A Preliminary Approach to Citation Phenomena in the World Wide Web
Isidro F. Aguillo CINDOC-CSIC Madrid SPAIN
[email protected] EASST / 4S Conference 1996 "SIGNATURES OF KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES" BIELEFELD, 1010-13 OCTOBER 1996
Cyberspace, contents & Internet Cyberspace as the sum of all information available worldwide in electronic format Characteristics not yet achieved:
– unity – accesibility
Internet of contents = cyberspace – unity provided by the Web – global access with universal clients (=browsers)
Scientific community – – – – – –
bibliographic links by peers static quality association “endogamy” well developed “indexes” – scientometrics
World Wide Web – – – – – –
hypertext links by content makers dinamic tematic association globality to be developed measurements – cyberscience
Comparative Analysis Qualitative approach (Web site rating system) Six Senses Score: 1-36
Quantitative approach (absolute rating) Number of links to the site
Quantitave approach (relative rating) Ratio of external links / site pages (urls)
Associations & Institutions
Home Health
Medical Device and Supply
Emergency & Ambulatory
Managed Care Clinics & Physician Group Practices
Diseases and Conditions
Hospitals Nursing Homes Pharmaceutical
Insurance Online Resources Public Health & Government
Biotechnology & Clinics Biotechnology ExPASy Molecular Biology Server HeartWeb BioMet BioSpace TransWeb Online
hosts links ratio score 619 9938 16,05 22.3 41 20 0,49 21.3 42 96 2,29 24.0 6752 729 0,11 27.0 1 319 319,00 23.3 5 7455 11102 337,94 1 20 0,11 6752 9938 319,00 1491 2220 67,59
hosts links ratio score 210 50 0,24 25.3 835 1754 2,10 25.7 222 425 1,91 22.0 1 62 62,00 21.0 68 83 1,22 23.3 1 8 8,00 24.7 3 286 95,33 24.3 7 1340 2668 170,81 1 8 0,24 835 1754 95,33 191 381 24,40
expasy.hcuge.ch webaxis.com/heartweb/index.htm www.biomet.com www.biospace.com www.med.umich.edu/trans/transweb/twhome.html Minimum Maximum Promedium
Clinics & Physician Group Practices Center for Human Reproduction University of Washington IAIMS Program Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre The Cheshire Medical Center Mayo Clinic Rush Alzeimer's Disease Center Physician's Guide to the Internet
www.centerforhumanreprod.com www.hslib.washington.edu www.ivf.com www.keenesentinel.com/~hospital/tcmc.shtml www.mayo.edu www.rpslmc.edu/Med/RADC www.webcom.com/pgi Minimum Maximum Promedium
Diseases, Emergency, ... Diseases and Conditions Chronic IllNet Children with Diabetes Center for Disease Control International Myeloma Foundation Dr C's Ear, Nose and Throat Page OncoLink (UPenn) Roxane Pain Institute Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Infectious Disease in Children Melanoma Patients' Information Page World Health Network
n www.calypte.com/ www.castleweb.com/diabetes/ www.cdc.gov/ www.comed.com/IMF/imf.html www.netdoor.com/com/entinfo/ www.oncolink.upenn.edu www.roxane.com www.rpslmc.edu/Med/RADC www.slackinc.com/child/idc/idchome.htm www.sonic.net/~jpat/getwell www.worldhealth.net Minimum Maximum Promedium
Emergency & Ambulatory Mayo Clinic
Employment MedSearch America
Home Health Olsten Kimberly QualityCare
hosts links ratio score 184 643 3,49 23.0 1015 411 0,40 33.7 2098 14009 6,68 21.0 1 289 289,00 21.0 20 5 0,25 19.7 1778 1824 1,03 28.0 847 436 0,51 28.3 1 8 8,00 24.7 1 54 54,00 25.9 6 18 3,00 29.3 181 49 0,27 20.3 11 6132 17746 366,64 1 5 0,25 2098 14009 289,00 557 1613 33,33
hosts links ratio score 68 83 1,22 23.3 1 68 83 1,22
hosts links ratio score 699 3196 4,57 26.2 1 699 3196 4,57
hosts 1
links 1 1
75 75
ratio score 75,00 30.0 75,00
Hospitals, Insurance & Care Hospitals HospitalWeb The Virtual Hospital Children's Medical Center of Dallas Alpena Hospital Health on the Net
neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/hospitalweb.nclk vh.radiology.uiowa.edu/ www.childrens.com www.freeway.net/agh/ www.hon.ch 5 Minimum Maximum Promedium
Insurance First Integrated Health
Managed Care Humana U.S. Healthcare
www.humana.com www.ushc.com
links ratio score 597 597,00 24.0 8193 7,33 30.5 77 0,72 27.33 67 5,15 16.0 170 1,40 33.6 9104 611,61 67 0,72 8193 597,00 1821 122,32
hosts links ratio score 70 23 0,33 13.7 1 70 23 0,33
2 Minimum Maximum Promedium
1 1117 107 13 121 1359 1 1117 272
1 196 197 1 196 99
links 82 416 498 82 416 249
ratio score 82,00 15.3 2,12 26.0 84,12 2,12 82,00 42,06
Medical Device & Miscellaneous Medical Device & Supply Med + Net Baxter International Bristol-Myers Squibb DesAcc Eli Lilly & Co. Online Medical Sales Network Marquette Electronic MicroClimate Systems MedInstrument Network
numedia.tddc.net/mednet www.baxter.com www.bms.com www.desacc.com www.lilly.com www.medsales.com www.mei.com/ www.microclimate.com www.webcom.com/~mednet 9 Minimum Maximum Promedium
Miscellaneous NetVet The RenalNet Information Service AIDS Quilt Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation NursingNet ChronoNet Healthworks Online Medical Illustrator's Home Page Thrive Physician's Guide to the Internet World Health Network Health Care Liability Alliance
n netvet.wustl.edu ns.gamewood.net/renalnet.html www.aidsquilt.org www.columbia.net www.communique.net/~nursgnt/ www.he.net/~chronow1 www.healthworks.co.uk www.mednexus.com/med_illustrator/ www.pathfinder.com/thrive www.webcom.com/pgi www.worldhealth.net www.wp.com/hcla Minimum Maximum Promedium
2 153 43 15 553 19 536 25 1 1347 1 553 150
links 6 283 526 71 3248 32 639 41 99 4945 6 3248 549
ratio 3,00 1,85 12,23 4,73 5,87 1,68 1,19 1,64 99,00 131,21 1,19 99,00 14,58
score 11.7 20.3 23.7 24.0 28.4 22.0 31.7 23.3 14.8
hosts links ratio score 313 9992 31,92 27.0 1 426 426,00 24.5 81 559 6,90 27.0 1223 258 0,21 32.3 39 391 10,03 22.3 26 30 1,15 25.0 846 301 0,36 24.0 1 950 950,00 28.3 1 2 2,00 31.7 3 286 95,33 24.3 181 49 0,27 20.3 55 119 2,16 22.3 12 2770 13363 1526,34 1 2 0,21 1223 9992 950,00 231 1114 127,19
Online Resources Online Publications and Resources Mental Health Net ExPASy Molecular Biology Server NetVet HeartWeb Access Health Online American Dental Association The American Journal of NursingCompany American Medical Association Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Women's Medical Health Page British Medical Journal Chronic IllNet Capnet Gateway Online Services Children with Diabetes Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation NursingNet Drug Info Net WebDoctor HealthGate Health Net Healthworks Online Health on the Net Health Services Journal University of Washington IAIMS Program Medicine on the Net MedAccess MedNexus Medical Illustrator's Home Page MedScape Modern Healthcare New England Journal of Medicine Dr C's Ear, Nose and Throat Page NeuroSource CliniWeb Thrive PIE Online The Global Health Network Doctor's Guide to the Internet Medical Mall Roxane Pain Institute Infectious Diseases in Children MedInstrument Network Physician's Guide to the Internet WellnessWeb Company
cmhc.com/mhn.htm expasy.hcuge.ch netvet.wustl.edu webaxis.com/heartweb/index.htm www.access-health.com www.ada.org/index.html www.ajn.org www.ama-assn.org/home/amahome.htm www.arcade.uiowa.edu/hardin-www/md.html www.best.com/~sirlou/wmhp.html www.bmj.com/bmj/ www.calypte.com/ www.capnet.com www.castleweb.com/diabetes/ www.columbia.net www.communique.net/~nursgnt/ www.druginfonet.com www.gretmar.com www.healthgate.com www.health-net.com www.healthworks.co.uk www.hon.ch www.hsj.macmillan.com www.hslib.washington.edu www.intac.com/~salenick/sa_med.html www.medaccess.com www.mednexus.com/ www.mednexus.com/med_illustrator/ www.medscape.com www.modernhealthcare.com www.nejm.org/ www.netdoor.com/com/entinfo/ www.neurosource.com www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/ www.pathfinder.com/thrive www.pie.org www.pitt.edu/HOME/GHNet/GHNet.html www.pslgroup.com/docguide.htm www.rain.org/~medmall www.roxane.com www.slackinc.com/child/idc/idchome.htm www.webcom.com/~mednet www.webcom.com/pgi www.wellweb.com/welness 44 Minimum Maximum Promedium
1 619 313 41 80 1 757 1 4 1 1 184 16 1015 1223 39 152 479 114 251 846 121 15 835 1 2936 564 1 680 82 1293 20 23 1 1 471 1 2 4 847 1 1 3 12 14053 1 2936 319
links 39 9938 9992 20 99 612 870 192 304 258 2735 643 24 411 258 391 135 357 507 119 301 170 55 1754 0 611 1239 950 1712 144 702 5 103 1307 2 508 1339 612 86 436 54 99 286 203 40582 0 9992 922
ratio 39,00 16,05 31,92 0,49 1,24 612,00 1,15 192,00 76,00 258,00 2735,00 3,49 1,50 0,40 0,21 10,03 0,89 0,75 4,45 0,47 0,36 1,40 3,67 2,10 0,00 0,21 2,20 950,00 2,52 1,76 0,54 0,25 4,48 1307,00 2,00 1,08 1339,00 306,00 21,50 0,51 54,00 99,00 95,33 16,92 8196,87 0,00 2735,00 186,29
score 23.3 22.3 27.0 21.3 24.5 27.7 28.8 24.0 19.3 12.0 14.5 23.0 10.67 33.7 32.3 22.7 20.1 26.7 24.0 12.7 24.0 33.6 25.3 25.7 10.0 25.5 20.0 28.3 32.0 25.5 29.3 19.7 19.7 14.3 31.7 21.3 19.3 28.7 18.0 28.3 26.0 14.8 24.3 21.7
Nursery & Pharmaceuticals
Nursing Homes & Long Term Care WovenHearts Residential Assisted Living
Pharmaceuticals Drug Info Net Eli Lilly & Co. PharmInfoNet
www.druginfonet.com www.lilly.com www.pharminfo.com Minimum Maximum Promedium
hosts links ratio score 19 46 2,42 24.7 1 19 46 2,42
hosts links ratio score 152 135 0,89 19.3 553 3248 5,87 28.0 805 6154 7,64 28.0 3 1510 9537 14,41 152 135 0,89 805 6154 7,64 503 3179 4,80
Public Health, Gov. & R+D Public Health & Government Center for Disease Control Food and Drug Administration Healthcare Financing Administration TransWeb Online PIE Online
www.cdc.gov/cdc.htm/ www.fda.gov www.hcfa.gov www.med.umich.edu/trans/transweb/twhome.html www.pie.org 5 Minimum Maximum Promedium
Research & Educational Institutions Medical Education Information Center Creighton University School of Dentistry The Virtual Hospital American Dental Association University of Arizona Health Sciences Center American Medical Association Department of Anesthesia, Penn State University Texas Medical Association-Medical Student Section Center for Human Reproduction Food and Drug Administration NYU Medical Center CliniWeb The Global Health Network
n medic.med.uth.tmc.edu mentor.creighton.edu/dental vh.radiology.uiowa.edu/ www.ada.org/index.html www.ahsc.arizona.edu/opa www.ama-assn.org/home/amahome.htm www.anes.hmc.psu.edu/AnesthHome.html www.bcm.tmc.edu/ama-mss/ www.centerforhumanreprod.com www.fda.gov www.med.nyu.edu/ www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/ www.pitt.edu/HOME/GHNet/GHNet.html Minimum Maximum Promedium
1 4353 295 1 471 5121 1 4353 1024
links ratio score 871 871,00 21.0 7322 1,68 27.0 602 2,04 21.7 319 319,00 23.3 508 1,08 21.3 9622 1194,80 319 1,08 7322 871,00 1924 238,96
hosts links ratio score 508 419 0,82 11.4 1 33 33,00 24.7 1117 8193 7,33 30.5 1 612 612,00 27.7 281 61 0,22 24.3 1 192 192,00 24.0 1 341 341,00 16.6 41 56 1,37 16.4 210 50 0,24 21.0 4353 7322 1,68 27.0 8603 8222 0,96 22.6 1 1307 1307,00 14.6 1 1339 1339,00 19.3 13 15119 28147 3836,62 1 33 0,22 8603 8222 1339,00 1163 2165 295,12
Methodological – Problems estimating citations from www links – Samples not available for direct comparison
Cyberscience – Hyperlink counts measures “success” inside the net – As in scientometrics citation varies between subjects, with highest counts for the reference resources – There is no correlation between “peer evaluation” and number of links – Size of the cyberspace is increasing exponentially, so new analysis would be done in the future