A Thank You - Bitly

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that the online directory feature of myWPC will be launched at the end of the month! ... classes, and volunteer opportun
Westminster Presbyterian Church

Introducing… myWPC!

- Volunteer Opportunities cont. Let's Make Everyone Count

National Street and Shelter Point-in-Time Count Wednesday, January 30-Thursday, January 31 | 10pm-2am This month, volunteers throughout Durham will count our community’s unsheltered homeless people. The count is very important because it helps our community plan future services geared toward ending homelessness; allows "I tromped through the us to understand changes woods in the middle of the in trends among homeless night last year, and came out populations; complies with with a new and profound reporting requirements from awareness of homelessness funders; and justifies the in Durham, as well as a new need for continued resources appreciation for those who to aid people experiencing work with them each day." homelessness. - Chris Tuttle With your help, we can collect information that will help us end homelessness in Durham, connect people to affordable housing resources, and assist in linking people to community resources. The Durham Continuum of Care is in need of approximately 40 volunteers to assist with the unsheltered count of people living outside. Call 919-560-4570 x22249 for more information; register and view additional volunteer opportunities at http://bit.ly/2013DurhamPITVolunteerRegistration.

SAVE THE DATE!* Westminster Presbyterian Church celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year. Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 5, as we kick-off this golden milestone with an all-day Homecoming Celebration. You won't want to miss the fellowship, fun, food, music, special guest preaching, and multimedia presentations in store! *We would like to invite members from years past who have moved away from the area to join in the celebration. If you have names and email addresses for any such friends, please let Barb Schmidt know (919-489-4974, [email protected]).

Remember the Communications Survey many of you took last summer? One of the top online communication tools you requested was a member directory. We are excited to announce that the online directory feature of myWPC will be launched at the end of the month!

What is myWPC? myWPC is a secure online resource that serves as a tool for members to engage in the ministries and mission work of the church. Its features include: a member directory, event registration, volunteer sign-ups, online payment and giving options, and more. We will be rolling out these features to the congregation throughout the year, starting with the online directory this month. myWPC will be accessible from a link on Westminster’s website.

Tell me about this online directory. myWPC is a password-protected tool that is only accessible to active members, so members’ contact information is secure in the online directory. Members have the ability to control what contact information is visible to other members, as well as the option to opt out of the online directory completely. Only members over age 18 will be visible in the online directory.

Please note. We observe a zero-tolerance policy for misuse of myWPC. By creating an account, members agree to use myWPC’s features only for purposes directly related to Westminster-sponsored activities. Any other use of this tool will result in the termination of your myWPC account.

What will myWPC replace? Nothing! Printed directories and paper sign-ups for events, classes, and volunteer opportunities will still be available. The goal of myWPC is not to take the place of the ways we have traditionally done things, but simply to provide another convenient way to stay connected to Westminster.

Want to know more? I will be offering myWPC Tutorial Sessions that will be a time to ask questions, voice concerns, and explore this new tool together. They will be held on: Monday, February 11, from 11:45am-2pm in Room 105 (after the "God Is Faithful" Bible Study) Sunday, February 17, from 9:45-10:45am and 12:15-1:30pm in Room 105 (after both worship services)

A Thank You Thank you to the congregation for your prayers, food, cards, and good thoughts. With love to my church family, Ann Dancy

Check the January 30 newsletter for full details on how myWPC will be launched to the congregation and don't hesitate to get in touch or stop by my office in the meantime! Kara Pearce Communications Coordinator 919-489-4974, ext. 101 [email protected] -3-