Full electron. â The Virtual atom model. â Full electron. â Refinement with Program MoPro: X-ray structure. Electron density. Theoretical structure factors.
A theoretical electron density databank using a model of spherical atoms and dummy charges NASSOUR Ayoub Laboratoire de Cristallographie
OUTLINE Methodology Test of the virtual atom model Library building Automated refinement with software MoPro Application to UREA Conclusion 2
Methodology The Virtual atom model Ab initio calculation → Crystal09 code Density functional theory; theory; Linear combinaison of atomic orbitals; Full electron. Refinement with Program MoPro: MoPro Refinement:
X-ray structure
Deformation of the Electron Density ∆ρ = ρmolecule - ρspher-neutral-atoms Contours = +/- 0.05 eÅ-3
B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) Electron density
Theoretical structure factors
Test of the virtual atom model : confrontation with other approaches Multipolar atom model
Virtual atom model
Resorcinol Deformation of the electron density ∆ρ = ρmolecule - ρspher-neutral-atoms Contours = +/- 0.05 eÅ-3
Virtual atom model
Multipolar model
refinement vs Theo Fhkl
Resorcinol Electrostatic potential of the electron density Contours = +/- 0.05 e/Å
Library building
Analysis of small molecules
Electron density determination by X-ray crystallography.
Average of parameters = Library
Proteins & small compounds
Pval, Pvir κ, κ’vir parameters Atom types are defined by
Diffraction data measured at ultra high resolution (~0.5 Angstrom). Data obtained from Laboratory or IUCR journals website or from authors.
• their chemical nature (H, C, N, O, Qvir…) • the chemical nature of 1st & 2nd neighbors • the geometry of the covalent bonds
Automated refinement with software MoPro
The fully automated electron density refinement for small molecules includes preparation of: stereochemical restraints constraints of multipoles symmetry and atoms chemical equivalence
Application to UREA urea Molecular Dipole moments µ in Debye for urea.
Refinement vs Theo Fhkl
Electrostatic interaction energies of urea dimers in the crystal [kJ/mol] Theoretical database
The theoretical databank of transferable virtual-atom model allows fast evaluation of the electrostatic interaction energies of macromolecular systems. It can be used to calculate the molecular electron density distribution and its properties.
We also note that the DB_VIR database could be used to define force fields based on off-atoms charges.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the CINES for computational resources. The CNRS is gratefully acknowledged for financial support . The authors thanks B. Guillot and C. Lecomte for useful discussions. Special thanks are due to C. Jelsch for valuable suggestions.
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