A pedagogical model of application of augmented

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experiencia realizada por un grupo de estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera en una escuela universitaria de negocios. ...... students need only to download the free Aurasma app on their mobile device and click on ..... Gramática ... Available online: http://www.ifets.info/journals/17_4/9.pdf (accessed on 21/3/2017).
A pedagogical model of application of augmented reality in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language Un modelo didáctico de aplicación de la realidad aumentada en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera Javier Sánchez Bolado Esade Language Center (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Sánchez Bolado, J., A pedagogical model of application of augmented reality in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. Proc. Jornadas sobre Tendencias en Innovación Educativa y su Implantación en UPM, 6ª Jornada: Realidad Aumentada y 3D, Madrid, November 20, (2017).

Abstract The 2011 Horizon Report predicted it would take two or three years for augmented reality to be adopted in the field of education. On the other hand, a couple of decades have gone by since publication of the relevant essays by Milgram (1994) and Azuma (1997), which defined AR’s basic characteristics. Nonetheless, despite the amount of research done since then, we are still far from being able to affirm that AR has been genuinely assimilated into the world of education. Thus it seems necessary to work towards effective use of AR in the classroom that would realize its potential through a learning ecosystem based on concepts such as m-learning, learning by doing, and contextualized learning. Starting from this theoretical standpoint, this article describes the experience of a group of students of Spanish as a Foreign Language in a university business school. The task consisted in the creation of an academic itinerary, enriched by augmented reality, which would offer new students a digital, geolocated tour with important information for their future studies. Results suggest that simple AR tasks that can be replicated in any other academic institution can generate student satisfaction and interest in the work done as well as significant, creative language learning, in context. Keywords: augmented reality; teaching and training; learning styles; language learning, Spanish language. Resumen La edición del Horizon Report del 2011 preveía un periodo de adopción de la realidad aumentada en el campo de la educación de unos dos o tres años. De otro lado, han transcurrido un par de décadas desde que se publicaron los relevantes ensayos de Milgram (1994) y Azuma (1997) que establecían sus características básicas. No obstante, pese a la gran cantidad de investigaciones elaboradas desde entonces, nos encontramos todavía lejos de poder afirmar su verdadera asimilación en el ámbito educativo. Por lo tanto, parece necesario que construyamos desde las propias aulas un uso efectivo de la AR que implemente todo su potencial a través, nos parece, de un ecosistema de aprendizaje sustentado en conceptos tales como el m-learning, el aprender haciendo y el aprendizaje contextualizado. Así pues, y a partir de ese enfoque teórico, este artículo describe una experiencia realizada por un grupo de estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera en una escuela universitaria de negocios. La tarea consiste en la creación de un itinerario académico enriquecido con realidad aumentada a fin de ofrecer a los nuevos alumnos un recorrido digital y geolocalizado con información importante para sus futuros estudios. El resultado de la experiencia sugiere que con tareas sencillas de AR, replicables en cualquier otra institución académica, se posibilita, por una parte, la satisfacción y el interés de los estudiantes con el trabajo realizado y, por otra, un aprendizaje significativo, creativo y en contexto. Palabras clave: realidad aumentada; enseñanza y formación; estilos de aprendizaje; aprendizaje de lenguas; lengua española. .


Emerging technologies are becoming more and more of an integral part of many areas of daily life and are transforming a number of the basic ways in which our societies’ work (Rasimah, Ahmad and Zaman, 2011), though it is still early in the game to evaluate the magnitude of their ultimate impact (Adell and Castañeda, 2012). Augmented Reality (AR) represents one of those disruptive innovations (Flavin, 2012) which, though not created with specifically educational objectives in mind, could bring about significant changes in teaching practices thanks to its intrinsic capacity to enrich reality with superimposed layers of digital information (Prendes, 2015) and its potential for improving users’ perception and awareness of their surroundings (Billinghurst and Dünser, 2012). An effective assimilation in teaching of AR in particular and of information and communication technologies (ICT) in general will, in our view, bring about important transformations both in the form of education and also in the learning ecosystem (Cabero y Barroso, 2016), even though during this period of transition it is, as noted above, difficult to evaluate the extent of this renovation. Nonetheless, we can even now observe some practical consequences in the sphere of education, such as the creation of more flexible teaching contexts, the promotion of teamwork, access to relevant information from any source, learning autonomy, and the idea of lifelong learning. This descriptive, exploratory article has been divided into three sections. The first deals, on the one hand, with the reasons why augmented reality in education is still in its initial stages after more than twenty years of studies, research and various proposals while, on the other hand, it examines the most important factors in terms of methodology and practical application that will, it seems to us, lead to its successful introduction into teaching Spanish as a foreign language, overcoming the barriers that have up to now prevented a genuine assimilation of this learning tool in the classroom. The second section describes an educational experience that took place in Barcelona’s Esade business school, part of the University Ramon Llull. Here an attempt was made to put into practice the ideas outlined in the first part of this article. Specifically, an augmented reality task, using the Aurasma app to create a geolocated itinerary with relevant information for new foreign students in the Master’s course in Finance, was carried out with the idea that it might have a real, effective significance for learning Spanish. Finally, in the third part of the article, the results of the task and possible future projections in the field of second language acquisition are evaluated. Consequently we focus, in the first place, on offering a succinct chronological overview of the development of augmented reality which, in its origins, goes back to the 1960s and even before, when the first experiments with this tool were carried out and its potential usefulness in different fields of application began to be explored. This was the case, to cite a well-known example, with the head-mounted three dimensional display (HMD) prototype by Ivan Sutherland (1968), though in fact it was in 1992 that Tom Caudell and David Mizell, researchers for the Boeing Company, first coined the term augmented reality to refer to a technology that possessed all the potential to add digital information to the real environment of air-plane construction in the form of instructions or advice for workers in the aeronautics industry. Insofar as the field of education is concerned, studies have been appearing, one after another, since Shelton and Hendley (2002), among others, began analysing the use of AR as a learning tool, in their particular case through a study of the astronomical concepts of rotation/passage, solstice/equinox and on variations of light and temperature, using a group of undergraduate geography students, to cite one of the first articles providing a coherent model for the use of AR in education. Other, later studies have expanded the possibilities of this tool in the learning process, emphasizing its potential for capturing students’ attention thanks to its capacity for manipulating and observing virtual materials from different perspectives (Kerawalla, Luckin and Woolard, 2006), for helping to relate to the environment in a more 2

interactive fashion (Klopfer and Squire, 2008), for developing students’ abilities to discover, contextualize, and integrate information (Holden and Sykes, 2011), for enhancing the value of books or other printed materials (Billinghurst, Kato and Poupyrev, 2001), for mixing fictional narrative with a real and familiar space (Dunleavy, Dede and Mitchell, 2009), and for improving cultural knowledge through interaction and immersion (Yang and Wan-Che, 2014). As regards the specific application of augmented reality to second language instruction, we find various lines of research that highlight the advantages of incorporating its use in this area with results that show positive effects on students’ motivation (Ibáñez, Delgado, Leony García and Maroto, 2011), on the assimilation of new vocabulary (Barreira, Bessa, Pereira, Adao, Peres and Magalhaes, 2012; Santos, Lübke, Taketomi, Yamamoto, Rodrigo, Sandor and Kato, 2016), on the capacity for improving various kinds of materials with multimedia resources (Mahadzir and Funn Phung, 2013; Solak and Cakir, 2015), and on stimulating language learning through games and digital narrative outside the classroom (Perry, 2015). If we add to all the historical, academic and research data cited above that economic growth in the sector of augmented reality and virtual reality will increase, according to a recent study by the consulting firm IDC (International Data Corporation, 2017), 130.5 % during the year 2017 over figures for 2016, and that investment will continue to grow in coming years to a total of $25.7 billion in 2020, it would be logical to suppose that AR should have obtained a wider recognition and broader use in our society. Nonetheless, the data do not seem to wholly confirm that appreciation and even less so if we focus on the field of education in general and foreign language teaching in particular. A possible explanation for this contradiction may perhaps be discovered, in our view, through an analysis of those factors that have up to now hindered a satisfactory introduction of AR into language classrooms, in order, after having recognised and examined these factors, to look for adequate solutions and imaginative procedures that would offer simple application models to improve the processes of teaching and learning in any academic institution. In this sense, we believe it is necessary to attempt, among other things, to bring teachers’ know-how up to date, to provide appropriate technological infrastructures in educational centres, to accept the need for change in the roles of educators and students, to promote learning that is autonomous and contextualized, to take relevant advantage of emerging technologies, to design flexible learning ecosystems and, in short, to create a methodological approach for new learning environments in ongoing development that still await a systematization that will effectively describe them (Cabero and Barroso, 2016). Along this line, the first of the problems that must be taken into account if we wish to find workable solutions in the field of education, is the confusion that a significant number of educational professionals and also of students feel when faced with the vast number of new teaching concepts, tools and methodological approaches that have appeared over the last few years in connection with new technologies (MOOC, Learning Analytics, Gamification, mLearning, Connectivism, Flipped Classroom, PLE, Blended Learning, etc.) and for which many teachers have not been prepared during their training. On the other hand, according to Koehler and Mishra (2009), in order for teachers to use technological innovations in a meaningful way, there must be a correct combination of three factors: content, pedagogical knowledge, and technology (TPACK Model). These three aspects must work together in a balanced fashion and not in isolation, to create a unified framework which will permit both educators and learners to use the technology appropriately. However, on many occasions the opposite effect occurs in the classroom, provoking an obvious imbalance between the three elements which prevents real interaction and effective learning.


Figure 1: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by tpack.org

Consequently, in order to avoid this imbalance it is important to promote, on the one hand, ongoing and regularly updated teacher training, through essentially practical workshops that will enable them to introduce augmented reality and other emerging technologies as necessary tools in their educational practice, approached with a didactic point of view, not just as a formal setting without a genuine impact on students’ learning. On the other hand, if we want teachers and students to feel secure and not afraid to experiment, and – why not? – to play with AR in their classes, it seems evident that they need to be provided with models for simple activities, prepared on the basis of the intersection of the three notions cited above (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), that can be easily replicated in any academic institution without overloading teachers with supplementary work on top of their regular workload or exhausting students with extra homework (Rikala and Kankaanranta, 2012). At the same time, as Davis (1993) has pointed out with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), one of the most highly regarded theoretical frameworks in research in this field, it is users’ preconceived notions about the usefulness of a new technology that ultimately determine its acceptance. In other words, the higher the level of perceived usefulness and the higher the level of perceived ease of use of a system, the greater the possibility of a given group accepting an innovation will be. Thus, if we accept this premise, it is important to offer both teachers and students educational experiences with augmented reality that demonstrate that usefulness and that ease of use by means of easy to handle tasks and applications that will assist in its effective introduction into day to day class work, in our case, in the field of Spanish as a foreign language. On the other hand, in order to effectively integrate augmented reality in education in a productive way, it is important to keep in mind that the introduction of an emerging technology in any institution should take into account five factors if we wish to obtain tangible results: 1. “Relative advantage: is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it supersedes. 2. Complexity: is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to understand and use. 4

3. Compatibility: is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters. 4. Trialability: is the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis. 5. Observability: is the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others” (Rogers, 1995, pp. 15-16). These five elements will have a direct influence, in the case of AR as well, on the greater or lesser speed of assimilation in any educational institution and will, at the same time, have their effect on the positive or negative attitudes teachers and students adopt toward the potential innovation. It is clear, in our opinion, that augmented reality already complies, in its way, with these five prerequisites, first because it offers a variety of educational advantages due to its capacity to enrich context and materials in real time with layers of information in digital format (Hawkinson, 2014), secondly because new applications are becoming less and less complicated and easier to use – as we will see when we examine the Aurasma tool in section 2 of this article – thirdly because many teaching institutions generally accept the formative values intrinsic to new technologies, fourthly because technological and digital competences have been introduced into study plans for primary and secondary schools and for universities, and fifthly because at last there now exist sufficient educational projects using AR whose positive results can be observed and replicated in other academic institutions. So all that is needed is a determined push on the part of teachers, students and researchers for AR to take advantage of this fruitful terrain and become a truly effective instrument in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language – and not to end up as nothing but a passing fashion, as has occurred with other technological innovations on numerous occasions. The general characteristics of AR as described in various research projects and experiences on the subject, can be summed up as follows: a) it enriches realia and contextualizes them with multimedia information; b) it adapts to the specific learning needs of each student; c) it makes it possible to prepare especially practical didactic activities thanks to its immediacy and interactive character; d) it promotes learning by doing, problem solving and the multifaceted character of the activities carried out; e) it helps to transform the roles of educators and learners; f) it tends to generate a change in the traditional form of teaching (Leiva and Moreno, 2015); g) it bolsters the immediacy and rapid assimilation of learning procedures; h) it increments motivation and the search for varied and creative pedagogical answers (Di Serio, Ibáñez and Delgado, 2013); i) it fosters cooperation and teamwork; j) it favours the creation of an active and complex environment; k) it assists in the design of interactive printed materials with supplementary information; l) it makes students themselves the creators of digital messages and narratives; and m) it provides areas for learning outside the classroom. This summary attempts only to specify some of the qualities most frequently cited in projects and studies on the application of AR in education, though it is true, on the other hand, that much of its didactic potential has yet to be discovered and analysed (García, Peña-López, Johnson, Smith, Levine and Haywood, 2010). Following this listing of its essential features, we go on to define the learning ecosystem that would best accept, develop and promote the optimal use of AR in the educational field of Spanish as a foreign language. A learning environment that, obviously, would serve to best bring out the potential of each of the different qualities described in the paragraph above. In the first place we should point out that task-based second language learning includes among its basic principles many of the characteristics cited above, since what it proposes is that students learn the language through the performance of tasks in real communication contexts and because students, in general, are the active subjects of the learning process. In 5

other words, they are the ones who build and develop projects with the cooperation and guidance of the teacher (Nunan, 2004). This approach emphasizes the importance of students planning, developing, and carrying out tasks in cooperation with fellow students and in an autonomous fashion, in order to produce a genuine communicative process in real contexts and thus obtain a practical knowledge of the language. Thus in second language acquisition students are encouraged to develop skills with which to discover, contextualize, interact, and integrate information; language learning is promoted by using the language to achieve certain set objectives (learning by doing). This practical model, then, leads to the preparation of authentic, relevant, and useful tasks (Hernández Requena, 2008) in which the language is, at the same time, instrument of knowledge, vehicle of communication, and communication in itself, since it is, in fact, the final content students are to acquire in their classes. In the second place, the evolution of technology is making it possible for any user to be able to generate and distribute information in different contexts, and for that reason learning can take place anywhere at any time. In other words, this is ubiquitous learning (Burbules, 2012), in which relevant information is linked directly to the place where it is generated and which permits students to produce original and enriched contents, assuming the role of creators of knowledge in a multisensorial context (De Pietro and Frontera, 2012). Thus we could affirm that the classroom as the site of transmission of skills abdicates the central position that it has always occupied in traditional pedagogy in favour of a renovated methodology that is more concerned with building shared knowledge through the use of new learning areas and which, in addition, extends far beyond learning centres thanks to the possibilities digital media offer (Cope and Kalantzis, 2009). Contextualization of the information is then one of the more important aspects to take into account if we wish to produce a meaningful study environment in which the space itself favours learning through the interaction of users, places, objects, processes and culture (Brown, Collins and Duguid, 1989). As research on the relationship of technology and education have shown, learning will be more effective when it adequately integrates these connections to real-world contexts with concepts like active engagement, group work and frequent interaction, and feedback (Roschelle, Pea, Hoadley, Gordin and Means, 2001). In the third place, to close, we will comment on the educational approach of m-learning, which has been defined as the use of mobile devices in the field education in order to enhance learning processes and which constitutes, in our opinion, the third theoretical pillar on which a productive use of augmented reality in this field should be built. Mobile learning is considered to be the result of an evolution of e-learning, though if we compare the two, the former creates much more flexible learning environments because it facilitates the acquisition of knowledge on any occasion and in any context (De la Torre, Martín-Dorta, Saorín, Carbonell and Contero, 2013) thanks to the advantages of wireless capability, of providing global positioning system (GPS), camera/video, the ability to store large amounts of data, speech recognition, etc. (W. H. Wu, Y. C. Wu, Chen, Kao, Lin and Huang, 2012). On the other hand, mobile phones are now an integral part of the lives of most students for both communication and entertainment, and, consequently, the logical next step would be to adequately assimilate them into the educational system if we hope to make young people feel genuinely implicated in new learning environments (Camacho and Lara, 2011). The Horizon Report of 2017 points out that these devices are promoting personalized settings for work and learning and that, for the first time, navigation using the mobile phone has surpassed navigation using the computer. The same document indicates that mobile phones provide better interaction between teachers and students, facilitate the creation of richer learning content, can assist in improving students’ results and promote autonomous study and lifelong learning. So it is evident that the fundamental qualities of mobile technology: portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity and individuality, (Jenkins, Squire and 6

Klopfer, 2002), confirm its capacity to integrate augmented reality among its services; thus it is not surprising to find that the evolution of both technologies has run along parallel lines over the last few years. To close this section, we would only add that AR can, it appears to us, develop all its potential in the rich learning environment provided by the theoretical framework based on learning by doing, ubiquitous learning and mobile learning: an educational ecosystem that is based, as we have seen here, on concepts such as interactivity from any location, learner autonomy, work that is cooperative and contextualized, building shared knowledge, development of new learning strategies and skills, and in short, stimulating students’ creativity to make them active subjects of their own learning (Coll, Onrubia and Mauri, 2008; Godwin-Jones, 2016; Schank, 1995). DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIENCE In this section we will refer to an educational experience that took place at the Esade business school of Barcelona’s University Ramon Llull over a period of about three months. Participants were a small, multicultural group of six students in the Spanish as a Foreign Language course, an elective in Esade’s Master’s Course in Finance. Students were from Portugal, Switzerland, Slovakia, the United States, Italy and Germany. It should be pointed out that the procedures employed in this case study correspond to those of a non-experimental research project and thus focus basically on the observation of an experience taking place in a specific location, in our case in the classrooms of a well-known university school of business, and then analyse, describe, and finally draw the pertinent conclusions (Albert, 2007). This descriptive approach allows us, working within the theoretical framework of learning by doing, ubiquitous learning, and m-learning, to examine the experience taking place in a real context in order to determine a posteriori what elements work well in practice and which ones need to be revised and re-evaluated in order to arrive at a satisfactory result (O’Shea, Dede and Cherian, 2011). In this study in particular, from a formal point of view the objective was to introduce augmented reality in classes of Spanish as a Foreign Language using a geolocalization task in which students created an itinerary with relevant information, prepared and managed by themselves, about the Master’s Course in Finance which they were taking during the academic year 2017, so that new students on the course could later follow it and by doing so, get to know the most important aspects of the studies they would be doing and of the institution they were going to be attending in the near future. It is worth noting that the itinerary, or experimental route, is one of the teaching strategies used in Didactics of Social Sciences and Experimental Sciences to facilitate acquisition of information in context, and it seems evident to us that AR and mobile devices, given their essential characteristics, can promote this sort of interactive learning taking place in a specific physical space (García de la Vega, 2012). For the design of the task we followed the scheme synthesized by Dunleavy and Dede (2014) and based on research on this sort of project, which established four categories that appear in most activities using augmented reality: location, narrative, roles, and experience mechanics. These two authors point out that most studies on task design include all or most of these four elements; and they also emphasize that this research touches upon questions such as, for instance, whether the experience is place-dependent or place-independent (location), whether the story in AR is fantastic or real (narrative), whether students adopt the role of a fictional character or act as investigators (roles), whether emphasis is on cooperation or favours competition, whether students concentrate more on the mobile device or on 7

interacting with the setting when experimenting with AR, or, finally, whether the task has a definite, closed solution to the problems that have been posed rather than an open-ended conclusion which as a rule students tend to find somewhat frustrating (experience mechanics). For this project these four elements were evidently adapted to fit the particular needs and characteristics of our learning context, and so we selected only those resources, findings, and suggestions in various essays on the subject that seemed suitable for the design of a genuinely meaningful task for learning Spanish. Location: The experience took place on the Esade campus in Sant Cugat, a small town near the city of Barcelona where Spanish classes are taken by students of the Master’s in Finance, using the history, geography, and physical structure of this location in the AR experience. So this is a place-dependent task, though it can be replicated and adapted for other academic centres, since the space in which it takes place acquires major importance both in the design and in the content of the activity and becomes the element that facilitates the interaction between students and the university context in which they are doing or are going to do their Master’s, in other words, a physical environment with which the students already feel identified and connected (Klopfer and Sheldon, 2010). Narrative: The story that the use of augmented reality was built around focused, as previously mentioned, on offering future students an enhanced view of the points of interest in the school through short narrative pieces, most of them in video format, with important information on how the courses work, the history and values of the institution, activities of an academic nature, and the peculiarities of daily life on a university campus (food, entertainment, sports, etc.). So it is a real narrative adapted to the authentic needs of users that, through a geolocated physical and virtual exploration (Fombona and Vázquez, 2017), permits them to find suitable responses to questions that might occur to any student about to begin a Master’s course in another country. Roles: Kerstin Burkhardt, Michal Racek, Maximilian Niederau, Matteo Nertempi, Marco Ferrari y Pedro Aquino Da Silva, the six students who participated in the experience, took on the role of designers and, at the same time, field researchers, since they themselves carried out the task, from the planning stage to the final production of the itinerary, through a process of observation, reflection, analysis of needs, performance, feedback, error correction, and finally a new, reformulated performance (Burns and Kurtoğlu-Hooton, 2016; Kamarainen, Metcalf, Grotzer, Browne, Mazzuca, Tutwiler and Dede, 2012). The six thus acquired the role of experts in a qualitative investigation of an environment close to them in which they consistently used Spanish as the tool for learning and communication during the whole of the creative process which, in addition, will later serve to help other students in their process of integration in the university. Experience mechanics: Here it is evident that the experience we are going to describe reinforces cooperation, group work, and student autonomy and, consequently, avoids the idea of competition between students, which is, according to the research, one of the more problematic aspects of designing any AR activity. Students understood from the beginning that the importance of the task resided in its potential for promoting the use of the language as the main and indispensable instrument for work and communication and that both augmented reality and the mobile devices are only tools with which the goals set may be achieved if we know how to use them correctly (Wu, Lee, Chang and Liang, 2013). In addition, the activity itself responded to the doubts and questions that arose while it was going on. Consequently, in this sense it could be considered a closed and complete activity. Nonetheless – and this is one of its most interesting features – other students can take it up and add new geolocated points of interest in order to improve, enrich, and enlarge it. In the same way, the project can be repeated in other university institutions, as pointed out above, by simply adapting it to their particular motivations and circumstances. 8

To close this section on task design we will refer to the tool we decided to use for the activity, an essential component that must be carefully considered when a project is being planned because, depending on the use that is made of it, it can favour or, on the contrary, limit the benefits cited above. The application chosen for use in creating the activity was the platform Aurasma, which is free, simple, and easy to use and has the capacity to create content in augmented reality through what the system calls “auras”. These auras can show images, videos, objects in 3D or a URL superimposed on the image that serves as the activator of the experience. This tool can be used to create AR either by using the webpage, Aurasma Studio, or with its app, which is, at the same time, the visor on which they auras are visualized. In this second case creations are limited. Evidently, for this project students used the platform Aurasma Studio, since the objective was to link information they had created to the images (triggers) taken from different spots around the school in order to shape a contextualized digital narrative, and the webpage undoubtedly offered the most suitable and enriching resources. The task we are going to describe took place at the Esade university business school, over a period of three months, in the third quarter of the Master’s Course in Finance with a multicultural group at level B2 (independent user) in Spanish, following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is important to point out that in the third quarter of these courses of Spanish for foreigners (48 classroom hours in two weekly sessions of three hours each) students devote themselves specifically to activate, practice and improve the four communicative skills (oral comprehension, listening comprehension, oral expression, and written expression) without focusing on the study of grammatical or syntactic structures, since these have been covered during the first two quarters. This means, consequently, that in each class students have to work on their communication skills in a practical way in order to acquire language proficiency. As regards the institutional context, Esade is a business university that puts special emphasis on innovation, on the value of cooperation among students, on experimentation, on practice and analysis through simulation of cases, on autonomous work, on critical thinking, and also on promoting the use of new technologies in education. In that regard, at present it is facilitating a real transformation of the university learning ecosystem by building new centres for innovation on campus such as the Decision Lab (a space for empirical research), EWorks (designed to support the launch of new business initiatives through acceleration and networking), the EGarage (a meeting point to share ideas), the Design Factory (a large multidisciplinary space to drive innovation), and the Fab Lab (a space where ideas will come to life thanks to 3D printing technology). The task is thus in consonance and compatible with the values, customs, and needs of the institution, and thus the application of augmented reality as a teaching instrument in Spanish classes at Esade does not suffer from the academic, curricular, and structural limitations that often occur when there is an attempt to introduce innovation in educational institutions with more traditional learning environments (Rogers, 1995). In addition, it is worth taking into account that specifically in the field of second language didactics innovation in teaching practice has always been one of the most highly valued aspects in the development of language learning processes. Thus this is an educational environment that is highly receptive to the introduction of any new technological tool, such as AR, that can help to propitiate the acquisition of a foreign language. Concepts as up to date as storytelling, authentic materials, gamification, or the flipped classroom, for example, have always formed a part, adapted in some ways and with other designations, of the basic methodological principles used in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, which was, thus, an excellent learning ecosystem for this project employing AR to enrich a real communication environment (Bower, Howe, McCredie, Robinson and Grover, 2013). 9

Having established and defined first the outline followed in the project’s design and then the characteristics and policies of the institution with respect to emerging technologies, along with the possibilities language teaching didactics offer to assimilate augmented reality, we will now describe the development and different phases of the experience. Phase one: Students were presented with the possibility of preparing a task using augmented reality to create an itinerary enriched with significant information about Esade for new students of the Master’s in Finance. The professor outlined the typology of the project (open of course to any changes they might want to introduce); he explained the possible objectives and briefly commented on the advantage of using a methodology based on learning by doing, ubiquitous learning and mobile learning for learning Spanish. Students’ response to the invitation to participate in the task was entirely positive, even though they did not quite understand what it was or how AR could be used as a learning tool. In order to determine students’ prior knowledge of AR, of the university school where they were studying their Master’s in business, and of language learning methodologies, they were given an initial qualitative questionnaire consisting of the following open questions: On technology: 1. Do you know what augmented reality is? Can you define it? 2. Have you ever used an augmented reality app? Which one? 3. Do you know what Aurasma is? 4. Do you think technological devices (mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc.) can help you learn Spanish? On the school: 5. What do you know about the history of Esade? Discuss. 6. What could you tell a new student about how the MSc programme works? 7. What places are important to get to know about during the course and why? On methodology: 8. Do you think that the way one learns more is simply working in class with materials provided by the teacher? What other ways are there to learn Spanish? 9. In Spanish class one learns Spanish, but, do you agree that you can learn this language learning other things while you use it? Defend your answer? 10. How do you practice your Spanish on your own? Do you think that working with Spanish in context improves learning? From the responses it was clear, as regards technology, that most students had only a very basic familiarity with augmented reality or none at all, though four out of the six had used it on occasion, and none of them were familiar with the Aurasma app. However, all of them saw a positive value, at least in theory, in technology as an instrument for learning Spanish. In terms of the school, students did not know much about the history of Esade, but they considered the school’s values and teaching philosophy as relevant information to be passed on to new students. Finally, as to the third set of questions, it could be said that they possessed a medium level of knowledge about task-based methodology. In view of the results, it was decided to prepare tutorials on augmented reality and on the Aurasma app in particular so that students could acquire the knowledge necessary to understand this tool and use it effectively in performing the task. What distinguished this tutorial from others was that it was the students themselves, in groups of three, that researched the relevant information, prepared a summary of their findings, and, finally, explained to their fellow students how AR works in the case of the one group, and how Aurasma works in the case of the other. It is evident that this initial process of study, analysis, and discussion of AR leads students, from this point on, to assume the role of qualified researchers, directing their learning in an autonomous fashion and in accord with their own interests, in cooperation with fellow students and with the teacher and, of course, using Spanish as the communication tool. It is for this reason that from now on they will always be defined student-investigators or student-researchers, since this is the term that in our view best fits their role during the course of the task.


Figure 2: QR code with the video of the tutorial on augmented reality prepared by the studentresearchers.

Figure 3: QR code with the video of the tutorial on Aurasma prepared by the student-researchers.

At this stage too, and now with a high level of familiarity with AR and Aurasma thanks to the tutorials, student-researchers determined, by means of brainstorming and subsequent discussion, the points of interest that needed to be geolocated in the four different areas they decided upon: main building, common areas on the campus, MBA building and sports installations. They also agreed that the added information should be in video format, since they believed that this would be the most enjoyable and useful way to introduce it to future students of the Master’s in Finance. At about the same time, in a series of conversations on the subject, students, with the benefit of orientation, direction, and guidance from the teacher, set the goals they would like to achieve in the course of the project in terms of motivation and meta learning, technology, and language learning. Phase two: The student-researchers held meetings in class to decide who was to take responsibility for each of the jobs to be done during the project and, following discussion, they adopted a principle of expertise for distributing the tasks. In the words of one of the students, Kerstin Burkhardt, “We divided up the work in different parts, depending on our interests and strengths. Matteo had experience in adapting, cutting, and condensing videos, so he became the person responsible for editing them. Michal had done a lot of research on the Aurasma app and how the auras are created. With his help and know-how we are going to prepare them in a short time. Marco, Pedro, Max and I are responsible for filming most of the videos”. Later they began to prepare the scripts for each video with the content that it seemed to them was most relevant to pass on to new students. They also agreed that it would be interesting to interview some teachers at the school on subjects such as the values of Esade, the history of the institution, the different programs the university offers, etc. It is important to point out, from a linguistic point of view, that while the student-researchers were preparing each of the aspects necessary to achieve the goals of the task, they were activating and putting into practice the four language skills. This can be confirmed in the case of the interviews, for instance, since to prepare the questions they practised written expression; on rereading and correcting the texts, reading comprehension; on interviewing teachers, oral expression; on 11

listening later to the videos of the conversation, listening comprehension. An attempt was made to ensure that the same process took place in each of the steps taken with other aspects of the project. In this phase, the student-researchers taped all the videos and edited them, took photos of each of the points of interest that would serve as triggers for the augmented reality experience, and, finally, created a total of 16 auras on Aurasma Studio with the pertinent and contextualized information. It is clear that in this part of the task, as in others, progress was not linear, since adjustments and rectifications continually had to be made in search of feasible, simple solutions to problems as they emerged in order to arrive at a satisfactory result. And, of course, this entire process of correcting errors and acquiring new knowledge took place in Spanish. Further, all the auras are public and can be followed on the channel Esade_GrupoB2_MSc. Future students who want to travel the itinerary created by their fellow students need only to download the free Aurasma app on their mobile device and click on “follow” on this channel. Phase three: Student-researchers checked to see that the itinerary worked properly and taped a new video of this activity in order to have a record of their own reactions as, for the first time, they physically explored the complete route with the geolocated auras. On doing so they could confirm at last that their work of so many weeks had yielded positive results. Student-researchers also wanted to use the capacity of augmented reality to enrich documents on paper and, for that purpose, they created new auras that also appear on the information leaflets for the Master’s in Finance, a simple and useful way to enhance the information on this type of printed material. In this phase, in addition, they decided to create a web page with a map of the campus on which each of the points of interest would appear with the activating image of the aura and a short explanation of its content. In this way anyone can locate the specific place where these points of interest can be found and receive the added information in multimedia format. On another tab on the web page student-researchers describe the entire project in their own words and from the perspective of its creators, in what seems to us an interesting activity that permits them to think about the learning process and become aware, at the same time, of aspects that become more important when working on a team and autonomously to reach established goals, acting, once again, as genuine field researchers. Figure 4: QR code of the website.

Finally, to close this description of the experience, it should be pointed out that in this third phase the student-researchers and the teacher came to the conclusion, in the final sessions, that to properly finish the task it was necessary to do some sort of test to evaluate the experience and judge the effectiveness of the work. So, following discussion, they decided, on the one hand, to prepare a kahoot, an online gamification tool, with a questionnaire on the content of the auras that could be answered after making a virtual tour of the school and that would serve to measure the level of knowledge acquired in an enjoyable and playful way. In the next to last session of the course, they invited another group of Spanish as a Foreign Language students, also level B2, to the class and gave them a detailed presentation of the 12

project. After the presentation they accompanied the other students and acted as guides while they, all together, followed the itinerary created on the campus.

Figure 5: QR Code with the Kahoot with the Esade questionnaire.

Figure 6: QR code on which the student-researchers present to their companions the final task.

Afterwards, back in the classroom, they opened the Kahoot with the comprehension questions so that their fellow students could check what they had learned about Esade using the information enriched by augmented reality that they had received during the tour. The positive reactions of the members of the group that had been invited at the close of the two activities, the virtual tour and the Kahoot, is another tacit recognition of the effort made in this last quarter of Master’s in Finance through an experience that, according to their own conclusions, has been relevant, engaging and satisfactory, as will be seen in the following section of this article.




In this third section of the study we will analyse the results obtained from the final questionnaire given to students during their last class (Appendix A) and comment on the videotaped the same day, with the evaluations, comments and reflections of the studentresearchers on their experience. Also taken into account will be the considerations and conclusions of the teacher – and author of this article – who planned, directed and collaborated in devising the task. In this way we will present the two basic perspectives that converge in any process of teaching and learning: the vision of the learner and the vision of the teacher. Starting from here, it seems to us, we can make a serious analysis of the principal results of the project. As was pointed out in the introduction, this case study uses the tools of qualitative research and though the number of subjects participating in the experience is limited, these observations do not necessarily lack importance for that reason, particularly in this case, when the student-researchers adopt and carry out the role of analysts of their own learning process in a research project that could be said to be formative in nature. A good example of this idea is, undoubtedly, the experience of the tutorials, so important from a didactic point of view (Cabero and Marín, 2017), which the students prepared to present to their fellow students and 13

which served to make them genuine specialists in a new technology they were almost totally unfamiliar with at the beginning of the project, effecting in the process a mutual exchange of information. We should also point out that the limitation of the number of participants in the activity became at times one of the strong points of the project since it facilitated a closer monitoring of each of the student-researchers, their progress in the use of the Spanish language, and their contributions to the collective task and the creation of an enriched reality in context. We focus now on examining the results of the questionnaire cited above, which was divided into four sections. In the first, an evaluation of 0-5 (0-not at all in agreement/5-totally in agreement) was made of various aspects of the task such as motivation, pedagogical usefulness, teamwork, adaptation and contribution to the institution, satisfaction with results, learning autonomy, and improvement of familiarity with the institution. It should be pointed out that for these evaluation criteria, scores were between 4 and 5, the response “totally in agreement” being the one most frequently selected by the student-researchers. So we may conclude that from their point of view the task was motivating and satisfying, that it permitted them to apply their knowledge of Spanish to help future students in the school, increased their information about Esade, fostered autonomy of learning and cooperation as well as work outside class. In the second section they evaluated, from 0-5 (0-not at all in agreement/5-totally in agreement), in the first part, vocabulary retention and improvement in pronunciation. In the second part student-researchers were asked to identify their perceptions as to the language skills they had used to reach the goals set in the experience. For the first part the lowest mark given was 3, though again 5 was the most frequently marked option, reaffirming, according to students’ analysis, an improvement in pronunciation and vocabulary. Regarding their perceptions as to the use of language skills, in general students were aware of having activated most of them, though in some cases they did not believe they had fully put into practice reading and listening comprehension. It is important to emphasize that in this section on the language the views of the student-researchers and that of the teacher differed in part, which is logical, since for the latter, an expert on the subject, it was clear that they had undoubtedly practised all the skills while working on the project. In the third section they evaluated from 0-5 (0-not at all in agreement/5-totally in agreement) augmented reality, the Aurasma app and whether students would consider using AR in the future to learn Spanish. Again results were between 4 and 5, with 5 being the most frequently chosen score. From these evaluations it is possible to conclude, consequently, that augmented reality had been both useful and a motivating influence for carrying out the task, that Aurasma was easy to use and suited to the experience, and that in the future the studentresearchers would again work with AR to learn Spanish. The fourth and final section consisted of a free composition in which studentresearchers could comment on any aspect or idea they considered important to better understand the experience in detail and its repercussions on learning. In general, in this section students emphasized the enjoyable aspects of the task and its capacity to promote not just learning Spanish but also becoming familiar with the history and values of the university (“very good opportunity to improve my Spanish”; “I learned a lot during the project”; “I improved my level of oral expression”; “the task was very interesting”; “it was a good experience”; “it was very interesting and satisfying”; “it was also a task that was useful as an experience to improve my communicative and co-operational skills in Spanish”). Students again gave a positive evaluation to AR and the Aurasma app (“augmented reality has helped us to know each other better and to work as a team in Spanish”; “what’s interesting is that I have learned a lot about the subject of augmented reality”; “I loved contributing to a project 14

on augmented reality”; “working with augmented reality was a good experience”; “AR is useful and interactive for learning about a new subject”). Finally, to provide a more global understanding of the student-researchers’ opinions we add below a concise summary of the comments and considerations they made on a videotaped during the last class of the course. On this video they reaffirm almost all the conclusions provided by the questionnaire and add, most of all, positive commentary about work outside the class, cooperation with fellow students to create an informative itinerary, and the possibility of sharing knowledge among themselves and with future students of the Master’s in Finance. Several of them also put special emphasis on the idea that changing the place where learning goes on had helped them to endure and even enjoy classes three hours long, from 18.30 to 21.30 after attending other classes during the course of the day. As to problems that emerged with the use of augmented reality, the only ones mentioned in different comments on the question were, on one hand, technical problems with hearing some of the videos properly, a problem that was quickly solved with the use of earphones, and, on the other, some minor difficulties in maintaining superimposed information on the Aurasma app (Bacca, Baldiris, Fabregat, Graf and Kinshuk, 2014). It was not possible to find a wholly satisfactory solution to this last problem. Figure 7: QR code with the video on which student-researchers evaluate and comment on the project.

From the point of view of the teacher, the experience with AR achieved most of the objectives that had been set at the beginning of the task. The student-researchers, working in and outside the classroom in an autonomous and creative fashion, were capable of collecting relevant information and explaining the way the school works to future Master’s students (Barroso and Gallego, 2017). The task fomented teamwork and students’ reflection on their own learning (objectives of a motivational and meta learning nature). Students learned the basics of augmented reality and how to use it in a meaningful way in an educational project that provided access to information, making use of three basic features of mobile learning – location independence, time independence and meaningful content (Law and So, 2010) (objectives of a technological nature). Students were capable of activating, using and improving their language skills in Spanish in each of the phases of the experience to create an activity in which, learning by doing (Roussou, 2004), they offered shared knowledge to other students (objectives of a linguistic nature). To close this review of the results of the experience, it might be said that, in a certain way, while doing this project the student-researchers were working through the five stages Rogers outlined for the complete acceptance of an innovation (Rogers, 1995). To begin with they gathered information about augmented reality and the Aurasma app (Knowledge); they then developed a positive attitude toward the innovation (Persuasion); then they accepted the new technology and decided to use it (Decision); later they implemented that use in performing a task (Implementation); and, finally, they confirmed their intention to use it again in the future (Confirmation) (Durak, Ozkeskin and Ataizi, 2016). By way of conclusion: in our view it can clearly be seen in our description and evaluation of the activity that augmented reality can be used in an easy, simple, and useful 15

way in any educational task, as long as it is integrated into a learning ecosystem suited to its characteristics (Fernández Robles, 2017). It appears to us that one of the learning environments that offers a coherent system for its introduction, as this study has attempted to show, is one that consists of m-learning, ubiquitous learning and learning by doing, with their innate capacity for promoting, among other possibilities, contextualization, portability, learning outside the classroom, cooperation, autonomous work, and student creativity. In our case, the use of AR has made it possible to create a multimedia itinerary that can easily be replicated in other education centres, that will remain, indelible and accessible to anyone in the university (Howard and Sautter, 2013), and that we hope will serve, at the same time, not only to offer relevant and beneficial information in general but also as an attractive model which will show future Esade students the enormous possibilities of this tool as an effective instrument for learning Spanish.


Appendix A CUESTIONARIO VALORACIÓN DE LA EXPERIENCIA Valora del 0 al 5 (0 – nada de acuerdo / 5- totalmente de acuerdo) 1. Trabajar por proyectos me resulta motivador. 0






2. Trabajar en el proyecto me da la oportunidad de aplicar mis conocimientos de español. 0






3. Trabajar en el proyecto me gusta porque trabajo en equipo con los compañeros. 0






4. Me gusta pensar que el proyecto puede ayudar a estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. 0






5. Ver el resultado de nuestro trabajo ha sido satisfactorio. 0






6. Me ha gustado trabajar fuera del aula para crear el recorrido virtual. 0






7. Trabajar de forma autónoma, con la colaboración del profesor, ha resultado una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante. 0






8. El proyecto me ha permitido investigar sobre Esade y conocer mejor la escuela. 0






9. Recuerdo más el vocabulario que he aprendido con el proyecto que el que aprendo habitualmente en clase. 0






10. Me he esforzado más en pronunciar correctamente en las grabaciones del vídeo de lo que me esfuerzo habitualmente en clase. 0




4 17


11. En este proyecto he practicado mis habilidades y destrezas relacionadas con:  Vocabulario  Expresión escrita  Pronunciación y entonación  Gramática  Expresión oral  Comprensión lectora  Comprensión auditiva

12. La realidad aumentada ha sido útil para la tarea. 0






13. Ha sido motivador trabajar con realidad aumentada. 0








14. Utilizar realidad aumentada ha sido fácil. 0




15. La aplicación Aurasma ha sido una herramienta adecuada para realizar la tarea. 0






16. Volvería a trabajar en un proyecto con realidad aumentada en el futuro para aprender español. 0






17. Escribe tu opinión sobre trabajar con Realidad Aumentada en clase de español:


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