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Jan 14, 2015 - Jonnalagadda and Petitti [23], the first proposed applica- tion of text mining to screening in systematic reviews was in 2005 (though this was not ...
O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5


Open Access

Using text mining for study identification in systematic reviews: a systematic review of current approaches Alison O’Mara-Eves1, James Thomas1*, John McNaught2, Makoto Miwa3 and Sophia Ananiadou2

Abstract Background: The large and growing number of published studies, and their increasing rate of publication, makes the task of identifying relevant studies in an unbiased way for inclusion in systematic reviews both complex and time consuming. Text mining has been offered as a potential solution: through automating some of the screening process, reviewer time can be saved. The evidence base around the use of text mining for screening has not yet been pulled together systematically; this systematic review fills that research gap. Focusing mainly on non-technical issues, the review aims to increase awareness of the potential of these technologies and promote further collaborative research between the computer science and systematic review communities. Methods: Five research questions led our review: what is the state of the evidence base; how has workload reduction been evaluated; what are the purposes of semi-automation and how effective are they; how have key contextual problems of applying text mining to the systematic review field been addressed; and what challenges to implementation have emerged? We answered these questions using standard systematic review methods: systematic and exhaustive searching, quality-assured data extraction and a narrative synthesis to synthesise findings. Results: The evidence base is active and diverse; there is almost no replication between studies or collaboration between research teams and, whilst it is difficult to establish any overall conclusions about best approaches, it is clear that efficiencies and reductions in workload are potentially achievable. On the whole, most suggested that a saving in workload of between 30% and 70% might be possible, though sometimes the saving in workload is accompanied by the loss of 5% of relevant studies (i.e. a 95% recall). Conclusions: Using text mining to prioritise the order in which items are screened should be considered safe and ready for use in ‘live’ reviews. The use of text mining as a ‘second screener’ may also be used cautiously. The use of text mining to eliminate studies automatically should be considered promising, but not yet fully proven. In highly technical/ clinical areas, it may be used with a high degree of confidence; but more developmental and evaluative work is needed in other disciplines. Keywords: Text mining, Automation, Screening, Study selection, Review efficiency

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating (EPPI)-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2015 O’Mara-Eves et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

Background The problem: lack of precision in systematic searches

Systematic reviews are a widely used method to bring together the findings from multiple studies in a reliable way and are often used to inform policy and practice, such as guideline development [1,2]. Whilst they are often associated with medical research and randomised controlled trials, they can be used to address any research question using any relevant type of research [3]. A critical feature of a systematic review is the application of scientific methods to uncover and minimise bias and error in the selection and treatment of studies [4,5]. However, the large and growing number of published studies, and their increasing rate of publication, makes the task of identifying relevant studies in an unbiased way both complex and time consuming [6]. In order to minimise the impact of publication bias [7], reviewers make efforts to identify all relevant research for inclusion in systematic reviews. This has always been a challenging and time-consuming aspect of reviewing, but the challenge is growing due to the increase in the number of databases to search and the number of papers and journals being published; moreover, as recent work has suggested that there is an inbuilt North American bias in many major bibliographic databases (e.g. PubMed), a wide range of smaller databases needs to be searched in order to identify research for reviews that aim to maximise external validity [8]. In practice, this means adopting a multi-layered approach to searching which combines: extensive Boolean searches of electronic bibliographic databases, specialised registers and websites; with individual approaches to authors and key informants; and the following of ‘citation trails’ (identifying which papers are cited by a relevant study and which papers in turn cite the paper that it is reported in) [9]. Of these three approaches, searching databases yields around three quarters of the studies finally included [10]. Unfortunately, the specificity of sensitive electronic searches of bibliographic databases is low (for definitions of specificity, recall and other key metrics, see Table 1). Reviewers often need to look manually through many thousands of irrelevant titles and abstracts in order to identify the much smaller number of relevant ones [7]; a process known as screening. Reviews that address complex health issues or that deal with a range of interventions (e.g. a typical public health review might be concerned with ‘interventions to promote physical activity’) are often those that have the most challenging numbers of items to screen. Given that an experienced reviewer can take between 30 seconds and several minutes to evaluate a citation [11], the work involved in screening 10,000 citations is considerable (and the screening burden in some reviews is considerably higher than this) (see also [12]).

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Reviewers are thus faced with two competing demands. Reviews that are to be used to inform policy and practice often need to be completed to externally defined (often short) timetables within limited budgets; but in order for a review to be an accurate reflection of the state of knowledge in a given area, it needs to be comprehensive. The need to complete reviews to tight timescales has led (particularly in health technology assessments and other rapid reviews) to the adoption of highly pragmatic (and relatively specific) strategies to searching in order to limit the number of studies to screen—even though relevant research is probably missed because of this [16]. Limiting the recall of a search may undermine one of the most important principles of a systematic review: that its results are based on an unbiased set of studies. The key problem—which this paper aims to begin to address—is that there are currently no widely accepted alternative ways of dealing with this issue. Reviews are at risk of either limiting their searches to such a degree that the validity of their findings is questionable or of increasing the time and resources they require and thus risk being unable to inform policy and practice. Proposed ‘solution’: the (semi)-automation of screening

Broadly speaking, text mining is defined as the process of discovering knowledge and structure from unstructured data (i.e., text) [17,18]. In the context of finding research for inclusion in a review, we are interested in automated techniques of discovering whether a given study (described by a title and abstract) is relevant to our review [19,20]. There are two ways of using text mining that are particularly promising for assisting with screening in systematic reviews: one aims to prioritise the list of items for manual screening so that the studies at the top of the list are those that are most likely to be relevant; the second method uses the manually assigned include/exclude categories of studies in order to ‘learn’ to apply such categorisations automatically [19]; whilst the technologies to perform each may be similar, we separate them here as they are conceptually distinct. The prioritisation of relevant items may not appear to reduce workload (if all citations are to be screened manually anyway), but when there are large numbers of studies to screen manually, identifying most of the relevant ones quickly enables some members of a reviewing team to begin the next stages of the review, whilst the remainder of mostly irrelevant citations are screened by other team members. This reduces the time from review commencement to completion, even if the total workload remains the same. By reducing the burden of screening in reviews, new methodologies using text mining may enable systematic reviews to both: be completed more quickly (thus meeting exacting policy and practice timescales and increasing their cost efficiency); AND minimise the

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Table 1 Definitions of performance measures reported in the studies Measure


Recall (sensitivity)

22 Proportion of correctly identified positives amongst all real positives



18 Proportion of correctly identified positives amongst all positives.


F measure

10 Combines precision and recall. Values of β < 1.0 indicate precision is more important than recall, whilst values of β > 1.0 indicate recall is more important than precision

F β;k ¼


10 Area under the curve traced out by graphing the true positive rate against the false positive rate. 1.0 is a perfect score and 0.50 is equivalent to a random ordering



Proportion of agreements to total number of documents.


Work saved over sampling


The percentage of papers that the reviewers do not have to read because they have been screened out by the classifier

WSS at 95% recall ¼



Time taken to screen (usually in minutes)



The fraction of the total number of items that a human must screen (active learning)

Burden ¼



The fraction of items that are identified by a given screening approach (active learning)

Yield ¼



Relative measure of burden and yield that takes into account reviewer preferences for weighting these two concepts (active learning)

Baseline inclusion rate


The proportion of includes in a random sample of items before prioritisation or classification takes place. The number to be screened is determined using a power calculation

ni nt

Performance (efficiency)a


Number of relevant items selected divided by the time spent screening, where relevant items were those marked as included by two or more people

Selected; relevant items Time



The proportion of correctly identified negatives (excludes) out of the total number of negatives


True positives


The number of correctly identified positives (includes)


False negatives


The number of incorrectly identified negatives (excludes)




The ratio of positives in the data pool that are annotated during active learning


Unit cost




Expected time to label an item multiplied by the unit cost of the labeler (salary per unit of time), as calculated from their (known or estimated) salary

ðβ2 þ1ÞTPk Where β is a ðβ2 þ1ÞTPk þFPk þβ2 FNk value that specifies the relative importance of recall and precision.

TNþFN N−0:05

tpT þtpT þtpT þtpU þtpU N tpT þtpU tpT þtpU þfnU

β⋅yieldþð1 − burdenÞ βþ1

Where β is the user-defined weight

Where ni = number of items included in the random sample; nt = total number of items in the random sample

Where L refers to labelled

items and U refers to unlabelled items timeexpected × costunit

Proportion of disagreements to total number of documents 100P % − accuracy % P ðFPþFNÞ

Classification error




Total number of falsely classified items divided by the total number of items

Absolute screening reduction


Number of items excluded by the classifier that do not need to be manually screened


Prioritised inclusion rate


The proportion of includes out of the total number screened, after prioritisation or classification takes place

nip ntp


Where nip = number of items included in prioritised sample; ntp = total number of items in the prioritised sample

TP = true positives, TN = true negatives, FP = false positives, FN = false negatives. a Performance is the term used by Felizardo [13], whilst efficiency was used by Malheiros [14]. [Not used in the included studies, though worthy of note is the ‘G-mean’. This is the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity, and it is often used for a metric alternative to F score in evaluating classification on imbalanced datasets. G-mean evaluates the classification performance for classification labels, whilst AUC evaluates the classification performance for classification scores. Note that these metrics alone do not always reflect the goal in systematic reviews [15].

impact of publication bias and reduce the chances that relevant research will be missed (by enabling them to increase the recall of their searches). In turn, by

facilitating more timely and reliable reviews, this methodology has the potential to improve decision-making across the health sector and beyond.

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

The research problem

Whilst the logic behind applying text mining to the screening stage of systematic reviews has intuitive appeal, there are obvious concerns that might be raised by the systematic review community [21]. Firstly, there is not a lot of information about text mining written for systematic review audiences. The vast majority of papers on this topic are produced by computer scientists in journals and conference proceedings in the field of medical informatics or artificial intelligence. This means that they are not particularly accessible to systematic reviewers who need to make decisions about their review processes, both in terms of the level of technical detail presented in the reports and in the exposure such papers would have in systematic review communities. Secondly, for these technologies to achieve broad uptake, they should be accessible to systematic reviewers without the need for a computer scientist to write bespoke code or undertake custom processing of text for individual reviews. Specialist advice may be required, but it should be akin to the need for occasional specialist statistical advice, rather than being at the level of operating the text mining tools. Any implementation issues need to be identified and resolved before rolling such technologies out to the intended users. Thirdly, there are various ways in which workload could be reduced through these technologies (reducing number needed to screen; text mining as a second screener; increasing the rate (speed) of screening and improving workflow through screening prioritisation). However, not all technologies allow all types of workload reduction to be achieved. In order to make informed decisions about using such technologies, systematic reviewers need to know which technologies can be used for which workload reduction goal. Fourthly, systematic reviews are a relatively new area in which text mining technologies have been applied. Some of the assumptions of text mining technologies in other applications do not hold when transferred to the review context. For instance, systematic reviewers generally place strong emphasis on high recall—that is, a desire to identify all the relevant includable studies—even if that means a vast number of irrelevant studies need to be considered to find them. When applied in other areas, precision (reducing the number of irrelevant items) and accuracy (correctly classifying items as relevant or irrelevant) are typically more valued. To be acceptable to the systematic review community, new technologies must address the particular challenges and demands of this context (We should also note at this point that we have no guarantee of perfect recall even with current methods, as search strategies are tailored to the resource available to screen results, and humans are likely to make mistakes during their manual sifting through records.). Finally, the methods, their relative success and the metrics used to evaluate them have not yet been pulled

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together in a systematic way; this current study aims to fill that research gap. Aims and research questions of the review

The primary aim of this review is to gather and present the available research evidence on existing methods for text mining related to the title and abstract screening stage in a systematic review, including the performance metrics used to evaluate these technologiesa. The purpose of this is to inform systematic reviewers of the current state of text mining methods for use in reducing workload at the screening stage, with a consideration of the potential benefits and challenges when implementing such technologies. Whilst we have explored the more technical aspects of text mining technologies in our data extraction, the intended audience of this paper are users of the technologies rather than computer scientists, and so technical issues are largely dealt with at a conceptual level. Following directly from the research problem as delineated above, we looked to answer the following questions: 1. What is the state of the evidence base related to automating (or semi-automating) the screening stage (based on titles and abstracts) of a systematic review? Specifically, a. What methods are available; and b. How has the field developed over time? 2. How has the workload reduction issue been evaluated? Specifically, a. What has been compared, using what research study designs? b. What metrics are available for evaluating the performance of the approaches? 3. What are the stated purposes of (semi-)automating the screening stage through text mining in terms of workload reduction, what types of methods have been used to address each purpose, and how effective were they? 4. How, and with what effect, have key contextual problems of applying text mining to systematic review screening been addressed, specifically as relates to the following challenges: a. The importance of high recall for systematic reviews? b. The risk of hasty generalisation when training from a certain pool of known includes and excludes? c. The problem of imbalanced datasets, in which there are typically many more excludes than includes? d. Applying the technologies to review updates? 5. What challenges to implementation emerge from reviewing the evidence base?

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

Methods We conducted a systematic review of research papers on applications of text mining to assist in identifying relevant studies for inclusion in a systematic review. The protocol can be sent on request by the authors. Information management

All records of research identified by searches were uploaded to the specialist systematic review software, EPPI-Reviewer 4, for duplicate stripping and screening [22]. This software recorded the bibliographic details of each study considered by the review, where studies were found and how, reasons for their inclusion or exclusion, descriptive and evaluative codes and text about each included study, and the data used and produced during synthesis. Search methods

Database and website searches were conducted in December 2013. Sources were searched from 2005 onwards. This date was chosen because, according to Jonnalagadda and Petitti [23], the first proposed application of text mining to screening in systematic reviews was in 2005 (though this was not an evaluation of a method and so was not included in our review). Details of the electronic search strategy, including databases searched and terms used, can be found in Additional file 1: Appendix A; the PRISMA flow diagram can be viewed in Additional file 2: Flow diagram. We also included papers known to the team and as recommended by colleagues. We checked the reference lists of all included studies for additional relevant studies. We also followed forward citation recommendations in Science Direct. A cut-off for identifying studies for inclusion in the review was set at 28 February 2014. After all searches were completed, 1,253 records were identified. These were screened for relevance to our review using the inclusion criteria outlined below. Inclusion criteria

Studies were screened in a two-stage screening process. First, records were assessed against the following criteria based on their titles and abstracts: 1. Must be published after 2004 2. Must be relevant to text mining 3. Must be relevant to the screening (document selection) stage of a systematic review (or a review of the evidence that follows systematic principles, such as health technology assessment (HTA) or guidelines development) After an initial piloting of the first stage criteria to establish common understanding of the criteria, records

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were screened once by two researchers (AOM and JT) who are familiar with systematic reviewing and text mining methods. Any records of doubtful relevance were marked with a ‘query’ tag and discussed by the two researchers until agreement was met (Agreement was always reached, and so recourse to a third reviewer was not required.). The full-text documents of records that met these criteria (n = 69) were retrieved and proceeded to the second stage of screening. The criteria for assessing the full-text documents were: 1. Must be relevant to text mining methods or metrics 2. Must be relevant to the screening stage of a systematic review (or similar evidence review) 3. Must not be a general discussion of the use of text mining in systematic reviewing screening. That is, the record must present a detailed method or evaluation of a method. The second stage of screening was conducted by one researcher (AOM), with queried records checked by the second researcher (JT) (reviewer agreement was 100% at this stage). After full-text screening, a total of 44 records were identified as relevant to the review questions. Data extraction

Data extraction was conducted by one researcher (AOM) and checked for accuracy and completeness by a second researcher (JT) and discrepancies resolved by a second check and/or discussion. We extracted and recorded information on the following broad issues (see Additional file 1: Appendix B for the full data extraction tool, Appendix C for the list of studies included in the review and Appendix D for the characteristics of included studies):  Bibliographic details  Evaluation context (details of review datasets tested)  Evaluation of active learning (if applicable)

(see below for definition) Evaluation of classifier Evaluation of feature selection Implementation issues About the evaluation (the methodology and metrics used)  Study type descriptors  Critical appraisal  Comments and conclusions    

Extraction consisted of two types of data: direct quotations from the papers, which were gathered through line-by-line coding of the papers; and categorical data, which were gathered by noting the presence or absence

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

of certain characteristics. These two types of data were collected simultaneously. For example, a tick box was checked if a study reported using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier, and line-by-line coding of text that described the SVM was associated with that tick box in the EPPI-Reviewer 4 software [22]. Synthesis methods

The reviewers discussed the key issues that needed to be covered in the review, as well as themes that had emerged through extracting data from the studies. On that basis, an outline structure for the synthesis was developed. Under the outline subheadings, a narrative was developed that drew on both the line-by-line coded text and the categorical data. The categorical data allowed for the generation of frequency tables and cross tabulations that described the state of the evidence base; whilst the coded text allowed for a richer interrogation of the emerging themes.

Results The results are presented in order of the research questions posed. Since some issues raised apply beyond the systematic review context, which limited the range of papers about text mining that we formally included, we have inserted some commentary (entitled ‘further information on this topic’) where information from other domains may illuminate a specific issue. Development of the evidence base

In this section, we address research question 1: What is the state of the evidence base related to automating (or semi-automating) the screening stage (based on titles and abstracts) of a systematic review? Chronological developments

Our 44 included studies fall within the 8 years between January 2006 and January 2014—an average of 5.6 evaluations a year. As can be seen in the timeline presented in Figure 1, almost every year saw the evaluation of a newly applied type of classifier or some new consideration of the application of text mining to screening. Indeed, most papers present a new ‘twist’ that distinguishes it from those before, with very few replications or comparisons between papers. The developments highlighted in the timeline are those which we had defined a priori in our data extraction tool and therefore also how the synthesis below is structured; they should therefore be considered to be indicative of interesting developments, rather than being a comprehensive list of every innovation (For example, also worthy of note are the decision trees by Frunza and colleagues in 2010 [24]; and dual supervision and elicited utility by Wallace et al. (also in 2010 [25])).

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This suggests a rapidly evolving evidence base (It also has implications for the later parts of this synthesis, as it is difficult to come to any overarching conclusions about which approach works best.). Workload reduction approaches

In this section, we address research question 2: What are the stated purposes of (semi-)automating the screening stage through text mining in terms of workload reduction, and what types of methods have been used to address each purpose? It is evident from the literature that there are several possible ways to reduce screening workload. The approaches that have received attention in terms of text mining are: reducing the number of items that need to be screened manually; reducing the number of people needed to screen the items; increasing the rate (or speed) of screening; and improving workflow. Table 2 shows the number of studies that implicitly or explicitly addressed each of these approaches. Each of these will be discussed in turn. Reducing the number of items that need to be screened

In many reviews, the number of items to be screened is very large. For example, 4 out of the 31 Cochrane Collaboration systematic reviews published in March 2014 had over 10,000 items to screen [26-29]. This can be a particular problem for searches for certain types of study designs, such as is the case with searches for nonrandomised controlled trials, for which database filters are not available or consistently used [30]. Large numbers of items to screen is even more evident in nonclinical disciplines, in which search strategies tend to be broader in response to broader research questions, less precise or consistent terminology and the lack of controlled vocabularies; for example, EPPI-Centre reviews on topics in public health, education and social care regularly exceed 20,000 items to be screened. At its most extreme, one review identified upward of 800,000 items and another over 1 million items to be screened (see [31] for a description of such ‘extreme reviewing’). Given that an experienced reviewer can take between 30 seconds and several minutes to evaluate a citation [11], the work involved in screening even as ‘few’ as several thousand citations is considerable. An obvious solution to reducing workload is therefore to reduce the number of items that need to be screened manually. Historically, the volume of records returned from a search was determined in part through the search strategy: the number of records identified could be reduced either through searching fewer sources or through carefully constructed database queries. The latter approach usually adopted an emphasis on the precision of the search over its recall. However, some method

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Figure 1 Brief timeline of developments in the use of text mining technologies for reducing screening burden in systematic reviews.

guidelines specifically recommend favouring recall over precision in order to avoid missing relevant studies (e.g., the Campbell Collaboration’s guide to information retrieval and the US Institute of Medicine of the National Academies [32,33]). Therefore, resource-efficient approaches that maximise recall are needed, and a number of different models have been identified here. The vast majority of studies included in the review (n = 30) implicitly or explicitly propose using text mining for the purpose of reducing the number of studies that need to be screened manually. Within this set of studies, there are two main

Table 2 The number of studies implicitly or explicitly addressing screening workload problems (n = 44) Workload reduction approach

Number of studies

Reducing number needed to screen


Text mining as a second screener


Increasing the rate (speed) of screening


Improving workflow through screening prioritisation


Note. Some studies adopted more than one approach to workload reduction, so column total is greater than 44 studies.

approaches to excluding items from a review. The first approach is to use a classifier that makes explicit in/ out decisions; 23 studies evaluated this approach [11,14,23,25,34-51]. The second approach is to use a ranking or prioritisation system and then exclude items that fall below some threshold or criterion, or that lie within a ‘negative prediction zone’ [31,52-57]; seven studies used this approach. Whilst many classifiers employing the first approach inherently assign some kind of score that indicates confidence in how likely an item is to be an include or exclude (akin to the ranking in the second approach), this is usually ‘hidden’ from the reviewer such that the decisions are presented as complete. In contrast, the second approach may require a reviewer to continue manual screening until the (reviewer-specified) criterion is met. It is important to note that the final approach, active learning, can fit loosely into both of the abovementioned camps. Active learning (evaluated in nine studies [11,23,25,31,40,45,48,49,58]) is an iterative process whereby the accuracy of the predictions made by the machine is improved through interaction with reviewers. The reviewer—or review team—provides an initial sample of include/exclude decisions that the machine ‘learns’

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

from; the machine subsequently generates a ranked list and requests the reviewer to provide decisions on items high in the list that it will learn the most from. The machine adapts its decision rule including the information from the additional items and generates a new list of items for the reviewer to screen. This process continues, with the number of reviewer decisions growing and a greater number of relevant items found than would otherwise be the case, until a given stopping criterion is reached and the process ends. Although the final include/exclude decisions for any items not screened manually come from the classifier, the human screener still has some control over the training process and the point at which manual screening ceases. In all cases, authors reported that the systems tested led to a reduction in workload; however, given the diversity of approaches and the lack of overlap (replication) between evaluations, it is impossible to conclude whether one approach is better than the other in terms of performance. Typical performance reported a reduction in manual screening workload from less than 10% (e.g. [41]) up to more than 90% (e.g. [48]). Where expressed as a workload reduction, studies tended to report reductions of between approximately 40% and 50% of work saved (e.g. [25,40,41,55]). Studies differed from one another in terms of the recall that they aimed for. Some expressed results in terms of 95% recall (e.g. [23]), whereas others expressed their results in terms of retrieving all relevant studies (e.g. [48]). Razavi and colleagues took a critical perspective with regard to manual decisions too, concluding that ‘Since the machine learning prediction performance is generally on the same level as the human prediction performance, using the described system will lead to significant workload reduction for the human experts involved in the systematic review process’ [44]. Text mining as a second screener

Methods guidance for conducting systematic reviews often suggests that more than one person should screen all (or some proportion) of the records returned by the searches (e.g., the Institute of Medicine (Washington, DC) states in Standard 3.3.3. ‘Use two or more members of the review team, working independently, to screen and select studies’ [33]). The rationale behind this approach is that a single screener can inadvertently introduce bias into the study selection process either because of their interpretation of the inclusion criteria or through their understanding of the content of titles and abstracts. Moreover, given the volume of records to be reviewed, it is conceivable that some relevant records might ‘slip through the net’. It is believed that if there is consistency in the inclusion decisions amongst two or more independent screeners, then the screening process is not likely to be biased. This, however, becomes a very labour-intensive

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process—particularly when the number of records to screen is high. Although some guidance suggests that if sufficient inter-reviewer reliability is achieved that it is acceptable to ‘double screen’ only a proportion of the records when there is a large number to screen, this still can add a substantial amount of resource to an already timeconsuming procedure. To combat this workload issue, six papers have advocated the use of text mining as a second screener: replacing or supplementing the additional human reviewer that would be required at this stage [24,30,59-62]. In this model, one human reviewer screens all of the records and the machine acts as the independent check (or presents a vastly reduced list of items to be screened to an additional human reviewer). The evaluations of workload reduction in this area have all been on a classifier model, in which explicit in/out decisions are made by the machine. Results from the evaluations are positive—the classifiers had good agreement with the human reviewer/s. Three of these papers were authored by Bekhuis and colleagues [30,59,60], who report that their approach could reduce manual workload by between 88% and 98% [60]. Frunza and colleagues report two studies in this area [24,61] and Garcia one study [62]. Like Bekhuis, they report positive results from their evaluations, though they present their findings in terms of high recall rather than workload reduction, and so a direct comparison cannot be made. Increasing the rate of screening

An alternative approach to those above, which emphasises reducing the number of items that need to be screened manually, is to aid researchers in coming to a decision about each item more quickly; that is, to increase the rate of screening. To achieve this, visual data mining (VDM) approaches attempt to create a visual representation of the connections between documents (using term similarity and/or author connections) to assist the screener in identifying studies easily that are more likely to be similar to each other. Thus, once a relevant document is identified, they can quickly scan other documents that appear to be similar to the relevant document (and similarly, identify documents that are likely to be excluded quickly). The approach assumes that humans can make a decision about a study’s relevance faster using this additional visual information than relying on the textual information in the titles and abstracts alone [13]. Five evaluations of visual data mining were identified [13,14,63-65], all in the field of software engineering. The evaluations of visual data mining differ from evaluations of other text mining approaches in that they employ a controlled trial evaluation design to compare the speed and accuracy with which a human can screen

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

items using VDM or without using VDM. The results suggest that humans can screen faster with VDM aids than without, although the accuracy of the human screeners does not appear to change substantially [13,14,63-65]. A second approach to speeding up the rate of screening that is embedded within approaches to reducing the number needed to screen is through efficient citation assignment. The only example that was identified of this type was by Wallace and colleagues [49]. In that paper, the authors emphasise that most review teams have a combination of expert and novice screeners. Within the context of an active learning approach, they developed an algorithm that incorporates both information about the relevance of each item and the expected time that it will take to annotate that item; on that basis, the algorithm selects citations specifically for expert and novice reviewers to label. The authors reported that this approach enabled more items to be screened in the same amount of time compared with typical active learning approaches. Improving workflow efficiency through screening prioritisation

Screening prioritisation is ultimately a form of efficient citation assignment, in that it aims to present reviewers with an ordered list of the items, with the items that are most likely to be relevant to their review at the top of the list. However, it differs from the model described by Wallace et al. [49] in that it is not necessarily embedded within an approach that is attempting to reduce the number needed to screen and it does not differentially assign items to different types of reviewers (i.e., experts versus novices). There are various proposed benefits of this approach to workflow efficiency. One is that reviewers gain a better understanding of the inclusion criteria earlier in the process, as they encounter more examples of relevant studies sooner than would otherwise be the case. It also enables the retrieval of the full text of documents to start sooner than can occur when citations are screened essentially at random. This can be important, as obtaining the full-text reports brings forward their full-text screening, the checking of their bibliographies and, critically, enables contact to be made with study authors much earlier in the review. It is also possible that this will make the screening process faster, once the vast majority of relevant studies are identified, as the screeners become more confident that items later in the list are less likely to be relevant. This could also help with the problem of over-inclusiveness that is often experienced in reviews, in which reviewers tend to be cautious and include many more items at this early stage than ultimately make it into the review. Cohen highlighted another potential benefit: ‘In reviews with searches that result in a large number of citations to be screened for retrieval, reviewing the documents in

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order of their likely importance would be particularly useful. The remainder of the citations could be screened over the following months, perhaps by the members of the team with less experience, whilst the work of reviewing the includable studies is ongoing’ ([66] p. 692) (An ongoing project at the EPPI-Centre, which had a large volume of items to be screened (>38,000) but with a very tight timeframe, has taken advantage of this benefit [67].). There are also potential benefits for review updates. Cohen stated that ‘by reviewing the most likely important documents before other documents, the human reviewers or curators are more likely to be able to “get up to speed” on the current developments within a domain more quickly’ ([68] p. 121). In quite a different application of text mining to the screening process, Cohen later explored the use of prioritisation for identifying when a review update was required, which would involve sending alerts to the review team when likely relevant new studies are published [69]. In other words, this approach emphasises improving workflow in a review and has proposed benefits for efficiency beyond reducing workload in the title and abstract screening phase. Four studies adopted a prioritisation approach to improve workflow [58,66,68,69]. All four evaluations reported benefits of this approach. Note that screening prioritisation can also be used to reduce the number of items needed to be screened if a screening cut-off criterion is established (see section on this workload reduction approach, above). Seven studies that have used screening prioritisation did so to reduce the number needed to screen and reported benefits in terms of the amount of work saved [31,52-57]. (Again, the metrics and processes varied, so it is not possible to estimate overall or mean statistics across these studies). Specific issues relating to the use of text mining in systematic reviews

In this section, we address research question 3: How have key contextual problems of applying text mining to systematic review screening been addressed? These reflect the challenges that need to be addressed when applying methods developed for other applications to the case of systematic review screening. The importance of high recall for systematic reviews

As mentioned in the ‘Background’ section, recall is often prioritised over precision in systematic reviews. This is because it is generally considered to be critical to retrieve all relevant items to avoid biasing the review findings. The importance of high recall of relevant studies is likely to be critical in the acceptability and uptake of text mining techniques by the systematic review community. Indeed, the authors of one paper reflected that ‘If those who rely on systematic review to develop guidelines and

O’Mara-Eves et al. Systematic Reviews 2015, 4:5 http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/4/1/5

policy demand 100% recall and informatics approaches such as ours are not able to guarantee 100% recall, the approaches may be doomed’ ([23] p. 15). Many of the studies in this review explicitly refer to the importance of high recall and the implications it might have for text mining applications in this area (studies which discuss the importance of high recall include [11,23,24,30,38,40,41,44,48,49,53,54,58,60,61,70]). However, few of the studies directly built into the technology an approach to maximising recall. Those that did directly attempt to maximise recall are discussed below.

Voting or committee approaches for ensuring high recall

One approach to ensuring that studies are not missed is to use a voting or committee approach. Essentially, multiple classifiers are run simultaneously, and then a ‘vote’ is taken on each item to determine whether it is likely to be relevant or not. A conservative approach would be to put forward for human screening any item that receives at least one ‘include vote’ (e.g., Wallace et al. [11]); an approach that places additional emphasis on precision might set a minimum number of agreeing votes (e.g., >50% of the classifiers must agree that an item is an include [44]). The appeal of such approaches is that the classification decision is less susceptible to missing studies that do not resemble the training set of includes, because each classifier can start with a different training set. Several studies have used this approach, with different numbers of classifiers used in the committee. Razavi used a committee of five classifiers [44]; Wallace and Frunza used (up to) eleven classifiers [11,24,61]; Ma used two classifiers [40]. Only Frunza has considered whether the number of votes makes a difference, as discussed below [24,61]. In Frunza (2010), if at least one decision for an abstract was to include it in the systematic review, then the final label was ‘Included’ [24]. They then tested whether the number of votes (i.e., number of classifiers) made a difference to recall and precision. They concluded that the 2-vote technique is superior to the other voting techniques (1-vote, 3-vote, 4-vote) in terms of the F measure and work saved over sampling (WSS). The highest level of recall was achieved through the 4-vote technique. The success of combined human-machine screening was similar in their later study [61], with the conclusion that the 2-vote technique was the best performer. Importantly, Frunza noted that precision decreased slightly when the human decisions were added to the machine decisions (i.e., the human incorrectly included some items). This might be relevant to the observation that human screeners tend to be over-inclusive (discussed in a later section). (We will return to the issue of ‘voting’ approaches below, in the section on ‘Hasty generalisation’).

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Specialist algorithms

At least three types of classifiers have been modified to include a specialist algorithm that adjusts the learning rate of the classifier to penalise false negatives. Cohen et al. applied a ‘false negative learning rate’ to their voting perceptron classifier expressing this as a ‘cost-proportionate rejection sampling’ strategy [36]. Matwin et al. added a heuristic weight factorization technique to their complement naïve Bayes (CNB) algorithm to maximise recall when their original algorithm had unacceptably low recall (