A simple and low redundancy method of image compressed ... - arXiv

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In the paper, a sampling theory based method of image sampling is suggested .... the groups can be, with a reasonably good accuracy in terms of preservation of ...
Back to the sampling theory: a practical and less redundant alternative to "Compressed sensing" LEONID YAROSLAVSKY Dept. of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 69978, Israel *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received XX Month XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month XXXX; posted XX Month XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published XX Month XXXX

Abstract A problem of image acquisition and reconstruction with lesser number of samples than it is required for image display is addressed. In last several years, the “Compressed sensing” approach to solving this problem was advanced and gained considerable popularity. In the paper, a method is suggested that represents a practical and substantially more economical alternative to the “Compressed sensing”, results of experimental verification of the method are presented and some its limitations are discussed OCIS codes: (100.0100) Image processing; (100.2000) Digital image processing; (100.3020) Image reconstruction-reconstruction; (110.6980) Transforms

1. Introduction The very first step in digital image acquisition is discretization, i.e. obtaining a set of numbers, which is sufficient for image reconstruction with a given accuracy. Most frequently discretization is implemented as sampling of the image sensor signal. Conventional regular sampling over square sampled grids usually produces excessive number of samples and requires subsequent data compression. With an advent of digital computational imaging, an option of numerical reconstruction of sampled images emerged, which opens a possibility of more economical image sampling and numerical reconstruction with a required accuracy. In the paper, we address the ways for implementation of this option. The main issues in image sampling and numerical reconstruction are these: given a number M of image samples that can be taken and a number N>M of nodes of a regular sampling grid for a desired image display, - How to optimally arrange M samples over the image plane? - How to reconstruct images of N>M samples with the highest possible accuracy? In last several years, the “Compressed sensing” approach to solving this problem was advanced, which suggests techniques for obtaining approximations to images by their “sparse” copies, i.e. by images that have only certain number of non-zero coefficients in domain of a certain “sparsifying” transform, such as Discrete wavelet, Discrete Fourier or Discrete Cosine transforms ([ 1] - [ 4]). It was mathematically proven ([ 5]) that if an image of N samples is known to have, in domain of a certain transform, only K non-zero transform coefficients out of N, it can be precisely reconstructed from its M random samples by means of L1 norm minimization in the transform domain, provided the following relationship between the required

number of samples N, the required number of measurements M and the number K of signal nonzero spectral coefficients holds: M > 2 · K · log(N/M).


The “Compressed sensing” approach has gained a considerable popularity as it promises image reconstruction from fewer number of samples than it is required to reconstruct. However it has several drawbacks: - As it follows from Eq. 1, M>>K, i.e. the number M of required image samples for images with K nonzero spectral coefficients is considerably redundant with respect to the minimal required number, which is K, according to the discrete sampling theorem ([ 6]). For the range of sparsity K/N of real images from 10-1 to 10-3, the required redundancy M/K reaches 5 to10 times ([ 7]). - While “Compressive sampling” approach guaranties precise reconstruction of images with sparse spectrum, it does not specify, what specific kind of sparse approximation it provides for real images with spectrum, which is not precisely sparse, and what is expected error of the image sparse approximation. - Compressed sensing approach disregards aliasing sampling artifacts, which always emerge unless an appropriate antialiasing filtering is applied to signals at sampling. In what follows a sampling theory based alternative approach to solving the problem of image economical sampling is outlined. 2. Sampling theory based economical image sampling and reconstruction The Sampling Theorem states that the minimal number of image samples per unit of image area required for image reconstruction with

a given mean square error is equal to the area of image Fourier spectrum, which contains (1-ɛ2) fraction of image energy, where ɛ2 is the acceptable mean square error normalized to the image energy ([ 8]). The corresponding Discrete Sampling Theorem ([ 6], [ 8]) that assumes image numerical reconstruction states that given K samples of an image of N samples, one can approximate this image by an image with K non-zero spectral coefficients in a domain of a certain transform with mean square approximation error equal to the energy of the rest N-K transform coefficients. The approximation error is minimal if selected are K the most intensive transform coefficients. In case of Discrete Fourier and Cosine transforms, K samples can be taken in arbitrary positions. When N tends to infinity, Discrete Sampling Theorem converts to the classical Sampling Theorem. In other words, the Discrete Sampling Theorem states that the minimal number of samples required for image reconstruction with a given normalized mean square error ɛ2 is equal to the number K of image spectral components that contain (1-ɛ2) fraction of image energy. For image reconstruction from these K samples one needs to precisely specify, which particular spectral coefficients of the approximating image should be nonzero. However, this information is as a rule unavailable. In distinction to this, the “Compressed sensing” approach does not require any specification of indices of signal nonzero spectral components and is capable of “blind”, in this sense, reconstruction. It has its price, the above-mentioned considerable redundancy in the required number of signal samples. In practical tasks of image acquisition, the total uncertainty regarding signal nonzero spectral components assumed by “Compressed sensing” is a too pessimistic scenario. There are at least the following four reasons in favor of this assertion: - The relevant energy compacting transforms, such as DCT, DFT and wavelets, have a feature to compact image energy into few transform coefficients that form in transform domain compact groups rather than are chaotically spread over it. - Practical experience shows that although these groups do not have sharp borders, the density of non-zero spectral components quite rapidly decays toward the periphery of the groups. This means that the groups can be, with a reasonably good accuracy in terms of preservation of total energy of the group, circumscribed by simple standard shapes, such as oval or rectangle, and no fine tuning of shape parameters, such as aspect ratio (the ratio of vertical and horizontal dimensions) is required. This property of sparse spectra is illustrated on a test image in Figure 1. One can easily see in this image a prevalence of multiple horizontal edges. This prevalence causes anisotropy of image spectrum seen in boxes b) –d), where sown are marked as white dots non-zero DCT coefficients that reconstruct this image with RMS error 3.85 gray levels of 255 levels, the same as the reconstruction error of this image after its standard JPG compression by Matlab tools. Additionally in boxes b) –d) shown are borders of oval and rectangular shapes that have the same area (0.275 of the total area) and different aspect ratios (0.3, 0.45 and 0.35, correspondingly) that when used as band limitation shapes, reconstruct the test image with practically the same RMS reconstruction errors (3.8, 3.8 and 4.1 image gray levels correspondingly) - For overwhelming number of real images it is well known that transforms, such as DCT, with good energy compaction capability compact image energy into the lower frequency part of spectral domain. It is this property that is put in the base of transform coefficient zonal quantization tables in transform image coding such as JPEG. - As soon as one believes that an image can be replaced by its copy with sparse spectrum, one usually knows, at least roughly, the region in

spectral domain and its shape, where non-zero spectral coefficients are concentrated; otherwise this belief has no substance.

a) Test image 512x512; SpectrSparsity 0.164 at level JPG RMSerr 3.85

b) Sparse spectrum; SpectrSparsity 0.164; RMS SprsErr=3.85 Spectr. mask area 0.275; Aspect ratio 0.3; RMS SpmaskErr 3.8

c) Sparse spectrum; SpectrSparsity 0.164; RMS SprsErr=3.85 Spectr. mask area 0.275; Aspect ratio 0.45; RMS SpmaskErr 3.8

d) Sparse spectrum; SpectrSparsity 0.164; RMS SprsErr=3.85 Spectr. mask area 0.275; Aspect ratio 0.35; RMS SpmaskErr 4.1

Figure 1. Test image (a), its nonzero spectral components for the reconstruction error 3.85 image gray levels (white dots) and approximative oval and rectangular shapes (b) –d))

Therefore, one can, in addition to specifying the number N of desired images samples and the number M of samples to be taken make a natural assumption that image non-zero spectral components important for image reconstruction are concentrated within a certain, say, oval or rectangular shape that encompasses M spectral components with the lowest indices, which contain approximately the same energy as K spectral components of the image agreed sparse approximation. With this assumption, one can, according to the Discrete sampling theorem, reconstruct the image sparse approximation from a set of M samples taken, in the case of sparsity of DCT or DFT spectra, in arbitrary positions. For image reconstruction, there are two options: - Direct inversion of the MxN transform matrix for computing M transform non-zero coefficients specified by the selected spectral shape from M samples with given indices, setting the rest N-M transform coefficients to zero and applying inverse transform to the found zero-pad spectrum. Generally, matrix inversion is a very hard computational problem and no fast matrix inversion algorithms known. In our specific case, a pruned transform matrix should be inverted. There exist pruned versions of fast transforms for computing subsets of transform coefficients of signals with all but some subset of samples being zeros ([ 9] [ 10]), which is inverse to what is required in given case. The question, whether these pruned algorithms can be adapted for computing subset of transform non-zero coefficients from subset of signal samples is open. - An iterative Gershberg-Papoulis type algorithm, in which transform and inverse transform are performed alternatively at each iteration: in transform domain, transform coefficients that are supposed to be zero are zeroed and then, in image domain, image samples in positions, where they were actually taken at sampling, are replaced by the corresponding available samples. Computational complexity of this method with using fast transform algorithms is O(2Nit·NlogN), where Nit is the number of iterations sufficient for achieving a required reconstruction accuracy. Thus, the suggested method of economical image sampling is this: For a given number M of image samples to be taken and given number N>M for image display, choose an image sparsifying transform (DCT or alike) and an approximate spectrum shape that encompasses M spectral coefficients on a regular N nodes sampling grid in spectral domain; the shape can be chosen from a set of standard shapes, such as rectangle, oval and alike. Take M image samples using, for minimizing sampling aliasing errors, a sampling device with point spread function, which approximates Fourier transform of the chosen spectrum shape, and whatever sampling grid. Place obtained M samples in an array of N samples of a regular uniform sampling grid each into the grid node closest to that corresponding to its physical coordinate. Reconstruct the image using one of two above-mentioned options and the chosen spectrum shape to indicate image nonzero spectral components. In the case of using the iterative reconstruction algorithm, the rest N-M samples can be, as a zero order approximation at first iteration, set to any reasonable guess of the reconstructed image; for instance, this can be mean value of the available M samples or corresponding samples of an image obtained by interpolation, in one or another way, of available M samples. For the sake of brevity we’ll call this method of image sampling and reconstruction SCS (“Sighted compressed sampling”)-method because it provides, on the base of insight to the structure of image spectra, compressed sampled representations of images.

Experimental 3. considerations




The suggested SCS-method of image sampling and reconstruction has been experimentally verified on a considerable data base of test images. In the experiments, the above-described iterative GershbergPapoulis type algorithm was used and three types of sampling grids were tested: (i) uniform sampling grid, in which M image samples are uniformly distributed, with appropriate rounding up of their positions to nearest nodes of a dense sampling grid of N samples; (ii) uniform sampling grid with jitter, in which horizontal and vertical positions of each of M samples are randomly chosen, independently in each of two image coordinates, within primary uniform sampling intervals; and (iii) random sampling grid, in which positions of samples are totally uniformly randomly distributed within the dense sampling grid of N samples. As the image transform that compacts image spectrum, Discrete Cosine Transform was used. Two types of spectrum shapes of lower frequency part of image DCT spectra were tested in the experiments: rectangular and oval, with aspect ratio manually set on the base of visual evaluation of possible presence or absence of image spectrum anisotropy. For instance, if vertical edges prevailed in a particular image, the aspect ratio was set larger than one and when horizontal edges prevailed, it was set lower than one. It was found in experiments that, on the very first steps of the iterations, reconstruction procedure produced image estimates with a number of localized outliers, which very substantially slack the speed of convergence of the process. Introducing a simple outlier filtering on few first iteration steps allows overcoming this problem. Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate the experiments’ outcomes obtained for two images of the tested set: test images “Man” of 1024x1024 pixels and “Barbara” of 512x512 pixels. The former is the image, which was used for demonstrating potentials of the “Compressed Sensing” approach in Ref. [ 11]. In order to make results of experiments comparable with those reported in [ 11], spectrum of the image was artificially sparsified by zeroing its all but 25000 most intensive DCT coefficients. Shown in figures are: initial test image subjected to antialiasing prefiltering according to the selected image spectrum shape, restored image, sparsely sampled image, reconstruction error (difference between initial test and restored images), image sparse DCT spectrum and graph of RMS reconstruction error vs iteration number. RMS error was evaluated in units of image gray levels from range (0-255). Image sparse spectra were evaluated by selecting image most intensive spectral component that reconstruct image with the same RMS error as standard JPEG compression in Matlab implementation does. Test image “Man” was sampled over a random sampling grid, test image “Barbara” was sampled uniformly. As one can see in the figures, test image “Man” is reconstructed with high accuracy (RMS error < 0.004) from 0.0452x1024x1024=47396 samples. According to ([ 11]), the “Compressive sensing” approach required 96000 samples for the same image, i.e. more than twice more. Test image “Barbara” was almost precisely reconstructed from 0.4x512x512=104857 samples. Note that RMS quantization error for images quantized to 256 gray levels is 1/√12 = 0.2887 in units of image gray levels. This level of accuracy was achieved in both cases after less than 25 iterations. The presence of outliers is illustrated in graphs of RMS reconstruction error in Figure 2, f) and Figure 3, f), where two plots of RMS errors vs the number of iteration are presented: overall RMS error found for all errors (solid line) and trimmed RMS error found for 90% of lowest errors.

Band limited test image 1024x1024; Spectr. mask area 0.0452; RMS BL Err 4.8


Restored image; Sampling rate 0.0452. RMS RestErr=0.00378


Sampled band-limited test image. Sampling rate=0.0452; Sampling grid: Random

Reconstruction error; RMS RestErr=0.00378; 90% trimmed RMS RestErr= 0.00233



Restoration error standard deviation (solid) 0.00378; 90% trimmed StDev (dash) 0.00233 10









Sparse spectrum and filter shape (white oval); Aspect ratio=1.1; RMS Sprs Err=1.44 SpectrSparsity 0.0245. Spectr. mask area 0.0452; RMS BL Err 4.8



400 500 600 Iterations



900 1000

Graph of reconstruction errors standard deviations vs the number of iterations

f) e) Figure 2. Results of experiments on sampling and reconstruction of test image “Man”. Root mean square (RMS) of reconstruction error is given in units of image gray levels in the range 0-255.

Band limited test image; Spectr. mask area 0.4; RMS BL Err 4.2


Reconstructed image; Sampling rate 0.4; RMS RestErr=1.26e-007


Sampled band-limited test image; Sampling rate=0.4; Sampling grid: Uniform

Reconstruction error; RMS RestErr=1.18e-007; 90% trimmed RMS RestErr= 6.22e-009


d) Reconstruction error standard deviation (solid) 1.26e-007; 90% trimmed StDev (dash) 6.62e-009











20 Sparse spectrum; RMS Sprs Err=3.91 SpectrSparsity 0.265 Aspect ratio=2; Spectr. mask area 0.4; RMS BL Err 4.2




100 120 Iterations





Graph of reconstruction errors standard deviations vs the number of iterations

e) f) Figure 3. Results of experiments on sampling and reconstruction of test image “Barbara”. Root mean square (RMS) of reconstruction error is given in units of image gray levels in the range 0-255.

Several practical considerations can be added to conclude the discussion: - When image anisotropy is clearly seen, one can apply anisotropic oval or rectangular band limitation with certain aspect ratio or orientation; no fine tuning of the aspect ratio is necessary. - The speed of convergence of the reconstruction error to zero depends of the type of the sampling grid used. It is the fastest when sampling grid is uniform; it is the slowest for random sampling grids; it is intermediate between above cases, when sampling grid is uniform with jitter. This has a simple and intuitive explanation. For the case of random sampling, reconstruction error converges to zero nonuniformly over the image area: considerably slower in places, where samples are happen to be more sparse, and faster in places, where samples are denser than on average. In experiments with the image data set, the number of iterations sufficient for image reconstruction with RMS error of the order of value less than image RMS quantization error never exceeded 100. - The method is necessity somewhat redundant with respect to the potential sparsity of image spectra because, in order to preserve quality of image reconstruction, selected image band limitation shapes that approximate image sparse spectra should contain more spectral coefficients than image sparse spectra, which, by definition, contain the image most intensive spectral components. The ratio M/K of the number M of spectral coefficients within chosen for image reconstruction spectral shapes, i.e. of the number of samples needed for image reconstruction by the SCS-method, to the number K of image sparse spectra determines sampling redundancy required by the method. For instant, for above shown test images this redundancy turned to be 0.275/0.164=1.67,, 0.0452/0/0245=1.84 and 0.4/0.265= 1.51, correspondingly. In experiments with other images from the tested data set, the SCS-method redundancy never exceeded 2, which is substantially less than the redundancy required by the “Compressed sensing” approach ([ 5],[ 7]). - There are some texture images, which contain very few periodic components such as an image shown in Figure 4, a), for which SCSmethod, with its simplistic assumption that image spectra most intensive components are concentrated in low frequency part of spectral domain, will require substantially excessive number of image samples. For example, the area bounded by image spectral components shown by white points in Figure 4, b) represents spectrum shape that would be selected by SCS-method of sampling and the number of spectral components within this shape substantially exceeds the number of non-zero spectral components of the image. In such cases, for efficient application of the SCS-method, more smart evaluation of signal spectrum shape using appropriate simple measurements of spatial parameters of the image texture is required.

4. Conclusion The described SCS-method of image sampling and reconstruction represents a practical and much more economical alternative to “Compressed Sensing” for solving the problem of acquision and reconstruction of images of N samples from MM samples with RMS error equal to the energy of M-N transform coefficients set to zero and, if appropriately applied, the absence of aliasing errors. Image reconstruction from its samples can be easily implemented using fast transform algorithms in the iterative Gershberg-Papoulis type

procedure with computational complexity O(2Nit·NlogN), where Nit is the number of iterations sufficient for achieving a required reconstruction accuracy, which practically does not exceed 100.

a) b) Figure 4. A texture image of extremely low sparsity (a) and its DCT spectrum (b, white dots) The described method can find applications in other computational imaging tasks as well. One immediate example is computed tomography. In quite frequent cases, when body slice occupies only a fraction of the area of entire image, the SCS-method can be used for implementation of the direct Fourier method of image reconstruction from projections. For this, samples of Fourier spectra of projections should be placed in their corresponding nodes of a regular sampling grid keeping zeros in the other nodes and then iterative reconstruction should be run, applying, at each iteration, zeroing in the area of image domain, which is known to be empty, and replacing in Fourier domain spectra samples with corresponding initial samples of spectra of projections.

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