A Solution to Smoluchowski's Coagulation Equation ...

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Jan 18, 2015 - 2 Department of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Voronezh State ... and Mathematical Modeling, Voronezh State Technical University,.
Modern Applied Science; Vol. 9, No. 2; 2015 ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

A Solution to Smoluchowski’s Coagulation Equation Based on Experimental Data and a Model to Describe the Frequency of Particle Collisions Svetlana B. Zueva1,2, Alexander N. Ostrikov2, Victor I. Ryazhskikh3 & Francesco Vegliò1 1

Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of l’Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy


Department of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Voronezh State University of Engineering, Voronezh, Russian Federation 3

Department of Higher Mathematics, Physical and Mathematical Modeling, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russian Federation Correspondence: Svetlana B. Zueva, Department of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Voronezh State University of Engineering, Revolution avenue 19, Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation. Tel: 7-393-462-104-194. E-mail: [email protected] Received: September 26, 2014 doi:10.5539/mas.v9n2p260

Accepted: November 3, 2014

Online Published: January 18, 2015

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/mas.v9n2p260

Abstract Use of coagulants in treatment of wastewater from food industry is one of the most promising techniques to establish environment-friendly industries. To date, however, the coagulation process is not yet fully described in a manner which is conducive to practical applications and results. In fact, the coagulation process theoretical basis, i.e. the classical Smoluchowski’s equation published in 1916, is so complex to solve that virtually no practical application exists in the field of applied chemistry. This article illustrates the Authors’ endeavor to overcome this impasse. This has been achieved by constructing a mathematical model of the guiding force in the phenomenon, i.e. the frequency of particles collisions, and then utilizing this model to define, starting from Smoluchowski’s equation, a function which describes both the coagulation and sedimentation processes depending on space (vertical coordinate z) and the concentration of coagulant. This study can be considered as the first step of a methodology of practical application of the Smoluchowski’s equation to process and equipment design. Keywords: dispersed systems, Smoluchowski’s equation







1. Introduction Wastewater from food industry can be considered as a dispersed system (suspension), i.e. a heterogeneous system in which particles are dispersed in a continuous phase. Agglomeration of particles occurs during purification with coagulants, resulting in both coagulation and sedimentation. The classic equation by Smoluchowski (Smoluchowski, 1916) spells the theoretical basis of the coagulation process. Its practical application, however, is limited because of the complexity of its solution. In particular, the lack of a mathematical model for the collisions in the dispersed phase, which is the guiding force in the phenomenon, has been so far a real bottleneck. To date researchers do not agree on how to overcome this difficulty. The authors of this paper are of the opinion that the definition of a model for the collisions is crucial in order to make significant progress. Indeed, most research conducted so far has consisted in the effort of finding numerical solutions to the equation by means of theoretical approaches (Filbet and Laurencot, 2004; Qamar and Warnecke, 2007) using the homotopy perturbation method (Yэldэrэm and Kocak, 2011) or stochastic particle method (Kolodko et. al, 1999). Some other study deals with the Smoluchowski equation with constant (Kostoglou, 2005) or time-varying kernel (Moseley, 2007). A popular method for the study of aggregation dynamics, is Brownian Dynamics Simulations (BDS) (Sauer et. al, 1996: Kelkar et. al., 2013; Struckmeier, 2005). 260


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The authors’ approach, as documented in this paper, consisted in using the experimental data obtained in previous research (Zueva et. all., 2013) to construct a mathematical model. 2. Construction of Mathematical Model 2.1 The Frequency of Collisions Function The following assumptions were made: 1. That in volume L3, at the time t=0, be N particles characterized by volume vi. 2. That distance between particles is much grander than particles’ size. 3. That characteristic time between collisions of particles with each other be τ . 4. That collisions of pairs of particles be much more numerous than collisions among grander number of particles (three or more), so that consideration shall be given only to collisions of pairs. 5. That the time of interaction of particles tin (i.e. the time from the initial interaction to the time when a new particle with new properties comes into existence) is much shorter than τ . 6. That system concentration is low, so that particles are distributed randomly. This assumption justifies considering a stochastic (Marc) process of collision. Based on the above assumptions the experimental data allowed defining an initial calculation of number of particles in the sample, as follows: C0 , m-3 ρ0 v0


1 where v0 = π l03 , m3 6


n0 =

in which С0 (1480.10-3 mg/L) is average content of solid residue, ρ 0 (2.7.103 g/cm3) is average density, l0 (3.54 μm) is average size of suspended particles (Zueva et. al., 2013).

n0 =

6 C0 6 ⋅1480 ⋅10−3 = = 2.359 ⋅1013 π ρ0 l03 3.14 ⋅ 2.7 ⋅103 ( 3.54 ⋅10−6 )3

To analyze experimental data (Table 1) the Smoluchowski coagulation equation was applied (Smoluchowski, 1916): ∞


∂φ (v, t ) 1 =  β (v − v1 , v1 )φ (v − v1 , t )φ (v1 , t )dv1 − φ (v, t )  β (v, v1 )φ (v1 , t )dv1 ∂t 20 0


where t is the current time; v is particle volume; φ (v, t ) is density function of particles distribution depending on particle volume; β is the coagulation kernel, which governs the time rate at which particles aggregate. After integration according to v within the interval from 0 to ∞ , (1) takes the following form: ∞

∂n(t ) 1 =−  ∂t 20

 β (v, v )φ (v , t )φ (v, t )dv dv . 1





Introducing the dimensionless variables x = v / v0 , τ = [n0 − n(t )] / n0 , where v0 =

1 v φ (v, 0)dv is an average n0 0

( 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1) .

particle volume in the initial time, τ age of spectrum

Assuming that β 0 = β = const is a function of particle frequency collision. Assuming that the number of particles N at time t is equal to: ∞

N ( t ) =  v φ ( v, t ) dv 0




Modern Applied Science

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Table 1. Kinetics of coagulation process in wastewater of dairy plant with different doses of aluminum sulfate t, s 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120

10 μl/L l, μm l3, μm 3 . -6 3.54 10 4.44.10-17 . -6 3.54 10 4.44.10-17 . -6 3.54 10 4.44.10-17 . -5 1.00 10 1.00.10-17 . -5 2.80 10 2.19.10-14 . -4 1.19 10 1.68.10-12 . -4 2.50 10 1.56.10-12 . -4 4.12 10 6.99.10-11 . -4 4.66 10 1.01.10-10 . -4 4.80 10 1.10.10-10 . -4 4.80 10 1.10.10-10

30 μl/L l, μm l3, μm 3 . -6 3.54 10 4.44.10-17 . -6 3.60 10 4.66.10-17 . -6 3.60 10 4.66.10-17 . -5 3.40 10 3.93.10-14 . -4 3.00 10 2.70.10-11 . -4 8.31 10 5.74.10-10 . -3 1.31 10 2.25.10-9 . -3 1.57 10 3.87.10-9 . -3 1.64 10 4.41.10-9 . -3 1.65 10 4.49.10-9 . -3 1.65 10 4.49.10-9

50 μl/L l, μm l3, μm 3 . -6 3.54 10 4.44.10-17 3.54.10-6 4.44.10-17 3.60.10-6 4.66.10-17 3.70.10-5 5.06.10-14 1.06.10-4 1.19.10-12 3.30.10-4 3.59.10-11 5.10.10-4 1.33.10-10 7.42.10-4 4.08.10-10 8.50.10-4 6.14.10-10 8.80.10-4 6.81.10-10 8.90.10-4 7.05.10-10

Than the average volume of particles at the time t is: N (t )

v (t ) =

n (t )



As the total volume of particles does not change (we can assume in first approximation) we can divide it by n0 : v (t ) =

N ( t ) / n0 n ( t ) / n0


v (t )



v0 1−τ


We can therefore conclude that the following formula gives the average volume of particles in function of time (t): 1  1  v ( t ) = v0 1 + n0 β 0 t  = ν 0 +ν 0 n0 β 0 t , 2  2 


Plotting experimental data as shown in Figure 1, i.e. considering a cubed dimension on the y axis, the data show a linear dependence ( y = a ⋅ x + b ), that is, regressive equations which can be calculated using the method of least squares. The task is significantly simplified if to take into account the slope coefficient only, the reciprocal value of which will be

1 1 1 n0 β 0 ( = n0 β 0 ): a 2 2

β0 =

2 n0 a


Which we shall call the Frequency of Collision Function We need to define the coefficient a in Eq. (9). We will do this as follows. We have a linear equations and we have to find coefficients a and b with the condition n

ε ( a, b ) =  ( yэ1 − yTi ) → min 2


i =1

i.e. n

ε ( a, b ) =   yэi − ( a ⋅ xi + b )  → min . 2

i =1




50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

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l3, μm 109


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y = 1.095x - 57.66

2 3

y = 0.1671x - 10.067 y = 0.0291x - 1.8022 60








100 t, s

Figure 1. Kinetics of the coagulation process in the form of inverse relationship. Aluminum sulfate dosage: 1 – 10 μl/L; 2 – 30 μl/L; 3 – 50 μl/L To define a and b we write the following equations system:  ∂ ( a, b ) = 0;   ∂a   ∂ε ( a, b ) = 0,  ∂b


This is equal to a minimization condition. Expanding this system: ∂ε ( a, b ) ∂a



n 2 ∂ n ∂  yэi − ( a xi + b )  =   yэi − ( a xi + b )  =   ∂a i =1 i =1 ∂a



i =1

i =1

=  2  yэi − ( a xi + b )  ( − xi ) = −2 ( yэi xi − a xi − b xi ) = 0;



thus, n  n 2   n 2   xi  a +   xi  b =  yэi xi ; i =1  i =1   i =1   n n  x  a + n b = yэi .  i    i =1 i =1 

n  n  Δ = n xi2 −   xi  i =1  i =1 



n  n  n  Δ a = n yэi xi −   yэi    xi  i =1  i =1   i =1 

 n  n   n  n  Δ b =   xi2   yэi  −   xi    yэi xi  .  i =1  i =1   i =1   i =1 

(15) (16)

Δa Δb ; b= . Δ Δ We will conduct a calculation according to the condition that y → t , x → l 3 . Since the order t and l 3 is different, we will apply a system of dimensions of minutes (t/60) and 0.1 mm. Results of calculations are presented in Table 2.

Consequently a =



Modern Applied Science

Vol. 9, No. 2; 2015

2.2 The Coagulation and Sedimentation Function Information on the value of the frequency of collision enables us to describe the simultaneous processes of coagulation and sedimentation. In order to do this we shall examine a one-dimensional case (z coordinate). The left hand side of Smoluchowski’s equation (1) in this case shall contain a divergent operator, as follows: ∂φ ( z,v,t ) ∂t

∂ uφ ( z , v, t )  = ∂z 


1 β ( v − v1 , v1 )φ ( z , v − v1 , t ) φ ( z, v1 , t ) dv1 − φ ( z, v, t )  β ( v, v1 ) φ ( z , v1 , t ) dv1 2 0 0 in which u is the speed of sedimentation. =


If we assume that u = u0 = const (value of u0 taken from experimental data), then the equation (11) again admits integration according to v within the scale from 0 to ∞ , which leads the equation in the form: ∂n ( z,t )

− u0

∂n ( z , t )

∂t ∂z with a differential equation as a result:


∂N ( Z , Θ ) ∂Θ

1 2 0

 β ( v, v ) φ ( z, v , t )φ ( z, v, t ) dv dv 1





∂N ( Z , Θ ) ∂Z

= −N 2 ( Z , Θ)


in which:


1 n0 β 0 z / u0 2


1 n0 β 0 t 2 N ( Z , Θ ) = n ( z, t ) / n0 with the initial boundary condition Θ=


N ( Z , 0 ) = N ( 0, Θ ) = 1


Introducing the new variable M defined as follows:

M ( Z , Θ) = 1 N ( Z , Θ)


then (19) and (22) take the form: ∂M ( Z , Θ ) ∂Θ

∂M ( Z , Θ ) ∂Z



M ( Z , 0 ) = M ( 0, Θ ) = 1


Applying Laplace’s transformation to (23) and (24) according to Θ variable: dM L ( Z , s ) dZ

+ sM L ( Z , s ) = 1 +

M L (0, s) =

1 s

1 s

(26) (27)

in which s, M L are Laplace’s real numbers Θ and M . Solving (26) and (27) by Cauchy: 1 1 1 M L ( Z , s ) = + 2 − 2 exp ( − s Z ) s s s


M ( Z,Θ ) = 1 + Θ − ( Θ − Z ) ⊥ ( Θ − Z ) .


the original of which is:



Modern Applied Science

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The above is the solution of Eq. (24) and Eq. (25), in which ⊥ ( Θ − z ) is the Heaviside step function.

Considering M ( Z , Θ ) and N ( Z , Θ ) , recalling Eq. (23), the description of coagulation and sedimentation takes the following form: N ( Z , Θ) =

1 . 1+ Θ − (Θ − Z ) ⊥ (Θ − Z )


Which we shall call the Coagulation and Sedimentation Function (CSF) (Figure 2).



Z Figure 2. Graphic rendering of Coagulation and Sedimentation Function (obtained by using MAPLE) Given h as the height of a coagulation and sedimentation zone (from experiment) then the dimensionless operator Zh is known and the average concentration throughout the height can be calculated as follows: N (Θ) =

1 Zh


Zh − Θ  1  ln (1 + Θ ) + 1 + Θ  ,  h 

 N ( Z , Θ )dZ = z 0


where 1 (32) n0 β 0 h / u0 . 2 In our experiment, waste water was treated with dosage of coagulant 10 μl/l and h was equal to 0,15 m. Consequently, the value of Z h was: Zh =

1 2.359 1013 1.8310−13 0.15 / 0.01 = 32.3 2 Results of calculations are presented in Table 2. Zh =

Table 2. The values of l, u0 , β 0 and Z h calculated with the above formulas Coagulant dosage, μl/L 10 30 50

l, μm 454 786 642

u0 , m/s 0.01 0.03 0.02

β 0 , m3/s


1.83 10 0.08 10-13 0.71 10-13

Zh 32.33 0.45 6.25

3. Conclusions

This research has defined two functions: the Frequency of Particle Collision β 0 , Eq. (9) and the Coagulation and Sedimentation Function N ( Z , Θ ) Eq. (30). 265


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In designing a treatment process, the value of β 0 can be calculated utilizing the expression Eq. (9) and filling in experimental data. Once β 0 is determined, filling it in the Coagulation and Sedimentation Function Eq. (30) results in a description of the coagulation and sedimentation processes which can be usefully applied to equipment design. Reference

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