A Survey of Capillaria Hepatica in Household Rats ...

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In Baltimore, USA, Farhang-Azad. (1977) found 75% of .... In; Dynamics of infection among Norway rat populations of the Baltimore Zoo,. Baltimore, Maryland.
Journal of Veterinary Advances

A Survey of Capillaria Hepatica in Household Rats (Rattus Rattus) in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria Awoyomi O. J., Ajayi O. L., Falohun O. O., Kehinde O. O. and Jolayemi E. B.

J Vet Adv 2015, 5(7): 1046-1052 DOI: 10.5455/jva.20150709084502

Online version is available on: www.grjournals.com

ISSN: 2251-7685


Original Article

A Survey of Capillaria Hepatica in Household Rats (Rattus Rattus) in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria 1

Awoyomi O. J., 2Ajayi O. L., 1Falohun O. O., 1Kehinde O. O. and 3Jolayemi E. B. 1

Department of Veterinary Public Health and Reproduction, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 2 Department of Veterinary Pathology Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 3 Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan.

Abstract An analytical cross-sectional study on the prevalence of Capillaria hepatica infection in the household rat (Rattus rattus) population was performed. Seventy household rats (30 males and 40 females) were trapped using local snap traps from seven different locations, which include markets, livestock farms, households, student hostels, offices, shops and abattoir within Abeokuta metropolis. The prevalence study was performed using liver impression smear, gross and histopathological examinations. The parasite was observed in 36 (51.4%, 95%CI from 39 – 63%) rats. Out of the 30 (42.9%, 95%CI from 31 - 55) male rats, 14 (46.7%, 95%CI from 29 – 65%) were positive for C. hepatica, while 22 (55%, 95%CI 40 – 70%) out of the 40 (55%, 95%CI from 43 67) female rats were also positive for C. hepatica infection. Rats from the abattoir have highest prevalence of C. hepatica (70%) while rats from the student hostel had the least (20%). Presence of C. hepatica in rats was not sex dependent (P