The ecology of winter-active collembolans and spiders. Aquilo Series Zoologica 24: 83-89. Barry, T.W. 1962. Effects of late seasons on Ariantic Brant reproduc-.
Purported correlations between breeding productivities of arctic geese: a statistical artifact without implication for waders L.G. Underhill Underhill,L.G. 1993. Purportedcorrelationsbetweenbreedingproductivities of arctic geese:a statisticalartifactwithoutimplication for waders. WaderStudyGroupBull.70: 19-21.
formed. So de Boer& Drent can onlyclaimis that their overallsignificancelevel lies somewhereabove 0.05
De Boer& Drent(WaderStudyGroupBulletin55:11 17, 1989) triedto showthattherewere unexpectedly manycorrelationsin breedingperformancebetween arcticbreedinggeese. In thisnote,it is shownthattheir statisticalargumentwas flawed. Therefore,the notion thatthat there is a worldwidesynchronyin breeding productivity of arcticgoosepopulations mustbe regardedas unproven.
and below10.5 (=210x 0.05) (butbecauseprobabilities havean upperlimitof one, theirsignificancelevel is between0.05 and one). One way outof thisproblemis to use a conservativeapproach,the so-calledBonferronimethod,and to dividethe requiredsignficancelevel by the numberof testsbeingperformed(Beal & Khamis 1991). In this case, the correlationswouldeach need to be testedat the 0.05/210=0.000238significance levelso thatthe overallsignificancelevelis definitely
De Boer & Drent(1989) attemptedto demonstrate correlations betweenthe breedingproductivity of 21 populationsof arctic-breeding geese. They allegedthat there were significant(P