A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction of New ...

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Employee Job satisfaction is the crucial factor for any organization especially for policy .... satisfaction in terms of the ability of the supervisor to provide emotional and technical support and guidance ... know very well about their job description.
International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow

Vol. 2 No. 11

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction of New Zealand Dairy Products BD Ltd. Bejon Kumar Bhowmick, BMG, University of Virginia, C-Ville, USA and American International University, Bangladesh Nurul Islam, Department of Business Administration, The American International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dipan Kumar Saha, Abu Bakar Siddique, Abdul Kader Nazmul,

Abstract Employee Job satisfaction is the crucial factor for any organization especially for policy making and achieving goal. In this study, we focused on dairy Industry as it is directly related with our nutrition event and indirectly contributing for economic health. It seems that in some sectors (Gender balance, age and training) the organization is lack lustrous where as , the over all satisfaction level is good. So the study focuses to find out and detect the drawbacks and direct needs for the organization development as a model. The study also tried to treasure out hidden feelings of the employees and contrasted those with standards. Certainly, company management will be benefitted from present study that we explained in discussions and conclusions. The study additionally focused contemporary socio cultural aspects rather than overwhelming others aspects.

1. Introduction It is said that the happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are. Logic would dictate that the most satisfied (“happy”) workers should be (hypothetical) the best performers and vice versa. According to P. Fieldman and Arnold (1983) stated that satisfaction will be defined as amount of overall positive affect that individuals have towards their jobs. According to Andrew Brin (1991) “Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. Weiss and colleagues (1967), however, identified a set of twenty aspects that affect satisfaction from one's job. These are: Ability utilization, Achievement, Activity, ISSN: 2249-9962



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Advancement, Authority, Company policies and practices, Compensation, Co-workers, Creativity, Independence, Moral values, Recognition, Responsibility, Security, Social service, Social status, Supervisionhuman relations, Supervision-technical, Variety and Working conditions. Bhattacharya, A (2011) . Questions can relate to rates of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities, the work itself, and co-workers. People who are dissatisfied with their job the situation becomes deteriorating. So, the Job Satisfaction of employees in the organization can be viewed as an important aspect from organizational, managerial and technical points of views. Organization can consider this parameter (Job satisfaction) as Tangible ways in which it benefits the organization include reduction in complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. The key aspect of the trust of organization depends on confidence, honesty, concern for employee interest, limitations and respect and these will never come if Job satisfaction does not come. PSS and NLSA (2009). Specter (1997) states that individuals who dislike their jobs could experience negative health effects that are either psychological or physical. Dairy sector of Bangladesh is playing an important role in Bangladesh Economy. This country needs 7.227 million ton milk calculating 120ml per head. Out of which we produced only 2.686 million ton and met up our requirement by importing 52 thousand ton milk power from abroad. Therefore we focused on such sector by taking note on a leading firm NZDP (New Zealand Product Bangladesh Ltd.) intents to enter the specialized product segment of milk market in Bangladesh. It will be a great opportunity to learn about the milk industry and its HR policies for employees especially in job satisfaction. This study also helps us to understand the employees demand or dilemmas that an organization has to face in case of running the organization smoothly. This also elaborates the motivational factors that lead to job satisfaction and actual scenario which is collected through a questionnaire. The main objective of preparing this report is to identify job satisfaction for employees in NZDP that lead to the organizational success. From the main objective we can bring out the following specific objectives: identifying the present job satisfaction, motivational activities, and benefits related with performance, organizational operations and the supervisors. The present study aims at analyzing significance of the components in job-satisfaction.

2. Methodology & Data Sources The primary data has been collected from structured questionnaire and face to face interview. The secondary data has been collected from their annual reports and from web sites. A four persons team worked to retrieved the data inside tactically even from psychological view points or outside from the job territory to reflect the actual scenario.

3. Results and Analytical Discussion The study mainly focuses on several questions to figure out the job satisfaction. Combined correlation reveals that variety, social status, supervision (both humanitarian and technical), security, including working conditions, company policies and practices are the least contributing aspects to the overall satisfaction .Dissatisfactions come with organizational negligence , getting chance to interact with customers, work-life save the pay package in comparison with their workload, prevailing 'bossism', unfair promotional policy etc. Bhattacharya, A (2011). In our case , we found that gender attribute is keeping minor correlation (0.31) with total satisfaction (0.61) .On the other hand, age attributes are raised (14.8) From Fig-1, it seems early ages are honeymoon time and gradually responsibility and risk arises and in after parts it turns stagnancy with extended experiences. In this study, it maintains that employee satisfaction within the first 3 years of employment remains up and gradually declined until 10 years and then stabilized ; almost similar trend with Oshagbemi (2003). Research conducted by Mottaz (1988) amongst nurses in the USA found a significant increase in job satisfaction with length of time on the job. Sarker et al (2003) states that longer tenure in a job may lead to boredom and lower levels of job satisfaction. On the other hand, Clark et al (1996) stated that maintaining longer tenure does not necessarily lead to increased levels of job satisfaction. Oshagbemi (2003) cited several reasons for the variance in job satisfaction between older and younger workers. Mottaz‟s view is that younger workers are generally more dissatisfied than older employees because they demand more than their jobs can provide are contrasting with our study. We compared also NZ dairy with Nezaam, L (2005). For both cases it seems early ages are honeymoon time and gradually responsibility and risk arises and in after parts it turns stagnancy. Studies conducted with regard to the relationship between gender and job satisfaction have resulted contradictory outcome with us Chiu (1998). A study conducted by Murray and Atkinson (1981) investigating gender differences in determinants of job satisfaction, reflected that females focuses more importance to social factors, while males place greater value on pay, advancement and other extrinsic aspects. However, Donohue and Heywood (2004) could not prove gender satisfaction differences in a study conducted amongst young American and British employees. In present study gender differences can have an effect on the relationship between job dimensions and job satisfaction, but that it does not have a direct impact on job satisfaction. But noticeable that, female attendees are remarkably lower in NZ dairy than that of USA or India. To analyze it is whether from HR defect of not? The fig 1(b) is showing that similar pattern is in Middle East even they have many MNC with up ISSN: 2249-9962



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lifted HR policy. So, it assumes that may be due to socio religious factor degrades female participants. We cannot consider others factors as similar territory -India is showing more participants.

Fig 1(a);r=14.8

Note: Fig 1(b) r=0.31: Report from labor bureau statistics, 2001

On the premise of empirical results and foregone discussion thereon, it might be concluded that age is not a factor affecting job-satisfaction Bhattacharya, A (2011). According to Robbins (1993), employees prefer jobs that present them with opportunities to execute their competencies on a variety of tasks and that are mentally stimulating. Robbins et al. (2003) posits that jobs that are unchallenging lead to boredom and frustration. Contrary to the above, Johns (1996) is of the opinion that some employees prefer jobs that are unchallenging and less demanding. Research conducted by Vitell and Davis (1990) which involved employees in a management information system environment, found a statistically significant relationship between job satisfaction and the dimension of work and position itself. Oshagbemi (1997); Ruthankoon & gunlana, (2003).

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In our case, (from Fig 2), it seems F/A and marketing are showing peak and higher positions are showing gloomy; can be due to stress and responsibility. According to Hanes (2007), Xavier J. Webb (2012) . Job satisfactions vary with Job levels. Satisfaction surveys reflect that a positive relationship prevails between job level and job satisfaction Cherrington (1994). Higher levels of job satisfaction are usually reported by individuals occupying higher level positions in organizations as they offer better remuneration, greater variety, more challenge and better working conditions Cherrington, (1994). In support of the above, Allen (2003) postulates that job satisfaction is strongly linked to an employee‟s position within the company. These results are showing contrast with our findings for NZ dairy where no correlation with job level and satisfaction (Fig 2). Robie et al (1998) are showing similar results with us. However results of (Jacobson et al (1959) showing that status level correlated with job satisfaction. Sufficient promotional opportunities depend on the relationship with co- workers that are friendly, and they find their job secured, their supervisors are cooperative and they feel that they can grow living within the organizations, than their level of motivation is very high. When Pearson Correlation was calculated for determining the relationship between motivation and satisfaction and along its relationship with reward and recognition we found very interesting results for over all job satisfaction. The relationship is strong with motivational opportunities. Relationship between co-workers is significantly correlated between coworkers but not between works itself and recognition. From Fig3 (a), in the last six months, 46% employees are agree that they have received recognition for their performance. 33% employees are neutral on this question, it means sometimes they have received or sometimes they did not.

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7% employees are strongly agreed that they have received recognition for their work. Rest of the employees 7% + 7% = 14% are happy with praise for doing good work. However, employees of the IFIC, BGD employees are relatively low satisfactions with their supervision 72% but above the average. Khan, Z (2010). From Fig 3(b), ISSN: 2249-9962



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54% employees are agreeing with the question that superior are more caring to the juniors while they are at work. 20% employees are strongly agreed with the question. They have got best support from their seniors. 13% employees are neutral. None of them is disagreeing. But rest 13% employees are strongly disagreeing on this question. They said they never get any kind of help or instruction at work from superior. Our study for fig 3 (b) is showing almost similar pattern with two others organizations from discrete locations. It means that NZ dairy may in good shape for this parameter. The relationship between employees and their immediate boss is thought to be one of the most important aspects of the work environment and a key component of job satisfaction, retention and turn over. Quality of supervision is the degree to which employee feel values by their supervisors; key elements of this relation is respect, recognition, fairness and open communication. In the survey, quality of supervisions refers to interpersonal relationships and reflects the work, skills and knowledge of supervisors. The employee stays longer if they are pride for their employers and thus their productivity increased and offer extra assistances to others in the work place. PSS and NLSA (2009). Supervision forms a pivotal role relating to job satisfaction in terms of the ability of the supervisor to provide emotional and technical support and guidance with work related tasks Robbins et al. (2003). According to Ramsey (1997), supervisors contribute to high or low morale in the workplace. The supervisor‟s attitude and behavior toward employees may also be a contributing factor to job-related complaints Sherman & Bohlander, (1992). A study conducted by Packard and Kauppi (1999) found that employees with supervisors displaying democratic management styles experienced higher levels of job satisfaction compared to those who had supervisors who exhibited autocratic or liaises – faire leadership styles. From Fig 3(c), we found that 53% employees are agreed that the organization count their opinion at work. 27% employees are neutral, it means some times organization take their opinion or some time the decision took by the top level management. 13% employees are disagreeing on this question. May be organization did not took their opinion on any kind of decision making. 7% employees are strongly agreed with the question. They said their opinion count as a most important judgment. May be they are top level executive. None of the employees are strongly disagree with the questionnaire. From Fig3 (e), 52% employees are agreed with question that there is always someone at work who are always encourage others employees development. 27% employees are neutral on this question. But 7% employees are strongly agreed with the question. 7% employees are disagreeing and 7% employees are strongly disagreeing with the questionnaire. Flynn (1998) argued that rewards and recognition programs keep high spirits among employees, boosts up their morale and create a linkage between performance and motivation of the employees. Baron (1983) argued that when they recognize and acknowledge the employees in terms of their identification, their working capacity and performance is very high. Deeprose (1994) is of the view that “Good managers recognize people by doing things that acknowledge their accomplishments and they reward people by giving them something tangible. From Fig 3(d), 40% of the employees are agreed on this question of progress evaluation and, 40% employees are disagreed. But, 20% employees are neutral. On the other hand none of the employees are strongly agreed or strongly disagree. In this study, it is showing that the present organizations is not accelerated for this effective event even it is essential criteria for productivity. Employees always want to feel free to express their opinion. But the top management some times doesn‟t want to listen what they want to say. But they should listen what the mid and entry level employee want to say. It will improve the productivity and mutual understanding between the executive and the management. Half of employees have the material and equipment they need to do their work properly. It implies that there is a perfect blend to job design. The survey shows that, 33% employees are strongly agree that they know very well about their job description. 60% employees are moderately agreed that they concern about their job description. In this particular question none of the employee disagreed or strongly disagreed. Maximum numbers of employees think they have some sort of opportunity to improve their skill. But they are not satisfied with this opportunity. They want more strategic issue which will improve their productivity. As the productivity increase company gain profit on the other hand employee gets more salary. Fig 5(a): Our results is prettey similar in trend wit reagrd to a contrast of an West. In Fig 5(b), 53% employees are agreed with question that they have the material and equipment they need in order to do the work properly. But on the other hand 20% employees are disagreeing. In fig 5(c), 53% of the employees are agreed that they have the materials and equipments at work to learn and grow. 20% disagree and 7% employees are strongly disagreeing that they did not get any opportunity at work to learn and grow.

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The level of support employees have to meet their work related learning and the development needs. The survey examined job related training and the role employees have in supporting their own learning and development. Barrett and O‟Connell (1998) found that specific training had a bigger impact on wages and productivity than general training. Training may facilitate greater autonomy/initiative, improve pay and be associated with greater job security. From Fig, 33% employees are neutral it means sometimes they have got training facility or sometimes may not. 27% employees are strongly disagreeing with this training facility and 20% employees are disagreeing with the question. But none of the employees are strongly agreed with the question. That means in NZ dairy, training and development is not in focus.

In Fig 6, 60% employees are agreeing that they have a good job security in this organization. 27% employees are strongly agreed with this question that they have very good job security in this organization. But none of the ISSN: 2249-9962



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employees are disagreeing or strongly disagree with this question. Maximum percentage of employee feels their job is secured at NZDP. It is representing a good sign of reduced employee turnover at the head office. Unless and until employee breach any ethical or code of conduct. Job security is a major factor for job satisfaction Blanchflower, D., & Oswald, A (1999). According to ISSP, (1989) , in USA, 8 out of 9 employees voted that that job security is the main aspect of the job satisfaction and pulled it the peak most factor. Kreitner and Kinicki (2004) assume that motivation contains “those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed.” Motivation depends on certain intrinsic, as well as, extrinsic factors which in collaboration results in fully committed employees. Incentives, rewards and recognitions are the prime factors that impact on employee motivation. Vansteenkiste, (2005). The factors like incentives and rewards are the most preferred factors for employee

Fig 7 (a), 53% employees are neutral about current incentives that what they are getting from sales or from other incentives. 47% employees are satisfied with current incentives, and they said it help them for motivation. As silence can be sign of discontents. So, NZ Dairy needs to care on this for its greater productivity. Compensation generally refers to employee salaries, benefits and wage/salary increases but it also refers to organizational policies regarding pay. PSS and NLSA, (2009). From fig 7 (b), 38% of employees are disagreeing with the increment that is insufficient to provide their basic needs. 31% employees are neutral on this question. 15% employees say they are agree with what they are getting from the organization and it is full filling their basic needs and 8%employees are strongly disagreeing with the increment. It was measured with the help of two items from Job Diagnostic Survey by Hackman and Oldham (1974) which were on scale ranged from 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied). The items were “The amount of pay and fringe benefits I receive” and “The degree to which I am fairly paid for what I contribute to this company”. The survey seems employees are happy even fairly paid R., K., Danish (2010). Even good numbers are getting incentives, but, it is not sufficient. Because more than half of the respondents are neutral that current incentives are motivating. It could be mean that some of employee may be disagree with the statement or they don‟t want let disclose their dissatisfaction. There only sales target achievement incentive are available for each month available for sales team. Whereas employees a corporate office are availing two or three yearly incentives also based on yearly target achievement. These incentives are equivalent basic pay. But their incentive suggestions are like equivalent to gross, 100% attendance allowances, best employee of the month award, supervisor of the month award and the like. Fig 7 (c), it is showing different curvature from the satisfaction level. It can be the sign of

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fear factor may keeping role to be out spoken. Due to higher unemployment rate, employees dis-considered many impressions even those are likely to be.

From Fig 8 (a), 46% of the employees are committed to doing the quality work. They said as they are working why they don‟t maintain a standard or quality. Even 27% of the employees are strongly agreed for committed to doing quality work. 27% of the employees are neutral on this question. According to Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business, 1997, high-quality jobs exerted a direct effect on injuries and an indirect effect through the mediating influence of job satisfaction Barling et al (2003). Monitoring “job quality” is not easy, however, and the specification of what constitutes an adequate measure of job quality is still in abeyance. (Language will be changed) . The quality work on the determinants of job satisfaction indicates the central role of „adaptation‟ „, expectations‟ and „relative deprivation‟ (the concept of a reference level to compare with) in explaining job satisfaction Landy and Trumbo (1976). Advancement in career, congenial working conditions, friendly relationship with co-workers, and sense of achievement while on job, sound policies and practices in the organization, opportunity to utilize one's creativity in job, safeguard of moral values, and recognition of contributions to the organization. Bhattacharya, A,(2011). Work life balance refers to the relationship between work and the lives led by the employees out side the work place. The survey focused on the conflicts associated with between work and commitments outside the work place. Organization supports for achievement work life balance and general indicators of satisfaction with hours of the works and work life balance PSS and NLSA, (2009) From Fig 8 (b), 33% of the employees are agreed on this question. 33% of the employees are neutral. 20% of the employees are strongly agreed on this question. But 7% of the employees are disagreeing. It seems that majority are not happy indicates poor caring on this issue. Congenial work environment of course can improve the satisfaction level in employees, longer working hours with moderate pay package, however, neutralizes the up thrust in satisfaction. Cloutier & Vilhuber (2008). From ISSN: 2249-9962



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Fig8 (c), we found, 66% of the employees are happy with the working hours. They said the working hour is flexible for them. 20% of the employees are even strongly agreed with the question. So, it is satisfactory. The rationale may be company is providing satisfaction or they are reluctant to express. The first argument is more vital as outlook works are quality works. Some important distinctions about measuring work load including the difference between perceived and actual work load; the cyclic nature of work load and the difference between amount of works and level of difficulty PSS and NLSA, (2009). When employees are working in an flexible environment accuracy of work increases and monotony due to redundant work reduced a lot. In addition flexible working environment is also favorable for minority and woman employee. NZ dairy is showing moderate sentiment for this factor. Co worker relationship prevails when employees must cooperate and exchange tasks. Informal relationships are typically more personal and often take the form of friendships or affairs .Findings of a survey conducted by Madison (2000) on more than 21000 women occupying the most demanding jobs indicated that those participants, who lacked support from co-workers, were more likely to suffer from job dissatisfaction. Another survey conducted amongst 1250 Food Brand employees found that positive relationships with coworkers enhance job satisfaction Berta, (2005). Empirical evidence indicates that relationships with colleagues have consistently yielded significant effects on job satisfaction of federal government workers in the United States Ting (1997). Over all, We can Hypothesize the followings: Hypothesis (H1): There will be a significant relationship between physical attributes (gender, age) and job satisfaction amongst employees in NZ dairy. Hypothesis 2: There is remaining a significant relationship between awards, supervision and co-workers with job satisfaction amongst employees. Satisfaction with compensation is (r = 0.31), compare with those at training (r = 0.58), is loosely correlated with overall satisfaction. The reason can be because of employees doing not feel that can bring motivations. Although ob security is a significant contributor to job-satisfaction, in some cases in NZ dairy, it gives contradictory results. Consequently, the correlation between responsibility and overall satisfaction resembles with the activity levels. There was a significant relationship between recognition and work encouragement with satisfaction (r = 0.23) but at a low level. Analysis has shown a close relationship between several dimensions of work motivation and satisfaction but recognition along with work itself and operating procedures have shown low mean values and insignificant relationship. Employee‟s participation in the decision making process will made them more courageous and enthusiastic towards working in the organization. On the other side the periodically salary increments, allowances, bonuses, benefits and other compensations on regular and specific periods keeps their morale high and makes them more motivated. Thus, organization must care on those to set up mission and vision. There are certain limitations or constraints to the generalize ability of the study, for example, consideration of inflation rate and unemployment rate which helped to admit unhappiness, far factors etc. However, explain some good points. The results of this investigation are very advantageous for HR managers and for policy makers. The managers can provide cognition to employees in party or having an informal talk, saturate with them for some close moments or else others activities like as chatting about their families and others personal issues or social lives. Additionally, operating procedures should be smoothly materialized in a procedural way that is quite vital for employee encouragements. The managers should let the employees to take part in decision making so that they feel their opinion is evaluating for the plan development. Incentives, allowances, compensations and all benefits either periodic and/or for special occasions should be provided rightly so that they would not be exhausted. The shortcomings for this study is that: observational study may have produced noisy results as the level of motivation of employees may differ at certain duration and fear factor also considerable (fig 7 c). The number of female respondents in our study is declined contrasts to others scocio-cultural views suggest some improvement requirements for gross output; Notable that, the sample size used in the study is not large enough to figure out whole scenario. In conclusion, our study setting comprised of only narrow focus where as factory premise also need to be investigated so the results can be generalized widely. Another issue may not disposable, that is: it should take eye on social sentiment to make employees satisfied. As for example, it seems Japanese workers all feel they work hard and very loyal to their company. The company provides life time employment. They seem to feel the job is more important than their family and that they have to work hard for the company. The company in turn takes care of their family. Thus along with Job security, output raises. On the other hand, Americans seem to want hard work to be recognized, they expect more pay raise, or promotions than their coworkers‟ .If they are not evaluated, they become dissatisfied .Japanese companies promote team success. Loyalty to one‟s superiors who justified, and controlled. The superior/subordinate maintains vertical structure of the society. In west, in order to stay competitive, hard working, intelligent or skilled employee is more weighted than that of cherishing central supervisor solely. It keeps one to be educated and to continue to improve skills. Whatever, company must needs to measure employee satisfactions to achieve its target from any aspects. ISSN: 2249-9962



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