A Robust Controller Design for Standalone Microgrid

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Dec 20, 2017 - Md. Asif Hasan (1) Email author (hasan[email protected]). Raj Kumar Mishra (1). Md. Ashique Hassan (2). 1. Department of Electrical and ...

A Robust Controller Design for Standalone Microgrid System Feeding Composite Loads | SpringerLink

A Robust Controller Design for Standalone Microgrid System Feeding Composite Loads Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy pp 429-436 | Cite as Md. Asif Hasan (1) Email author ([email protected]) Raj Kumar Mishra (1) Md. Ashique Hassan (2) 1. Department of Electrical and Electronics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Patna, India 2. Department of Mechanical, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Patna, India Conference paper First Online: 27 October 2017 89 Downloads Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 435)

Abstract Microgrid is one of the popular architectures to accommodate renewable-based distributed energy resources (DER’s). A microgrid may be operating in grid-tied mode or it may be in standalone mode feeding local loads of different natures. In this paper, design of a robust controller is presented for a standalone microgrid system which is feeding a composite load consisting of a linear load and a constant power-type load. Performance of standalone microgrid system with and without controller has been compared. Results are indicative that microgrid has stable operation with controller while feeding composite loads.

Keywords Microgrid Composite loads Controller Stability Standalone

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A Robust Controller Design for Standalone Microgrid System Feeding Composite Loads | SpringerLink

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Copyright information © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018

About this paper Cite this paper as: Hasan M.A., Mishra R.K., Hassan M.A. (2018) A Robust Controller Design for Standalone Microgrid System Feeding Composite Loads. In: SenGupta S., Zobaa A., Sherpa K., Bhoi A. (eds) Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 435. Springer, Singapore DOI (Digital Object Identifier) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4286-7_42 Publisher Name Springer, Singapore Print ISBN 978-981-10-4285-0 Online ISBN 978-981-10-4286-7 eBook Packages Energy About this book Reprints and Permissions

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