A pragmatic, interdisciplinary approach to measuring ...

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App development (for the current popular mobile devices). - Cloud and ... Dissemination and use of the app by Social networking ... Specialist agencies working.
Abstract Paper

A pragmatic, interdisciplinary approach to measuring non-ionizing radiation Basis FOEN (The Federal Office for the Environment) is responsible at Federal level for non-ionizing radiation (NIR) protection and also has the mandate to inform the public of the impact of the NIS (NIS monitoring). The BAG (Federal Health Office) informed of EMF (electromagnetic fields) and shall issue instructions for the use of electrical equipment. Contentious issues are discussed in scientific studies but do not refer to any causality between NIS and health, so long as the recommended limits are adhered to. Similarly, in the studies, the limitations of such declarations are pointed out and further research recommend. Sources:

http://www.bafu.admin.ch/org/organisation/00268/00284/ http://www.bag.admin.ch/themen/strahlung/00053/ http://www.nfp57.ch http://www.emf.ethz.ch/

Abstract The use of mobile communication is growing at an exponential rate. New opportunities in communication, entertainment and social networking are being ever more enjoyed by users. However, the pressure through non-ionizing radiation on our bodies is simultaneously on the increase. There is a growing awareness amongst the public at large of suspected influences on our personal well-being and our exposure to NIS. This project sets out a practical approach for measuring non-ionizing radiation and its consequences. Initially, relevant data collection will be limited to mobile phones. Interdisciplinary technologies already in existence will be used for the collection of measured data. The aim being: - Validation of the large amounts of data evaluation already covered by existing technologies - Acquisition of new technological and health issues in the use of electrical equipment in connection with NIS

Solution approach Is based upon location-relevant communication of situational and impact data through mobile devices to a cloud computing system. - Data capture - Data - Cloud

App (Mobile Application) 1) RF signal strength recorded using an internal sensor 2) Sensitivity using gamification and motivation of the Quantified Self repositories of social networking (eg Google Drive)

Motivation Data collection via app, i.e., Using the app, based on Quantified Self motivation, data gathering for promoting a better lifestyle.

Financing Funded by partners in the university environment and the economy.

10. Oktober 2013


A pragmatic, interdisciplinary approach the measuring non-ionizing radiation and its consequences

Short Term (12 months months) As a first step an app (mobile application) is written which sends detectable range NIS (RF signal strength) via a mobile device, to a repository. Radio beams are measured in conventional mobile devices, transmitted via a mobile application (App) and stored in a data store. This project phase defines: -

Data range (radio beams, GPS, pathology) App development (for the current popular mobile devices) Cloud and the Big Data Container Collection of pathological aspects through gamification Dissemination and use of the app by Social networking

The app users benefit from existing data provided in the form of graphs and statistics. These evaluations provide personal analysis data on: -

NIS monitoring of one's own Mobile Devices Dose of the NIS Locating stations Symptom history

The collected data is then centrally processed and presented in the form of graphs and statistics. The report content informs the general public regarding: - NIS monitoring - Information regarding NIS and health matters. Quantified Self is the motivation behind the data collection. Gamification being the means of establishing the sensitivity, thereby enabling the following health symptoms to be considered: -

Muscle pain / muscle spasms Fatigue / Sleep Stress / concentration problems etc.

A budget of 12 months x CHF 10k = CHF 120k is calculated for the first year. Specialist agencies working in the areas of technology, communication and health on average 1 per day per week over the period of 12 months.

Medium Term (12 months - 24 months) In a medium-term, collected data is continually evaluated. The following topics are highlighted: - NIS monitoring - Relationship between NIS and well-being For the middle part of the project, funding will be sought from external donors.

Long Term (2 years +) The longer term focus of this project will be the feasibility of collecting additional measurements by sensors for the further evaluation with mobile devices.

10. October 2013

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A pragmatic, interdisciplinary approach the measuring non-ionizing radiation and its consequences


MOTIVATION: Quantified Self Mobile + Sensors + Gamification + Big Data + Visualisation

Recording NIS RF Field strength 2G, 3G, 4G, WLan

State of Health Symptoms Head, Abdomen, Sleep, ...

Dosage NIS Quelle: mpoly Antennas App

Station Tracking

Big Data

NIS Monitoring

10. October 2013

Quelle: www.esmog--gis.ch/ www.esmog

Correlation: NIS and State of Health

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