methods (Taylor expansion of


satisfy (3.2) for

k = 0.

By the usual

one even has

Z ˜ sup f (x, x) − f (x, y)φ(ε, x)(y) dy = O(εk+1 )

x∈K for

φ˜ ∈ Aek (Ω).

Proposition 3.15. phism

For any chart

Aek (U ) ∼ = Aek (ϕ(U ))

(U, ϕ) on M there ˆ ∗ (ϕ∗ Φ). Φ 7→ λ

is a vector space isomor-

given by

ˆ ∗ (ϕ∗ Φ). For (i) of Denition 3.13 x φ˜ := λ K ⊂⊂ Ω, then there are ε0 > 0 and C > 0 such that supp Φ(ε, p) ⊆ BεC (p) −1 (K) and ε ≤ ε . We may assume that ε C < dist(ϕ−1 (K), ∂U ). for all p ∈ ϕ 0 0 Proof. Let

Φ ∈ Aek (U )

and set


˜ x) = supp (ϕ∗ Φ)(ε, x) = supp ϕ∗ (Φ(ε, ϕ−1 (x))) supp φ(ε, ⊆ ϕ(BεC (ϕ−1 (x))) ⊆ BεC 0 (x) for some

C0 > 0

by Lemma 3.8 (iii). (ii) of Denition 3.13 is a consequence of

Lemmata 3.12, 3.5 and 3.8 (i), while (3.2) is immediate from the denitions. The other direction works analogously. Finally, we state a result showing that local smoothing kernels are suitable test objects for the local dieomorphism invariant algebra

Proposition 3.16.

G d (Ω).

R ∈ E J (Ω) is moderate if and only if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω α n ˜ ˜ x), x)) = O(ε−N ). e ∀α ∈ N0 ∃N ∈ N ∀φ ∈ A0 (Ω): supx∈K ∂ (R(φ(ε,



J (Ω) is negligible if and only if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N R ∈ EM 0 α ˜ x), x)) = O(εm ). ∀φ˜ ∈ Aeq (Ω): sup ∂ (R(φ(ε, x∈K

Proof. One can directly use [GKSV02, Theorems 4.3 and 4.4] which state that J for a chart

(U, ϕ) on M , R ∈ E (ϕ(U )) is moderate resp. negligible if and only ˆ ◦ ϕ∗ )(ω), ϕ(p)) ∈ E(U ˆ ) is so; using Proposition (ω, p) 7→ R((λ

if the mapping

3.15 this immediately translates into the conditions stated. As moderateness and negligibility can be tested locally this gives the claim.



Smoothing kernels

3.3 Approximation properties of smoothing kernels The practical importance of smoothing kernels lies in their approximation properties as in (3.1) and (3.2). We will now consider expressions of the form

˜ x)(y) dy with variants involving derivatives of φ˜ and integration over f (y)φ(ε, x instead of y , which appears for example in the proof of Proposition 5.3. ˜ x, y) instead of φ(ε, ˜ x)(y) where it is convenient. In the following we write φ(ε, R

One can intuit the behavior of the integrals just mentioned by considering the simple example

˜ x)(y) := (Tx Sε ϕ)(y) = 1 ϕ( y − x ) φ(ε, ε εn for some mollier

ϕ ∈ A0 (Ω).

In this case the following convergences are

easily obtained by Taylor expansion of

f , partial integration, and the fact that

∂x+y φ˜ = 0: (i)


˜ x, y) dy → f (x, x), f (x, y)φ(ε,



˜ x, y) dx → f (y, y), f (x, y)φ(ε,



˜ f (x, y)(∂yi φ)(ε, x, y) dy → −(∂yi f )(x, x),



˜ x, y) dx → −(∂xi f )(y, y), f (x, y)(∂xi φ)(ε,



˜ f (x, y)(∂xi φ)(ε, x, y) dy → (∂yi f )(x, x),



˜ f (x, y)(∂yi φ)(ε, x, y) dx → (∂xi f )(y, y).

Here convergence is like


uniformly for





analogous statements are valid for higher derivatives.

in compact sets and We will see that the

same results can be obtained for arbitrary smoothing kernels (for the integral over


we will have to assume


to have compact support): from (i) and (ii)

(remark after Denition 3.13 and Proposition 3.18 (i)) partial integration gives (iii) and (iv), while (v) and (vi) result from Corollary 3.19.

Lemma 3.17. ∃ε0 , C > 0 α, β ∈ Nn0 .


φ˜ ∈ Ae0 (Ω) be a local smoothing kernel. Then ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω α β˜ that supp(∂x ∂y φ)(ε, x) ⊆ BCε (x) for all x ∈ K , ε ≤ ε0 , and


∂y preserves the support we can set β = 0. Given any δ > 0 with ˜ x) ⊆ B δ (K) ⊆ Ω we know that there are ε0 > 0 and C > 0 such that supp φ(ε, 0 BεC (x) for all x ∈ B δ (K) and ε ≤ ε0 . Choose any C > C and suppose ˜ x) is given by derivatives at α = ei1 + . . . + eik with k = |α|, then ∂xα φ(ε, ˜ t1 , . . . , tk = 0 of φ(ε, x + t1 ei1 + . . . + tk eik ); for small ti the support of each dierence quotient is in BεC (x + t1 ei1 + . . . + tk eik ) ∪ BεC (x) which is a subset of BεC 0 (x). Proof. As



Approximation properties of smoothing kernels

f ∈ C ∞ (Ω × Ω) and φ˜ ∈ Ae0 (Ω) simple Taylor expansion gives, for any K ⊂⊂ Ω and |α| > 0, Z ˜ x, y) dy − f (x, x) = O(ε) sup f (x, y)φ(ε,

For any



Z α ˜ sup f (x, y)(∂x+y φ)(ε, x, y) dy = O(ε).


We will now show the analog statement for the integral over the following proof is that for

˜ x, y) = φ(ε, ˜ y, 2y − x). φ(ε,

˜ x) = Tx Sε ϕ φ(ε,

x; the idea behind

as above we have the identity

Proposition 3.18.

f∈ y ∈ Ω we have Z ˜ (i) sup f (x, y)φ(ε, x, y) dx − f (y, y) = O(ε) y∈Ω Ω Z α ˜ (ii) sup f (x, y)(∂x+y φ)(ε, x, y) dx = O(ε)

function all

˜ ∈ Ae0 (Ω) be a local smoothing kernel. Given a Let φ ∞ C (Ω × Ω) such that there is K ⊂⊂ Ω with supp f (., y) ⊆ K for




|α| > 0.

Proof. Without limitation of generality we can assume that there are



such that

K ⊆ B r (a) ⊆ B 4r (a) ⊆ Ω.

In fact, any

K ⊂⊂ Ω

r >0 can be

written as the union of nitely many compact sets contained in suitable closed balls which lie in


If the result holds for each of these, it holds for


x ∈ Br (a). By Lemma 3.17 there exist ε0 , C > 0 such ⊆ BCε (x) for all β ∈ Nn0 , x ∈ B 4r (a), and ε < ε0 . For α φ)(ε, ˜ x) ⊆ Br+Cε (a) thus we only ε < ε0 and x ∈ Br (a) this implies supp (∂x+y have to consider y in this set, as for y 6∈ Br+Cε (a) the integral vanishes. We furthermore note that for ε < min(ε0 , (r/(4C))) and y ∈ Br+Cε (a) we have The integral then is over

β ˜ that supp (∂x+y φ)(ε, x)

α ˜ supp(∂x+y φ)(ε, y) ⊆ BCε (y) = 2y − BCε (y) ⊆ 2y − Br+2Cε (a)

⊆ B3r+4Cε (a) ⊆ B4r (a) ⊆ Ω hence the above integral equals


α ˜ f (x, y)(∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) dx

Br+2Cε (a) and we can rewrite it as


 α ˜ α ˜ f (x, y) (∂x+y φ)(ε, x, y) − (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) dx Br+2Cε (a) Z α ˜ + f (x, y)(∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) dx.


Br+2Cε (a)



Smoothing kernels

x ∈ Br+2Cε (a) ⊆ B4r (a) the Taylor formula 2y − x ∈ B3r+4Cε (a) ⊆ B4r (a) ⊆ Ω)


[KM97, Theorem 5.12] gives

(due to

α ˜ α ˜ (∂x+y φ)(ε, x, y) = (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) Z 1 α ˜ d(∂x+y φ)(ε, y + t(x − y), 2y − x + t(x − y)) · (x − y, x − y) dt + 0

(x, y).


α ˜ d(∂x+y φ)(ε, y + tεz, y + (t − 1)εz) · (εz, εz) dt εn dz


where the dierential


is with respect to the pair of variables

the rst summand of (3.3) is given by (substituting

x = y + εz )

Z f (y + εz, y)· Br/ε+2C (a−y) 1

Z 0

By linearity of the dierential the inner integrand equals


n X α+ei ˜ φ)(ε, y + tεz, y + (t − 1)εz)z i (∂x+y i=1

z = (z 1 , . . . , z n ). From the properties of local smoothing kernels we α+ei ˜ −n ) uniformly for x ∈ B have that (∂x+y φ)(ε, x, y) = O(ε r+2Cε (a) and y ∈ Ω α+ei ˜ φ)(ε, x) ⊆ BCε (x) for x ∈ B 4r (a) and all ε < ε0 . In (3.4) and also supp (∂ where


z such that y + (t − 1)εz ∈ BCε (y + tεz), |y + (t − 1)εz − y − tεz| = |εz| < Cε which is implied by |z| < C , so this

we only need to integrate over those i.e.,

expression is given by

Z ε·

f (y + εz, y)· Br/ε+2C (a−y)∩BC (0)


n 1X

α+ei ˜ (∂x+y φ)(ε, y + tεz, y + (t − 1)εz)z i dt εn dz

0 which can be estimated by



uniformly for

y ∈ B4r (a) and thus for y ∈ Ω. y ∈ Br+Cε (a). With Taylor

It remains to examine the second term of (3.3) for expansion in the rst slot of


this is

α ˜ (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) dx

f (y, y) · Z


Br+2Cε (a) Z 1

α ˜ (d1 f )(y + t(x − y), y) · (x − y) dt (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, 2y − x) dx.

+ Br+2Cε (a) Substituting


2y − x = z ,


˜ y) ⊆ BCε (y) = 2y − BCε (y) ⊆ 2y − Br+2Cε (a) supp φ(ε, ⊆ B3r+4Cε (a) ⊆ B4r (a) 22



y ∈ Br+Cε (a)



Approximation properties of smoothing kernels

small as above the rst integral is given by


α ˜ (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, z) dz

Ω which is 1 for

x = y + εz Z ε





|α| > 0.

In the second integral we substitute

and obtain



Br/ε+2C (a−y)

α ˜ (d1 f )(y + tεz, y)z dt (∂x+y φ)(ε, y, y − εz)εn dz.


By the support property of smoothing kernels (Denition 3.13 (i)) we only have to integrate over a bounded set and the integrand is uniformly bounded on all




in question, so this integral is

Corollary 3.19. (i) For any


From Proposition 3.18 we obtain the following.

f ∈ C ∞ (Ω × Ω), K ⊂⊂ Ω, and α ∈ Nn0 we have Z α˜ α sup f (x, y)(∂x φ)(ε, x, y) dy − (∂y f )(x, x) = O(ε). y∈K

(ii) For any

f ∈ C ∞ (Ω × Ω) with supp f (., y) ⊂⊂ Ω we have Z α˜ α sup f (x, y)(∂y φ)(ε, x, y) dx − (∂x f )(y, y) = O(ε). y∈Ω

Proof. We perform induction on


The case

α = 0

was mentioned after

Denition 3.13 (resp. handled in Proposition (3.18) for (ii)). For

|α| > 0


have (by induction or combinatorically) the identity

α ∂xα = ∂x+y −

X α ∂ β ∂ α−β β y x

0 0 such that supp Φ(ε, p) ⊆ Wj for all p ∈ K ∩ supp χj and ε < ε0 , so πj (Φ(ε, p)) = Φ(ε, p) and the summand at such p is given by (we drop χj (p) from now on as it does not inuence negligibility)

Tλ(j) (Φ(ε, p))(p) − Tλ(k) (Φ(ε, p))(p). Using Lemma 4.3, negligibility of this expression immediately follows from negligibility of 34

Tλ(j) − Tλ(k)




vanishes at subsets

{Uλ }λ is locally nite  P ηλ : Gˆsr → Gˆsr such that λ ηλ = id and that ηλ ˆr at p) for all points p in a neighborhood of of G s

to be a ne sheaf we need  supposing that

a family of sheaf morphisms

U \ Uλ .

Localization and sheaf properties

(Gˆsr )p

(the stalk

The needed sheaf morphisms are easily veried to be given on open

V ⊆U


ηµ |V : Gˆsr (V ) → Gˆsr (V ), X χj · (R|V ∩Wj ◦ πj |Aˆ0 (V ) ). ηµ R = {j|λ(j)=µ}


Chapter 5

Embedding of distributional tensor elds Embedding distributional tensor elds amounts to a regularization procedure which we will rst illustrate with a locally integrable tensor eld. Unlike the scalar case we cannot simply multiply by an around


n-form with integral 1 and support

and integrate  the values of the tensor eld in dierent bers rst

have to be related by a connection on the tangent bundle. On a Riemannian manifold there is a natural way to do this: locally (in convex neighborhoods) any two points are connected by a unique minimizing geodesic along which we can parallel transport tensor elds by means of the Levi-Civita connection. In order to formalize this concept we employ the following denitions. For any two vector bundles


F → N we dene the vector [ TO(E, F ) := {(p, q)} × L(Ep , Fq ). and


(p,q)∈M ×N

(p, q) consists of the space of linear maps from Ep to Fq . A section of TO(E, F ), called transport operator, is locally given by a smoothly parametrized matrix. The Lie derivative LX×Y A ∈ Γ(TO(TM , TM )) of a transport operator A ∈ Γ(TO(TM , TM )) along a given pair of vector elds X, Y ∈ X(M ) is dened via the ow by d Y ∗ (LX×Y A)(p, q) := ((FlX (5.1) τ , Flτ ) A)(p, q) dτ τ =0 The ber over

which in turn rests on the pullback of

A along a pair of dieomorphisms (µ, ν),

given by

((µ, ν)∗ A)(p, q) := (Tq ν)−1 · A(µ(p), ν(q)) · Tp µ. We abbreviate

LX×X A by LX A.

See [GKSV09, Appendix A] for further details

about transport operators. Following [Kli95, Denition 1.9.9] we call an open subset nian manifold

(M, g) convex

strongly convex

of a Rieman-

p, q of U can be joined by a (not d(p, q) which lies entirely in U . We call if any two points p, q ∈ U can be joined by a unique geodesic if any two points

necessarily unique) geodesic of length


U ⊆M



Embedding of distributional tensor fields

of length

d(p, q)

which belongs entirely to


and if every

ε-ball Bεg (p) ⊆ U


convex. The convexity radius

c(p) := sup{r ∈ R ∪ {∞} | Brg (p) then is a positive continuous function on


is strongly convex}


([Kli95, Corollary 1.9.11]).

V := {(p, q) ∈ M × M | d(p, q) < r(p)} can be dened as follows: for (p, q) ∈ V let σp,q (t) : [0, 1] → M be the unique minimal geodesic from p to q . Denote by Pσp,q parallel transport along σp,q with respect ˜ q) : Tp M 3 vp 7→ Pαp,q vp ∈ Tq M to the Levi-Civita connection. Then A(p, ˜ ∈ Γ(V, TO(TM , TM )) which is (for (p, q) ∈ V ) denes a transport operator A e smooth by standard results of ODE theory. For practical purposes we extend A to a global section: choose continuous functions r1 , r2 on M such that 0 < r1 < r2 < c and a smooth cut-o function χ ∈ C ∞ (M ×M, R) satisfying χ(p, q) = 0 ˜ is a global for d(p, q) ≥ r2 (p) and χ(p, q) = 1 for d(p, q) ≤ r1 (p). Then A := χA section of TO(TM , TM ) which in the usual way extends to the tensor bundle r r r of M , giving rise to a transport operator As ∈ Γ(TO(Ts (M ), Ts (M ))) for all r (r, s). We call A resp. As the canonical transport operator obtained from the metric g . A transport operator on

Using the canonical transport operator we can approximate a locally integrable

(r, s)-tensor eld t at p ∈ M has support in a small ball

t(p) ∼ around p. by


Ars (q, p)t(q)ω(q) dq , where ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M )

In order to get a distributional formula

which we can use for the embedding we examine the action of tensor eld


on a dual

u: Z

(Ars (q, p)t(q) · u(p))ω(q) dq


(t(q) · Asr (p, q)u(p))ω(q) dq

t(p) · u(p) ∼ =

= ht(q), Asr (p, q)u(p) ⊗ ω(q)i. The above considerations lead to the following denition of an embedding of

Ds0r (M )


Gˆsr (M ).

Denition 5.1.

The embedding

ιrs : Ds0r (M ) → Eˆsr (M )

is dened as

((ιrs t)(ω) · v)(p) := ht, Asr (p, ·)v(p) ⊗ ωi where

t ∈ Ds0r (M ), ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M ), v ∈ Trs (M ),

Remark 5.2. The (non-trivial) proof that


ιrs (t)

p ∈ M.

is smooth is to a large extent

identical to the corresponding result in [GKSV09, Section 7], the necessary modications being straightforward (we simply have one slot less to deal with). We will now show that the embedding


has the properties required for an

embedding of distributions into Colombeau algebras, namely it has moderate values, for smooth tensor elds it reproduces 38

σsr ,

and it is injective.

Proposition 5.3. (i) (ii)

The embeddings have the following properties.

ιrs (Ds0r (M )) ⊆ (Eˆsr )m (M ). ˆsr (M ). (ιrs − σsr )(Tsr (M )) ⊆ N

(iii) For

ˆsr (M ) v ∈ Ds0r (M ), ιrs (v) ∈ N


v = 0.

K ⊂⊂ M and l ∈ N0 . For any vector elds X1 , . . . , Xl ∈ X(M ) and Φ ∈ Ae0 (M ) by Theorem 4.8 (saturation) we need s to calculate LX1 . . . LXl (p 7→ ht, Ar (p, ·)u(p) ⊗ Φ(ε, p)i) on K for arbitrary r u ∈ Ts (M ). By the chain rule (for a detailed argument on why t commutes Proof. (i) For testing we x

with the Lie derivative see the proof of [GKSV09, Proposition 6.8]) this is given by terms of the form

ht, v(p, ·) ⊗ L0Y1 . . . L0Yk Φ(ε, p)i


Yi ∈ X(M ) (i = 1 . . . k ∈ N) and v ∈ Γ(pr∗2 (Tsr (M ))); the latter consists of Lie derivatives of u transported by Lie derivatives of A. By the denition of smoothing kernels, for ε small enough and p in a relatively compact neighborhood of K the support of Φ(ε, p) for p ∈ K lies in a (bigger) relatively s compact neighborhood L of K . Because t is continuous and linear and Tr (M )⊗ n Ωc (M ) carries the usual inductive limit topology (as in [GKSV09, Section for some

2]), the modulus of (5.3) can be estimated by a nite sum of seminorms of

Γc,L (Tsr (M )⊗Λn T∗ M ) applied to the argument of t in (5.3). These seminorms

are given by s 7→ supx∈L LZ1 . . . LZp s(x) for some vector elds Zj ∈ X(M ), j = 1, . . . , p ∈ N (the norm is

with respect to any Riemannian metric

on M ).

0 0 It thus remains to estimate LZ1 . . . LZp (v(p, ·) ⊗ LY . . . LY Φ(ε, p)) . This in 1 k turn reduces to an estimate of



L0 -derivatives



which immediately

gives the desired moderateness estimate by denition of the space of smoothing kernels. (ii) In order to show the claim we have to verify (using Theorem 4.8) that for

u ∈ Trs (M ), K ⊂⊂ M and m ∈ N0 there is some k ∈ N such that ek (M ) we have the estimate all Φ ∈ A Z s sup (t · (Ar (p, ·)u(p)))(q)Φ(ε, p)(q) dq − (t · u)(p) = O(εm ). (5.4)

arbitrary for



Without loss of generality we may assume that


is contained in the domain

(U, ϕ), by Lemma 4.3 we can then assume Φ ∈ Aek (U ). Dens ing f ∈ × U ) by f (p, write (5.4) as R  q) := t(q) · Ar (p, q)u(p) we can −1 ˜ := supp∈K U f (p, q) − f (p, p) Φ(ε, p)(q) dq . Setting f f ◦ (ϕ × ϕ−1 ) and x := ϕ(p) the integral is given by Z ˜ x)(y) dy (f˜(x, y) − f˜(x, x))φ(ε, of a chart

C ∞ (U

ϕ(U ) 39


Embedding of distributional tensor fields

φ˜ ∈ Aek (ϕ(U )) is the local expression of Φ. By the remark after Denik+1 ) uniformly for x ∈ ϕ(K), so for k + 1 ≥ m the required tion 3.13 this is O(ε where

estimates are satised. (iii) is shown in Corollary 5.5 below. Although we will not treat association in full detail, the following is a rst step in this direction (cf. [GKSV09, Section 9] for the type of results that can be obtained). Let

ρ : Tsr (M ) → Ds0r (M ) Z ρ(t)(u ⊗ ω) := (t · u) ω Tsr (M ) into 0r Ds (M ) and a smoothing kernel Φ

be the embedding of

Ds0r (M ). Given a ∈ Ae0 (M ) we set

tensor distribution

T ∈

Tε := [p 7→ (ιrs T )(Φ(ε, p))(p)] ∈ Tsr (M ). Tε

can be seen as a regularization of



ε. Ds0r (M )

which gets more accurate for smaller

ρ(Tε )

More precisely, we will now show that

converges to


weakly in

ε → 0.

u ⊗ ω ∈ Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ). We may assume that ω (and thus u) has support in a xed compact set K contained in a chart (U, ϕ): using partitions P of unity we can write u ⊗ ω = i χi u ⊗ χi ω with supp χi ⊆ Ui . Then X hρ(Tε ) − T, u ⊗ ωi = hρ(Tε ) − T, χi u ⊗ χi ωi Fix

i converges to


if the result holds for the case where


is contained in a chart

(U, ϕ). j1 ...js ...js ...js and note that ui ...i (p) = u ˜ji11...i (p, q) := (Asr (p, q)u(p))ji11...i r r r 1 ...js (p, p) . Given any neighborhood L of K which is relatively compact u ˜ji11...i r in U there is as in the proof of Lemma 4.3 some ε0 > 0 and a smoothing e0 (U ) such that for all p ∈ L and ε < ε0 the support of Φ(ε, p) kernel Φ1 ∈ A is contained in U and Φ(ε, p)|U = Φ1 (ε, p). Let Φ1 have local expression ˆ ∗ (ϕ∗ Φ1 ). Let ψ ∈ D(ϕ(U )) be determined by ϕ∗ ω = ψ dx1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxn , φ˜ := λ i1 ...ir i.e., ψ = λ(ψ∗ ω). Then for ε < ε0 (denoting the local expressions of Tj ...j s 1

We abbreviate



s u ˜ij11...i ...jr

by the same letter)

Z hρ(Tε ), u ⊗ ωi = ZM = ZM

hT (q), Asr (p, q)u(p) ⊗ Φ(ε, p)(q)i ω(p) ...js ...ir · Φ1 (ε, p)(q)i ω(p) (q), (Asr (p, q)u(p))ji11...i hTji11...j r s

= ϕ(U )

...js ...ir ˜ x)(y)iψ(x) dn x (x, y) · φ(ε, (y), u ˜ji11...i hTji11...j r s


...js ...ir ˜ x)(y) dn x (x, y) · ψ(x) · φ(ε, (y), u ˜ji11...i hTji11...j r s ϕ(U ) Z ...js i1 ...ir ˜ x)(y) dn xi (x, y) · ψ(x) · φ(ε, u ˜ji11...i = hTj1 ...js (y), r


ϕ(U )


...js ...ir (p), uji11...i (p) · ω(p)i hT, u ⊗ ωi = hTji11...j s r ...js ...ir (y) · ψ(y)i. = hTji11...j (y), uji11...i r s Integration here commutes with the distributional action, as can be seen from writing the above as the tensor product of the distribution

,...,ir Tji11,...,j s


1. Now for each choice of j1 , . . . , js , i1 , . . . , ir we abbreviate j1 ...js ...js := f (x, y) u ˜i1 ...ir (x, y) · ψ(x) and note that f (y, y) = uji11...i (y) · ψ(y). Because r R ˜ x)(y) dx − f (y, y) as a function in y has support in a compact f (x, y) φ(ε, ϕ(U ) set in ϕ(U ), for each component of Tε − T by [Tre76, Proposition 21.1] there exist m > 0 and C > 0 such that


α j1 ...js r ˜ x)(y) dx − f (y, y)) ·ωi ≤ sup sup ∂ ( f (x, y) φ(ε, h(Tε −T )ij11...i , u

i1 ...ir ...js

ϕ(U ) |α|≤m y∈ϕ(U )

the distribution

which is


by proposition 3.19. Summarizing, we have shown:

Proposition 5.4.


T ∈ Ds0r (M )


Φ ∈ Ae0 (M )

the regular distribution

p 7→ (ιrs T )(Φ(ε, p))(p) converges weakly to

Corollary 5.5.




Trs (M )


ε → 0.

ˆ r (M ) T ∈ Ds0r (M ), ιrs (T ) ∈ N s


T = 0.

k ∈ N, u ⊗ ω ∈ Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ), and Φ ∈ Aek (M ) |hT, u ⊗ ωi| = lim h(ιrs T )(Φ(ε, p))(p), (u ⊗ ω)(p)i ε→0 Z s = lim hT (q), Ar (p, q)u(p) ⊗ Φ(ε, p)(q)i ω(p) ε→0 M Z s ≤ lim sup |hT (q), Ar (p, q)u(p) ⊗ Φ(ε, p)(q)i| · ω(p)

Proof. For suitable

ε→0 p∈supp ω

m which is O(ε ) because of negligibility of


T. 41

Chapter 6

Pullback and Lie derivatives In this section we will dene pullback along a dieomorphism and Lie derivatives of generalized tensor elds. For the pullback there is essentially only one sensible denition.

Denition 6.1.

ˆsr (N ). Then Let µ : M → N be a dieomorphism and R ∈ E r ∗ ∗ ˆ ∈ Es (M ) dened by (µ R)(ω) := µ (R(µ∗ ω)) for ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M ) is pullback of R along µ.

∗ the map µ R called the

Lemma 6.2.

The map

µ∗ : Eˆsr (N ) → Eˆsr (M )

of Denition 6.1 preserves modµ∗ : Gˆsr (N ) → Gˆsr (M ).

erateness and negligibility, thus it denes a map

R ∈ Eˆsr (N ) and Φ ∈ Aek (M ) dene t ∈ Tsr (M ) by t(p) := (µ R)(Φ(ε, p))(p) = µ∗ (R(µ∗ (Φ(ε, p))))(p). By Denition 4.1 moderateness ∗ and negligibility of µ R are established by evaluating Lie derivatives of t on a compact set K ⊂⊂ M . Given an arbitrary vector eld X ∈ X(M ), LX t is ∗ given by µ (Lµ∗ X µ∗ t), where Proof. Given ∗

(µ∗ t)(p) = R(µ∗ (Φ(ε, µ−1 (p))))(p) = R((µ∗ Φ)(ε, p))(p). By Proposition 3.9

µ∗ Φ

is in

Aek (N ),

thus the growth conditions on

LX t


similarly for any number of Lie derivatives) are obtained directly from those of


with help of Lemma 3.8 (ii).

We can dene the Lie derivative

LX R ∈ Eˆsr (M )


R ∈ Eˆsr (M )

along a com-

X ∈ X(M ) in a geometric manner via its ow, namely as d ∗ ˆ (LX R)(ω) := dt |t=0 ((FlX t ) R)(ω) for ω ∈ A0 (M ). By the chain rule this is seen to be equal to −dR(ω)(LX ω) + LX (R(ω)) (see [GKSV09, Section 6] for plete vector eld

the smoothness argument). Thus the Lie derivative is formally the same as for elements of

ˆ ) G(M

([GKSV02, Denition 3.8]). For non-complete vector elds

we use the formula obtained from the ow for dening the Lie derivative.

Denition 6.3. cl[R] ∈ Gˆsr (M )


X ∈ X(M )

we dene the Lie derivative

ˆ LX R


ˆ := cl[ω 7→ −dR(ω)(LX ω) + LX (R(ω))] ∈ Gˆsr (M ). LX R 43


ˆ = R


Pullback and Lie derivatives

We still need to show that this is well-dened. We use the following notation:

ˆ )) be the isomorphism ϕ : Eˆsr (M ) → LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), E(M r s ˆ 4.8; then for R ∈ Es (M ) and t ∈ Tr (M ) we write R · t instead


Lemma 6.4.

R ∈ Eˆsr (M ) LX (R · t) = LX R · t + R · LX t.

For full tensor contraction of

product rule holds:

Proof. Because contraction with

ˆ )) E(M


(i.e., the map


R 7→ R · t

from Theorem of


t ∈ Trs (M )


Eˆsr (M )



is linear and bounded it commutes with the dierential and we obtain

LX (R · t)(ω) = −d(R · t)(ω)(LX ω) + LX ((R · t)(ω)) = −dR(ω)(LX ω) · t + LX (R(ω)) · t + R(ω) · LX t = (LX R)(ω) · t + R(ω) · LX t = (LX R · t)(ω) + (R · LX t)(ω).

Corollary 6.5.

The mapping

LX : Eˆsr (M ) → Eˆsr (M )

preserves moderateness

and negligibility. Proof. By Theorem 4.8

R ∈ Eˆsr (M )

is moderate resp. negligible if and only if

R · t is moderate resp. negligible for all t ∈ Trs (M ). By Lemma 6.4 (LX R) · t = ˆ ) → E(M ˆ ) preserves LX (R · t) − R · LX t, so the claim follows because LX : E(M moderateness and negligibility ([GKSV02, Theorem 4.6]).


Chapter 7

Commutation relations Proposition 7.1.

The operations





Eˆsr (M )

extend the usual pull-

back and Lie derivative of smooth tensor elds:

µ∗ ◦ σsr = σsr ◦ µ∗ Proof. For

t ∈ Tsr (N )


LX ◦ σsr = σsr ◦ LX .


ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M )

we have

µ∗ (σsr (t))(ω) = µ∗ (σsr (t)(µ∗ ω)) = µ∗ t = σsr (µ∗ t)(ω) and for

t ∈ Tsr (M ), X ∈ X(M ),


ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M )

LX (σsr (t))(ω) = −d(σsr (t))(ω)(LX ω) + LX (σsr (t)(ω)) = LX t = σsr (LX t)(ω). As to commutation relations with

Lemma 7.2. µ: M → N Proof. Fix


(M, g)

an isometry.

K ⊂⊂ M

ιrs ,

we rst formulate the following lemma.

(N, h) be oriented Riemannian manifolds r ∗ ∗ r ˆ r (M ). Then ιs ◦ µ − µ ◦ ιs has values in N s and

for testing.

Denoting by


the function used in the

construction of the canonical transport operator, let for each positive real number smaller than



p ∈ M rp

be a

(the convexity radius (5.2)) such that

Up := Brgp (p) is relatively compact in M . By compactness of K there Sm are points p1 , . . . , pm ∈ M (for some number m ∈ N) such that K ⊆ i=1 Upi . Sm Then with Ki := K ∩ Upi we can write K = K and each K is compact i i=1 i g and contained in B (p ) , the strongly convex open ball at pi with radius i c(pi ) c(pi ). K itself to be contained in a U0 := Brg0 (p0 ) for some p0 ∈ K and 0 < r0 < r1 (p). e0 (M ), there exists Let L be a compact neighborhood of K in U0 . Given Φ ∈ A ε0 > 0 such that Φ(ε, p) has support in U0 for all ε < ε0 and p ∈ L. Now let A and B denote the canonical transport operators of M and N , respectively.

Because of these considerations we may assume strongly convex open ball



Commutation relations

We then claim that for all with support in


p ∈ L, t ∈ Ds0r (N ), v ∈ Trs (M ),


ω ∈ Aˆ0 (M )

the expression

(ιrs (µ∗ t)(ω) · v)(p) = hµ∗ t, Asr (p, ·)v(p) ⊗ ωi = ht, µ∗ (Asr (p, ·)v(p)) ⊗ µ∗ ωi equals

(µ∗ (ιrs t)(ω) · v)(p) = (µ∗ ((ιrs t)(µ∗ ω)) · v)(p) = µ∗ ((ιrs t)(µ∗ ω) · µ∗ v)(p) = ((ιrs t)(µ∗ ω) · µ∗ v)(µ(p)) = ht, Brs (µ(p), ·)µ∗ v(µ(p)) ⊗ µ∗ ωi. These expressions are equal if

µ∗ (Asr (p, ·)v(p))(µ(q)) = Brs (µ(p), µ(q))(µ∗ v)(µ(p)) for

q ∈ U0 .

But this is clear because


is an isometry, thus it preserves min-

imizing geodesics, (strongly) convex sets, and parallel displacement ([KN63, Chapter IV Proposition 2.5]). This means that the embedding of distributional tensor elds commutes with pullback along isometries and consequently with Lie derivatives along Killing vector elds. Lemma 7.2 allows to reformulate the question of whether pullback along an

µ : M → N commutes with µ∗ h this question reduces to ∗ (ιµ h )rs arising from the Rieman-

arbitrary (orientation preserving) dieomorphism

ιrs ,

for if one endows


with the pullback metric

(ιg )rs and ∗ and µ h are equal. We then have the following main result.

checking whether the embeddings nian metrics


Theorem 7.3.

We have the following no-go result about commutation with

the embedding. (i) Let h

g, h

M with Levi-Civita (ιg )rs , (ιh )rs . Then

be Riemannian metrics on

and corresponding embeddings


∇g ,

ˆsr (M ) ⇐⇒ ∇g = ∇h . ((ιg )rs − (ιh )rs )(Ds0r (M )) ⊆ N r (ii) The embedding ιs does not commute with arbitrary Lie derivatives. The proof consists of several steps.

First, the assumptions are written as

conditions having the same form in both cases, namely negligibility of the generalized function some 46

Z ∈

(ω, p) 7→ hT, Z(p, ·) ⊗ ωi ∈ E(M ) for all T ∈ Ds0r (M ) and Then, choosing T appropriately we obtain that

Γ(pr∗2 (Tsr (M ))).

derivatives of


in the second slot vanish.

Finally, the derivatives of



calculated explicitly. This involves the derivatives of the transport operator, which are related to the connection.

(ιg )rs −(ιh )rs and ιrs ◦LX −LX ◦ιrs Let A and B be the canonical

Beginning with the rst step, we show that both give rise to expressions of the same form. transport operators obtained from




In the rst case, the equality

(ιg )rs

= (ιh )rs in the quotient means that for all g h ˆr )m (M ) given by function R := (ι − ι )T ∈ (E s

T ∈ Ds0r (M )

the generalized

(R(ω) · v)(p) = hT, (Asr (p, ·) − Brs (p, ·))v(p) ⊗ ωi


v ∈ Trs (M ) and ω ∈ Ωnc (M ) is negligible. Note that the dierence (p, q) 7→ (Asr (p, q) − Brs (p, q))v(p) is an element of Γ(pr∗2 (Tsr (M ))) and vanishes on the diagonal in M × M .


In the second case, from the proof of [GKSV09, Proposition 6.8] (in particular, equations (6.13) and (6.14) therein) we immediately obtain the identity

((ιrs ◦ LX − LX ◦ ιrs )(T )(ω) · v)(p) = hT, (LX×X A)sr (p, ·)v(p) ⊗ ωi


where the term on the right hand side is exactly the additional term of the Lie derivative of generalized tensor elds in [GKSV09] which makes it commute with the embedding already in the basic space there. As in our case pullback of generalized tensor elds cannot act on the transport operator this term

(p, q) 7→ (LX×X A)sr (p, ·)v(p) is an element of ∗ s Γ(pr2 (Tr (M ))) and vanishes on the diagonal. s Thus in both cases (i) and (ii) for each v ∈ Tr (M ) we have found some Z ∈ Γ(pr∗2 (Tsr (M ))) such that for all T ∈ Ds0r (M ) the generalized function does not cancel. Note that also

R · v ∈ Eˆm (M )

dened by

ω 7→ [p 7→ hT, Z(p, ·) ⊗ ωi] is negligible (i.e., an element of

ˆ (M )). N

The next proposition and the subse-

quent corollary allow us to get information about distribution



by the right choices of the


The idea behind the following proof is the following: locally negligibility of

hT, f (x, ·)Tx Sε ϕi converges to 0. As a simple case consider n = 1, x = 0 and f depending on the second slot only with f (0) = 0. Then hT, f · Sε ϕi → 0 one the one hand, but on the other hand (7.3) means that an expression like

we can write this as (neglecting the remainder of the Taylor expansion, which converges to zero anyways):

hT (y), (f (0) + f 0 (0) · y + . . . + f (k) (0) · y k /k!)Sε ϕi → 0 Sε ϕ gets arbitrarily small we can only hope to get information 0. It vanishes there, but we can determine its derivatives there by T the principal value of 1/y : this gives the terms

As the support of about



taking for

f (0) · h1/y, Sε ϕi,

f 0 (0) · h1, Sε ϕi,


f (k) (0)hy k−1 /k!, Sε ϕi. 47


Commutation relations



k−1 f 0 (0) = 0.

now has vanishing moments of order

term is

f 0 (0),

so we can conclude

and is even the only remaning

In the general case the proof is slightly more involved. follows

E 0 (Ω) ⊆ D(Ω)

Proposition 7.4. (i) For each

Note that in what

is the space of compactly supported distributions on


Ω ⊆ Rn

T ∈ D0 (Ω)

be open and

the mapping in

f ∈ C ∞ (Ω × Ω).

E C (Ω)


given by

(ϕ, x) 7→ hT, f (x, ·)ϕ(. − x)i is moderate, i.e., an element of



C (Ω). EM

0 (ii) If for all compactly supported distributions T ∈ E (Ω) the mapping (7.4) C is in N (Ω) then all rst order partial derivatives in the second slot of f vanish on the diagonal, i.e.,

∂i (y 7→ f (x, y))|x = 0 ∀x ∈ Ω ∀i = 1 . . . n.

Proof. (i) resembles the statement that the embedding of distributions into


has moderate values; the proof is virtually the same (see [GFKS01,

Theorem 7.4 (i)]), inserting

f (x, ·)

at the appropriate places.

This results

in an application of the chain rule and the appearance of some extra constants (suprema of derivatives of


on compact sets), but leaves moderateness intact.

x be an arbitrary point of Ω ⊆ Rn . Choose some η > 0 with η < dist(x, ∂Ω) and a smooth bump function χ ∈ D(R) with χ = 1 on Bη/2 (0) and supp χ ⊆ Bη (0). (ii) Let

Consider the distribution

t 7→ sign t·|t|n−2 .


n > 1 this is a locally integrable

n = 1 this means the principal value of 1t . given for all n ∈ N by Z ∞ n−2 hsign t · |t| , ωi = lim tn−2 (ω(t) − ω(−t)) dt

function, for is

δ→0 δ

This distributions thus

∀ω ∈ D(R).


We introduce the distribution

P := δ ⊗ . . . ⊗ δ ⊗ χ(t) sign t · |t|n−2 ⊗ δ ⊗ . . . ⊗ δ ∈ D0 (Rn ) or more explicitly

hP, ωi = hsign t · |t|n−2 , χ(t)ω(0, . . . , t, . . . , 0)i χ(t) sign t · |t|n−2 resp. t appears at the k th k ∈ {1, . . . , n} which shall be xed from now on. where

∀ω ∈ D(Rn )

position for an arbitrary

u := Tx P = P (.−x) then is a compactly supported distribution on Ω: because supp P ⊆ {0} × . . . × Bη (0) × . . . × {0} ⊆ Bη (0) we have supp u ⊆ Bη (x) ⊆ Ω.




K = {x} and arbitrary m ∈ N,

q∈ ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn )

by negligibility of (7.4) there is some

(which can be chosen arbitrarily high) such that for any xed

we have

hu, f (x, ·)Tx Sε ϕi = O(εm ) Choose

ϕ1 ∈ D([0, ∞))



which is constant in a neighborhood of

 n Z ∞  j/n s ϕ1 (s) ds = ωn  0 0 where

(ε → 0).

is the area of the


and satises

j=0 j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , q

(n − 1)-dimensional

sphere in

Rn .

Such a function exists by a straightforward adaption of the proof of [GKOS01,

ϕ := ϕ1 ◦k kn ∈ D(Rn ). Then ϕ is in Aq (Rn ), as n we will show now. Denote by x = Φn (r, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 ) polar coordinates in R n−1 (as in [Wal95, 7.19.4]) and set B1 := [0, 2π]×[0, π]×. . .×[0, π] ⊆ R . Noting 0 n−1 0 that det Φn (r, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 ) = r det Φn (1, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 )) we have for n any multi-index α ∈ N0 Z xα ϕ1 (kxkn ) dx = n R Z ∞Z = Φn (r, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 )α ϕ1 (rn ) det Φ0n d(φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 ) dr {z } 0 B1 |

Proposition 1.4.30], and we set

=r|α| Φn (1,φ,θ1 ,...,θn−2 ) Z ∞ = Mα · r|α|+n−1 ϕ1 (rn ) dr 0

with constants

Z Mα :=

Mα = · n


s|α|/n ϕ1 (s) ds


dened as

Φn (1, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 )α det Φ0n (1, φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 ) d(φ, θ1 , . . . , θn−2 ).


Mα > 0 is a constant depending only on n and α; as M0 = ωn , ϕ integral 1. Furthermore, it has vanishing moments up to order q .



r > 0 such that supp ϕ ⊆ Br (0), let ε < η/(2r) from now on, which supp Tx Sε ϕ ⊆ Bη/2 (x) ⊆ Ω and supp[t 7→ ϕ1 (tn /εn )] ⊆ Bη/2 (0). By equation (7.5) the expression hu, f (x, ·)Tx Sε i on the left-hand side of (7.6) is

Choosing implies

given by

Z hP, f (x, x + .)Sε ϕi = lim

δ→0 δ


χ(t)tn−2 (f˜(t) − f˜(−t))ε−n ϕ1 ((t/ε)n ) dt


f˜(t) := f (x, x + t · ek ) for |t| < η/2; ek is the k th unit vector in Rn . Note that χ(t) = 1 on the range of integration. Let us now consider the Taylor expansion of f˜ at 0 of order q : Z 1 q ˜(l) X f (0) l (1 − v)q ˜(q+1) f˜(t) = t + f (vt) · tq+1 dv l! q! 0 where




Commutation relations

|t| < η/2.


With this we can write (7.7) as

q η/2 X

f˜(l) (0) l (t − (−t)l )ε−n ϕ1 (tn /εn ) dt δ→0 δ l! l=0 Z 1 Z η/2  (1 − v)q ˜(q+1) n−2 t + lim f (vt) − (−1)q+1 f˜(q+1) (−vt) dv δ→0 δ q! 0 · tq+1 ε−n ϕ1 (tn /εn ) dt. Z



The terms for even


vanish, while for odd



2 lim

δ→0 δ


t = εs1/n



they are given by

f˜(l) (0) l −n t t ε ϕ1 (( )n ) dt. l! ε

the term for

2f˜(l) (0) lim n · l! δ→0



is given by


s(l−1)/n εl−1 ϕ1 (s) ds.


ϕ the terms for l odd and ≥ 3 vanish and 2f˜0 (0)/ωn . Finally, the remainder term is

By denition of gives exactly


η/2 Z 1





(1 − v)q ˜(q+1) tn (f (vt) − (−1)q+1 f˜(q+1) (−vt))tq+n−1 ε−n ϕ1 ( n ) dv dt q! ε

and after substituting

εq n

the term for



Z 0


t = εs1/n

this is

(1 − v)q ˜(q+1) f (εvs1/n )− q!  (−1)q+1 f˜(q+1) (−εvs1/n ) sq/n ϕ1 (s) dv ds

and the integral is bounded by a nite constant independently of


Concluding, from Taylor expansion on the one hand and the assumption on the other hand we have

hu, f (x, ·)Tx Sε ϕi = 2f˜0 (0)/ωn + O(εq ) and

hu, f (x, ·)Tx Sε ϕi = O(εm )

f˜0 (0) = O(εmin(q,m) ) where m and q can be chosen ar0 Thus f˜ (0) = D2 f (x, x) · ek = 0, which concludes the proof k were arbitrary.

Together, this gives bitrarily high. because



Now follows the corresponding result on a manifold.


Corollary 7.5. (i) For each


Z ∈ Γ(pr∗2 (Tsr (M )))

T ∈ Ds0r (M )


the mapping from

Z(p, p) = 0 ∀p ∈ M .

Aˆ0 (M ) × M




dened by

(ω, p) 7→ hT, Z(p, ·) ⊗ ωi is moderate, i.e., an element of (ii) If for all vanishes


Eˆm (M ).

T ∈ Ds0r (M ) the mapping (7.8) for all Y ∈ X(M ) and p ∈ M .

is negligible then

LY (Z(p, ·))(p)

Proof. As in Proposition 7.4, (i) follows in the same way as moderateness of embedded distributions (see [GKSV02, Section 5]).

(U, ψ) be a chart on M and {bλ }λ a s λ of Tr (U ). Denote the coordinates of Z Z(p, q) = Zλ (p, q)bλ (q) for all p, q ∈ U .

Tsr (U ) with dual basis U by Zλ ∈ C ∞ (U × U ), i.e.,

(ii) Let

basis of

{bλ }


We will show that for any compactly supported distribution

tU ∈ E 0 (ψ(U ))

the mapping dened by

(ϕ, x) 7→ htU , Zλ (ψ −1 (x), ·)ϕ(. − x)i N C (ψ(U )). For this purpose dene S ∈ r 0 ∼ = Ts (U )⊗C ∞ (M ) D (U ) by S := bλ ⊗t (where t ∈ D0 (U ) corresponds to

is negligible, i.e., an element of

Ds0r (U ) tU

as in Section 2.2), which has compact support and thus a trivial extension

to a distributional tensor eld map

Aˆ0 (M ) × M → K

T ∈ Ds0r (M )


T |U = S .

By assumption the

given by

(ω, p) 7→ hT, Z(p, ·) ⊗ ωi is negligible, thus also its restriction to


which is the map

Aˆ0 (U ) × U → K

given by

(ω, p) 7→ hT, Z(p, ·) ⊗ ωi = hT |U , Z(p, ·)|U ⊗ ωi = ht, Zλ (p, ·)ωi. This implies that the corresponding map

A0 (ψ(U )) × ψ(U ) → K

given by

(ϕ, x) 7→ ht, Zλ (ψ −1 (x), ·)ψ ∗ (ϕ(. − x) dy 1 ∧ . . . ∧ dy n )i = ht, ψ ∗ (Zλ (ψ −1 (x), ψ −1 (·))ϕ(. − x) dy 1 ∧ . . . ∧ dy n )i = htU , (Zλ ◦ (ψ −1 × ψ −1 ))(x, ·)ϕ(. − x)i is in that that to

N C (ψ(U )) for any choice of tU ∈ E 0 (ψ(U )). Proposition 7.4 now implies ∂i (y 7→ Zλ (ψ −1 (x), ψ −1 (y)))|x = 0 for all x in ψ(U ) and all i. Noting Z(p, p) = 0 by assumption, the local formula for LY (Z(p, ·))(p) evaluates




Commutation relations

Assuming (7.1) resp. (7.2) to be negligible for all choices of implies in the case

(r, s) = (0, 1)

for all

X , Y , Z ∈ X(M )


Corollary 7.5


p ∈ M


identities (i) (ii)

LY (q 7→ (A(p, q) − B(p, q))Z(p) = 0


LY (q 7→ (LX×X A)(p, q)Z(p))(p) = 0.

We will now calculate these expressions explicitly in a chart. Fix a chart containing

p0 for the remainder of this chapter.

(U, ϕ)

As this is the only chart we will

use we will refrain from indexing local expressions of vector elds, ows etc. by


e.g., for

X ∈ X(M )

Given a vector eld

α : D(X) → ϕ(U )

we will write

X ∈ X(M ),

X ∈ C ∞ (U )

for its local expression.

by its local ow on


we mean the map

determined by the ordinary dierential equation

α0 (t, x) = X(α(t, x))

α(0, x) = x,


X on U and D(X), α, is an open subset of R × ϕ(U ). For −1 p ∈ U , its ow along X is given by FlX t p = Tϕ (α(t, ϕ(p))) for all t such that (t, ϕ(p)) ∈ D(X). Furthermore, α is smooth. By dierentiating (7.9) one sees that for all (t, x) ∈ D(X) the local ow α satises Z t α(t, x) = x + X(α(u, x)) du 0 Z t D2 α(t, x) = I + X 0 (α(u, x))D2 α(u, x) du 0 Z t D22 α(t, x) = X 00 (α(u, x)) ◦ (D2 α(u, x) × D2 α(u, x)) 0  + X 0 (α(u, x))D22 α(u, x) du where

X ∈ C ∞ (ϕ(U ), Rn )

is the local representation of

the maximal domain of denition of

D1 α(t, x) = X(α(t, x)) D1 D2 α(t, x) = X 0 (α(t, x))D2 α(t, x)

In particular, we have

α(0, x) = x D2 α(0, x) = I


D2 D2 α(0, x) = 0 D1 D2 α(0, x) = X 0 (x).

In order to calculate the above expressions we need normal neighborhoods and smoothness of geodesics in starting and end points as well as the initial direction. As can be seen from standard results in dierential geometry, for every 52


there exists

ε0 > 0

such that for any

ε < ε0

the following holds:

1. The open ball

W := Bε (p)

is contained in

q, r ∈ W can be joined W , t 7→ σ(t, q, r) with σ(0, q, r) = q σ : (−2, 2) × W × W → W is smooth.

2. Any two points

3. The map



by a unique geodesic and

σ(1, q, r) = r.

W × W → TM , (q, r) 7→ Xqr := d/dt|t=0 σ(t, q, r) Tq M such that expq Xqr = r.

(−2, 2) → The map

is smooth;

is the unique element of

We sketch the essential ideas for obtaining these results, following [Kli95]. Set

U 0 := ϕ(U ).

Geodesics are obtained locally by solving the ODE system


u0 = v

u(0) = x ∈ U 0 ⊆ Rn

v 0 = −Γ(u)(v, v)

v(0) = w ∈ Rn .


x and the initial direction w of the U10 , U20 of ϕ(p) in U 0 with U10 ⊆ U20 0 and a constant η > 0 such that (7.11) has solutions u(t, x, w) : (−2, 2) × U1 × Bη (0) → U20 resp. v(t, x, w) : (−2, 2) × U10 × Bη (0) → Rn for all t ∈ (−2, 2) and (x, w) in U10 × Bη (0) ⊆ TU 0 = U 0 × Rn . As Γ is smooth u and v are smooth in The initial conditions are the starting point geodesic


There are open neighborhoods

the independent variable as well as the initial conditions.

e TM of the sube the geodesic cX (t) with initial manifold M ⊆ TM such that for every X ∈ TM direction X starting at the footpoint of X is dened at least for |t| < 2 [Kli95, e Lemma 1.6.7]. The exponential mapping exp : TM → M then is dened as exp X := cX (1). On the manifold this procedure gives an open neighborhood

In order to obtain geodesics joining two points one denes the mapping

e →M ×M F : TM X 7→ (πX, exp X) π is the projection of the tangent bundle. Note that we can always make η smaller, so we can assume that the open set W1 := Tϕ−1 (U10 ×Bη (0)) e . The local expression of F |W is given by contained in TM 1


U10 is


FU : U10 × Bη (0) → U10 × U20 (x, w) 7→ (x, u(1, x, w)). For each

x ∈ U10

(x, 0) is given   id 0 DFU (x, 0) = id id

the Jacobian of

which is regular, thus


is invertible at





is invertible at

(x, 0).

i.e, there is a neighborhood



x = ϕ(p) this means that f ⊆ W1 ⊆ TM e of 0p in TM W




Commutation relations

W (p, p) ⊆ ϕ−1 (U10 × U20 )

of (p, p) ∈ M × M such that f F |W f : W → W (p, p) is a dieomorphism. Choosing a neighborhood W of p in −1 M such that W × W ⊆ W (p, p), for q, r ∈ W we set Xqr := (F |W f ) (q, r) (as

and a neighborhood

in [Kli95, Theorem 1.6.12]).

Given a Riemannian metric inducing the Levi-Civita connection one can take

Bε (p) ([Kli95, Theorem 1.8.15]). Furthermore, for all ε small enough Bε (p) is strongly convex, i.e., the geodesics connecting points of W are unique and contained in W ([Kli95, Theorem 1.9.10]). Clearly ε can also be taken so small that Bε (p) is contained in U . −1 (u(t, ϕ(q), pr ◦Tϕ(X ))). Finally, we note that σ(t, q, r) = ϕ qr 2 for


a suciently small metric ball

This enables us to calculate the derivatives of the transport operator.

Lemma 7.6.

Let (U, ϕ) be some chart on M . Then a ∈ C ∞ (U × U, L(Rn , Rn )) of the canonical transport n following identities for all x ∈ U and ξ, η, ζ ∈ R : (i) (ii) (iii)

the local representation operator


satises the

a(x, x) = id (Da)(x, x)(ξ, η) · ζ = −Γ(x, η − ξ, ζ) 2(D2 a)(x, x)((ξ1 , η1 ), (ξ2 , η2 ))ζ = −(Γ0 (x) · (η1 + ξ1 ))(η2 − ξ2 , ζ) − (Γ0 (x) · (η2 + ξ2 ))(η1 − ξ1 , ζ) + Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , ζ)) + Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , ζ))

p ∈ U let W = Bε (p) be a neighborhood of p as above with ε < r1 (p), with corresponding maps σ , Xqr , F , and u. We will use the following Proof. Given notation.

• x, y

are points in

W 0 := ϕ(W ).

We set

p := ϕ−1 (x)


q := ϕ−1 (y).

• σ has local expression σ(t, x, y) := ϕ ◦ σ(t, p, q) dened on (−2, 2) × W 0 × W 0. •


w ∈ C ∞ (W 0 × W 0 , Rn )

part of the local expression of

w(x, y) := pr2 ◦T ϕ(Xpq ) (the principal Xpq ). Note that w(x, y) ∈ Bη (0) because


f ⊆ W1 . W • u(t, x, w) and v(t, x, w) are as above, dened Thus σ(t, x, y) is given by u(t, x, w(x, y)). • F |W f has Bη (0).

local expression


(−2, 2) × U10 × Bη (0).

FU : (x, w) 7→ (x, u(1, x, w)),

dened on

• a(x, y) · ζ = (pr2 ◦T ϕ)(A(p, q) · T ϕ−1 (x, ζ)) for all x, y ∈ W 0 •

Where convenient we write guments


u, v, w.

Γ(u, v, w)

in place of


Γ(u)(v, w)

U10 ×

ζ ∈ Rn .

for any ar-

By denition


is given by

a(x, y) · ζ = ρ(1, x, y, ζ),


ρ(t) = ρ(t, x, y, ζ)


the unique solution of the ODE


ρ(0, x, y) = ζ


ρ0 (t, x, y) = −Γ(σ(t, x, y), σ 0 (t, x, y), ρ(t, x, y)). This means that

ρ(1, x, y, ζ) is the parallel transport of the vector ζ along x to y ; ρ is a map (−2, 2) × W 0 × W 0 × Rn → Rn .


unique geodesic from

ρ. For these we rst need D denotes the dierential

The claims of the Lemma are about the derivatives of the derivatives of

σ(t, x, y).

In what follows now,

with respect to the pair of variables to


(x, y) while dierentiation with respect σ 0 ; the latter is also used for other

will be denoted by a prime, as in

functions depending on only one variable, like the local expression of vector elds.

We will mostly omit arguments of

σ , u,



for shorter notation.

For the direction of dierentiation we use arbitrary vectors

f = (ξ2 , η2 ) ∈



Rn . Then


e = (ξ1 , η1 )


and its derivatives are given by

σ(t, x, y) = u(t, x, w(x, y)) (Dσ)(t, x, y) · e = (Du)(t, x, w(x, y) · (ξ1 , Dw(x, y) · e)



(D σ)(t, x, y) · (e, f ) = (Du)(t, x, w(x, y)) · (0, D2 w(x, y) · (e, f )) +(D2 u)(t, x, w(x, y)) · ((ξ1 , Dw(x, y) · e), (ξ2 , Dw(x, y) · f )) and similarly for




in place of


The derivatives of





determined by the following ODE systems obtained by dierentiating (7.11), whose solutions exist on

    

(−2, 2) × U10 × Bη (0).

(Du)0 · e = Dv · e (Dv)0 · e = (−Γ0 (u) · Du · e)(v, v) − 2Γ(u, Dv · e, v)

 (Du)(0) · e = ξ1    (Dv)(0) · e = η1  2 0 2   (D u) · (e, f ) = (D v) · (e, f )     (D2 v)0 · (e, f ) = (−Γ00 (u) · (Du · e, Du · f ))(v, v)      − (Γ0 (u) · D2 u · (e, f ))(v, v) − 2(Γ0 (u) · Du · e)(Dv · f, v)   − 2(Γ0 (u) · Du · f )(Dv · e, v) − 2Γ(u, D2 v · (e, f ), v)     − 2Γ(u, Dv · e, Dv · f )     2  (D u)(0) = 0     (D2 v)(0) = 0



Commutation relations



we obtain the following solutions:

v 0 (t, x, 0) = 0 ⇒ v(t, x, 0) = w = 0 u0 (t, x, 0) = 0 ⇒ u(t, x, 0) = x (Dv 0 )(t, x, 0) · e = 0 ⇒ (Dv)(t, x, 0) · e = η1 ⇒ (Du)(t, x, 0) · e = ξ1 + tη1 (D2 v 0 )(t, x, 0) · (e, f ) = −2Γ(x, η1 , η2 ) ⇒ (D2 v)(t, x, 0) · (e, f ) = −2tΓ(x, η1 , η2 ) ⇒ (D2 u)(t, x, 0) · (e, f ) = −t2 Γ(x, η1 , η2 ) w is given by the second compo0 0 f0 f := nent of the inverse of G FU |W f 0 on W × W (where W := ϕ(W )). Writing G = (G1 , G2 ) with G1 (x, w) = x, G2 (x, w) = u(1, x, w) we know from above f 0 onto ϕ(W (p, p)). The Jacobian of G−1 that G is a dieomorphism from W at (x, x) is given by   id 0 −1 −1 D(G )(x, x) = (DG(x, 0)) = − id id

For derivatives of

and (as rule we


rst note that by (7.12)

w = pr2 ◦(G−1 )|W 0 ×W 0 ) Dw(x, x)(ξ, η) = η − ξ . 2 −1 ◦ G)(x, w) = 0 implies see that D (G

Next, by the chain

D2 G−1 (G(x, w)) ◦ (DG(x, w) × DG(x, w)) = −DG−1 (G(x, w))D2 G(x, w) Furthermore, using the elementary fact that

D2 G(x, w) · (e, f ) = (D2 G1 (x, w) · (e, f ), D2 G2 (x, w) · (e, f )) and the relations for derivatives of


from above we obtain

D2 G−1 (x, x)((ξ1 , ξ1 + η1 ),(ξ2 , ξ2 + η2 ))     0 id 0 =− · −Γ(x, η1 , η2 ) − id id = (0, Γ(x, η1 , η2 )) and thus

D2 w(x, x)((ξ1 , η1 ), (ξ2 , η2 )) = D2 (pr2 ◦G−1 )(x)((ξ1 , η1 ), (ξ2 , η2 ))  = pr2 D2 G−1 (x)((ξ1 , η1 ), (ξ2 , η2 )) = Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , η2 − ξ2 ).


Inserting into (7.14) we obtain the derivatives of


σ(t, x, x) = x (Dσ)(t, x, x)(ξ, η) = ξ + t(η − ξ) (D2 σ)(t, x, x)(e, f ) = (t − t2 )(Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , η2 − ξ2 ) σ 0 (t, x, x) = 0 (Dσ 0 )(t, x, x)(ξ, η) = η − ξ (D2 σ 0 )(t, x, x)(e, f ) = (1 − 2t)Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , η2 − ξ2 ) Now we calculate the derivatives of



by dierentiating (7.13):

(Dρ)(0) · e = 0

(Dρ)0 · e = −(Γ0 (σ) · Dσ · e)(σ 0 , ρ) − Γ(σ, Dσ 0 · e, ρ) − Γ(σ, σ 0 , Dρ · e)  2 (D ρ)(0) · (e, f ) = 0       (D2 ρ)0 (e, f ) = −(Γ00 (σ)(Dσ · e, Dσ · f ))(σ 0 , ρ)      − (Γ0 (σ) · D2 σ · (e, f ))(σ 0 , ρ)      − (Γ0 (σ) · Dσ · e)(Dσ 0 · f, ρ)      − (Γ0 (σ) · Dσ · e)(σ 0 , Dρ · f )   − (Γ0 (σ) · Dσ · f )(Dσ 0 · e, ρ)     − Γ(σ, D2 σ 0 · (e, f ), ρ)      − Γ(σ, Dσ 0 · e, Dρ · f )      − (Γ0 (σ) · Dσ · f )(σ 0 , Dρ · e)      − Γ(σ, Dσ 0 · f, Dρ · e)     − Γ(σ, σ 0 , D2 ρ · (e, f )) From this we nally obtain

ρ0 (t, x, x) = 0 ⇒

ρ(t, x, x) = ζ


(Dρ )(t, x, x)(ξ, η) = −Γ(x, η − ξ, ζ) ⇒

(Dρ)(t, x, x)(ξ, η) = −t · Γ(x, η − ξ, ζ)



Commutation relations

and furthermore

(D2 ρ0 )(t, x, x) · (e, f ) = −(Γ0 (x) · (ξ1 + t(η1 − ξ1 )))(η2 − ξ2 , ζ) − (Γ0 (x) · (ξ2 + t(η2 − ξ2 )))(η1 − ξ1 , ζ) − Γ(x, (1 − 2t)Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , η2 − ξ2 ), ζ) + Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , t · Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , ζ)) + Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , t · Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , ζ)) ⇒

t2 (η1 − ξ1 ) ))(η2 − ξ2 , ζ) 2 t2 (η2 − ξ2 ) − (Γ0 (x) · (tξ2 + ))(η1 − ξ1 , ζ) 2 − (t − t2 )Γ(x, Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , η2 − ξ2 ), ζ)

(D2 ρ)(t, x, x) · (e, f ) = −(Γ0 (x) · (tξ1 +

t2 · Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , ζ)) 2 t2 + · Γ(x, η2 − ξ2 , Γ(x, η1 − ξ1 , ζ)). 2 +


a(x, x)ζ = ρ(1, x, x, ζ) = ζ

we are done.

We now return to the proof of Theorem 7.3. For (i), is the derivative at


LX (q 7→ A(p, q)Z(p))(p)


X T FlX −t A(p, Flt p)Z(p). This means we have to dierentiate the local expression

Dα(−t, α(t, x))a(x, α(t, x))Z(x) which results in

− Dα0 (−t, α(t, x))a(x, α(t, x))Z(x) + D2 α(−t, α(t, x))X(α(t, x))a(x, α(t, x))Z(x) + Dα(−t, α(t, x))D2 a(x, α(t, x))X(α(t, x))Z(x) which by (7.10) and Lemma 7.6 at


evaluates to

−X 0 (x)Z(x) − Γ(x, X(x), Z(x)) = −∇Z X(x). As we can choose

X, Z,



freely this immediately implies that both

covariant derivatives are equal. This proves Theorem 7.3 (i).

F : U ×V ⊆ E1 ×E2 → F like D1 D2 F × E, F ) and we write D1 D2 F (x, y)(e1 , e2 )

Now to (ii). Higher derivatives of a map

D1 D2 F : U × V → ei ∈ Ei , i.e., the order of

are maps for

derivatives. 58

L2 (E

the arguments is the same as the order of the

LY (q 7→ LX×X A(p, q)Z(p))(p) is given by d X Y X T X FlX ·A(FlX t p, Flt Fls p) · Tp Flt ·V (p). dt t=0 Flt q −t

By equation (5.1)

d ds

T FlY−s


We will rst calculate the inner expression, which (setting

q := FlYs p)


is given


X X X TFlX FlX −t ·A(Flt p, Flt q) · Tp Flt ·V (p). t q

p, q ∈ U

Note that for

and (7.15) stay inside

and the modulus of



s, t small enough the

ows in (7.16)

thus we have for (7.16) the local expression

F (t, x, y) := Dα(−t, α(t, y))a(α(t, x), α(t, y)).Dα(t, x)Z(x) Here



(and below

derivative at


denotes the local ow of




respectively). The

of this is

D1 F (t, x, y) = −Dα0 (−t, α(t, y))a(α(t, x), α(t, y))Dα(t, x) + D2 α(−t, α(t, y))X(α(t, y))a(α(t, x), α(t, y))Dα(t, x)  + Dα(−t, α(t, y))Da(α(t, x), α(t, y)) X(α(t, x)), X(α(t, y)) Dα(t, x)  + Dα(−t, α(t, y))a(α(t, x), α(t, y))Dα0 (t, x) Z(x). Evaluating at


we obtain by (7.10) that

F 0 (0, x, y)


 −X 0 (y)a(x, y) + Da(x, y)(X(x), X(y)) + a(x, y)X 0 (x) Z(x). Note that for

y = β(t, x);

x = y

this expression vanishes by Lemma 7.6.

then (7.15) is locally given by the derivative at


Now we set of

G(s, x) := Dβ(−s, β(s, x)) −X 0 (β(s, x))a(x, β(s, x))  + Da(x, β(s, x))(X(x), X(β(s, x)) + a(x, β(s, x))X 0 (x) Z(x). The derivative of this with respect to



D1 G0 (s, x, y) = − Dβ 0 (−s, β(s, x))F 0 (0, x, β(s, x))+ + D2 β(−s, β(s, x))Y (β(s, x))F 0 (0, x, β(s, x)) + Dβ(−s, β(s, x)) · −X 00 (β(s, x))Y (β(s, x))a(x, β(s, x)) − X 0 (β(s, x))D2 a(x, β(s, x))Y (β(s, x)) + D2 a(x, β(s, x)) (X(x), X(β(s, x))), (0, Y (β(s, x)))

+ Da(x, β(s, x))(0, X 0 (β(s, x))Y (β(s, x)))  + D2 a(x, β(s, x))Y (β(s, x))X 0 (x) Z(x)



Commutation relations

and at


the rst two terms vanish, while for the rest we obtain

D1 G0 (0, x) = (−X 00 Y − X 0 D2 aY + D2 a((X, Y ), (0, Y )) + D2 aX 0 Y + D2 aY X 0 )Z which by Lemma 7.6 equals

− X 00 Y Z + X 0 Γ(Y, Z) − 1/2 Γ0 · (X + Y )(Y, Z) + (Γ0 · Y )(Y − X, Z)  − Γ(Y − X, Γ(Y, Z)) − Γ(Y, Γ(Y − X, Z)) − Γ(X 0 Y, Z) − Γ(Y, X 0 Z) = −X 00 Y Z + X 0 Γ(Y, Z) − (Γ0 · Y )(Y, Z) + Γ(Y, Γ(Y, Z))  − 1/2 (Γ0 · X)(Y, Z) − (Γ0 · Y )(X, Z) + Γ(X, Γ(Y, Z)) + Γ(Y, Γ(X, Z)) − Γ(X 0 Y, Z) − Γ(Y, X 0 Z).


X , Y , Z , and x.


By assumption, this vanishes for all possible choices of



(Γ0 · Y )(Y, Z) = Γ(Y, Γ(Y, Z)) and, applying this formula to

Γ0 · (X + Y )(X + Y, Z) for any X, Y, Z

we obtain

(Γ0 · X)(Y, Z) + (Γ0 · Y )(X, Z) = Γ(X, Γ(Y, Z)) + Γ(Y, Γ(X, Z)) and thus, inserting this into (7.17)

−X 00 Y Z + X 0 Γ(Y, Z) − (Γ0 · X)(Y, Z) − Γ(X 0 Y, Z) − Γ(Y, X 0 Z) = 0 for all choices of

X, Y, Z, x.

(Γ0 · X)(Y, Z) = 0, thus Γ0 = 0 and we can drop this term. Then, choosing X such that X 0 = id around x implies Γ(Y, Z) = 0. It remains that X 00 Y Z = 0, which clearly cannot hold r for arbitrary X, Y, Z . This proves the assertion that ιs cannot commute with Choosing


constant in a neighborhood of

arbitrary Lie derivatives. We thus established Theorem 7.3.




Part II

Topology and tensor products of section spaces


Chapter 8

Introduction to Part II This part is devoted to introducing topologies on spaces of sections of vector bundles appropriate for dening distributions on manifolds. Furthermore, we endow their tensor product with a suitable topology such that the following become bornological isomorphisms:

Γ(E ⊗ F ) ∼ = Γ(E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) Γc,K (E ⊗ F ) ∼ = Γc,K (E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) ∼ Γc (E ⊗ F ) = Γc (E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) In the beginning we will review inductive locally convex topologies and nal convex bornologies dened by bilinear maps. Then the bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex resp. bounded modules are dened and their usual algebraic properties in the topological resp. bornological setting are established. We will then describe the natural Fréchet topology on spaces of sections and show that some usual algebraic isomorphisms for spaces of sections are homeomorphisms as well. Finally, we establish the above bornological isomorphisms and are able to obtain the bornological isomorphisms

Ds0r (M ) ∼ = (Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ))0 ∼ (T s (M ), D0 (M )) = Lb ∞ ∼ =

C (M ) r Tsr (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M )

D0 (M ).

We will see that the bornological tensor product has to be preferred to the projective tensor product for our purposes: it has better algebraic properties (it commutes with direct limits), we can use the exponential law for spaces of bounded linear functions, and multiplication of distributions by smooth functions is jointly bounded but only separately continuous.


Chapter 9

Preliminaries In this chapter we will lay down notation and give some background on the inductive locally convex topology and the nal convex bornology on a vector space. Often these are dened with respect to linear maps only, but we need them for the canonical bilinear map

⊗: E × F → E ⊗ F.

9.1 Notation All locally convex spaces are over the eld

K which is either R or C, and will be

assumed to be Hausdor. In the non-Hausdor case we speak of a topological vector space with locally convex topology. We refer to [Jar81, Sch71, Tre76] for notions of topological vector spaces, to [HN77] for notions of bornological spaces, and to [Lan99] for notions of dierential geometry. We will use the following notation:

E1 , . . . , En , and F , L(E1 , . . . , En ; F ) is the space n-multilinear mappings from E1 × . . . × En to F . We write L(E, F ) ∗ instead of L(E; F ). F = L(F, K) denotes the algebraic dual of F .

1. For any vector spaces of all

2. For any locally convex spaces

E1 , . . . , En , and F , Lb (E1 , . . . , En ; F ) is the

space of bounded multilinear mappings as in [KM97, Section 5], equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets ([Sch71, Chapter III Ÿ3]).

Lc (E1 , . . . , En ; F )

is the subspace of all continuous such

mappings, equipped with the subspace topology. 3.

E 0 = Lc (E, K) denotes the topological dual with the strong dual topology ([Tre76, Chapter 19]) (i.e., uniform convergence on bounded sets).

R-modules M1 , . . . , Mn , and N , LR (M1 , . . . , Mn , N ) is the space R-multilinear mappings from M1 × . . . × Mn to N .

4. For any of

5. For any locally convex

R-modules M1 , . . . , Mn , and N (as in Denition LbR (M1 , . . . , Mn , N ) ⊆ Lb (M1 , . . . , Mn , N ) is

10.3 below), the subspace




R-multilinear mappings from M1 × . . . × Mn to N , equipped with the subspace topology. We also equip the subspace LcR (E1 , . . . , En ; F ) ⊆ LbR (E1 , . . . , En ; F ) of all continuous such mappings

the space of bounded

with the subspace topology. In all the above cases the subspace topology is again the topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets.

9.2 Inductive locally convex topologies (Ej )j∈J of topological vector spaces (where J is any index set), a vector space E , and linear maps Sj : Ej → E for each j , there is a nest linear topology on E such that all the Sj are continuous. A linear map T from E endowed with this topology into any topological vector space F is continuous if and only if all compositions T ◦ Sj are continuous. It is well known ([Jar81, Section 4.1]) that given a family

Ej , E , and F are locally convex the nest locally Sj are continuous (called the inductive locally convex topology) has the property that a linear map T : E → F into any topological vector space F with locally convex topology is continuous if and only if all the T ◦ Sj are continuous ([Jar81, Section 6.6]). Similarly, if the topologies of convex topology on

Now let





such that all

be locally convex spaces.

topology on the tensor product


One prominent way to put a

is to take the nest locally convex

topology such that the canonical bilinear map

⊗ : E×F → E⊗F

is continuous,

in other words the inductive locally convex topology dened by this map. This is commonly called the projective tensor topology.


with this topology

has the property that it linearizes continuous bilinear mappings [Jar81, 5.1 Theorem 2]. Now in [Jar81, Tre76] this topology is not treated satisfactorily for our purposes:

In [Jar81, Section 15.1]


is endowed with the nest topology (not

locally convex topology) which makes

continuous, and it is claimed

that this topology is locally convex by referring to a Proposition about the projective topology, which does not apply here as we are instead dealing with the inductive locally convex topology dened by is well-known, the nest topology which makes



continuous need not

be a linear topology ([Jar81, 5.7 G]) and the inductive linear topology need not be locally convex. Furthermore, for the inductive locally convex topology the universal property is only mentioned for linear mappings

Sj :

if a vector space


carries the inductive locally convex topology de-

Sj : Ej → E from any topological vector spaces E , a linear map T ∈ L(E, F ) is conall T ◦ Sj are continuous. But for the projective

ned by linear mappings


with locally convex topology into

tinuous if and only if 66


Inductive locally convex topologies

tensor product we need the inductive topology with respect to the bilin-

ear mapping

⊗: E × F → E ⊗ F.

While [Tre76] takes the nest locally convex topology on that



is continuous, [Tre76, Proposition 43.4] only shows that there is

E ⊗ F such that for any locally convex space Lc (E × F, G) ∼ = Lc (E ⊗ F ; G)  but not that topology on E ⊗ F has this property.

at most one topology on


there is an isomorphism

the projective tensor

We will therefore treat this topology as well as its universal property in some more detail. We will use the fact that the preimage of a linear or locally convex topology is a topology of the same type. As it will turn out, the projective tensor product will not be suited to our applications; in fact, one reason for this is that multiplication of distributions by smooth functions is bounded (Lemma 13.3) while it is not jointly continuous.

The other reason is that the bornological tensor product has better

algebraic properties (it has a right adjoint) than the topological tensor product, so Lemma 12.2 works only in the bornological setting. Thus we will also have to consider the bornological tensor product, which we will introduce from the topological and the bornological point of view.

Lemma 9.1.

(i) Let



be a set and

a family of subsets of

family of all nite intersections of elements of is a basis of the coarsest topology on





together with

such that all sets in


Then the

is a subbasis of this topology, which we say to be generated by

(ii) Let


be a set,

map for each



a topological space with basis

in some index set

A :=



Uj ,




are open.


Tj : E → Ej



{Tj−1 (Uj ) : Uj ∈ Uj }

j generates the coarsest topology It suces to take for each (iii) A map



are linear,

Tj ◦ S




such that all



is a topological vector space,


are linear,


are continuous.

(E, Ti )

is continuous if and



is a vector space, and the


is a linear topology.

(v) If the topology of each



a subbasis instead of a basis.

from any topological space

only if all (iv) If each




is locally convex,


is a vector space, and the

is locally convex.

is called the projective topology dened by the family

(Tj )j .




Proof. (i) is well known. (ii): [Eng89, Proposition 1.4.8]. (iii): [Eng89, Proposition 1.4.9].


[Jar81, 2.4 Proposition 1].


[Jar81, 6.6 Proposition


Lemma 9.2.


(Ej )j

be a family of topological vector spaces resp. topological

vector spaces with locally convex topologies, any map for each


a vector space, and

(i) There is a nest linear resp. locally convex topology all


Sj : Ej → E

j. Tl



such that

are continuous.

(ii) A linear map




into any topological vector space resp. into any

vector space with a locally convex topology is continuous if and only if all

T ◦ Sj Proof. (i)

are so.


is obtained as the projective topology dened by the identities

T on E such that the Sj T . (ii) Given (F, T ) with T a linear resp. locally convex −1 (T )) → (F, T ) is continuous, all S are continuous into topology, T : (E, T j −1 (T ) because S −1 (T −1 (T )) = (T ◦ the linear resp. locally convex topology T j Sj )−1 (T ) is a family of open sets by assumption, thus Tl is ner than T −1 (T ) −1 (T )) → (F, T ) is continuous. and T : (E, Tl ) → (E, T



into all linear resp. locally convex topologies

are continuous w.r.t.


is called the inductive topology dened by the

(Sj )j .

9.3 Final convex bornologies Our main results will be of a bornological nature which is why we will also mention the construction of nal bornologies. The standard reference [HN77] for bornologies only denes nal convex bornologies with respect to linear maps. The construction can easily be generalized to arbitrary maps; we will ll in some details along the route which were omitted in [HN77]. The proof of the following is straightforward from the denitions.

Lemma 9.3.



be a set and

base for a bornology on (i)







is a vector space,

additionally it satises





is a


(ii) every nite union of elements of If

a family of subset of

if and only if



is contained in a member of

is a base for a vector bornology on


B0 .

if and only if


(iii) every nite sum of elements of


Final convex bornologies

is contained in a member of

(iv) every homothetic image (scalar multiple) of an element of tained in a member of

B0 ,

B0 ,


is con-


(v) every circled hull of an element of


is contained in a member of


and it is a base for a convex bornology on

B0 .

if and only if it satises (i)-(v)

as well as (iv) every convex hull of elements of


is contained in a member of

Lemma 9.4. family

Let X be a set and A be any D := A ∪ { {x} | x ∈ X }. Then:

(i) A base of the bornology generated by elements of (ii) If



family of subsets of



B0 .

Dene the

is given by all nite unions of

is a vector space a base of the vector bornology generated by

given by all subsets of


which can be obtained from elements of


is by

any nite combination of nite sums, nite unions, homothetic images, and circled hulls. (iii) If


is a vector space a base of the convex bornology generated by

given by all subsets of


which can be obtained from elements of


is by

any nite combination of nite sums, nite unions, homothetic images, circled hulls, and convex hulls. Proof. Let elements of


B0 be the family of all subsets of X which can be obtained from D by the respective operations in (i),(ii), and (iii). By Lemma 9.3

is a base for a bornology (resp. vector bornology resp. convex bornology)





Any bornology (resp. vector bornology resp. convex bornology)


has to contain



This means that



in order to construct

B0 , B0

is a base of the bornology (resp. vector

bornology resp. convex bornology) generated by containing


and because it is closed under the same

operations which are applied to elements of is ner than


A ).


(i.e., of the nest bornology

Proposition 9.5. Let X be a set and (Xi , Bi ) bornological sets with mappings vSi : Xi → X . Let Bf be the bornology on X generated by the family A = i∈I vi (Bi ). Then Bf is the nest bornology on X such that all vi are bounded. A mapping v from (X, Bf ) into a bornological set (Y, C ) is bounded if and only if all compositions v ◦ vi are bounded. The same holds analogously for the vector (resp. convex) bornology on a vector space


generated by

bornological space

(Y, C ).


and a linear map


into a vector (resp. convex)




C Bf

Proof. Any bornology (resp. vector bornology resp. convex bornology) such that the


are bounded has to contain


i vi (Bi ).

By denition



is the

nest bornology (resp. vector bornology resp. convex bornology) containing this set so


is the nest bornology such that all


are bounded.

v ◦ vi trivially are so. Conversely, assume that all the v ◦ vi (Y, C ). Let Cf be the bornology (resp. vector bornology S resp. convex bornology) on Y generated by v ◦ v (B i i ). Because Cf is ner i than C it suces to show that v is bounded into Cf . As v is linear it maps the base of Bf given by Lemma 9.4 to a base of Cf , which implies that v is bounded into Cf . If


is bounded the

are bounded into

We call by the


the nal bornology (resp. vector resp. convex bornology) dened

vi .

Given any locally convex topology bornology. Conversely, a convex bornology





we denote by



its von Neumann

denotes the locally convex topology associated with

([HN77, 4:1]). Whenever we talk of boundedness of a

mapping from or into a topological vector space with locally convex topology this is meant with respect to its von Neumann bornology.

9.4 Relations between bornology and topology Lemma 9.6.

Let (E, T ) be a topological vector space with locally convex topolf : E → F an arbitrary map into a vector space F . Denote by Tf the nest locally convex topology on F such that f is bounded and by Bf the nest t convex bornology on F which makes f bounded. Then Tf = Bf .

ogy and

t Proof. We show that f is bounded into Bf , which implies that Tf is ner t than Bf . Given a bounded set B in (E, T ) its image f (B) is bounded in Bf by assumption. As t Bf is the nest locally convex topology such that t the identity (F, Bf ) → (F, Bf ) is bounded ([HN77, 4:1]), f (B) is bounded in t Bf . Conversely, the identity (F, Bf ) → (F, Tf ) is bounded if and only if the map f : (E, T ) → (F, Tf ) is bounded, which is the case by construction, thus Bf b is ner than Tf . By denition of the locally convex topology associated with t a convex bornology ([HN77, 4:1'2]) Bf is ner than Tf . By [HN77, 4:1'5 Denition (2) and Lemma (2)] we obtain

Corollary 9.7.

In the situation of Lemma 9.6,


is bornological.

We recall that a bornological vector space is separated if and only if the subspace



is Mackey-closed ([HN77, 2:11 Proposition (1)]).


Lemma 9.8.

(E, T )


Relations between bornology and topology

(E, T ) be a vector space with (E, b T ) is separated.

locally convex topology.

Proof. We have to show that if the constant sequence




is Hausdor then

x = 0.


converges Mackey to

By [HN77, 1:4'2 Proposition (1)] this means that there exists

B of E such that x ∈ ε · B for all ε > 0. As each 0-neighborhood U in T absorbs B there is some λ > 0 such that x ∈ ε · B ⊆ ελ · U for all ε, which implies x ∈ U and hence x = 0 because T

a circled bounded subset circled

is Hausdor.


Chapter 10

Tensor product of locally convex modules 10.1 Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex spaces We will need the following denitions of the tensor product of locally convex spaces as in [KM97, 5.7] and [Tre76, Denition 43.2].

Denition 10.1.

The bornological resp. projective tensor product of two lo-

cally convex spaces




is the algebraic tensor product


of vector

spaces equipped with the nest locally convex topology such that the canonical map

(x, y) → x ⊗ y

resulting space is By Corollary 9.7

E × F into E ⊗ F is bounded denoted by E ⊗β F resp. E ⊗π F . from

E ⊗β F

is bornological.

E ⊗π F

resp. continuous. The

and thus

dor ([Jar81, 15.1 Proposition 3]). For any locally convex

E ⊗β F are Hausspace G there are

bornological isomorphisms of locally convex spaces

Lb (E ⊗β F, G) ∼ = Lb (E, F ; G) ∼ = Lb (E, Lb (F, G))


where the rst isomorphism is given by the transpose of the canonical bilinear map

⊗ : E × F → E ⊗β F

and the second one by the exponential law ([KM97,

5.7]). Consequently, a bilinear map associated linear map

E ⊗β F → G

E×F →G

is bounded if and only if the

is bounded.

For the projective tensor product however the algebraic isomorphism of vector spaces ([Tre76, Proposition 43.4])

Lc (E ⊗π F, G) ∼ = Lc (E, F ; G) given by the transpose of the canonical map

not continuous and

Lc (E, F ; G)


⊗ : E × F → E ⊗π F in general is Lc (E, Lc (F, G)). E ⊗π F

is not isomorphic to

has the universal property for continuous bilinear mappings, i.e., a bilinear map

E × F → G is continuous if and only if the associated linear map E ⊗π F → G is continuous.



Tensor product of locally convex modules

10.2 Vector space structures on rings and modules K a eld, and ι : K → R any mapping. Dene the K on R (scalar multiplication) by the map K×R → R, (λ, r) 7→ ι(λ)·r. It is easily seen that this action turns R into a vector space over K if and only if ι is a ring homomorphism. By [Bou70, I Ÿ9.1 Theorem 2] the subring ι(K) of R then is a eld and ι is an isomorphism of K onto ι(K). Consequently, R is a unital algebra over K which is associative if K is commutative.



be a nonzero ring,

action of

Denition 10.2.

We call a locally convex space

multiplication map

A × A → A a bounded




with a bilinear

algebra resp. a locally convex algebra

if this multiplication is bounded resp. continuous. We will only be concerned with the case



K = C,

thus by an algebra

from now on we will always mean an associative and unital algebra over such algebra




injectively via the ring homomorphism

λ 7→ λ · 1. This turns every module M over A into ι(K) of A and hence into a vector space over K.

Denition 10.3. K.

A left


A-module M


K. Any ι : K → A,

a module over the subring

be a bounded (resp. locally convex) algebra over

carrying a topology


which is locally convex with

respect to the vector space structure induced by the subring


is called a

bounded left module resp. a locally convex left module if module multiplication

A×M → M

is bounded (resp. continuous) with respect to


The denition

for right modules is analogous.

Remark 10.4. It is equivalent to dene a bounded (resp. locally convex) left

A as a topological vector space M with locally convex topology together with a Z-bilinear bounded (resp. continuous) mapping A × M → M , (a, m) 7→ a · m such that a · (b · m) = (ab) · m and 1 · m = m.




10.3 Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex modules We will from now on assume that the algebra is necessary for the tensor product

M ⊗K N/J0




K in its center. This A and the quotient

of modules over

as below to be a vector space.

A-module, and N a left bounded N -module. Dene J0 as the sub-Z-module of M ⊗K N generated by all elements of the form ma ⊗ n − m ⊗ an with a ∈ A, m ∈ M , and n ∈ N . The vector spaces M ⊗A N and (M ⊗K N )/J0 are isomorphic [Cap96, Theorem




M ⊗A N

be a bounded algebra over

K, M

a right bounded

I.5.1], but in order to obtain a Hausdor space we need to take the quotient with respect to the closure






M ⊗β N .

Because the vector space


Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex modules


operations are continuous


is a sub-Z-module of

M ⊗β N

and we dene the


M ⊗βA N := (M ⊗β N )/J

which is a vector space because

K is contained in the center of A.

We endow it

with the quotient topology, which is locally convex and Hausdor. Denoting by


the quotient map we have a canonical bilinear map

⊗βA := q ◦ ⊗ : M × N → M ⊗βA N. Similarly, if

A, M, N

are taken to be locally convex instead of bounded, we

denote the resulting space by

M ⊗πA N

with corresponding map

⊗πA :

M ⊗πA N := (M ⊗π N )/J ⊗πA := q ◦ ⊗ : M × N → M ⊗πA N.

Denition 10.5.

M ⊗βA N resp. M ⊗πA N M and N over A.

We call

jective tensor product of

By [Jar81, 13.5 Prop. 1 (b)]

M ⊗βA N

the bornological resp. pro-

is bornological. These spaces have the

following universal properties.

Proposition 10.6. module over






be a right module over an algebra

any locally convex space. If

M, N,


A, N a left A are locally

convex then: (i) Given a continuous K-linear mapping g : f := g ◦ ⊗πA is continuous, K-bilinear and (ii) Given a continuous

M ⊗πA N → E , A-balanced.

the mapping

A-balanced K-bilinear mapping f : M × N → E there K-linear mapping g : M ⊗πA N → E such that

exists a unique continuous f = g ◦ ⊗πA .

This gives a vector space isomorphism

LA,c (M, N ; E) ∼ = Lc (M ⊗πA N, E). If

M, N,




are bounded then:

π (iii) Given any bounded K-linear mapping g : M ⊗A N π f := g ◦ ⊗A is bounded, K-bilinear, and A-balanced. (iv) Given a bounded

→ E,

the mapping

A-balanced K-bilinear mapping f : M × N → E there K-linear mapping g : M ⊗πA N → E such that

exists a unique bounded f = g ◦ ⊗πA .



Tensor product of locally convex modules

This gives a vector space isomorphism

LA,b (M, N ; E) ∼ = Lb (M ⊗πA N, E).


Proof. (i) and (iii) are trivial.

f˜ in ⊗π N, G) ⊗β N, G) such that f = f˜◦ ⊗. Noting that M ⊗β N ˜ is bornological, f is continuous in both cases and thus vanishes on J , whence β π there exists a unique linear mapping g from M ⊗A N resp. M ⊗A N into E β π such that f = g ◦ q ◦ ⊗ which equals g ◦ ⊗A resp. f = g ◦ ⊗A , where q is the projection onto the quotient. Clearly g is continuous resp. bounded by

For (ii) and (iv) we obtain from (10.2) resp. (10.1) a unique mapping

Lc (M

b resp. L (M

denition. It is furthermore easily veried that the correspondence

f ! g

is a vector

space isomorphism. In order to show that the isomorphism (10.4) in Proposition 10.6 is bornological we need the following Lemma.

Lemma 10.7. Let E be a bornological locally convex space, N a closed subspace of




an arbitrary locally convex space. Then there is a bornological


Lb (E/N, F ) ∼ = {T ∈ Lb (E, F ) : N ⊆ ker T }

where the latter space is equipped with the subspace topology.

p : E → E/N the canonical projection. As to the algebraic ˜ ◦ p is in Lb (E, F ) and vanishes part, for T ∈ L (E/N, F ) the map T := T ˜ such that on N ; conversely, given such T there exists a unique linear map T T = T˜ ◦ p. Now T is continuous (equivalently bounded) if and only if T˜ is ˜ are inverse to each ([Tre76, Proposition 4.6]). The correspondences T ! T ∗ other and linear because the transpose p of p is linear. ∗ ˜ ⊆ Lb (E/N, F ) be bounded and set B := p∗ (B) ˜ . For boundedness of p let B ˜ Let D ⊆ E be bounded and V a 0-neighborhood in F . Then D := p(D) ⊆ E/N is bounded so there exists λ > 0 such that Proof. Denote by b ˜

˜ ⊆ λ · { T˜ ∈ Lb (E/N, F ) : T˜(D) ˜ ⊆V } B and thus

˜ ⊆V } B ⊆ λ · { p∗ (T˜) : T˜ ∈ Lb (E/N, F ), T˜(D) ⊆ λ · { T ∈ Lb (E/N, F ) : N ⊆ ker T, T (D) ⊆ V }. which implies that

ker T } 76


is bounded. Conversely, let

be bounded and set

˜ := B

(p∗ )−1 (B)

B ⊆ {T ∈ Lb (E, F ) : N ⊆ ˜ ⊆ E/N D

Lb (E/N, F ). Let


Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex modules

be bounded and subsets of







form a basis of the bornology of


bounded set

such that

˜ ⊆ p(D). D

Because the images of bounded


([HN77, 2:7]) there exists a

By assumption there is




B ⊆ λ · {T ∈ Lb (E, F ) : N ⊆ ker T, T (D) ⊆ V } and thus

˜ ⊆ λ · { (p∗ )−1 (T ) : T ∈ Lb (E, F ), N ⊆ ker T, T (D) ⊆ V } B ˜ ⊆ V }. ⊆ λ · { T˜ ∈ Lb (E/N, F ) : T˜(D)

Corollary 10.8.



be a right bounded module and


a left bounded mod-

A, and let E be any locally convex space. Then β (M, N ; E) ∼ = Lb (M ⊗A N, E) of Proposition 10.6 is a

ule over a bounded algebra A,b

the isomorphism


bornological isomorphism. These spaces furthermore are bornologically isob b morphic to LA (M, L (N, E)). Proof. The rst isomorphism of (10.1) restricts to a bornological isomorphism

LA,b (M, N ; E) ∼ = { T ∈ Lb (M ⊗β N, E) : J ⊆ ker T }. Together with Lemma 10.7 this gives the rst result. we note that

Lb (N, E)

has a canonical right


For the second claim structure with respect

to which the exponential law for spaces of linear bounded maps [KM97, 5.7] gives an isomorphism

LA,b (M, N ; E) ∼ = LbA (M, Lb (N, E))

which obviously is

bounded in both directions. The tensor product can also be constructed in a dierent way. Remember that as

K is in the center of A, E⊗A F

has a canonical vector space structure [Bou70,

II Ÿ3.6 Remark (2)]). In the following Lemma, the separated vector bornology associated with a vector bornology is dened as the quotient bornology with respect to the Mackey closure


Lemma 10.9.









([HN77, 2:12 Denition (2)]).



(i) The Hausdor space associated with the algebraic tensor product

M ⊗A N

endowed with the nest locally convex topology such that the canonical π map ⊗ : M × N → M ⊗A N is continuous is homeomorphic to M ⊗A N . (ii) The separated bornological vector space associated with the algebraic tensor product

M ⊗A N endowed with the nest convex bornology such that ⊗ is bounded is bornologically isomorphic to M ⊗βA N .

the canonical map



Tensor product of locally convex modules

Proof. (i) Let

p : M ⊗A N → (M ⊗A N )/{0}

denote the canonical projection

onto the quotient space, which is Hausdor.

/ M ⊗A N nnn n n g˜ nn n p ⊗π A nnn n n   wnnn f / M ⊗πA N o (M ⊗A N )/{0} g

M ×N

Let f be the continuous linear map induced by the continuous bilinear map p ◦ ⊗. ⊗πA induces a continuous linear map g˜, which is continuous (and thus its kernel contains the closure of {0}); hence there exists a linear continuous map g with g ◦ p = g ˜. In order to see that f and g are inverse to each other, π we note that as p is surjective and the images of ⊗ resp. ⊗A generate M ⊗A N π resp. M ⊗A N it suces to have the identities

f ◦ g ◦ p ◦ ⊗ = f ◦ ⊗πA = p ◦ ⊗ g ◦ f ◦ ⊗πA = g ◦ p ◦ ⊗ = ⊗πA thus we are done.


⊗βA and continuous by bounded in (i). β Apply Lemma 9.8 to see that M ⊗A N is a separated bornological space, and use [HN77, 2:12 Proposition (2)] for obtaining g . (ii) Replace






is commutative




M ⊗βA N



with the action given by

Proposition 10.10.



M ⊗πA N has a canonical structure a · (m ⊗πA n) := (ma) ⊗πA n.

is commutative then

bounded resp. locally convex

M ⊗βA N


of an

M ⊗πA N

is a


Proof. For the bounded case see [KM97, 5.21]. For the continuous case, following the proof of [Cap96, Proposition II.2.2] we have the following diagram.


/ A ⊗π M ⊗π N I 6 m m || | ⊗ mmmm || mm mmm || | mmm | θ π / A × M ⊗π N ||| / A×M ⊗π N A × M ⊗bDπ N X A {0}×J | g ˜ X XXXXX DD || XXXXX DD || XXXXX | DD M XXXXX || DD f XXXXX  }|| DD XX, DD M ⊗πA N id ×⊗ DDD l5 l l DD g lll DD l ⊗ lll DD l l ll

A ⊗π (M ⊗π N )

A×M ×N



Bornological and projective tensor product of locally convex modules

M ⊗πA N

M(a, m⊗πA n) := am⊗πA n. It is easily seen that there is a isomorphism of locally convex spaces θ : (A×M ⊗π N )/({0}×J) → A×M ⊗πA N . The map g(a, m, n) := am⊗πA n is continuous and trilinear, thus it induces a continuous map g ˜ such that g˜(a⊗m⊗n) = am⊗πA n. Dene f as the continuous map g ˜ ◦ϕ◦⊗, where ϕ is the canonical isomorphism as in the diagram. It is easily veried that f = M ◦ θ ◦ π on the image of A × M × N under the continuous map id ×⊗, which generates A × M ⊗π N , thus f = M ⊗ θ ◦ π on the whole space. As π is the quotient map, M is continuous because f is.

Multiplication on

Corollary 10.11.



is dened by the map

is commutative then the isomorphism (10.3) resp.

(10.4) induces, for any bounded resp. locally convex


A-modules M , N ,


a bornological isomorphism

β LbA (M, N ; P ) ∼ = LbA (M ⊗A N, P ) and an algebraic isomorphism

LcA (M, N ; P ) ∼ = LcA (M ⊗πA N, P ).

Proposition 10.12. continuous) Then

f ⊗g



f : M → M0


g : N → N0

be bounded (resp.

maps between bounded (resp. locally convex)


is bounded (resp. continuous).

Proof. As the mapping

(m, n) 7→ f (m) ⊗ g(n)


M ×N


M 0 ⊗A N 0

A-bilinear and bounded (resp. continuous) the corresponding A-linear map f ⊗ g from M ⊗βA N to M 0 ⊗βA N 0 (resp. from M ⊗πA N to M 0 ⊗πA N 0 ) such that (f ⊗ g)(m ⊗ n) = f (m) ⊗ g(n) is bounded (resp. continuous).


The following is an analogue of [KM97, Proposition 5.8].

Lemma 10.13.

If every bounded bilinear mapping on M ×N into an arbitrary β π locally convex space is continuous then M ⊗A N = M ⊗A N .

β Proof. By construction, the topology of M ⊗A N is ner than the topology β π π of M ⊗A N : the identity M ⊗A N → M ⊗A N is continuous if and only if β it is bounded (as M ⊗A N is bornological), which is the case if and only if id ◦⊗βA = ⊗πA is bounded, but this map is even continuous.

M × NM MMM π MM⊗MA ⊗β MMM A M&  id / M ⊗π N β o M ⊗A N A id



Tensor product of locally convex modules

Conversely, the identity

id ◦⊗πA


M ⊗πA N → M ⊗βA N

is continuous if and only if

⊗βA is continuous, which is the case by assumption because it is

bounded and bilinear. By [KM97, Proposition 5.8] the assumption of Lemma 10.13 is satised if and


are metrizable, or if


continuous bilinear mapping on





are bornological and every separately is continuous.

Chapter 11

Topology on section spaces We will now dene a suitable topology on the space of sections of a nite dimensional vector bundle. All manifolds


are supposed to be nite dimensional, second countable, and

Hausdor. For any open subset 1. each 2. 3.






a sequence of sets


such that

is compact,

is contained in the interior of



Ki+1 ,



i=1 Ki

is called a compact exhaustion of


(E, k k) a Banach space. The space C ∞ (Ω, E) of all smooth functions from Ω to E has the usual Fréchet structure ([Tre76, Chapter 40]). Dening the seminorms pK,k (for K ⊆ Ω compact and k ∈ N0 ) ∞ on C (Ω, E) by pK,k := max k∂ α f (x)k


Ω ⊆ Rn

be open and


C ∞ (Ω, E) has as basis of continuous seminorms the family | n ∈ N, k ∈ N0 } where (Kn )n is a xed compact exhaustion of Ω. This

the topology of

{ pKn ,k

topology evidently does not depend on the choice of the compact exhaustion. Let


be an


manifold with atlas

{(Ui , ϕi )}i

be a trivializing covering of

[Lan99, Chapter III]). Denote by and


π: E → M a space E. Let

m-dimensional Banach E (for the terminology used here see Γ(E) the space of sections of E . For any i

vector bundle whose typical ber is the

{(Vj , τj )}j


a section

s ∈ Γ(E)

has local representation

sUi ,Vj := pr2 ◦τj ◦ s|Ui ∩Vj ◦ (ϕi |Ui ∩Vj )−1 ∈ C ∞ (ϕi (Ui ∩ Vj ), E).



Topology on section spaces

This is illustrated by the following diagram.

π −1 (Ui ∩ Vj ) O

PPP PPPτj PPP PPP ' / Ui ∩ V j × E Ui ∩ Vj O s

ϕ−1 i


ϕi (Ui ∩ Vj ) Γ(E)

sUi ,Vj

is endowed with the projective topology



with respect to the linear


Γ(E) 3 s 7→ sUi ,Vj ∈ C ∞ (ϕi (Ui ∩ Vj ), E) (for all

i, j )

which turns it into a complete locally convex topological vector

pUi ,Vj ,K,k (s) := s ∈ Γ(E). The topology TE has as basis of continuous seminorms the family PE given by all pUi ,Vj ,Kn ,k for k ∈ N0 , (Kn )n a compact exhaustion of Ui ∩ Vj , and all i and j . As for each s ∈ Γ(E) \ {0} there is some p ∈ PE such that p(s) > 0, TE is Hausdor by [Jar81, Section 2.7 Proposition space by [Sch71, II 5.3]. For a description by seminorms we set

pϕi (K),k (sUi ,Vj )



Proposition 11.1.


is independent of the atlas, the trivializing covering,

and the compact exhaustions.

˜k , ϕ˜k )}k and let E have trivializ{(Ui , ϕi )}i and {(U ˜ ing coverings {(Vj , τj )}j and {(Vl , τ ˜l )}l . This gives rise to topologies TE resp. T˜E on Γ(E). For continuity of the identity map (Γ(E), TE ) → (Γ(E), T˜E ) it ˜k ∩ V˜l , ˜ m )m of U suces to show that for all k, l and compact exhaustions (K and all m, p there is a continuous seminorm p of (Γ(E), TE ) such that Proof. Let


have atlases

pU˜k ,V˜l ,K˜ m ,p (s) ≤ p(s).


˜ m is contained in some Ui ∩ Vj . As K ˜ m as the disjoint the open sets Ui ∩ Vj form an open cover of M we can write K a,b ˜ m ⊂⊂ Ui(a) ∩ Vj(b) ∩ U ˜k ∩ V˜l . Assuming that (11.1) union of nitely many K holds in this case there are continuous seminorms pa,b of TE such that First, we show that we can assume that


˜ ˜ a,b k ,Vl ,Km ,p

(s) ≤ pa,b (s)

for all a, b. We take the maximum over all a, b on both sides and obtain pU˜k ,V˜l ,K˜ m ,p on the left side and a continuous seminorm p on the right side. ˜ m ⊂⊂ Ui ∩ Vj ∩ U ˜k ∩ V˜l for some i, j, k, l. Thus we may assume that K := K


The left side of (11.1) is then given by

sup |α|≤p x∈ϕ ˜k (K) For

x ∈ ϕ˜k (K)


∂ sU˜k ,V˜l (x) .

we then write

τl ◦ τj−1 (ϕ˜−1 sU˜k ,V˜l (x) = pr2 ◦˜ ˜−1 k (x), sUi ,Vj ◦ ϕi ◦ ϕ k (x)) = (˜ τl ◦ τj−1 )ϕ˜−1 (x) (sUi ,Vj ◦ ϕi ◦ ϕ˜−1 k (x)) k

(˜ τl ◦τj−1 )ϕ−1 (x) is a transition map and the function x 7→ (˜ τl ◦τj−1 )ϕ˜−1 (x) is k k ˜k ) to L(E, E). By the product rule we obtain for ∂ α s ˜ ˜ (x) smooth from ϕ ˜k (U where

U k ,V l

terms of the form

∂ β [x 7→ (˜ τl ◦ τj−1 )ϕ˜−1 (x) ] · ∂ γ [x 7→ sUi ,Vj (ϕi ◦ ϕ˜−1 k (x))] k

for some multi-indices

β, γ .

Taking the supremum over

x ∈ ϕ˜k (K),

the rst

factor gives a constant and the second factor gives a sum of terms of the form


sup ∂ γ sUi ,Vj (x) ≤ pUi ,Vj ,K,|γ 0 | (s)

x∈ϕi (K) for some multi-indices of

TE ,


Altogether, these terms give a continuous seminorm

(Γ(E), T˜E ) → (Γ(E), TE )

so the identity map from

is continuous. By

symmetry we have a homeomorphism. As the trivializing covering of countable ([BC70, 1.4.8])

(Γ(E), TE )




and the atlas of


can be assumed to be

is determined by a countable family of seminorms

as well as its closed subspace

sections with support in the compact set

L ⊆ M)

Γc,L (E)

(the subspace of

with the subspace topology

are Fréchet spaces.

Γc (E)

In order to turn

(the space of all sections with compact support) into a

complete topological space we have to endow it with the strict inductive limit topology of a suitable sequence of Fréchet subspaces, which by [Sch71, II 6.6] is complete. As where




σ -compact

we obtain an (LF)-space

ranges through a compact exhaustion of

For the particular case

C ∞ (M )

we abbreviate


Γc (E) = lim Γc,L (E), −→

pi,K,k := pUi ,Ui ,K,k .

Then we

obtain a basis of continuous seminorms

PM := { pi,Kni ,k | k ∈ N0 , k ∈ N, i } where

(Kni )n

is a xed compact exhaustion of

ϕi (Ui ).

We now state simple lemmata about continuity of bilinear maps with respect to seminorms.

p 0


p≤λ := p−1 ([0, λ])


p−1 ([0, λ)]. 83


Topology on section spaces

Lemma 11.2.

and G be topological vector spaces with locally convex f : E × F → G is continuous if and only if for each continuous seminorm r on G there are continuous seminorms p on E and q on F such that for all x ∈ E and y ∈ F , Let

E, F ,

topology. A bilinear map

r(f (x, y)) ≤ p(x)q(x).


f is continuous. By [Tre76, Proposition 7.2]) there are barrels 0-neighborhoods U ⊆ E and V ⊆ F such that f (U × V ) ⊆ W := r≤1 . U and V are the closed unit balls of continuous seminorms p on E and q on F [Tre76, Proposition 7.5]. For any ε > 0, x ∈ E , and y ∈ F we see that (p(x) + ε)−1 x ∈ U and (q(y) + ε)−1 y ∈ V , thus Proof. Suppose and


x y f (x, y) , )= ∈W p(x) + ε q(y) + ε (p(x) + ε)(q(y) + ε)

f (x, y) ∈ (p(x) + ε)(q(y) + ε) · W ∀ε > 0, i.e., r(f (x, y)) ≤ (p(x) + ε) · (q(y) + ε) ∀ε > 0. Because this holds for all ε > 0 it implies (11.2).

and consequently

For the converse, by [Jar81, Section 5.1 Proposition 3] we only have to check

W be a neighborhood of 0 in G. Then there is a G such that r≤1 ⊆ W . By assumption there are continuous seminorms p on E and q on F such that r(f (x, y)) ≤ p(x)q(x) for all (x, y) ∈ E × F , thus for x ∈ U := p≤1 and y ∈ V := q≤1 we have f (x, y) ∈ r≤1 , i.e., f (U × V ) ⊆ W . As U × V is a 0-neighborhood in E × F , f is continuous. continuity at

(0, 0).



continuous seminorm


In the following, the notions of a base of continuous seminorms and a family of seminorms dening the topology is as in [Tre76, Chapter 7].

Corollary 11.3.

E, F, G be topological vector spaces with locally convex PF be bases of continuous seminorms on E resp. F and SG a family of seminorms on G dening the topology of G. Then a bilinear map f : E ×F → G is continuous if and only if for each r ∈ SG there are seminorms p ∈ PE and q ∈ PF and a constant C > 0 such that r(f (x, y)) ≤ Cp(x)q(x) for all x ∈ E , y ∈ F .

topology. Let




Lemma 11.4.


C ∞ (M )

is a locally convex unital commutative associa-

tive algebra.

E , the space of sections ∞ convex module over C (M ).

(ii) For any vector bundle

Γ(E) is a Hausdor locally

Proof. We will only check continuity of the respective multiplication maps, the rest being immediately clear from the denitions. Let of




{(Ui , τi )}i

a trivializing covering of


{(Ui , ϕi )}i

be an atlas

 by Proposition 11.1 we

can always intersect the domains of the atlas and the trivializing covering in order to have them in this form.

By the product rule for dierentiation we


pi,K,k (f g) ≤ Cpi,K,k (f ) · pi,K,k (g)


pi,K,k (f s) ≤ Cpi,K,k (f ) · pUi ,Ui ,K,k (s) K ⊂⊂ Ui , k ∈ N0 , f, g ∈ C ∞ (M ), s ∈ Γ(E),

for all

and some constant

C > 0.

Lemma 11.5. Given a trivial vector bundle E and a basis {b1 , . . . , bn } of Γ(E), the elements of the corresponding dual basis c ∞ elements of LC ∞ (M ) (Γ(E), C (M )).

{b∗1 , . . . , b∗n }

are continuous, i.e.,

τ : E → M × Rn be trivializing. For the basis αi (x) := τ −1 (x, ei ) n the result is clear, as the where {e1 , . . . , en } is the canonical basis of R ∗ For an arbitrary dual basis is then given by αi (s)(x) = pri ◦ pr2 ◦τ ◦ s. j ∗ j ∗ ∞ basis {b1 , . . . , bn } we know that bi = ai αj for some ai ∈ C (M ). As for ∞ ∗ f ∈ C (M ) the map s 7→ (f αj )(s) = f · αj (s) is the composition of αj and ∗ multiplication with f , both continuous, bi is the sum of continuous maps and Proof. Let

thus continuous. We recall the following basic facts about products and direct sums of topological vector spaces. Let uct


i Mi

(Mi )i be a family of topological vector spaces.

The prod-

carries the projective topology w.r.t. the canonical projections

and the external direct sum



i Mi the inductive linear topology with respect

to the canonical injections, which makes them topological vector spaces. If all

Q Mi are locally convex A-modules i M Q convex A-module: denoting Qi is a locally the multiplication maps by m : A × i Mi → i Mi resp. mi : A × Mi → Mi , m is continuous because π ◦ m = m ◦ (id ×π ) i i is continuous for each i. For L i Q nitely many factors i Mi = i Mi topologically. We will now establish some preliminaries we will need for the isomorphism

Γ(E ⊗ F ) ∼ = Γ(E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ).

Proposition 11.6. phism of

Given vector bundles

E1 , . . . , En

the canonical isomor-

C ∞ (M )-modules M M Γ( Ej ) ∼ Γ(Ej ) = j=1...n


is a homeomorphism.

L x ∈ M let ιj L : Ejx → i=1...n Eix denote the canonical injection of the ber Ejx and πj : i=1...n Eix → Ejx the canonical projection onto Proof. For each



Topology on section spaces

it. Dene injections resp. projections

M ˜ιj : Γ(Ej ) → Γ( Ei ),

(˜ιj sj )(x) := ιj (sj (x))


sj ∈ Γ(Ej ),


π ˜j : Γ(


Ei ) → Γ(Ej ),

(˜ πj s)(x) := πj (s(x))


s ∈ Γ(



Ei ).


We have to verify that the images of ˜ ιj and

{Ul , ϕl }l L

be an atlas of



π ˜j are indeed smooth sections. Let {(Vkjj , τkjj )}kj trivializing coverings of Ej , then

i=1...n Ei has trivializing covering

\ {( Vkjj , σk1 ,...,kn )}k1 ,...,kn j=1...n

L (σk1 ,...,kn )x (t) := (x, (pr2 τk11 π1 t, . . . , pr2 τknn πn t)) for t ∈ j=1...n Ejx T j x ∈ j=1...n Vkj . First, let sj ∈ Γ(Ej ); then on each chart domain

where and

is smooth because its only Ul ∩ Vk11 ∩ . . . ∩ Vknn , pr2 ◦σk1 ,...,kn ◦ ˜ιj (sj ) ◦ ϕ−1 l j −1 nonzero component is pr2 ◦τk ◦ sj ◦ ϕl which is smooth by assumption. j L Conversely, let s ∈ Γ( i=1...n Ei ). Then on each chart domain as above j −1 −1 is ˜j (s) ◦ ϕl = pr2 ◦τkjj ◦ πj ◦ s ◦ ϕ−1 pr2 ◦τkj ◦ π 1 ,...,kn ◦ s ◦ ϕl l = prj ◦ pr2 ◦σkP smooth. Finally, π ˜ ◦ ˜ ι = id for k = j and 0 otherwise; as ˜ ι ◦ π ˜ (s) = s , j j k j j L ∞ Γ( j=1...n Ej ) is a direct product for the family of C (M L)-modules (Γ(Ej ))j ([Bly77, Theorem 6.7]) and algebraically isomorphic to j=1...n Γ(Ej ). The L L isomorphism ψ : Γ( j=1...n Γ(Ej ) is given by j=1...n Ej ) →

ψ(s) = (˜ π1 (s), . . . , π ˜n (s)) ψ Continuity of

π ˜j


(s1 , . . . , sn ) = ˜ι1 (s1 ) + . . . + ˜ιn (sn ).

˜ιj is easily ψ and ψ −1 .


implies continuity of

Proposition 11.7.


seen from the respective seminorms, which

For vector bundles

E1 , . . . , En


F1 , . . . , F m




have a canonical vector bundle isomorphism



M M Ei ) ⊗ ( Fj ) ∼ (Ei ⊗ Fj ) =



i=1...n j=1...m

Proof. Evidently the berwise dened map

(v1 , . . . , vn ) ⊗ (w1 , . . . , wm ) 7→ (v1 ⊗ w1 , . . . , vn ⊗ wm ) (where

vi ∈ Eix


wj ∈ Fjx

for all

i, j

and xed


is a strong vector bundle

isomorphism. Its inverse is induced by the maps

ei ⊗ fj 7→ ιi ei ⊗ ιj fj i, j , F j jx .

for L




ι i , ιj

are the canonical

(ei ∈ Eix , fj ∈ Fjx ) L injections Eix → i Eix


Fjx →

Lemma 11.8.

For isomorphic vector bundles

Γ(E) ∼ = Γ(F )

module isomorphism

E∼ =F

the canonical

C ∞ (M )-

is a homeomorphism.

Proof. If (f, f0 ) is the vector bundle isomorphism from E to F the isomorphism Γ(E) → Γ(F ) is given by s 7→ f ◦ s ◦ f0−1 . It is readily veried by using the respective seminorms that this assignment and its inverse are continuous.

Lemma 11.9. convex right

Let A be a locally convex algebra, Mi (i = 1, . . . , n) locally A-modules, and Nj (j = 1, . . . , m) locally convex left A-modules.

Then the canonical vector space isomorphism

M M M ( Mi ) ⊗ ( Nj ) ∼ (Mi ⊗ Nj ) = i=1...n


i=1...n j=1...m

induces isomorphisms of locally convex spaces



M M Mi ) ⊗π ( Nj ) ∼ (Mi ⊗π Nj ) =



i=1...n j=1...m

M M M ( Mi ) ⊗πA ( Nj ) ∼ (Mi ⊗πA Nj ). = i=1...n If



i=1...n j=1...m

is commutative these are isomorphisms of


Proof. By [Bou70, II Ÿ3.7 Proposition 7] the mapping

g: (


Mi ) ⊗ (



Nj ) →



(Mi ⊗ Nj )

i=1...n j=1...m

(mi )i ⊗ (nj )j 7→ (mi ⊗ nj )i,j Its inverse h is induced by the maps hij := L L ι i : Mi → Mi and ιP Nj are the canonical injecj : Nj → tions. This means that h is given by h ◦ pr ij where prij is the canonical ij ij L projection ij (Mi ⊗ Nj ) → Mi ⊗ Nj . L L Mi ) ⊗ ( Nh ) generated by all elements Dene J0 as the sub-Z-module of ( of the form (mi )i a ⊗ (nj )j − (mi )i ⊗ a(nj )j , and Jij as the sub-Z-module of Mi ⊗ Nj generated by all elements of the form mi a ⊗ nj − mi ⊗ anj . As K is in the center of A these are vector subspaces. By [Bou70, II Ÿ1.6] there is a is a vector space isomorphism.

ιi ⊗ ιj ,


canonical isomorphism of vector spaces


M Mi ⊗ Nj i,j

induced by the maps


L →

i,j (Mi



⊗ Nj ) Jij

fij (mi ⊗ nj + Jij ) := ι(mi ) ⊗ ι(nj ) +



Jij .

Thus we

obtain the following commutative diagram. 87


Topology on section spaces

L L ( i Mi ) ⊗ ( j Nj ) o

g h


 L L ( i Mi ) ⊗ ( j Nj )



/ L (M ⊗ N ) i j i,j NNN NN(p NNijN )i,j NNN r N'  L i,j (Mi


J0 Here

q, r,




o f



Mi ⊗ Nj Jij

are the projections onto the respective quotient.

It is now easily seen that

g(J0 ) =


⊗ Nj )

g(J0 ) =



Jij ,

and if




are continuous,


Jij , which immediately implies that there exists a vector space isomorphism λ as in the diagram. Now endow the tensor products with the −1 , projective tensor product topology. The claims then follow if we show f , f g and h to be continuous.




C ∞ (M )-bilinear map M M M g˜ : ( Mi ) × ( Nj ) → (Mi ⊗ Nj )

is induced by the




((mi )i , (nj )j ) 7→ (mi ⊗ nj )i,j and

g is continuous if and only if g˜ is.

Because the target space has only nitely

many summands continuity can be tested by composition with the projections



Mi ⊗ N j .


πij ◦ g˜ = ⊗ ◦ (πi × πj )

is continuous

Second, by denition of the inductive topology all




is continuous.

is continuous if and only if

are, which is the case because they are the tensor product of continuous



continuous, where ιij

f is continuous because f ◦ ιij ◦ pij = r ◦ (ιi ◦ ιj ) is L : (Mi ⊗π Nj )/Jij → i,j (Mi ⊗p iNj )/Jij is the canonical


f −1 is because all pij Finally,

continuous if and only if

f −1 ◦ r = (pij )i,j

is, which is the case

are continuous and we can test continuity into the nite direct

sum by composition with the projections on each factor. Note that for innitely many summands the previous lemma is false, in general ([Jar81, 15.5, 1. Example]).


Chapter 12

Tensor product of section spaces Theorem 12.1. For any vector bundles E and F module isomorphism Γ(E)⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) ∼ = Γ(E ⊗ F ).



the canonical

C ∞ (M )-

∼ = Γ(E⊗F ) induces a homeomorphism

E and F are trivial, then there are nite bases {αi }i Γ(F ), respectively. Clearly E ⊗ F then also is trivial and a nite basis {γij }i,j . Explicitly these bases can be given as follows: suppose we have trivializing maps τ : E → M × E, σ : F → M × F and µ : E ⊗ F → M × (E ⊗ F), with µx (v ⊗ w) = (x, pr2 ◦τx (v) ⊗ pr2 ◦σx (w)). Let {ei }i , {fj }j be bases of E resp. F, which gives a basis {ei ⊗ fj }i,j of E ⊗ F .

Proof. Suppose rst that and

{βj }j of Γ(E) Γ(E ⊗ F ) has


Then we set

αi (x) := τ −1 (x, ei ), βj (x) := σ −1 (x, fj ), γij (x) := µ Now

{(αi , βj )}i,j

is a basis of



(x, ei ⊗ fj ) = αi (x) ⊗ βj (x).

Γ(E) × Γ(F ).

There is a unique

C ∞ (M )-bilinear


g˜ : Γ(E) × Γ(F ) → Γ(E ⊗ F ) such that

g˜(αi , βj ) = γij ∀i, j . Writing X g˜ = m ◦ (id ×m(·, γij )) ◦ (αi∗ × βj∗ ) i,j

m : C ∞ (M )×Γ(E⊗F ) → Γ(E⊗F ) is module multiplication on Γ(E⊗F ) βj∗ are elements of the bases dual to {αi }i and {βj }j (which are continuous by Lemma 11.5) one sees that g ˜ is continuous. Note that g(t ⊗ s)(x) = t(x) ⊗ s(x) for t ∈ Γ(E), s ∈ Γ(E), and x ∈ M . By Corollary 10.11 g˜ ∞ π induces a unique continuous C (M )-linear mapping g : Γ(E) ⊗ ∞ C (M ) Γ(F ) → where

∗ and αi ,



Tensor product of section spaces

Γ(E ⊗ F )

such that

g˜ = g ◦ ⊗πC ∞ (M ) . g˜

/ Γ(E ⊗ F ) m6 m m g mmmmmmm m m mmm mm mvmmmmmmmmh

Γ(E) × Γ(F ) ⊗π C ∞ (M )

Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F )

h : Γ(E ⊗ F ) → Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) by h(γij ) = P ∗ (s)α ⊗π αi ⊗πC ∞ (M ) βj , i.e., h(s) = i,j γij i C ∞ (M ) βj for s ∈ Γ(E ⊗ F ), which is ∞ continuous and C (M )-linear. Now it suces to note that g and h are inverse For the inverse we dene

to each other:

h(g(t ⊗πC ∞ (M ) u)) = h(˜ g (ti αi , uj βj )) = h(ti uj γij ) = ti uj αi ⊗πC ∞ (M ) βj = ti αi ⊗πC ∞ (M ) uj βj = t ⊗πC ∞ (M ) u


g(h(s)) = g(sij αi ⊗πC ∞ (M ) βj ) = sij g˜(αi , βj ) = sij γij = s. Thus for trivial bundles we have established the and homeomorphism

C ∞ (M )-module isomorphism

ϕE,F := h,

ϕE,F : Γ(E ⊗ F ) → Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ). Now suppose that




are arbitrary non-trivial vector bundles. Then by

[GHV72, 2.23] there exist vector bundles and



F 0 over M such that E ⊕ E 0 ϕ := ϕE⊕E 0 ,F ⊕F 0 as above:


F 0 are trivial, giving an isomorphism

Γ((E ⊕ E 0 ) ⊗ (F ⊕ F 0 )) ∼ = Γ(E ⊕ E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ⊕ F 0 ).


We now distribute the direct sums on both sides and write down all isomorphisms involved.

First, by Proposition 11.6 we have an isomorphism of

C ∞ (M )-modules and homeomorphism

ψE,E 0 : Γ(E ⊕E 0 ) → Γ(E)⊕Γ(E 0 ) given


ψE,E 0 (s) = [x 7→ (pr1 ◦s(x), pr2 ◦s(x))] = (pr1 ◦s, pr2 ◦s) −1 ψE,E 0 (s1 , s2 ) = [x 7→ (s1 (x), s2 (x))]. As both

ψ := ψE,E 0 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) ψF,F 0

−1 −1 π ψE,E 0 ⊗C ∞ (M ) ψF,F 0 are ∞ isomorphism of C (M )-modules

and its inverse

continuous (Proposition 10.12) we obtain an

ψ : Γ(E ⊕ E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ⊕ F 0 ) → (Γ(E) ⊕ Γ(E 0 )) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (Γ(F ) ⊕ Γ(F 0 )) which also is a homeomorphism. For the left hand side of (12.1) we use the vector bundle isomorphism of Proposition 11.7 given on each ber by

κ : (e, e0 ) ⊗ (f, f 0 ) 7→ (e ⊗ f, e ⊗ f 0 , e0 ⊗ f, e0 ⊗ f 0 ) 90

which by Lemma 11.8 gives a phism Let


C ∞ (M )-module

isomorphism and homeomor-

λ : s 7→ κ ◦ s. be the isomorphism from Lemma 11.9 (denoted by

our case it is explicitly given by the

C ∞ (M )-linear


in its proof ). In


ρ : (s, s0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t, t0 ) 7→ (s ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t, s ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t0 , s0 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t, s0 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t0 ). ρ−1 is induced by the following maps, (Γ(E) ⊕ Γ(E 0 )) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (Γ(F ) ⊕ Γ(F 0 )): Its inverse

all having image in the space

Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) 3 s1 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t1 7→ (s1 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t1 , 0), Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F 0 ) 3 s2 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t01 7→ (s2 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t01 ), Γ(E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) 3 s01 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t2 7→ (0, s01 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t2 , 0),


Γ(E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F 0 ) 3 s02 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t02 7→ (0, s02 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t02 ). This means that

ρ−1 (s1 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t1 , s2 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t01 , s01 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t2 , s02 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t02 )

is given by

(s1 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t1 , 0) + (s2 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t01 ) + (0, s01 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t2 , 0) + (0, s02 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t02 ). Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) ∼ = Γ(E ⊗ F ) we are looking for will now −1 ◦ ψ −1 ◦ ρ−1 . Note that f is an be obtained as a component of f := λ ◦ ϕ ∞ isomorphism of C (M )-modules and a homeomorphism by what was said so far. The composition f is depicted in the following diagram. The isomorphism

(Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F )) ⊕ (Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F 0 ))⊕ (Γ(E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F )) ⊕ (Γ(E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F 0 )) ρ−1

(Γ(E) ⊕ Γ(E 0 )) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (Γ(F ) ⊕ Γ(F 0 )) ψ −1

Γ(E ⊕ E 0 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ⊕ F 0 ) 


Γ((E ⊕ E 0 ) ⊗ (F ⊕ F 0 )) 


Γ(E ⊗ F ) ⊕ Γ(E ⊗ F 0 ) ⊕ Γ(E 0 ⊗ F ) ⊕ Γ(E 0 ⊗ F 0 )



Tensor product of section spaces

From this we obtain

(λ ◦ ϕ−1 ◦ ψ −1 ◦ ρ−1 ) (s1 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t1 , s2 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t01 , s01 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t2 , s02 ⊗πC ∞ (M ) t02 ) = (λ ◦ ϕ−1 ◦ ψ −1 ) ((s1 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t1 , 0) + (s2 , 0) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t01 ) + (0, s01 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (t2 , 0) + (0, s02 ) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) (0, t02 )) = (λ ◦ ϕ−1 ) ([x 7→ (s1 (x), 0)] ⊗πC ∞ (M ) [x 7→ (t1 (x), 0)] + [x 7→ (s2 (x), 0)] ⊗πC ∞ (M ) [x 7→ (0, t01 (x))] + [x 7→ (0, s01 (x))] ⊗πC ∞ (M ) [x 7→ (t2 (x), 0)] + [x 7→ (0, s02 (x))] ⊗πC ∞ (M ) [x 7→ (0, t02 (x))]) = λ ([x 7→ (s1 (x), 0) ⊗ (t1 (x), 0)] + [x 7→ (s2 (x), 0) ⊗ (0, t01 (x))] + [x 7→ (0, s01 (x)) ⊗ (t2 (x), 0)] + [x 7→ (0, s02 (x)) ⊗ (0, t02 (x))]) = ([x 7→ s1 (x) ⊗ t1 (x)], [x 7→ s2 (x) ⊗ t01 (x)], [x 7→ s01 (x) ⊗ t2 (x)], [x 7→ s02 (x) ⊗ t02 (x)]). f1 : Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) → Γ(E ⊗ F ) and analogously for the other components. Because f is bijective all fi have to be ([Bou70, Chapter II Ÿ1.6 Corollary 1 to Proposition 7]). As f is a homeomorphism it follows immediately that all fi are homeomorphisms.

This means we can write

We now see that

f = (f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 )

Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F )


is a Fréchet space.

The above isomorphism induces a homeomorphism for spaces of sections supported in a xed compact set

K ⊂⊂ M .

By Lemma 10.13 we have

β Γ(E ⊗ F ) ∼ = Γ(E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) = Γ(E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) and

β Γc,K (E ⊗ F ) ∼ = Γc,K (E) ⊗πC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) = Γc,K (E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γ(F ). Recall that

Γc (E)

is the strict inductive limit of the spaces

running through a compact exhaustion of

Lemma 12.2.

Γc,K (E)




E be the strict inductive limit of a ιn : En → E and let F and G be arbitrary locally convex spaces. Then a bilinear mapping f : E × F → G is bounded if and only if f ◦ (ιn × id) : En × F → G is bounded for all n. Let a locally convex space

sequence of subspaces


with embeddings

B ⊆ E × F be bounded. As F are bounded B1 := π1 (B) and B2 := π2 (B) are bounded B is contained in the bounded set B1 × B2 . Because B1 is bounded it is contained in some En , thus by assumption f (B) ⊆ f (B1 × B2 ) = f (ιn (B1 ) × B2 ) = f ◦ (ιn × id)(B1 × B2 ) is bounded. Proof. Necessity is clear. the canonical projections


For suciency, let







Theorem 12.3.

There is a a bornological

C ∞ (M )-module


Γc (E) ⊗βC ∞ (M ) Γ(E) ∼ = Γc (E ⊗ F ). Proof. Consider the following diagram.

/ Γc,K (E) ⊗β ∞ C (M ) Γ(F )   ιK ×id      ϕ Γc (E) × Γ(F ) fK  JJ   JJ JJ  JJ  J   JJJJh˜ ⊗β  Γ (E ⊗ F) ∞ c,K JJ C (M )  JJjjjj  J   gK jjjjj JJJ ι0K JJ  jjj j  j JJ j tj   %  g / Γc (E ⊗ F ) Γc (E) ⊗βC ∞ (M ) Γ(F ) o

Γc,K (E) × Γ(F )

⊗β C ∞ (M )


ιK : Γc,K (E) → Γc (E) and ι0K : Γc,K (E ⊗ F ) → Γc (E ⊗ F ) are the incluβ ∞ sion maps. For K ⊂⊂ M the C (M )-bilinear bounded map ⊗ ∞ C (M ) ◦(ιK ×id) by Corollary 10.11 induces a bounded (and thus continuous) linear map fK . Because ϕ is a homeomorphism there is a corresponding linear continuous map gK := ϕ−1 ◦ fK . Because Γc (E ⊗ F ) is the strict inductive limit of the spaces Γc,K (E ⊗ F ) and for dierent K the maps gK are compatible with each other 0 there is a unique continuous linear map g such that g ◦ ιK = gK . ˜ dened by h(s, ˜ t)(x) := s(x) ⊗ t(x) is By Lemma 12.2 the bilinear map h 0 ˜ ◦ (ιK × id) = ι ◦ ϕ ◦ ⊗β ∞ bounded because all h are bounded, thus



a unique bounded linear map veried that






(M )

completing the diagram exists.

It is easily

are inverse to each other, which completes the proof.

Remark 12.4. Similarly one can obtain

Γ(E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γc (F ) ∼ = Γc (E) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Γc (F ) ∼ = Γc (E ⊗ F ). Note that Lemma 12.2 and thus Theorem 12.3 only work in the bornological setting but not in the topological one.


Chapter 13

Distributions on manifolds In this chapter we will nally dene the space of tensor distributions and give bornologically isomorphic representations. For additional information we refer to [GKOS01, Section 3.1].

Denition 13.1.

The space of distributions on an orientable manifold



dened as

D0 (M ) := [Ωnc (M )]0 and the space of tensor distributions of rank

(r, s)




Ds0r (M ) := [Γc (M, Tsr (M ) ⊗ Λn T∗ M )]0 . Γc (M, Tsr (M ) ⊗ Λn T∗ M ) (where Λn T∗ M is the n-fold exterior bundle) Ωnc (M ) (the space of compactly supported n-forms on M ) are equipped

Here and

with the (LF)-topology discussed in Chapter 11.

Because this topology is

bornological these are exactly the bounded linear functionals.

D0 (M )


Ds0r (M ) carry the strong dual topology ([Tre76, Chapter 19]).

13.1 Isomorphic representations of distributions Theorem 13.2.

We have the following bornological

C ∞ (M )-module



β Ds0r (M ) ∼ = (Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M ))0

∼ = ∼ =


LbC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )) Tsr (M ) ⊗βC ∞ (M ) D0 (M ).

Proof. (13.1) is clear from the bornological isomorphism of

(13.2) (13.3)

C ∞ (M )-modules

β Γc (M, Tsr (M ) ⊗ Λn T∗ M ) ∼ = Trs (M ) ⊗C ∞ (M ) Ωnc (M )



Distributions on manifolds

given by Theorem 12.3. As both spaces are bornological it is also an isomorphism of topological vector spaces, thus the duals are homeomorphic ([Tre76, Chapter 23]). (13.1)


For (13.2)

(13.2) is clear from Corollary 10.8.


(13.3) consider the map

θTrs (M ) : Trs (M )∗ ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ) → LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )) induced by the bilinear map

Trs (M )∗ × D0 (M ) → LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M ))


(u∗ , v) 7→ [u 7→ u∗ (u) · v]. Because

Trs (M )

is nitely generated and projective it is a direct summand of

C ∞ (M )-module F

ι and projection π . C → M such that Tsr (M ) ⊕ C s is trivial, thus we can take F = Tr (M ) ⊕ Γ(C). Note that duals of F and Trs (M ) here are always meant with respect to the C ∞ (M )-module structure. a free nitely generated

with injection

By [GHV72, 2.23] there exists a vector bundle

By standard methods (cf. the proof of [Bly77, Theorem 14.10]) one obtains the commutative diagram

F ∗ ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ) θF

ι∗ ⊗id /

Trs (M )∗ ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ) θTrs (M )

LC ∞ (M ) (F, D0 (M ))

π ∗ ⊗id /


/ LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D 0 (M ))


F ∗ ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M )


 / LC ∞ (M ) (F, D 0 (M ))

with mappings

ι∗ : F ∗ → Trs (M )∗ , u∗ 7→ u∗ ◦ ι π ∗ : Trs (M )∗ → F ∗ , u∗ 7→ u∗ ◦ π ιt : LC ∞ (M ) (F, D0 (M )) → LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )), ` 7→ ` ◦ ι π t : LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )) → LC ∞ (M ) (F, D0 (M )), ` 7→ ` ◦ π where

ι∗ ⊗ id



are surjective while

π ∗ ⊗ id



are injective.

θF can be given explicitly because F is free and nitely gener∗ ∗ ated. Let {b1 , . . . , bn } be a basis of F and {b1 , . . . , bn } the corresponding dual ∗ 0 basis of F . For ` ∈ LC ∞ (M ) (F, D (M )) we have

The inverse of

θF−1 (`) =


b∗i ⊗ `(bi ) ∈ F ∗ ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ).


θTrs (M ) is (ι∗ ⊗ id) ◦ θF−1 ◦ π t .

This implies that also composition 96

an isomorphism, its inverse is given by the


As (13.4) is bounded from induced map

θTrs (M ) :

Trs (M )0 × D0 (M )

Trs (M )0

bounded and linear. Because

⊗βC ∞ (M )





D0 (M )

Coordinates of distributions

LbC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M ))


LbC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )) is

obviously are continuous all maps in the

following diagram are bounded.

F 0 ⊗βC ∞ (M ) D0 (M ) θF

ι∗ ⊗id

θTrs (M )

LbC ∞ (M ) (F, D0 (M )) Concluding, whence

π ∗ ⊗id / 0 β 0 / T s (M )0 ⊗β ∞ F ⊗C ∞ (M ) D0 (M ) r C (M ) D (M )

θF−1 : ` 7→

/ Lb ∞ C


∗ i bi



s 0 (M ) (Tr (M ), D (M ))

⊗βC ∞ (M ) `(bi )

θT−1s (M ) = (ι∗ ⊗ id) ◦ θF−1 ◦ π t r

Lemma 13.3.


[ω 7→ hT, f · ωi]

is bounded.

/ Lb ∞ C


is bounded into

0 (M ) (F, D (M ))

F 0 ⊗βC ∞ (M ) D0 (M )

also is bounded.

C ∞ (M ) × D0 (M ) → D0 (M ), (f, T ) 7→ f · T =

D0 (M ) consists of all weakly bounded sets we ∞ 0 only have to verify that for B1 ⊆ C (M ) and B2 ⊆ D (M ) both bounded n { hT, f · ωi | f ∈ B1 , T ∈ B2 } is bounded for each ω ∈ Ωc (M ), which follows n because { f · ω | f ∈ B1 } is bounded in Ωc (M ) and B2 is uniformly bounded Proof. As the bornology of

on bounded sets. Note that multiplication of distributions is not jointly continuous ([KM81]), thus the proof of Theorem 13.2 does not work in the topological setting. For

T ∈ Ds0r (M ) we will denote its image in both spaces (Trs (M ) ⊗ Ωnc (M ))0 and LC ∞ (M ) (Trs (M ), D0 (M )) by the same letter T , as it is always clear from the n s arguments what is meant. Thus for u ∈ Tr (M ), ω ∈ Ωc M , and ξ = [x 7→ s n ∗ u(x) ⊗ ω(x)] ∈ Γc (M, Tr M ⊗ Λ T M ) we write hT, ξi = hT, u ⊗ ωi = hT (u), ωi.

13.2 Coordinates of distributions Using isomorphism (13.2) and the fact that

Ds0r (M )

is a sheaf ([GKOS01, Let (bλ )λ T ∈ Ds0r (U ),

Theorem 3.1.7]) we can now dene coordinates of distributions.

Tsr (U ) with dual basis (bλ )λ u ∈ Trs (U ) and ω ∈ Ωnc (U ) we can write be a basis of


Trs (U ).

Then for

hT, u ⊗ ωi = hT, uλ bλ ⊗ ωi = hT (uλ bλ ), ωi = hT (bλ ), uλ ωi = hT λ , uλ ωi T λ := T (bλ ) ∈ D0 (U ) λ-coordinate of u.

where the

is called the





uλ = bλ (u)



Part III

Point values in full Colombeau algebras


Chapter 14

Introduction to Part III Colombeau algebras ([Col85]) are spaces of generalized functions which serve to extend the theory of Schwartz distributions such that these can be multiplied, circumventing the well-known impossibility result by Schwartz [Sch54]. These commutative and associative dierential algebras provide an embedding of the space of distributions as a linear subspace and the space of smooth functions as a faithful subalgebra. For Schwartz distributions a concept of point values was introduced by [Šoj57], but an arbitrary distribution need not have a point value in this sense at every point.

Furthermore, it is not possible to characterize distributions by their

point values.

Colombeau-type algebras of generalized functions are usually

constructed as nets of smooth functions, which means that a given point can be inserted into each component of the net in order to give a generalized point value. This is not sucient for uniquely characterizing a generalized function, though:

there exist nonzero generalized functions that evaluate to zero at

every classical point. However, with the introduction of generalized points one can obtain a point value characterization theorem. Note that for holomorphic generalized functions a stronger results holds, which states that such a function is zero already if its zero set has positive measure ([KS06]). Point values for Colombeau generalized functions were rst introduced for Colombeau algebra on an open set


the special Colombeau algebra on a manifold in [KS02a].


G s (Ω),

the special

Rn , in [KO99] and later on also for In the context of

Colombeau-Egorov type generalized functions it was rst claimed that

classical points suce to characterize a function ([AKS05]), but this claim was shown to be invalid later on and a characterization using generalized points was given in [May07]. The aim of this part is to introduce generalized points, numbers, and point values for the elementary full algebra

G e (Ω) of [Col85] and the dieomorphism

d invariant full algebra G (Ω) of [GFKS01]. Both algebras are presented in a unifying framework in [GKOS01].

Our main result is a point value charac-

terization theorem for each algebra (Theorems 17.6 and 18.8) which states that two generalized functions are equal if and only if they have the same generalized point value at all generalized points. 101


Introduction to Part III

Let us mention some applications generalized numbers and point values have found so far.

First, when one does Lie group analysis of dierential equa-

tions in generalized function spaces, point values allow to transfer the classical procedure for computing symmetries to the generalized case ([KO00]).


ond, consider mappings from the space of generalized points into the space of generalized numbers.

For such mappings a discontinuous dierential cal-

culus was constructed, featuring a fundamental theorem of calculus, notions of sub-linear, holomorphic, and analytic mappings, generalized manifolds, and related results ([AFJ05]). Using point values, elements of


can be regarded

as such mappings and their local properties can be analyzed from this viewpoint ([OPS03]).

Moreover, point values have repeatedly turned out to be

indispensable tools for doing analysis in algebras of generalized functions (cf., e.g., [Gar05b, Gar05a, PSV06, Ver09]).


Chapter 15

Preliminaries 15.1 Notation The number


will always denote the dimension of the underlying space

Rn .

∂Ω denotes the topological boundary of a set Ω. For A ⊆ Rn we write K ⊂⊂ A if K is a compact subset of A◦ , the interior of A. Nets (here with parameter ε) are written in the form (uε )ε . The class with respect to any equivalence relation is denoted by square brackets [. . . ]. A family of objects xi indexed by i ∈ I is written as {xi }i∈I or simply {xi }i when the index set is clear from the context. We use Landau notation: for expressions f (ε) and g(ε) depending on and dened for small ε we write f (ε) = O(g(ε)) (always for ε → 0) if and only if ∃C > 0 ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 : |f (ε)| < C |g(ε)|. Bη (x) n resp. Bη (K) denotes the metric ball of radius η around x ∈ R resp. a set K , n dist denotes the Euclidean distance function on R . For a function f (ϕ, x) of a variable ϕ and an n-dimensional real variable x = (x1 , . . . , xn ), d2 f denotes the total dierential of f with respect to x and ∂i f its partial dierential with respect to xi . For the derivative of a function γ depending on t ∈ R we will 0 n write γ . An n-tuple α = (α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ N0 is called a multi-index; we use α1 α1 α α α α the notation |α| = α1 + . . . + αn , x = x1 · · · xn n , and ∂ f = ∂1 . . . ∂n n . A strictly decreasing sequence (xn )n∈N converging to x0 is denoted by xn & x0 . A function between nite dimensional real vector spaces is said to be smooth if it is innitely dierentiable. test function

ϕ ∈ D(Ω)

The action of a distribution

is written as

u ∈ D0 (Ω)

on a

hu, ϕi.

15.2 Calculus on convenient vector spaces The construction of the dieomorphism invariant full algebra

G d (Ω)

as de-

ned below requires calculus on innite-dimensional locally convex spaces as an indispensable prerequisite.

The theoretical framework chosen for this by

Grosser et al. [GFKS01, GKOS01] is smooth calculus on convenient vector spaces, which is presented by Kriegl and Michor in [KM97] using functional analysis and by Frölicher and Kriegl in [FK88] using category theory. For a 103



detailed exposition of what is needed for the dieomorphism invariant full algebra we refer to [GFKS01, Section 4]. Whenever we encounter smoothness on a subset of a locally convex space (or an ane subspace thereof ) we endow it it with the initial smooth structure. We will use that a sesquilinear form on a complex locally convex space is smooth if and only if it is bounded; this easily results from an adaptation of [KM97, Section 5] to antilinear maps. Although the dierential is at rst only dened for mappings having as domain open subsets of locally convex spaces with respect to a certain topology ([KM97, Theorem 3.18]) this denition can be easily extended to maps dened on ane subspaces, as is remarked in the proof of Proposition 18.5. Properties like the chain rule and the symmetry of higher derivatives remain intact.

15.3 Colombeau algebras G s (Ω) Ω ⊆ Rn .

We will now give the denitions of the special algebra

e algebras G (Ω) and

G d (Ω) on an arbitrary open subset

The special Colombeau algebra

G s (Ω)

and the full

([GKOS01, Section 1.2]) consists of

Ω indexed by I := (0, 1]. Such a net (uε )ε ∈ C ∞ (Ω)I is said to be moderate if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn0 ∃N ∈ N such that supx∈K |∂ α uε (x)| = O(ε−N ), or negligible if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn0 ∀m ∈ N : s (Ω) (the set of supx∈K |∂ α uε (x)| = O(εm ). G s (Ω) then is the quotient of EM s moderate nets) modulo N (Ω) (the set of negligible nets). nets of smooth functions on

The full algebras

G e (Ω)


G d (Ω)

require some auxiliary denitions.


q ∈ N0 let Aq (Ω) be the set of all functions ϕ ∈ D(Ω) having integral 1, R test if q ≥ 1 additionally satisfying xα ϕ(x) dx = 0 for all multi-indices α with 1 ≤ |α| ≤ q . Let A0q (Ω) be dened in the same way but with integral 0. For any subset M ⊆ Ω dene A0,M (Ω) as the set of those elements of A0 (Ω) with support in M . Aq (Ω) and A0q (Ω) are endowed with the initial topology and n the initial smooth structure with respect to the embedding in D(Ω) or D(R ). n Let U (Ω) be the set of all pairs (ϕ, x) ∈ A0 (R ) × Ω satisfying supp ϕ + x ⊆ Ω. ∞ n Furthermore, let Cb (I × Ω, A0 (R )) be the space of those mappings which are n smooth from I ×Ω into A0 (R ) such that for any compact set K ⊂⊂ Ω and any α ∈ Nn0 the set { ∂ α φ(ε, x) | ε ∈ I, x ∈ K } is bounded in D(Rn ). For ε ∈ R+ n n −n ϕ(y/ε) and let Sε : D(R ) → D(R ) be the mapping given by (Sε ϕ)(y) := ε (ε) n n set S (ϕ, x) := (Sε ϕ, x) for (ϕ, x) ∈ D(R ) × R . For x ∈ Rn denote by Tx : D(Rn ) → D(Rn ) the mapping given by (Tx ϕ)(y) := ϕ(y − x) and dene T : D(Rn ) × Rn → D(Rn ) × Rn by T(ϕ, x) := (Tx ϕ, x). For a map R we will (ε) . frequently write Rε instead of R ◦ S G e (Ω) ([GKOS01, Section 1.4]), the base space E e (Ω) is the set of all functions R : U (Ω) → C which are smooth in the second variable. R is called modn n α erate if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ N0 ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (R ): supx∈K |∂ R(Sε ϕ, x)| =




Colombeau algebras

O(ε−N ) and negligible if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn0 ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ): e (Ω) of modersupx∈K |∂ α R(Sε ϕ, x)| = O(εm ). The corresponding sets EM e ate and N (Ω) of negligible functions give rise to the dierential algebra e e G (Ω) := EM (Ω)/N e (Ω). Distributions u ∈ D0 (Ω) are embedded via the lin0 e ear injective mapping ι : D (Ω) → EM (Ω) given by ι(u)(ϕ, x) := hu, Tx ϕi for (ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω). The derivations of G e (Ω) which extend the distributional ones e are given by (Di R)(ϕ, x) := (∂i R)(ϕ, x) for R ∈ EM (Ω) and i = 1, . . . , n. For

G d (Ω)

([GKOS01, Chapter 2] or [GFKS01]) the base space is

E d (Ω) :=

C ∞ (U (Ω)).

d n A map R ∈ E (Ω) is called moderate if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ N0 ∞ n α −N ∃N ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb (I × Ω, A0 (R )): supx∈K |∂ R(Sε φ(ε, x), x)| = O(ε ) and n negligible if it is moderate and ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ N0 ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀φ ∈ ∞ n α Cb (I × Ω, Aq (R )): supx∈K |∂ R(Sε φ(ε, x), x)| = O(εm ). The corresponding d d sets EM (Ω) of moderate and N (Ω) of negligible functions give rise to the d d d dierential algebra G (Ω) := EM (Ω)/N (Ω). The embedding (denoted by 0 ι as well) of distributions u ∈ D (Ω) is given by ι(u)(ϕ, x) := hu, Tx ϕi for

(ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω). The derivations by (Di R)(ϕ, x) := (∂i R)(ϕ, x).

which extend the distributional ones are given

A constant in one of the preceding dierential algebras (as in any dierential ring) is dend as an element whose derivations are all zero ([Kol73, Chapter I Section 1]).

Remark 15.1. For later use we note the following. (i) In all denitions of moderateness and negligibility above and below, when expanding the Landau symbol in expressions of the form into one

∃C > 0 ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : |f (ε)| < Cε−N can always have C = 1.



f (ε) = O(ε−N )

for negligibility)

(ii) In the denitions of negligibility one can disregard the derivatives and only consider

α = 0 if one presupposes the tested element to be moderate

([GKOS01, Theorems 1.2.3, 1.4.8, and 2.5.4]).


Chapter 16

Previous results in the special algebra G s(Ω) We rst recall the denition of generalized points, numbers, and point values for in

G s (Ω). Two G s (Ω) equals

results justify these denitions: rst, the ring of constants the space of generalized numbers.

Second, two generalized

functions are equal if and only if they have the same point values.

Denition 16.1

G s -setting


([GKOS01, Denition 1.2.31])

Generalized numbers in the

are dened by

CM := { (rε )ε ∈ CI | ∃N ∈ N : |rε | = O(ε−N ) }, CN := { (rε )ε ∈ CI | ∀m ∈ N : |rε | = O(εm ) }, e := CM /CN . C

Denition 16.2 ([GKOS01, Denition 1.2.44]).

Generalized points in the


setting are dened by

ΩM := { (xε )ε ∈ ΩI | ∃N ∈ N : |xε | = O(ε−N ) }, (xε )ε ∼ (yε )ε :⇔ ∀m ∈ N : |xε − yε | = O(εm ), e := ΩM / ∼, Ω e | ∃K ⊂⊂ Ω ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : xε ∈ K }. e c := { x Ω ˜ = [(xε )ε ] ∈ Ω Clearly

e C

can be seen as a subset of

G s (Ω).

Proposition 16.3 ([GKOS01, Proposition 1.2.35]). and

u ˜∈

G s (Ω). Then

Denition 16.4.

D˜ u=0

if and only if


Ω ⊆ Rn

be connected

e. u ˜∈C

e c . Then the u ˜ = [(uε )ε ] ∈ G s (Ω) and x ˜ = [(xε )ε ] ∈ Ω generalized point value of u ˜ at x ˜ dened by u ˜(˜ x) := [(uε (xε ))ε ] is a well-dened e element of C.

Theorem 16.5


([GKOS01, Theorem 1.2.64])

G s (Ω) if and only if

u ˜(˜ x) = 0


e C

for all




e c. x ˜∈Ω

u ˜ ∈ G s (Ω).


u ˜=0


Chapter 17

Point values in G e(Ω) It was asserted by Grosser et al. ([GKOS01, Section 1.4.2]) that results concerning point values obtained in the special algebra can be recovered in the full algebra

G e (Ω).

This section explicitly states these results and their proofs

e for G (Ω), which should not be regarded as a mere technical exercise but as an essential building step if one aims to obtain the corresponding results in

G d (Ω),

where in addition one needs to incorporate smoothness into the proofs

presented here. After recalling the denition of generalized numbers in the

G e -setting

we will

dene a suitable space of generalized points.

Denition 17.1 G e -setting


([GKOS01, Denition 1.4.19])

Generalized numbers in the

are dened by

CM (n) := { r : A0 (Rn ) → C | ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ) : |r(Sε ϕ)| = O(ε−N ) }, CN (n) := { r : A0 (Rn ) → C | ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ) : |r(Sε ϕ)| = O(εm ) }, e := CM (n)/CN (n). C(n)

Denition 17.2.

Generalized points in the

G e -setting

are dened by

ΩM (n) := { X : A0 (Rn ) → Ω | ∀ϕ ∈ A0 (Rn ) ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 : (Sε ϕ, X(Sε ϕ)) ∈ U (Ω)


∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (R ) : |X(Sε ϕ)| = O(ε−N ) }, n

ΩN (n) := { X ∈ ΩM (n) | ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ) : |X(Sε ϕ)| = O(εm ) }, e := ΩM (n)/ΩN (n), Ω(n) e c (n) := { X e ∈ Ω(n) e Ω |

for one (thus any) representative



e X

∃K ⊂⊂ Ω ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ) ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : X(Sε ϕ) ∈ K }. We write


X − Y ∈ ΩN (n). Any X ∈ ΩM (n) satisfying the condition e c (n) is called compactly supported (in K ). If one replaces Ω e . Denition 17.1 the resulting space is denoted by R(n) if

in the denition of







Point values in

G e (Ω)

Proposition 17.3. points and

X, Y ∈ ΩM (n) be compactly supported R(X) : A0 (Rn ) → C by ( R(ϕ, X(ϕ)) (ϕ, X(ϕ)) ∈ U (Ω) R(X)(ϕ) := 0 otherwise. Let

e (Ω). R ∈ EM



R(X) is in CM (n), R ∈ N e (Ω) implies R(X) − R(Y ) ∈ CN (n). Then


R(X) ∈ CN (n),


X ∼ Y

X be compactly supported in K ⊂⊂ Ω, which means that ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ): X(Sε ϕ) ∈ K for small ε. Given any ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ), for small ε we have X(Sε ϕ) ∈ K , R(X)(Sε ϕ) = R(Sε ϕ, X(Sε ϕ)), and thus |R(X)(Sε ϕ)| ≤ supx∈K |R(Sε ϕ, x)| whence R(X) inherits moderateness respectively negligibility from R. For the last claim, choose some m ∈ N for the test for membership in CN (n). Then we use the following ingredients.

Proof. Let

(i) As

X ∼ Y , ∃q0 ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq0 (Rn ): |X(Sε ϕ) − Y (Sε ϕ)| < εm

for small

ε. (ii)

∃η > 0: Bη (K) ⊆ Ω.

(iii) As derivatives of




V := Bη (K). N 0 ∈ N such that 0 |d2 R(Sε ϕ, x)| ≤ ε−N for small ε.

are moderate, there exists

AN 0 (Rn ) we have


for all

ϕ ∈ Amax(q0 ,N ) (Rn ), g(t) := ε and all t ∈ [0, 1].

(iv) From (i) we know in particular that given

(X + t(Y − X))(Sε ϕ) (v)

lies in


for small

∀ϕ ∈ A0 (Rn ): supp Sε ϕ + V ⊆ Ω

for small


ϕ ∈ Amax(q0 ,N,N 0 ) (Rn ) and ε small enough. Then by (iv), X(Sε ϕ) and Y (Sε ϕ) are in V , (R(X) − R(Y ))(Sε ϕ) = R(Sε ϕ, X(Sε ϕ)) − R(Sε ϕ, Y (Sε ϕ)), and the domain of R(Sε ϕ, ·) contains V . Set F (t) := R(Sε ϕ, g(t)) for t ∈ [0, 1]. Then F is smooth on [0, 1] and Z 1 0 |R(X)(Sε ϕ) − R(Y )(Sε ϕ)| = |F (1) − F (0)| = F (t) dt = 0 Z 1 d2 R(Sε ϕ, g(t)) · (X(Sε ϕ) − Y (Sε ϕ)) dt =

Next let



≤ |(X − Y )(Sε ϕ)| · sup |(d2 R)(Sε ϕ, x)| ≤ εm ε−N . x∈V As


was arbitrary this concludes the proof.

The following lemma will be used to construct generalized points and numbers taking prescribed values.


Lemma 17.4.

ϕq ∈ Aq (Rn ), εq,k ∈ (0, ∞) and x0 , xq,k in any set A for n all q, k ∈ N, there exists a mapping X : A0 (R ) → A and strictly increasing sequences (ql )l∈N and (al )l∈N of natural numbers such that X(Sεq ,k ϕql ) = xql ,k l ∀k, l ∈ N, X(ϕ) = x0 for all ϕ not equal to some Sεql ,k ϕql , and ϕql ∈ Aal (Rn ) \ Aal +1 (Rn ). Given

q1 := 1, a1 such that ϕq1 ∈ Aa1 (Rn ) \ Aa1 +1 (Rn ) and inductively choose ql+1 := al + 1 and al+1 appropriately. This is possible because for q increasing more and more moments of ϕq have to vanish. Then dene X : A0 (Rn ) → A as follows: given ψ ∈ A0 (Rn ), if ψ = Sεql ,k ϕql for some k, l then set X(ψ) := xql ,k , otherwise set X(ψ) := x0 .

Proof. Set

Denition 17.5. the point value


e X) e R(

e = [R] ∈ G e (Ω) and X e = [X] ∈ Ω e c (n) we dene R e e e of R at X as the class in C(n) of R(X) as dened in

Proposition 17.3. Having dened suitable spaces of generalized points and numbers as well as a corresponding notion of point evaluation we can now state the point value characterization theorem for


Theorem 17.6. in

e C(n)

for all

e = [R] ∈ G e (Ω). Let R e e X ∈ Ωc (n).


e=0 R

if and only if

e X) e =0 R(

Proof. Necessity was already shown in Proposition 17.3. For suciency assume e that R 6∈ N (Ω); then by Remark 15.1 (ii) there exist K ⊂⊂ Ω and m0 ∈ N n such that for all q ∈ N there is some ϕq ∈ Aq (R ), a sequence (εq,k )k∈N & 0 m0 and a sequence (xq,k )k∈N in K such that R(Sεq,k ϕq , xq,k ) ≥ εq,k . n Let X : A0 (R ) → K , (ql )l∈N and (al )l∈N be as obtained from Lemma 17.4

ec x0 ∈ K . Then clearly X is compactly supported, [X] ∈ Ω and R(X) 6∈ CN (n): for any q ∈ N there is some l ∈ N such that al ≥ q , so ϕql ∈ Aq (Rn ). By construction, 0 R(X)(Sεql ,k ϕql ) = R(Sεql ,k ϕql , X(Sεql ,k ϕql )) = R(Sεql ,k ϕql , xql ,k ) > εm ql ,k with arbitrary

for all large enough

k ∈ N,

which ensures that the negligibility test for


fails. The proof of the following proposition is evident.

Proposition 17.7. for

(ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω)

The map

ρ : CM (n) → E e (Ω)

given by

ρ(r)(ϕ, x) := r(ϕ)

is a ring homomorphism preserving moderateness and nege ρ˜ : C(n) → G e (Ω).

ligibility and thus induces an embedding



Point values in

Lemma 17.8.

G e (Ω)

Ω ⊆ Rn be connected and K ⊂⊂ Ω. Then there exist a set M ⊂⊂ Ω containing K and a real number L > 0 such that any two points in K can be connected by a continuous curve γ : [0, 1] → Ω with image in M R1 0 having length 0 |γ (t)| dt ≤ L. Proof. Cover contained in

K Ω.


by nitely many closed balls of some radius As


which are

is (pathwise) connected these can be joined by nitely

many continuous curves in


images of these curves, the existence of In the dierential algebra

M the union of these ε-balls L as desired is obvious.

Taking as

and the

G e (Ω) the constant elements are by denition exactly

those whose derivatives are zero. With the availability of point values one can also call a generalized function constant if it has the same generalized value at every generalized point. The following proposition shows that these properties in fact are equivalent.

Proposition 17.9. e c (n) Ω


e=0 Di R

e ∈ G e (Ω) has the property R( e X) e = R( e Ye ) ∀X, e Ye ∈ R for i = 1, . . . , n; if Ω is connected the converse also holds. If

e ∈ Ω e c (n) one easily sees that for all Ye ∈ Ω e c (n) we X e X))( e Ye ) = R( e X) e on the one hand and R( e Ye ) = R( e X) e on the other have ρ ˜(R( e e e e = hand by assumption. By Theorem 17.6 then ρ ˜(R(X)) = R, whence Di R e e Di ρ˜(R(X)) = 0 follows at once from the denitions. e = 0 (for i = 1, . . . , n) For the converse we show that in case Ω is connected Di R e e e e e e c (n). Fix K1 ⊂⊂ Ω in G (Ω) implies R = ρ ˜(R(X)) for arbitrary X = [X] ∈ Ω and m ∈ N for testing and let X be compactly supported in K2 ⊂⊂ Ω. Let M and L be as obtained from Lemma 17.8 applied to K = K1 ∪ K2 . By

Proof. Given any

assumption, (i) (ii)

∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ) ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 : supx∈M |d2 R(Sε ϕ, x)| ≤ εm . ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ) ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : X(Sε ϕ) ∈ K2 .

ϕ ∈ Amax(q,N ) (Rn ) and ε < min(ε0 , η). Then for every y ∈ K1 there exists a continuous curve γ : [0, 1] → Ω with image in M connecting y and X(Sε ϕ) and having length ≤ L. Thus we can estimate Z 1 0 |R(Sε ϕ, y) − R(Sε ϕ, X(Sε ϕ))| = d2 R(Sε ϕ, γ(t))γ (t) dt 0 Z 1 0 γ (t) dt ≤ Lεm ≤ sup |d2 R(Sε ϕ, x)| · Now let

x∈M which gives the claimed result.



Denition 17.10. r, s

such that

e r˜, s˜ ∈ R(n) we write r ˜ ≤ s˜ if r(ϕ) ≤ s(ϕ) for all ϕ ∈ A0 (Ω). For

Proposition 17.11.

e (R(n), ≤)

there are representatives

is a partially ordered ring.

r˜ ≤ s˜ and s˜ ≤ r˜ imply r1 ≤ s1 and s2 ≤ r2 for some representatives r1 , r2 of r˜ and s1 , s2 of s˜. Writing s1 = s2 + n and r2 = r1 + m with n, m ∈ N e (Ω) gives r1 ≤ s2 + n and s2 ≤ r1 + m, thus r1 − s2 ≤ n and s2 − r1 ≤ m, implying |r1 − s2 | ≤ max(n, m) e and nally r1 − s2 ∈ N (Ω). For transitivity assume r ˜ ≤ s˜ ≤ t˜. Then with e representatives r, s1 , s2 and t we have s1 = s2 + n with n ∈ N (Ω) and thus r ≤ s1 = s2 + n ≤ t + n, which is r˜ ≤ t˜. Finally, r˜ ≤ s˜ clearly implies r˜ + t˜ ≤ s˜ + t˜ and 0 ≤ r˜, 0 ≤ s˜ reads n ≤ r, m ≤ s in representatives which implies nm ≤ rs or 0 ≤ r ˜s˜. Proof. Reexivity is clear. For antisymmetry,

We call a generalized number

r ∈ CM (n)

e r˜ ∈ C(n) strictly nonzero if it has a representative

such that

∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ) ∃C > 0 ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : |r(Sε ϕ)| > Cεq . Note that Remark 15.1 (i) applies here and we can always have come to the following characterization of invertibility in


C = 1.


e . C(n)

e Proposition 17.12. An element of C(n) is invertible if and only if it is strictly nonzero.

e r˜ = [r], s˜ = [s] ∈ C(n) with r ˜s˜ = 1, there exists t ∈ CN (n) n such that rs = 1 + t. By the denition of negligibility ∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (R ) ∃η > 0 ∀ε < η : |t(Sε ϕ)| < 1/2, and thus also s(Sε ϕ) 6= 0. By moderateness of s ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ) ∃η 0 > 0 such that for all ε < η 0 we have |s(Sε ϕ)| < ε−N . 0 n 0 Thus for q := max(q, N ), ϕ ∈ Aq 0 (R ), and ε < min(η, η ) we obtain 0 1 + t(Sε ϕ) εN εq |r(Sε ϕ)| = > ≥ . s(Sε ϕ) 2 2 Proof. Given

r ∈ CM (n) satisfying (17.1) set s(ϕ) := 1/r(ϕ) where dened e and 0 elsewhere. Then s ∈ CM (n) by denition and obviously rs − 1 ∈ N (n) n because for ϕ ∈ Aq (R ) with q of (17.1) and small ε, s(Sε ϕ) = 1/r(Sε ϕ), thus rs − 1 = 0 and the negligibility test succeeds trivially.

Conversely, given

Proposition 17.13. (i) (ii)

r˜ is


e r˜ ∈ C(n)

the following assertions are equivalent.

not invertible.

r˜ has a representative r such that for all q ∈ N there is some ϕq ∈ Aq (Rn ) and a sequence (εq,k )k∈N & 0 such that r(Sεq,k ϕq ) = 0 for all k . 113


Point values in

r˜ is


G e (Ω)

a zero divisor.

Proof. (i)


fails to be strictly nonzero, thus any representative



∀q ∈ N ∃ϕq ∈ Aq (Rn ) ∃(εq,k )k∈N & 0 : r(Sεq,k ϕq ) ≤ εqq,k . xq,k := r(Sεq,k ϕq ) for all q, k ∈ N and x0 := 0 let s : A0 (Rn ) → C, (ql )l , and (al )l be as obtained from Lemma 17.4. This map satises s(Sεq ,k ϕql ) = l xql ,k ∀k, l ∈ N. Then s is negligible: let m ∈ N be given and choose l0 ∈ N such n that ql0 > m. Let ϕ ∈ Aal (R ). Then s(Sε ϕ) can only be nonzero if ϕ = Sη ϕql for some η > 0 and l ≥ l0 and this requires that Sε ϕ = Sε Sη ϕql = Sεq ,k ϕql for l some k ∈ N, that is εη = εql ,k . In this case |s(Sε ϕ)| = r(Sεql ,k ϕql ) ≤ εqqll ,k = η ql εql < η ql εm


ε = εql ,k /η which are < 1. Finally r − s has the desired property: given q ∈ N, there is some l such that ql ≥ q and for ϕql ∈ Aql (Rn ) ⊆ Aq (Rn ) we have (r − s)(Sεq ,k ϕql ) = 0. l

for all


s : A0 (Rn ) → C by s(ϕ) := 1 if r(ϕ) = 0 and s(ϕ) := 0 Then s ∈ CM (n) and rs = 0 but it is easily veried that s 6∈ CN (n).

(iii): Dene

otherwise. (iii)

(i) is trivial.

The following is a characterization of non-degeneracy of matrices over

Proposition 17.14. from

e . C(n)



e m2 A ∈ C(n)

be an


e . C(n)

square matrix with entries

The following are equivalent:

A is non-degenerate, ξ = 0.

i.e., if

e m ξ, η ∈ C(n)


e m → C(n) e m A : C(n)

is injective.


e m → C(n) e m A : C(n)

is bijective.




ξ t Aη = 0 ∀η


is invertible.

Proof. The proof is purely algebraical and hence is entirely equivalent to the s version for

G (Ω)

([GKOS01, Lemma 1.4.41]). More explicitly, (ii)


(iv) is dealt with by [Bou70, Chapter III Ÿ8 Proposition 3 and Theorem 1]. (i)

(ii) follows by showing that (i) is equivalent to

which (ii)

(iv) can be applied to

det(A) =


being injective, after

det(At ).

The next theorem is a characterization of invertibility of generalized functions in 114

G e (Ω).

Theorem 17.15. (i)

e R


e ∈ G e (Ω) R

the following are equivalent:

is invertible.

(ii) For each representative



e R

the following holds:

∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∃m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ) ∃C > 0 ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 : sup |R(Sε ϕ, x)| > Cεm . x∈K Remark 15.1 (i) applies here; furthermore, we can always have

m = q.

e (Ω) and Q ∈ E e (Ω) such that RS = S ∈ EM N 1 + Q. Fix K ⊂⊂ Ω. Then ∃p ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ Ap (Rn ) ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 : supx∈K |Q(Sε ϕ, x)| < 12 and thus S(Sε ϕ, x) > 0. Furthermore, ∃N ∈ N ∀ϕ ∈ AN (Rn ) ∃ε1 > 0 ∀ε < ε1 : supx∈K |S(Sε ϕ, x)| < ε−N . Then for q := max(p, N ), ϕ ∈ Aq (Rn ), ε < min(ε0 , ε1 ) and x ∈ K we obtain 1 + Q(Sε ϕ, x) 1 − |Q(Sε ϕ, x)| εN ≥ > . |R(Sε ϕ, x)| = S(Sε ϕ, x) S(Sε ϕ, x) 2 Proof. Assuming (i) there exist

R satisfying (ii) set S(ϕ) := 1/R(ϕ) where dened and 0 e (Ω) by denition and obviously RS − 1 ∈ N e (Ω)(n). S ∈ EM

Conversely, given elsewhere. Then

The following proposition establishes a relation between invertibility and point values.

Proposition 17.16. in

e C(n)

for each

e ∈ G e (Ω) R e ∈Ω e c. X

is invertible if and only if

e X) e R(

is invertible

Proof. Necessity holds because point evaluation at a xed generalized point e e ee

G e (Ω)


e X) e S( e X) e = 1 R(

not invertible.


Then by Theorem

G (Ω)

RS = 1 in e is R n 17.15 ∃K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀q ∈ N ∃ϕq ∈ Aq (R ) q such that R(Sεq,k ϕq , xq,k ) ≤ εq,k . Let

evidently is a ring homomorphism from

e . C(n)




For suciency suppose that

∃(εq,k )k∈N & 0 ∃(xq,k )k∈N ∈ K N X : A0 (Rn ) → K and (ql )l∈N be as obtained from Lemma 17.4 with arbitrary x0 ∈ K . Then clearly X is compactly supported and the class of R(X) is not strictly nonzero and thus not invertible, because for arbitrary q we can choose any l such that ql ≥ q and for large enough k ∈ N we obtain ql q R(X)(S ϕ ) = R(S ϕ , x ) εql ,k ql εql ,k ql ql ,k ≤ εql ,k ≤ εql ,k . Proposition 17.12 also follows directly from the following Lemma, whose validity is clear because for

Lemma 17.17.

e r˜ ∈ C(n)

e r˜ ∈ C(n)


e ∈Ω e c (n) X

we have

is invertible if and only if

e = r˜. ρ˜(˜ r)(X)

ρ˜(˜ r) ∈ G e (Ω)



Chapter 18

Point values in G d(Ω) While in




one can essentially leave away the

x-slot in order to obtain

generalized numbers we have to be more careful when introducing generalized numbers in the dieomorphism invariant setting.

First, smoothness of the

involved objects is a crucial factor requiring considerable technical machinery (cf. [GKOS01, Chapter 2]). Second, there are two equivalent formalisms


for describing the algebra

one stems from the original construction by

J. F. Colombeau [Col85], the other is used by J. Jelínek [Jel99] and is essential if one aims to construct a corresponding algebra intrinsically on a manifold. It is a sensible requirement that the translation mechanism between the Cformalism and the J-formalism ([GKOS01, Section 2.3.2]) remains intact in order to translate results related to point values. As we are dealing with dierential algebras we can dene generalized numbers

R satisfying Ω this is a natural denition of a space of numbers, are vectors of such numbers. Now as Di only acts

as constant generalized functions, which means those functions

Di R = 0 ∀i.

For connected

generalized points simply

x-slot one would be tempted to simply leave it away as we did in the G e -setting with the hope to get simpler objects. We refrain from doing so, on the

however, because retaining the space of generalized numbers as a subspace of the space of generalized functions has two signicant advantages: rst, the existing technical background regarding smoothness which lies at the basis of


can be used. Second, the translation mechanism given by the map

T works

straightforward. Instead of requiring

Di R = 0

one can equivalently demand that the function

does not depend on the second slot. We thus come to the following denition of generalized points.



Point values in

G d (Ω)

Denition 18.1. points of



V ⊆ Rp

be open for some

p ∈ N.

Then generalized

d in the G -setting are dened by

VM (Ω) := { X ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω), V ) | ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀α ∈ Nn0 ∃N ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb∞ (I × Ω, A0 (Rn )) : sup |∂ α X(Sε φ(ε, x), x)| = O(ε−N ) x∈K


∀(ϕ, x), (ϕ, y) ∈ U (Ω) : X(ϕ, x) = X(ϕ, y) },

VN (Ω) := { X ∈ VM (Ω) | ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb∞ (I × Ω, Aq (Rn )) : sup |X(Sε φ(ε, x), x)| = O(εm ) }, x∈K

Ve (Ω) := VM (Ω)/VN (Ω). In order to obtain moderateness estimates of generalized point values one needs to introduce the concept of compactly supported generalized points, as is exemplied in the special algebra resp. elementary full algebra by the estimates

|(u(x))ε | = |uε (xε )| ≤ sup |uε (x)| x∈K resp.

|R(X)(Sε ϕ)| = |R(Sε ϕ, X(Sε ϕ))| ≤ sup |R(Sε ϕ, x)| x∈K where

xε ∈ K

for small


X(Sε ϕ) ∈ K for all ϕ with suciently many ε. In order to nd an analogous condition for representative X ∈ VM (Ω) of a generalized point all (ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω) and some compact set L ⊂⊂ Ω.


vanishing moments and small


one could start with a


X(ϕ, x) ∈ L


However, this condition is not preserved under change of representative: if one adds an element



VN (Ω)



one can only retain

∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∃q ∈ N ∀φ ∈ Cb∞ (I × Ω, Aq (Rn )) ∃ε0 > 0 ∀ε < ε0 ∀x ∈ K : (X + Y )(Sε φ(ε, x), x) ∈ L0 L0

L. The reason Y ∈ VN (Ω) gives uniformly small values of Y (Sε φ(ε, x), x) (for x ∈ K and ε small) only if φ is an element of Cb∞ (I × Ω, Aq (Rn )) for some certain q . This means that if φ has less than q vanishing moments Y (Sε φ(ε, x), x) may grow in any moderate way, leaving no hope of staying near L or even in any compact subset of V , in general. where

is an arbitrarily small compact neighborhood of

for this is that negligibility of

The easiest remedy to this problem is to simply dene a generalized point

e ∈ Ve (Ω) as being compactly supported if it has at least one representative X X whose image is contained in some compact set and only use such a suitable representative for the denition of point evaluation. A dierent approach which is not pursued here but has to be mentioned is to use an equivalent description of

G d (Ω)

where tests for moderateness and

negligibility are performed using test objects having asymptotically vanishing 118

moments. Such an algebra, called

G 2 (Ω),

exists and is dieomorphism invari-

ant ([GFKS01, Section 17]). It was demonstrated by J. Jelínek in [Jel99] that this algebra actually is the same as

G d (Ω).

Using the moderateness and neg-

2 ligibility conditions of G (Ω) it would be possible to redene the spaces used here in order to have a denition of compact support which is stable under change of representatives. In order to be consistent with our formalism of


however, we chose not to take this route here, as it has no eect on the validity of the point value characterization theorem below and because there is no straightforward interface between

G 2 (Ω)


G d (Ω).

Denition 18.2. A generalized point Xe ∈ Ve (Ω) is called compactly supported in L ⊂⊂ V if it has a representative X ∈ VM (Ω) such that ∀(ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω): X(ϕ, x) ∈ L. Denote by Vec (Ω) the subset of all compactly supported generale (Ω). ized points of V

VM (Ω) resp. VN (Ω) are X ∼ Y for X − Y ∈ VN (Ω).

As usual, elements of and we write

called moderate resp. negligible

e V = C gives the space C(Ω) of generalized complex numbers over Ω. ∞ As X ∈ C (U (Ω), V ) is moderate resp. negligible if and only if each component pri ◦X is, [GKOS01, Theorems 2.5.3 and 2.5.4] immediately give a characterization of moderateness resp. negligibility of X in terms of dieren(ε) : X ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω), V ) is moderate if and only if ∀K ⊂⊂ Ω tials of Xε := X ◦ S n ∀α ∈ N0 ∀k ∈ N0 ∃N ∈ N ∀B ⊆ D(Rn ) bounded it holds that

α k

(ε → 0)

∂ d1 Xε (ϕ, x)(ψ1 , . . . , ψk ) = O(ε−N ) Setting

resp. X ∈ VM (Ω) is negligible if and ∀B ⊆ D(Rn ) bounded it holds that

only if

kXε (ϕ, x)k = O(εm ) where the estimate has to hold uniformly for


Aq (Rn ), and

ψ1 , . . . , ψk ∈ B ∩ A00

∀K ⊂⊂ Ω ∀m ∈ N ∃q ∈ N (ε → 0), x ∈ K , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn )

In the C-setting the point value is obtained as in (generalized) point into the



(Rn ). Gs



by inserting the

The corresponding formula for the J-setting

is obtained by using the translation mechanism provided by the map

T∗ .


x the following abbreviations for the natural denitions of point evaluation in the J- and the C-setting, noting that no confusion can arise from using the expression


in both cases.

R ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω)


R(X)(ϕ, x) := R(TX(ϕ,x)−x ϕ, X(ϕ, x)) X ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω, Ω), and


R(X)(ϕ, x) := R(ϕ, X(ϕ, x)) for R ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω)) and X ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω), Ω).





Point values in



G d (Ω)

is not dened on the whole of

A0 (Ω) × Ω


U (Ω)

one has

to implement a smooth cut-o procedure as in the following proposition. We will do so rst in the J-setting because there the smoothness issues are more perspicuous  the topology on tions of smoothness on

U (Ω)

U (Ω)

is induced by the mapping


so ques-

are most easily handled by transferring them to

A0 (Ω) × Ω.

Proposition 18.3.


R ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω)


X ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω, Ω)


∃L ⊂⊂ Ω ∀(ϕ, x) ∈ A0 (Ω) × Ω : X(ϕ, x) ∈ L there exists a map JR,X ∈ B ⊆ D(Rn ) satisfying ∃β


C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω) such that for any K ⊂⊂ Ω and any > 0 ∀ω ∈ B : supp ω ⊆ Bβ (0) there is a relatively

compact open neighborhood U of K in Ω and ε0 > 0 such that for all x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ), and ε < ε0 the expression R(X)(Tx Sε ϕ, x) is dened and

JR,X (Tx Sε ϕ, x) = R(X)(Tx Sε ϕ, x). z ∈ Ω remain xed for the following construction. For some δz > 0 1 1 := Bδz (z) ⊆ Ω and 3 dist(L, ∂Ω) and 2 dist(z, ∂Ω) we set Az Bz := Bδz (Az ) = B2δz (z). Both sets are relatively compact in Ω. For all x ∈ Az and ϕ ∈ A0,Bz (Ω) we consequently obtain

Proof. Let

smaller than

supp TX(ϕ,x)−x ϕ = X(ϕ, x) − x + supp ϕ ⊆ L − x + B2δz (z) ⊆ L + B3δz (0) ⊆ Ω which means that

A0,Bz (Ω) × Az .

R(X)(ϕ, x) = R(TX(ϕ,x)−x ϕ, X(ϕ, x)) is dened on the set gz := R(X)|A0,B (Ω)×Az ∈ C ∞ (A0,Bz (Ω) × Az ):



this follows easily by writing down all maps and spaces involved, after which


Dz := Bδz /2 (Az ) and ∞ C (Ω, R) with support in Bz and ρz ≡ 1 on

is seen to be a composition of smooth functions. Set

ρz ∈ ϕz ∈ A0,Bz (Ω) dene the Z := πz (ϕ) ϕ · ρz + (1 − ϕ · ρz ) · ϕz

choose a smooth function

Dz .

Fixing an arbitrary

then clearly

πz ∈ C ∞ (D(Rn ), D(Rn ))

and thus


∀ϕ ∈ A0 (Ω),

πz ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω), A0,Bz (Ω)):

the restriction to a set carrying the initial smooth structure with respect to the inclusion evidently is smooth, and as


set also carries the initial smooth structure,

has values in


A0,Bz (Ω)

and this

is smooth into this set.


supp ϕ ⊆ Dz we have πz (ϕ) = ϕ. There exists a smooth partition of unity {χz }z subordinate to {Az }z , that is a collection of maps χz ∈ C ∞ (Ω, [0, 1]) with supp χz ⊆ Az such that set of supports {supp χz }z is locally nite and P χz (x) = 1 ∀x ∈ Ω. Dene a map fz on A0 (Ω) × Ω by ( gz (πz (ϕ), x)χz (x) if x ∈ Az fz (ϕ, x) := 0 otherwise. 120

fz ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω): given a smooth curve c = (c1 , c2 ) in ∗ 0 (Ω) × Ω), c fz is smooth because any t0 ∈ R has a neighborhood whose image under c2 lies either in Az or in the complement of supp χz , which are open sets covering Ω. In the rst case, gz (πz (c1 (t)), c2 (t))χz (c2 (t)) = gz (πz (c1 (t)), c˜2 (t))χz (˜ c2 (t)) in a neighborhood of t0 on which c2 is equal to ∞ some curve c ˜2 ∈ C (R, Az ), thus one can employ smoothness of (ϕ, x) 7→ gz (πz (ϕ), x)χz (x) on A0 (Ω) × Az . In the second case the function is zero on an open neighborhood of c2 (t0 ), thus smooth trivially. Now we can dene P JR,X : A0 (Ω) × Ω → C as JR,X (ϕ, x) := z fz (ϕ, x), which also is easily seen to be smooth as the sum is locally nite in x. Now let K and B be given as stated in the proposition. K has an open neighborhood U which meets only nitely many supports of the χz , which means that there are z1 , . . . , zm ∈ Ω S S for some m ∈ N such that K ⊆ U ⊆ supp χ ⊆ z i i=1...m i=1...m Azi , so on P A0 (Ω)×U JR,X is given by i=1...m fzi . For ε < mini δzi /(2β), ϕ ∈ B∩A0 (Rn ) and x ∈ Azi , supp Tx Sε ϕ ⊆ Bεβ (x) ⊆ Dzi and thus πzi (Tx Sε ϕ) = Tx Sε ϕ; now x ∈ supp χzi ⊆ Azi implies gzi (πzi (Tx Sε ϕ), x) = R(X)(Tx Sε ϕ, x) and thus for x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ), and ε as above we nally obtain the conclusion X JR,X (Tx Sε ϕ, x) = gzi (πzi (Tx Sε ϕ), x)χzi (x)

We now see that

C ∞ (R, A


= R(X)(Tx Sε ϕ, x) ·


χzi (x) = R(X)(Tx Sε ϕ, x).


Corollary 18.4.


R ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω))


X ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω), Ω)

∃L ⊂⊂ Ω ∀(ϕ, x) ∈ U (Ω) : X(ϕ, x) ∈ L

satisfying (18.2)

SR,X ∈ C ∞ (U (Ω)) such that for any K ⊂⊂ Ω and B ⊆ D(Rn ) satisfying ∃β > 0 ∀ω ∈ B : supp ω ⊆ Bβ (0) there is a relatively compact open n neighborhood U of K in Ω and ε0 > 0 such that for all x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩A0 (R ), and ε < ε0 , the expression R(X)(Sε ϕ, x) is dened and

there exists

SR,X (Sε ϕ, x) = R(X)(Sε ϕ, x). Proof. Set

RJ := (T−1 )∗ R ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω) X J := (T−1 )∗ X ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω, Ω). Then


satises (18.1), giving

JRJ ,X J ∈ C ∞ (A0 (Ω) × Ω).

Now by Propo-

U of K in Ω ε0 > 0 such that ∀x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ), and ε < ε0 we know that RJ (X J )(Tx Sε ϕ, x) is dened and JRJ ,X J (Tx Sε ϕ, x) = RJ (X J )(Tx Sε ϕ, x). ∗ J J Thus because T (R (X )) = R(X) we obtain the result by setting SR,X := ∗ T JRJ ,X J . sition 18.3 there exists a relatively compact open neighborhood




Point values in

G d (Ω)

The following proposition establishes that the construction of unique element of values in

e C(Ω)


denes a

and enables us to use it for the denition of point

G d (Ω).

Proposition 18.5.

d (Ω) and X, Y ∈ Ω (Ω) satisfying (18.2) R ∈ EM M is in CM (Ω); if R is negligible SR,X is, and X ∼ Y implies SR,X ∼ SR,Y .


Proof. Fix


K ⊂⊂ Ω, α ∈ Nn0 ,


k ∈ N0

B ⊆ D(Rn ) be of SR,X is tested

for testing and let

bounded for testing in terms of dierentials. Moderateness by estimating

α k ∂ d (S ) (ϕ, x)(ψ , . . . , ψ ) 1 k 1 R,X ε x ∈ K , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ), and ψ1 , . . . , ψk ∈ B ∩ A00 (Rn ). Let J ⊆ R be a n bounded neighborhood of 0. Then B + Jψ1 + · · · + Jψk is bounded in D(R ). Corollary 18.4 gives an open neighborhood U of K in Ω and ε0 > 0 such that 0 n for x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (R ), and ε < ε0 the equation


(SR,X )ε (ϕ, x) = (R(X))ε (ϕ, x) holds. Given

ϕ, ψ1 , . . . , ψk

as above we obtain for the

dk1 (SR,X )ε (ϕ, x)(ψ1 , . . . , ψk ) ∂ = ··· ∂t1 0 ∂ = ··· ∂t1 0

k th


∂ (SR,X )ε (ϕ + t1 ψ1 + . . . + tk ψk , x) ∂tk 0 ∂ (R(X))ε (ϕ + t1 ψ1 + . . . + tk ψk , x) ∂tk 0

= dk1 (R(X))ε (ϕ, x)(ψ1 , . . . , ψk ). Note that this seemingly trivial equality and the following application of the chain rule rest on two hidden details. First, because in the rst slot the mappings




are dened on subsets of the ane subspace

A0 (Ω),

their dierentials have to be calculated by considering the corresponding maps

A00 (Ω) which are obtained by pullback along an ane bibounded isomorphism A00 (Ω) → A0 (Ω). Second, these maps obtained acn tually have to be restricted to suitable subsets of A0 (R ) × Ω in order to

on the linear subspace

give meaning to their dierentials (cf. [GKOS01, Section 2.3.3] for a detailed discussion).

(R(X))ε (ϕ, x) = Rε (ϕ, Xε (ϕ, x)), by the chain rule ([GKOS01, k A]) d1 (R(X))ε (ϕ, x)(ψ1 , . . . , ψk ) consists of terms of the form As


(dl2 dm 1 Rε (ϕ, Xε (ϕ, x))(ψi1 , . . . , ψim , (da11 Xε )(ϕ, x)(ψA1 ), . . . , (da1l Xε (ϕ, x)(ψAl ))


m, l ∈ N0 , i1 , . . . , im ∈ {1 . . . k}, a1 , . . . , al ∈ N, and ψA1 , . . . , ψAl are ap{ψ1 , . . . , ψk }. Consequently, the expression α k ∂ d1 (R(X))ε (ϕ, x)(ψ1 , . . . , ψk ) consists of terms of the form


propriate tuples of elements from

γ (dl2 dm 1 ∂ Rε (ϕ, Xε (ϕ, x))(ψi1 , . . . , ψim ,

(∂ β1 da11 Xε (ϕ, x)(ψA1 ), . . . , (∂ βl da1l Xε (ϕ, x)(ψAl )) where

γ, β1 , . . . , βl

are some multi-indices.

The norm of the last expression

can be estimated by

l m γ

(d2 d1 ∂ Rε (ϕ, Xε (ϕ, x))(ψi1 , . . . , ψim ) ·

· (∂ β1 da11 Xε (ϕ, x)(ψA1 ) · · · (∂ βl da1l Xε (ϕ, x)(ψAl ) whence the rst two claims of the proposition follow immediately from moderateness and negligibility of supported

R, respectively, and moderateness of the compactly


m ∈ N for testing and let B ⊆ D(Rn ) be bounded. Let Y take values in L ⊂⊂ Ω. We need to estimate the expression |(SR,X − SR,Y )ε (ϕ, x)| for x ∈ K and ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ). By Corollary 18.4 there exists an open neighborhood U of K in Ω such that for x ∈ U , ϕ ∈ B ∩ A0 (Rn ), and small ε we have both (SR,X )ε (ϕ, x) = (R(X))ε (ϕ, x) and (SR,Y )ε (ϕ, x) = (R(Y ))ε (ϕ, x), so we have to estimate |(R(X) − R(Y ))ε (ϕ, x)|. Setting F (t) := Rε (ϕ, (Y +t(X −Y ))ε (ϕ, x)) the last expression can be written as |F (1) − F (0)|. As X ∼ Y there exists q ∈ N such that for x ∈ K , ϕ ∈ B ∩ Aq (Rn ), and small ε we have |(X − Y )ε (ϕ, x)| < ε, so F (t) is dened and smooth on [0, 1] and we can write Z 1 Z 1 0 |F (1) − F (0)| = F (t) dt = d2 Rε (ϕ, g(t)) · (X − Y )ε (ϕ, x) dt For the last claim, x

K ⊂⊂ Ω




whence the claim follows directly from moderateness of


and negligibility of

X −Y.

Denition 18.6.

e ∈ G d (Ω) and X ∈ Ω e c (Ω) we dene the generalized R e at X e as R( e X) e := [SR,X ] where R is any representative of R e point value of R e and X is a representative of X satisfying (18.2).

Lemma 18.7. (xq,k )k∈N






be a compact set.

Given for each

q ∈ N

a sequence

it holds that

∃x0 ∈ K ∀δ > 0 ∀q0 ∈ N ∃q = q(δ, q0 ) ≥ q0 ∀k0 ∈ N ∃k = k(δ, q0 , k0 ) ≥ k0 : xq,k ∈ Bδ (x0 ). This means that


is an accumulation point of innitely many of the sequences

(xq,k )k . 123


Point values in

G d (Ω)

∀x0 ∈ K ∃δ = δ(x0 ) > 0 ∃q0 = q0 S (x0 ) ∈ N ∀q ≥ q0 ∃k0 = k0 (x0 , q) ∀k ≥ k0 : xq,k 6∈ Bδ(x0 ) (x0 ). As K ⊆ x∈K Bδ(x) (x) we can choose x1 , . . . , xm (m ∈ N) such that K ⊆ S B i=1,...,m δ(xi ) (xi ). Then forSq ≥ maxi q0 (xi ) and k ≥ maxi k0 (xi , q) we obtain the contradiction xq,k 6∈ i=1,...,m Bδ(xi ) (xi ) ⊇ K .

Proof. Assuming the converse we would have

After these preparations we are nally able to establish the point value characterization theorem for

Theorem 18.8.

G d (Ω).

e ∈ G d (Ω) R



if and only if

e X) e = 0 R(


e C(Ω)

for all

e ∈Ω e c (Ω). X e. We have already shown in Proposition R be a representative of R d 18.5 that R ∈ N (Ω) implies R(X) ∈ CN (Ω) for all X ∈ ΩM (Ω). For the d converse we assume R 6∈ N (Ω) and construct a generalized point X such that R(X) 6∈ CN (Ω). By this assumption there exists K ⊂⊂ Ω and m ∈ N such n ∞ that for all q ∈ N there is some φq ∈ Cb (I × Ω, Aq (R )) such that ∀k ∈ N ∃εq,k < k1 ∃xq,k ∈ K such that with ϕq,k := Sεq,k φq (εq,k , xq,k ) we have Proof. Let

|R(ϕq,k , xq,k )| ≥ εm q,k . R(X) to fail it suces to construct X such that for each of innitely many q the equation X(ϕq,k , xq,k ) = xq,k holds for innitely many k . Choose positive real numbers δ and η1 both smaller than dist(x0 , ∂Ω).

For the negligibility test of

Lemma 18.7 gives

∃x0 ∈ K ∀q0 ∈ N ∃q = q(δ, q0 ) ≥ q0 ∀k0 ∈ N ∃k = k(δ, q0 , k0 ) ≥ k0 : xq,k ∈ Bδ (x0 ).


q ∈ N there exists an index k1 (q) ∈ N such that supp Sεq,k φq (εq,k , xq,k ) ⊆ Bη1 (0) for all k ≥ k1 (q). Combining this with (18.3), there exists a strictly increasing sequence (ql )l∈N and for each l ∈ N a sequence (kl,r )r∈N with kl,r ≥ k1 (ql ) and xql ,kl,r ∈ Bδ (x0 ) for all r ∈ N. Choose η2 > 0 arbitrary and set U := {ϕ ∈ D(Rn ) | kϕk∞ < η2 }.

Furthermore, we know that for all

(cn )n∈N be a sequence in N in which each natural number appears innitely often. Set ϕ1 := ϕqc ,kc ,1 and x1 := xqc ,kc ,1 . Inductively, given ϕn choose 1 1

1 1

r large enough such that ϕqcn+1 ,kcn+1 ,r > kϕn k∞ + 2η2 and set ϕn+1 := ∞ ϕqcn+1 ,kcn+1 ,r and xn+1 := xqcn+1 ,kcn+1 ,r . Let

The sequences 1.

(ϕn )n∈N


(xn )n∈N

xn ∈ Bδ (x0 ) ∀n ∈ N.

2. For each of innitely many that 124

then have the following properties:





k∈N (xn )n .

there are innitely many

appears in the sequence

(ϕn )n




supp ϕn ⊆ Bη1 (0)

for all

U + T−xn ϕn kT−xn ϕn k∞ .

4. All sets



E := DBη

such that 1



n ∈ N

are pairwise disjoint, as

0 < η3 < η2 . Set U 0 := {ϕ ∈ D(Rn ) | kϕk∞ < η3 }, U10 := U 0 ∩ E. Construct a smooth bump function

supp χ1 ⊆ U10

and χ1 (0) = 1 as follows: ∞ C (R, R) be nonnegative such that g(x) = 1 for x ≤

g∈ x ≥ 1.

kϕn k∞ =

n (0) (R ) and

χ1 ∈ C ∞ (E, R) Let

n ∈ N.






g(x) = 0

is a nuclear locally convex space, there exist a convex, circled

0-neighborhood V p ⊆ U10 and a positive semi-denite sesquilinear form σ on E such that p : x 7→ σ(x, x) is the gauge function of V and a continuous seminorm on E ([Sch71, Chapter III 7.3]). From the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality we infer |σ(x, y)| ≤ p(x)p(y), which means that σ is bounded and thus smooth. Consequently the associated hermitian form h : x 7→ σ(x, x) also is smooth. The dierentials of h are given by dh(x)(v) = 2