Autonomous Robots manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor)
A terrain-following control approach for a VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using average optical flow Bruno Herisse · Tarek Hamel · Robert Mahony · Francois-Xavier Russotto
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract This paper presents a nonlinear controller for terrain following of a vertical take-off and landing vehicle (VTOL). The VTOL vehicle is assumed to be a rigid body, equipped with a minimum sensor suite (camera, IMU and barometric altimeter) maneuvering over a textured rough terrain made of a concatenation of planar surfaces. Assuming that the forward velocity is separately regulated to a desired value, the proposed control approach ensures terrain following and guarantees that the vehicle does not collide with the ground during the task. The proposed control acquires an optical flow from multiple spatially separate observation B. Herisse CEA, LIST, Interactive Robotics Laboratory, 18 route du panorama, BP6, Fontenay aux Roses, F-92265, France Tel.: +331-46-549449 Fax: +331-46-548980 E-mail:
[email protected] T. Hamel I3S, UNSA-CNRS, 2000 route des Lucioles, BP121, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, 06903, France Tel.: +334-92-942701 Fax: +334-92-942898 E-mail:
[email protected] R. Mahony Department of Engineering, Building 32, North Road, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT, 0200, Australia Tel.: +612-61-258613 Fax: +612-61-250506 E-mail:
[email protected] F.-X. Russotto CEA, LIST, Interactive Robotics Laboratory, 18 route du panorama, BP6, Fontenay aux Roses, F-92265, France Tel.: +331-46-549052 Fax: +331-46-548980 E-mail:
[email protected]
points, typically obtained via multiple cameras or non collinear directions in a unique camera. The proposed control algorithm has been tested extensively in simulation and then implemented on a quadrotor UAV to demonstrate the performance of the closed-loop system. Keywords Optical Flow · Terrain following · Obstacle avoidance · Nonlinear control · Aerial Robotic Vehicle.
1 Introduction The past ten years have seen an explosive growth of interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (Valavanis, 2007). Such vehicles have strong commercial potential in automatic or remote surveillance applications such as monitoring traffic congestion, regular inspection of infrastructure such as bridges, dam walls, power lines, forest fire or investigation of hazardous environments, to name only a few of the possibilities. There are also many indoors applications such as inspection of infrastructures in mines or large buildings, and search and rescue in dangerous enclosed environments. Historically, payload constraints have severely limited autonomy of a range of micro aerial vehicles. The small size, highly coupled dynamics and ‘low cost’ implementation of such systems provide an ideal testing ground for sophisticated non-linear control techniques. A key issue arising is the difficulty of navigation through cluttered environments and close to obstructions (obstacle avoidance, take-off and landing). A vision system is a cheap, light, passive and adaptable sensor that can be used along with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to provide robust relative pose information and more generally allows autonomous navigation. There has been a growing interest over the last few years in vision based control of aerial vehicles (Shakernia et al, 1999; Hamel
and Mahony, 2002; Altug et al, 2002; Saripalli et al, 2002; Mahony et al, 2008). Insight into the behaviour of flying insects and animals has also been used to develop control strategies for aerial robots, in particular, techniques related to visual flow (Srinivasan et al, 2000; Barrows et al, 2002; Ruffier and Franceschini, 2004; Green et al, 2004). When a honeybee lands, neither velocity nor distance to the ground are used, the essential information required is the time-to-contact that can be obtained from the optical flow field divergence (Lee, 1976). This property has already been used for obstacle avoidance in aerial robotics (Muratet et al, 2005; Zufferey and Floreano, 2006). Recently control of flying vehicles has been inspired from models of flying insects (Green and Oh, 2008; Beyeler et al, 2009; Conroy et al, 2009). When the optical flow is combined with the forward velocity, work has been done to provide a measure of the height estimate of the UAV above the terrain followed by altitude control using linear control techniques (Garratt and Chahl, 2008). Other works combine the regulation of the forward velocity and the regulation of the forward optical flow to maintain a constant height above the terrain (Ruffier and Franceschini, 2005; Humbert et al, 2005). However, in these works, either a linear approximation of the dynamics (Conroy et al, 2009), or a simple kinematic model of the vehicule are considered (Humbert and Hyslop, 2010). There are few results that consider the full non-linear dynamics of the system and provide rigorous stability analysis of the closed-loop system. In this paper, we provide a control approach based on an average optical flow measured by the vehicle for terrain following (or, by extension, for wall following) that ensures obstacle avoidance of an UAV capable of quasi stationary flight. Due to the particular dynamics of the VTOL flight, this task has complexities not present in the analogous task for fixed-wing UAV such as considered by (Zufferey and Floreano, 2006). We consider the control of the translational dynamics of the vehicle and in particular focus on regulation of height along with a guarantee that the vehicle will not collide with the ground during transients. A ‘high gain’ controller is used to stabilise the orientation dynamics; an approach classically known in aeronautics as guidance and control (or hierarchical control) (Bertrand et al, 2008). The image feature considered is the average optical flow obtained from the measurement of the optical flow of a textured obstacle in the inertial frame using additional information provided by an embedded IMU for derotation of the flow. The terrain is approximated by a concatenation of planar surfaces. Lyapunov analysis is used to prove almost global asymptotic stability and robustness of the closed-loop system for terrain
following. The control algorithm has been tested extensively in simulation with success and then implemented on a quadrotor UAV (Fig. 1) developed by the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission). Experiments of proposed closed-loop control schemes demonstrate efficiency and performance for terrain following. The body of the paper consists of seven sections followed by a conclusion. Section 2 presents the fundamental equations of motion for the quadrotor UAV. In Section 3, fundamental equations of optical flow are presented. Section 4 presents the proposed control strategy for terrain following using a single aperture and Section 5 presents the control strategy for terrain following using multiple apertures. Section 6 describes simulation results and Section 7 describes the experimental results obtained on the quadrotor vehicle.
Fig. 1: The X4-flyer UAV
2 UAV dynamic model and time scale separation The VTOL UAV is represented by a rigid body of mass m and of tensor of inertia I along with external forces due to gravity and forces and torques provided by rotors. To describe the motion of the UAV, two reference frames are introduced: an inertial reference frame I associated with the vector basis [e1 , e2 , e3 ] and a bodyfixed frame B attached to the UAV at the center of mass and associated with the vector basis [eb1 , eb2 , eb3 ]. The position and the linear velocity of the UAV in I are respectively denoted ξ = (x, y, z)⊤ and v = (x, ˙ y, ˙ z) ˙ ⊤ . The orientation of the UAV is given by the orientation matrix R ∈ SO(3) from B to I. Finally, let Ω = (Ω1 , Ω2 , Ω3 )⊤ be the angular velocity of the UAV defined in B. A translational force F and a control torque Γ are applied to the UAV. The translational force F combines thrust, lift, drag and gravity components. For a miniature VTOL UAV in quasi-stationary flight one can
reasonably assume that the aerodynamic forces are always in direction eb3 , since the thrust force predominates over other components (Mahony and Hamel, 2004). The gravitational force can be separated from other forces and the dynamics of the VTOL UAV can be written as: ξ˙ = v
mv˙ = −T Re3 + mge3 ¯× , ǫR˙ = RΩ
¯ = ǫΩ Ω
(2) (3)
¯˙ = −Ω ¯ × IΩ ¯ + Γ¯ , ǫIΩ
Γ¯ = ǫ Γ
In the above notation, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and T a scalar input termed the thrust or heave, applied in direction eb3 = Re3 where e3 is the thirdaxis unit vector (0, 0, 1). The matrix Ω× denotes the skew-symmetric matrix associated to the vector product Ω× x := Ω × x for any x. The positive parameter ǫ (ǫ < 1) is introduced for timescale separation between the translation and orientation dynamics. It means that the orientation dynamics of the VTOL UAV are compensated with separate high gain control loop (Γ = Γ¯ /ǫ2 ). For this hierarchical control, the time-scale separation between the translational dynamics (slow time-scale) and the orientation dynamics (fast time-scale) can be used to design position and orientation controllers under simplifying assumptions. Although reduced-order subsystems can then be considered for control design, the stability must be analyzed by considering the complete closed-loop system (Bertrand et al, 2008). In this paper, however, we will focus on the control design for the translational dynamics.
those in the image frame. Motivated by this discussion, we make the following assumptions. Assumption 1 The image surface of the camera is spherical with unit image radius (f=1). Assumption 2 The target points are stationary in the inertial frame. Thus, motion of target points depends only on motion of the camera.
p˙ = −Ω × p −
W2 S2
3.1 Kinematics of an image point under spherical projection We compute optical flow in spherical coordinates in order to exploit the passivity-like property discussed in (Hamel and Mahony, 2002). The main advantage is that, in spherical coordinates, the optical flow is expressed in simple linear form. It is shown in (Vassallo et al, 2002) that optical flow equations can be numerically computed from an image plane to a virtual spherical retina. A Jacobian matrix relates temporal derivatives (velocities) in the spherical coordinate system to
p η d P
Fig. 2: Image kinematics for spherical camera image geometry
Define P = (X, Y, Z) ∈ R3 as a stationary visible target point expressed in the camera frame. The image point observed by the spherical camera is denoted p and is the projection of P onto the image surface S 2 of the camera. Thus,
3 Optical flow equations In this section image plane kinematics and spherical optical flow are derived. The camera is assumed to be attached to the center of mass so that the camera frame coincides with the body-fixed frame.
1 |P | πp V
P |P |
The time derivative p˙ is the kinematics of the image point, also called optical flow equations, on the spherical surface. The kinematics of an image point for a spherical camera of image surface radius unity are (Koenderink and van Doorn, 1987; Hamel and Mahony, 2002) p˙ = −Ω × p −
πp V, |P |
where πp = (I3 −pp⊤ ) is the projection πp : R3 → Tp S 2 , the tangent space of the sphere S 2 at the point p ∈ S 2 . The vector V represents the translational velocity of the center of mass expressed in the body-fixed frame (V = R⊤ v). Let η ∈ I denote the unit normal of the target plane (Mahony et al, 2008). Define d := d(t), to be the orthogonal distance from the target surface to the origin
of frame B, measured as a positive scalar. Thus, for any point P on the target surface d(t) = hP, R⊤ ηi where P is expressed in the body-fixed frame and η is expressed in the inertial frame. One can also write d(t) = −hη, ξi where ξ is the position of the camera. For a target point, one has |P | =
d(t) d(t) = hp, R⊤ ηi cos (θ)
is the hemisphere centered at η, corresponding to the visual image of the infinite target plane, it can be shown that (Mahony et al, 2008) 300 π (9) 0 3 0 Λ= 4 002
From (8) it is straightforward to obtain a measurement of the average optical flow corrected for rotational angular velocity 2
where θ is the angle between the inertial direction η and the observed target point p. Substituting this relationship into (6) yields p˙ = −Ω× p −
cos (θ) πp V d(t)
3.2 Average optical flow Measuring the optical flow is a key aspect of the practical implementation of the control algorithms proposed in the sequel. The optical flow p˙ can be computed using a range of algorithms (correlation-based technique, features-based approaches, differential techniques, etc) (Barron et al, 1994). Note that due to the rotational ego-motion of the camera, (7) involves the angular velocity as well as the linear velocity (Koenderink and van Doorn, 1987). For the control problem we define an inertial average optical flow from the integral of all observed optical flow corrected for rotational angular velocity. By integrating optical flow over an aperture, in this case a solid angle on the sphere, we obtain scaled information on the actual velocity of the vehicle. First, assume that the target plane is textured, the normal direction η is known and the available data are p, ˙ R and Ω where R and Ω are estimated from the IMU data (Metni et al, 2005). The average optical flow is obtained by integrating the observed optical flow over a solid angle W 2 of the sphere around the pole normal to the target plane (fig. 2). The integral of the optical flow on the solid angle W 2 is given by (see Appendix for more details): ZZ QV 2 , (8) φ= p˙ dp = −π (sin θ0 ) Ω × R⊤ η − d W2 where the parameter θ0 and the matrix Q depend on the size of the solid angle W 2 . It can be verified that Q = R⊤ (Rt ΛRt⊤ )R is a symmetric positive definite matrix. The matrix Λ is a constant diagonal matrix depending on parameters of the solid angle W 2 and Rt represents the orientation matrix of the target plane with respect to the inertial frame. For instance, if W 2
w = −(Rt Λ−1 Rt⊤ )R(φ + π (sin θ0 ) Ω × R⊤ η)
One has that v w = + noise d If the normal direction η is unknown, analogously to Equation (10), we compute an average optical flow w ˆ from the integral of all observed optical flow around the direction of observation ηˆ 6= η corrected for rotational angular velocity ˆ t Λ−1 R ˆ ⊤ )R(φˆ + π (sin θ0 )2 Ω × R⊤ ηˆ) w ˆ = −(R t
One has that ˆ t Λ−1 ΛˆR ˆ t⊤ w ˆ=R
v + noise d
ˆ t and φˆ are analogously defined with respect where R to ηˆ (see Appendix for more details). Since Λˆ 6= Λ is an unknown matrix depending on η and ηˆ, it is not ˆ t Λ−1 ΛˆR ˆ t⊤ to estimate v/d from possible to invert for R w. ˆ
4 Terrain Following with a single aperture In this section a control design ensuring terrain (or wall) following using a single aperture is proposed. This will serve as a basis for the control design with multiple apertures in the next section 5. The next Subsection 4.1 is devoted to the control design and the stability analysis assuming that the configuration of the environment (η) is known while Subsection 4.2 is dedicated to robustness. 4.1 A non-linear controller for Terrain Following The control problem considered is the stabilisation of the distance d around a set point d∗ while ensuring non collision. A non-linear controller depending on measurable variables w is developed for the translational dynamics (2). The full vectorial term T Re3 will be considered as control input for these dynamics. We will
assign its desired value u ≡ (T Re3 )d = T d Rd e3 . Assuming that actuator dynamics can be neglected, the value T d is considered to be instantaneously reached by T . For the orientation dynamics of (3)-(4), a high gain controller is used to ensure that the orientation R of the UAV converges to the desired orientation Rd . The resulting control problem is simplified to
moves in a direction parallel to the plane with known reference velocity v ∗ . Assume furthermore a known desired reference height d∗ is given. Consider the vehicle dynamics (13) projected onto the normal direction to the plane
ξ˙ = v, mv˙ = −u + mge3
where v ⊥ = hv, ηi and u⊥ = hu, ηi. Choose u⊥ as
(15) u⊥ = kP wk − ω ∗ + kD w⊥ + mghe3 , ηi
Thus, we consider only control of the translational dynamics (13) with a direct control input u. This common approach is used in practice and may be justified theoretically using singular perturbation theory (Khalil, 1996). v∗ v∗
η xt
η x z
mv˙ ⊥ = −u⊥ + mg he3 , ηi
where kP and kD are positive parameters, wk = πη w, w⊥ = hw, ηi and ω ∗ = v ∗ /d∗ . Then for all initial conditions such that d(0) = d0 > 0, the closed-loop trajectory exists for all time and satisfies d(t) > 0, ∀t. Moreover, d(t) converges asymptotically to d∗ . Proof Since the dynamics of the considered system are decoupled, recall the dynamics (14) using hv, ηi = −d˙ md¨ = kP
v∗ − ω∗ d
In this section, the direction η of the normal to the observed plane is assumed to be known. Define ω ∗ > 0 as the desired set point of the forward optical flow wk = πη w. If we assume that
forward velocity
v k = v ∗ > 0 is conv k = πη v is regulated such that
stant, regulation of wk → ω ∗ certainly ensures that d → v ∗ /ω ∗ = d∗ . In addition, note that the component in direction η of the average optical flow w acts analogously to optical flow divergence d˙ hv, ηi =− hw, ηi = d d Optical flow divergence, depending on d˙ can be used as a damping term for the control law. We consider the desired set point ω ∗ for the flow normal to η and look for a control law that achieves the convergence of d around d∗ . First, the problem is simplified
consider ing that the forward velocity is constant : v k = v ∗ . Then the normal dynamics is decoupled from the forward motion. In practice, a constant forward velocity can be obtained with a global positioning system (GPS for outdoor missions or IMU+vision for indoor experiments). Proposition 1 Consider a vehicle flying above a planar surface with known normal η. Assume the vehicle
d˙ d ˙ d
− kD
d − d∗ − kD d∗ d d ˙ e d d = −kP ω ∗ − kD d d = −kP v ∗
Fig. 3: Terrain following
Define the Lyapunov function candidate L by m d L = d˙2 + kP v ∗ g ≥0 2 d∗
(16) (17) (18)
where, g : R∗+ −→ R+ u 7−→ u − ln u − 1 It is straightforward to show that for all u ∈ R∗+ and u 6= 1, g(u) > 0 and g(1) = 0. Moreover, g tends to +∞ when u tends to 0 or to +∞. Differentiating L and recalling equations (18), it yields d˙2 L˙ = −kD d
This implies that L < L(0) as long as d(t) > 0. However, from the expression of the Lyapunov function, Eq. (19), L < L(0) implies that there exists δ > 0 such that d(t) > δ > 0. This ensures that d(t) > δ > 0, ∀t. Application of LaSalle’s principle shows that the invariant set is contained in the set defined by L˙ = 0. Consequently, d˙ ≡ 0 in the invariant set. Recalling (18), it is straightforward to show that de converges asymptotically to 0 and therefore d converges to d∗ .
Guaranteeing that d(t) remains positive ensures collision free motion along the terrain following. In the above result, it is assumed that the normal direction η is known, the linear velocity is constant and the measurements are perfect. In the next section we will show the robustness of the controller when these assumptions are not verified.
then, for all initial conditions such that d(0) = d0 > 0, the trajectory exists for all time and satisfies d(t) > 0, ∀t and d(t) converges asymptotically to χd∗ . Proof Equation (22) can be rewritten as follows: md¨ = −kP′ ω ∗
˙ d − d¯∗ ′ d − kD d d
4.2.1 Stability of the control law when the normal η to the plane is unknown a priori
′ where kP′ = kP γ, kD = kD δ and d¯∗ = χd∗ . Using condi′ tion (25), it is straightforward to show that kP′ , kD , d¯∗ > 0. Therefore direct application of Proposition 1 proves the result.
In this section, η is assumed to be unknown. Thus, the control law acts in another direction ηˆ and the forward velocity v ∗ is regulated on the normal to ηˆ. Recalling (12), we choose u⊥ = hu, ηˆi as
k ˆ − ω ∗ + kD w u⊥ = kP w ˆ ⊥ + mghe3 , ηˆi (21)
Note that constraint αe | must be smaller (25) shows |˜ p 2/λ . Thus, to ensure the visibility of than arctan the target plane and the stability of the system, the angle |˜ αe | must be smaller than the maximum between (π/2 − θ0 ) (where pθ0 isthe half of the apex angle of 2/λ . W 2 ) and arctan
4.2 Robustness assessment
where w ˆ k = πηˆw ˆ and w ˆ ⊥ = hw, ˆ ηˆi. Recalling the equation of the optical flow w ˆ (12), straightforward but tedious calculations verify that when ηˆ 6= η, the dynam ics (13) projected onto the direction ηˆ yields ( v k = kπηˆvk = v ∗ ): md¨ = −kP ω ∗ γ
d˙ d − χd∗ − kD δ d d
where γ = a (a is a parameter described in the Appendix). χ and δ are constants depending on kP , kD , η and ηˆ. It can be shown that, under some conditions on kP and kD , d converges to χd∗ . To illustrate this point, simplify the problem and assume that the azimuth angle αa of η with respect to the inertial frame is known. Then, choose the azimuth angle α ˆ a of ηˆ such that α ˜ a = αa − α ˆ a = 0. For such a situation it can be verified that: 3kD sin (˜ αe ) χ = cos (˜ αe ) + λ sin (˜ αe ) tan (˜ αe ) − 2kP (23) kP sin (˜ αe ) (24) δ = cos (˜ αe ) − λ kD where λ depends on the aperture and α ˜ e = αe − α ˆ e , αe and α ˆ e denoting respectively the elevation angle of η and ηˆ with respect to the inertial frame (see Appendix). Lemma 1 Consider the dynamics (22) and assume the target is visible in the specified solid angle W 2 and α ˜a = 0, that is χ and δ are given by (23) and (24). Choose kP and kD such that: kD 2 (cot (|˜ αe |) + λ tan (|˜ αe |)) > > λ tan (|˜ αe |) 3 kP
4.2.2 Robustness to the divergent flow measurements with a single aperture The divergent flow w⊥ is generally dominated by forward optical flow wk . To address this problem, a second damping term can be added to the control input. Proposition 2 Consider a vehicle flying above a planar surface with known normal η. Assume the vehicle moves in a direction parallel to the plane with known reference velocity v ∗ . Assume furthermore a known desired reference height d∗ is given. Consider the vehicle dynamics (13) projected onto the normal direction to the plane mv˙ ⊥ = −u⊥ + mg he3 , ηi where v ⊥ = hv, ηi and u⊥ = hu, ηi. Choose u⊥ as
u⊥ = kP wk − ω ∗ + kD1 w⊥
− kD2 wk z − wk + mghe3 , ηi
z˙ = −kz z − wk
where kz , kP , kD1 and kD2 are positive parameters, wk = πη w, w⊥ = hw, ηi and ω ∗ = v ∗ /d∗ . Then for all initial conditions such that d(0) = d0 > 0, the closed-loop trajectory exists for all time and satisfies d(t) > 0, ∀t. Moreover, d(t) converges asymptotically to d∗ .
The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 1. Note that the contribution of the additional term
kD2 wk z − wk
consists in providing an additional damping term when
the forward optical flow w k is dominant.
Thus, if the divergent flow w⊥ verifies w⊥ > kP , kD . The term Ωv × v is used to compensate for variations r of
v (and β). Note that if the regulation is achieved,
wβ ≡ ω ∗ is a function of v ∗ . This means that if wβ converges around ω ∗ , d converges around d∗ = v ∗ /ω ∗ . Introducing both controllers (34-35) in the translational dynamics (13), it yields: d k m v − v r = −kv v k − v r + mΩv × v k − v r dt (36)
k (37) m v ⊥ = −kD wβ⊥ − kP wβ − ω ∗ dt
Note that the stability of system (36) is obvious. Since v r has to be perpendicular to β, in 3-D motion, there exist many possibilities to choose v r in the plane perpendicular to β. If no high level tasks (GPS navigation, etc) are planned for the flight, a natural choice is to rotate the direction of motion v r such that hv r , βi = 0, ∀t > 0 without rotating around β. That is Ωv is chosen such that hv r , βi = 0 and hΩv , βi = 0 for all time. In this case, assuming that the regulation is achieved and recalling (36), one has d k dv k πβ v − v r ≡ πβ ≡0 dt dt
Thus, the trajectory will follow a geodesic of the surface defined by d = d∗ . Furthermore, recalling (37), the generalization to multiple apertures is consistent with the control strategy using a single aperture. However, unlike the previous case, v ⊥ is generally different from −d˙ and the stability is not guaranteed by Proposition 1. Nevertheless, it can be shown that there exists a set of gains (kP , kD ) such that, when the regulation of the forward velocity to v r is achieved, the dynamics of the system, in the opposite direction of the gradient of d, can be written as follows: d∗ vd dvd = kP ω ∗ γ(t) 1 − χ(t) − kD δ(t) mv˙ d = m dt d d (38) ˙ k∇dk denotes the velocity of the UAV where vd = −d/ in the opposite direction of the gradient of d. γ, δ and
χ are positive and bounded functions of time. Before introducing robustness analysis of the proposed control scheme, a 3-D illustrative example is considered. Example (3-D corner avoidance). The control problem is to avoid the corner of a room. Assume that three directions of observation η1 , η2 and η3 are pointing in the normal direction of the three perpendicular planar surfaces of the corner (Figure 4). From equations (30) and (31), it is straightforward to verify that: β=
wβ =
d d d , , d1 d2 d3
v d
where d1 , d2 and d3 are the three distances of the vehicle from the three obstacles in each directions ηi and d= p
d1 d2 d3 (d1 d2 )2 + (d1 d3 )2 + (d2 d3 )2
d represents the distance of the vehicle to the virtual plane defined by the three distances d1 , d2 and d3 (see Figure 4). Figure 5 represents three desired trajectories along geodesics of the surface defined by d = d∗ with d∗ = 0.2m. Note that the function d is defined with respect to a virtual plane that itself depends on the local geometry and position of the vehicle. As a consequence, the pseudo distance d is a highly non-linear function of position. In particular the gradient of d is not collinear with β. Straightforward calculations yield ∇d = −
d d1
3 3 3 !⊤ d d , , d2 d3
while β is given by (39). Recall the dynamics of the component of (13) in the direction β and the control law (35), it yields: !
v v⊥ dv ⊥ ∗ ⊥ = −kD − kP −ω (41) mv˙ = m dt d d where v˙ ⊥ = hv, ˙ βi. Let vd denote the velocity of the UAV in the opposite direction of the gradient of d: ˙ k∇dk vd = − hv, ∇di / k∇dk = −d/ The dynamics of the system in this direction when the regulation of the forward velocity to v r is achieved can be written as follows: d∗ vd dvd = kP ω ∗ γ 1 − χ − kD (42) mv˙ d = m dt d d
where γ=−
5.2 Robustness assessment hβ, ∇di >0 k∇dk
and χ=
1 hv r , ∇di kD v ∗ hβ, ∇di kP
The gains kP and kD must be chosen such that χ is a bounded positive value. Note that it can be numerically shown that γ > 0.9 for all configurations. This ensures that the direction of the gradient of d with respect to x, y and z remains close to the direction −β. That is, the controller acts in a direction close to the opposite of the gradient of d.
η2 d2
˙ k∇dk denotes the velocity of the UAV where vd = −d/ in the opposite direction of the gradient of d; and γ, δ, χ are functions of time. They can also represent uncertainties of the system that will be specified later (see Remarks 1 and 2). Note also that modeling errors can be analysed analogously to Subsection 4.2.1 and the resulting dynamics can still be written as equation (43). Theorem 3 Consider the system (43) and assume that k∇dk is bounded on all space. Choose kP and kD such that γ, δ and χ are positive and bounded functions of time and define the following parameters:
vk d1 η1
In this section we consider the robustness of the previous controller to the fact that v ⊥ 6= −d˙ when multiple apertures are used. In such situations the dynamics of the system in the opposite direction of the gradient of d can be written: d∗ vd dvd = kP ω ∗ γ(t) 1 − χ(t) − kD δ(t) mv˙ d = m dt d d (43)
d = d∗ χmin
d = d∗ χmax and,
m k∇dkmax + kP (γχ)max ∗ >d v , d = d exp µ kD δmin kD δmin m k∇dkmax − kP γmax µ− = − ω ∗ d, d = d exp 0, the closed-loop trajectory exists for all time, d(t) > 0 re˙ remain bounded. Moreover, mains positive and (d, d) the domain D defined in Figure 6 represents the global attractor of the system; that is, it is forward invariant under dynamics (43) and for all bounded initial condition (d0 > 0, vd (0)), there exists a time T such that (d, vd ) ∈ D for all time t > T .
position (−z) (m)
0 0 0
4 6
6 8
position y (m)
position x (m)
Fig. 5: Desired trajectories d = d∗ along geodesics
Proof Define the following virtual state: Z t m k∇dk v˙ d dτ z = d exp − kD δ(τ ) 0
Differentiating z and recalling equations (43), it yields kP ω ∗ γ(t) k∇dk d∗ z˙ = − 1 − χ(t) z (45) kD δ(t) d It is straightforward to show that if d > d, z˙ < 0 and if d < d, z˙ > 0. Thus, four situations need to be considered:
−vd d exp µ+ d
mk∇dk − k δminmax vd D
d d∗ d
It follows that J˙ is negative as long as |vd | > |µγ,χ,δ (d)|. This implies that there exists a time T such that −vd belongs to [µ− , µ+ ] for all time t ≥ T . Combining this result with the previous discussion, we get the following table that represents the successive states of the system when the worst case occurs.
To define the attractor, assume that (d0 > 0, vd (0)) ∈ / D. Define the storage function J = m(vd )2 /2. Differentiating J and recalling equations (43), it yields: kP ω ∗ γ vd vd − (d − χd∗ ) (46) J˙ = −kD δ d kD δ vd (47) = −kD δ (vd + µγ,χ,δ (d)) d
mk∇dk d exp − k δminmax vd = d D
(a) Fig. 6: Global attractor D
d0 < d zր d0 > d zց
vd (0) ≤ 0, vd (0) > 0, vd (0) < 0, vd (0) ≥ 0,
dր dց dր dց
(a) (b) (c) (d)
˙ 1. Case (a): since z is increasing, the sign of vd (or d) cannot change as long as d ≤ d. Then there exists a time T such that d(T ) ≥ d. 2. Case (d): since z is decreasing, there exists a time T such that d(T ) ≤ d. 3. Case (b): to show that there exists a time T ′ such that the sign of vd changes along with d(T ′ ) > 0, we proceed using a proof by contradiction. Assume vd > 0 and d < d for all time t. Using the fact that d = d∗ χmin it follows, from (44), that v˙ d < 0 while z remains positive and upper bounded m k∇dkmax vd (0) z < d0 exp kD δmin for all time t. Moreover, since d0 < d and d˙ < 0, there exists ǫ > 0 such that z˙ > ǫz. Therefore, there exists a time T ′ such that m k∇dkmax ′ vd (0) z(T ) > d0 exp kD δmin This contradicts the assumption. Moreover, since z is increasing and z0 = d0 > 0, d remains positive. It follows that situation (b) leads to situation (a). 4. Case (c): analogously to the case (b) a similar proof shows that the situation (c) leads to situation (d). Consequently, for any situation (a-d), there exists a time T such that d(T ) belongs to the interval d, d .
(c) (d)
phase 0
phase 1
phase 2
d0 < d
≡ (c)
vd (0) < −µ+
vd < −µ+
at phase 0
d0 < d
d vd > −µ+
d0 > d
≡ (d)
vd (0) < −µ+
vd = 0
at phase 0
d0 > d
≡ (b)
vd (0) > −µ−
vd > −µ−
at phase 0
phase 3
A straightforward examination shows that for any initial condition, there exists a time T such that (d(T ), vd (T )) ∈ D It remains to show that if (d0 , vd (0)) ∈ D, (d(t), vd (t)) remains in D, ∀t. Since, by assumption, vd (0) ≥ −µ+ , this proves that vd ≥ −µ+ for all time. Moreover, since z is decreasing for d > d, if the situation (c) occurs, then v˙ d > 0 and m k∇dkmax (vd − vd (0)) ≤ z(t) ≤ z0 = d0 d(t) exp − kD δmin as long as vd < 0. Thus, d ≤ d for all time. Using this result and the fact that vd (0) ≤ −µ− is also verified, it is straightforward to show, from equation (46), that vd ≤ −µ− for all time. Moreover, since z is increasing for d < d, if the situation (b) occurs, then v˙ d < 0 and m k∇dkmax d(t) exp − (vd − vd (0) ≥ z(t) ≥ z0 = d0 kD δmin as long as vd > 0. Thus, d(t) ≥ d for all time. Consequently, (d, vd ) remains in D for all time. Remark 1 The noise can be modeled by a bounded variable b(t); that is wβ can be written as follows: wβ =
v + b(t) d
Let b1 be the component of b in the direction of the forward velocity v k and b2 the component of b in the direction β. Then, the dynamics of the system can be written as follows: vd d∗ mv˙ d = kP ω ∗ γ ′ (t) 1 − χ′ (t) − kD δ(t) d d
where, γ γ =γ− ∗ ω χγ ′ χ = ′ γ ′
kD b1 (t) + b2 (t) kP
Then, choosing kP , kD and ω ∗ such that γ ′ (t) is positive and bounded for all time and recalling Theorem 3, for all initial conditions such that d0 > 0, the closed-loop trajectory exists for all time, d(t) > 0 remains positive ˙ remains bounded. and (d, d) k Remark 2 If the norm of the forward velocity
kv is
a lower bounded and time varying function ( v ≥ vmin > 0), the dynamics of the pseudo distance d can be written as follows:
vd d∗ mv˙ d = kP ω ∗ γ(t) 1 − χ′ (t) − kD δ(t) d d
where χ′ (t) = χ v k /v ∗ . Recalling Theorem 3, one can ensure that the vehicle follows the terrain without collision. Remark 3 In the case where the task consists in following a corridor using two cameras pointing in two opposite directions η1 and η2 (η2 = −η1 ), using the definition of the pseudo distance, one has −1 1 d1 d2 1 d= − = d1 d2 |d1 − d2 |
where d1 and d2 are distances from the two sides of the corridor. Thus, it is straightforward to show that k∇dk is infinite in the middle of the corridor (d1 = d2 ) and Theorem 3 cannot be used directly. However, one can show that there exists two symmetrical solutions to the equation d = d∗ with respect to the middle of the corridor. Using a similar proof as Theorem 3 applied to each side of the corridor when the controller (35) is used, we show that the pseudo distance d is lower bounded, hence d1 and d2 are lower bounded. Moreover, we show that there exists an attractor for the vehicle state (d, vd ).
6 Simulations In this section, simulations of the above algorithms designed for the full dynamics of the system are presented. The camera is simulated with a 3-D simulator. The UAV is simulated with the model provided by Section 2. A Pyramidal implementation of the Lucas-Kanade (Lucas and Kanade, 1981) algorithm is used to compute the optical flow. The field of view θ0 of the window of computation is set to 20◦ around the directions of observation. Optical flow is computed at 210 points on this window and a transformation is applied to express the optical flow in spherical image surface (Vassallo et al, 2002). In practice, a least-square estimation of motion parameters is used to detect outliers in order to obtain robust measurements of the average optical flow w (Umeyama, 1991). The following expression of the matrix Λ show the sensitivity of the estimation relatively to the field of view: 0.357 0 0 Λ = 0 0.357 0 0 0 0.021 The first simulation considers one aperture. We assume that the profile of the terrain η(t) is known. The control Law (15) is used for terrain following. The profile of the terrain is represented in Figure 7 by the red line. The slope is set to 25%. v ∗ is set to 0.5ms−1 and ω ∗ is set to 0.1s−1 , thus d∗ = 5m. Figure 7 shows the result of the simulation. d is the orthogonal distance to the target plane defined previously. The control law shows good performances and a robust behaviour during transients. The second simulation considers one aperture always pointing down in the direction of the gravity (the direction of observation is the direction of the gravity), no slope is measured. Results of Section 4.2.1 show that the slope can not be too steep to ensure the stability and the non-collision. Figure 8 illustrates this point. When the slope is steep, even if the trajectory can be stabilised by choosing appropriate gains, it is very close to the obstacle. During Simulations, the slope is kept smaller than 70◦ (90◦ − θ0 = 70◦ ), then, the target is visible. kP and kD have been chosen such that the stability is guaranteed. Robustness to noise and forward velocity variations also need to be assessed. Figure 9 shows the trajectory when the forward velocity is oscillating between 0.4ms−1 and 0.6ms−1 . Moreover, additional noise b has been added to the optical flow measurement, the ratio ω ∗ /bmax is set to 2. Note that, for this experiment, the camera is pointing down. Using multiple apertures, more complex terrains such
70 slope : 19°
50 40 30 20 10
50 40 30 20 10
0 0
40 60 position x (m)
40 60 position x (m)
40 60 position x (m)
70 slope : 45°
slope : 56°
60 position (−z) (m)
60 position (−z) (m)
slope : 30°
60 position (−z) (m)
position (−z) (m)
50 40 30 20 10
50 40 30 20 10
0 0
40 60 position x (m)
position (−z) (m)
Fig. 8: UAV’s trajectory with different slopes: 19◦ , 30◦ , 45◦ and 56◦
0 0
60 position x (m)
10 8 distance d (m)
as the corner of a room or a corridor can be followed and avoided. Figure 10 presents steep terrain following with two apertures, one pointing down and one pointing forward. The slope is set to 26◦ . v ∗ is still set to 0.5 m.s−1 and ω ∗ is set to 0.1 s−1 . This implies that d∗ = 5 m. The blue line is the result using both cameras (control law (35)) while the green line represents the result when a single camera pointing down (see arrows on the figure) is used (control law (21)). Results also present the measure of the apparent slope αe extracted from the measurement of β (Eq. (30)). Clearly, the use of two cameras improves performance, although the pseudo distance (result with two cameras) still does not converge to the desired one. This is due to arguments discussed in Section 3.2, in particular the error ˆ⊤. ˆ t Λ−1 ΛˆR due to the unknown term R t In figure 11, the problem of corner avoidance is considered using control law (35) along with three orthogonal apertures, one pointing down and two pointing forward (as discussed in Section 5). Control law (35) is used. The result, in blue line, is performed by choosing kP = 3kD and using v ∗ = 0.5ms−1 and ω ∗ = 0.1s−1 . This implies that d∗ = 5 m. Both rows of the figure show two simulations using the same initial positions but different initial velocities with different directions. The reference velocity v r is regulated so that the vehicle follows a geodesic of the surface defined by d = d∗ . This shows good performance and a robust behaviour of the controller during transients.
6 4 2
distance to the terrain 60 position x (m)
Fig. 9: UAV’s trajectory when the forward velocity is varying position (−z) (m)
10 8 6
7 Experimental Results
4 2 0 0
40 50 position x (m)
distance d (m)
In this section, experimental results of the above algorithm designed for the full height dynamics of the system is presented. The UAV used for the experimentation is the quadrotor, made by the CEA (Fig. 1).
6 5
7.1 Prototype description
4 3 2 distance to the terrain 1 0
40 50 position x (m)
Fig. 7: UAV’s trajectory
The X4-flyer is equipped with a set of four electronic boards designed by the CEA. Each electronic board includes a micro-controller and has a particular function. The first board integrates motor controllers which regulate the rotation speed of the four propellers. The second board integrates an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) constituted of 3 low cost MEMS accelerometers, which give the gravity components in the body frame,
into the control algorithm. Desired orientation and desired thrust are generated on the ground station PC and sent to the drone. A key difficulty of the algorithm implementation lies in the relatively large time latency between the inertial data and visual features. For orientation dynamics, an embedded ‘high gain’ controller in the DSP running at 166Hz, independently ensures the exponential stability of the orientation towards the desired one (Guenard et al, 2008).
position (−z) (m)
30 20 10 0 0
20 position x (m)
20 position x (m)
20 position x (m)
d (m)
5 pseudo distance d
measured slope (°)
0 measured slope
−50 0
7.2 Experiments
Fig. 10: Terrain following
Textures are made of random contrasts (Fig. 12a, 12b). A Pyramidal implementation of the Lucas-Kanade (Lucas and Kanade, 1981) algorithm is used to compute the optical flow and parameters for the computation are the same as in simulation. To regulate forward ve-
12 10
8 d (m)
position (−z) (m)
20 10
6 4
0 0
20 40 position y (m)
pseudo distance d
20 40 position x (m)
40 time t (s)
8 d (m)
position (−z) (m)
12 60
6 4
0 0
50 100 position y (m)
20 40 position x (m)
(a) Hovering flight above the textured terrain
2 pseudo distance d 0
40 60 time t (s)
(b) Hovering flight around the textured corner
Fig. 11: Corner avoidance
3 angular rate sensors and 2 magnetometers. On the third board, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), running at 150 MIPS, is embedded and performs the control algorithm of the orientation dynamics (Guenard et al, 2006) and filtering computations. The final board provides a serial wireless communication between the operator’s joystick and the vehicle. 2 embedded cameras with 640 × 480 pixels and a view angle of 70 degrees transmit video to a ground station (PC) via a wireless analogical link of 2.4GHz. A Lithium-Polymer battery provides nearly 15 minutes of flight time. The loaded weight of the prototype is about 850g. The images sent by the 2 embedded cameras are received by the ground station at a frequency of 25Hz. In parallel, the X4-flyer sends the inertial data to the station on the ground at a frequency of 15Hz. The data is processed by the ground station PC and incorporated
Fig. 12
locity to the desired set point, a controller based on the measure of the drag force opposite to the direction of motion via the combination of accelerometer readings and pressure measurement (barometer) is used. Note that this kind of controller can be used only for indoor environment or very calm outdoor environment since the wind would disturb the measure of the velocity. In outdoor applications, this approach could be replaced by a velocity control based on GPS, an approach that is impossible in indoor environments. Since the payload of the UAV and computing time are limited, only two cameras are embedded on the UAV. That prevents us from experimenting 3-D terrain following and 3-D corner avoidance. In the followings, only 2-D experiments are considered. The lateral position vy has been stabilised using an optical flow based controller (Herisse et al, 2008). For all the experiments, the controller (35) is used for terrain following.
7.2.1 First experiment on the ground with a single aperture
such that the constraint (25) is verified: 2.67 >
The considered terrain is the ground assumed to be flat and planar. v ∗ is set to 0.3ms−1 and ω ∗ is set to 0.2s−1 , therefore d∗ = 1.5m. During experiments, the yaw velocity is regulated to 0. Since only one aperture is used, the controller is equivalent to the controller (15) applied in the z-direction (η = e3 ) and the forward velocity is regulated in the x-direction. The distance d is computed from measures of both the forward optical flow and the forward velocity as follows: d = vx /wx . Figure 13 shows the measurement of the forward velocity vx , the measurement of the forward optical flow wx and the measurement of the distance to the ground d. The result shows that vx → v ∗ and wx → ω ∗ .
kD > 0.0073 kP
v ∗ is set to 0.3ms−1 and ω ∗ is set to 0.2s−1 and therefore d∗ = 1.5m. During experiments, the yaw velocity is regulated to 0. Figure 14 shows the measurement of the forward velocity vx , the measurement of the forward optical flow w ˆx and the measurement of the distance ρ = vx /w ˆx . The result shows that vx → v ∗ and w ˆ k converges to a value close to ω ∗ . As expected from Lemma 1, we verify that, on the sloped part of the terrain, the distance ρ converges around a positive value smaller than d∗ .
vx (m/s)
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
forward velocity 0
0.1 0
forward velocity 0
0.3 0.2 0.1 0
forward optical flow 0
temps (s)
0.2 3
forward optical flow 0
temps (s) 3
ρ (m)
d (m)
0.4 10
temps (s)
10 temps (s)
vx (m/s)
2 1 distance ρ 0
5 temps (s)
1 distance d 0
temps (s)
Fig. 14: Forward velocity v k = vx , forward optical flow w ˆk = w ˆx and distance ρ
Fig. 13: Forward velocity v k = vx , forward optical flow wk = vx and distance to the ground d
7.2.3 Corner avoidance with two apertures
7.2.2 Second experiment on a ramp with a single aperture The considered terrain is made of two parts (it is similar to the representation in Figure 3), one part is the ground and the other is a planar surface which makes a slope of 25% with the ground. The slope is assumed to be unknown during the experiment and the camera always points down. Then, the controller is equivalent to the controller (21) applied in the z-direction (ˆ η = e3 ) and the forward velocity is regulated in the x-direction. We have to verify the stability of the control law. Reˆ t = I3 and calling results of Section 4.2.1 along with R ◦ αe = 14 , the parameters kP and kD have to be chosen
2-D Corner avoidance has been tested and results are presented. The task considered consists in avoiding a frontal obstacle by going over it using 2 separate cameras (Figure 12b), one camera is looking down and the other one is looking forward. The integration window for the camera looking down is still realised around the gravitational direction e3 while the integration window for the second camera is performed around the direction of the forward motion corresponding to the inertial direction e1 if the yaw angle is equal to 0. The experiment is a direct application of the controller presented in (Herisse et al, 2010) and corresponds to a particular case of the 3-D corner avoidance presented in Section 5 assuming that one of the three distances d1 , d2 or d3 is infinite. The forward velocity v ∗ is set to 0.4ms−1 . Moreover, ω ∗ is set to 0.5s−1 and therefore d∗ = 0.8m.
The parameters kP and kD have been chosen such that the parameter χ defined in section 5 is positive:
vpar (m/s)
kP > 0.5kD
vpar (m/s)
forward velocity
0 0
5 temps (s)
1 wpar
8 temps (s)
0 forward optical flow −0.5
8 temps (s)
1.5 1 0.5 pseudo distance
8 temps (s)
Fig. 16: Terrain following with corner avoidance
ARC Discovery Project DP0880509, ”Image based teleoperation of semi-autonomous robotic vehicles”.
0.5 0 forward optical flow 5 temps (s)
Appendix: Derivation of optical flow integration. In this appendix, we provide derivation of optical flow integration described in Eq. (8) and used in Paragraph 4.2.1. Using the notations of Section 3, consider the average of the optical flow in a direction ηˆ 6= η over a solid angle W 2 of S 2 . Define (ˆ αe , α ˆa ) to be the spherical coordinates of ηˆ where α ˆe is the elevation angle and α ˆ a is the azimuth angle. With these paˆt to be the orientation matrix from a frame rameters, define R of reference with ηˆ in the z-axis assuming no yaw rotation to the inertial frame I 1
1.5 d (m)
d (m)
Figure 15 shows the measurement of the forward velocity v k , the measurement of the forward optical flow k wβ and the measurement of the pseudo distance d =
k k k
v /
wβ . The result shows that v k → v ∗ and wβ → ω ∗ . Several experiments have been carried out to verify the performance of the approach. One can see that it ensures that the quad-rotor follows the terrain without collision. Figure 16 shows the same results in the case of a more complex terrain made of a corner followed by an elevated level and a ramp that slopes down. These results can also be watched at the following url:
forward velocity
1 0.5 pseudo distance
0 0
5 temps (s)
Fig. 15: Corner avoidance
c (ˆ αe ) c (ˆ αa ) − s (ˆ αa ) s (ˆ αe ) c (ˆ αa ) ˆt = c (ˆ R αe ) s (ˆ αa ) c (ˆ αa ) s (ˆ αe ) s (ˆ αa ) − s (ˆ αe ) 0 c (ˆ αe )
Define θ0 as the angle associated with the apex angle 2θ0 of the solid angle W 2 . Then: ˆ= φ
p˙ dp = −π (sin θ0 )2 Ω × R⊤ ηˆ −
ˆ QV , d
ˆt⊤ )R is a symmetric positive definite ˆ = R ⊤ (R ˆt ΛˆR where, Q matrix. The matrix Λˆ is a symmetric positive definite matrix ˆt . It can be written as follows: depending on Rt and R
8 Concluding remarks This paper presented a rigorous nonlinear controller for terrain following of a UAV using the measurement of average optical flow in multiple observation points along with the IMU data. The closed-loop systems and limits of the controller have been theoretically analysed and discussed. The proposed control algorithm has been tested in simulation in different scenarios and then implemented on a quadrotor UAV to demonstrate the performance of the closed-loop system.
Λˆ =
πq hp, R W2 Z θ0 2π
θ =0
ηi dq
ˆt⊤ ηi sin θ dθ dφ (I − qq ⊤ )hq, R
q ⊤ = (s (θ) c (φ), s (θ) s (φ), c (θ)). Eventually, straightforward
but tedious calculations verify that: a 0 −b 1 a −c λ −b −c 2a
π (sin θ0 )4 λ Λˆ = 0 4
a = c (αe ) c (ˆ αe ) + s (αe ) s (ˆ αe ) c (˜ αa ) b = s (αe ) c (ˆ αe ) c (˜ αa ) − c (αe ) s (ˆ αe ) c = s (αe ) s (˜ αa )
Acknowledgements This work was partially funded by Nav-
iflow grant and by ANR project SCUAV (ANR-06-ROBO0007) and by the Australian Research Council through the
for all x ∈ R, s (x) = sin (x), c (x) = cos (x), t(x) = tan (x)
(sin θ0 ) and α ˜ e = αe − α ˆe , α ˜ a = αa − α ˆa . In the where λ = 4− (sin θ0 )2 particular case where ηˆ = η , α ˜e = 0 and α ˜a = 0, the matrix Λ is a diagonal matrix given by
1 0 0 π (sin θ0 )4 λ 1 Λˆ = Λ = 0 λ 0 4 0 0 2
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