A Rule based Approach for Business Rule Generation from Business Process Models Saleem Malik1†, Imran Sarwar Bajwa2‡ 1
Department of Computer Science & IT, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 2 School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK †
[email protected], ‡
[email protected]
Abstract. In this paper, a rule based approach is presented to translate Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) based a business process models into Semantics of Business Vocabulary based Rules (SBVR) based business rules. Such translation can simplify the process of understanding the information represented in BPMN models for the business stakeholders as information represented in business rules is easy to understand instead of a BPMN based graphical representation of a business process model. In this paper, we also present a case study to validate the performance of the case study. Keywords: Business Process Modelling, BPMN, SBVR
1 Introduction In typical Business Process Modeling [1] (BPM), business analysts analyze business information and model into business processes. To attain, efficient and quality business processes, a standard Business Process Modelling Notation [2] (BPMN) is used. BPMN supports graphical representation of a business process model. Once, a business process model is ready, it is demonstrated to the external business stakeholders to validate the correctness of the information represented in the model. However, it is a common knowledge that a graphical representation of a business process model can be complex to understand for the business stakeholders. While, a natural language (NL) representation of a BPMN based model can be easy to understand for external business stakeholders. In this paper, to address the above discussed challenge, we present a novel approach to translate a BPMN-based business process model to a NL representation such as SBVR [3] business rules. In BPMN to SBVR translation, SBVR is used a pivot representation and simplifies the translation process. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents background and related work of the presented research. In Section 3, we present a framework used to generate SBVR based natural language expressions from the BPMN based graphical business process models. Section 4 presents a case study, finally, paper is concluded with the future work.
Background and Related Work
2.1 Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) BPMN defines a Business Process Diagram (BPD), which is based on a flowcharting technique tailored for creating graphical models of business process operations. It is a notation that is understandable by all business users: from the business analysts that create the initial drafts of the processes, to the technical developers responsible for implementing the technology. A BPMN model consists of simple diagrams with a small set of graphical elements. Flow Objects: The flow objects [2] are used to define the behavior of a business process. Three flow objects are commonly used such as Activities, Events, and Gateways. Flow Object Connectors: The flow objects can be connected to each other by using following three connectors such as Sequence flows, Message flows, and Associations. Swimlanes: The swimlanes or partitions are used to group various objects involved in a process. Two commons types of swimlanes are Pools and Lanes. Artifacts: In a business process model, artifacts can be used to represent additional information related to the process. Commonly used artifacts in BPMN models are Data Objects, Groups and Annotations. 2.2 Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules [3] is an adopted standard used to specify the business rules. SBVR Business Vocabulary. A business vocabulary [3] (section: 8.1) consists of all the specific terms and definitions of concepts used by an organization or community in course of business. In SBVR, there are four key elements: An Object Type is a general concept e.g. Employee etc. An Individual Concept is a qualified noun e.g. „Birmingham‟, a famous city. A Characteristic is an abstraction of a property of an object e.g. name of city. A Verb Phrase is a verb in English sentences e.g. employee uses account. SBVR Business Rules. A SBVR business rule is a formal representation „Under business jurisdiction‟ [3]. Each SBVR business rule is based on at least one fact type. The SBVR rules can be a structural rule [ibid] used to define an organization‟s setup or a behavioural rule [ibid] used to express the conduct of a business entity.
2.3 Related Work SBVR can be used as an intermediate representation in translation of formal representations to natural language and vice versa. Examples of such translations are UML/OCL to SBVR [5], SBVR to UML models [6], SBVR to OCL constraints [7, 9], etc. A SBVR based representation contains a set of business vocabulary and business rules. As far as we know, the presented approach is the first proposal to provide such translation. Moreover, our approach provides a standard format (such as SBVR) for defining the business rules in natural languages
3 Translating BPMN to English In this section we explain the mapping of all key elements in BPMN to their respective elements in SBVR metamodel to extract SBVR vocabulary. Then the SBVR vocabulary is mapped to Business rules and the Business rules are also represented using SBVR Structured English notation to make it easy to read. Details of the used framework for BPMN to SBVR translation is given below. 3.1 Input BPMN Model To generate SBVR based English translation of a business process model, a XML or XMI representation of a BPMN model is used. The XML representation of a BPMN model can be used any CASE tool as most of the CASE tool provides this facility. However, we have used the Enterprise Architect tool to generate a BPMN model and we exported the XML representation of the same BPMN model by using the Enterprise Architect tool. 3.2 Mapping Flow Objects Flow objects are the main describing elements within BPMN, and consist of three core elements: events, activities, and gateways. Mapping of all three elements is presented below: Mapping Events: Start event is mapped to the initiation of the SBVR specification and End event is mapped to the end of the SBVR specification. To handle Start event, we add a string “The process of” + Model Name + “starts with” to text of the Start event. Here, XML file name is used as Model Name. However, to handle End event, a string “The process of” + Model name + “ends with” is added to the End event text. There can be some other types of Events such as Throwing (use to represent a completion message when a process ends) event or Catching (used to represent an incoming message starts a process) event. However, current implementation only supports Start event and End event.
Mapping Activity: An Activity is mapped to a Logical Formulation to be used in the consequent part of an implication or in Necessity Formulation. Following can be two possible cases for mapping Activity: An activity is mapped to the Atomic Formulation in an ActivityFactType. In Activity to ActivityFactType mapping, the Object Type referred by role1 and the name of the Object Type referred to by role2 is mapped to the actor of the Activity. An Activity without any condition is potentially an initial Activity and an initial activity is mapped to a Necessity Formulation in a Logical Formulation of SBVR model and a Necessity Formulation is represented by keywords “It is necessary”. Gateway: In a BPMN model, a Gateway represents the conditions such as OR, AND, etc. An example of BPMN gateway to English mapping is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Mapping BPMN Gateways to SBVR Logical Formulation
SBVR Element Exclusive Disjunction Disjunction Conjunction
3.3 Mapping Flow Object Connectors Flow objects are connected to each other using Connecting objects, which are of three types: sequences, messages, and associations. We translate the only connecting objects with captions as shown in Table 2: Table 2: Mapping BPMN Flow Objects to SBVR representation
BPMN Element Sequence Flow Conditional Flow Message Flow Association
SBVR Element Activity-A results in Activity-B Activity-B results if condition is True Pool-A connected with Pool-B Fact Type (Artifact/Text is connected to Flow Object)
Mapping Artifacts
BPMN was designed to allow modelers and modeling tools some flexibility in extending the basic notation and in providing the ability to additional context appropriate to a specific modeling situation, such as for a vertical market (e.g., insurance or banking). Any number of Artifacts can be added to a diagram as appropriate for the context of the business processes being modeled. The current version of the BPMN specification pre-defines only three types of BPD Artifacts, which are shown in Table 3:
Table 3: Mapping BPMN artefacts to SBVR representation
BPMN Element Data Objects Group Annotation
SBVR Element Source of a information Activities in a Group are written together. Additional Information
Mapping Swim lanes
As Swim-lanes are use to group activities in a business process model, similarly, we have used Pool and Lane to group the business rules. All activities shown in a single Pool or Lane are grouped together. 3.6 Process Dependencies The process dependencies of the BPMN model are mapped to the LogicalFormulations of the SBVR model. For this transformation, we identified two alternative mappings, which depend on where the Logical Formulation is defined: (1) in the condition part of implications, or (2) in the consequent part of implications or in a Necessity Formulation. Mapping Relation: A Relation is mapped to a Logical Formulation used in the condition part such as an „And‟ Relation is mapped to conjunction and a Disc Relation is mapped to disjunction. Mapping Variables: A variable is mapped to an Atomic Formulation in a Unary-Fact Type, Association-Fact Type or IsOfPropertyFactType. Here, a variable can be of any type; either the Variable updated by the Activity or a Precondition of the Activity. Mapping Literals: A literal is mapped to a simple Atomic Formulation that is not based on a Fact Type and has only one binding Noun Concept, where the Noun Concept will be represented as an Individual Concept. 3.7 Optimizing the English Representation In table 1, 2, and 3, we have shown the way various BPMN elements are mapped to SBVR based English. However, English generated in these examples is difficult to understand. Hence we need to optimize the generated English to make it easy to read and make it understandable. For the sake of optimization we have performed following two steps: Resolving Phrases: In this phase the unstructured phrases extracted from BPMN elements is structured to make the extracted information sensible. To restructure the phrases following steps were performed:
Process Activity Text: The text in Activity symbol is processed as we append the text “user” at the start of the Activity symbol text. For example, the text “Buy item now” is processed as “User buys item now”. Here, we do add „s‟ with the verb to keep grammar correct. We have used WordNet [8] version 3.1 to identify possible POS tags for each token of the text. Process Gateway Text: The text in a gateway is handled in various ways. i. If the Gateway poses a Yes/No question then two copies of the text are generated: one copy with positive sense and second copy with the negative sense. To generate a positive sense we simple add a helping verb in between Noun and Verb. While, for generating the copy with negative sense we also add token “not” with the helping verb. For example the text “Item Sold” is structured to “It is sold” and “Item is not sold”. ii. If the Gateway does not pose Yes/No question then we generate two copies of the Gateway text with by adding the text of respective branch. For example, the text “auction type” is optimized to “auction type is buy now” and “auction type is bid for item”. Applying Structured English Notation: Finally, we apply SBVR structured English notation to generated SBVR rule. Here, common nouns or Object Type are underlined e.g. employee; the verbs are represented as Verb Concept and are italicized e.g. uses; the SBVR keywords are bolded e.g. It is obligatory; the proper nouns are represented as Individual Concepts by double underlining e.g. London.
4. A Case Study To demonstrate the potential of the presented approach, a small case study is discussed from the domain of Item Sale system (see Figure 1) that is online available in BPMN tutorial by IBM [11]. Following is the problem statement of the case study:
Fig. 1. Item Sale Process Model [11]
The problem statement of the case study was given as input (XML representation) to the BR-Generator tool. The tool parses the XML representation tags and extracts
the SBVR vocabulary by performing BPMN to SBVR mapping. The complete mapping from BPMN to SBVR for solved case study is shown in Table 4: Table 4: SBVR vocabulary generated from BPMN XML representation
Details The Sale Item process starts with item is available for sale. It is necessary that the user registers item for auction. If auction type is buy now then it is necessary that user buys item now. When there is end of auction, it is necessary that user closes auction. If Item is sold then it is necessary that user completes sale. It is necessary that user collects commissions. The Sale Item process ends with successful auction. If auction type is bid for item then It is necessary that user bids for item. When there is end of auction, it is necessary that user closes auction. If item is sold then it is necessary that user completes sale. If item is not sold them user re-submits for auction. If user resubmits for auction then it is necessary that user registers item for auction. If user not resubmit for auction then Sale Item process ends with item is not sold.
There are few limitations of the approach e.g. “When there is end of auction, it is necessary that user close auction.” Moreover, there are a few grammatical mistakes such as “If auction type is buy now” and “If user not resubmit for auction”. We plan to provide grammar correction facility in the future research. 4.1 Evaluation We have done performance evaluation to evaluate that how accurately the BPMN model notation is translated to SBVR based English specification by our tool BRGenerator. There are total 26 BPMN symbols of 4 types in the solved case study problem those were translated to SBVR 1.0 based English sentences. In Table 5, the average recall for SBVR software requirement specification is calculated 88.46% while average precision is calculated 92.00%. Table 5: Results of BPMN to SBVR based English Translation Type/Metrics Software Requirements
Table 6: Usability Survey Results User
Easy to do By Tool Manual
Correct Understanding By Tool Manual
Novice Medium Average
30% 55% 42.50%
36% 72% 54.00%
90% 85% 87.50%
87% 82% 84.50%
Besides measuring accuracy we also conducted a survey to measure the effectiveness of the presented approach. We made two groups with 10 members in
each group. First, we gave them three BPMN process models to interpret. Then we told them to interpret those three BPMN models using our tool BR-Generator. Then we gave 1 to 10 score under easy to do and correct understanding categories. Though the accuracy of the tool is a bit concern but we can overcome this in future work by improving the implementation. The average results we received are shown in Table 6:
6. Conclusion and Future Work In this paper, we presented a rule based approach that can be helpful in understanding the complex BPMN models specifically for the novel users that can lead to a better feedback from the Business stakeholders ultimately resulting in better business process models those are more acceptable for Business analysts and Business stakeholders. Moreover, the SBVR based output generated by the tool can be used for automated transformation to other formal specifications such as BPEL, UML, OCL, etc. Additionally, the BPMN models can be analyzed for consistency by translating the output of our approach (such as SBVR) to Alloy that globally accepted language used for model analysis.
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