A numerical method for determining monotonicity ...

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2002; Zheng and Alleyne 2003; Bristow and Alleyne. 2006). One important ... Я 2009 Taylor & Francis .... the ILC algorithm monotonic (Bristow and Alleyne.
International Journal of Control 2009, 1–8, iFirst

A numerical method for determining monotonicity and convergence rate in iterative learning control Kira L. Bartona, Douglas A. Bristowb and Andrew G. Alleynea* a

Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA; b Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 210 Toomey Hall, Rolla, MO 65409, USA

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(Received 7 December 2008; final version received 18 June 2009) In iterative learning control (ILC), a lifted system representation is often used for design and analysis to determine the convergence rate of the learning algorithm. Computation of the convergence rate in the lifted setting requires construction of large NN matrices, where N is the number of data points in an iteration. The convergence rate computation is O(N2) and is typically limited to short iteration lengths because of computational memory constraints. As an alternative approach, the implicitly restarted Arnoldi/Lanczos method (IRLM) can be used to calculate the ILC convergence rate with calculations of O(N). In this article, we show that the convergence rate calculation using IRLM can be performed using dynamic simulations rather than matrices, thereby eliminating the need for large matrix construction. In addition to faster computation, IRLM enables the calculation of the ILC convergence rate for long iteration lengths. To illustrate generality, this method is presented for multi-input multi-output, linear time-varying discrete-time systems. Keywords: iterative learning control; monotonic convergence; convergence rate; implicitly restarting Lanczos method

1. Introduction Iterative learning control (ILC) is a feedforward control method which focuses on improving the tracking performance of manufacturing systems that perform the same task repetitively. This control technique is based on the idea that the repetitive nature of these systems allows a controller to learn from previous iterations and modify a feedforward control input for improved tracking performance (Moore 1993; Longman 2000; Bristow, Tharayil, and Alleyne 2006). This approach has been shown to be successful in a variety of applications (Kim and Kim 1996; Havlicsek and Alleyne 1999; de Roover and Bosgra 2000; Norrlof 2002; Zheng and Alleyne 2003; Bristow and Alleyne 2006). One important aspect of ILC algorithm design is to ensure rapid convergence of the system. In Section 2 we define the ILC norm as a concise term that captures the convergence rate behaviour for multi-input multioutput (MIMO), linear time-varying (LTV) discretetime systems. A small ILC norm means that the convergence occurs very quickly, while an ILC norm larger than one means that convergence is not monotonic. Monotonic convergence is often desirable because, in the absence of monotonicity, many stable ILC systems will exhibit initial convergence properties *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] ISSN 0020–7179 print/ISSN 1366–5820 online ß 2009 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/00207170903131177 http://www.informaworld.com

followed by temporarily divergent properties due to large transients (Huang and Longman 1996). When considering different design approaches, including iteration-varying learning controllers, the ILC norm provides a good parameter for comparison. Calculation of the ILC norm involves the construction and maximum singular value calculation of large matrices (Bristow et al. 2006), where matrix size is NN and N is the number of discrete time steps in an iteration. For long iterations, especially when sample rates are high as in robotic applications (Kim and Kim 1996; de Roover and Bosgra 2000; Norrlof 2002), calculation of the ILC norm is very slow, or not possible because of computational memory limitations. An alternative method for calculating the maximum singular value of structured matrices, such as the lifted structure used in the ILC-norm computation, is well known in some areas of mathematics (Boyd 2008; Saad 1992). This method does not require explicit construction of the matrix, but rather uses subspace calculations whereby functional descriptions of the matrix are sufficient. For the ILC norm, the subspace calculation can be replaced by a dynamic simulation. This approach is most useful for designs that yield a filter-description for the learning algorithm since this can be used directly in the simulation.

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K.L. Barton et al.

Examples would be frequency domain designs (Longman 2000; Norrlof and Gunnarsson 2002), including H1 (de Roover and Bosgra 2000) and time-varying filters (Bristow and Alleyne 2008; Moore, Chen, and Bahl 2005). This technique results in ILCnorm calculations in a fraction of the time and computational memory required for lifted-system matrix techniques. The primary contribution of this article is to demonstrate that the ILC-norm calculation problem for MIMO LTV systems can be solved numerically using the techniques discussed in Saad (1992) and Boyd (2008). While these techniques are well known in computational analysis, they are not used in ILC design and analysis. The advantage is a significant reduction in computational memory requirements over current approaches, or equivalently, the capability to analyse ILC systems where N is large. The techniques introduced in this article can be used as analysis tools to evaluate different ILC designs. Modifying the ILC design based on analysis of the ILC norm is outside the scope of this article. The outline of this article is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces ILC and precisely defines the ILC norm. The alternative method for calculating the ILC norm is presented in Section 3. A computational comparison of the lifted-system matrix method and alternative method is given in Section 4. The concluding remarks are provided in Section 5.

for k ¼ 0, . . . , N  1, where e0 ðkÞ ¼ yr ðkÞ  y0 ðkÞ. For analysis, it is common to construct a lifted system as follows. Vector descriptions of the finite-length signals are constructed as  T uj ¼ uTj ð0Þ    uTj ðN  1Þ ,  T ð4Þ ej ¼ eTj ð0Þ    eTj ðN  1Þ ,  T  T e0 ¼ e0 ð0Þ    eT0 ðN  1Þ : where the vector representation of the signals is represented by bold-faced type. Combining the vector descriptions (2)–(4), we can write ej ¼ e0  Puj ,


where P is the convolution matrix given by 3 2 H0,0 0 7 6 H H1,1 7 6 1,0 7 6 7 6 H2,0 H H 2,1 2,2 P¼6 7, 7 6 . . 7 6 . . . . 5 4 HN1,N1 HN1,N2    HN1,1 HN1,0 ð6Þ and  Hi,j ¼

DðiÞ, CðiÞAði  1Þ . . . Að j þ 1ÞBð j Þ,

i¼j i4j



The first-order linear ILC update algorithm is given by ujþ1 ðkÞ ¼ Qðuj ðkÞ þ Lej ðkÞÞ,

2. Background Consider the MIMO linear discrete-time system,  xj ðk þ 1Þ ¼ AðkÞxj ðkÞ þ BðkÞuj ðkÞ, P: yj ðkÞ ¼ CðkÞxj ðkÞ þ DðkÞuj ðkÞ yj ðkÞ ¼ yj ðkÞ þ y0 ðkÞ

ð1Þ ð2Þ

where k ¼ 0, . . . , N  1 is the discrete time index, j ¼ 0, 1, . . . is the iteration index, uj ðkÞ 2 Rqi is the control, yj ðkÞ 2 Rqo is the output, xj ðkÞ 2 RN are system qo states, y0 ðkÞ 2 R  is iteration-invariant and AðkÞ, BðkÞ, CðkÞ, DðkÞ are appropriately sized realvalued matrices. It is assumed that xj ð0Þ ¼ 0 for all j, and note that y0 ðkÞ can be used to capture iterationinvariant initial-condition responses (Longman 2000), feedback control (Norrlof and Gunnarsson 2002) and external disturbances. Consider the reference trajectory, yr ðkÞ 2 Rqo . The tracking error is given by ej ðkÞ  yr ðkÞ  yj ðkÞ, ¼ e0 ðkÞ  yj ðkÞ,



where Q and L are linear dynamic operators. Learning is performed offline, in between iterations, so the entire uj ðkÞ and ej ðkÞ signals are available for k ¼ 0, . . . , N  1. Therefore, Q and L can be noncausal filters. A non-causal filter can be written as the state-space septuple fAþ , A , Bþ , B , Cþ , C , Dg, xþ ðk þ 1Þ ¼ Aþ ðkÞxþ ðkÞ þ Bþ ðkÞ  ðkÞ, xþ ð0Þ ¼ 0, x ðk  1Þ ¼ A ðkÞx ðkÞ þ B ðkÞ  ðkÞ, x ðN  1Þ ¼ 0, ðkÞ ¼ Cþ ðkÞxþ ðkÞ þ C ðkÞx ðkÞ þ DðkÞðkÞ, ð9Þ where xþ are causal dynamics, x are anticausal dynamics, ðkÞ is the input signal and ðkÞ is the output signal. We define Q and L with the septuples, fAQþ , AQ , BQþ , BQ , CQþ , CQ , DQ g and fALþ , AL , BLþ , BL , CLþ , CL , DL g, respectively. A lifted system can be constructed for the ILC update algorithm as   ujþ1 ¼ Q uj þ Lej , ð10Þ

International Journal of Control where Q 2 Rqi Nqi N and L 2 Rqi Nqo N . Here, 3 2 K0,0 K0,1 K0,2  K0,N1 6 K K1,1 K1,2 K1,N1 7 7 6 1,0 7 6 7 6 .. .. 7, 6 . . K2,1 K2,2 L ¼ 6 K2,0 7 7 6 . .. .. 7 6 . . KN2,N1 5 . 4 . KN1,0



KN1,N1 ð11Þ

where Ki,j ¼

8 >
: CL ðiÞAL ði  1Þ . . . AL ð j þ 1ÞBL ð j Þ,

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and Q is defined similarly. The iteration dynamics are obtained by substituting (5) into (10) as ð13Þ

If the ILC converges, we define the converged control as u1  lim uj ¼ ½I  QðI  LPÞ1 QLe0 : j!1


From (13) and (14), we find that, u1  ujþ1 ¼ QðI  LPÞðu1  uj Þ,


which leads to the definition of the ILC norm. Definition:

The ILC norm is    ðQðI  LPÞÞ,


where  is the maximum singular value. Clearly, we have that u1  ujþ1 5  u1  uj ,

challenges appear in the form of increased memory usage and time. Long iteration lengths are common in robotic applications due to their high sampling rate. For long iterations, memory limitations or practical computational time limitations may be reached. In order to operate within these limitations, either the sampling rate or iteration time must be constrained (Barton and Alleyne 2008). An alternative technique for determining the ILC norm is introduced in the following section, which allows for faster computation without constructing large matrices, thereby circumventing memory and time limitations.

i¼j i4j, i5j ð12Þ

ujþ1 ¼ QðI  LPÞuj þ QLe0 :



where kk is the vector 2-norm in (17). If  5 1, we call the ILC algorithm monotonic (Bristow and Alleyne 2005) because the control monotonically approaches u1 . For monotonic algorithms, the ILC norm also clearly provides a measure of convergence rate. While the ILC norm is not used in synthesis or design of Q and L, it is generally a quantity of interest in the ILC design process for analysing and checking designs quickly so that one can iterate many designs in a shorttime period. The ILC norm can be easily calculated on a personal desktop computer for short iterations (N 5 1000) by constructing the appropriate matrices and using standard numerical mathematics packages to calculate the maximum singular value. As the length of the iteration increases (N 4 1000), computational

3. Alternative method for calculating the ILC norm In this section, an alternative method for calculating the ILC norm is presented. We begin by formulating the induced-norm problem as a maximum eigenvalue problem, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð18Þ kMki2 ¼ max ðMT MÞ, where M is an MN real matrix and max is the largest eigenvalue of MT M, where MT is the transpose of M. The eigenvalues of a matrix can be calculated using the Jordan decomposition (Strang 1986), which is an O(N2) process. As the size of the matrices increases, the computation of the eigenvalues of MT M becomes longer and more numerically challenging. Alternatively, iterative algorithms can be used to solve the eigenvalue problem with time and storage requirements O(N) (Sorensen 1995). Given that memory requirements scale with the matrix order for typical (‘norm’) approaches, the use of an iterative method diminishes the memory requirements from the storage needed for an O(N2) process to an O(N) process. There are many different iteration algorithms taken from computational analysis that are currently available, for example: implicitly shifted QR-iteration (Eidelman, Gohberg, and Olshevsky 2005), single vector power iterations (Hernandez, Roman, Tomas, and Vidal 2005), spectral transformations (Daruis, Hernandez, and Marcellan 2007), the Lanczos method (Calvetti, Reichel, and Sorensen 1994) and the implicitly restarted Arnoldi Lanczos method (IRAM or IRLM) (Saad 1992; Sorensen 1995; Morgan 1996). This article focuses on the use of IRLM due to the improvements in convergence time and memory requirements associated with this technique. In the following section we present introductory background on IRLM. This background is intended to acquaint the ILC researcher with this mathematical tool. In Section 3.2, this tool is adapted to the ILC-norm calculation presented in (16).


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3.1 The Lanczos method Many of the alternative iterative methods are based on the concept of matrix–vector calculations (Lehoucq and Salinger 2001). One method, known as the Lanczos method, can be used to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of very large Hermitian matrices (Calvetti et al. 1994). While only the largest eigenvalue is needed to determine monotonicity and ILC convergence rate from the ILC-norm calculation of (16), IRLM is a fast and efficient method for calculating eigenvalues, making it a reasonable choice for calculating the ILC norm. Consider an NN Hermitian matrix A ¼ MT M. The main idea behind the Lanczos method is to create an orthogonal projection of the matrix A into a Krylov subspace (Simoncini and Szyld 2007), for which the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the projection matrix begin to provide good approximations of the eigenfunctions corresponding to the eigenvalues of A (Lehoucq and Scott 1997). The Krylov subspace corresponding to A is given as Km  spanfv, Av, A2 v, . . . , Am1 vg,


where v is any non-zero vector in RN and m is the maximum number of iterations required for the process. For Hermitian matrices, projection into the Krylov subspace can be described as a transformation of the N  N Hermitian matrix A to a tridiagonal form. After p iterations, the transformation has the following relationship: AV ¼ VH þ feTp ,

Figure 1. Flow chart of algorithm describing the Lanczos method.


where V 2 RNp , VT V ¼ Ip and H 2 Rpp is symmetric and tridiagonal, 0 ¼ VT f and feTp is the residual vector and is used to determine convergence. Convergence is based on a user specified error bound ". Given the eigenpair ð y, Þ of the matrix H, the stopping criteria for the Lanczos method is based on the Ritz estimate f jeTp yj (Lehoucq and Scott 1997) T f je yj 5 "jj: ð21Þ p As the value of f decreases, the difference between the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of H and A converges to zero. The algorithm for the Lanczos method can be described in the following steps, illustrated in Figure 1. (S1.1) Given the matrix A ¼ MT M, determine initial input vector v, and desired error tolerance ". (S1.2) Normalise the input vector (v) as v ¼ v  ðkvk1 Þ1 . (S1.3) Perform matrix–vector calculation w ¼ A  v.

(S1.4) Normalise the output vector (w) as w ¼ w  ðkwk1 Þ1 . (S1.5) Update the Lanczos factorisation VH ¼ AV  feT . (S1.6) Check the error bound f jeT yj 5 "jj. (S1.7) Redefine output vector as new input vector, v ¼ w. (S1.8) Repeat steps (S1.2)–(S1.7) until the Ritz estimate falls within the error tolerance. The information obtained through the Lanczos process is based entirely on the initial vector. A limitation of this technique is that one may not know ahead of time how to choose an initial vector which enables the Lanczos algorithm to adequately approximate the eigenvalues of A. The numerical difficulties of determining an initial vector combined with the cost of storing large amounts of data for long algorithm convergence times makes other techniques more appealing. For these reasons, a modified technique termed the IRLM has replaced the general Lanczos method. Implicitly restarted Lanczos method combines the explicitly shifted QR mechanism with an l-step Lanczos factorisation (l defines the number of desired eigenvalues) to obtain a truncated form of the implicitly shifted QR-iteration (Sorensen 1995). The advantage of implicitly restarting comes from updating the initial vector v in an attempt to determine an initial vector which is an approximate linear combination of the l eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalues of


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International Journal of Control interest from A. The purpose of updating the initial vector is to drive the norm of the residual vector to a value which satisfies (21). The process continues to iterate until the approximated eigenvalues are within the specified error bound. IRLM provides a technique for eliminating long convergence times and large storage requirements, both of which may be present in other algorithms. IRLM is a special case of the implicitly restarted Arnoldi method (IRAM). For more details, the interested reader is referred to Saad (1992), Sorensen (1995), Calvetti et al. (1994) and Morgan (1996). Based on the ideas of the more generalised IRAM, a software package for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems has been developed (Lehoucq, Sorensen, and Yang 1998). ARPACK, initially developed in Fortran 77 in 1990 by Lehoucq et al. (1998), has been integrated into convenient user software packages (MATLAB) as a tool for computing a few eigenvalues with user-specified criteria, i.e. largest magnitude. These tools are available through the MATLAB command eigs.

3.2 Implementation The ILC-norm calculation problem (16) can be solved using IRLM by first converting the norm problem into an eigenvalue problem, (18), and following steps (S1.1)–(S1.8). In this case we replace M in A ¼ MT M with the lifted matrices QðI  LPÞ, and thus (S1.3) is given by w ¼ ½QðI  LPÞT ½QðI  LPÞv:


In practice, Q, L and P can be too large to easily construct. The key feature of IRLM that is useful in this context is that the algorithm uses the matrix– vector mappings (S1.3), rather than direct manipulation of the matrix itself. As we will show, the matrix calculation in (22) can be replaced by a dynamic simulation and the matrices Q, L and P never need to be constructed. First, separate (22) into two operations, w ¼ ½QðI  LPÞT v1 ,

Figure 2. (S1.3) shown in (a) can be calculated equivalently using (S2.1)–(S2.3) shown in (b).

Recall that Q, L and P are lifted system representations of the dynamic systems, Q, L and P. Therefore, (26) can be solved equivalently by converting back into a dynamic system and simulation. First, convert the input v into a timedomain signal as vðkÞ ¼ ½ vkqi þ1

   vkqi þqi T

vkqi þ2

where vi is the ith element of v, k ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N  1 and qi is the input dimension of P. Then simulate the righthalf of (26) using the system representations in (1) and (9). Note that QLP is the lifted system of the serial connection of the dynamic systems P, L and Q. The output of the simulation can then be lifted to obtain v1 ¼ ½ ðv1 ð0ÞÞT

T ðv1 ðN  1ÞÞT  :

v1 ¼ QðI  LPÞv:


w ¼ QT v1  PT LT QT v1 ,


v1 ¼ Qv  QLPv:


Then, rewrite as



Equation (25) can be solved similarly, except that one must recognise that the transpose of the lifted system is equivalent to the adjoint of the dynamic system. The adjoint of P is given by 8 T T > < xðk  1Þ ¼ A ðkÞxðkÞ þ C ðkÞuðkÞ, ð29Þ P : xðN  1Þ ¼ 0, > : yðkÞ ¼ BT ðkÞxðkÞ þ DT ðkÞuðkÞ: The adjoint of L is given by 8 xþ ðk  1Þ ¼ ATLþ ðkÞxþ ðkÞ þ CTLþ ðkÞL ðkÞ, > > > > > > < xþ ðN  1Þ ¼ 0,  L : x ðk þ 1Þ ¼ ATL ðkÞx ðkÞ þ CTL ðkÞL ðkÞ, > > > x ð0Þ ¼ 0, > > > : L ðkÞ ¼ BTLþ ðkÞxþ ðkÞ þ BTL ðkÞx ðkÞ þ DT ðkÞL ðkÞ, ð30Þ




from which it can be verified that the lifted system description of L is equal to LT . Q is defined similarly to L . Note that our description of the adjoint differs from others (Dahleh and Diaz-Bobillo 1995) because we have written it as an anti-causal filter, which is necessary for stable calculation. We replace (S1.3) with the following steps, illustrated in Figure 2: (S2.1) Parse v as vðkÞ ¼ ½ vkqi þ1

vkqi þ2

   vkqi þqi T .


K.L. Barton et al.

(S2.2) Simulate wðkÞ ¼ ðQ ðI  P L ÞÞðQðI  LPÞÞvðkÞ. (S2.3) Construct w as w ¼ ½ðwð0ÞÞT    ðwðN  1ÞÞT T .

written as anti-causal filters. The resulting filters are given by 2

This section compares computation times for calculating the ILC norm using the lifted matrix construction approach (16) and the alternative method presented in Section 3. The calculations are performed in MATLAB on a laptop computer with a 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 2.5 GB of RAM. The norm command in MATLAB is used to calculate the matrix norm for the lifted matrix approach, and the eigs command with the function option is used to calculate ILC norm in the alternative IRLM approach, as discussed in Section 3. Two examples are considered illustrating the breadth of systems for which the presented approach is applicable. In the first example, the ILC algorithm uses causal and anti-causal learning functions. In the second example, a time-varying ILC algorithm is used. It is worth noting that, for causal LTI learning algorithms and long iteration lengths, the ILC norm can be closely approximated by QðzÞðI  LðzÞPðzÞÞ 1 (Gunnarsson and Norrlof 2001). For those types of systems, the frequency-domain calculation is generally much faster and the preferred method when an approximation is permitted. However, in both examples considered here, this is not possible and as will be shown, the proposed approach offers significant advantages: faster computation and long-iterationcalculation capability.

4.1 Example I: SISO LTI system This example uses the system presented in Gunnarsson and Norrlof (2001). Here, system P represents a closedloop transfer function for the X-axis of a manufacturing robot and is given by PðzÞ ¼

0:07 : z  0:93


6 6 L:6 4



7 7 BL 7 5 DL

CLþ CL 2 0:4896 6 6 0:4896 6 ¼6 6 6 1:158 4 0:7506 2 6 6 Q:6 4




1:392 0 0:93 6:161


7 0:3418 7 7 7, 7 0:8985 7 5




7 BQ 7 7 5 DQ

CQþ CQ 2 0:93 2:395 6 6 0 0:5989 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0:508



7 0:145 7 7 7 7 0:5989 0 0:01438 7 7: 7 7 0:9326 0:93 0:0405 7 5 32:55 13:38 0:623 ð35Þ

Several iteration lengths are selected and the computation times for both approaches are shown in Figure 3. The iteration lengths are constrained to N  4000 data points by the available memory for constructing matrices on the computational platform. This is a limitation for the lifted system technique and not the alternative method. As discussed in Section 3, IRLM is an iterative method, and therefore the number of iterations (computation time) is dependent upon the desired accuracy. These calculations

The design given in Gunnarsson and Norrlof (2001) is

800 Matrix calculation

 þ PðzÞPðz1 Þ QðzÞ ¼ ,  þ  þ PðzÞPðz1 Þ LðzÞ ¼

Pðz1 Þ ,  þ PðzÞPðz1 Þ



where  ¼  ¼ 102 is selected. This design results in unstable filters for LðzÞ and QðzÞ. Therefore, the unstable and stable modes have been separated in LðzÞ and QðzÞ, and the unstable modes have been

Calculation time (s)

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4. Examples



Lanczos calculation


Matrix calculation limited to N=4000 by available memory

400 200 0 0





Iteration length (# of samples)

Figure 3. Computation of ILC norm for Example I.



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use the default tolerance settings in the MATLAB eigs function, which yields an accuracy of approximately ð2:2204e  16Þ AT A , which for the ILC-norm problem presented in this article is equivalent to ð2:2204e  16Þ 2 . In some cases, a tolerance this small may be unnecessary. Relaxing the default setting in the eigs function may result in an ILC-norm calculation with acceptable tolerances and potentially much faster algorithm convergence times. A key benefit to the alternative approach is that memory does not become an issue because it does not require the construction of large matrices. Therefore, it is possible to calculate the ILC norm for much longer iterations. As an example, one can use the alternative method to calculate the ILC norm for an iteration length of N ¼ 10,000 data points. For this iteration length, the norm is calculated in 130 s. As can be seen in Figure 3, the lifted system technique quickly surpasses the IRLM method in terms of calculation time after an iteration length of N ¼ 1000 data points. Clearly the computational time required for the matrix-norm calculation, which includes building the matrices, greatly increases as the iteration length increases. By not requiring the explicit construction of large matrices or large matrix calculations, the IRLM method results in a technique for calculating the ILC norm in a fraction of the time required for lifted-system matrix techniques.

4.2 Example II: LTV learning filter In Moore et al. (2005) a time-varying learning algorithm of the form ujþ1 ðkÞ ¼ uj ðkÞ þ LðkÞej ðk þ 1Þ

Matrix calculation Lanczos calculation

800 600

Matrix calculation limited to N=4000 by available memory

400 200

Lanczos 0 0






Iteration length (# of samples)

Figure 4. Computation of ILC norm for Example II.

where  4 0 and 4 0 are design parameters. For this example, ‘Case 1’ is selected from Moore et al. (2005) where the plant (forward time-shifted by one step as discussed above) is HðzÞ ¼

zðz  0:8Þ : ðz  0:5Þðz  0:9Þ


The learning function is static, so L ¼ L. In Moore et al. (2005) learning parameters are selected as  ¼ 0:9 and ¼ 0:025. As in the previous example, the ILC norm is calculated using the matrix approach and Lanczos approach using several iteration lengths. Computation times are plotted in Figure 4. As can be seen in Figure 4, the total time taken to do the matrix calculations is about the same as the time required performing the matrix calculations in Example I, while the calculation time for the IRLM method is significantly smaller. It is reasonable that the IRLM calculation times are small because there is no Q-filter and the learning filter is just a gain, thereby simplifying the functional relationship (23).


is devised. The reader may note that this formulation differs slightly from (8) in that the error signal has been forward shifted by one time-step. This is a frequently used technique in ILC (Longman 2000; Bristow et al. 2006) to compensate for the one time-step delay in many discrete-time systems. Rather than modifying the approach to address this type of algorithm, it can be easily addressed by modifying the plant description. That is, for the purposes of ILC-norm calculation, (36) is equivalent to (8) when the plant model is replaced with a one time-step shifted plant model, PðzÞ ! zPðzÞ. The learning function used in Moore et al. (2005) is a time-varying gain, LðkÞ ¼  exp ð kÞ,

Calculation time (s)

International Journal of Control


5. Conclusions This article has presented an alternative method for calculating the ILC norm, which is used as an analysis tool for comparing the convergence rate of different learning algorithms that have been designed elsewhere. The alternative method uses dynamic simulations and the IRLM method instead of large matrix calculations. It was shown numerically that the alternative method significantly reduces computation time. Perhaps more importantly, the article has shown that the alternative method is able to calculate the ILC norm for longer iteration lengths than can be calculated using the lifted approach. Therefore, the alternative method provides a tool for numerical calculation of convergence rate that was previously unavailable for long iteration lengths.


K.L. Barton et al.

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