A Practical Guide to Experiment with Rife Frequency ... - Rife-X

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Published as Public Domain by Rife-X.com. Aug. 2010. 1/16. A Practical Guide to Experiment with Rife Frequency Technology at Minimal Cost. The Audio Driver ...
A Practical Guide to Experiment with Rife Frequency Technology at Minimal Cost. The Audio Driver RF1 is a driver interface board connected between a frequency generator and a subject target. It’s use is strictly for experimental purposes. Avantages:  Driven by the internal soundcard of a laptop/PC computer (5Hz to 20KHz)  Driven alternatively, by an instrumentation frequency generator (DC to 4MHz)  Input frequency waveforms ‘direct’ or ‘gated’ with a 4MHz RF carrier. (Switch selectable)  Class 2 circuit: operating supply voltage 12V-18Vdc battery or 12Vdc adapter.  Output signal: 10Vdc minimum (60ma) with DC offset (‘no’ negative spikes).  No output signal attenuation is normally required.  Dual output channels (common negative return).  Monitoring circuit feedback to laptop/PC to ensure good conductivity.  Inexpensive hardware circuit with full documentation in the Public Domain.  Input/output drivers socketed for easy replacement or customizing.  Easy to interface to. Can drive other devices with additional drive circuitry.  Rife frequency generating software available free of charge on the Internet. Disadvantages:  Limited output: one frequency at a time, no heterodyning of multiple frequencies.  RF carrier limited to 4MHz.  Open frame design, no enclosure. Disclaimer: Any experimentation with the ADRF1 circuit is at the total risk or responsibility of the user. The user should be well qualified to assess his/her risks, otherwise the user should seek the advice of a qualified medical professional before using. Do not use this circuit if you have a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. Do not place the contact electrodes near the eyes or thyroid gland (throat). The ADRF1 circuit is not a medical device nor can it cure any disease or medical ailment, any ailment should be referred to the medical expertise of a health care professional. The circuit may be beneficial in boosting the immune system which in turn may promote wellbeing. There are no guarantees to its effectiveness. This paper is informative by nature and is not to be taken as medically or scientifically proven. The material and opinions presented are not offered as medical advice for the treatment or cure of any disease. Please consult a licenced physician for any medical condition.

Published to the ‘Public Domain’ by Rife-X.com in August 2010. The information and designs presented may not be used in pursuit of a registered patent worldwide, nor may they be sold to other parties for profit. Email: [email protected]

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Aug. 2010



Feb. 2010

‘Public domain' plans were followed to built the FreX-PFA-2 amplifier circuit where an audio PC sound card output drives the amp to produce 18V square waves. It worked beautifully and flawlessly. As shown on the website (www.heal-me.com.au), the sharp square wave pulses produce rich harmonic frequencies into the low MHz range.

(Additional circuitry is 1 st attempt for RF component mixed with TSH22 op-amp. Couldn’t get the TSH22 to work above 2MHz with RF, probably due to the saturation of the ouput signal). But upon trying it out, the sharp square waves tend to round off due to loading by body resistance and capacitance. The better the conductance with the electrical probes/plates, the more rounded off the square waves became. Photos show the effect.

While the harmonics are still there, they are much more subdued due to the rounded-off square waves on the rising and falling edges of the pulses. Previously, a Hulda Clark ‘Zapper’ was built to try out as well. The 10 volt output had the same effect once hooked up to a person, though the Zapper was more pronounced, probably due to its 1K output impedence. Both of these circuits produced square waves with a positive offset which Clark says is important to work effectively. Beck’s ‘Blood Purifier’ was also built but this device does not fall under the harmonics effect, it simply passes an alternating polarity DC current through the veins in the wrist, to kill pathogens. Having looked at the effects and having researched Dr. Rife’s work, he made a point that the low frequency signals had to have an RF carrier component because the high frequency carrier is needed to break through the cells while the low frequency resonated with the pathogens destroying them. The RF carrier that Rife used, and that he claimed worked well, was between 26 MHz apparently. As a result a circuit was designed and built that accepts low-level audio signals from your computer, or portable MP3 device, and drives a circuit that produced minimum 10VDC pulses gated or pulsed with high-frequency, while also providing a DC offset. Dr. Richard Loyd mentioned that 10VDC was as good as 200VAC, and assumingly that was the basis for Clark’s Zappers.

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Aug. 2010


The Audio Driver RF1 circuit was designed to accept bipolar 400mV audio signals, up to 100Khz, and gate a high-frequency oscillator up to 4MHz, which is the practical limit of the CMOS output drivers. The design used a 3.6864MHz oscillator as the HF component, and the circuit was prototyped on a breadboard. It worked well, even without decoupling capacitors. It can be tried out very simply, just strip off all the components that are not required for the prototype, such as the DC adapter, RCA jack, terminal blocks, extra 15V voltage regulator and second output driver IC. All that is required is the MAX487 receiver, the 5V regulator, the MXO45 (3.6864MHz) oscillator, and the CD4504BE CMOS buffer IC. The circuit was built, tested, and everything worked well. (Not tried with MP3 player yet). Details with regards to the high-frequency carrier that Rife insisted upon, are available on the website mentioned above, re: James Bare hyperlink. This circuit will be published in the ‘public domain’ to advance Rife technology, should it be of any value. Here are the circuit’s characteristics: The ouptut waveform is clean, sharp and of sufficient amplitude, typically over 15 volts. The RF component is also fairly clean with decent square wave pulses. There is a 1.4V DC offset bias from ground which still gives a differential voltage of greater than 10VDC at 60ma. See below:

The setting on the scope is 5V/division, notice the 1.4V offset from ground (set at 2 divisions below the center-line of the scope).

Now hookup the electrode wiring:

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Aug. 2010


Notice the 3.68MHz pulses before/after hooking electrode wires to the circuit board. They are not negative when electrode wiring is not hooked-up (left). Hooked up, the wires radiate RF energy.

Ground is at 2 divisions below the centerline. Spikes below the 2nd division are negative. (-3.5V)

The pictures on the right side above would not be acceptable to Dr. Hulda Clark because of the negative spikes. However, when a person is hooked up to the electrodes, this dampens and absorbs the HF component and with the 1.4 VDC offset, the spikes no longer extend into the negative range, below ground. (Electrode wiring is 4ft. long) :

A 100 Ohm resistor on the output of the IC drivers, helps this attenuation, yet the differential output pulses still exceed the +10VDC spec. These pictures are taken with the scope probe at the electrodes end (away from the circuit board). The signals were identical whether the electrodes were hand-held or in contact with the feet.

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Aug. 2010


Two Audio Driver RF1 circuits are shown below populated with both options of output driver ICs.

The option of 2 different Output Buffer ICs is only in case one IC is not available or discontinued. Everything is mounted on sockets so that different oscillator frequencies can be experimented with and, in case an IC is blown, for easy replacement. The circuit accepts either full-can or halfcan oscillator packages, but they must have the output Tri-state/enable function. st

On the 1 . protoype circuits, the 100 ohm output resistors are not mounted on board, neither is the jumper to short the 1.4VDC offset bias (solder jumper wire across diodes to remove DC offset bias). This may be beneficial to drive a bank of LEDs directly from this circuit. Question is, will the LEDs be modulating the light with a high-frequency component as Rife wanted. This is still to be experimented with. The Audio Driver RF1 will be used in different applications from electrodes, LEDS, possibly driving a Plasma Lamp or other light sources with additional external drive circuitry. Prototypes may be made available to researchers who wish to experiment with this circuit. Schematic and Eagle PCB CAD files are also available.

Note: The ICs chosen in this design make for a simple compact circuit, but any mix of off -theshelf or discrete parts can be used to achieve the same functionality, though a little more complex to build.

This information is public domain and if anyone, who has experience with such circuits, has anything of value to add, please share this information for the common good. Conversely, should anyone have cautions or reservations, with regards to this, please share these as well. Any experimentation with this circuit is at the total risk or responsibility of the user. The user should be well qualified to assess his/her risks, otherwise the user should seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.

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Aug. 2010


Further development of the Audio Driver RF1 circuit Rev2.

April 2010

The Rife frequencies listed are all audio range square wave frequencies which depend on higher frequency harmonics to attack the pathogens. Could we actually apply higher sq. wave frequencies (Hoyland’s) directly and obtain stronger signals that might be more effective? This would require that a function generator be used instead of the audio output of a PC sound card which is usually limited to 20KHz. Note: Hoyland’s listed frequencies were ‘sine-waves’ and thus generating higher frequency harmonics from the Plasma tube ignition. This is not the case here. Can we use square waves, and their harmonics, at Hoyland’s frequencies and be effective? The function generator is only required to output 0-2MHz square waves, typically bipolar +/- 500 mv (+/-2.5V max) with the possibility of adjusting the duty cycle to a 70/30% ratio. Function Generator Kits may satisfy this requirement. Also FGs from Ebay are available at reasonable prices. Some digital multimeters have frequency counter inputs as well, 2MHz would be required. (Adjusting the duty cycle, from the symmetrical 50/50 ratio, decreases the output frequency proportionally). In the experiments described below, a 5MHz function generator was used. Modification to the Audio Driver RF1 circuit: 1) The limitation of the 100KHz signal audio signal into the input circuit of the MAX487 driver/receiver IC was solved by using the MAX481 IC which allowed operation close to 5MHz, as tested. The slew-rate control circuitry of the MAX487 limited the bandwidth while the MAX481 provides a wider bandwidth with a decently clean 0-5V square wave output right up to 5MHz. 2) The OSC frequency was increased slightly from 3.6864MHz to 4MHz. The CMOS output driver ICs tested (Texas Instruments CD4504BE) can typically handle signals to 4.3MHz before serious degradation of the outputs. 3) As the input frequency approaches the RF frequency, the gated signal from the 4MHz OSC becomes impossible to control, sometimes hitting it perfectly and other times missing the beat and producing eradict signals which are impossible to control and measure. The gated RF circuitry works fairly reliably with input signals up to 400-500KHz. Beyond that frequency, it is recommended that the MAX481 IC drive the output IC buffers directly, bypassing the gated RF OSC. For this purpose, a selector jumper header/switch allows the choice from the input signal directly or from the gated OSC stage. Select DS for direct input signal and GS for gated OSC signal. Typically, the gated OSC would be bypassed when input signals exceed 400 -500KHz. Hopefully there would be enough ‘cell penetration’ at that frequency to be effective, since Rife’s preferred 26MHz RF signal would no longer be achieved. Example: the frequency of 770KHz (Hoyland’s) for B.Coli FV would be fed directly to the input receiver to drive the output buffers. This also applies for the 1.604MHz Bacillus X cancer frequency. 4) An optional jumper was installed to allow bypassing the 2 diodes to ground (1.4V bias) when this circuit is used to drive LEDs directly or external drive circuitry for higher loads. 5) Provision to install an input series capacitor should the input drive signal be unipolar. This would convert the input to the AC signal that is required to drive the circuit. A 4.7-6.8uF capacitor works well from 200Hz to 5MHz with a 2V input signal. A 500mV input signal has less bandwidth. Optionally, a unipolar differential drive signal (RS-485) could be used to drive the inputs, especially at very low frequencies. Or just feed a signal and its inverted signal to the inputs.

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Aug. 2010


The following photos show the effect of Duty Cycle adjustment to the circuitry. The left photo is 50/50 duty cycle, the right photo is about 60/40 (also not of the same frequency as on the left). As the duty cycle is increased, the waveform period is extended and the frequency is lowered.

The next photos show the circuit used to drive banks of blue LEDS. The 1.4V ground bias is shorted to use the full range of the signal. The scope ground is positioned on the centreline of the display. Notice the negative spikes on the waveforms, which should not have any effect since frequencies are being administered by a light source instead of an electrical electrode connection. Direct frequency, gated frequency and varying duty cycles are shown.

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Aug. 2010


Driving LEDs: One Audio Driver RF1 controller can drive 24 LEDs. Each output buffer IC (CD4504BE) can drive 3 banks of 4 LEDs with a 150 ohm current limiting resistor in series with each bank. The LEDs are spaced 0.3 x 0.3” apart and cover an area of 1.2”x1.8”. The LEDs are super bright Kingbright part no. WP711PBC-Z. st

The 1 photo below was purposely taken at an angle so that it can be captured without overexposing the camera. Typically, these LEDs provide 5000mcd at 470nm with a 20 degree viewing angle and a 3.2V drop across each. (Do not look directly at the LEDs). nd

The 2 photo shows the effects of inceasing the frequency on the LEDs. As 1MHz was approached the light from the LEDs decreased sharply. This is the frequency bandwidth of the LEDs and demonstrates that above 500KHz, they become largely ineffective. Therefore replace the 4MHz oscillator with a 500KHz oscillator when working with these LEDs. The scope photo shows the signal waveform across the LEDs. To increase the array and drive additonal LEDs, one circuit could control the frequency signals and drive additional buffers in parallel with the original buffers. PCBs populated with just the output stage and with the power (18V, 5V) and the frequency signal hardwired between them, would be sufficient. Power must be applied to all boards at the same time. If separate DC adapters are used, a common power bar with switch should be used.

Alternatively, the 6x greater low sinking current of the 4050BE output driver chips could be used to an advantage, by inverting the signal waveform and duty cycle, and driving more banks of LEDs from the same buffer. (Alternatively use the 4049BC). Heat sinking or air flow (fan) may be required to keep the ICs cool. Color and wavelength of light are very important, are there significant effects pulsing the LEDs with frequencies?

The next step is to drive Philips’ Luxeon 1W Blue LEDs, to see the effect.

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Aug. 2010


July 2010 Audio Driver RF1 Frequency Circuit - Electrode Hook-up and Monitoring This next section will illustrate how to hookup the contact electrodes, and also include an additional circuit that will reverse the polarity of the signals based on a timing circuit which sequences small mechanical relays. The polarity reversal was used in both Robert Beck’s Blood Electrification and the less sophisticated Godzilla Blood Purifier devices. In the Beck device, the 27Vdc output signal switches polarity 4 times/second (4Hz), while in the basic Godzilla device, the signal is unidirectional but it is recommended to manually reverse the electrodes every few minutes or so. The reversal of direction of the electrical current may attack the pathogens more efficiently and completely. This is provided for experimentation. Milliamp current flow will take the path of least resistance. Therefore you will have more milliamp current flow between the hands in body figures 2&4 below, then between the hand and foot. Position the contact electrodes for the best effect on the targeted area. The strongest flow of milliamp current will deliver the best coverage of the frequencies. For example, to target the prostate, it may be best to use foot contacts only to deliver the frequencies from one leg to the other. (Use only one set of contacts across the feet + / -). Additionally, the software used to generate and monitor the frequencies will be reviewed. Although there is milliamp current sensation when the electrodes are handled, a visual feedback is beneficial as well, though not absolutely necessary. Frequencies in the lower hundred Hertz range are sensed more easily than the frequencies in the thousands of Hertz (KHz, Kilohertz). Furthermore, the RF carrier applied to the gated audio pulse signal, make it still more difficult to be sensed. For a quick test of conductivity, it is best to temporarily switch to the ‘direct’ audio range signal rather than the ‘gated’ RF signal, at a frequency below 500Hz. For that reason, if visual feedback is not used, lower frequencies (300Hz) of typically short duration (~30 secs) are included at different steps throughout the frequency sequence, just to check that proper contact is still being made. (If it is not, check the leads and connections, and/or whether the material covering the contact elecrtrodes are properly wetted with a baking soda or salt/water solution). Note: An RF signal that is gated by a lower frequency signal can also be described as an ‘amplitude-modulated’ RF signal.

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Aug. 2010


Setup Note: Instead of trying to download ‘MP3 Frequency files’, generated by software from a PC, to portable devices, use an old laptop (netbook) computer directly. Laptop computers are extremely inexpensive now and even less so ‘used’ ones. Nothing fancy is required, almost any old laptop will do. Old laptops are being given away as well. The programs illustrated below work very well in old laptops with their older operating systems. Check the suppliers’ website for earlier versions of their software if you have an older operating system, it is usually not necessary to upgrade the operating system.

The 1st photo shows the original Audio Driver RF1 circuit (ADRF1) connected to a separate interface circuit that will monitor and provide feedback to the PC soundcard. These circuits are mounted in a 3” wide Snaptrack plastic extrusion for convenience. Power is supplied by a 12V 1000ma UL rated Class2 transformer DC adapter, which will allow safe operation from the electrical service. Alternatively, the circuit can run on two 9V batteries connected in series to provide 16/18Vdc power to the circuit. This prevents noise radiated back into the house wiring through the AC adapter. Battery power is preferred by the experts. Two 9V battery snaps can be connected directly to the ADRF1 circuit. (Recommended batteries are the rechargeable Nickel-Metal Hydride type). The 2nd photo shows a standard 6ft. audio cable (3.5mm stereo plug to RCA phono plugs) plugged into the Audio-In jack of the circuit. Connect the Line-out (Headphones) of the laptop soundcard to the Audio Input of the ADRF1 circuit. This signal is AC coupled and connects directly to the jack. Please refer to the schematic for further details and limitations of the input signals and their frequency ranges. Soundcards are typically limited from 5 Hz to 20KHz. Other types of signals, from DC to higher frequencies (max. 4MHz), can be connected directly from a test/repair shop frequency generator to the ADRF1 circuit. If you are not sure how to configure the input, please consult the schematics and someone with a knowledge of electronics. Attention: The redesigned ADRF1 Rev2 circuit combines these 2 separate circuit functions into one PCB assembly. EaglePCB Cad files are available on-line.

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Aug. 2010


This photo shows the contact electrode wiring connected to the circuit. Each set of wires are connected to the board with plugin terminal block connectors. Regular speaker wires (20AWG), with alligator clips attached to each end of wire, are used to connect to the contact electrodes. Speaker wires are normally color-coded which may be used to identify the + / - signals. Recommended wire length is 4ft. maximum. Note: Radio-Frequency Interference may result with the use of this RF circuit. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with domestic emission regulations. (If required, remove the high frequency oscillator and operate below 10KHz).

The contact electrode is a 3/4” dia. stainless steel tube 4” long (made from a polished kitchen egg-cutter utensil) to which a hole is drilled and a 6-32x 3/8” long stainless steel screw is attached with a lockwasher and nut (best if they are stainless too, but not absolutely necessary). The tube has a piece of terrycloth material (dollar-store facecloth) wrapped around it which is held in place with 2 small rubberbands. This allows dampening the material with a conductive solution, such as baking soda or salt/water, to make proper contact between the electrode and body. (Any cotton material can be used, even paper towels). The alligator clip-lead is clipped onto the screw of the contact electrode. (Any other means of electrical connection can also be used).

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Aug. 2010


Foot contact electrodes can be made from the same stainless steel tube. Push an elastic strap (dollar store) through the tube so that it can be tied (single knot) around the foot while exerting a little pressure. (in photo, terrycloth material has not been wetted yet). Laptop and Frequency Generating Software Many different frequency generating programs (Rife) are available on the Internet. The software used in this demonstration is very sophisticated, having excellent features, and is provided free of charge. If you do not register the program and pay the registration fee, the program interrupts every 10 minutes, and must be restarted manually. Best to register the program to work continuously, and to reward/encourage the developer for his precious time and expertise in providing an invaluable program for experimentation. Visit website: http://www.heal-me.com.au/ and download the FreX16 software which is compatible with all operating systems from Win95 on.


The 1 photo shows the FreX16 program running with its display of frequency waveforms and its spectrum analyser. It is a very easy straightforward program to use.

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Aug. 2010


The signal generated by the program is output at the ‘Line-Out’ stereo jack of the PC. nd

The 2 photo shows the visual feedback monitoring program for those would wish to use this feature. It is positioned at the lower right-hand corner of the screen with only the top ‘scope’ window showing, its spectrum analyser is not shown nor necessary. The “Visual Analyser” monitoring program is also a top quality software that is free of charge. Please encourage the developer for his worthy efforts. Visit the website at: http://www.sillanumsoft.org/ to download and contribute. Download the version which is compatible with your operating system, from Win95 on.

Select the ‘scope’ function , click ON, and connect the Audio Output jack, of the ADRF1 circuit, to the Line-in or Mic-in of the laptop. Adjust the potentiometer setting on the ADRF1 for the appropriate signal strength. Refer to the schematic for details and watch the scope signals and bar-graph levels to detect conductivity when holding the contact electrodes. A preload resistance across the contact electrodes will show an initial signal on the PC scope: 1 st photo. Interactively, adjust the gain of the scope signal as required. The RF component of the waveform will not be visible as it exceeds the frequency bandwidth of the laptop soundcard and therefore is filtered out. However the RF is not required to observe the effect of loading (conductivity) by the body. The signal amplitude will increase when making good contact: 2nd photo. Hold and release the electrodes for comparison. The easiest way to compare is to watch the ‘blue’ signal strength bar graph just to the right of the PC scope display on the VA program. NB: The circuit board has a switch to select monitoring of output channel A or B. Published as Public Domain by Rife-X.com

Aug. 2010



The 1 photo shows the RCA plug connected to the Audio Output jack of the ADRF1, as mentioned above. It is not always apparent which plug to use, the red one or the black one, this depends on your laptop, try either one. Also shown is the addition of the sequential polarity reversing circuit. It is powered by the ADRF1 circuit and connects to the monitoring circuit having removed the contact electrode wiring. The electrode wiring is now connected at the output side of the relay circuit. The relay timing can be adjusted from 2 sec to approximately 80 sec (at 12-16Vdc supply) by the small potentiometer. A switch selects the relay switching pattern from 2-Phase half-cyle to 4-Phase full cycle. The switching pattern is described on the schematic diagram of the relay circuit. Illustrations of the expected modulated frequency signal flow are shown below. The 2nd photo shows the complete setup in operation. Notice that alligator clip leads were cut in half and soldered to the speaker wires. The Yellow leads are the + pos signal wires while the Green leads are the – neg signal wires. Though there are 2 output channels A & B, the Green – neg signals are commoned together on the ADRF1 board. Keep arms away from legs to prevent any electrically shorted paths for the frequency signals, even if wearing jeans since they may become dampened by contact with the hand electrodes and allow leakage currents. Also protect the furniture/upholstery from the wetted contact electrodes, salt solutions stain. The rest is pretty much up to experimentation with frequencies, durations and polarities. There is no signal attenuation from the ADRF1 circuit as the 12-15Vdc output signal is well within safe operating range of a Class 2 circuit and typically produces no harmful effects. The output signal may be attentuated externally by inserting a series resistance in the + pos output lead if required. R8 and R9 may also be increased on the ADRF1 board. The body figures below assumes that the + pos contact electrodes are applied to the hands with the – neg electrodes applied to the feet. The polarity reversal then occurs as shown in the figures by the switching pattern of the relays. (Re: schematic diagram for pattern).

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Aug. 2010


Figs. 1 & 3 above show the patterns for the 2-Phase half-cycle operation, while Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the 4-Phase full-cycle operation. A jumper on the relay board may be selected to reset and hold the relay pattern so that all relays are off, resulting in the ADRF1 circuit driving the electrode wiring directly. Function Generator driving the ADRF1 board directly instead of a PC Soundcard. To generate most of the frequencies, listed in the CAFL, a 2MHz waveform generator is required. However if variable duty cycles are desired, then a 5MHz generator would be preferred since frequencies decrease as duty cycles increase. An oscilloscope is useful to observe the waveforms.

Links/References: Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:51 doi:10.1186/17569966-28-51 (also: www.jeccr.com/content/28/1/51) Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672058/#B15 Patent Application: Parasite Treatment with Electric Fields http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090043346 http://www.rexresearch.com/palti/palti.htm http://www.novocuretrial.com/science.html www.rife.org




http://www.futurefrequency.com/component/content/article/3-front-page/62-mopa-amplifierreplica http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/02/27/what-to-do-when-doctors-andnaturopaths-fail-you.aspx

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Aug. 2010
