A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus ...

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Feb 17, 2007 - METCALF, Z. P., 1961, General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fasc. VII Cercopoidea, Part 2. Cercopidae (Baltimore, MD: Waverly), 607 pp.
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A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae) a

A.-P. Liang & M.D. Webb



Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 19 Zhongguancun Lu, Beijing, 100080, PR China b

The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK Version of record first published: 17 Feb 2007

To cite this article: A.-P. Liang & M.D. Webb (1994): A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae), Journal of Natural History, 28:5, 1175-1188 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222939400770581

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1994, 28, 1175-1188

A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae) A.-P. L I A N G t and M. D. WEBB~:

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t Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 19 Zhongguancun Lu, Beijing 100080, PR China $ The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK

(Accepted December 1993)

The spittlebug genus Paphnutius is transferred from the Tomaspidini to the Considiini. The genus is revised and redescribed to contain nine species. A key to species is given and all species are redescribed and illustrated with their distributional data provided. One new species is described and one new generic synonymy, six new specific synonymies and four new combinations are established. Five lectotypes are newly designated. Paphnutius costimaculus Metcalf and Horton is considered as a species incertae sedis.

KEYWORDS"Revision, Oriental spittlebugs, Cercopidae, Paphnutius.


The genus Paphnutius was erected by Distant in 1916 to contain a single species P. ostentus Distant from Darjeeling, India. In 1934 Metcalf and Horton described a second species P. costimaculus from Yunnan, China. In 1949 Lallemand diagnosed the genus, synonymized Pseudaufidus Schmidt and Tanuphis Jacobi with Paphnutius, transferred four species, rufifrons (Jacobi), schmidti Haupt, semirufus Haupt, and tonkinensis Schmidt, from Pseudaufidus into Paphnutius, and provided a key to the species. More recently, Chou et al. (1988) added another species semirufellus to the genus from Xizang [Tibet]. Whilst identifying Paphnutius material in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica and elsewhere the senior author discovered that Caloscarta delta Kato, Tadascarta basirubra (Kato) and T. formosana (Kato), belonged in Paphnutius and found that many published taxonomic descriptions were inadequate. In addition, examination of the holotype of P. costimaculus Metcalf and Horton shows that this species should be excluded from Paphnutius. One generic and six specific synonymies were also discovered. No biological data is available for the genus except that a series of specimens from Vietnam (see remarks under semirufellus) was collected on Rubus moluccanus and

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A.-P. Liang and M. D. Webb

The purpose here is to revise the known species of Paphnutius, to redescribe the genus and included species and to provide a new key to the known species and illustrations of the male genitalia.

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Materials and methods

The specimens studied in the course of this work are deposited in the following institutions whose names are abbreviated in the text as follows: BAUIC, Beijing Agricultural University Insect Collection, Beijing, China; BJMNH, Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing, China; BMNH, The Natural History Museum, London, UK; BPBM, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, USA; HNHM, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary; IRSNB, Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium; IZAS, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China; MM, Moravsk6 Museum, Brno, Czechoslovakia; MNHU, Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universit~it, Berlin, Germany; NCSU, Department of Entomology, Insect Collection, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA; NU, Department of Biology Insect Collection, Nankai University, Tianjin, China; NWAU, Entomological Museum, Northwestern Agricultural University, Shaanxi, China; SIE, Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, China; SMTD, Staatliches Museum ftir Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany; TMNH, Tianjin Museum of Natural History, Tianjin, China; and USNM, [US National Museum] National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA. The type material of Matsumura and Kato, deposited in the Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (EIHU) and with Kato's family (MKC), respectively, was not available for study although specimens (syntypes?) of Kato's species, from Kato's collection, were found in the BMNH. The morphological terminology used here follows that of Lallemand (1949) and Evans (1966). Names for the structures of the genitalia follow Metcalf and Horton (1934) and Evans (1966). Checklist of Paphnutius species Paphnutius Distant, 1916 Pseudaufidus Schmidt, 1920 Tanuphis Jacobi, 1921 Tadascarta Matsumura, 1940 syn. n. basirubrus (Kato, 1929) comb. n. de#us (Kato, 1929) comb. n. rubripennis (Matsumura, 1940) syn. n. formosanus (Kato, 1929) comb. n. nigrus sp. nov. ostentus Distant, 1916 ruficeps (Melichar, 1915) comb. rev. tonkinensis (Schmidt, 1920) syn. n. rufifrons (Jacobi, 1921) syn. n. semirufellus Chou and Wu, 1988 semirufus (Haupt, 1924) schmidti (Haupt, 1924) syn. n. basirubra tienmu (Liu, 1942) syn. n. tienmushanensis (Ouchi, 1943) syn. n.

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


Paphnutius Distant Paphnutius Distant, 1916: 200; Metcalf and Horton, 1934: 373, 389 (Misidentification);

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Matsumura, 1942: 100; Lallemand, 1949; 24, 37; Metcalf, 1961: 121; Nast, 1972: 156. Type-species: Paphnutius ostentus Distant, 1916: 200, fig. 153, by original designation and monotypy. Pseudaufidus Schmidt, 1920:112; Haupt, 1924: 302. Type-species: Pseudaufidus tonkinensis Schmidt, 1920:113, by original designation and monotypy. [Synonymized by Lallemand, 1949: 24, 37.] Tanuphis Jacobi, 1921: 32. Type-species: Tanuphis rufifrons Jacobi, 1921 : 33, by original designation and monotypy. [Synonymized with Pseudaufidus Schmidt by Haupt, 1924:302 and with Paphnutius Distant by Lallemand, 1949: 37.] Tadascarta Matsumura, 1940: 70; Metcalf, 1961 : 25. Type-species: Caloscartaformosana Kato, 1929: 544, pl. 16, fig. 4, by original designation. Syn. n,

Diagnosis. Paphnutius species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: small size (length 4.40-8-00mm); vertex usually strongly centrally longitudinally carinate; face strongly globose, postclypeus without any longitudinal furrow or keel; hind tibiae with 2 lateral spurs; and the structures of the male genitalia. Paphnutius belongs to the tribe Considiini, previously containing only Considia Sfftl (see discussion). Paphnutius can be most easily separated from Considia by its small size and usually carinate vertex.


Small, elongate, slightly pubescent spittlebugs, length 4-40-8-00 mm. Usually predominantly blackish brown with head, pronotum and forewings sometimes entirely or in part sanguineous to yellowish brown. Basal segment of rostrum, thorax ventrally, legs and lateral and posterior segmental margins of abdomen marked with sanguineous to yellowish brown. Head elongate, distinctly narrower than pronotum; vertex about as long as broad, rounded anteriorly, usually strongly centrally longitudinally carinate; ocelli close together near the base of vertex; face strongly globose, longer than broad, postclypeus without any longitudinal furrow or keel, the lateral areas finely and transversely striate; rostrum short, not passing middle coxae. Pronotum flat, about twice as broad as long, very finely punctate, obscurely transversely wrinkled, transversely foveate on each side near anterior margin, anterior lateral margins nearly straight and reflexed, lateral angles acute. Scutellum about as long as broad at base, centrally foveate and obscurely transversely wrinkled. Forewings elongate, nearly parallel-sided, densely and finely punctate, basal 0-66 of outer edges strongly reflexed; hindwings with 4 closed apical cells, Cul branched, Cula and CUlb on very long stalk, cross vein m-cu meets Cul near midlength, the 1st apical cell very narrow, the 2nd and 4th apical cells short and small, the 2nd apical cell usually much larger than 4th (subequal in semirufus). Hind tibiae with a prominent long spur beyond middle and a smaller spur near base. Male genitalia with pygofer short, high and broad, posterior margins in lateral view with a small caudodorsal lobe or process with or without a tuft of setae; anal segments and anal style very small and short. Subgenital plates short and broad, without apical process, the apex somewhat upturned. Styles simple, elongate, broad at midlength and tapered to apex or constricted subapically, with or without an apical neck, apex usually beak-shaped. Aedeagus simple, shaft moderately long, slender, directed dorsally, cylindrical throughout length with or without apical processes or with apex sometimes compressed anteroposteriorly and lamellate and slightly broader and rounded in posterior view; gonopore subapical on posterior surface.


A.-P. Liang and M. D. W e b b


Paphnutius occurs in southern and central China, from Zhejiang Province in the east through to Xizang [Tibet] in the west, in Taiwan and northern areas o f India, B u r m a and Vietnam.

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Paphnutius has previously been placed in the tribe Tomaspidini of the subfamily Cercopinae (Lallemand, 1949; Metcalf, 1961). Examination o f Paphnutius suggests a relationship with Considia (Considiini) from South East Asia and the West Pacific. Paphnutius is therefore m o v e d from the Tomaspidini to the Considiini on the basis o f the following characters: (1) b o d y elongate, nearly parallel-sided; (2) face strongly globose, postclypeus without any longitudinal furrow or keel; (3) hind tibiae with 2 lateral spurs; and (4) male genital structures, especially the pygofer in lateral view with a small caudodorsal lobe with or without a tuft o f setae, subgenital plates short and broad, without apical process, and simple aedeagus. The genus Tadascarta was described by Matsumura (1940) for Caloscarta formosana, C. basirubra and T. rubripennis ( = P. deltus) all from Taiwan. A careful reading o f M a t s u m u r a ' s (1940) original description o f Tadascarta and examination of specimens clearly identifiable as the included species indicate that Tadascarta is a s y n o n y m of Paphnutius (see discussion under basirubrus, deltus and formosanus below). The externally similar Euglobiceps elongata Lallemand (Tomaspidini), from the Philippines, differs from Considia and Paphnutius in having a single hind tibial spur.


Key to the species o f Paphnutius 1 Forewings bicoloured with base sanguineous, the remainder blackish brown. Forewings unicoloured

2 Pronotum sanguineous - Pronotum blackish brown

3 4

3 Smaller species, length ~ 4.80-5.20 ram; prosterna, mesopleura and mesosternablackish brown; Xizang [Tibet] . semirufellus Chou and Wu - Relatively large species, length, ? 7.20-8.20 mm; prosterna, mesopleura and mesosterna sanguineous China (Sichuan), northern Burma and northern Vietnam semirufus(Haupt) 4 Vertex, at least medially and face, sanguineous . 8 - Vertex and the upper half of face blackish brown; male genitalia as in Figs 21-23; Taiwan basirubrus (Kato) 5 Vertex medially and face, sanguineous; male genitalia as in Figs 24-26; northern India, Xizang [Tibet] . ostentus Distant - Vertex and at least the upper half of face blackish brown . 6 6 Pronotum with a dark brown mark medially (Fig. 3); Taiwan . - Pronotum entirely blackish brown.

deltus (Kato) 7

7. Face entirely blackish brown; male genitalia as in Figs 34-37; India (Darjeeling)

nigrus sp. nov. - Face with upper half blackish brown; male genitalia as in Figs 18-20; Taiwan formosanus (Kato)


8 Vertex with a medial keel; male genitalia as in Figs 27-32; southern Asia ruficeps (Melichar) Vertex without a medial keel; male genitalia as in Figs 10-17; China schmidti(Haupt)

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


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- ~;,-;tt,~

FIGS 1-9. Paphnutius spp., schematic, medial broken line on head in Figs 2 and 4 and on pronotum in Fig. 3 indicates two halves of different specimens to show variation of colour pattern; 1-6, head, thorax and base of forewings, dorsal view: 1, semirufus and semirufeUus; 2, ruficeps and schmidti; 3, deltus; 4, ostentus; 5, nigrus; and 6, basirubrus. 7-9, face: 7, ruficeps, schmidti, semirufus, semirufellus and ostentus; 8, nigrus; and 9, basirubrus, deltus and formosanus.

Paphnutius basirubrus (Kato) comb. n. (Figs 6, 9, 21-23)

Caloscarta basirubra Kato, 1929; 545; 1933: pl. 46, fig. 3; Liu, 1942; 239 (Misidentification); Metcalf, 1961: 23. SS"NTVPE(S) 6, Taiwan (MKC) [not examined].

Tadascarta basirubra (Kato); Matsumura, 1940: 71. Diagnosis.

Distinguished by the blackish brown coloration of the dorsum with strongly contrasting sanguineous bases of the forewings and by the shape of the male genitalia. Similar to the other Taiwanese species de#us and formosanus in the colouration of the face but differs in having the forewings bicoloured.


A.-P. Liang and M. D. Webb

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14 13




FIGS 10-23. Paphnutius spp. male genitalia, left lateral view, except where indicated; 10-17, schmidti: 10, pygofer; 11 and 12, subgenital plate; 13, aedeagus; 14, aedeagus, posterior view; 15 and 16, style; and t7, style ventrolateral view. 18-20, formosanus: 18, pygofer; 19, aedeagus; and 20, aedeagus posterior view. 21-23, basirubrus: 21, pygofer; 22, aedeagus; and 23, aedeagus, posterior view.

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


Description. Length 6 6.00-6.40, ~? 6-60-7-00mm. Blackish brown, shining on head, pronotum and scuteUum. Lower half of face and lateral edges of pronotum sanguineous to yellowish brown. Forewings with bases sanguineous, costal margins yellowish brown. Propleura, metapleura and metasterna pale sanguineous or yellowish brown. Hind legs fuscous, proximal half of fore and middle femura, hind coxae, hind trochanters, hind tarsi and proximal half of hind femura yellowish to reddish brown. Other markings as in generic description. Male genitalia with pygofer (Fig. 21) in lateral view with a small caudodorsal process. Style as in Figs 15-17 (schmidti). Aedeagus with shaft (Figs 22-23) uniformly cylindrical, without processes.

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Material examined. Taiwan: 1 ? sex unknown, Kato (BMNH); 2 ~?, Alishan [Arisan], 23.v.1934 (Gressitt); 1 ~3, Pianan-ambu, 11.v.1932 (Gressitt); 1 9, Shikikun, 11.v.1932 (Gressitt); 16, 3 ~?, Taiheizan, 7, 8, 11.v.1932 (Gressitt) (NCSU; IZAS). Discussion. As the types of basirubrus (an unspecified number of male specimens from Alishan [Arisan]) (MKC)), were not available for study the above material is identified from the original description. Paphnutius deltus (Kato) comb. n. (Figs 3, 9) Caloscarta delta Kato, 1929: 545; 1933: pl. 46, fig. 1; Metcalf, 1961: 24. SYNTYPE(S) 9, Taiwan (MKC) [not examined]. Tadascarta rubripennis Matsumura, 1940: 73; Metcalf, 1961: 25. HOLOTYPE9, Taiwan (EIHU) [not examined]. Syn. n. Diagnosis. Similar to the other Taiwanese species basirubrus andformosanus, in the coloration of the face, but can be distinguished from these and other species by the uniformly sanguineous to reddish brown forewings and the yellow to reddish brown pronotum with a blackish brown triangular shaped mark anteromedially, sometimes extending posteriorly. Description. Female. Length 6-40-7-00mm. Colour as in previous species but pronotum and lower half of face yellow to reddish brown, the former with a blackish brown triangular mark anteromedially, sometimes extended posteriorly (Fig. 3). Forewings sanguineous to reddish brown, the posterior 0.5 of costal margins golden; hindwings with extreme base, basal 0.5 of the costal margin and the radial vein reddish. Male.




Material examined. Taiwan: 2 2 , Alishan [Arisan], 23.v.1934 (Gressitt) (NCSU; IZAS); 1 ~?, Kato (BMNH). Discussion. As the types of deltus (an unspecified number of female specimens) and rubripennis (a single female specimen), both from Alisban [Arisan], Taiwan, were not available for study, the above synonymy is based on a comparison of their original descriptions. The triangular shaped mark on the pronotum, noted in the


A.-P. Liang and M. D. Webb

original description of deltus, is present on the specimen from Kato's collection (BMNH).

Paphnutiusformosanus (Kato) comb. n. (Figs 9, 18-20) Caloscartaformosana Kato, 1929: 544, pl. 16, fig. 4; 1933: pl. 46, fig. 2. SYNTYPE(S)c~, Taiwan (MKC) [not examined]. Tadascartaformosana (Kato); Matsumura, 1940: 71, 81; Metcalf, 1961: 25.

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Diagnosis. Similar to basirubrus and deltus in the colour of the face but differs in the coloration of the dorsum and from all other species by the shape of the male genitalia. Description. Length 6 5-00-5-60, 9 5-80-7-20mm. Colour as in basirubrus but markings yellowish brown and anterolateral margin of pronotum more narrowly marked with yellowish brown and forewings blackish brown with yellowish brown costal margin. Male genitalia similar to basirubrus but aedeagus shaft (Figs 19 and 20) with a pair of apical processes from anterior margin. Distribution.


Material examined. Taiwan: 1 6, Kato (BMNH); 4 6 , 3 $, Alishan [Arisan], 25, 28, 29.v. 1934 (Gressitt); 1 ~?, Hassenzan, 24.vi. 1934 (Gressitt); 1 6, 1 2, Musha, 21.v. 1932 (Gressitt); 16, 19, Pianan-ambu, 12.v.1932 (Gressitt); 3 6 , 2 9 , Shikayau, 11, 12.v.1932 (Gressitt) (NCSU; IZAS). Discussion. As the types offormosanus (an unspecified number of male specimens from Taiwan) were not available for study, the above material is identified from the original description. Paphnutius nigrus sp. nov. (Figs 5, 8, 34-37) Diagnosis. Distinguished by its almost entirely dark brown coloration and shape of the male genitalia. Description. Length 6 4.70, 9 5.1 mm. Blackish brown, slightly paler medially on postcl~peus. Basal segment of rostrum and basal half of fore femura, metasterna, metapleura and hind coxae, yellowish brown. Male genitalia with pygofer in lateral view with a small caudodorsal tuft of setae, as in Fig. 24 (ostentus). Aedeagus with shaft (Figs 34-36) abruptly tapered subapically. Style (Fig. 37) tapered distally to acute apex. Material examined. HNHM).

HOLOTYPE6, PARATYPE 6 and 2 ~?, India: Darjeeling (BMNH,

Paphnutius ostentus Distant (Figs 4, 7, 24-26) Paphnutius ostentus Distant, 1916: 200, fig. 153; China, 1925:483 (Misidentification); Lallemand, 1949: 38; Metcalf, 1961: 122. LECTOTYPEc~, India (BMNH), here designated [examined]. Paphnutius[us] ostentus Distant; Li, 1940:251 [Misidentification and misspelling].

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


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Paphnutius spp. male genitalia, left lateral view except where indicated; 24--26, ostentus: 24, pygofer; 25, aedeagus; and 26, aedeagus, posterior view. 27-32, ruficeps:

FIGS 24-37.

27 and 28, aedeagus (holotype), 28, posterior view; 29 and 30, style (India: Musoree), 29, ventral view; 31 and 32, style (Bhutan), 31, ventral view; 33, semirufellus (Burma: Dingliang), style. 34-37, nigrus: 34, aedeagus; 35, aedeagus anterolateral view; 36, aedeagus, posterior view; and 37, style.


A.-P. Liang and M. D. Webb

Diagnosis. Distinguished by its small size, blackish brown coloration with the vertex medially and face uniformly sanguineous, and by the shape of the male genitalia.

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Description. Length 6 4.40--4.80, 2 4.60-5.00 mm. Colour as in nigrus but vertex medially and face, sanguineous. Specimens from Xizang [Tibet] have lateral areas of postclypeus usually with brownish tinges, antennal ledges and antennal sockets brown; pronotum with anterior lateral margins yellowish brown; hind legs much paler, nearly pale yellowish brown. Male genitalia. Pygofer (Fig. 24) in lateral view with a small caudodorsal tuft of setae. Aedeagus (Figs 25 and 26) with basal 0.5 of shaft cylindrical, apical 0.5 compressed anteroposteriorly and lamellate, the apex slightly broader and rounded in posterior view. Distribution.

Xizang [Tibet], northeastern India.

Material examined. LECTOTYPE6, here designated bearing original type label, India: near Darjeeling, 7000-8000ft, v.10 (Horsfall, Distant Coll. 1911-383) (BMNH). China: Xizang [Tibet]: 46, 2 $, Nyalam, Zhangmu, 1800 m, 6.v.1966 (Wang); 1 $, Nyalam, Zhangmu, Youyiqiao, 1680 m, 26.vi. 1975 (Zhang) (all in IZAS); 1 2, Yunnan (BMNH); 1 2, Taichow (USNM). India: PARALECTOTYPE6, same data as lectotype (BMNH); 3 2, Darjeeling (USNM, BMNH); 1 ? , Simla; 2 d, Sikkim, Singhik (BMNH). Paphnutius ruficeps (Melichar) comb. rev. (Figs 2, 7, 27-32) Callitettix ruficeps Melichar, 1915: 8; Metcalf and Horton, 1934: 374; Lallemand, 1949: 17; Metcalf, 1961:17. HOLOTYPEC~, Sikkim (MM) [examined]. Pseudaufidus tonkinensis Schmidt, 1920: 113; Haupt, 1924: 304; Emmrich, 1974: 116. LECTOTYPE$, Vietnam (SMTD), here designated [examined]. Syn. n. Tanuphis rufifrons Jacobi, 1921: 33; Wu, 1935a: 48. SYNTYPES,2d, 2~, India/China (?lost) [not examined]. Syn. n. Pseudaufidus rufifrons (Jacobi); Haupt, 1924: 303, 304. Paphnutius ruficeps (Melichar); Jacobi, 1944: 23. Paphnutius rufifrons (Jacobi); Lallemand, 1949: 37, 38; Nast, 1972: 157. Paphnutius tonkinensis (Schmidt); Lallemand, 1949: 37, 38. Diagnosis. Distinguished by the blackish brown coloration of the dorsum with strongly contrasting sanguineous head and basal area of the forewings. It differs from the externally similar schmidti by the presence of a medial keel on the vertex and by the shape of the male genitalia. Description. Length 6 5.00-5-80, $ 5-40-7-00mm. Colour similar to ostentus but bases of forewings sanguineous, orange or reddish-brown. Sometimes vertex blackish-brown adjacent eye and sometimes anterior lateral margins of pronotum yellowish-brown and posterior lateral margins and posterior margin reddish-brown. Male genitalia as in ostentus with aedeagaI shaft sometimes slightly narrower apically in posterior view with gonopore more ventral. Distribution.

Widely distributed in southern Asia.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE6 of Callitettix ruficeps Melichar, Sikkim: Regenzeit (Fruhstorfer) (MM). LECTOTYPE 2 of Pseudaufidus tonkinensis Schmidt, here designated, Vietnam: Tonkin, Montes Mauson, 2000-3000 ft, April-Mai (Fruhstorfer) (SMTD). China. Numerous specimens from Fujian [Fukien], Guangdong

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


[Kwangtung], Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan [Szetschwan], Yunnan Provinces and Xizang [Tibet] [BAUIC; BPBM; BJMNH; IRSNB; IZAS; MNHU; NCSU; NU; TMNH; SIE]. India: 1 c~, Mussoorie. Bhutan: 1 female, Mahandri. Burma: 1 9, Dingliang, Mishmi Hills. Vietnam: 4 9 ~?, Tonkin (all BMNH). Discussion. As the types of rufifrons (2c3 c~ and 2 $ ~? from Assam, India and Kiautschou, China) could not be found in MNHU or SMTD the above synonymy is based on a comparison of its original description with the type of ruficeps.

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Paphnutius schmidti (Haupt) (Figs 2, 7, 10-17) Pseudaufidus schmidti Haupt, 1924: 302; Emmrich, 1974:115. LECTOTYPE9, China (SMTD), here designated [examined]. Caloscarta basirubra Kato sensu Liu, 1942:239 [Misidentification]. Caloscarta basirubra var. tienmu Liu, 1942: 240; Metcalf, 1961: 23. LECTOTYPEc~, China (IZAS), here designated [examined]. Syn. n. Phymatostetha tienmushanensis Ouchi, 1943: 501. LECTOTYPE~2,China ([ZAS), here designated [examined]. Syn. n. Paphnutius schmidti (Haupt); Lallemand, 1949: 38. Diagnosis. Distinguished by the blackish-brown coloration of the dorsum with strongly contrasting sanguineous head and basal area of the forewings. It differs from the externally similar ruficeps by the absence of a medial keel on the vertex and by the shape of the male genitalia. Description. External features similar to ruficeps but without a medial keel on the vertex. In the female types of schmidti and two female specimens from Mt Emei, Baogousi of Sichuan, the lateral areas of the postclypeus, and sometimes the antennal sockets and genal lobes are blackish-brown rather than sanguineous. Male genitalia with pygofer (Fig. 10) without a caudodorsal tuft of setae and aedeagal shaft (Figs 13 and 14) very elongate with a pair of apical processes. Distribution.

China (Fujian, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Zhejiang Provinces).

Material examined. LECTOTYPE9 of Pseudaufidus schmidti Haupt, here designated, China: Sichuan [Szetschwan], Kwanhsien, 1923-3 (St6tzner, A. Jacobi Coll.) (SMTD). LECTOTYPE ~ of Caloscarta basirubra vat. tienmu Liu, here designated, China: Zhejiang [Chekiang], Mt Tianmu [Tienmu-Shan], 19.iv.1937 (Piel, Mus6e Heude) (IZAS). LECTOTYPE d of Phymatostetha tienmushanensis Ouchi, here designated, China: Zhejiang [Chekiang], Mt. Tianmu [Tienmushan], May 3, 1927 (? genitalia slide no. 3)(IZAS). China: 2 ~? ~? PARALECTOTYPESofPseudaufidus schmidti Haupt, Sichuan [Szetschwan], Kwanhsien, no date (St6tzner) (MNHU). 2 9 9 PARALECTOTYPESof Phymatostetha tienmushanensis Ouchi, Zhejiang [Chekiang], Pay-Yentonshan, 22, 25.v. 1937; 4 9 9 PARALECTOTYPESof Phymatostetha tienmushanensis 0uchi, Zhejiang [Chekiang], Mt. Tianmu [T'ienmu-Shan], 3, 8.v.1937 (all in IZAS); 186c~, 99 9 PARALECTOTYPESof Caloscarta basirubra var. tienmu Liu, same locality, but 19, 23, 28.iv & 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 21.v.1937 (Piel, Mus6e Heude) (IZAS; SIE; BJMNH). Numerous specimens from Fujian, Jiangxi and Sichuan Provinces (BPBM, IZAS, TMNH). Discussion. Phymatostetha tienmushanensis Ouchi was not included by Lallemand (1949) in his revision of world Cercopinae or by Metcalf (1961) in his catalogue of world Cercopidae.


A.-P. Liang and M. D. Webb

Paphnutius semirufellus Chou and Wu (Figs 1, 7, 33) Paphnutius semirufellus Chou and Wu, in Chou, Yuan and Wu, 1988: 136, fig. 3. HOLOTYPEC~, Xizang [Tibet] (IZAS) [examined]. Diagnosis. Distinguished by the strongly contrasting sanguineous and dark brown dorsum. From the similar semirufus it can be distinguished by its smaller size. Description. Length 6 4-80-5.20mm. Sanguineous with basal antennal segments and forewings, except bases, prosterna, mesopleura, mesosterna and legs except fore and middle femura basally, blackish brown; hind femura paler brown. Other markings as in generic description. Male genitalia as in ostentus and ruficeps. Downloaded by [Institute of Zoology] at 19:55 04 September 2012


Xizang [Tibet] and northem Burma.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE 6, China: Xizang [Tibet]: M~dog, Beibeng, 700-850 m, 31.iii. 1983 (Han) (IZAS). China: 12 4 PARATYPES,same data as holotype (IZAS; NWAU); 1 6, M~dog, Gedang, 2180 m, 21.iv. 1980 (Jin and Wu) (SIE). Burma: 106, Dingliang, Mishmi Hills (BMNH). Discussion. The following specimens may be this species but differ slightly in size, colour and shape of the style although the latter character is variable in some other species. Burma (northern part): 3 6, Kambaiti, 3 6, Seinghku Valley (sanguineous hind femura and thorax ventrally except for brown mesostemum and the latter specimens with a blackish brown vertex). Northern Vietnam: 7 9, Tam Dao (BMNH) (hind femura and entire thorax ventrally sanguineous). Paphnutius semirufus (Haupt) (Figs 1, 7) Pseudaufidus semirufus Haupt, 1924: 303; Emmrich, 1974:116. HOLOTYPE~?, China (SMTD) [examined]. Paphnutius semirufus (Haupt); Lallemand, 1949: 37, 38; Metcalf, 1961:123. Diagnosis. Distinguished by its relatively large size and together with semirufellus by its strongly contrasting sanguineous and dark brown dorsum. Description. Relatively large and broad bodied, length ~? 7.20°8-20 mm. Colour as in semirufellus but thorax ventrally and hind femura sanguineous. Distribution.

China (Sichuan Province), northern Burma and northern Viet Nam.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE 9, China: Sichuan [Szetschwan], Kwanhsien, 1923-3 (St6tzner, A. Jacobi Coll.) (SMTD). Vietnam: 4 ~?, Tonkin (BMNH). Burma: 1 ? , Kambaiti (BMNH). Discussion. A male and 7 females from China (IZAS) may be this species but have the scutellum blackish brown. Species incertae sedis Paphnutius costimaculus Metcalf and Horton, 1934: 390, pl. 41, figs. 87, 93; Wu, 1935b: 161; Lallemand, 1949: 38; Metcalf, 1961: 122. HOLOTVPE6, China (USNM) [examined].


Paphnutius costimacutus was described by Metcalf and Horton (1934:

Revision of the genus Paphnutius


390, pl. 41, figs. 87, 93) on the basis of one male labelled: 'San nen kai, Yannan Fou' (China) (USNM). Examination of the holotype, lacking forewings (excluding left clavus) and right hindwing, indicates that the species is misplaced in Paphnutius. No further specimens of this taxa have been seen.

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Acknowledgements We are grateful to the following individuals and institutions for loans of specimens or access to collections: Mr Keith Arakai (BPBM), Mr Robert L. Blinn and Dr Christopher H. Dietrich (NCSU), Dr Jtirgen Deckert (MNHU), Dr Rainer Emmrich (SMTD), Dr Richard C. Froeschner (USNM), Dr Pavel Lauterer (MM), Mr Fa-Sheng Li (BAUIC), Mr Si-Kong Liu (BJMNH), Drs Jan van Stalle and P. Grootaert (IRSNB), Mrs Gui-Hua Sun (TMNH), Mrs Wei-Ni Zhang and Mr Zhi-Yi Luo (SIE), Professor Le-Yi Zheng (NU), and Mrs Jing-Ruo Zhou (NWAU). The senior author thanks Dr Paul H. Williams (BMNH), for several discussions. The work on which this paper is based was supported in part by a postdoctoral fellowship awarded in 1989 to the senior author by the Academia Sinica and served at the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, China, with Dr H. F. Chu. The support of both organizations is much appreciated.

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Revision of the genus Paphnutius

MELICHAR, L., 1915, Neue Cercopidenarten, Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Ktniglichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 65, 1-16. METCALF,Z. P., 1960, A Bibliography of the Cercopoidea (Hornoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) (Baltimore, MD: Waverly), 262 pp. METCALF,Z. P., 1961, General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fasc. VII Cercopoidea, Part 2. Cercopidae (Baltimore, MD: Waverly), 607 pp. METCALF,Z. P. and HORTON,G., 1934, The Cercopidae (Homoptera) of China, Lingnan Science Journal, 13, 367-429, pls 37-43. NAST, J., 1972, Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) An Annotated Check List (Warszawa), 550 pp. 6ucnI, Y., 1943, Contributiones ad Congnitionem Insectorum Asiae Orientalis 12, Notes on some cercopid insects from east China (in Japanese with English summary). Shanghai Sizenkagaku Kenkyasyo IbO [Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute], 13 (6), 496-504. SCHMIDT,E., 1920, Beitrage zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Zikaden (Rhynchota, Homoptera). XI. Zwei neue Cercopidengattungen, Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 85, 110-113. Wu, C. F., 1935a, Order XV. Homoptera, Catalogus insectorum sinensium [Catalogue of Chinese insects] (Peiping), 2, i-ii, 1-634. Wu, C. F., 1935b, Supplementum secundum catalogi insectorum Sinensium [second supplement to the catalogue of Chinese insects]. Peking Natural History Bulletin, 10, 151-161.

Taylor & Francis Online :: A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae) - Journal of Natural History - Volume 28, Issue 5 ●

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Journal of Natural History Volume 28, Issue 5, 1994

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A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae)

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DOI:10.1080/00222939400770581 A.-P. Lianga & M.D. Webbb pages 1175-1188

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Version of record first published: 17 Feb 2007

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The spittlebug genus Paphnutius is transferred from the Tomaspidini to the Considiini. The genus is revised and redescribed to contain nine species. A key to species is given and all species are redescribed and illustrated with their distributional data provided. One new species is described and one new generic synonymy, six new specific synonymies and four new combinations are established. Five lectotypes are newly designated. Paphnutius costimaculus Metcalf and Horton is considered as a species incertae sedis.

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Journal information Keywords Revision, Oriental spittlebugs, Cercopidae, Paphnutius

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Citation information: Web of Science ® Version of record first published: 17 Feb 2007

Author affiliations a Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 19 Zhongguancun Lu, Beijing, 100080, PR China ●


The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK

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Taylor & Francis Online :: A taxonomic revision of the Oriental spittlebug genus Paphnutius Distant (Homoptera: Cercopidae) - Journal of Natural History - Volume 28, Issue 5

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