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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016, pp. ... Category:Science and Technology. 530 ... Wireless sensor networks consist of small sensor nodes of non-rechargeable battery and deployed in distant ... A sensor node uses single hop communication technique to inter cluster.
Asian Research Consortium Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 223-234. ISSN 2249-7307

Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management www.aijsh.org

Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Services Industry: A Case Study of Private Universities in Karachi, Pakistan S. Nazneen Waseem*; Imran Umer Chhapra**; Shumaila Bhutto*** *Assistant Professor, Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan. **Department of Management Sciences, KASB Institute of Technology (KASBIT), Karachi, Pakistan. ***Institute of Business and Technology (IBT), Karachi, Pakistan.

Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze which factors have influence on the satisfaction of customers in service sector which can ultimately affects organization’s profitability. This study attempts to examine the relationship between students’ satisfaction and others variables such as service quality, empathy and customer relationship management. The investigation is conducted both from a theoretical and empirical point of view after conducting a pilot study, the instrument was administered to 100 under graduate and postgraduates who were selected based on random sampling from the four private universities of Karachi, Pakistan. The analysis started with descriptive analysis followed by regression, correlation and reliability analyses. The empirical results of the relationships in this study provide support for the Hishamuddin study (2008), which identified the factors contributing to the satisfaction of students. The results verify that service quality and empathy has significant impact on the students’ satisfaction level, while female were found to be more satisfied. The outcomes of the study also showed positive relationship among all the three explanatory variables and dependent variable.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Empathy, Customer relationship Management, Service Quality, Higher Education. ________________________________________________________________________________


Waseem et al. (2014). Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 223-234.

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