A note on ‘An efficient certificateless aggregate signature with constant pairing computations’ Jianhua Chen1, Debiao He1,*, Miaomiao Tian2 1
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
[email protected] Abstract: Recently, Xiong et al. proposed an efficient certificateless signature (CLS) scheme and used it to construct a certificateless aggregate signature (CLAS) scheme with constant pairing computations. They also demonstrated that both of the two schemes are provably secure in the random oracle model under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. Unfortunately, by giving concrete attacks, we point out that Xiong et al.’s schemes are not secure in their security model.
Key words: Certificateless cryptography; Aggregate signature; Bilinear pairing
1. Introduction An aggregate signature scheme is a signature scheme which allows to aggregate n signatures on n distinct messages from n distinct users into a single signature [1]. The validity of an aggregate signature will convince a verifier that the n users did indeed sign the n original messages. Aggregation is useful to reduce bandwidth and storage, and is especially attractive for mobile devices like sensors, cell phones, and PDAs where communication is more power expensive than computation and contributes significantly to reducing battery life. To satisfy the applications in certificateless environment, certificateless aggregate signature (CLAS) scheme have attracted much attention. Several CLAS schemes [2-5] have proposed by different researchers. However, most of these schemes [2-4] have computational complexity for pairing computations that grows linearly with the number of signers. Besides, both of the schemes [3, 5] of Zhang et al. require certain synchronization, i.e., all signers must share the same synchronized clocks to generate aggregate signature. It is easy to say that it is difficult to achieve synchronization in many communication scenarios. Recently, Xiong et al. [6] proposed an efficient certificateless signature (CLS) scheme and 1
construct a simple CLAS scheme using the CLS scheme. Compared with previous CLAS schemes, Xiong et al.’s scheme is very efficient, and the verification procedure needs only a very small constant number of pairing computations, independent of the number of aggregated signatures. Besides, their scheme does not require certain synchronization for aggregating randomness. They also demonstrated that both of the two schemes are provably secure in the random oracle model under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. Unfortunately, we find that a Type II adversary could forge a legal signature of any message against Xiong et al.’s schemes. The analysis shows Xiong et al.’s schemes are not secure for practical applications. The organization of the paper is sketched as follows. Section 2 gives a brief review of Xiong et al.’s schemes. The security flaws of Xiong et al.’s schemes are shown in Section 3. Finally, we give some conclusions in Section 4.
2. Review of Xiong et al.’s schemes 2.1. Xiong et al.’s CLS scheme In this subsection, we will briefly review Xiong et al.’s CLS scheme. Their CLS scheme consists of five algorithms: MasterKeyGen , PartialKeyGen ,
UserKeyGen , Sign and Verify . The detail of these algorithms is described as follows.
MasterKeyGen : Given a security parameter k , KGC runs the algorithm as follows. 1) Generate a cyclic additive group G1 and a cyclic multiplicative group G2 with prime order q . 2) Generate two generators P, Q of
G1 and an admissible pairing
e : G1 × G1 → G2 . 3) Generate a random number s ∈ Z q* and compute Ppub = sP . 4)
H1 :{0,1}* → G1
H 2 :{0,1}* → Z q* .
5) KGC publishes the system parameters are {q, G1 , G2 , e, P, Q, Ppub , H1 , H 2 } and key the master key s secretly. 2
PartialKeyGen : Given a user’s identity IDi , KGC computes the user’s partial private key psk IDi = sQIDi and transmits it to the user secretly, where QIDi = H1 ( IDi ) .
UserKeyGen : The user with identity IDi selects a random number xIDi ∈ Z q* as his secret key usk IDi , and computes his public key as upk IDi = usk IDi ⋅ P . Sign : Given a message mi , the partial private key psk IDi , the secret key usk IDi , the user with identity is IDi and the corresponding public key is upk IDi
performs the following steps to generate a signature. 1) Generate a random number ri ∈ Z q* and compute U i = ri P . 2) Compute hi = H 2 (mi , IDi , upk IDi ,U i ) , Vi = psk IDi + hi ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q . 3) Output ( U i , Vi ) as the signature on mi .
Verify : Given a signature ( U i , Vi )
of message mi on identity IDi and
corresponding public key upk IDi : 1) Compute QIDi = H1 ( IDi ) and hi = H 2 (mi , IDi , upk IDi ,U i ) . 2) Verify e(Vi , P) = e(hi ⋅ U i + QIDi , Ppub )e(hi ⋅ upk IDi , Q) holds or not. If it holds, accept the signature. 2.2. Xiong et al.’s CLAS scheme
In this subsection, we will briefly review Xiong et al.’s CLAS scheme. Their CLAS scheme consists of six algorithms: MasterKeyGen , PartialKeyGen , UserKeyGen ,
Sign ,
AggregateVerify . The first four
algorithms are the same as those in their CLS scheme. The detail of other two algorithms is described as follows. Aggregate : For an aggregating set of n users {U1 ,…, Un } with identities
{ID1 ,…, IDn } and the corresponding public keys {upk1 ,…, upkn } , and messagesignature pairs {(m1 , σ 1 = (U1 ,V1 )),…, (mn , σ n = (U n ,Vn ))}
from {U1 ,…, Un } n
respectively, the aggregate signature generator computes V = ∑ Vi and outputs i =1
σ = (U1 ,…, U 2 ,V ) as an aggregate signature.
AggregateVerify : To verify an aggregate signature σ = (U1 ,…,U 2 ,V ) signed by
users {U1 ,…, Un } with identities {ID1 ,…, IDn }
and the
corresponding public keys {upk1 ,…, upkn } on messages {m1 , …, mn } , the verifier performs the following steps: QIDi = H1 ( IDi )
1) Compute
hi = H 2 (mi , IDi , upk IDi ,U i )
i = 1,…, n . n
i =1
i =1
2) Verify e(V , P) = e(∑ (hi ⋅U i + QIDi ), Ppub )e(∑ hi ⋅ upk IDi , Q) holds or not. If it holds, accept the signature.
3. Cryptanalysis of Xiong et al.’s scheme Xiong et al. [6] claimed that both of their schemes are provably secure against two types of adversary in the random oracle model. However, in this section, we shall disprove their claims by giving two concrete attacks. 3.1. Attack against Xiong et al.’s CLS scheme
Xiong et al. [6] claimed their CLS scheme is semantically secure against Tpye II adversary. Unfortunately, it is not true, since there exists a polynomial time Type II adversary A 2 who can always win Game I as below: 1) A 2 submits a user Ui ’s identity IDi to the RevealPartialKey oracle and gets Ui ’s partial private key psk IDi = sQIDi , where QIDi = H1 ( IDi ) . 2) A 2 submits IDi and a message mi to the Sign oracle and gets a legal
( U i , Vi )
mi ,
hi = H 2 (mi , IDi , upk IDi ,U i ) , Vi = psk IDi + hi ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q
U i = ri P , ri
is a
random number generated by Sign oracle. 3) A 2 computes Ti = hi−1 (Vi − psk IDi ) , where hi−1 satisfy hi−1 ⋅ hi ≡ 1mod q . 4)
mi′ ,
U i′ = U i ,
hi′ = H 2 (mi′, IDi , upk IDi ,U i′) , Vi′ = psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ Ti . 5) A 2 outputs ( U i′ , Vi′ ) as the signature on mi′ . Since U i = ri P and Vi = psk IDi + hi ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q , we could have
Ti = hi−1 (Vi − psk IDi ) = hi−1 ( psk IDi + hi ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q − psk IDi )
= ri ⋅ Ppub + xIDi ⋅ Q Vi ′ = psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ Ti = psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ (ri ⋅ Ppub + xIDi ⋅ Q)
= psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q and e(Vi′, P) = e( psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q, P) = e( psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub , P)e(hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q, P) = e( sQIDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ sP, P)e(Q, hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ P)
= e(hi′ ⋅ U i + QIDi , sP)e(hi′ ⋅ upk IDi , Q) = e(hi′ ⋅ U i + QIDi , sPpub )e(hi′ ⋅ upk IDi , Q) Then, we know that ( U i′ , Vi′ ) is a legal signature on mi′ . Besides, IDi has not been submitted to RevealSecertKey queries or ReplaceKey queries to get the secret key usk ID* and the oracle Sign has never been queried with i
( IDi , mi′ ). So the Tpye II adversary A 2 wins Game I. Therefore, Xiong et al.’s CLS scheme is not secure against attacks of the Type II adversary. 3.2. Attack against Xiong et al.’s CLAS scheme
Xiong et al. [6] claimed their CLAS scheme is semantically secure against Tpye II adversary. Unfortunately, it is not true, since there exists a polynomial time Type II adversary A 2 who can always win Game II as follows: Let {U1 ,…, Un } be an aggregating set of n users with identities {ID1 ,…, IDn } and the corresponding public keys {upk1 ,…, upkn } . 1) For i = 1, 2,…, n , A 2 does the following five sub-steps to generate a legal signature ( U i′ , Vi′ ) on a message mi′ . z
A 2 submits a user Ui ’s identity IDi to the RevealPartialKey
oracle and gets Ui ’s partial private key
psk IDi = sQIDi , where
QIDi = H1 ( IDi ) .
z A 2 submits IDi and a message mi to the Sign oracle and gets a legal
( U i , Vi )
mi ,
U i = ri P ,
hi = H 2 (mi , IDi , upk IDi ,U i ) , Vi = psk IDi + hi ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q and ri is a random number generated by Sign oracle. z A 2 computes Ti = hi−1 (Vi − psk IDi ) , where hi−1 satisfy hi−1 ⋅ hi ≡ 1mod q . z For
mi′ ,
U i′ = U i
hi′ = H 2 (mi′, IDi , upk IDi ,U i′) , Vi′ = psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ Ti . z A 2 outputs ( U i′ , Vi′ ) as the signature on mi′ . n
2) A 2 computes V ′ = ∑ Vi′ i =1
3) A 2 outputs σ ′ = (U1′,…, U 2′ ,V ′) as an aggregate signature. From the analysis in the above subsection, we know that ( U i′ , Vi′ ) satisfies the e(Vi′, P) = e( hi′ ⋅ U i + QIDi , sPpub )e(hi′ ⋅ upk IDi , Q)
Vi′ = psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q . Then we could have that n
i =1
i =1
e(V ′, P) = e(∑ Vi′, P)=e(∑ ( psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub + hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q), P) n
i =1
i =1
= e(∑ ( psk IDi + hi′ ⋅ ri ⋅ Ppub ), P )e(∑ hi′ ⋅ xIDi ⋅ Q, P) n
i =1
i =1
= e(∑ (hi′ ⋅ U i′ + QIDi ), Ppub )e(∑ hi′ ⋅ upk IDi , Q)
Thus, we know that σ ′ = (U1′,…, U 2′ ,V ′) is a legal aggregate signature on messages
{m1′,… , mn′ } . Besides, for any i ∈ {1,…, n} , IDi
has not been submitted
to RevealSecertKey queries or ReplaceKey queries to get the secret key usk ID* and the oracle Sign has never been queried with ( IDi , mi′ ). So the Tpye i
II adversary A 2 wins Game II. Therefore, Xiong et al.’s CLAS scheme is not secure against attacks of the Type II adversary.
4. Conclusion Recently, Xiong et al. [6] proposed a CLS scheme and used it to construct an efficient CLAS scheme. They claimed that both of their schemes are provably 6
secure in the random oracle model. However, after review of their scheme and analysis of its security, we demonstrate that both of the schemes cannot withstand the attack of Type II adversary. The analysis shows that their schemes are insecure for practical applications.
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