A Technique for Studying the Absorption Characteristics ... - IEEE Xplore

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A Technique for Studying the Absorption Characteristics of Electron Beam. Excited Gas Plasmas by Organic Dye Vapors. G. MAROWSKY AND FRANK TITTEL.



VOL.NO. QE-14,

9, SEPTEMBER 1 9 7 8

A Technique for Studying the Absorption Characteristics of Electron Beam Excited Gas Plasmas by Organic Dye Vapors G. MAROWSKY AND FRANK TITTEL

Abstract-A new method for determining the absorption spectra of electron beam pumped rare gases is described. The excited gas may be conveniently probed by the fluorescence radiation from organic dye vapors. Preliminaryresults for argon absorption in the range 375 to 395 nm are reported. ADJUSTAELE


LECTRON beam pumped gas lasers such as raregas and rare gas-halide lasers have proven to be hghly efficient sources of coherent radiation [ l ] . Scaling such laser system for highpoweroperationseems to belimited by several quenching processes such as a bound-bound absorption from low lying excited atomic and molecular states in the raregases. Inparticular, a broadcontinuousabsorption inargon and FARADAY xenon is presentthroughoutthe visible that hasuncertain CUP origin [ 2 ]-[4] . In order to both analyze and overcome probFig. 1. Dye vapor cell with magnetically driven shutter system for lems associated with this newly identifiedloss mechanism, preoptical absorption measurements of rare gases. cise knowledge of the magnitude and spectral position of the absorptioncharacteristics is necessary.The mostdirectapSince a convenient cell design capable of high pressure and proach t o thisproblemhasbeen to use theradiationfrom high temperatureoperationforelectronbeamexcitationof tunable pulsed laser sources t o probe the absorption [5], [6] . rare gases anddye vapors hasbeendescribed indetailelseHowever, this technique requires careful pulse synchronization where [9], we limit our description of Fig. 1 t o only those asandapplication of various laser systems to obtainreliable pects thatpertain t o theabsorptionmeasurement. A magresults. netically positioned shutter system can be used inside the cell In this paper, we describe a novel and alternative technique to block one half (3 cm) of the incident electron-beam pump forconvenientprobingofthe raregas absorptionbehavior flux that penetrates through a thm titanium anode window. over a broad spectral range that uses the fluorescence or ampli- In case of small absorption, a magnetically positioned mirror fied spontaneous emission of a suitable dye vapor added as a may be used instead of the shutter to probe twice the active background radiation source. As an experimental test of this length for absorption. If 11 and I , denote the photodiode sigtechnique, the electron beam produced plasma absorption of nals for half and total active length (L = 6 cm) for a diode poargon was examined using the fluorescencebackground of a sitioned at a distance d from the center of the active region small amount of vapor from the dye POPOP (p-phenylenesuch that L/d