2015 IEEE IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT’15)
A Steps Towards Renewable Energy Via Solar Energy 1
Prashant kumar 2N.Pramod, 3M.Dipak,4P.Jotiram,5K.Vaibhav and 6J.Ravindra 1,2,3,4,5&6
Department of Electrical Engineering Assistant Professor, 2,3,4,5&6 BE Students AMGOI Kolhapur, India
[email protected]
only the energy corresponding to the band gap is used. The reminder of energy is dissipated as heat in body of solar cell.
Abstract— The main motive of this paper is to simulate the model of PV array/module using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Today there is development on modelling of photovoltaic system since more research is going on solar power. The several factors that affects the PV and IV characteristics of PV module are discussed in this paper (such as temperature and irradiance). Its effectiveness is shown by MATLAB/SIMULINK.
PV module represents the fundamental power conversion unit of a PV generator system. To extract electricity from photovoltaic cell power converters are required. This converter may be used to regulate the voltage and current at the load, to control power flow in grid connected system. The output PV and IV characteristics of PV module dependence on solar irradiance PV solar cell operating temperature and output voltage of PV module. PV output voltage changes mainly with temperature while PV output current changes mainly with irradiance. A recent study in Germany, of 21 PV systems in operation for 10 years, revealed that inverters contributed for 63% of failures, modules 15% and other components 23%, with a failure occurring, on an average, every 4.5 years [1]. The best way to utilize the electric energy produced by the PV array is to deliver it into AC mains directly, without using battery banks [1] [2].
Keywords—photovoltaic module (PV), MATLAB/SIMULINK, irradiance, temperature.
There are several reasons why PV solar power is such an attractive energy source. To begin with, it is extremely clean. Solar panels, which are typically guaranteed to perform for as long as 25 years, produce electricity without pollution or emission that can contribute to global warming. The most important advantage of solar energy is available for the free of cost.
In section II mathematical modelling and circuit diagram of PV cell is shown. In section III simulation model is presented for equation. The simulation results are discussed in section IV and finally the conclusion of modeling process is in section V.
Optical wavelengths radiated by the sun reaches to the earth surface. In one day 164 watt per square meter energy of sun is incident on the earth that is our earth receive about 84 terawatt of power but our current demand is 12 terawatt. Over the past decade, PV technology has shown the potential by robust and continuous growth even during times of financial crisis. At the end of 2009, the worlds PV cumulative installed capacity was approaching 23 GW. Now days it is increased more than 69 GW witch produce 85 TWh of electricity every year [15]. For collection of this energy we require a solar panel. The amount of energy collected by such type of panel depends on orientation of the collector panel and its angle with respect to sun. The operation of solar cell can be explained by the photoelectric effect. When photon strike on material the energy of photon is used for liberation of loose bounded electrons which result in the generation of the current. The material used for manufacturing of this panel is silicon.
A generalized PV system can be represented ideal current source in parallel with ideal diode which is known as ideal equivalent circuit of PV system. The current generated by current source is constant under constant temperature constant incident radiation of light .An individual PV cell produces power output up to 1 to 2 watt. The most common model used to predict energy production in photovoltaic system modeling is single diode circuit model. This model offers a good compromise between simplicity and accuracy with the basic structure consisting of a current source and a parallel diode. The equivalent circuit model of a PV cell is needed in order to simulate its real behaviour. Two resistances, Rs and Rp are included to model the contact resistances and the internal PV cell resistance respectively. A PV system naturally exhibits nonlinear I-V and P-V characteristics which vary with the radiant intensity and cell temperature.
Photo voltaic cell is a main device of PV system which is grouped to form PV panel or PV array. Photovoltaic system directly converts solar energy into electricity. To convert sun energy into electrical energy solar cell has proved to be excellent. The solar radiation is composed of photons of different energies, and some are absorbed at the PN junction. Photons with energies lower than the band gap of the solar cell are useless and generate no voltage or electric current. Photons with energy superior to the band gap generate electricity, but
Poster Presentation/Session 1
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT’15)
Fig. 1. Equivalent electrical circuit of PV cell
The equation for output current of PV module is given as
(i) In figure 1, Iph represents the cell photocurrent while Rsh and Rse are shunt and series resistances respectively. The photocurrent of photovoltaic module is depends linearly on solar irradiation and is also influenced by temperature according to equation
Fig. 2. Simulink Model of PV Module
Fig. 2. Shows the simulation model of PV array/cell. The model accepts three inputs Vpv, insulation and operating temperature respectively and produces two outputs. These outputs are given to XY plotter which plots the P-V and I-V characteristics of the module. The model can also be used for analysis of all type of PV cell, module and array. A generalised model is simulated using the MATLAB/simulink for the validation of P-V and I-V characteristics.
(ii) Where Iph is photocurrent at nominal temperature and weather condition (25 0 c and1000W/m2). Current through shunt resistance is (iii) Module reverse saturation current
This PV model is implemented using MATLAB/Simulink. The parameters of model are calculated during execution using the equations .the module selected for this system is solkar which provides 37 Watt max. Power and has 36 series connected cells. The parameter specification of module is as shown in table 1.
(iv) The module saturation current (v) The current output of PV module is
(vi) Where VPV=VOC TABLE I
Rated power
37.08 w
Voltage at max. Power
16.56 v
Current at max. Power
2.25 A
Open circuit voltage
21.64 V
Short circuit current
2.55 A
Total no. Of cells in series
Total no. Of cells in parallel
Fig.3. Output V-I characteristics
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT’15)
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4]
[5] [6] [7] Fig.4. Output P-V characteristics
Fig.3 shows the V-I characteristics of PV module with constant temperature and varying irradiance. It is observed that PV output current varies drastically with irradiance condition. Also the fig.4 shows the P-V characteristics with varying irradiance and constant temperature the output power and current of PV module is depends on models terminal voltage , temperature and irradiance .the graphs shows that as the irradiance is increases the output current and output voltage is increases so the net power of the module is increases at constant temperature .
[11] [12]
In this paper PV module and array developed and presented based on mathematical expression by using MATLAB/Simulink. The important input parameter such as Voc, Isc, Ns, Tc and G are taken from manufacturer data sheet. This model shows the effects of changing different solar cell parameters in terms of V-I and P-V characteristics. The model has excellent accuracy in generating I-V and P-V curve.
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