A Priori Estimates of Solution of Parametrized Singularly Perturbed ...

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Jan 17, 2016 - How to cite this paper: Kudu, M. and Amirali, I. (2016) A Priori Estimates of Solution of Parametrized Singularly Perturbed. Problem. Journal of ...
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2016, 4, 73-78 Published Online January 2016 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/jamp http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jamp.2016.41011

A Priori Estimates of Solution of Parametrized Singularly Perturbed Problem Mustafa Kudu1, Ilhame Amirali2 1 2

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Duzce University, Duzce, Turkey

Received 10 September 2015; accepted 17 January 2016; published 20 January 2016 Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Abstract In this paper, we consider a parameterized singularly perturbed second order quasilinear boundary value problem. Asymptotic estimates for the solution and its first and second derivatives have been established. The theoretical estimates have been justified by concrete example.

Keywords Parameterized Problem, Asymptotic Bounds, Singular Perturbation, Boundary Layer

1. Introduction In this paper, we are going to obtain the asymptotic bounds for the following parameterized singularly perturbed boundary value problem (BVP): Lu=: ε u ′′ − a ( t ) u ′ − f ( t , u , λ )= 0, 0 < t < T , ′ = u ( 0 ) µ0= , u ′ ( 0 ) µ= 1 , u (T )


µ2 ε


where 0 < ε ≤ 1 is the perturbation parameter, µi ( i = 0,1, 2 ) are given constants and 0 < α ≤ a ( t ) ≤ a∗ is a sufficiently smooth function in

[0,T ] .

Further, the function

continuously differentiable for our purpose function in 0≤

f ( t , u , λ ) is assumed to be sufficiently

{0 ≤ t ≤ T , − ∞ < u, λ < ∞}

∂f ∂f ≤ M 1∗ , 0 < m1 ≤ ≤ M 1 < ∞. ∂u ∂λ

and (1.3)

How to cite this paper: Kudu, M. and Amirali, I. (2016) A Priori Estimates of Solution of Parametrized Singularly Perturbed Problem. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 4, 73-78. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jamp.2016.41011

M. Kudu, I. Amirali

By a solution of (1.1), (1.2), we mean pair

{u ( t ) , λ} ∈ C1 [0, T ] x

for which problem (1.1), (1.2) is satisfied.

An overview of some existence and uniqueness results and applications of parameterized equations may be obtained, for example, in [1]-[10]. In [11]-[14] have also been considered some approxi-mating aspects of this kind of problems. The qualitative analysis of singular perturbation situations has always been far from trivial because of the boundary layer behavior of the solution. In singular perturbation cases, problems depend on a small parameter ε in such a way that the solution exhibits a multiscale character, i.e., there are thin transition layers where the solution varies rapidly while away from layers it behaves regularly and varies slowly [15]-[18]. In this note, we establish the boundary layer behaviour for u ( t ) of the solution of (1.1)-(1.2) and its first and second derivatives. Example that agrees with the analytical results is given.

2. The Continuous Problem Lemma 2.1. Let a ( t ) ≥ α > 0, b ( t ) ≥ 0 and Φ ( t ) be the continuous functions on [ 0,T ] . Then, the solution of the boundary-value problem Lv :=ε v′′ − a ( t ) v′ − b ( t ) v =Φ ( t ) , 0 < t < T , ′ = v ( 0 ) µ= 0 , v (T )


µ2 , ε


satisfies the inequality v ( t ) ≤ µ0 + µ2 ω ( t ) + α −1t Φ

, 0 ≤ t ≤ T,


where −α T  −α ( T −t ) ω ( t ) α −1  e ε − e ε =  

 .  

Proof. Under the above conditions, the operatör Lv admits the folloving maximum principle: Suppose v ( t ) ∈ C 2 [ 0, T ] be any function satisfiying Lv ≤ 0 ( 0 < t < T ) , v ( 0 ) ≥ 0 and v′ (T ) ≥ 0 . Then, v ( t ) ≥ 0 for all t ∈ [ 0, T ] .

Now, for the barrier fonction

Ψ ± =±v ( t ) + µ0 + µ2 ω ( t ) + α −1t Φ


taking also into consideration that, ω ( t ) is a solution of the problem

εω ′′ − αω=′ 0, ω ( 0= ) 0, ω ′ (T=)




it follows that,

LΨ ± = ±Φ ( t ) − b ( t ) µ0 + µ2 (α − α ( t ) ) ω ′ ( t ) − µ2 b ( t ) ω ( t ) − a ( t ) α −1 Φ ≤ ±Φ ( t ) − a ( t ) α −1 Φ

− b ( t ) α −1t Φ

≤ 0,

Ψ ± ( 0 ) = ± µ0 + µ0 ≥ 0

µ2 1 + µ ≥0 ε ε 2 therefore Ψ ± ( t ) ≥ 0 , which immediayely leads to (2.3). Remark 1. The inequality (2.3) yields. Ψ ′ ± (T ) =±

u ( t ) ≤ µ0 + µ2 ω ( t ) + α −1T Φ ∞ .

Theorem 2.1. For ρ = 1 − α −1m1−1M 1M 1∗T and under conditions (1.3), the solution



{u ( t ) , λ}

of the problem

M. Kudu, I. Amirali

(1.1), (1.2), satisfies,

λ ≤ c0


u ≤ c1



 µ1 a ∗ µ2 = + + m1−1M 1∗ µ0 + α −1 µ2 + α −1T F c0 ρ −1  − a∗T a∗T  m1 1 − e − e 1 m 1 



c0 = µ0 + α



µ2 + α T F



) , 

+ α c0 M 1T , F ( t ) = f ( t , 0, 0 )



and u(




( t ) ≤ C 1 +



αt ε

  , k = 1, 2, t ∈ [ 0, T ] , 


∂f ≤ C for t ∈ [ 0, T ] and u ≤ c1 , λ ≤ c0 . ∂t Proof. We rewrite Equation (1.1) in form

provided a ∈ C1 [ 0, T ] and

ε u ′′ − a ( t ) u ′ − b ( t ) u − λ c ( t ) − F ( t ) =0, t ∈ [ 0, T ] ,


∂f ∂f t , u , λ , c (= t) t , u , λ ,= u γ u , = λ γλ ( 0 < γ < 1) intermediate values. ∂u ∂λ From (2.8) for the first derivate, we have

where, b (= t)



µ ε


1 T − ∫ t a ( t ) dt

2 e ε u′ ( t ) =


1 τ − ∫t a( t )dt


b (τ ) u (τ ) e ε ε∫

τ τ − ∫t a( t )dt − ∫t a( t )dt 1T λT dτ − ∫ F (τ ) e ε dτ , c (τ ) e ε ∫ ε t ε t


dτ −




from which, after using the initial condition u ′ ( 0 ) = µ1 , it follows that,

µ2 − ε ∫0Ta( t )dt e ε 1

− µ1

= λ



1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt


c (τ ) e


∫0 b (τ ) u (τ ) e







c (τ ) e



+ dτ



c (τ ) e



1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt



1 T

− ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt


− ε 1


1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt


∫0 F (τ ) e T



c (τ ) e

dτ ε

1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt



1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt

. dτ

Applying the mean value theorem for integrals, we deduce that, 1

ε 1


∫0 F (τ ) e T

∫0 c (τ ) e T

1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt ε

1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt





≤ dτ



∫0 e


1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt ε

1 T − ∫ 0 a ( t ) dt ε

≤ m1−1 F dτ


and 1


∫0 b (τ ) u (τ ) e T





c (τ ) e

1 T

1 T − ∫0 a( t )dt

− ∫0 a( t )dt


M 1∗ u



≤ dτ




∫0 e

1 T − ∫0 a( t )dt

∫0 e ε

1 T − ∫0 a( t )dt


≤ m1−1M 1∗ u dτ


M. Kudu, I. Amirali

Also, for first and second terms in right side of (2.10) for ε ≤ 1 values, we have

µ1 1




c (τ ) e

1 T

− ∫0 a( t )dt


µ2 − ε1 ∫0Ta( t )dt e ε

+ 1




c (τ ) e

1 T

− ∫0 a( t )dt



− −1  m1 ( a ∗) 1 − e 



  



 αT  m1ε  e ε − 1  



It then follows from (2.11)-(2.13),

λ ≤

a ∗ µ1


m1 1 − e

− a∗T






m1 eαT − 1

+ m1−1M 1∗ u

+ m1−1 F


Further from (2.4) by taking Φ ( t= ) λ c ( t ) + F ( t ) we get


≤ µ0 + α −1 µ2 + α −1T F

+ α −1M 1T λ .


The inequlities (2.14), (2.15) immediately leads to (2.5), (2.6). After taking into consideration the uniformly boundnees in ε of u ( t ) and λ , it then follows from (2.9) that, u′ ( t ) ≤

1 τ 1 τ T T − ∫t a( t )dt − ∫t a( t )dt µ2 − ε1 ∫0Ta( t )dt 1 1 1 + c1M 1∗ ∫ e ε e dτ + c0 M 1 ∫ e ε dτ + F ε ε ε ε t t


e ∞ ∫

1 τ − ∫t a( t )dt ε

dτ ,


which proves (2.7) for k = 1 . To obtain (2.7) for k = 2 , first from (1.1) we have u ′′ (T ) ≤

a (T ) u ′ (T ) + F (T , u (T ) , λ )


from which after taking into consideration here u ′ (T ) =

µ2 and (2.5) we obtain ε C

u ′′ (T ) ≤




Next, differentiation (1.1) gives

ε v′′ − a ( t ) v′ − Q ( t= ) 0, 0 < t < T ,


( )

v′ (T ) = O ε −2


with v ( t ) = u′ ( t ) , Q (t ) = a′ ( t ) v ( t ) +

∂f ( t , u ( t ) , λ ) + ∂∂uf ( t , u ( t ) , λ ) , ∂t

and due to our assumptions clearly,  1 − α ( T −t )  Q ( t ) ≤ C 1 + e ε  .    ε 

Consequently, from (2.17), (2.18) we have v′ ( t ) ≤




α ( T −t ) ε






α ( T −t )

ε Q (t ) e =




α ( T −t ) ε

 1 T − + C 1 +  ∫t e  ε

which proves (2.7) for k = 2 . Example. Consider the following parameterized singular perturbation problem: + λ ) f ( t ) , 0 < t < 1, ε u ′′ − a ( t ) u ′ + λ + tanh (1 − t=


α ( T −t ) ε

′ ′ µ= = u ( 0 ) µ= 0 , u (0) 1 , u (T )

µ2 ε

M. Kudu, I. Amirali

with 2    −  2e + 2 + ε 1 + e ε    2  e +1+ ε e   = µ1 −= , µ2 2  2 − 2+ε  ε  2  ε  e − 1  1− e ε      

and f ( t ) selected so that the solution is

γ 1 + γ 2e u (t ) =



(1−t )


1 1−t e , λ= 0.5 2+ε

where, −


e + (1 + ε ) e ε 1+ e + ε γ1 = − , γ2 = . 2 2  −   −  ε ε ( 2 + ε ) 1 − e  ( 2 + ε ) 1 − e     

First and second derivatives have the form k


− (1−t ) 1 1−t 2 u (t ) =   γ 2e ε e , k = 1, 2. + 2+ε ε 

Therefore, we observe here the accordance in our theoretical results described above.

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