A novel algorithm for BCI matrix spellers based on ...

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SDK. For developers, there are instructions and Emokey details both in Java and C++. General BCI .... Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter can.
A novel algorithm for BCI matrix spellers based on single Emokey S M Abdullah Al Mamun Department of Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey [email protected]

Abstact: Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset is one of the low cost electroencephalograph (EEG) signal providers which can help to explain the brain activities. BCI virtual speller was one of first and important applications in this field. In this paper, a novel matrix algorithm has been proposed for the first time for different language speaking people around the world. Emokey is a great feature which translates emotional states for application inputs. It will overcome the problem of using a lot of matrix cells closely and selecting wrong symbols. For the current novel algorithm, it will depend on single smile Emokey input to select a symbol from the matrix cells. By overcoming the frequency interference problem which occurs usually in SSVEP (steady-state visual evoked potential) and P300 based matrix spellers and now any kind of symbol can be mapped closely in the matrix. In this current study, 108 characters were mapped and it is presented for Bengali language speller that ITR (Information Transfer Rate) were 19.8 bits/min and 5.26 char/min of typing speed. It was tested in university lab on 5 healthy subjects with a simple training on BCI. In the experiment accuracy was 88.88% average detected for the subjects. Keywords: BrainComputer Interface, Emotiv EPOC, Emokey, EEG, BCI algorithm, Matrix speller, HCI Introduction Brain-computer interface (BCI) is an excellent area for the researchers to make daily lives simple and faster. Recently advancement in EEG classification algorithms made new applications much more user oriented and perfect. The clinical uses were very sophisticated and need some technical knowledge to operate it. The target users of BCI are usually patients from severe motor disabilities like progressive muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy (CP), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal cord injuries (SCI) [22]. Non-invasive interface based on EEG has already been used successfully by the group of people whose motor performances are also damaged in certain injuries. It has been observed by Guger et al. that more than 80% healthy people can use such a BCI [4]. Application areas have been extending in web browser navigation [11], Wheelchair navigation [3] and time aligned information provided by BCI such as user emotions or cognitive load for different purposes [5], [10]. For assisting disabled people in communication and rehabilitation, P300 based speller has been studied by the researchers largely. A typical ERP (Event Related Potential) based P300 row/column paradigm (RCP) speller was first introduced by Farwell and Donchin in 1988 [24]. After that different matrix speller was proposed like Checker Board Paradigm (CBP), lateral single character (LSC), auditory ERP speller, Region Based Paradigm (RBP) and single display paradigm (SD) etc. There are also steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) based speller such as Breman BCI, intendiX, AIRlab-BCI and hex-o-spell etc. Although,

P300 speller was initially designed to spell English characters later Chinese characters was proposed in 2010 [20]. Nowadays, besides P300 there are few devices like in the market which can provide such a quality service to the BCI researchers and normal users. Low cost, wireless and lightweight device like Emotiv can change the present number of BCI application users. Mostly country like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan or others with huge population and same economic conditions could get a good support from this low cost BCI hardware system. Actually, Emotiv was aimed at the game market and is not classified as medical device. Duvinage et al. compared with a medical device and showed that it records real EEG data [27]. Their study shows that, performance is not better than a medical device but it is not recording only muscular or ocular data criticized by some BCI researchers. Emotiv EPOC is getting popular day by day. It has given a huge opportunity by providing a feature Emokey with the main control panel. Emokey can identify user’s emotional activities and facial expressions. It can be used for future works. Speller was also developed for Emotiv users and even tested for P300 based applications [15]. Emotive app store is also providing Emokey based keyboard for the Emotiv users [28]. Among them, user can choose cognitive or facial actions to control the keyboard. In this study, enhancement of matrix based Bengali virtual keyboard has been designed on emotional state. Current study was focused on smiling. So, when user smiles the system detect it with classification algorithm and select a symbol. Proposed novel matrix algorithm In this study, we designed a Bengali speller with a novel algorithm which was challenge indeed. Bengali language has vowels, consonants, miscellaneous and numbers in total which make a huge figure around 90. To make a full typing keyboard, the most necessary punctuations were added in the keyboard layout. Backspace, enter button, space and necessary symbols are also used in this interface. Moreover, symbol of “›” will give an extra advantage to return from the error selected column. Unicode mapping in the code level for characters will give an independence to develop high number of alphabets and symbols based spellers for different languages. For this current study, the matrix size was 7x18 (RC) and all the necessary alphabets and punctuations nicely placed there. The algorithm works in order to highlight only the column by vertical flashing from left to right side for selecting necessary characters contained in 18 columns. Then it starts to flash again from up to bottom and letter by letter for selecting the user’s desired character in the specific column which was selected the step before. The main step which is novel in this algorithm is after selecting the first character it will start to flash from 9th column. It is half of the total columns and the mapped keyboard will highlight miscellaneous and punctuations then. It will give an extra help to the user. Bengali keyboard repeats these steps again and again. If any user wishes to get out of the wrong selected column then there is “›” symbol at the end of the each column to start from the very beginning. A trick can also be applied if any user miss the expected column then again the keyboard will pass through all other non-target columns. User will be familiar with the keyboard map day by day and whole process will be easier and faster then. Normally there is backspace to correct the spelling mistakes also. It is possible to write more characters in a minute if the user doesn’t select any character from last columns. But it

doesn’t increase the whole performance but it will effect in total writing speed. In this study, 400ms was the optimum time interval for this application. During test session, it was observed carefully that the time delay between user’s eye blinking or facial actions and response from Bengali Emo keyboard were slightly different. So, it was fixed by testing several times and 400ms was average time delay to synchronize well with the system. When the device is connected wirelessly, the control panel can create different user profile and save their emotional states like blinking, smiling and other few actions. It shows that the EEG signals were classified by the built in classifier. Emokey sends the necessary key like 1(number) was set for Bengali keyboard which helps users to choose a full column and then the letter from the selected column. It works like a switch where the user will only decide when they need to active or not. So, it can select a character in two steps only. In this paper the method is applied for the speller and accuracy of the Emotiv EPOC built in classifier is studied.

Interface design for BCI speller

Bengali Emokeyboard was mapped for the first time. The proposed matrix speller with only vertical or column flashing helps to select a character. For Bengali keyboard it was needed to place the most necessary vowels and consonants in first near matrix cells from left. As the matrix flashing starts from the left each time and then follows the series. It takes slightly extra time to select the last letter placed in the 18th column. It was examined during interface design and to apply the proposed algorithm less useable consonants, numbers and punctuations were placed in the matrix after 12th column. The main advantage of this interface is, it will be useable with any web browser, windows OS default text document, notepads and MS Power Point to write. The Fig. 2 shows that how a subject can write in normal windows text. As the alphabets were mapped with Unicode characters so the normal MS text file should be saved in Unicode format but not in ASCII format.

Figure 1: Bengali matrix based speller interface

Like all other BCI applications, the performance will be much better day by day with training and leaning from the keyboard layout and design. The color of the user interface was comfortable to concentrate normally. The ISI (Inter Stimulus Interval) was fixed as 400ms. But there are no different frequencies for each character like standard matrix speller which was proposed by Farwell and Donchin. Mostly used punctuations will give a support to write any kind of documents with the help of Bengali Emo keyboard. Many BCI spellers do not offer full punctuations or symbols because of the accuracy of detection of different frequencies. The width and height of the keyboard interface is 900x320px for this Bengali keyboard. By using this speller search keywords can be spelled and engine like Google can search necessary document for the user which is titled in Bengali language.

Figure 2: A view of writing a simple document with Bengali matrix speller

We used Bengali font “Solaimanlipi” to design this keyboard. Font size is 14 for the keyboard layout itself and writing font size is 12 standard. Emotiv EPOC which is wireless device and noninvasive and can be useable for a few hours without any problem. It is easy wearable and maintainable also. Emokey is available in research version of its own SDK. This is main feature that is applied in this study. It has different options for user to select comfortable emotional states and training sessions to choose the key for this keyboard application. Once the expected constant key value for smile which is 1 for this study. It will be send to the application software and then it will be activated for selecting symbols. Single Emokey will give an extra support for any disabled person to remember and repeat it easily. In some studies motor imagery based Emokey was applied successfully. But the difficulty was examined in training sessions and classification accuracy was also lower comparing to emotional or facial states. In this design, user advantage was given much priority. The application is designed in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Visual C++ for the version windows 7.

Emotiv EPOC systems Emotiv Software Development kit for research mainly includes a 14 channel which are based on saline sensor. Emotiv’s control panel provides different tools which can detect facial expressions, emotional states and imagery motor movement. It sends data to the computer at the rate of 128Hz. The expressive suite provides detection of a range of facial movements. Expressive suite actually concerned with EMG (electromyography) presents among the EEG. Emotiv systems itself classify the detected EMG movement into facial expression group and allow the fixed key value to be another form of input. EOG (electrooculography) is also present that similarity and classified for looking left or right raw data input from the EEG signals [25]. The initial set of facial expressions are eye blinks, winks, smile, clenching of teeth, movement of eyebrows, left smirk, right smirk, left spin and right spin. Most of the people have quite similar facial muscle and that is the reason the expressive suite doesn’t need to be trained by every individual and repeatedly [25]. It was one of the main reasons that in this study the expressive suite has been taken as control inputs. However, the Emotiv software is still in a black-box as there is no published information about performance of the algorithms. Cernea et al. examined the given classification accuracy by Emotiv for detecting different facial expressions [7]. The result was remarkable and impressive. The results were varying 70%-100% correct depending on specific facial movements. Another study had taken place to explain the accuracy of the expressive suite by adding classes. Herger et al. achieved accuracy about 81.8%, which is also important for future works [4]. For the current study, mostly blink and smile has given much attention and the result published by Herger et al. matched so closely [9]. From their results for smile the accuracy was about 89% and blink was 98% [9]. It was also focused for this current study to get a much better performance. Comparing to facial expressions, cognitive actions were not successful as the rate was found 46.83% with the built in classifier [25]. But in other research projects with different classifiers German autonomous car and a tractor were successfully controlled by the cognitive actions [8], [17]. Finally, an experiment was arranged in embedded systems design lab at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) to check the performance of the speller designed with the novel algorithm and classification accuracy of smile Emokey as single input. Method and results The novel algorithm will work with only a software and control panel provided by Emotiv with SDK. For developers, there are instructions and Emokey details both in Java and C++. General BCI devices give us a picture of lot of random wires around user’s head and an interface with full screen displaying alphabets. But with this new speller it can be used directly for daily use like conventional virtual keyboards and the device input is done wirelessly via Bluetooth. The experiment was necessary to understand the ITR (Information Transfer Rate) and performance of the BCI speller. There was no source of information provided publicly about the classifier used by Emotiv. So experimental results published by different researchers is used as standard for this current study. To understand the approximate performance of Bengali Emokey supported

Keyboard, 5 subjects attended in the experiment arranged by embedded systems design lab. All the subjects have age limit from 22-25 and their native language is Bengali. A.

Preparation for the Experiment:

● BCI systems are always new to most of the subjects. They don’t have any detail information about using or related functions. For this experiment with healthy and both male and female subjects were selected and they were given some preliminary concept about how the whole system works. So, it was new experience for all of them. The main target for them was to select one sample facial expression to control the keyboard. For the current experiment, blinking was comfortable and preferable for all. In total Three training session and one final session were prepared for them to perform well. ● They were given the layout of keyboard right before the experiment. Bengali keyboard interface was differently mapped for the used novel matrix algorithm. Actually there was a matter of synchronization of user intended command and application’s response at the same time. In another study named Brain driver in Germany they found a slight delay for the application when a real time experiment was taken place [2]. B.

Result of the experiments

Experiment in the lab environment was normal and the subjects were relaxed and concentrated. As the default classifier was unknown for Emotiv expressive suite, so the similar classifier result from the previous studies has been used for this experiment. Herger et al. used linear support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier and the classes for eye activities were blink, left and right. The accuracy grained in the classification was 89% for detecting smile as an input [9]. To check the approximate ITR (Information Transfer Rate) the following formula is used (1).

(1) In this study we used equation (1), Nc represents correctly typed characters and is the size of the alphabet. T is the total time of selecting characters. Wang et al. described the formula in their recent study and explained why it is preferable than mostly used ITR formulas [26]. Four different experimental sessions were also designed for a subject to observe the progress. Herger et al. published 98% accuracy, which was classified by using linear support vector machine (SVM) [9]. So, for calculation of ITR, 18 characters were expected to write correctly, backspaces were not counted as correct characters as it was explained by Wang et al. in their study [26]. Experiment sessions and results:


Given task of 18 Characters & a full sentence [ আজ আকাশে অশেক তারা। ( There are

a lot of stars in the sky today.) ]

Duration s(sec)


Mistakes by the subjects

Error percentage

Accuracy ITR(bits/sec)

S1 (M)







S2 (M)







S3 (F)







S4 (M)







S5 (F)














Table 1: Experiment results and ITR (Information Transfer Rate) calculation

From the table 1, the average time for writing 18 characters were 205.2 sec. The ITR average for all 3 subjects was 0.33 bits/sec or 19.8 bits/min. So, as a BCI speller it was successful to write at a rate of 5.26 char/min. Higher performance can be found in case of different words writing [13]. The matrix of 18 columns long takes a bit extra time if desired character placed at the last columns. Moreover, it was reported by Davide that writing speed were 6-8 char per minute for the Emotiv’s Mindkeyboard application [6]. It was approximately similar to the result found in the experiment for current study. But it should be mentioned that they took less alphabets to concentrate and write. It was an English keyboard which is available online. The performance can be lower for disable people but it may be progressive and better by using in a regular basis. Test sessions were recorded at university lab. So, mostly it was quiet and better than noisy area or house near a road side. According to Ortner et al. BCI P300 speller got more successful results from healthy subjects at lab environment [29]. They also explained about the results of noisy environment and lastly people with motor impairments. Healthy people in a lab environment were reached at average 91% accuracy. In other experiments the target people group with motor disabilities reached about 62%. So, recorded results for the current study can be found lower in different environments and for motor disabled people. Berlin-BCI showed a result of 7.6 char/min in writing English alphabet [1]. It was demonstrated in world’s largest IT fair CeBIT. So, it can be hoped that expected result can be found by the patients for Bengali matrix speller in public sessions. Conclusion This BCI speller will represent that human-computer interaction can be much more user friendly. Low cost non-invasive Emotiv EPOC device can expand the number of present BCI system users. Many healthy people nowadays are also interested in using this new technology for different purposes including temporary injury. Mostly, BCI research has been driving for performance improvement in English spellers. There are many research sources for BCI interface designing,

ITR (Information Transfer Rate) calculation [19] and classifier accuracy for English spellers. There are also research in different language spellers but very few in numbers [18], [20], [23]. So, still many disabled people are not able to express their emotions in their mother language. This study was a part of the progress. This novel algorithm for BCI keyboard mapping and pattern can be used for other languages which are consists of minimum 80-130 necessary alphabets or punctuations or symbols. It is still a problem to make a faster and easier speller for disable persons which language needs large number of characters as default view on screen. In this study, Emokeys such as eye blinking, smiling and facial expressions has given much priority. We designed Bengali matrix speller for this study and believe that it can open a new way to write Hindi, Arabic and Unicode supported any languages and symbols. Especially South Asian languages will be benefited. But if anyone wants to develop their own BCI speller then novel algorithm will be helpful. Bengali is one of the most spoken languages around the world. This BCI speller will support many disable people to express their words. Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter can be connected to express their desire in a much broader sense. Present P300 spellers are far from daily use in clinical or commercial uses. To leave the BCIs from laboratories extra effort will be needed [16]. But some exceptional speller system like intendiX has been proposed in 2009 [23]. “Bengali Emokeyboard” speller works mostly like other normal virtual keyboards we have currently but take an input from EEG providing devices. So, this new interface can give a support and different experience to other users also. They can use with windows operating system and it doesn’t require any Math Lab or any extra software supports except Emotiv EPOC control panel provided with the main package. Competing interests: This study is conducted at Embedded systems design lab. The device is a property of Istanbul Technical University for research purpose. All the session and results are calculated in the lab. Author states that there is no conflict of interests.

Authors’ contributions This was really a challenge for the author to introduce a new matrix speller algorithm which can be useful for mapping all the alphabets on computer screen. It has solved a very commmon problem for all the BCI spellers and the used device is cost effective. The software is designed by the author. All the tests and results are also calculated by author. Finally the manuscript is prepared by author.

Acknowledgment Author would like to thank Dr. Zafer Işcan, currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Stony brook University of New York. Especially thanks to Professor Dr. Mustak Erhan Yalçın and embedded systems design lab of Istanbul Technical University for conducting the experiment sessions and the Emotiv EPOC device they have provided. All the experiment were assisted by Research Assistant Emre Göncü at lab environment.

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