A revision of southern Neotropical genera related to ...

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1997). Their evolution originated from ancestral populations from southern zones. (Mackerras ... radiation, producing new endemic groups (Elgueta 1988; Simpson 1983). The genus Dasybasis was erected by Macquart (1847) as a monotypic genus, including ...... This species occurs in Argentina from San Juan to Chubut.
A REVISION OF SOUTHERN NEOTROPICAL GENERA RELATED TO DASYBASIS MACQUART, 1847 (DIPTERA: TABANIDAE: DIACHLORINI) CHRISTIAN R. GONZALEZ Instituto Entomologia, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educaci6n, Casilla 147, Santiago, Chile. e-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT The genus Dasybasis Macquart is revised in the Neotropical region. All the species are redescribed following the terminology of McAlpine ( 1981 ). The taxa Agelanius Rondani, Haematopotina Coscar6n & Philip, Nubiloides Coscar6n & Philip and Scaptiodes Enderlein are raised to generic level, based on morphological differences from Dasybasis s.str. Four species of Dasybasis (Agelanius) Rondani are transferred to a new genus, Acellomyia. The genusAgelanius is redefined. A new key for Dasybasis and related Neotropical genera is offered, and also for the species of the genera Agelanius Rondani, Acellomyia nov., and for the genus Haematopotina Coscar6n & Philip. Agelanius scutulata nigrihumera (Coscar6n & Philip) is considered a synonym of Agelanius scutulata (Krober). The males of N nigripennis (Philippi) and A. lauta (Hine) are described. Agelanius dominus n. sp. is described and illustrated. INTRODUCTION The tabanid genus Dasybasis Macquart, 1847 constitutes one of the most abundant and speciose components of the N eotropical fauna. This genus is characteristic of the southern temperate neotropical fauna with 82 taxa considered valid (Fairchild & Burger 1994). Dasybasis also occurs in Australia and New Zealand, with 73 species described in two subgenera (Daniels 1989). It is very well represented in the subantarctic dominion (Cabrera & Willink 1973) of southern Chile and Argentina with 34 and 47 species, respectively. Dasybasis Macquart is the fourth largest genus of Tabanidae in the Neotropical region. The genus Dasybasis Macquart is shared with the Australian region (Gonzalez et al. 1997). Their evolution originated from ancestral populations from southern zones (Mackerras 1954, 1969, 1961; Coscar6n & Philip 1967a; Fairchild 1969b). Dasybasis is part of the most primitive group within the tribe Diachlorini, with dominant forms in colder zones and probably distributed in specialized habitats. The Andean fauna within the Tabanidae is comprised mainly of species of Dasybasis together with species in tropical genera such as Esenbeckia Rondani, Scione Walker and Fidena Walker. This agrees with the work cited by Villagran et al. (1983) in relation to the Andean flora. In this flora, subantarctic elements dispersed through the Andean chain, reaching, in some cases, the north end of the mountains (Van der Hammen & Cleef 1983). Many of the Work supported by Direcci6n Investigaci6n Universidad Metropolitana Projects GAF 97-01 and GAF 98-02.


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

elements that colonized the high Andean habitat would have experienced adaptative radiation, producing new endemic groups (Elgueta 1988; Simpson 1983). The genus Dasybasis was erected by Macquart (1847) as a monotypic genus, including only the Australian species D. appendiculata Macquart. This genus exhibits important variation in some characters such as bare or, rarely, sparsely setose basicostas and shape of the frontal callus.

Dasybasis can be recognized by the following characters: general color of the body grayish; eyes sparsely hairy and without bands; front wide, rarely convergent at the base; frontal callus quadrangular, touching eyes; ocellar triangle vestigial ; ocelli vestigial; subcallus bare; antennae with pruinosity and without dorsal projection on basal flagellomere, scape variable in shape, pedicel generally with dorsal projection; maxillary palpi stout and short; mesoscutum with longitudinal stripes reaching notopleural lobe; wings hyaline or with clouds on the veins, with short setae on Sc, and R 1 with several rows of setae; appendix on Rt absent; abdomen with longitudinal stripes and with triangles on tergites. The Neotropical species of Dasybasis were monographed by Coscar6n & Philip (l 967a) who recognized five subgenera and 80 species: Dasybasis s.str., Agelanius Rondani, Haematopotina Coscar6n & Philip, Nubiloides Coscar6n & Philip and Scaptiodes Enderlein. Coscar6n (1961, 1962a, 1962b, 1972, 1974, 1989) has described additional species from Chile and Argentina. Recently, Gonzalez & Henry (1996) described a new species from Chile. Additional species were described by Rondani (1864), Surcouf (1919), Hine (1920), Enderlein (1925), and Krober (1930). There are no other studies for the genera in other countries where the genus also occurs, only lists of species. In Ecuador, Fairchild & Leon (1986) listed 5 species. Coscar6n & Gonzilez (1991) listed 51 species in five subgenera in Chile. Wilkerson & Fairchild (1984) listed 20 species for the Tambopata Reservation in Peru. Bequaert & Renjifo (1946) listed Agelanius columbianus (Enderlein)(=D. (D.) montium (Surcouf)) for Colombia. Wilkerson (1979) listed only 2 species in his work from two Departments in Colombia. Finally, Chainey et al. (1994) listed 9 species of Dasybasis in two subgenera for the Department of Santa Cruz, in Bolivia. Krober (1934) catalogued the species of Dasybasis for the first time as Tabanus

L. , subgenus Agelanius Rondani. Krober (op. cit.) synonymized Archiplatius Enderlein with Agelanius. Krober (1930) described some species of Dasybasis in Tabanus L. and in Stypommisa Enderlein, Therioplectes Zeller and Agelanius. Fairchild (1971) cataloged the neotropical species of Dasybasis. Recently, Fairchild & Burger (1994), in a new catalog for the neotropical species of Tabanidae, proposed some taxonomic changes for the genus : D. (A .) lauta var. sublauta Coscar6n & Philip is placed as a synonym of lauta. Stypommisa (Styphocera) antennina Philip is transferred to Dasybasis (Agelanius) . Nubiloides is placed as a subgenus of Dicladocera Lutz. Trojan (1994) in his work on the tribe "Lepidoselagini" recognized Dasybasis as restricted to the Australasian region. The Neotropical species were placed in Archiplatius Enderlein. He raised Scaptiodes Enderlein and Haematopotina Coscar6n & Philip to generic status. However, he did not formally state that these taxa were being

Gonzalez: Revision ofNeotropical genera related to Dasybasis


raised to generic level, and in the Zoological Record (1996) they are only listed as redescriptions, not change of status. The purpose of this paper is to propose a revision of the genera considered to be related to Dasybasis s. str. and to describe a new genus and new species within Neotropical genera related to Dasy basis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Nine hundred fifty eight specimens were examined in the present study representing material borrowed from entomological institutions in North and South America as well as selected university and private collections of the following Institutions and individuals: Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina (MLP) Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina (IML) Instituto de Entomologia de Salta, Salta, Argentina (ES) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina (MACN) Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Canada (CNC) Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile (MNHN) Museo de Zoologia, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile (MZUC) Instituto de Agronomia, Universidad de Tarapaca, Arica, Chile (IAUT) Instituto Entomologia, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educaci6n, Santiago, Chile (IEUMCE) Colecci6n Miguel Cerda, Santiago, Chile (CMC) California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA (CAS) Department of Entomology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA (UNHC) Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, USA (FSCA) Field Museum ofNatural History, Chicago, USA (FMNH) All species descriptions are based on the study of several specimens. The following characters were analyzed: EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY HEAD Frontal callus: shape, present/absent, extension, touching eyes, touching subcallus Front: shape (convergent/divergent), with groove or bands, frontal index Subcallus: hairs, pruinosity Antenna: shape flagellomere, extension flagellomere, dorsal extension pedicel, hairs on scape and pedicel Eyes: hairs, ocular margin on vertex, ocular extension on vertex, with/without band Ocelli: with/without, development Maxillary palpi: shape, relation to proboscis, hairs Vertex and Postcranium: postocular hairs, shape of occipital sclerite Clypeus and genae: hairs


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Mesoscutum and scutellum: with/without bands, hairs on notopleural lobe, hairs on scutellum Wings: coloration, setae on Sc, setae on R 1,, appendix on~. setae on, basicosta, setae on CuA2,, hairs on calyptra Legs: hairs on middle tibiae ABDOMEN: with/without abdominal triangles, hairs on tergites and sternites TERMINALIA (FEMALE)

Cerci: shape Tergites IX and X: tergite shape Gonapophysis and sternite VIII: shape Genital fork and spermathecal ducts: development, shape base, shape internal aperture, extension of spermathecal ducts The terminology follows that ofMcAlpine (1981) for external morphology and McAlpine (1981) and Wood (1991) forterminalia. To examine female genitalia, the abdomens were removed and macerated in hot KOH and then mounted on slides in Canadian Balsam. Exact label data are cited for all material examined. Drawings were made with a camera lucida. Each genus was considered independently. The species name is followed by the original author, date, name of type-species, and nature of type fixation. The distribution of species are listed by country, province or administrative Departments (Peru and Ecuador). KEY TO NEOTROPICAL GENERA RELATED TO DASYBASIS MACQUART 1. Sc bare or with only a few setae; R 1 with only one row of setae; ocular margin on the vertex convergent toward the front (Fig. l); frontal index less than 1.3 ; front with a band of transverse pruinosity over frontal callus (Fig. 2) ... .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haematopotina Coscaron & Philip - Sc setose; R 1 with several rows of setae; ocular margin on the vertex not convergent toward front; frontal index greater than 1.3; front without a band of transverse pruinosity over frontal callus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Frontal callus keel-shaped (Fig. 3); front parallel-sided ....... .. ... ... ..... 3 - Frontal callus not keel-shaped; front variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

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3. Basal flagellomere with dorsal prolongation (Fig. 4); subcallus pi lose; ocelli vestigial; ocular margin on the vertex reduced or absent (Fig. 5); R2+3 sinuous to Rt . . .... ........ ...... ... . ...... .... Nubiloides Coscaron & Philip - Basal flagellomere without dorsal prolongation (Fig. 6); subcallus not pilose; ocelli developed; ocular margin on thevertex wide (Fig. 7); R2+ 3 straight to Rt .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agelanius Rondani 4. Ocelli developed; eyes hairy ; maxillary pal pi elongate geniculate (Fig. 8); front with median groove (Fig. 9); wholly shiny species without pruinosity; wings hyaline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scaptiodes Enderlein - Ocelli absent; eyes hairy or with sparse hairs; maxillary pal pi with other shape; front without median groove; pruinose species; wings hyaline, with clouds on crossvein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. IO); frontal callus subovoid (Fig. 11), not touching eyes, with short dorsal prolongation; ocelli and ocellar triangle absent (Fig. 11) ...... . .... . . . . . ....... .......... .... . Acellomyia, n. gen. - Maxillary palpi stout and short (Fig. 12); frontal callus subquadrate touching eyes; ocelli and ocellar triangle vestigial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dasybasis Macquart

Genus Agelanius, new status Age/anius Rondani, 1863:79 (as genus). Type-species: Age/anius meridianus Rondani (Coquille!, 1910:504); Bequaert & Renjifo-Salcedo 1946: 86; Coscar6n & Philip 1967a: 194 (rev.); Fairchild 1971 : 43 (cat.); Fairchild & Burger 1994: 70 (cat.); Krober 1930, 1934 (cat.); Moucha 1976:223 (cat.) Styphocera Philip, 1969: 151 (as subgenus ofStypommisa). Type-species: Styphocera (S.)antennina Philip

Diagnosis. Agelanius can be recognized by the following characters: mediumsized species ( 12.0-15 .5 mm), brown; front narrow (frontal index 2.5-3 .4) and parallelsided, frontal callus keel-shaped and not touching the eyes (Fig. 3); ocellartriangle with three ocelli developed; eyes pilose, without bands; basal flagellomere without dorsal prolongation, except in A. philippii Rondani; maxillary pal pi slender and elongate, with short hairs (Fig. 10); subcallus without hairs; wings with clouds on the crossveins; Sc and R 1 setose, Rt with short appendix, variable; basicosta usually bare, except A. meridiana Rondani and A. aquila (Coscar6n & Philip) with some setae; mesoscutum with narrow, pale stripes; abdomen brown and generally with pale triangles on some tergites; cerci subcircular; gonapophysis with border concave and weakly projected; sternite VIII with wide, straight base; genital fork with straight base; spermathecal ducts long; spermatheca distally acuminate and with wide base. Distribution. The majority of Agelanius species are distributed in southern South America in the Andean Patagonian dominion (Cabrera & Willink 1973) of Chile and Argentina. In Chile, species are distributed from Santiago Province to Aysen. In Argentina, they are distributed from Neuquen Province to Chubut (Figs. 52 and 53).


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

Discussion. Nine species have been placed in this genus, based on characters diagnostic for Agelanius. The previous concept of Agelanius presented a series of problems, such as intermediate characters (shape of frontal callus and pilose eyes) that also applied to species of Dasybasis s. str. In this revision, Agelanius is raised to generic status, based on the following characters and differences from Dasybasis: eyes with abundant hairs, front narrow (wide in Dasybasis), frontal callus keel shaped and not touching eyes (frontal callus quadrangular and touching eyes in Dasybasis), maxillary palpi slender and elongate (stout and short in Dasybasis). KEY TO NEOTROPICAL SPECIES OF THE GENUS AGELANIUS RONDANI I. Wings smoky; ocelli vestigial to developed; abdomen without median triangles or with black median band (Fig. 13) ............ . .... ..... . . .... ..... 2 Wings with isolated clouds or hyaline; ocelli developed; abdomen with median triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2. Notopleural lobes with short hairs; abdomen without pale median band or triangles (Fig. 13) .... . . . . . .. .. ... . .. . .... .... . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . . .... . 3 - N~topleural lobes with long hairs; abdomen with pale median band . . . .. ..... 4 3. Front slightly divergent; basicosta with some setae; ocelli present; maxillary palpi slender and elongate, as long as proboscis (Fig. 15); thorax without pruinose stripes .. ...... . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . ..... . .... aquila (Coscaron & Philip) - Front parallel-sided; basicosta bare; ocelli vestigial; maxillary palpi elongate and not as long as proboscis (Fig. 29); thorax with two longitudinal pruinose stripes . . . . . .. . .. .. ..... . ... .. ... . . . . . . ... . . . erebus (Coscaron & Philip) 4. Basal flagellomere with dorsal projection reaching its middle (Fig. 43); ocelli vestigial; frontal callus not touching subcallus . . . ... .. philippii (Rondani) Basal flagellomere without dorsal projection (Fig. 48); ocelli developed; frontal callus touching subcallus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scutulata (Krober) 5. Wings hyaline; front divergent; frontal callus pear-shaped at the base (Fig. 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dominus sp. n. - Wings with clouds; front variable; frontal callus not pear-shaped at the base . . . 6 6. Antennae with 3 apical flagellomeres; eyes with short hairs; front slightly divergent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . antennina (Philip) - Antennae with 4 apical flagellomeres; eyes with long hairs; front parallel-sided 7 7. Frontal callus touching subcallus; antennae, in lateral view, inserted at middle height of the eyes; subcallus pilose laterally . ... . .. ... lanei (Coscaron & Philip) - Frontal callus not touching subcallus; antennae, in lateral view, inserted below midheight of the eyes; subcallus not pilose laterally . . . . . .... . . .. . .. . . . ... 8

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8. Clypeus pilose; basicosta bare; middle tibiae with short hairs; vertex with erect hairs ................................... . .......... cortesi (Gonzalez) Clypeus not pilose; basicosta setose; middle tibiae with long hairs; vertex with proclinate hairs .. . . ......... ... ............... meridiana (Rondani)

Agelanius antennina (Philip), new combination Stypommisa (Styphocera) antennina Philip, 1969. Fairchild & Wilkerson, 1986: 2. Dasybasis (Agelanius) antennina Philip, 1969 in Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 70.

Type-locality. Peru, Depto. Huanuco, Huanuco. HT:



Diagnosis. Small (8.0 mm), black-brown species with eyes densely pilose. Antennae with three apical tlagellomeres. Wing smoky, with clouds on crossveins and with appendix on ~ ; basicosta with a few setae. FEMALE. Head. Eyes with short, brown, sparse hairs, without bands. Front with gray to brown tomentum, slightly widened below; frontal index 2.25 . Frontal callus black, triangular, not touching eyes and attenuated about midway to vertex. Ocellar triangle vestigial. Subcallus dull brown pollinose. Genae mostly brown haired. Antennae bright reddish orange, scape subcylindrical, nearly twice as long as broad and subequal to basal tlagellomere in length, with black hairs, pedicel bead-like, black haired, basal tlagellomere robust, not excised dorsally, apical tlagellomeres reduced to three, stout.chunky. Maxillary palpi shaggy black haired, falcate and tapered to blunt point, nearly reaching tip of short, fleshy, black proboscis. Thorax. Mesoscutum blackish, unpattemed. Notopleural lobes yellow. Scutellum black, vestiture sparse yellow and black haired. Legs brownish-black, tibiae more dull reddish, mostly black haired. Wings smoky, with isolated clouds on the crossveins, with short appendix on ~ - Basicosta with few black setae apically. Halteres brown. Abdomen. Dark brown to black above and below, with narrow yellow incisures, narrowest caudally; stemite II yellow sublaterally; tergite I divided mesally by deep sulcus which forks on anterior third, with scattered yellow and black hairs, tergite VII broad and as long as VI. Distribution. PERU: Department of Huanuco (Fig. 52). Discussion. This species has been recently transferred by Fairchild & Burger (1994) to Dasybasis (Agelanius) after study of the type in Ithaca, confirming the suggestion of Fairchild & Wilkerson (1986) that this species is closer to Dasy basis (Agelanius) than to Stypommisa Enderlein. I did not examine the type material.


Contributions to the knowledge ofDiptera

Agelanius aquila (Coscar6n & Philip), new combination Dasybasis (Agelanius) aquila Coscar6n & Philip l 967b in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 238.

Type-locality. Chile: Prov. Aysen, Rio Aysen. HT:



Diagnosis. Large ( 14.0-15.0 mm) dark brown species; eyes pilose; frontal callus reduced, with black median projection; ocellar triangle with three developed ocelli; antennae black; basal flagellomere wide (Fig. 14); maxillary palpi brown, slender and elongate, with black hairs (Fig. 15); basicosta with some setae; thorax without stripes; wings smoky, with clouds on crossveins; abdomen brown. FEMALE. Head. Eyes black, without bands, with abundant brown hairs. Front with dark gray-brown tomentum, slightly divergent, frontal index 2.8-3 .3. Frontal callus black, with keel-shaped median projection. Ocellar triangle with three ocelli. Posterior border of head dark gray; vertex with abundant short proclinate black hairs. Subcallus black, tomentose, without hairs. Genae reddish- brown with black hairs. Clypeus dark gray tomentose, with short black hairs. Antennae black; scape and pedicel without dorsal projection, scape with long black hairs, pedicel with short black hairs, basal flagellomere blackish, with dorsal median angle rounded and longer than pedicel (Fig. 14), apical flagellomeres blackish. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate, with brown pruinosity and short black hairs (Fig. 15). Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, without stripes and with abundant brown hairs. Notopleural lobes dark reddish brown with long black and brown hairs. Scutellum blackish-brown, with short hairs on the disc and long brown hairs laterally. Pleura dark gray, with abundant gray-black hairs; anepistemum with shorter hairs posteriorly. Legs dark brown, coxae and femora with long brown hairs, tibiae with short brown hairs. Wings smoky, Sc and R 1 with short setae, without appendix on ~ ­ Basicosta with some setae. Halteres brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Dark brown dorsally, stemites darker, tergites with distinct narrow pale hind margins, with abundant black and yellow hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 16). Tergite X with long hairs (Fig. 16). Gonapophysis with distal border concave and slightly projecting, with long hairs from the base (Fig. 17). Sternite VIII with wide base and long hairs (Fig. 17). Genital fork with narrow base and long spermathecal ducts (Fig. 18). Spermatheca weakly capitate. MALE. Unknown. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Aysen, 1 ~ , Calbuco Schwabe col., no date (Paratype); 1 ~ . Rio Aysen, no other data; 1 ~ . no date, P. Dusen col (Paratype); 2~, Puerto Puyuhuapi, 25.XII .1939, G. H. Schwabe col; ARGENTINA: Prov. Neuquen, 1 ~, Catan Lil, 850 msnm, 14.1.1980, M. Gentile col; Prov. Santa Cruz, I~ , Lago Posadas, no date and col (Paratype).

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Distribution. In Chile this species occurs from Osorno to Aysen Province; in Argentina, from Rio Negro to Santa Cruz Province (Fig. 52). Discussion. This species was included by Coscar6n & Philip (1967a) as incertae sedis in Dasybasis because the basicosta has sparse setae. However, this character is variable in Dasybasis. The other characters of this species agree with diagnostic features for the genus. The dark body resembles A. erebus (Coscar6n & Philip) but differs in length of the body, the front, degree of development of the ocelli, and shape of the maxillary palpi. Coscar6n & Philip (1967a) indicate that this species is very close to Nubiloides nigripennis (Philippi) in terminalia shape but differs in the following characters: basal flagellomere without dorsal projection, well developed ocelli, and body length. According to Coscar6n & Philip (1967a), A. aquila occupies an intermediate position between Dasybasis and the more specialized Tabaninae such as Hybomitra cincta (Fabricius) in the Nearctic fauna. Agelanius cortesi (Gonzalez), new combination Dasybasis (Agelanius) cortesi Gonzalez, 1996: 733.

Type locality. Chile, Prov. Cordillera, Rio Clarillo. HT:



Diagnosis. Medium-sized (12.0-13 .5 mm), dark brown species; front narrow, with three well-developed ocelli; eyes with abundant hairs, without bands; antennae black; maxillary palpi slender and elongate, with abundant short hairs (Fig. 18); wings smoky; mesoscutum dark gray; abdomen dark brown. FEMALE. Length 12.5 mm. Head. Eyes dark brownish, without bands, with abundant gray hairs. Front narrow, parallel-sided, index 4.0, pale gray-brown with grayish tomentum on the ocellar triangle, bearing black hairs; frontal callus black, with keel-shaped median projection extending more than half the height of the front, not touching eyes and subcallus. Ocellar triangle with three ocelli. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with erect black hairs. Subcallus pale brown tomentose, without hairs, darker near antennae. Clypeus and genae with gray pollinosity; clypeus tomentose, with some black hairs only adjacent to antenna and lateral border; genae with short, black hairs. Beard with long gray hair. Scape of antenna with gray pollinosity and abundant short hairs, pedicel black, with grayish pollinosity, basal flagellomere black, with low dorsal median angle and sparse gray pollinosity (Fig. 17), apical flagellomeres black. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 18), with blackish gray pollinosity and short black hairs. Proboscis black, labella black, large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark gray, with black and golden hairs, longitudinal grayish pale narrow stripes reaching transverse suture. Notopleural lobes gray, with long black and gray hairs. Scutellum dark gray, without pruinosity, with black-gray hairs that are longer than those on the mesoscutum. Pleura dark gray, with long blackgray hairs, anepistemum and katepistemum with shorter hairs. Legs dark brown, coxae


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

and femora with black-gray hairs, remaining leg segments with abundant short black hairs. Wing smoky, with dark brown clouds on the crossveins and with short setae on Sc and R 1, with short appendix on~ . Basicosta bare, apex acute. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with wing base.

Abdomen. Dark brown dorsally, pale brown laterally on tergites I and II, posterior border of tergites with distinct, narrow, pale grayish hind margins and gray hairs, the gray hairs on posterior margins expanding into median triangles. Sternites dark gray, mostly black haired. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 19), internal border straighter than A. ere bus (Coscar6n & Philip). Tergite X subquadrate, well sclerotized (Fig. 19). Gonapophysis with border concave and projected and with long hairs (Fig. 20). Sternite VIII with wide base and long hairs (Fig. 20). Genital fork with wide base and long spermathecal ducts (Fig. 21). Spermatheca acuminate distally, strongly sclerotized, with wide base. MALE. Length I 0.0 mm. Similar to female except as follows : eyes with hairs more abundant; upper median eye facets large, clearly differentiated from lower facets; larger facetted areas pale brown; ocellar triangle present, with three ocelli. Genae with dense, long gray hairs and black hairs near eyes. Maxillary palpi pale brown with long gray hairs and shorter than proboscis. Thorax with longitudinal stripes diffuse, mostly long black haired but some short hairs present at least anteriorly. Wing without appendix on ~ or clouds on the crossveins. Coxae with long gray hairs, femora with dense long black-gray hairs. Pleura gray, darker than female. Abdomen pale brown laterally on tergites I-III ; sternite II pale brown. Cerci subcircular, with abundant black hairs. Tergite X strongly sclerotized, with black hairs. Gonocoxite with hairs. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Cordillera, holotype 'i' , Qda. Los Almendros Reserva Nacional, Rio Clarillo, l .X.1992, C. R. Gonzalez col. ; paratypes 9 'i' , 4 d', with the same data as holotype, except 27.X.1992. Distribution. Chile: Cordillera Province (Fig. 52). Discussion. A. cortesi is very closely related to A. ere bus (Coscar6n & Philip) in general appearance but differs in the following external characters: shape, width and extension of the frontal callus; wings clearer and with short appendix on~ (female), and clouds on the crossveins. Scutellum with golden hairs and general color of the body darker. In addition, the gonapophysis is more excavated and the genital fork has the base longer than A. erebus. Stemite VIII with wide base is similar to A. meridiana Rondani but there are differences in general color of the body and basal flagellomere shape. The strongly sclerotized tergite X is similar to A. philippii Rondani. A. aquila (Coscar6n & Philip) has the callus, shape of the maxillary palpi, and tergite X and cerci shape similar, but differs in general color of the body, basal flagellomere and gonapophysis shape. Agelanius dominus, new species

Type-locality. CHILE: Prov. Cordillera, La Obra. HT: 'i' (IEUMCE).

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Diagnosis. Medium-sized to large species (14.0-15.5 mm); general color of body gray; front slightly divergent; ocellar triangle with three ocelli; eyes brownblackish, pilose; frontal callus keel-shaped, pear-shaped basally (Fig. 22); mesoscutum dark brown, with two longitudinal stripes; wing hyaline, with short appendix on R4; abdomen with pale gray median triangles (Fig. 25). FEMALE. Head. Eyes blackish brown, without bands and with abundant dark brown hairs. Front pale brown, with yellow tomentum, darker near ocellar triangle, with black hairs. Front narrow, slightly divergent, frontal index 2.6. Frontal callus dark brown, with keelshaped median projection more than halfheight of the front, pear-shaped at the base, not touching eyes (Fig. 22). Ocellar triangle dark brown, with three ocelli. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with short black hairs. Subcallus yellowish medianly, lighter near antenna, yellowish gray laterally, tomentose, with black hairs laterally. Clypeus and genae with grayish pollinosity; genae with short black hairs; clypeus tomentose, with long gray and black hairs only adjacent to antenna and lateral border. Beard with long gray hairs. Scape of antenna triangular, with dark brown pollinosity and short black hairs, dorsal projection developed, basal flagellomere blackish, with slight dorsal angle (Fig. 23), apical flagellomeres blackish. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 24), with pale brown pollinosity and abundant short black hairs, especially near apex, almost as long as proboscis. Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with short gray hairs and longitudinal pale grayish, narrow stripes reaching transverse suture. Notopleural lobes grayish brown, with long black hairs and some shorter gray hairs. Scutellum dark brown on the disc, with short black hairs that are shorter than on mesoscutum, lateral border with gray pollinosity similar to mesoscutum. Pleura grayish brown, with long gray hairs; anepisternum with short black and longer gray hairs. Legs dark brown, coxae with grayish pollinosity and long gray hairs, especially on hind coxae, femora with long black and gray hairs, tibiae and remaining leg segments with abundant short black hairs. Wing hyaline, Sc and R 1 with setae; short appendix on ~- Basicosta bare, apex acute. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Dark brown dorsally, with abundant black hairs, pale brown laterally on tergites I and II, with short grayish hairs, posterior border of tergites with bright yellowish pollinosity and with median grayish pilose triangles (Fig. 25), tergites V and VI with long black hairs laterally. Sternites brown, lighter than tergites, with abundant black hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular, close to A. meridiana (Fig. 26). Tergite X subrectangular, with the tip rounded (Fig. 26), tergite IX subtriangular, with long hairs (Fig. 26). Gonapophysis with border concave and with long hairs (Fig. 27). Sternite VIII with narrow base (Fig. 27). Genital fork with wide base and long spermathecal ducts. Spermatheca strongly sclerotized and with wide base.

Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera


MALE. Length 13.0-14.4. Similar to female except as follows: eyes with pilosity more abundant, ocelli vestigial, scape with gray pollinosity, maxillary palpi yellowish, short and stout, with abundant long black and gray hairs. Vein Ri without appendix. Material examined. Holotype female, CHILE: Prov. Cordillera, La Obra, without date, T. Ramirez col. (IEUMCE). Paratypes, CHILE: Prov. Santiago, n , Pefialolen, 8.I.1964, Pino & Montero col.; 1o", Qda. La Plata, ex Malaise trap, 2223.11.1967, N. Hichins col.; Io", Arrayan, XI.1935, J. Herrera col.; Prov. Cordillera, La Obra n, 4d', without date, Ramirez & Etcheverry cols.; n, XII.1969, Herrera col.; 2 d', 4 !i1 , El Canelo, no date, M. Etcheverry & Ramirez cols. Distribution. Known only from Chile (Fig. 52). Discussion. This species has some general characteristics of Dasy basis s. str., especially its color, but also exhibits generalized species characteristics of Agelanius. It differs from the other species in the following characters: front, at the base, slightly divergent, frontal callus keel-shaped and pear-shaped at the base, wing hyaline, general color of body dark gray and with pale gray triangles on the abdomen. Etymology. The word dominus is latin masculine for master. Named in honor of Dr, G.B. Fairchild, master oftabanid studies in the Neotropical Region.

Agelanius erebus (Coscar6n & Philip), new combination Dasybasis {Age/anius) erebus Coscar6n & Philip, I 967b in Coscar6n & Philip, l 967a: 194.

Type-locality. Argentina: Prov. Neuquen, La Angostura. HT: !i1 (MACN). Diagnosis. Dark brown to black, medium-sized species (12-12.5 mm); eyes black, pilose; frontal callus with keel-shaped median projection and expanding below into a triangular shape; ocelli vestigial ; basal flagellomere with low dorsal angle (Fig. 28); maxillary palpi brown, elongate, with black hairs (Fig. 29); mesoscutum dark brown, with two longitudinal pale stripes; wings smoky, especially along the veins; abdomen brown, with short black-brown hairs. FEMALE. Head. Eyes without bands, with short brown hairs. Front gray with black hairs, narrow, parallel-sided, index 3.3 . Frontal callus black, extending half the height of front and expanding below into a rugose dark brown area. Ocellar triangle small, black, with vestigial ocelli. Posterior border of head dark gray; vertex with long semi erect black hairs. Subcallus black, without hairs, tomentose, paler near antenna. Clypeus and genae with brown-gray hairs. Beard with grayish hairs. Scape of antenna black, with black hairs, pedicel black, with distinct dorsal projection, basal flagellomere dark brown,dorsal angle low (Fig. 28), apical flagellomeres dark brown, elongate. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 29), with brown-gray pollinosity. Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy .

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with two short longitudinal stripes and abundant brown-gray hairs laterally. Pleura dark gray bearing gray hairs. Legs dark brown, coxae with long gray-black hairs, femora dark brown, with black-gray hairs, tibiae reddish-brown, with black hairs. Wings smoky, Sc and R 1 with setae, no appendix on vein R4 • Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squarnae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Tergites and stemites brown, bearing short, black-brown hairs; posterior border oftergites lighter, with median triangles of white hairs, and long gray hairs laterally, stemites with black pilosity longer than on tergites. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 30), internal border straighter than A. meridiana. Tergite IX with hairs longer than those on tergite X and cerci (Fig. 30). Gonapophysis with distal border sinuous, with abundant hairs (Fig. 31 ). Stemite VIII base wide and slightly convex (Fig. 31 ). Genital fork with base narrow and slightly concave, with long spermathecal ducts (Fig. 32). MALE. Unknown. Material examined. ARGENTINA: 1 ~ Paratype, Sammlung Wolfugel 3.I.1931; Prov. Neuquen, 1 ~, Pucara, 8.1.1972, Schajovskoi col.; Prov. Rio Negro, 1 ~, Bariloche, 20.II.1968, Tesone col. Distribution. This species is known only from Argentina (Fig. 52). Discussion. A. erebus is very close to A. aquila and A. cortesi in general appearance but there are differences in the development of ocelli (developed in A. cortesi) and frontal callus shape. It is closest to A. aquila, sharing the following characters: clypeus pilosity, pedicel with slight dorsal projection, wings smoky and notopleural lobe with long hairs. Agelanius lanei (Coscar6n & Philip), new combination Therioplectes ?inornatus Philippi ofKrober, 1930: 257 (misident.). Dasybasis (Agelanius) lanei Coscar6n & Philip, 1967b in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 199.

Type-locality. Argentina: Prov. Rio Negro: Bariloche. HT:



Diagnosis. Medium-sized species ( 11.5 - 14 mm), blackish, brown laterally and with small pale triangles on the abdominal tergites; front narrow, parallel-sided, ocelli developed; eyes black, with dark brown hairs; antennae black; maxillary palpi elongate (Fig. 34), yellow-gray, with abundant black hairs; mesoscutum dark brown; wings smoky; abdomen pale brown. FEMALE. Head. Eyes black, with dark brown hairs, without bands. Front narrow, divergent, frontal index 2.9, with grayish tomentum. Frontal callus black, with keel-


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

shaped median projection extending half the height of front; basal callus not touching eyes and subcallus. Ocellar triangle with three well-developed ocelli. Posterior border of head dark gray; vertex with black hairs. Subcallus gray tomentose. Genae yellowish brown. Clypeus gray, bearing gray hairs laterally. Beard with long gray hairs. Scape of antenna dark gray, bearing black hairs that are longer ventrally, pedicel with dorsal projection, basal flagellomere brown, with slight dorsal projection (Fig. 33), apical flagellomeres brown, elongate. Maxillary pal pi slender and elongate, almost as long as proboscis (Fig. 34). Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy.

Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with two incomplete longitudinal grayish stripes and two grayish brown stripes near notopleural lobes. Notopleural lobes dark brown, bearing long black hairs. Scutellum dark brown, with long whitish hairs laterally, and with short black hairs on the disc. Pleura and coxae gray, with whitish hairs; anepistemum with hairs shorter. Legs brown, coxae grayish, with long gray hairs, femora and tibiae pale brown, with long black hairs. Wings with clouds on the crossveins, especially on radial sector, Sc and R 1 with setae, Ri without appendix. Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Pale brown dorsally, darker on tergite I, posterior border oftergites with distinct narrow yellowish brown pale hind margin, especially on tergites I and II. Stemites grayish, with narrow, posterior, transverse bands and black hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 35). Tergites IX and X close to A. philippii Rondani (Fig. 35). Gonapophysis slightly sinuous dorsally, with long hairs (Fig. 36). Stemite VIII with wide, straight base and long hairs (Fig. 36). Genital fork with base wide, slightly concave, with long spines on comb (Fig. 37). Spermatheca strongly sclerotized, spermathecal ducts long. MALE. Length 13. 0 mm. Lighter than female but similar in general appearance except as follows : eyes more densely pilose, upper median eye facets large. Ocellar triangle smaller and with three ocelli well developed. Basal flagellomere brown, with dorsal median angle stronger. Maxillary palpi grayish-brown, cylindrical, with black hairs. Mesoscutum black, with longitudinal stripes darker due to black hairs. The gonocoxite and gonostyli are close to A. philippii and A. scutulata (Krober) but the hairs are shorter and the cerci are subquadrate. Material examined. CHILE: l '?, El Peumo, no Prov., 23-25 .XII . l 950, L. E. Pefia col.; Prov. Nuble, 3 '?, 40 km E. Sn Carlos, 24.XII .1950, Ross & Michelbacher col.; Prov. Cautin, 1cl', Villarrica, Fdo. Los Coigiies, 1-15.1.1965, M. Rivera col.; 1 cl', Chile, without date and col.; ARGENTINA: Prov. Rio Negro, Llao-Llao (Bariloche), 6'?, 4d', 8.I.1962, Lane, Capri and Coscar6ncols. (Paratype); 1'?,22.1.1962, without col. (Paratype); 2'?, Rio Mascardi, 10.IIl.1977, Coscar6n col.; Prov. Neuquen, lei', Lacar Quechuquina, 900 msnm, without other data; Chapelco-Techos, 4'?, 3d', 15.11.1983, 1 '?, 1.1.1983, M. & P. Gentile cols.; Chapelco-Lenga, 1650 msnm, 1cl', 8.XII.1982 and 3'?, 11.1.1983, M. & P. Gentile cols.; Pucara, l '?, 8.1.1972 and 2'?, 12.11.1973, Schajovskoi col.

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Distribution. This species occurs in Chile from Nuble to Cautin Province, and in Argentina from Neuquen to Rio Negro Province (Fig. 52). Discussion. This species is related to A. philippii in the general appearance and coloring of the body. However, it differs in the shape of the basal flagellomere, degree of development of ocelli (vestigial in A. philippii), frontal callus touching the subcallus and the wing with clouds on the crossveins. Agelanius meridiana Rondani, new combination Tabanus anachoreta Philippi, 1865: 717. Type-locality: Valdivia. HT: I! (MNHN). Tabanus (Agelanius) meridianus Krllber, 1934: 300. Dasy basis (Agelanius) meridiana Rondani, 1864 in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 205.

Diagnosis. Medium-sized ( 11-15 mm) brown species, wings with clouds on the crossveins; eyes dark brown, pilose; front parallel-sided; frontal callus keel-shaped median projection more than halflength of the front; ocellar triangle with distinct ocelli; antennae black; maxillary palpi elongate (Fig. 39), with black hairs; mesoscutum dark blackish-brown with two longitudinal stripes; wings smoky; abdominal tergites with gray median triangles and reddish laterally.

FEMALE. Head. Eyes dark brown to blackish, without bands, with long brown hairs. Front narrow, parallel-sided, frontal index 3.0-3.2, grayish pollinose, with abundant black hairs. Frontal callus dark brown, keel-shaped, median projection more than half height of the front, not touching eyes and subcallus. Ocellar triangle with three developed ocelli. Posterior border of head dark gray; vertex with abundant short black hairs. Subcallus with yellowish pollinosity, without hairs. Clypeus and genae with grayish pollinosity, genae with abundant short, black hairs, clypeus with grayish hairs. Beard with long whitish hairs. Scape of antenna dark brown, with short, black hairs, pedicel concolorous, with short black hairs, dorsal projection developed, basal flagellomere dark brown, with strong dorsal angle (Fig. 38), apical flagellomeres dark brown, elongate. Maxillary palpi yellowish, elongate, with short black hairs (Fig. 39). Proboscis dark brown, labella concolorous, large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark blackish brown with chestnut brown hairs and two longitudinal gray stripes extending to transverse suture. Notopleural lobes pale brown, with long black hairs. Scutellum dark blackish brown, with long grayish hairs, becoming brown laterally. Pleura dark gray, with abundant long grayish hairs. Legs brown, coxae dark brown, with long grayish hairs, femora with long grayish-black hairs, tibiae and remaining leg segments with long grayish hairs. Wings smoky but with some clouds on the crossveins, Sc and R 1 with setae, appendix on R.i variable. Basicosta with a few setae (in some specimens). Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing.


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

Abdomen. Brown dorsally, paler on tergites I-III, with abundant black and brown pilosity and long, grayish hairs laterally, median triangles pale gray. Sternites pale brown, with long black hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 40). Tergite X subrectangular, with long hairs (Fig. 40). Gonapophysis with distal border projecting and strongly sinuous (Fig. 41). Sternite VIII with base narrowly concave (Fig. 41). Genital fork with narrow, straight base, with spines on the comb (Fig. 42). Spermathecal ducts elongate, spermatheca acuminate distally.

MALE. Length 11.0-12.5 mm. Smaller than female and with the following external differences: upper median eye facets large, with abundant brown hairs. Antenna with basal flagellomere shorter and apical flagellomeres elongate. Maxillary palpi cylindrical. Wings with light clouds. Notopleural lobes reddish. Cerci subtrapezoidal, with rounded border. Lateral border of gonocoxite with bristles. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Valparaiso, 1 ~,El Saito, 6.1.1952, no col. ; Prov. Santiago, Penalolen, Id', 5 ~, 8.1.1964, Gallizia col.; 1d', no date, Etcheverry col. ; 3 ~ , 1d', Qda. La Plata, 510 msnm, ex T. Malaise, 22.11-23 .111.1967, N. Hichins col. and 3 ~, 1d', Xll.1967, N. Hichins col. ; 1~ , Santiago,15.1 . 1951 , Etcheverry col. ; 3 ~. Lampa, no date, S. Zapata col.; 1 ~. Tune! Lo Prado, 10.1.1971, J. Solervicens col. ; Prov. Cordillera, 1~ , El Canelo, XI.1952, L. E. Pena col. ; n , La Obra, 3.Xll.1951 , Etcheverry col. ; 3 ~ , Sn . Jose de Maipo, no date, M. Etcheverry & J. Herrera cols.; 3 ~, Rio Clarillo, 14.1.1988, C. Becerra col. ; 1d', El Canelo, no date, Etcheverry col. ; Prov. Colchagua, 1d', La Leonera, 27.Xll.1954, L. E. Pena col.; 2~ , Nancahua, 11 . 1944 , L. E. Pena col. ; Prov. Linares, 1 ~,Villalobos , no date and col. ; 1 ~,La Balsa, 11.1936, no col. ; Prov. Nuble, 1 ~ . Recinto, 28.11.1980, L. Alfaro col. ; 3 ~ . Chillan, 17.11.1967, 18.1.1968 and 26.1.1966 L. Matus, L. Salazar & J. Carmine, respectively cols.; Prov. Concepcion, 1d', Concepcion, 23.11.1967, R. Charlin col. ; Prov. Arauco, Parque. Nae. Nahuelbuta, n , 8.1.1952, P. C. Hutchinson col.; n , 28.1.1967, no col. and n, 25.1.1967, no col. ; Prov. Malleco, 1d', El Manzano, 8.11.1987, J. Herrera col.; 1~,Angol,19 . 1.1927, no col. ; 1 ~, Lago Maria Jesus, 1.1982, J. Philippi col. Prov. Cautin, 1 ~, 20 km E. of Temuco, 8.1.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols.; 1 ~, Volcan Villarrica, 7.1.1982, C. Bravo col. ; Prov. Valdivia, 4~, Valdivia, no date, Wagenkneght col.; 5~ , 8 Mi. E. Rio Bueno, 15.1.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols. ; Prov. Osorno, Antillanca, In, 12.1.1989, and 15 ~, 2.11.1992, C. R. Gonzalez col. ; 9 ~, Antillanca, 11-18.1.1989, S. Coscaron col ; 5 ~ . Pto. Puyehue, 1200 msnm, 1.1969, L. E. Pena col.; 5~, 8 km W. La Picada, "El Refugio Volcan Osorno", 6.11.1967, E. I. Schlinger col.; 3 ~ . Pucatrihue, 4.11.1967, E. I. Schlinger col.; 3 ~, 30 km W. of Purranque, 16.1.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols; 1 ~. 10 km E. of Puyehue, 24.1.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols.; Prov. Llanquihue, 4~ , Pto. Octay, 3.11.1956, Oehrens col. ; Lago Chapo, 2~, 23 .1.1969 and 2~ , 10-14.11.1952, L. E. Pena col. ; l~, Ensenada, 1.1935, E. P. Reed col.; Llanquihue, 10.11.1981, R. Escudero col. ; Prov. Chiloe, 1 ~ . Arch. Guapiquilan, Isla Surgidero, 23 .1.1987, J. Solervicenscol.; n, IslaQuilan, 21-25.1.1987, J Solervicens col.; n, Cucao, 5.11.1986, J Solervicens col. ; 1 ~ . Aucar, 6-15.1.1952, L. E. Pena col. (Generotype); n , AuleuDuhatao, 6-8.11.1956, L. E. Pena col. ; 1 ~ . Chepu, 10-14.11.1952, L. E. Pena col. ; Prov. Palena, I~, 6 km S. Chaiten, 4.11.1982, Ulloa col. ; No province data, n, E. P. Reed

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Collection, no other data; 1'f, Is. de Vasquez, 20.1.1956, M. Toro col.; 1'f, Pilai S. Fco., 6.Xl.1957; l 'f, Bullileo, 11.1959, no col.; 1 'f, Rofuco, 20.1.1930, F. Ruiz; 1'f, locality illegible, 14.1.1957, A. Reyes col.; 2'f, El Pefi6n, 8.XII.1952, no col.; l'f, Qta. Del Peral, 1871, no col.; lO'f, Chile Central, 1892-1908 P. Germain col; 3 'f , no other data; ARGENTINA: Prov. Neuquen, Pucara 1'f,29.1.1972 and 8.1.1971, Schajovskoi col.; 2'f, Chapelco-Techos, 1400 msnm, 3.1.1983, Gentile col.; 4 'f, San Martin de Los Andes, 640 msnm, no col.; 2'f , Lago Lacar-Yuco, 850 msnm, no date and col.; 1'f, Lacar Quechuquina, 900 msnm, 14.1.1983, no col. Distribution. This species occurs in Chile from Santiago to Palena Province, and in Argentina from Rio Negro to Neuquen Province (Fig. 53). Discussion. This species exhibits generalized features characteristic of the genus Agelanius, easily identifiable by the abdominal triangles and brown color. This species exhibits variability in some characters, for example, basicosta with some setae, appendix on Rt, extension of the dorsal angle of the basal flagellomere, maxillary palpi, degree of development of the ocelli and color of the abdomen.

Agelanius philippii Rondani, new combination Tabanus acutidens Philippi, 1865: 715. Dasybasis (Agelanius) philippii Rondani, 1864 in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 215 .

Type-locality. CHILE, Santiago. HT: d' (Naples) Diagnosis. Medium-sized species (10-12.5 mm), abdomen orange-brown laterally, with black median band; front narrow, with vestigial ocelli; eyes black, pi lose; frontal callus black, keel-shaped; antenna dark brown; basal flagellomere with dorsal projection (Fig. 43); maxillary palpi grayish, elongate, with black hairs (Fig. 44); mesoscutum dark brown, with longitudinal stripes; wings smoky. FEMALE. Head. Eyes black, without bands, with abundant brown hairs. Front narrow, slightly divergent, frontal index 2.5-3.4, dark brown, yellowish pollinose, with sparse black hairs. Frontal callus black, keel-shaped, not touching eyes and subcallus. Ocellar triangle with three vestigial ocelli. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with abundant black hairs. Subcallus with gray-brown pollinosity. Clypeus and genae with yellowish brown pollinosity and short black hairs. Beard pale yellowish gray. Scape of antenna gray-brown pollinose, with long black hairs, pedicel concolorous, with strong dorsal projection, basal flagellomere dark brown, with dorsal angle (Fig. 43), apical flagellomeres dark brown, elongate. Maxillary palpi elongate, with grayish brown pollinosity and abundant black hairs (Fig. 44). Proboscis elongate, dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with two anterior, longitudinal, pale grayish brown stripes. Notopleural lobes dark gray, with long black hairs. Scutellum dark brown, with long black hairs, hairs shorter on the disc. Pleura grayish brown, with pale


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

gray hairs; anepistemum with black hairs. Legs brown, coxae grayish brown, with long gray-black hairs, femora dark brown, with yellow-black hairs, tibiae reddish brown, with short black hairs; remaining leg segments concolorous, with short hairs. Wings smoky, particularly along the veins and basally, Sc and R 1 with setae. Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing.

Abdomen. Tergites orange-brown laterally, darker on posterior margins, tergite I black, with posterior margin reddish brown, tergites II and III with large, black rounded spots and pale spots behind, black median band expanding on succeeding tergites, with small median triangles of pale yellow hairs, posterior bands with golden and black pilosity. Stemites orange-brown. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 45), close to A. scutulata (Krober), except inner border straight. Tergite IX subtriangular, tergite X subquadrate, with border rounded, both tergites with long hairs (Fig. 45). Gonapophysis with distal border projecting and slightly sinuous, with long hairs (Fig. 46). Sternite VIII with wide base, straight (Fig. 46). Genital fork with narrow base and slightly concave. Spermathecal ducts long (Fig. 47), spermatheca weakly capitate, microstructure close to A. scutulata. MALE. Length 12.0-13 .0. Similar to female except as follows : eyes dark brown, with only small facets, and more densely pilose. Ocellar triangle with three small ocelli. Antennae elongate. Maxillary pal pi dark brown-grayish, cylindrical and with erect black hairs. Abdomen with black hairs. Genitalia close to A. scutulata except as follows : with bristles on ventral surface of gonocoxite and with more bristles on dorsal surface. Cerci close to A. meridiana. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Santiago, 1o-, Rinconada, 1931, E. P. Reed col (compared with type); IO-, El Arrayan, 3.11.1935, without col. ; Prov. Cordillera, 1 cf", La Obra, Xll .1969, M. Etcheverry col. ; Io-, El Canelo, 20.XI.1950, no col.; Prov. Valdivia, IO-, Valdivia, 8.I.1959, Wagenkneght col. ; IO-, Llancura, 10.I.1966, N. Richins col. ; Prov. Osorno, 40-, 30 km W. de Purranque, 16.I.1951 , L. E. Pefia col. ; Pucatrihue, 20-, 4-21.11.1967, L. E. Pefia col. ; 1 'f , XII.1969, Salgado col. and 1o-, 20.1.1967, M . E. Irwin col. ; Pto. Octay, 2'f , Io-, 3.II.1956, Dehrens col. ; Io-, 2 km S. Pto. Octay, 9.11.1966, M. E. Irwin col.; Prov. Llanquihue, 1o-, Cayutue, 1.1935, E. P. Reed col.; 30-, Los Muermos, 19.I.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols.; l 'f , Petrohue, 1013 .XII .l 969, Herrera col. ; Prov. Chiloe, 40-, Dalcahue, 17-31.1.1952, L. E. Pefia col. ; 2'f , Aucar, 6-15.1.1952, L. E. Pefia col. ; 1o-, Chepu, 1-3 .11.1952, L. E. Pefia col. ; Prov. Aysen, Io-, Pto. Aysen, 24-26.I.1961 , L. E. Pefia col; 30-, without col., E. P. Reed Collection; IO-, E. G. Centinela, 3.Il.1951 (col. illegible); Io-, Cacharcas, 24.IX.1957, E. W. col. Distribution. This species is known only from Chile from Santiago to Aysen Province (Fig. 53). Discussion. This species has a characteristic basal flagellomere with a slight dorsal angle that is unusual in Agelanius. It is close to A. scutulata, particularly in the general color of the body and genitalia of the male.

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Agelanius scutulata (Krober), new combination Tabanus (Therioplectes) albovittatus Krober, 1930: 146. Sziladynus scutulatus Krober, 1934: 291 . Dasy basis (Agelanius) scutulata Krober, 1930 in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 218. Dasybasis (Agelanius) scutulata nigrihumera Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 221 . syn. nov.

Type-locality. CHILE, Concepcion. HT: cf (London). Diagnosis. Medium-sized species (13 .0-14.0 mm); eyes dark brown, pilose; front slightly divergent, narrow, with frontal callus keel-shaped, touching subcallus; antenna blackish brown; maxillary palpi brown, elongate, with short black hairs (Fig. 49); mesoscutum blackish brown, without longitudinal stripes; wings smoky; abdomen reddish brown, with narrow black median band and small triangles of white hairs. FEMALE. Head. Eyes dark brown, without bands, with abundant brown hairs. Front narrow, slightly divergent; frontal index 2.7-3 .0, pale gray tomentose, with short black hairs. Frontal callus dark brown, touching subcallus but not eye margins. Ocellar triangle with three ocelli. Posterior border of head dark gray; vertex with short black hairs. Subcallus dark gray, darker near antenna, without hairs. Clypeus and genae grayish brown, genae with short, abundant black hairs, clypeus with long black hairs. Beard with brown hairs. Scape of antenna grayish, with abundant long black hairs, pedicel concolorous, with long dorsal projection, basal flagellomere grayish brown, with dorsal angle nearly triangular (Fig. 48), apical flagellomeres dark brown. Maxillary palpi with grayish pollinosity and short black hairs, slender, elongate (Fig. 49). Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum blackish brown, with black and yellow hairs, without longitudinal stripes. Notopleural lobes reddish brown, with long black hairs. Scutellum concolorous with mesoscutum, with abundant pilosity. Pleura brown, with abundant black and gray hairs. Legs brown, with black hairs, coxae dark brown, with black hairs, femora concolorous, tibiae and remaining leg segments with abundant short, black hairs. Wing smoky, darker along the veins, Sc and R 1 with setae, without appendix on Ri. Basicosta bare, apex acute. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Reddish brown dorsally, darker caudally, with wide, dark brown dorsal band, bearing black hairs, median triangles with white hairs, tergite I with yellowish hairs and long black hairs laterally. Stemites dark brown, bearing abundant black hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular, with short hairs (Fig. 50), longer than A. meridiana. Tergite IX subtriangular, with black hairs (Fig. 50), tergite X subquadrate, with long hairs (Fig. 50). Gonapophysis projected dorsally, with border slightly sinuous and long hairs (Fig. 51 ). Stemite VIII wider than other species of Agelanius, with


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

straight base (Fig. 51 ). Genital fork with narrow base and long spermathecal ducts, spermatheca capitate, with abundant pores and longer than A. meridiana. MALE. Length 11.5-15.0 mm. Similar to female except as follows: ocellar triangle small. Basal flagellomere more angular. Maxillary palpi pale brown and pruinose, cylindrical, with black hairs. Beard and general pilosity of body darker. Scutellum with characteristic erect hairs. Abdomen bright orange-brown laterally, with median band narrower. Gonocoxite close to A. meridiana but with base straighter and with more bristles. Cerci wider, with long black hairs. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Concepcion, 3o", Concepcion, XII.1926, R. & E. Shannon (topotype); 3o", Concepcion, 1903, P. Herbst col.; Prov. Arauco, Pichinahuel, Cord. Nahuelbuta, 1 !? , 10-20.1.1959 and 1 !? , 31 .I.1954, L. E. Pefia col.; 1 !? , Butamalal, Cord. Nahuelbuta, 23-31.1.1954, L. E. Pefia col.; Prov. Malleco, 2o", W. of Angol, 1200 msnm, 3.1.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols.; Prov. Llanquihue, lo", Peulla, XI.1952, L. E. Pefia col.; ARGENTINA: Prov. Chubut, 1 o", 1 !? , Lago Futalaufquen, 14.I.1962, Coscaron col. Distribution. This species occurs in Chile from Concepcion to Llanquihue Province, and in Argentina only in Chubut Province (Fig. 53). Discussion. Males are more frequently found than females in Museum collections. It is very similar to A. philippii in general color of the body and median longitudinal band on the abdomen. The subspecies D.(A.) scutulata nigrihumera Coscaron & Philip is placed as a synonym of scutulata since the differences, as pointed out by Coscaron & Philip (1967a), are neither consistent nor sufficient to define a separate taxon. Genus Acellomyia, new genus Type-species: Tabanus paulseni Philippi, 1865. Diagnosis. This new genus can be distinguished by following characters: medium-sized to large species (13.0- 16.0 mm), brown, exceptfontanensis (Coscaron), that is grayish; front broad; frontal index 1.5-2.0; frontal callus subovoid (Fig. 11 ), not keel-shaped and without dorsal projection, touching subcallus, separated from eye margins (Fig. 11 ); ocellar triangle and ocelli absent (Fig. 11 ), except of male of A. lauta (Hine), that has three small ocelli; eyes with sparse, short pilosity, except in A. lauta; basal flagellomere without dorsal projection; maxillary palpi slender and elongate and with short hairs; subcallus without hairs; wing with clouds on the crossveins, Sc and R, with short setae; basicosta bare; mesoscutum with longitudinal stripes; abdomen with characteristic pale triangles. Etymology. Fly without ocelli and ocellar triangle Distribution. This genus occurs in southern South America, except A. lauta, which occurs in the Andean zone of Peru and Ecuador (Fig. 73).

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Discussion. Three species and one subspecies formerly placed in Agelanius are included in this new genus:fontanensis (Coscar6n), lauta (Hine),paulseni (Philippi), and paulseni mapuche (Coscar6n & Philip). With this transfer, the genus Agelanius is more consistently defined, and ho longer includes species with very different generalized characters than in Agelanius: species with frontal callus subovoid (keelshaped in Agelanius), sparse ocular pilosity (densely pilose in Agelanius) and ocelli and ocellar triangle absent (present and developed inAgelanius). There are other differences in female genitalia: spermathecal ducts shorter than Agelanius, and base of genital fork slight concave (straight in Agelanius). KEY TO SPECIES OF THE GENUS ACELLOMYIA I. Mesoscutum and scutellum with pale markings; clypeus bare; front variable . . . 2 Mesoscutum and scutellum without pale markings; clypeus pilose; front divergent . . .. .... . . .. . . . ..... . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . ... . ...... . . . .. . .. . .... 3 2. Front slightly divergent; postocular hairs long; maxillary palpi with predominantly black hairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paulseni (Philippi) Front parallel-sided; postocular hairs short; maxillary palpi with predominantly white hairs ... ... ........ . .... paulseni mapuche (Coscaron & Philip) 3.

Eye pilose; pedicel with dorsal projection vestigial; basicosta with setae; mesoscutum without longitudinal pale stripes; tip of halter whitish . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lauta (Hine) Eye sparsely pilose; pedicel with dorsal projection developed basicosta bare; mesoscutum with longitudinal stripes; tip of halter dark brown .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fontanensis (Coscaron)

Acellomyiafontanensis (Coscar6n), new combination Dasybasis fontanensis Coscar6n, I 962a: 41. Dasybasis (Agelanius) fontanensis Coscar6n, I 962a in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 197.

Type-locality. Argentina, Prov. Chubut, Lago Fontana. HT: 'f (MLP). Diagnosis. Large (14.0-16.0 mm), grayish species; front broad, parallel-sided; ocellar triangle and ocelli absent; frontal callus subovoid; antenna brownish black; maxillary palpi yellowish, with brown hairs; eyes sparsely pilose; wing with clouds on the crossveins; mesoscutum with pale stripes "U" shaped; abdomen with pale gray median triangles. FEMALE. Head. Eyes dark brown, without bands, with sparse pilosity. Front broad, frontal index 2.0-2.7, with grayish and yellowish pollinosity and short black hairs.


Contributions to the knowledge ofDiptera

Frontal callus pale brown, subovoid, with slight dorsal projection, not touching eyes and subcallus. Ocelli and ocellar triangle absent. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with short hairs. Subcallus grayish, with yellowish pollinosity and short black hairs laterally. Clypeus and genae with yellowish pollinosity, genae with short grayish hairs, clypeus grayish, with black and gray hairs. Beard with long grayish hairs. Scape of antenna rectangular, with brown pollinosity and short black hairs dorsally, longer ventrally, pedicel concolorous with scape, dorsal projection developed, with short black hairs, basal flagellomere dark brown, not excavated dorsally (Fig. 54), apical flagellomeres dark brown. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 55), with yellowish and short black-brown and gray hairs dorsally. Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with "U"- shaped gray stripes and sparse black hairs laterally. Notopleural lobes grayish pink, with long black hairs. Scutellum with disc, brown, with gray and black hairs, gray pollinose and long gray pilose laterally. Pleura grayish pink, with long whitish hairs; anepisternum with shorter pilosity. Coxae gray, femora and tip of tibiae dark grayish brown, remaining leg segments with grayish hairs. Wing with clouds on the crossveins, Sc and R 1 with short setae, short appendix on R4 • Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squarnae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Dark gray dorsally, with median spots of black hairs and gray triangles on tergites 11-V, tergites I and II pink laterally. Sternites gray, with pale yellow hairs. Genitalia. Cerci subcircular (Fig. 56). Tergite X subrectangular, with long bristles (Fig. 56). Gonapophysis projected distally, strongly concave, with long bristles (Fig. 57). Sternite VIII wide, straight basally (Fig. 57). Genital fork with base wide and slightly concave (Fig. 58). Spermathecal ducts short, spermatheca slightly capitate and rugose on distal border. MALE. Unknown. Material examined. CHILE. Prov. Curic6, 1 ~.Rio Teno, 1400-1600 msnm, 24-26.I. l 968, L. E. Pefia col.; Prov. Nuble, 1 ~, Termas de Chillan, 17-23.I.1963, L. E. Pefia col.; 2~, 11.1965, Etcheverry & Herrera cols.; 1 ~,Las Trancas, 17-23 .1.1953, L. E. Pefiacol.; Prov. Malleco, 1 ~,Rio Blanco, 19.11.1954, L. E. Pefiacol.; n, Curacautin, Rio Blanco, 1.11.1959, L. E. Pefia col. ; 4~, Termas de Tolhuaca, 1.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; Distribution. This species occurs in Chile from Curic6 to Malleco Province, and in Argentina from Neuquen to Chubut Province (Fig. 73). Discussion. This species is very close to Acellomyia paulseni (Philippi) (Coscar6n & Philip l 967a) in the shape of the frontal callus, sparsely pilose eyes and and absence of the ocelli and ocellar triangle. However, A. paulseni differs in the following external characters: basal flagellomere less excavated, front more divergent, general coloration of body brown, and mesoscuturn and scutellurn without markings. ARGENTINA: Prov. Neuquen, 1 ~ . Piedra de! Agua, 1.1955, J. Foerster col.; Prov. 11.1961, Coscar6n col.; (paratype) and 14.1.1961 , Chubut, Lago Fontana, Coscar6n col. (1 ~ paratype).



Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Acellomyia lauta (Hine), new combination Tabanus /autus Hine, 1920: 192. Dasybasis (Agelanius) lauta (Hine), 1920 in Coscar6n & Philip, ! 967a: 202. Dasybasis (Agelanius) sublauta Coscar6n & Philip, l 967a: 204 (as var. lauta) of Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 70.

Type-locality. PERU, Lima. HT: 'f (OSUC) Diagnosis. Medium-sized (13 .0-14.5 mm) brown species; eyes black, without bands, pilose; front broad; frontal callus pale brown and subquadrate to subovoid; ocellar triangle vestigial, without ocelli; antenna dark reddish-brown; maxillary palpi yellowish, with some black hairs; mesoscutum with pale stripes; wing with clouds on the crossveins; abdomen reddish-brown, with median black band.

FEMALE. Head. Eyes black, without bands, with abundant dark brown pilosity. Front moderately broad, slightly divergent, frontal index 2.6-2.7, with gray pollinosity, browner toward the vertex, with short black hairs. Frontal callus pale brown, subquadrate to subovoid, touching subcallus, but not touching eyes. Ocellar triangle vestigial, without ocelli. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with short black hairs. Subcallus yellowish gray tomentose, with short gray hairs. Clypeus and genae with grayish pollinosity, genae and clypeus with long gray hairs. Scape of antenna pale brown, with long black hairs, pedicel concolorous, bearing long hairs, with dorsal projection present, basal flagellomere reddish brown, darker apically, strongly excavated dorsally (Fig. 59), apical flagellomeres dark brown. Maxillary palpi slender, broadest in middle, with abundant black hairs (Fig. 60). Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, with gray longitudinal stripes anteriorly, bearing abundant grayish brown hairs. Notopleural lobes reddish gray, with long black hairs. Scutellum dark brown, with Jong gray pilosity laterally and shorter pilosity on the disc. Pleura reddish gray anteriorly and posteriorly, with long gray hairs; anepisternum with short black and gray hairs. Legs dark reddish-brown, coxae with long gray hairs, femora with Jong gray and black hairs, tibiae and remaining leg segments with short black pilosity. Wings with clouds on the crossveins, Sc and R 1 with short setae, Ri with a short appendix. Basicosta with a few short setae. Halteres dark brown, apex whitish. Squamae concolorous with wing base. Abdomen. Reddish brown dorsally, with dorsal black band starting on tergite III, black pilose, except margins oftergites II-IV with grayish hairs and long black and gray hairs laterally. Sternites pale brown, with long black pilosity. Genitalia. Cerci subovoid (Fig. 61 ). Tergites IX and X with long hairs (Fig. 61 ). Gonapophysis with distal border slightly projecting and sinuous (Fig. 62). Sternite VIII with straight, wide base and long hairs (Fig. 62). Genital fork with narrow base,


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

neck wide basally and a long spine present on comb (Fig. 63). Spermathecal ducts short. MALE. Length 13.5 mm, wing length 11 .5 mm. Similar to female except as follows: eyes with hairs more abundant and longer. Ocellar triangle small, with three small ocelli. Genae with dark brown pilosity. Maxillary palpi pale brown, short and semicircular. Flagellum pale brown. Notopleural lobes dark brown. Longitudinal stripes on mesoscutum more diffuse. Wing more hyaline and with appendix on Ri longer. Tibiae with longer pilosity. Material examined. PERU: Depto. Lima, Matucana 1 ~. Vl-VIl.1913, 7300 ft., C. T. Brues col.; (topotype); 1 ~ , 27.V.1920, Cornell Univ. Exped. Col.; 1 ~ , 2830.Vl.l 974, C. Porter & L. Stange cols.; n , 27.V.1930 (without col.); n , 79.VII.1975, C. Porter & L. Stange cols.; 1d', Surco, Rimac Valley, 26.VI.1945, without col.; Id', Valle Sta. Eulalia, 5.VI. (without other dates); 1 ~, San Mateo, 3100 msnm without date, Weyrauch col.; ECUADOR: Prov. Azuay, 1~,Cumbe,26.IX . 1946 , 2500 msnm, Z Muller. Distribution. This species occurs in Peru in the Department of Lima, and in Ecuador in Azuay Province (Fig 73). Discussion. This species shares the general external characteristics of Acel/omyia, however, the pilose eyes are intermediate between Agelanius and Acel/omyia.

Acellomyia paulseni (Philippi), new combination Tabanus paulseni Philippi, 1865: 721. Archiplatius trianguliferus Enderlein, 1925: 374. Type-locality: Santiago. HT: ~ (Berlin). Archip/atiustrianguliferusvar. ochraceusEnderlein, 1925: 374. Type-locality: Longavi. HT:~ (Berlin). Tabanus (Agelanius) tephrodes Philippi of Krober, 1930: 151 (misident). Dasybasis (Agelanius) paulseni (Philippi), 1865 ofCoscar6n & Philip 1967a: 215.

Type-locality. unknown. HT:



Diagnosis. Medium-sized species (14.0-15.0 mm); eyes dark brown, with short, sparse pilosity; front moderately broad and slightly divergent; frontal callus subovoid, not keel-shaped and not touching eyes; ocellar triangle and ocelli absent; maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 65), with black hairs; mesoscutum dark brown, with longitudinal gray stripes; wing with clouds on the crossveins; abdomen with large pale gray triangles. FEMALE. Head. Eyes dark brown, without bands, with short, sparse grayish pilosity. Front moderately broad, slightly divergent at the base, frontal index 1.7-2.2, yellowish gray, with short black hairs. Frontal callus subovoid, pale brown, not touching eyes. Ocellar triangle and ocelli absent. Posterior border of head gray; vertex grayish, with short black and gray hairs. Subcallus with gray-pink hairs laterally. Clypeus and genae

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


with grayish pollinosity, genae with short, gray hairs, longer near frontoclypeal suture, clypeus grayish, with short, gray hairs only laterally. Beard with long gray hairs. Scape of antenna pale brown, with short black hairs, pedicel concolorous, with weakly developed dorsal projection and short black hairs, basal flagellomere dark brown, strongly excavated (Fig. 64), apical flagellomeres concolorous. Maxillary palpi with yellowish pollinosity and black and gray hairs, wider at mid length (Fig. 65). Proboscis dark brown, labella large and fleshy.

Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, gray-pink laterally, with short gray and black hairs and two gray longitudinal stripes extending to transverse suture. Notopleural lobes gray-pink, bearing long black hairs. Scutellum dark brown on disc, gray-pink, with long gray hairs laterally and posteriorly. Pleura gray-brown, bearing long grayish hairs; anepistemum with short black and gray hairs. Legs reddish brown, coxae and femora with long gray hairs, tibiae with short gray pilosity, remaining leg segments with short black hairs. Wing with clouds on crossveins, Sc and R 1 with short setae, without appendix on R.i. Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with base of wing. Abdomen. Dark brown, bearing short, black hairs dorsally; tergites II-VI reddish brown, with large, pale gray median triangles, bearing long whitish pilosity laterally. Stemites brown, with abundant black hairs longer than those on tergites. Genitalia. Cerci subsemicircular (Fig. 66). Tergite X with abundant hairs (Fig. 66). Gonapophysis with distal border slightly projecting and sinuous (Fig. 67). Stemite VIII with wide, straight base (Fig. 67). Genital fork with wide, slightly concave base. Spermathecal ducts short (Fig. 68), spermatheca weakly capitate, with abundant small pores, similar to A. fontanensis. MALE. Length 12.5 mm. Similar to female except as follows: eyes with abundant yellowish hairs, upper facets same color as lower facets. Basal flagellomere less excavated. Maxillary palpi cylindrical. Cerci subcircular to triangular. Gonostyli close to A. lanei but bristles shorter. The short micro bristles on the dorsal area of gonocoxite, characteristic of this species, does not occur in other species.

Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Valparaiso, 1 ~, Limache, no other data (paratype); Prov. Cordillera, n , RN Rio Clarillo, 8.1.1992, C.R. Gonzalez col. ; Prov. Talca, Altos de Vilches, 1280 msnm, 3~ , 22-29.II.1971 and H, 27.Xll.1987, J. Solervicens col.; Prov. Linares, 5~ , Villalobos, 11.1976, without col.; n , Parral, II.1976, without col. ; Prov. Nuble, 1 ~ . Las Trancas, 10-15.XII.1951 , L. E. Pefia col.; n , Termas de Chillan, 6.11.1964, Etcheverry & Herrera cols.; Prov. Bio-Bio, Laguna Laja 1d', 20.1.1948 , Kuschel? col.; 1 ~, 7.1.1968, R. Orea col. and 1 ~, 20.1.1948, col. illegible; Prov. Arauco, Pichinahuel, 3 ~, Xll .1958-1.1959 and 2 ~ , 31 .1.1954, L. E. Pefia col.; Nahuelbuta, 4~ , 19.1.1985, Ibarra col. and 1d', II.1988, Toro col.; Peillem-Pilli Cord., Nahuelbuta, 4~ , 13.1.1954, L. E. Pefia col.; Prov. Malleco, Pino Hachado, 18002000 msnm, 4~, 1.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; Liucura, 1800 msnm, 7 ~, 1.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; Marimenuco, 1~ . 1.1959 and 1 ~ . 1-18.1.1964, L. E. Pefia col.; n , Cord. Las Raices, 25-28.Xll.1967, L. E. Pefia col.; 1d', Lago Galletue, Cord. Lonquimay, 1.11.1962, L. E. Pefia col.; 1 ~, Termas Tolhuaca, 1.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; 1 ~ , Altos de


Contributions to the knowledge of Diptera

Nahuelbuta, 8.I.1930, E. P. Reed col.; 1 !i1, Rio Blanco, 5-27.111.1951 , L. E. Pefia col.; 2!i1, W. of Angol , 1200 msnm, 3.I.1951, Ross & Michelbacher cols.; l!i1, Angol, 7.I.1930, E. P. Reed col., no other data; n , 30 km W. Angol, 13.11 .1967, EI Schlinger col.; Prov. Cautin, 1!i1,Cherquenco,1.1954, L. E. Pefia col. ; 1 !i1 , El Llaima, 26.11.1967, P. Arretz col. ; Prov. Valdivia, 1 !i1 , Pto. Fuy, 5.11.1991, J Solervicens col.; Prov. Osorno, Pto. Puyehue, lo", 13-19.IIl.1955 and 19.1.1969, L. E. Pena col.; l!i1, Puyehue, 4.I.1968, Cekalovic col.; Antillanca, 15!i1, 12.1.1989 and n, 2.11 .1992, C.R. Gonzalez col.; 12!i1 , Antillanca, 11-18.1.1989, S. Coscar6n col.; n, Entre Lagos, Camping Los Copihues, 14.1.1989, S. Coscar6n col. ; Prov. Llanquihue, n, Pta. Huano, PN Vicente Perez Rosales, 26.1.1973, J Solervicens col.; 1 !i1 , C 0 Derrumbe, PN Vicente Perez Rosales, 20.1.1972, D. Lanfranco col.; Prov. Palena, n, Palena, I.1887 without col.; Prov. Aisen, 4!i1 , Pto. Aisen, 22.1.1968, C. W. 0 Brien col.; Prov. Coihaique, 12 km E. Coihaique, 1 !i1, 22.1.1968 and 1 !i1, 20.1.1968, L. & C. W. O' Brien cols; 1 !i1 , Lago Escondido, 26 km E. Coihaique, 22.1.1968, L. & C. W. O'Brien cols.; 5 !i1, Coihaique, 26.1.1977, C. Vivar col.; 5!i1 , Balmaceda, 6.1.1961, L. E. Pefia col. ; No Province data, 4!i1, Ed C. Reed col., without date; 1 !i1 , date, locality and col. illegible; 1 !i1, Sammlung Wolfhilgel; l!i1, V. Dickson, 13.1.1955, Cekalovic col.; 4!i1, no other data. ARGENTINA: Prov. Neuquen, 4!i1, Lago Huechulafquen, 10.1.1968, S. Coscar6n; 4 !i1, Villa Angostura, 18.1.1968, S. Coscar6n col. ; 20!i1 , C La Atravezada, 50 km W. Zapala, 26.1.1975, L. Pereira col. ; 2!i1 , Piedra de! Aguila, 9.Xll.1962, without col. ; 6!i1 , Lago Lacar, 650 msnm, 19.1.1982, M. & P. Gentile cols.; 8!i1, Rio Caleufu, 850 msnm, 7.1.1981, M. Gentile col.; 4!i1 , Cordon Chapelco, Lago Kika, 1750 msnm, 24.1.1979, Gentile col.; 3!i1, Moquehue, 1200 msnm, 23.1.1976, De Ferraris col.; n, Quemquemtreu, 710 msnm, 19.Xll.1977, Schajovskoi col.; 4!i1, San Martin de Los Andes, Hua-Hum, 24.1.1980, S. Coscar6ncol. ; 4!i1 , Lago Quefti, 875 msnm, 10.XI.1981 , Gentile col.; 1 !i1 , Quechuquina, SM de Los Andes, 23.1.1978, Coscar6n col. ; 1 !i1 , Lago Gutierrez, Bariloche, without date, J. N. de la Barrera col. ; 1!i1, Zapala, 8.Xll.1920, without col. ; Prov. Rio Negro, 3!i1, Valle de las Moscas, 4.I.1975, Coscar6n col.; Cerro Catedral, 10.11.1977, Coscar6n col.; Prov. Chubut, n , Lago Vintter, 18.Il.1961, Coscar6n col.; 2!i1 , Lago Fontana, 4.11.1961, Coscar6n col.; 1 !i1, El Triana, 11.11.1961, Coscar6n col.; Prov. Santa Cruz, n, Calafate, 30.1.1983, Coscar6n col. ; without province: n, Paso Carirrifie, 1200 msnm, 30.Xll.1974, Gentile col.




Distribution. This species occurs in Chile from Quillota to Aysen Province, and in Argentina from Neuquen to Santa Cruz Province (Fig. 73). Discussion. This species is characteristic ofAcellomyia because of the markings (pattern) on the abdomen, and the stripes and pattern on mesoscutum and scutellum. The frontal callus shape and genitalia characters are close to A. fontanensis, but it differs in the general coloration of body and shape of the basal flagellomere.

Acellomyia paulseni mapuche (Coscar6n & Philip), new combination Dasybasis (Age/anius) pau/seni mapuche Coscar6n & Philip 1967b in Coscar6n & Philip, 1967a: 213 .

Type-locality. Argentina, Prov. Neuquen, Copahue. HT: !i1 (MACN).

Gonzalez: Revision of genera related to Dasybasis


Diagnosis. Medium-sized species, very close to A. paulseni but paler; eyes black, without bands, with short, sparse pilosity; front divergent; ocellar triangle and ocelli absent; frontal callus subovoid, with slight dorsal projection; maxillary pal pi with yellowish pollinosity; mesoscutum dark brown with pale stripes; wing with clouds on the crossveins; abdomen grayish brown dorsally. FEMALE. Head. Eyes black, without bands, with short, sparse hairs. Front yellowish gray, slightly brown on upper part, with short black hairs. Front moderately broad, divergent, frontal index 1.7-2.0. Frontal callus subovoid, not touching eyes, with slight dorsal projection. Ocellar triangle and ocelli absent. Posterior border of head gray; vertex with short gray and black hairs. Subcallus yellowish gray, without hairs. Clypeus and genae with yellowish gray pollinosity, genae with short gray hairs, clypeus more grayish, lacking hairs. Beard with long gray hairs. Scape of antenna brown, with short, black hairs, pedicel with small dorsal projection, basal flagellomere dark brown, strongly excavated (Fig. 69), apical flagellomeres concolorous. Maxillary palpi slender and elongate (Fig. 70), with yellowish pollinosity and short black and gray hairs. Proboscis dark brown, labella concolorous, large and fleshy. Thorax. Mesoscutum dark brown, gray-pink laterally, with black and gray hairs and two convergent stripes extending to near scutellum. Notopleural lobes gray-pink, with long black hairs. Disc of scutellum dark brown, with short black pilosity, with grayish pollinosity and long gray hairs laterally. Pleura gray-pink, with abundant gray hairs, hairs shorter on anepistemum. Legs brown, coxae with grayish pollinosity and long gray hairs, femora with gray hairs shorter than on coxae, tibiae with short gray and black pilosity, remaining leg segments with short black pilosity. Wing with clouds on crossveins, Sc and R 1 with short setae, appendix length on Ri variable. Basicosta bare. Halteres dark brown. Squamae concolorous with wing base. Abdomen. Grayish brown, with short black pilosity dorsally and pale gray median triangles, posterior border oftergites pale gray, with long gray pilosity laterally starting at tergite IV. Stemites pale gray. Genitalia. Similar to A. paulseni but differing in cerci shape (Fig. 71 ). Tergite X with tip semicircular and tergite IX more rectangular (Fig. 71). Gonapophysis and Sternite VIII similar to A. paulseni (Fig. 72). MALE. Length 11.5 mm. Similar to female except for the following: ocular pilosity shorter, abdominal coloration more pink, scutellum with gray posterior margin narrower, and femora darker. Similar to A. paulseni except cerci more subquadrate. Material examined. CHILE: Prov. Santiago, l~, Qda. Macul, 26.I.1953, without col.; Prov. Malleco, 7~, Liucura, 1800msnm,1.1959, L. E. Pefiacol.; 3 ~'Pino Hachado, 1800-2000msnm,1.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; 2~,Marimenuco,1.1959 L. E. Pefia col.; Lago Galletue, Cord. Lonquimay, 1.11.1962, L. E. Pefia col.; 1 d', Termas Tolhuaca, I.1959, L. E. Pefia col.; 1 ~, Pehuenco Liucura, 1000 msnm, 4.I.1968, L. E. Pefia col.; ARGENTINA: Prov. Neuquen, 9~, 50 km W. Zapala, C 0 LaAtravezada, 20.1.1975,


Contributions to the knowledge ofDiptera

Pereira col.; 3 ~, Zapala, 14.XII.1946, Hayward & Willink cols.; n, Domoyu, 17.1.1974, De Ferraris col.; 3~, Piedra de! Agua, XIl.1955, Foerster col.; 8~, Loucopuhue, 8.1.1967, Schajovskoi col.; 1