A note on almost contact metric submersions whose ... - F.M.I. - UniBuc

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almost contact metric submersion of type I, if the total space is a C9, C10,. C11 or a C12-manifold, then the fibres are Kählerian while the base space inherits the ...
Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) 3 (LXI) (2012), 111–122

A note on almost contact metric submersions whose total space is a Chinea-Gonzalez manifold Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba Communicated by Liviu Ornea

Abstract - In this paper, we discuss some geometric properties of Riemannian submersions whose total space is a manifold defined by Chinea and Gonzalez. Key words and phrases : Riemannian submersions, almost Hermitian manifolds, almost contact metric manifolds, almost contact metric submersions. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) : 53C15, 53C20, 53C25.

1. Introduction In their classification scheme of almost contact metric manifolds, Chinea and Gonzalez (see [2]) have obtained several classes that have not yet been considered, namely: C7 , C8 , C9 , C10 , C11 , and C12 . Briefly, we call them the Chinea-Gonzalez manifolds. This note is intended to describe Riemannian submersions whose total space is one of the manifolds under consideration. It is organized in the following way. Section 2 is devoted to the preliminary background, a revision of almost Hermitian and almost contact metric manifolds. In section 3, we determine the structure of the fibres and the base space according to that of the total space of the fibration. We show that, for an almost contact metric submersion of type I, if the total space is a C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 -manifold, then the fibres are K¨ahlerian while the base space inherits the structure of the total space. Section 4 is concerned with the geometry of the fibres. We examine the minimality and superminimality of the fibres and establish their interrelations. It is shown that the fibres of an almost contact metric submersion of type I, whose total space is one of the above manifolds are minimal. After proving that the fibres of a type I almost contact metric submersion whose total space is a C11 or a C12 -manifold are superminimal, it is shown that in the case of a type II submersion, the fibres cannot be superminimal. 111


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In section 5, we give some examples of almost contact metric submersions, using the projections of a product manifold. 2. Preliminaries An almost Hermitian manifold is an even dimensional Riemannian manifold (M, g) endowed with a tensor field J of type (1, 1) satisfying the following two conditions: (i) J 2 D = −D, and (ii) g(JD, JE) = g(D, E), for all D, E ∈ χ(M ). We shall denote by Ω the fundamental two-form defined by Ω(D, E) = g(D, JE). From the classification of almost Hermitian structures, obtained by Gray and Hervella [3], we shall be interested in the following particular classes: (a) the K¨ ahler manifolds, and (b) the W3 -manifold, defined by the conditions (∇D Ω)(E, G) − (∇JD Ω)(JE, G) = 0 and δΩ = 0, P where δ is the codifferential associated to g: δ = − Ei c∇Ei for an orthonormal basis {Ei }. An almost contact structure on a odd-dimensional differentiable manifold, M, is a triple (ϕ, ξ, η) where: (i) ξ is a vector field (called “characteristic”, or Reeb field), (ii) η is a differential 1-form such that η(ξ) = 1, and (iii) ϕ is a tensor field of type (1, 1) satisfying ϕ2 D = −D + η(D)ξ,

for all D ∈ χ(M ).

If in addition, M admits a Riemannian metric g such that g(ϕD, ϕE) = g(D, E) − η(D)η(E), then g is called a compatible metric. In this case, (M, g, ϕ, ξ, η) is an almost contact metric manifold and η is the metric dual of ξ. As in the case of almost Hermitian manifolds, the fundamental 2-form, φ, of an almost contact metric manifold is defined by φ(D, E) = g(D, ϕE). We now recall the defining relations of the Chinea-Gonzalez manifolds. An almost contact metric manifold is said to be: • C7 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = η(G)(∇E η)ϕD + η(E)(∇ϕD η)E, and δφ = 0; • C8 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = −η(G)(∇E η)ϕD + η(E)(∇ϕD η)G, and δη = 0; • C9 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = η(G)(∇E η)ϕD − η(E)(∇ϕD η)G;

Almost contact submersions


• C10 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = −η(G)(∇E η)ϕD − η(E)(∇ϕD η)G; • C11 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = −η(D)(∇ξ φ)(ϕE, ϕG); • C12 if (∇D φ)(E, G) = η(D)η(G)(∇ξ η)ϕE − η(D)η(E)(∇ξ η)ϕG. Observe that except C11 , the formulae defining the other classes contain ∇η. This means that if η is parallel, or equivalently, ξ, is parallel, then the right hand side vanishes. 3. Almost contact metric submersions A Riemannian submersion is, [4], a surjective mapping π : M → B between two Riemannian manifolds such that (i) π is of maximal rank; (ii) π ∗ /(kerπ ∗ )⊥ is an isometry. The tangent bundle T (M ), of the total space M, admits an orthogonal decomposition T (M ) = V (M ) ⊕ H(M ), where V (M ) and H(M ) denote respectively the vertical and horizontal distributions. We denote by V and H the vertical and horizontal projections respectively. A vector field X of the horizontal distribution is called a basic vector field if it is π-related to a vector field X∗ of the base B (π ∗ X = X∗ .) On the base space, tensors and other objects will be denoted by a prime ’ while those tangent to the fibres will be specified by a carretˆ. Herein, vector fields tangent to the fibres will be denoted by U, V and W. 0 Let (M 2m+1 , g, ϕ, ξ, η) and (M 02m +1 , g 0 , ϕ0 , ξ 0 , η 0 ) be two almost contact metric manifolds. By an almost contact metric submersion of type I, in the sense of Watson (see [8]), one understands a Riemannian submersion 0

π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 satisfying (i) π ∗ ϕ = ϕ0 π ∗ , (ii) π ∗ ξ = ξ 0 . It is the natural analogue of a holomorphic submersion. 0 When the base space is an almost Hermitian manifold, (B 2m , g 0 , J 0 ), the 0 Riemannian submersion π : M 2m+1 → B 2m is called an almost contact metric submersion of type II, if π ∗ ϕ = J 0 π ∗ (see [8]; again this is a generalization of the holomorphicity. Such maps are also called (ϕ, J 0 )-holomorphic). We recall some of the fundamental properties of these submersions.


Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba 0

Proposition 3.1. (see [8]) Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. Then (i) π ∗ φ0 = φ; (ii) π ∗ η 0 = η; (iii) the horizontal and vertical distributions are ϕ-invariant; (iv) η(U ) = 0 for all U ∈ V (M ); (v) H(∇X ϕ)Y is the basic vector field associated to (∇0X∗ ϕ0 )Y∗ if X and Y are basic. 0

Proposition 3.2. (see [8]) Let π : M 2m+1 → B 2m be an almost contact metric submersion of type II. Then (i) π ∗ Ω0 = φ; (ii) the horizontal and vertical distributions are ϕ-invariant; (iii) η(X) = 0 for all X ∈ H(M ); (iv) H(∇X ϕ)Y is the basic vector field associated to (∇0X∗ J 0 )Y∗ if X and Y are basic. Now, from a given structure of the total space we want to determine the corresponding structure on the base space and on the fibres. 0

Proposition 3.3. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 -manifold, then the fibres are K¨ ahlerian while the base space inherits the structure of the total space. Proof. Consider the case of a C9 -manifold. Let U, V and W be tangent to the fibres. Then, we have (∇U φ)(V, W ) = 0 because η vanishes on the vertical vector fields according to Proposition 3.1 (iv). ˆ ˆ U φ)(V, ˆ Uϕ ˆ Uϕ As (∇ W ) = g(W, (∇ ˆ )V ), the relation g(W, (∇ ˆ )V ) = 0 imˆ plies (∇U ϕ ˆ )V = 0. On the other hand, the fibres of an almost contact metric submersion of type I are almost Hermitian manifolds, and hence ˆ Uϕ ˆ U J)V = 0, and thus the fibres are K¨ahler. (∇ ˆ )V = 0 is equivalent to (∇ The remaining cases are similarly proven. Concerning the structure of the base space, let X, Y and Z be basic vector fields. We have to show that (∇0X∗ φ0 )(Y∗ , Z ∗ ) = η 0 (Z∗ )(∇0Y∗ η 0 )ϕ0 X∗ − η 0 (Y∗ )(∇0ϕ0 X∗ η 0 )Z∗ . Note that H(∇X ϕ)Y is basic associated to (∇0X∗ ϕ0 )Y∗ . Since π ∗ ξ = ξ 0 , it is clear that ξ is basic so that H(∇X ξ) is basic associated to ∇0X∗ ξ 0 . Therefore, g 0 (Y∗ , ∇0X∗ ξ 0 ) corresponds to (∇0X∗ η 0 )Y∗ because π ∗ η 0 = η. It can be shown that H(∇Y η)ϕX is basic associated to (∇0Y∗ η 0 )ϕ0 X∗ and H(∇ϕX η)Z is basic associated to (∇0ϕ0 X∗ η 0 )Z∗ . Hence, the statement is proved. 2 The analogous of the preceding Proposition 3.3 is the following


Almost contact submersions 0

Proposition 3.4. Let π : M 2m+1 → B 2m be an almost contact metric submersion of type II. If the total space is a C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 -manifold, then the fibres inherit the structure of the total space while the base space is K¨ ahlerian. Recall that, in [4], O’Neill has defined two configuration tensors, T and A, by setting TD E = H∇VD VE + V∇VD HE,


These tensors play an important role in the study of the fibres and the horizontal distribution respectively. Using the tensor A, Chinea has defined (see [1]) an associated tensor A∗ on horizontal vector fields in the following way A∗ (X, Y ) = AX ϕY − AϕX Y, and has established the following structure equations: ˆ ) + 1 g(trA∗ , U ), δφ(U ) = δ φ(U 2


δφ(X) = δφ0 (X∗ ) + g(H, ϕX),


δη = δη 0 ◦ π − g(H, ξ),


where H denotes the mean curvature vector field of the fibres while trA∗ is the trace of A∗ . The above equations lead to the following 0

Theorem 3.1. (see [5, Theorem 5]) Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If among the defining relations of the total space there is the codifferential δφ or δη, then the base space inherits the structure of the total space if and only if the fibres are minimal. As a consequence of this Theorem 3.1, one has the following 0

Proposition 3.5. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C7 or a C8 -manifold, then the base space inherits the structure of the total space if and only if the fibres are minimal. 0

Proposition 3.6. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C7 -manifold, then the fibres are W3 -manifolds if and only if trA∗ = 0.


Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba

Proof. Let U be a vertical vector field tangent to the fibres. Using equation (3.1) of Chinea, we have ˆ ) + 1 g(trA∗ , U ). 0 = δ φ(U 2 ˆ ) = 0 if, and only if trA∗ = 0. Thus, δ φ(U On the other hand, since η vanishes on the vertical vector fields, it is clear that ˆ ˆ ϕV, W ) = 0. ˆ U φ)(V, ˆ ϕˆ U φ)(ˆ (∇ W ) − (∇ We then conclude that the fibres are W3 -manifolds if and only if it holds trA∗ = 0. 2 We now examine some properties of the configuration tensors. 0

Lemma 3.1. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C7 , C8 , C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 manifold, then TU ϕV = ϕTU V. Proof. On the vertical vector fields, the manifolds under consideration satisfy the relation (∇U φ)(V, W ) = 0. This relation leads to g(W, (∇U ϕ)V ) = 0 for every W , from which we deduce (∇U ϕ)V = 0. The horizontal projection of this gives rise to TU ϕV = ϕTU V. 2 0

Lemma 3.2. Let π : M 2m+1 → B 2m be an almost contact metric submersion of type II. If the total space is a C7 , C8 , C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 -manifold, then AX ϕY = ϕAX Y. Proof. The vanishing of η on the horizontal vector fields leads to the condition (∇X φ)(Y, Z) = 0. As in Proposition 3.1, we deduce that (∇X ϕ)Y = 0. The vertical projection of this relation gives the required statement. 2 4. The geometry of the fibres 0

Proposition 4.1. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C9 , C10 , C11 or a C12 -manifold, then the fibres are minimal. Proof. From [5, Proposition 4], it is known that if the configuration tensor T is ϕ-linear in the second variable on the vertical distribution, then the fibres are minimal. This is just the case observed in Lemma 3.1. 2 We now examine the superminimality of the fibres. Let (M 2m+1 , g, ϕ, ξ, η) ¯ a ϕ-invariant submanifold of be an almost contact metric manifold and M

Almost contact submersions


¯ , then M ¯ is said to be supermiM. If (∇V ϕ) = 0 for all V tangent to M nimal. In order to verify superminimality of the almost Hermitian fibres, ˆ , J, ˆ gˆ), recall from [6] that there are four components of g((∇V ϕ)E, F ) (M to be considered on the total space, M (and which all have to vanish). We easily find: ˆ V (JU ˆ ) − Jˆ∇ ˆ V U, W ), SM-1) g((∇V ϕ)U, W ) = g(∇ SM-2) g((∇V ϕ)U, X) = g(TV (ϕU ) − ϕ(TV U ), X), SM-3) g((∇V ϕ)X, U ) = −g((∇V ϕ)U, X), SM-4) g((∇V ϕ)X, Y ) = −g(AϕX Y + AX (ϕY ), V ). Let π : (M ,ϕ, ξ, η, g) → (M 0 , J 0 , g 0 ) be an almost contact metric submersion of type II. In order to verify superminimality of the almost contact ˆ ,ˆ metric fibres, (M ϕ, ˆξ, ηˆ, gˆ) there are four components of g((∇V ϕ)E, F ) to be considered on the total space, M (and which all have to vanish). We easily find: ˆ V (ˆ ˆ V U, W ), SM-5) g((∇V ϕ)U, W ) = g(∇ ϕU ) − ϕ ˆ∇ SM-6) g((∇V ϕ)U, X) = g(TV (ϕU ) − ϕ(TV U ), X), SM-7) g((∇V ϕ)X, U ) = −g((∇V ϕ)U, X), SM-8) g((∇V ϕ)X, Y ) = −g(AϕX Y + AX (ϕY ), V ). We note that SM-1) implies that if the fibres of a type I almost contact metric submersion are superminimal, then they are K¨ahler. For an almost contact metric submersion of type I, equation (3.3) of Chinea shows that the transference of the condition δη = 0 from the total space to the base space is connected to the minimality or the superminimality of the fibres. In fact, one has the following result. 0

Theorem 4.1. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I whose total and base spaces have codifferentials, δη and δ 0 η 0 , null. If the fibres are superminimal, then they are minimal.  Proof. Let E1 , ..., Em0m , ϕE1 , ..., ϕEm−m0 , F1 , ..., Fm0 , ϕF1 , ..., ϕFm0 , ξ be a basis forSthe local vector fields on M with the {Ei , ϕEi } vertical and the {Fj , ϕFj } {ξ} horizontal. The mean curvature vector field of the fibres is given by 0 m−m X H= {TEi (Ei ) + TϕEi ϕEi } . i=1

The nullity of calculation SM-2) for the superminimal fibres implies that all of the components of H with respect to the horizontal part of the local basis vanish, except probably g(H, ξ)ξ. Using equation (3.3), we have 0 = δη = −g(H, ξ) + π ∗ (δ 0 η 0 ).


Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba


Therefore, H = 0. The above Theorem 4.1 applies in the case of δφ = 0 = δ 0 φ0 . 0

Proposition 4.2. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. If the total space is a C11 or a C12 -manifold, then the fibres are superminimal. Proof. Consider the case of a C11 -manifold. Let V be a vertical vector field tangent to the fibres. By the vanishing of the contact 1-form, η, on the vertical vector fields, in virtue of Proposition 3.1, we have (∇V φ)(E, F ) = 0, from which (∇V ϕ)F = 0 follows. Thus, the fibres are superminimal. In the same way, suppose that the total space is a C12 -manifold. The vanishing of η, on the vertical vector fields leads to the same conclusion. 2 When studying the superminimality of the fibres of an almost Hermitian submersion, B. Watson (see [9]) introduced a criterion in terms of (∇X J)U which plays an important role in the transference of structure from the base to the total space. We have adaptated it to the contact geometry by replacing J by ϕ. 0

Proposition 4.3. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I. Assume that the base space is a C7 , C8 , C9 , or a C10 manifold and the fibres are superminimal. If V(∇X ϕ)U = 0, then the total space inherits the structure of the base space. Proof. Let us consider the case where the base space is a C7 -manifold. In order to prove that the total space is a C7 -manifold, there are six expressions that must vanish. C7 -1) (∇U φ)(V, W ) − η(W )(∇V η)ϕU − η(V )(∇ϕU η)W ; C7 -2)

(∇U φ)(V, X) − η(X)(∇V η)ϕU − η(V )(∇ϕU η)X;

C7 -3)

(∇U φ)(Y, X) − η(X)(∇Y η)ϕU − η(Y )(∇ϕU η)X;

C7 -4)

(∇X φ)(U, V ) − η(V )(∇U η)ϕX − η(U )(∇ϕX η)V ;

C7 -5)

(∇X φ)(Y, V ) − η(V )(∇Y η)ϕX − η(Y )(∇ϕX η)V ;

C7 -6)

(∇X φ)(Y, Z) − η(Z)(∇Y η)ϕX − η(Y )(∇ϕX η)Z.

Since the fibres are superminimal, the first two expressions vanish. Regarding C7 -3), it is known that (∇U φ)(Y, X) = g(Y, (∇U ϕ)X) from which (∇U ϕ)X = 0, because of the superminimality of the fibres. Note that (∇Y η)ϕU = (∇Y φ)(ξ, ϕ2 U ) = g(ξ, (∇Y ϕ)ϕ2 U ). Applying the condition V(∇X ϕ)U = 0 we deduce that (∇Y η)ϕU = 0.

Almost contact submersions


In C7 -4), we have to examine only (∇X φ)(U, V ); the others terms vanish, because η vanishes on vertical vector fields. By using the condition V(∇X ϕ)V = 0, one gets (∇X φ)(U, V ) = g(U, (∇X ϕ)V ) = 0. Concerning C7 -5), we have to examine (∇X φ)(Y, V ) and η(Y )(∇ϕX η)V. Recall that (∇X φ)(Y, V ) = g(Y, (∇X ϕ)V ). Since V(∇X ϕ)V = 0, we get (∇X φ)(Y, V ) = 0. Considering (∇ϕX η)V, we have (∇ϕX η)V = (∇ϕX φ)(ξ, V ) = g(ξ, (∇ϕX ϕ)V ). Using the condition V(∇X ϕ)U = 0, we conclude that C7 -5) vanishes. The last expression C7 -6) vanishes on basic horizontal vector fields because the projected tensors by the submersion down to the base space vanish. Therefore (M, g, ϕ, ξ, η) is a C7 -manifold. Other calculations are treated as in the case of C7 -manifold. 2 The significance of this criterion is that, when the fibres are superminimal, it ensures the transference of the structure from the base to the total space. For instance, by Proposition 4.2, it is proven that submersions whose total space is a C11 or a C12 -manifold have superminimal fibres; but it can be shown that, in this case, the structure of the base space does not transfers to the total space unless this criterion is fulfilled. We can state the following result. 0

Proposition 4.4. Let π : M 2m+1 → M 02m +1 be an almost contact metric submersion of type I with superminimal fibres. If the base space is a C11 or a C12 -manifold, then these structures do not transfer to the total space unless V(∇X ϕ)U = 0. Proof. Let us consider the case where the base space is a C11 -manifold. As in the case of the preceding Proposition 4.2, the following six expressions must vanish C11 -1) (∇U φ)(V, W ) + η(U )(∇ξ φ)(ϕV, ϕW ); C11 -2)

(∇U φ)(V, X) + η(U )(∇ξ φ)(ϕV, ϕX);

C11 -3)

(∇U φ)(Y, X) + η(U )(∇ξ φ)(ϕY, ϕX);

C11 -4)

(∇X φ)(U, V ) + η(X)(∇ξ φ)(ϕU, ϕV );

C11 -5)

(∇X φ)(Y, V ) + η(X)(∇ξ φ)(ϕY, ϕV );

C11 -6)

(∇X φ)(Y, Z) + η(X)(∇ξ φ)(ϕY, ϕZ).

Considering expressions C11 -4) and C11 -5), we encounter (∇X ϕ)V and (∇ξ ϕ)ϕV , which must vanish in order to conclude that the total space is a C11 -manifold. 2 5. Some examples Product of manifolds provide trivial examples of submersions.


Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba

Let (M 0 , g 0 , J 0 ) be a 2m0 -dimensional almost Hermitian manifold and let further (M, g, ϕ, ξ, η) be an almost contact metric manifold of dimension ˜ = M 0 × M and set n = m0 + m so that the dim(M ˜ ) = 2n + 1. 2m + 1. Let M ˜ , one defines an almost contact metric structure (˜ On the product M g, ϕ ˜ , ˜ξ, η˜) by setting:   ϕ ˜ D0 , D = J 0 D0 , ϕD , (5.1)  m η˜ D0 , D = η (D) , (5.2) n    n2 (5.3) g˜ D0 , D , E 0 , E = g 0 D0 , E 0 + 2 g (D, E) , m ˜ξ = n (0, ξ) . (5.4) m Examples are given in [2]. Similarly to [7, Proposition 4.1], we have: Proposition 5.1. Let (M 0 , g 0 , J 0 ) be an almost Hermitian manifold and let (M, g, ϕ, ξ, η) be an almost contact metric manifold. If (M 0 × M, g˜, ϕ ˜ , ˜ξ, η˜) is an almost contact metric manifold obtained as above, then it is: (i) C9 if and only if M 0 is K¨ ahler and M is C9 ; (ii) C10 if and only if M 0 is K¨ ahler and M is C10 ; (iii) C11 if and only if M 0 is K¨ ahler and M is C11 ; (iv) C12 if and only if M 0 is K¨ ahler and M is C12 ; (v) C7 if and only if M 0 is a W3 -manifold and M is C7 . Examples of almost contact metric submersions 0

Theorem 5.1. Let (M 02m , g 0 , J 0 ) be an almost Hermitian manifold and ˜ = M 0 × M is the (M 2m+1 , g, ϕ, ξ, η) an almost contact metric one. If M product almost contact metric manifold defined above, then: (i) the projection p : M 0 × M → M is an almost contact metric submersion of type I; (ii) the projection q : M 0 × M → M 0 is an almost contact metric submersion of type II. Proof. It is known that these two projections are Riemannian submersions. We have to show that they are (˜ ϕ, ϕ)-holomorphic for the first type and 0 (˜ ϕ, J )-holomorphic for the second type. Since ϕ ˜ (D0 , D) = (J 0 D0 , ϕD), then p∗ ϕ ˜ (D0 , D) = p∗ (J 0 D0 , ϕD) = ϕD = ϕp∗ (D0 , D), from which p∗ ϕ ˜ = ϕp∗ . On the other hand, p∗ ˜ξ = p∗ (0, ξ) = ξ, which achieves the proof of (i).

Almost contact submersions


Likewise, q∗ ϕ ˜ (D0 , D) = q∗ (J 0 D0 , ϕD) = J 0 D0 = J 0 q∗ (D0 , D), which shows that q∗ ϕ ˜ = J 0 q∗ and establishes (ii). We note that, in the first case, the fibres are isomorphic with M 0 and in the second case with M. Since ϕ ˜ (D0 , 0) = (J 0 D0 , 0) and ϕ ˜ (0, D) = (0, ϕD), 0 ˜ = M 0 × M. then M and M are invariant submanifolds of M 2 More  concretely,3Chinea and Gonzalez have shown that = (x, y, z) ∈ R | x > 0 can be endowed with a C12 -structure. Using the K¨ ahlerian structure of R2 , it is clear that the product R2 × M 3 is a C12 -manifold as proved in Proposition 5.1. According to the preceding Theorem 5.1, we have: (i) The projection p : R2 × M 3 → M 3 is an almost contact metric submersion of type I whose fibres are the K¨ahlerian manifold R2 where the total and the base space are C12 -manifolds. (ii) The projection q : R2 × M 3 → R2 is an almost contact metric submersion of type II whose total space is C12 -manifold, the base space is the K¨ ahlerian manifold R2 , while the fibres are C12 -manifold, M 3 . M3

Acknowledgments I am grateful to the referee for his judicious observations which helped to improve this paper and to Professor T.A. Batubenge for helpful discussions during the preparation of this paper. References [1]

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Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba Department of Mathematical Sciences College of Science, Engineering and Technology University of South Africa, P.O. Box 392, Unisa 0003, Pretoria, RSA E-mail: [email protected]