A Theory of Social Infrastructure and Economic Development Yong Wang* Department of Economics, University of Chicago Last Version: February 2006 This Version: January 2007
Abstract: This paper develops a theoretical model based on Benhabib and Rustichini (1996) to explore how the different political power and productivity distributions among different social groups would determine the coalition formation and how the different endogenous social infrastructure affects the first two moments of the macroeconomic performance: growth rate and consumption distribution. We will mainly focus on the Markov-Nash perfect equilibria with full commitment and we obtain the close-form solutions to fully characterize the economy. Our main new findings include: (1) In a meritocracy, the endogenous social structure and the resulted macroeconomic performance can be fully characterized on a simplex, which shows that more equal political power and labor productivity distributions will lead to more coalitions and hence higher growth rate. Coalitions are more likely to be formed between social groups with relatively equal political powers. (2) A minor change in the distribution of labor productivities (or interpreted as an adoption of a different technology) could result in a dramatic and non-monotonic change in the coalition structure and the macroeconomic performance. (3) The selfish ruling class in a non-democracy might choose to extend some political rights to the other social groups to better exploit them, which could lead to growth maximization in some special cases. (4) The social coalition structure evolves endogenously as the political power distribution changes, and hence the persistence of political power distribution ultimately translates into the persistence of economic growth rate and consumption inequality.
Key words: Political Economy; Inefficient Institutions; Endogenous Coalitions; Consumption Distribution; Economic Growth. JEL Codes: C73, E2, O11, O40, P16
Correspondence Address: 1126 E 59th Street, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. Tel: 1-773-401-0382. Email:
[email protected]. For helpful comments and discussions on different versions of this paper, I am grateful to Fernando Alvarez, Gary Becker, Thomas Chaney, Willie Fuchs, Lars Peter Hansen, Justin Yifu Lin, Yang Lu, Robert Lucas, Jr., Dilip Monkerjee, Roger Myerson, Jiandong Ju, Robert Shimer, Nancy Stokey, Balazs Szentes, Francesco Trebbi, James Guanzhong Wen, Danyang Xie, Heng-fu Zou , as well as many seminar participants at University of Chicago, Peking University, and 2006 Chinese Economist Society (North America) Annual Conference. All errors are my own.
A Theory of Social Infrastructure and Economic Development
Abstract: This paper develops a theoretical model based on Benhabib and Rustichini (1996) to explore how the different political power and productivity distributions among different social groups would determine the coalition formation and how the different endogenous social infrastructure affects the first two moments of the macroeconomic performance: growth rate and consumption distribution. We will mainly focus on the Markov-Nash perfect equilibria with full commitment and we obtain the close-form solutions to fully characterize the economy. Our main new findings include: (1) In a meritocracy, the endogenous social structure and the resulted macroeconomic performance can be fully characterized on a simplex, which shows that more equal political power and labor productivity distributions will lead to more coalitions and hence higher growth rate. Coalitions are more likely to be formed between social groups with relatively equal political powers. (2) A minor change in the distribution of labor productivities (or interpreted as an adoption of a different technology) could result in a dramatic and non-monotonic change in the coalition structure and the macroeconomic performance. (3) The selfish ruling class in a non-democracy might choose to extend some political rights to the other social groups to better exploit them, which could lead to growth maximization in some special cases. (4) The social coalition structure evolves endogenously as the political power distribution changes, and hence the persistence of political power distribution ultimately translates into the persistence of economic growth rate and consumption inequality.
Key words: Political Economy; Inefficient Institutions; Endogenous Coalitions; Consumption Distribution; Economic Growth. JEL Codes: C73, E2, O11, O40, P16
1. Introduction The past fifteen years have witnessed an accelerating interest in the qualitative explorations on how the social infrastructure or institutions might affect a nation’s economic growth and income distribution.1 Acemoglu and his coauthors, among others, go a step further and ask why inefficient institutions can arise and persist even after they prove to be the fundamental causes of unappealing economic performance. Their main argument is the following: The institutions govern the economic policy-making process, and different economic policies will lead to different economic outcomes. Hence different social groups’ preferences over these different outcomes will determine their preference orderings over the different institutions. Moreover, the concern of limited commitment makes some social groups unsatisfied with the mere promise of certain policy concessions. Instead, they ask for the change of institutions in the political or economic negotiations. The social conflict between these different interest groups will determine the dynamics (and inertia) of the institutions. They use these main arguments to explain many interesting economic and social phenomena such as why the western countries extend franchise and why some democracies are not consolidated and have experienced frequent political transitions between democracy and non-democracy. Along with these theoretical advances, there have been an explosion of empirical researches, especially during the past decade, that try to quantify the contribution of institutions or social infrastructure on growth, to document the relevant world-wide historic episodes, and to test the validity of these insightful theoretical underpinnings.2 This paper continues with this line of research effort and tries to examine more explicitly how the political power and productivity distribution would determine the formation and dynamics of the different coalition structures among different social groups and how these endogenous social infrastructures affect a society’s macroeconomic performance measured by growth rates and consumption distribution, especially in the developing economies where property right is not perfectly secure. Just to have a more concrete idea why these might matter, let’s take China for example. With the end of the Cultural Revolution in the late 1970s, the central government and the Communist Party gradually reached the consensus that big mistakes such as the Cultural Revolution were very likely to be made if the central government leadership was absolutely authoritarian such as in Mao Zedong’s era. The central government also formally admitted many previous policies were wrong and started to cancel them. With 1 See, among others, Acemoglu (2005), Acemoglu and Robinson (2001, 2006), Alesina and Rodrik (1994), Austin-Smith (2000), Krusell and Rios-Rull (1996), Parente and Prescott (1999), Perotti (1993), Persson and Tabellini(1994), and Roland (1996, 2000). 2 Such works includes Acemoglu and Johnson (2005), Acemoglu and Robinson (2006), Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001, 2002), Barro (1996, 1999), Glaeser and Shleifer (2004), Hall and Jones (1998), Knack and Keefer (1995), Perroti (1996), Persson and Tabellini (2003), etc.
this subtle change in the political environment, some households initiated a different organization method of agricultural production in the Xiaogang village, a poor agricultural region in An Hui Province. Instead of continuing with the nation-wide practice that all the households must work in the so-called Cooperatives, in which case they must turn in all their harvest and eat at the public dining hall, now the different households decided to work separately. This practice was very risky politically and soon detected by the local government, but the local government supported it and granted the households full autonomy over their agricultural productions on their own slots of land assigned by the local government. Households were allowed to keep the surplus after fulfilling certain quota, although they still didn’t have the property right of the land and thus couldn’t transfer or sell the land to others. This cooperation between the households and the local government, although still illegal and secret, greatly enhanced the peasants’ incentive and was a huge economic success. Soon after, this type of coalition relation was formally legalized by the central government and advocated throughout the country (see Lin, 1992). This practice known as the household responsibility system was a political breakthrough in that it’s the first time in the past two decades that the individualistic lucrative motives got legitimate. Before, it was politically prohibited as the “capitalist sin”. China’s economic acceleration commenced exactly with this new coalition formation as a result of the redistribution of de facto political powers among the central government officials, local government officials, and rural workers. Ever since that, the continuous redistribution of the de facto political powers and productivities among different social groups has gradually led to many other innovative forms of social coalitions. For instance, in the middle 1980s, more and more so-called township and village enterprises came into being and contributed fundamentally to China’s growth for more than a decade (Qian, 1999). They were semi-public firms co-managed by the grassroots entrepreneurs and local government officials, which were less vulnerable to the appropriation from higher bureaucrats. After that, the new social coalition were manifested in the form of the joint ventures, foreign companies and even purely Chinese private firms, which badly needed and did receive very strong political support and protection by the local government officials, especially before the de jure legitimacy of these private businesses was formally established. The process of the political power redistribution is most clearly documented in the continuous modifications of China’s constitution from completely prohibiting any kind of private firms or individualist profit-seeking behaviors to acknowledging explicitly that “non-state-owned economies are indispensable ingredients of the socialist market economy”. Representatives for the social group of the non-state-owned businessmen have joined or been invited into the local assembly or the National Congress, participating in the policy-making processes. With the increase in the political rights, these capitalists and entrepreneurs’ perceived risk of expropriation or confiscation is tremendously reduced. More and more people with
commercial talents have started private business and China has become the largest FDI host country in the world. However, in recent years, with the deepening of economic reform and the decrease in the importance of agricultural sector in China, more coalitions are formed between the government officials and the owners of large private firms or the CEOs of the large-size state-owned enterprises. Some economic policies were issued to help protect and expand the large private business even at the expenses of many poor people’s interest. Examples include the mandatory purchase of peasants’ land, irregular speculations in the housing market, and illegal information disclosure and black-box practice in the stock markets, etc. The partial coalition between the corrupted government officials and the owners of the large private firms exacerbates the economic inequality in the society even though the economic growth rate is still quite high. The social conflict among different social groups has become so acute that Hu Jingtao’s government has issued many files announcing that it’s imperative to establish a harmonious society and economic construction in rural areas should be fully supported by the government. How to understand this three-decade episode of China’s development? We share the same belief with Acemoglu and many other researchers that it is extremely hard, if possible at all, to understand the macroeconomic performance without first trying to understand the changes in the social infrastructure, especially in an economy experiencing tremendous and continuous institutional transitions. China is nothing but only one of many such economies that are far from being well understood, although remarkable research progress has been made. To facilitate our understanding toward these complicated issues, we extend Benhabib and Rustichini (1996) to explore theoretically how the coalitions among different social groups are endogenously formed and changed under different political power or productivity distributions and dynamics, and how the resulted social infrastructure would affect the long-run economic growth rate and consumption inequality. Different coalitions here are interpreted as different social infrastructures that reflect certain important features of different political institutions. Simple as our model is, it has quite rich macroeconomic implications, which include: (1) Endogenous inequality might arise among the perfectly ex ante identical agents in the absence of any exogenous shocks or any asymmetric information because of the asymmetric Markov-Nash equilibrium. (2) In a meritocracy, the endogenous social structure and the resulted macroeconomic performance can be fully characterized on a simplex, which indicates that more equal political power and labor productivity distributions will lead to more coalitions and higher growth. Coalitions are more likely to be formed between social groups with relatively equal political powers. (3) A minor
change in the distribution of labor productivities (or interpreted as an adoption of a different technology) could result in a dramatic and non-monotonic change in the coalition structure and the macroeconomic performance. (4) The selfish ruling class in a non-democracy might choose to extend some political rights to the other social groups to better exploit them, which could lead to growth maximization in some special cases. (5) The social coalition structure evolves endogenously as the political power distribution changes, and hence the persistence of political power distribution ultimately translates into the persistence of economic growth rate and consumption inequality. One of the main contributions of this paper is that it represents an early attempt to rigorously model the formation and dynamics of social infrastructure in the context of growth and development when the political institution is not necessarily democratic, especially for a less developed economy without secure property rights such as China. Most of the existing literature, including the aforementioned ones, either just examines macroeconomic performance by taking social infrastructure as given and static or focuses on the political transitions without exploiting the induced relationship between long-run growth and consumption inequality. When applied to China’s case, our model points out one possible theoretical mechanism how a selfish central government in a non-democratic economy might voluntarily delegate its political power to other social groups without facing any threat of being overthrown and how the economy might even achieve the largest growth rate under this non-democracy. The next section describes the model and characterizes the economic growth and consumption inequality under different time-invariant social coalition structures. Section 3 discusses how the social coalitions are endogenously formed between different social groups. The bulk of our analysis will focus on the coalition formation with full commitment when the social groups are identical or heterogeneous. The macroeconomic implications of different coalition structures are exploited. Section 4 continues to examine how the social coalition structure might vary over time as the political power distribution follows an exogenous stochastic process and how it would affect the dynamics of the growth rate and the consumption inequality. Section 5 relates our model with the literature. We will show how our model differs from previous researches and how a few well-established models in the literature can be seen as the special cases of our model. The last section concludes.
2. Model Consider an economy with three infinitely lived representative agents, each of whom should be interpreted as the representative of a social group.3 They jointly produce one 3 There are several reasons to choose three players rather than any other number of agents. One is that it is the simplest case allowing for non-trivial coalition and social choice analysis. Second, if we interpret each agent as a social class,
kind of all-purpose good (which can be used for consumption and investment) with the following Cobb-Douglass production function 3
y = Ak α ∏ liµi ,
i =1
where A is the neutral technology coefficient, k is the capital stock in the whole economy and the depreciation rate is 100%, li is the labor supply from the agent i . µi measures his labor productivity, which is allowed to be zero. So some agent might not be needed for the production. α measures the contribution share of capital to the output, which is also allowed to be zero. However, we will take µi and α as positive unless explicitly specified otherwise. We assume that the property right of total output is not clearly defined, or defined but insecurely protected. One case in point is the state-owned enterprises in some previous or current planned economies, where the on-job over-consumption by the managers and inefficient use of productive resources are rampant. Every agent has the same utility function as follows ∞
{ct ,lt }t =0
∑ β (log c − 2 l t
2 t
t =0
where β is the time discount factor. Each period there are five strategic possibilities among the three agents in this three-agent joint production, namely, full coalition, partial coalition (that is, two of them form a coalition, so there are three such possibilities), and no coalition. In contrast, there will be only two possibilities in a two-player game and seventeen possibilities in a four-player game. For simplicity, we exclude any multi-step coalition, that is, once a coalition is formed among some agents in a period, these agents can’t form any sub-coalitions in that period.4 However, all the agents are allowed to make new choices in each new period. If the multi-step coalition is allowed, there would be eight possibilities among a three-player model and sixty-two possibilities in a four–player model in each period!
then a society is better described with a three-class model than a two-class model. One immediate application with a three-class model in the political economy would be the determination of the pivotal class, or the median voter theorem in a democracy. If the redistribution policy is determined by the upper class, we call this an elite society, if by the middle-class, a democratic society, if the lower class, a leftist society. This is quite well documented in the literature, see, for example, Benabou (1996, 2000), Persson and Tabellini (2001), Acemoglu and Robinson (2006). 4 We will discuss the renegotiation-proof equilibrium later.
Before we proceed to analyze the endogenous coalition decisions, let’s first examine what happens if the coalition structure is time-invariant. 2.1 Permanent Full Coalition When they fully cooperate with each other permanently, the social optimal problem is the following Bellman Equation: 3 3 1 V (k ) = Max{∑ ai (lnci − li2 ) + βV ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci )} , {ci ,li } 2 i =1 i =1 i
where the nonnegative parameter ai measures the political power of agent i and 3
= 1 . For example, ai might refer to the fraction of seats in the congress under the
i =1
control of party i in a democracy with the proportional representation system. In a non-democracy, ai can be interpreted as the political status of social group i stipulated in the constitution. For example, in some previous or current communist societies, the so-called capitalist (bourgeoisie) has little, if any, political rights. The so-called working class (proletarians) has a larger political power. The ruling bureaucrats typically have even larger political powers. For now, we assume these political power parameters are exogenously given and constant. Later we will study what happens if they change over time and, in particular, how to determine these endogenously. In a democratic society, the permanent full coalition is interpreted as a consolidated democracy. Whereas in a dictatorship, the permanent full coalition actually means that the state is very strong to operate the economy in this orderly manner. The labor supply and consumption assignments in this world could be interpreted as a reduced form for a more complicated implementation schemes involving, for instance, lump sum tax or linear or nonlinear tax, etc. Let’s guess and verify ci = λi y ,5 we can get λi = ai (1 − βα ) , ci = ai (1 − βα ) y
li2 =
ai (1 − βα )
5 We can make this conjecture of the policy function because the utility function is log utility and the production function is of CES form. It can be proved that this simple form of policy function holds only when the risk aversion coefficient of the CES utility function is unity, and it holds even if the productivity A is a random variable. That’s one important reason why we adopt this functional assumption.
k ' = βα y
The above three equations characterize the consumption, labor supply, and the investment of the economy respectively. Equation (4) means that every agent’s consumption is a fixed fraction of the current total output and these fractions remain unchanged as the time unfolds. It fully describes the equilibrium consumption inequality of that economy: There is no dynamics of income distribution in the equilibrium and the inequality is solely determined by the distribution of the time-invariant political power distribution.6 Equation (5) implies that every agent’s labor supply increases in his labor productivity and decreases in his political power. Equation (6) states that a fixed proportion of the output will be invested in the production of the next period.7 By assuming α = 1 as in a typical AK model, we can obtain the sustainable economic growth with the following rate8 3
i =1
ai (1 − β )
g = β A∏ [ f
]2 .
It can be calculated from (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) that the value function of the agent i under this full coalition is µ 3 µj µi α 1 1 ln k + {ln ai (1 − βα ) A∏ [ ]2 − 1 − βα 1− β 2 ai (1 − βα ) j =1 a j (1 − βα ) j
V f i (k ) =
µ 3 µj αβ + ln βα A∏ [ ] 2 }, a − 1 − βα (1 ) βα j =1 j
for each i
Note that this value function is derived under the assumption that full coalition is formed under every period. 2.2 Permanent No Coalition When there is no cooperation among the three agents permanently, the agents are playing
a non-cooperative game with each other. We use a nonnegative parameter pi to denote the relative predation power of agent i , which is the fraction of the total output he is ensured to have after the fight of social conflict. One approximate measure of pi is
When interpreted in a context of a market economy, this result doesn’t mean that there is no income redistribution. Equation (4) determines the ultimate consumption perhaps as a consequent of various redistributions such as taxes or bribery. 7 It can be easily proved that even if there are any finite n agents in this economy the investment share is still βα . 8
We can easily obtain the steady state of the economy if we don’t impose
α =1. 9
agent i ’s military power 9 . Assume
= 1 − η . The nonnegative parameter η
i =1
measures the fraction of total output that is destroyed if the division of consumption cannot be settled on a voluntary basis. This permanent no coalition scenario can be interpreted as a society in political disorder, especially when the state is too weak.10 In this “lawless” economy (to use Dixit’s term), the agents first simultaneously determine their own labor supply at the current period and also announce what amount of output they want to have as their own consumption denoted as (m1 , m2 , m3 ) .
Then the output is produced using the labor
supply and the capital inherited from the last period. The real consumption for any agent
i ∈ {1, 2,3} is determined by the following commonly known rule-1: mi , if ci (m1 , m2 , m3 ) = p [(1 − η ) y − ∑ mj ] i j∈N / I , if pj ∑ j∈I
≤ y, or i ∉ I
i =1
, 3
> y, and i ∈ I
i =1
where I = {i ∈ N : mi > pi y} . That is, an agent will get what he claims if all the consumption claims are feasible or if his claim is no larger than what his predation power assures him of. If the claims are not feasible, then some brutal predation occurs, which destroys a fraction η of total output. Those who claim an amount within his predation power will still get what they claim, and the rest of the undestroyed output will be divided in proportion to their relative predation powers among those agents who “greedily” claim more than what their predation power can ensure them. Whatever amount is left becomes the investment for the next period. It immediately implies that the investment will be zero whenever predation occurs and thus the output will be zero next period if α > 0 . Since the utility will be equal to minus infinity if the consumption is zero, the agent must take great caution to avoid predation when making their consumption announcement. In the appendix, we will discuss more technical details about how to characterize the 9
Grossman and Kim (1992, 1996) established a general equilibrium model to make this predation power (or defensive power) endogenous. 10 Please see Acemoglu (2003) and Dixit (2001) for more discussion about this
optimal strategies of each agent under various equilibrium definitions. Here we will focus on the Markov-Nash equilibrium. That is, each of the three agents will play a Cournot-game each period by choosing his optimal labor supply and consumption while taking the other two agents’ decisions as given. Therefore, the problem faced by individual i is 3 3 1 µ Vi (k ) = Max{ln ci − li2 + β Vi ( Ak α ∏ l j j − ∑ c j )} {ci ,li } 2 j =1 j =1
We can guess and verify: ci =
1 − βα y, 3 − 2 βα
µi , 1 − βα
li2 =
Compared with full coalition, the labor supply decreases and the investment rate falls from the original βα to
βα . Equation (10) says that the three agents will have the 3 − 2 βα
same consumption.11 Notice that if each agent claims the amount in (10) and (11), then according to (rule-1), all the agents will have what they claim no matter what the predation power distribution is. We will show later that the consumption would in general depend on the predation power distribution if we use some different equilibrium concept or if α = 0 or if we change the utility function. The value function for any individual i ∈ {1, 2,3} : µ 3 µj α 1 1 − βα 1 µi V i (k ) = ln k + [ln A∏ [ ]2 − 1 − βα 1− β 3 − 2 βα j =1 (1 − βα ) 2 (1 − βα ) j
µ 3 µj αβ βα + ln A∏ [ ]2 ] 1 − βα 3 − 2 βα j =1 (1 − βα ) j
The sustainable economic growth rate (assuming α = 1 ) is
µi µ2 g = A∏ [ ] . 3 − 2β i =1 (1 − β ) n
We can easily extend this case to n-player game, where
1 − βα 1 + (n − 1)(1 − βα )
li2 =
µi 1 − βα
2.3 Permanent Partial Coalition Without loss of generality, let’s examine the case in which agent 1 and agent 2 forms a permanent coalition while agent 3 doesn’t cooperate. This can be reduced to a two-player game between the partial coalition and agent 3.12 First, an artificial planner for the partial
coalition assigns the labor supply and consumption claims, ( m1 , m2 ), to agent 1 and agent 2. At the same time agent 3 supplies his labor and announces his consumption claim, m3 . Then the production is realized. The commonly known division rule for the ultimate consumption of each period is the following rule-2a: For any i ∈ Q ≡ {1, 2} , mi , if p [(1 − η ) y − m3 ] ci (m1 , m2 , m3 ) = i , if 2 pj ∑ j =1 pi (1 − η ) y , if 3 pj ∑ j =1
∑ m j ≤ y or ∑m
j =1
j =1
∑ mj ≤ ∑ pj y
j =1
> y and m3 ≤ p3 y
j =1
∑ m > ∑ p y and m j
j =1
> p3 y
j =1
The real consumption for agent 3, c3 , is determined by the following rule-2b m3 , if 2 c3 (m1 , m2 , m3 ) = (1 − η ) y − ∑ m j , if j =1 p (1 − η ) y 3 , if 3 pj ∑ j =1
≤ y, or m3 ≤ p3 y
i =1
∑ mi > y,
∑ m j ≤ ∑ p j y, and m3 > p3 y .
i =1
j =1
j =1
∑ m > ∑ p y, and m j
j =1
> p3 y
j =1
This division rule is essentially similar to the rule for the permanent no coalition. One importance point is that the partial coalition’s predation power equals the sum of its members’ predation power. Let’s focus on the Markov equilibrium. We can write the
problem of agent 3 as follows: 3 1 V3 (k ) = Max{ln c3 − l32 + β V3 ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci )} {c3 ,l3 } 2 i =1 i
c3 =
1 − βα y 2 − βα
l32 =
µ3 1 − βα
The value function of agent 3 is
V 1,23 (k ) =
µ 2 µ (a + a ) µ µ3 α 1 1 − βα 1 µ3 ln k + {ln A∏ [ i 1 2 ] 2 ⋅ [ ]2 − 1 − βα 1− β 2 − βα i =1 ai (1 − βα ) (1 − βα ) 2 (1 − βα ) i
µ 2 µi (a1 + a2 ) µ2 µ3 αβ αβ + A∏ [ ln ] ⋅[ ]2 } 1 − βα 2 − βα i =1 ai (1 − βα ) (1 − βα ) i
(17) The problem facing the coalition of agent 1 and agent 2 is 2
V 1,2 (k ) = Max{∑ {ci ,li }
i =1
3 ai 1 (lnci − li2 ) + βV 1,2 ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci )} a1 + a2 2 i =1 i
Similar to the full coalition case, the welfare distribution within a coalition is determined by the relative political power. We can obtain c1 =
li2 =
a1 a2 1 − βα 1 − βα ⋅ y , c2 = ⋅ y, a1 + a2 2 − βα a1 + a2 2 − βα
µi (a1 + a2 ) i = 1, 2 ai (1 − βα )
The value function of the agent j ∈ {1, 2} is V 1,2 j (k ) =
µ 2 a j 1 − βα µ (a + a ) µ µ3 α 1 1 µ j (a1 + a2 ) ln k + {ln A∏ [ i 1 2 ] 2 ⋅ [ ]2 − 1 − βα 1− β a1 + a2 2 − βα i =1 ai (1 − βα ) (1 − βα ) 2 a j (1 − βα ) i
µ 2 µi (a1 + a2 ) µ2 µ3 αβ βα + ln A∏ [ ] ⋅[ ]2} 1 − βα 2 − βα i =1 ai (1 − βα ) (1 − βα ) i
(21) In fact, the partial coalition is exactly equivalent to a two-party non-cooperative game followed by a two-player cooperative game within one party. The income (or consumption) distribution among the three agents is a1 : a2 : (a1 + a2 ) .
When α = 1 , the economic growth rate is g1,2 pc =
β 2−β
A∏ [ i =1
µi (a1 + a2 ) µ2 µ3 µ2 ] [ ] . ai (1 − β ) (1 − β ) i
Similarly, we can get the corresponding results for the other two partial coalition possibilities. Simply by comparing (7), (13), and (22), we have Lemma 1. g f > g pc > g n for any µi and ai , i = 1, 2,3 .
This lemma states that more coalition leads to higher economic growth rate. This is because more coalition implies not only more labor supply from each agent but also higher investment rate. Therefore, the problem of how to maximize the economic growth simplifies to how to have more coalition among the economic agents. Note that all the previous results including.
3. Endogenous Coalition First note that it is not a repeated game unless α = 0 . To proceed in a standard way, we need to specify, for each agent, the payoffs for all the possible profiles of the strategies which are each defined, at each date, as a mapping from the space of the history (the sequence of the past states and action profiles up to that date) and current state (capital stock) to the probability distribution on the relevant action space, which include the coalition decision, labor supply decision, as well as consumption decision. Please see the appendix for a more formal specification for this dynamic game. A full characterization of this general dynamic game with multidimensional continuous action space is complicated, so we will restrict our analysis to several simplified yet very interesting and (hopefully) illustrative versions of the original game. We will mainly focus on the Markov Perfect equilibrium with full commitment, in which the coalition structure is time-invariant. In subsection 3.2, we also provide an informal short discussion on the alternative equilibrium concepts and the challenges of analyzing the equilibrium with limited commitment, in which the coalition structure might change over time. The related literature on the coalition theory is briefly discussed.
3.1 Full Commitment Now at the beginning of the world, all the three agents need to choose simultaneously whether to cooperate or not. We allow for the pre-play cheap talk and assume that all the agents will end up the Pareto efficient equilibrium if there are multiple equilibria. The agent cannot choose whom to cooperate with. All the agents who choose to cooperate form a coalition automatically. No coalition will be formed if two or three agents choose to not cooperate. By full commitment, we assume that once the coalition structure is realized, people can never renege on this coalition choice in all the future periods. We
have already fully characterized the economy with time-invariant coalition structure in section 3. So this dynamic game can be reduced to a normal-form game with the following payoff matrices:
[Insert Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 Here] Recall we know the exact expression for each element in the above matrices. We will focus on the pure-strategy Nash equilibrium of this normal form game. We will show such equilibrium does exist by finding the equilibrium or equilibria. The optimal strategy of each agent would, in principle, depend on the collection of the parameters { A, α , β , µ1 , µ2 , µ3 , a1 , a2 , a3 , p1 , p2 , p3} and the initial capital stock k0 . No result of generality can be obtained, so we will first examine what happens if all the agents are perfectly identical ex ante, and then explore the several interesting and insightful cases of heterogeneous agents. In the appendix, we provide an alternative description of this game in a cooperative game manner. It is equivalent to a static contracting problem combined with social choice. We also show that it is trivially equivalent to a sequential contracting problem. 3.1.1. Endogenous Coalition Among Identical Agents When the three agents are perfectly identical, they have equal political power 1 a1 = a2 = a3 = , and equal predation power and equal labor productivity. In particular, 3 let’s assume µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = 1/ 3 .13
Proposition 1.
If the three agents are perfectly identical, then there exist two constants,
ζ 1 and ζ 2 such that 0 < ζ 2 < ζ 1 < 1 . When αβ > ζ 1 , there are two pure strategy Nash equilibria: full coalition and no coalition; When ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 , there are four pure strategy Nash equilibria: three partial coalitions and one no coalition; When αβ < ζ 2 , the only equilibrium outcome is no coalition. These pure strategy equilibria are independent of the initial capital stock, k0 , and the neutral productivity coefficient, A .
Proof. Comparing the payoffs in Table1-1 and Table 1-2.
From now on, we will focus on the case when the three agents’ labor productivities add up to one. This implies increasing return to scale when α > 0 , which provides another incentive for the agents to form coalition. Even so, we will show that coalitions are not formed in many cases. If we impose constant or decreasing return to scale technology, then we could follow exactly the same way of analysis, and naturally, we find that no coalition is more rampant.
This proposition shows that the capital share α and the time discount factor β are very important determinants for the equilibria. There tends to be more coalition when the agents become more patient (larger β ) as the long-run gain from cooperation dominates the disutility from more labor supply in the coalition (see (5), (11), (16), (20)). Higher capital share α implies higher marginal productivity of labor, which induces higher labor supply and higher investment rate, and hence more coalition as the labor supply is higher when there is more coalition. No coalition, although most inefficient in terms of growth rate, according to Lemma 1, is always an equilibrium due to the coordination failure as the “ tragedy of commons” in this dynamic setting. In the appendix, we also show that full coalition Pareto-dominates no coalition when
αβ > ζ 1 , and all the three partial coalitions Pareto-Dominate no coalition when ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 . Pre-play communication would select the more Pareto efficient Nash equilibrium. So from now on, we will just focus on the Pareto efficient Nash equilibrium when αβ falls on these ranges. Notice that whenever a partial coalition equilibrium is reached (if ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 ), the agent excluded from the coalition has a welfare higher than any member in the partial coalition. Thus in each period, every agent would try to convince the others that he will not cooperate and try to persuade the other two to cooperate. However, this promise of no cooperation is not credible if one believes that one and only one of the other two agents chooses to cooperate. Another issue is which one out of the three partial equilibria will be indeed realized. One way that might solve this is to allow for mixed strategies and compute the probability for each partial coalition. But if we stay with the pure-strategy equilibrium, one justification for selecting one partial equilibrium instead of the other two is the sunspot argument. People’s beliefs happen to be well coordinated on one particular equilibrium in a self-fulfilling manner for some unexplained exotic reasons.
Corollary 1.1. Even if every agent is perfectly identical, all the information is public and complete, and there is no ex ante exogenous random shock to the preference or to the technology, it is still possible that the society ends up unequal if ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 . Although very simple from a theoretic point of view, it points out another mechanism for endogenous inequality among ex ante identical agents in a complete information world. The existence of multiple equilibria thus results in the endogenous indeterminacy in the consumption distribution. This sunspot inequality results from the fact that the
contract space is not large enough. Theoretically, an efficient and complete insurance market can alleviate all the strategic risks that each individual bears and hence maintain the equality of the society. However, for practical reasons, some market or contract might be just far from being available or perfect, especially in those less developed countries without secure property rights. In fact, they are the countries our analysis mainly focuses on. It is well known in game theory literature that the time discount factor is crucial for the multistage dynamic games, especially the multiplicity of equilibrium in various versions of “Folk Theorem” in repeated games. What’s relatively novel is how the capital share in the production technology, α , can affect the equilibrium. The more capital intensive the technology, the more likely it is to have more coalitions. If the technology is endogenously chosen by a comparative advantage-following firm, then the more capital abundant economy tends to adopt the technology that has a larger α , then the factor endowment will affect the equilibrium coalitional structure and hence the growth and consumption distribution. Although a more explicit model with endogenous technology choice is needed to make the argument more rigorous and complete, the simple exercise of comparative statics based on Proposition 1 predicts a cross-sectional version of the Kuznets Curve as is summarized below:
Corollary 1.2. Assume agents are perfectly identical. If more capital abundant economy adopts more capital-intensive technology, then from a cross-sectional point of view, the sufficiently poor economies (whose capital per capita is small) has the perfect consumption equality as it’s in the no coalition equilibrium. Those mildly richer countries have more inequality as they are in the partial coalition equilibrium. Those sufficiently rich countries will also enjoy the perfect equality because they are in the full coalition equilibrium. 3.1.2 Endogenous Coalition Among Heterogeneous Agents There is only one way to be homogeneous for all the agents, but there are numerous ways that the agents are heterogeneous. We are therefore only able to use this general model as a lab and experiment with a few special examples that seem illustrative. Example One: Meritocracy Consider a meritocracy where the three agents’ political powers are proportional to their labor productivities.
That is, µi = ai , i = 1, 2, 3 .
These agents are perfectly identical
in all the other aspects. The case of identical agents characterized in Proposition 1 is a special case of this example. We can show that a necessary condition to have full coalition in this world is αβ ≥ ζ 1 ≈ 0.55671 . For a more concrete and illustrative purpose, let’s set αβ = 0.9 for all the numerical exercises below unless explicitly pointed out
otherwise. The same algorithm applies when αβ takes any other values. We will see how the distribution of labor productivity and the political powers affects the coalition structure and hence the growth and inequality in this economy. It can be best illustrated in the following simplex:
[Insert Figure 1 Here] The three rhombi A, C, and E correspond to “No Coalition”. The middle equilateral G is “Full Coalition”. The three trapezoids B, D, F are “Partial Coalitions”. In particular, in B, agents 1 and 3 are both sufficiently productive and form a partial coalition. In D, 1 and 2 form a partial coalition whereas in F, the coalition is between 2 and 3. So the consumption ratio (inequality) is a : a : a (equal to µ : µ : µ ) in the equilateral G. It 1 2 3 1 2 3 is 1:1:1 in area A, C, and E. It’s a : a : a + a in area D, a + a : a : a in area F, 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 and a : a + a : a in area B. We also know the growth rate for each region. 1 1 3 3 Based on the payoff matrices, we can show that full coalition requires that each agent’s political power should be sufficiently large, or more specifically, we need
µi ≥ ξ ≈ 0.26658, ∀i = 1, 2,3 . For example, we can show that if the distribution of ( µ1 , µ 2, µ3 )
is randomly drawn from the uniform distribution on the simplex 3
∆ = {( µ1 , µ 2 , µ3 ) ∈ ℝ3+ : ∑ µi = 1} , which implies that the density is i =1
ratio of full coalition vs. partial coalition vs. no coalition is
2 3 . The likelihood 3
(1 − 3ξ ) 2 : (3ξ − 7.5ξ 2 ) : 3ξ 2 . 2
It shows that a more equal productivity and political power distribution will in general cause more coalition and higher growth rate.
Example Two: Heterogeneous Productivities In this example, all the three agents are perfectly identical in all the dimensions except for their labor productivities. To make our analysis easier, we further assume that agent 1 and agent 2 have equal productivities, µ1 = µ 2 , and all the three agents’ labor
productivities add up to unity. For this particular parametric example, the coalition structure changes non-monotonically when the productivities change, as you can see the following table:
[Insert Table 2 Here] It’s interesting to see that partial coalition can be achieved only when the two agents with the same productivities are extremely unproductively or sufficiently productive. When they are both extremely unproductive, they want to form the coalition in order to grab more consumption from the most productive agent, namely, agent 3. This free-rider effect dominates the increased disutility from more labor supply as compared with the no coalition case. When agents 1 and 2 are both sufficiently productive and agent 3 is extremely unproductive, agent 3 chooses to stay out of the coalition to free-ride on their relatively high productivity, at the same time agents 1and 2 want to form the partial coalition due to the complementarity of their labor supplies in the production. The above table also shows that the economy can jump from no coalition to full coalition once the two identically productive agents’ labor productivity changes from smaller than 0.08 to larger than 0.08. This implies a qualitatively huge improvement in the macroeconomic performance, because the social gain is much more than the two individuals’ increases in the labor productivity, but more importantly, it induces a dramatic structural change in the political institutions, which actually eliminates the free-ride problem in the society (hence induce higher investment rate and labor supply). It suggests that the biased technology change can fundamentally affect the coalition structure. Sometimes the impact works in exactly the opposite directions. For instance, if the two equally productive agents are extremely unproductive (slightly below 0.01837), then a minor increase in the two agents’ productivities would dissolve their partial coalition and return them to the worst institution with permanent no coalition. This simple example might help us understand what happens to the political institution in a society when the role of the different social groups changes in the production. A small difference in the labor productivity distribution might lead to a dramatically difference social structures and hence difference macroeconomic performance in terms of long-run economic growth rate and consumption inequality.
Example Three: Heterogeneous Political Power In example one, the political power and the productivity are tied together. Now we explore what happens when the agents are only different in their political power while holding their productivities perfectly equal, that is, µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = 1/ 3 . The endogenous coalition behaviors can be fully illustrated in Figure 2.
[Insert Figure 2 Here] The triangle G refers to full coalition. Areas A, C, E represent No Coalition. Trapezoid B is partial coalition between agents 1 and 3. Trapezoid D is partial coalition between agents 1 and 2. Trapezoid F is partial coalition between agents 2 and 3. There are six dashed lines a, b, c, d, e, f, which are coinciding with all the six unparalleled sides of the three trapezoids. For example, part of the line a coincides with the right side of the trapezoid B. Along this side, agent 3 is indifferent between no coalition and the partial coalition with agent 1. On the common border of trapezoid B and area A, agent 1 is indifferent between no coalition and partial coalition with 3. Moreover, agent 2 obtains the same value for any point on the two unparalleled sides. On the common border of trapezoid B and triangle G, agent 2 is indifferent between full coalition and partial coalition by 1 and 3. However, the values of agent 1 and agent 3 will jump if agent 2 shifts his coalition choice on this border. Furthermore, for the bottom side of triangle G, agent 2 achieves the lowest value at the midpoint, but monotonically increasing as it moves towards the two endpoints. On the right apex of the triangle G, for example, both agents 2 and 3 are on the margin of full coalition, once either of them chooses to not cooperate, then full coalition will immediately collapse to no coalition because each of them have too small a political power relative to that of agent 1.Using symmetry, we have similar properties for the trapezoids D and F. This figure delivers a similar message as in the first example. Namely, a more equal distribution of the political power would imply more coalition among the agents and hence higher economic growth rate. This example also suggests that people with similar political powers are more likely to form a coalition as they expect to get a fairly equal share within the coalition.
Endogenous Political Power Allocation by Nash Implementation Now suppose one of the three agents, say agent 1, represents the elite class who can 3
decide the political power distribution over the simplex ϒ = {(a1 , a2 , a3 ) ∈ ℝ3+ : ∑ ai = 1} i =1
before the coalition decisions are made at the beginning of the world. The allocation of the political power should be interpreted as establishing the institutions and rules that govern the political powers within any coalitions14. What will be agent 1’s optimal choice?
For more discussions about the de facto and de jure institutions, please see Acemoglu et al (2005, 2006).
The optimization algorithm is simple. We can obtain the maximized values for agent 1 when he Nash Implements each of the five possible contracts by manipulating the political power distributions. Then the agent 1 chooses among the five values the one that gives him the largest utility by setting the political power distribution such that this coalition is Nash implemented. Note that we have already proven that the coalition decision is independent of the capital stock k and the neutral technology coefficient A , so the political power allocation is also independent of these two factors. Within the subset of ϒ that generates full coalition, denoted as A(ϖ f ) ⊆ ϒ , agent 1 can maximize his value (8) by setting a1 = 1 − 2ϕ
and ai = ϕ , ∀i = 2, 3 , which
corresponds to the right end point of the triangle G.. In that case, the consumption distribution is 1 − 2ϕ : ϕ : ϕ . His value is denoted as Vɶ1 (ϖ f ) , given by (8) with the proper substitutions of the relevant parameters. If agent 1 wants to Nash implement the partial coalition between agent 2 and agent 3, denoted as ϖ 2,3 , he maximizes his value function by choosing the political power distribution from the subset A(ϖ 2,3 ) ⊆ ϒ , that is, the trapezoid F.
Denote his maximized
value by Vɶ1 (ϖ 2,3 ) . We can show that this maximized value is achieved for any points on the two unparalleled sides of the trapezoid F. We can easily show that Vɶ1 (ϖ f ) > Vɶ1 (ϖ 2,3 ) . If agent 1 wants to Nash Implement the partial coalition between 1 and 2, denoted by
ϖ 1,2 , he can maximize his value by choosing any point on the common border of area D and area C. But the value is smaller than Vɶ1 (ϖ f ) . By symmetry, we know that agent 1 also prefers full coalition to ϖ 1,3 . We can further verify that agent 1 prefers full coalition to no coalition, denoted by ϖ n . That is, Vɶ1 (ϖ f ) > Vɶ1 (ϖ n ) . In summary, for this particular set of the parameter values, agent 1 will choose to implement the full coalition by setting a1 = 1 − 2ϕ and ai = ϕ , ∀i = 2, 3 , which happens to be growth maximizing. Note there are two other growth-maximizing distributions, in each of which two agents have their political powers equal to ϕ . Obviously, whoever has
the political power of assigning political powers will be strictly better off. For a more general initial distribution of labor productivities, it is not necessarily always to the best interest of the agent 1 to Nash Implement the full coalition, although it has the fastest economic growth.
3.2 Limited Commitment and Informal Discussion Now we would allow all the agents to make their coalition choices each period, as such, the coalition structure might change over time. The formal specification of the dynamic game is in the appendix. It’s natural to start by looking at the sub-game perfect equilibrium. First notice that it is a sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium that all the agents choose to not cooperate each period and claims the whole output as their consumption (with any amount of labor supply), because this strategy will result in zero investment and zero output (if α = 0 ), hence minus infinity utility because of the logarithm function on consumption. Then we can use this sub-game perfect equilibrium as the punishment rule to support any strategy profile that generates finite utility as a sub-game perfect Nash Equilibrium. In particular, it could support the permanent full coalition as an equilibrium, which we know is also Pareto optimal. This result has the similar flavor of the various versions of the Folk Theorem in the repeated game, or the “general feasibility” theorem for the more general dynamic game (Myerson, 1991).15 Hence, The Subgame-perfect Nash Equilibrium has no much biting power for this game. However, the punishment rule described above is clearly not coalition-proof since all the three agents can jointly deviate to another strategy profile such that all of them are strictly better off than the punishment equilibrium. Ideally we wish to find a set of Pareto-efficient strategy profiles as the punishment strategy to support a set of Pareto-efficient strategy equilibria so that we can obtain the renegotiation-proof equilibrium of this dynamic game. It is difficult, however, because the Pareto efficient set is not a compact set due to the logarithm utility function on the consumption. Another difficulty lies in the fact that each player has multidimensional and continuous action spaces. By contrast, most of the multilateral dynamic coalition analyses are focused on the one-dimension finite or at most countable action spaces. See, for example, Abreu. Pearce, and E. Stachetti (1993), Konishi and Ray (2003). Some other researches focus on the equilibrium size or structure of the coalitions when the number of players is any arbitrary n ≥ 3 , but these are static economies with no accumulative assets and no growth, moreover, action space has fewer dimensions than our models. See, among others, the public goods or joint production analysis by Ray and Vohra (1997, 15
Note our model is not a repeated game unless
α =0. 22
2001) and Ray (2006), and the political coalitions analysis by Acemoglu, Ergorov, and Sonin (2006). Many other researches on coalitions focus on the analysis of Sharpley value or cores with transferable or non-transferable utilities, and most of them focus more on the dimension of the number of the players in a static economy instead of the time dimension of dynamic setting with history dependence and accumulative assets, see a brief summary in Myerson(1991). As such, the task of providing a thorough analysis on the equilibrium with limited commitment appears very challenging but also interesting, which is definitely a top priority on our future research agenda. Let’s end this informal discussion by mentioning that among the Markov-Perfect Nash Equilibria with full commitment that we have characterized in subsection 3.1, some might be coalition-proof automatically. For example, when all the three agents are perfectly identical, we show in the appendix that if αβ > ζ 1 , the full coalition equilibrium is most preferred by all the agents for any level of capital stock and hence must be coalition-proof in all the subgames. In other words, it is also the equilibrium with limited commitment.
4. Political Power Distribution Follows A Stochastic Process As is well documented in the political economy literature, the political power distributions among different social groups or different political parties typically fluctuate over time.16 Moreover, empirical researches show that both income distribution and growth rates demonstrate persistent differences or non-convergence across most of the countries 17 . Our above analysis suggests that the social infrastructure intrinsically determines in the growth rates and consumption inequality. Therefore, it seems natural to explore further the dynamic relationship between the persistence of political power distribution and the persistence of the macroeconomic performance through the change in the coalition structures. For the similar justifications in Dixit, Grossman, and Gul (2000), we assume that the political power distribution (a1 , a2 , a3 ) follows an exogenous Markov chain.18 For parsimony, we assume there are two states with the transitional π 11 π 12 probability matrix . It’s straightforward to extend to n states. π 21 π 22
4.1 Full Coalition is Maintained Across Different States
For more empirical evidences, see the discussions and references in Dixit, Grossman, and Gul (2000). See Quah (1996) and Benabou (1996) for more empirical evidence and theoretical discussions. 18 It is surely appealing to ultimately examine the more fundamental causes of the changes in the political power distribution, but as a first step, let’s take those changes as exogenous. 17
Suppose that the distribution of the political power in both states is sufficiently equal (for example, both states are in the region G in Figure 2). We guess and verify that the full coalition will be the equilibrium in both states. We still focus on the Markov equilibrium. The Bellman equation for the fictitious planner of the full coalition is now 3 2 3 1 V f (k , s j ) = Max3 {∑ ai ( j )(lnci − li2 ) + β ∑ V f ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci , s j ' )π jj ' } {ci ,li }i=1 2 i =1 j '=1 i =1 i
We will guess and verify that cij = λij f ( j ) ∀i = 1, 2,3 j = 1, 2
where λij is a constant. The first order conditions and the Envelope theorem imply that for each state j = 1, 2 , ai j
= θ j , ∀i ,
λij =
µi lij 2
and 3
k ' = (1 − ∑ λij ) f ( j ) .
(4. 4)
i =1
There are eight unknowns {λ11 , λ21 , λ31 , λ12 , λ22 , λ32 ,θ1 , θ 2 } . By solving the system of eight equations, we obtain
θ j = θ j' =
1 , ∀j , j ' = 1, 2. 1 − αβ
Substituting (4.2) and (4.5) back into (4.1), we get all the six consumption equations. Similarly, we can determine the labor supply in (4.3) and the investment in (4.4). We can see that the consumption-output ratio is proportional to the political power parameter across all the agents and across both states. Labor supply and hence endogenous growth rate would generally be different across the two states. Interestingly, this means that all the labor supply, consumption and investment functions will be exactly identical to the economy without uncertainty, which we have derived in subsection 2.1. Therefore, the economic growth rates and consumption distributions will also follow
π 11 π 12 a Markov process with the same transitional matrix . This can be interpreted π 21 π 22 as a stable political institution such as a consolidated democracy or a very strong state of non-democracy,19 mainly due to the fact that the political power distribution doesn’t fluctuate too wildly so that the full coalition structure is time-invariant. The exogenous political power dynamics simply translates into the same dynamics of the macroeconomic performance with the same persistence.
4.2 Coalition Structure Changes Across Different States Suppose the political power distribution is sufficiently equal in state 1 but extremely unequal in state 2. Inspired by our discussion in the third example in subsection 3.1.2, we will guess and verify that full coalition is formed in state 1 and no coalition is formed in state 2. At state s1 , the fictitious planner needs to maximize the full coalition’s welfare by solving 3 1 V f (k , s1 ) = Max3 {∑ ai (1)(lnci − li2 ) {ci ,li }i =1 i =1 2
+ β V f ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci , s1 )π 11 + ∑ ai (2)Vi n ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci , s2 )π 12 } i =1 i =1 i =1 i i 3
For each individual j ∈ N , his own total expected value at the full coalition is equal to 1 V j f (k , s1 ) = ln c j − l 2j 2 3 3 + β V j f ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci , s1 )π 11 + V j n ( Ak α ∏ liµi − ∑ ci , s2 )π 12 } i =1 i =1 i i
where all the consumption and labor supply are solutions to (4.2.1). At state s2 , for each individual j ∈ N , his own total expected value is equal to
19 See more discussions on the empirical evidence and relevance about political transitions and the strength of the state, please see Acemoglu (2005), and Acemoglu and Robinson (2006), among others.
1 V j n (k , s2 ) = max{ln c j (2)− l 2j (2) c j ,l j 2
3 3 + β V j f ( Ak α ∏ liµi (2) − ∑ ci (2), s1 )π 21 + V j n ( Ak α ∏ liµi (2) − ∑ ci (2), s2 )π 22 } i =1 i =1 i i
(4.2.3) Again we can guess and verify that each period the consumption is a constant fraction of the current output: c j ( s ) = λ j ( s ) y ( s ) for each individual j ∈ N and for each state s ∈ {1, 2} .
It turns out that at state 2, we have
λ1 (2) = λ2 (2) = λ3 (2) =
(1 − αβπ 22 )(1 − αβπ 11 ) − α 2 β 2π 12π 21 1 − αβπ 11 + αβπ 21
The labor supply functions are l 2j (2) =
µj λ j (2)
, ∀j ∈ N
The value functions are
V jn (k , s2 ) = Aj (2) ln k + B j (2), ∀j ∈ N , where Aj (2) =
α and B j (2) is a constant independent of k . λ j (2)
In state 1, we have (1 − αβπ 22 )(1 − αβπ 11 ) − α 2 β 2π 12π 21 λ j (1) = a j (1) , ∀j ∈ N , 1 − αβπ 11 + αβπ 21
and the labor supply functions are l 2j (1) =
µj , ∀j ∈ N . λ j (1)
The value functions are V j f (k , s1 ) = Aj (1) ln k + B j (1), ∀j ∈ N , where Aj (1) =
α a j (1) and B j (1) is a constant independent of k . λ j (1)
Hence we can see that Aj (2) = Aj (2) , ∀j ∈ N . Similarly, we can compute the value function for each agent at each of the three partial coalitions. Again, we can verify that the coalition decisions are independent of the capital stock and that this Markov change in the coalition structure is indeed the Markov-Perfect Nash equilibrium. This exercise suggests that political transitions between full coalition and no coalition would occur when the political power distribution changes dramatically over time in a society.
5. Related Literature Our model is essentially an extension of the two-agent models of social conflict by Benhabib and Rustichini (1996) as well as Benhabib (2002)(henceforth BR models). The main differences of our models with theirs lie in two dimensions. First, from a substantive point of view, the different versions of BR models mainly try to explain how the insecure property right results in low investment rate and hence low growth rate, or how the consumption inequality and growth are related. By contrast, our main point is to explore the endogenous coalition formation and dynamic changes of the social coalitions among the identical or heterogeneous social groups as well as how these social infrastructures would affect the macroeconomic performance. As such, the bulk of our analysis is focused on how the different social infrastructures come into being and persist over time when the political power or productivities distribution changes. We also show an example why a ruling class might delegate its political power and coincidentally achieved the maximum growth. These are absent in the BR models. As contrasted with the two-agent BR models, our three-agent setting also makes it more compatible with the branch of political economic literature that discusses the social choices (such as median voter theorem) in the democracy, and also more compatible with the literature about non-democracy in which the three-class dichotomy (i.e. the elite, the middle class, and the lower class) is fairly standard.20 Moreover, the three-cohort assumption seems more realistic. Our setting also allows for more discussions on the endogenous property right by introducing the predation power distribution.21 Second, from a methodological point of view, our model generalizes BR models in several margins. One is that the increase in the number of players allows for the possibility of coalition analysis in this non-repeated dynamic game and the intermediate states of strategic cooperation, which seems very interesting. Second, we have introduced the explicit predation power distribution, which potentially might change the reservation 20 21
See, for example, Acemoglu (2005), Acemoglu, et al. (2006), Benabou (1996), and Persson and Tabellini (1999), etc. See Acemoglu and Johnson(2005), Besley (1995), Grossman (1994), Grossman and Kim (1996), etc.
values of different players and hence their equilibrium outcomes, especially if the utility function is finite at zero consumption or if capital share, α , is zero. All these will enhance the difficulty of coalition analysis but allow for much richer strategic behaviors and macroeconomic implications than the BR models. Moreover, from a purely modeling point of view, our model can be seen as a generalized version of several well established models in the literature. When N = {1} , then it’s nothing but the standard Ramsey growth model or AK model. When α = µ1 = µ 2 = µ3 = 0 , it becomes a pure endowment economy. In particular, if N = {1, 2} , {a1 , a2 } are not specified, and both A and { p1 , p2 } follow a two-state Markov process, then it becomes exactly the same as the model of consumption insurance with limited commitment by Ligon, Tomas and Worrall (2002, RES). When A remains fixed and { p1 , p2 } follows a 0-1 Markov process, it degenerates into the political compromise model by Dixit, Grossman, and Gul (2000, JPE). If { p1 , p2 } follows an i.i.d process, it becomes the risk-sharing model by Kocherlakota (1996, JME). Genicot and Ray (2003) study the group risk sharing by mainly focus on the number of the agents that will participate in the risk-sharing contracts with limited commitment.
6. Conclusion This paper presents a theoretic exploration on how the endogenous formation of the coalition structure among different social groups might affect the long-run economic growth and consumption inequality. We emphasize the role of the political power distribution and the labor productivity distribution in determining the formation and dynamics of the social coalition structure. The dynamics of the political power distribution translates into the dynamics of social coalition structures and hence the dynamics of economic growth and inequality. We believe that to understand the macroeconomic performance of different developing counties requires a confident knowledge of the concrete social infrastructure in those economies, especially the social conflicts among different interest groups. We provide an example to show why the ruling group might relegate the political rights to the other groups in order to pursuit its own interest, which might actually maximize the economic growth rate as well. We also show how a minute alteration in the distribution of productivities among different social groups might cause drastic variation in the social structure, which can potentially determine the attitudes of different social groups towards the adoption of any new technologies.
The usual caveats should be reminded as to how to cautiously interpret the results of any such stylized theory in the context of the much more complicated reality. However, we hope that the readers could be convinced that our simple model might help us gain some non-trivial insights when trying to understand the role of social infrastructure in shaping a nation’s macroeconomic performance, especially in a developing economy.
Appendix A. A More Formal Specification of the General Dynamic Game 1. Notations: Define the time set T ≡ {0,1, 2,...} . We have an extensive form game Γ = ( N ,{H }t∈T , × U i ,t ) , e
i∈N t∈T
where N = {1, 2,3} is the set of players, H
is the set of all the histories up to time t , U i ,t
denotes the total present discounted value function of agent i at time t , ∀t ∈ T . I will explain in details how H
and U i ,t are defined very soon. At each date t , all the three agents will play a
simultaneous game, which shall be described in details soon. Let’s define this game as the simplest non-cooperative game. Define Si ,t = Ψ i ,t × Li ,t × M i ,t , where Ψ i ,t = {1, 0} is the space of coalition decisions by agent i at time t , 1 denotes “cooperate” and 0 denotes “not cooperate”. The player can’t choose his partner. When the player chooses 1, he must form a “coalition” with anyone who also chooses 1 at that period. Li ,t = ℝ + is the space of the labor supply by agent i at time t ; M i ,t = ℝ + is the space of the “attempted” consumption by agent i at time t . Let K t ⊆ ℝ + denote the space of the capital stock at time t . The world starts at time 0 with an exogenous initial capital stock equal to k0 . A history up to time t is denoted by h = (k0 , (k1 , s0 ), (k2 , s1 ),,..., (kt , st −1 ), (kt +1 , st )) , where t
st ∈ St ≡ × Si ,t i∈N
kt ∈ K t .
is H = ( K 0, K1 × S0 , K 2 × S1 , K 3 × S 2 ,..., K t +1 × St ) . We will use Ci ,t ∈ ℝ + to denote the space of t
the real consumption of agent i at time t . Let ci ,t denote an element of this set. Define, for each agent i ∈ N at any time τ ∈ T , the total sum of the discounted utility after that period:
U i ,τ ({li ,t , c } ) = ∑ β ∞ i ,t t =τ
t =τ
t −τ
(ln ci ,t −
li2,t 2
Which is equal to minus infinity if ci ,t = 0, for some t ≥ τ . 2. Strategies We should think that the stage game at time t has two steps. The first step is to make the coalition decision. Let’s define the pure strategy of agent i ’s coalition decision at time t as the mapping:
ψ i t : H t −1 → Ψ i ,t . The
g : Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t → Ω , Where Ω = {ϖ ,ϖ f
,ϖ 2,3 ,ϖ 1,3 ,ϖ n } , the five elements of which refer to the full coalition, the
partial coalition between agent 1 and agent 2, the partial coalition between agent 2 and agent 3, the partial coalition between agent 1 and agent 3, and no coalition, respectively. This coalition structure is only binding at that period. The coalition formation function is defined as:
g (1,1,1) = ϖ f ; g (0,1,1) = ϖ 2,3 ; g (1, 0,1) = ϖ 1,3 ; g (1,1, 0) = ϖ 1,2 ; g (0, 0,1) = g (0,1, 0) = g (0, 0,1) = g (0, 0, 0) = ϖ n The second step is to define each agents’ production and consumption strategies after observing the realized coalition structure AND each individual’s coalition decision at that period t . Possibility 1: ϖ is realized at period t . f
f If full coalition, ϖ , is realized at time t , then for each agent i ∈ N , the real consumption ci ,t and
the real labor supply li ,t are not freely chosen by those individuals but rather assigned by a fictitious planner for the full coalition, and all the agents have to accept the assigned values. The abstract assignment function is a mapping:
Dt (ω f ) : H t −1 → ( × Ci ,t , × Li ,t ) . i∈N
This assignment function is determined by maximizing a weighted sum of the three agents’ total welfare from that period on. The welfare weights, denoted by {a1 , a2 , a3 } , are interpreted as the political power structure of the three agents. For the time being, suppose they are exogenous and constant over time, later we will discuss what happens if the power distribution is endogenous or follows an exogenous Markov process. Denote the whole space of political power structure by
ϒ = {(a1 , a2 , a3 ) ∈ ℝ 3+ : ∑ ai = 1} . So the fictitious planner solves the following problem at time i∈N
t based on his information H t −1 × Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t :
( × ci ,t , × li ,t ) i∈N
∑aU i
i ,t
Obviously, in order to solve this problem, the fictitious planner needs to have an expectation about what happens in all the future periods. For example, it’s possible that in some future time point no coalition is formed so the real consumption and labor supply at that period are not directly assigned by the social planner (See below for more details about what will happen in that case). We impose the rational expectation (perfect foresight) assumption for this fictitious planner whenever he is called on to make assignments. Possibility 2: No coalition, ϖ , is realized at time t. n
Each agent i ∈ N needs to simultaneously claim his “attempted” amount of consumption,
mi ,t ∈ M i ,t , and decides his labor supply, li ,t ∈ Li ,t . That is, for ∀i ∈ N , his pure strategy of the consumption claim and the labor supply is a mapping:
κ i ,t : H t −1 × Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t → M i ,t × Li ,t .
Then output is produced using the inherited capital stock and the agents’ labor supplies: 3
yt = Akt α ∏ l µi i ,t i =1
The real consumption for each agent i ∈ N at time t , ci ,t , is determined by the commonly known rule (rule-1) in the main text (suppressing the time t subscript), where I = {i ∈ N : mi > pi y} and the non-negative parameter pi denotes the predation power of the agent i . Let’s now simply assume that p1 = p2 = p3 = small positive number 22. Possibility 3: A partial coalition, for example,
ϖ 1,2 , is realized.
The agent who is out of the coalition, agent 3 in this case, needs to decide his pure strategy of the consumption claim and the labor supply:
The reason to introduce p is to allow for the possibility of asymmetric distribution of the labor supply and consumption decisions under no coalition, which seems to be more realistic.
κ 3,t (ϖ 1,2 ) : H t −1 → M 3,t × L3,t .
For each agent i ∈ Q ≡ {1, 2} , the real labor supply li ,t is assigned by the fictitious planner for that partial coalition and both members of that partial coalition have to accept the assigned values. Like the full coalition, the fictitious planner for the partial coalition decides how to set the labor and consumption assignments (that is, split the real consumption for agents1 and 2 at time t , ( m1,t , m2,t )) by solving the following problem at time t based on the information H
( × M i ,t , × Li ,t ) i∈Q
∑ i∈Q
ai U i ,t . ∑ aj
t −1
× Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t : (A-7)
Similarly, we also need the rational expectation or even perfect foresight assumption for this planner. Let’s denote this assignment function as
Dt (ω1,2 ) : H t −1 → ( × M i ,t , × Li ,t ) i∈Q
The output is produced using all the three agents’ labor supplies and the capital. The fictitious planner for the partial coalition claims a consumption pair for that partial coalition (m1,t , m2,t ) ∈ M 1 × M 2 . Recall agent 3 claimed m3,t . The real consumption in the partial coalition, ci ,t , for any i ∈ Q ≡ {1, 2} and the real consumption for agent 3, c3,t are determined by (rule-2a) and (rule-2b) in the main text that are commonly known. Symmetrically, we can also describe the consumption division rule for the other two partial coalitions in a similar manner. The implied evolution of the capital stock is 3
i =1
i =1
kt +1 = Aktα ∏ liµ,ti − ∑ ci ,t .
Note that the feasibility constraint has been taken care of by the division rule for the real consumption. Just for the ease of exposition, we define the game such that after observing the realized coalition structure at each period, no matter what it is, all the agents can always “announce” their own “attempted” labor supply and the “attempted” consumption. Of course, when full coalition or any of the three partial coalitions is realized, some agents will have to accept their assigned values for the labor supply and consumption claim, in which cases their own claims can’t affect the payoff and are simply ignored.
3. Equilibrium Concepts First note that this dynamic game is not a repeated game unless α = 0 . Definition 1: For the game Γ = ( N ,{H }t∈T , × U i ,t ) , a pure-strategy sub-game perfect e
i∈N t∈T
equilibrium is a collection of the pure behavioral strategies defined in (A-2) through (A-8) such that for each agent i ∈ N , at each time τ ∈ T , it must be true that:
U i ,τ ({s*i ,t }∞ t =τ ,{s*− i ,t }∞ t =τ ) ≥ U i ,τ ({si ,t }∞ t =τ ,{s*− i ,t }∞ t =τ ), ∀{si ,t }∞ t =τ ∈ {Si ,t }∞ t =τ And for any coalition result g (ψ
* 1,t
,ψ *2,t ,ψ *3,t ) ,
U i ,τ ({l *i ,t , m*i ,t ,ψ *i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ,{l *− i ,t , m*− i ,t ,ψ *− i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ) ≥ U i ,τ ({l ∀{li ,t , mi ,t ,ψ
i ,t
, m i ,t ,ψ
}∞ t =τ ,{l *− i ,t , m*− i ,t ,ψ *− i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ),
i ,t +1
}∞ t =τ ∈ Li ,t × M i ,t × {Si ,t +1}∞ t =τ
i ,t +1
This definition makes sure that it is a Nash equilibrium in all the possible sub-games, so it has to be sub-game perfect. Note that there always exist a continuum of trivial pure-strategy sub-game perfect equilibria, in which all the three agents choose not to cooperate and set their labor supply equal to zero (or claimed consumption equal to the total output) all the time23. This implies that the output (or investment rate) is zero at that period and the total utility of each agent is negative infinity because of the log utility on consumption. No one can become strictly better off by making any unilateral change in his strategies. Notice that any production and consumption choices under full coalition or any partial coalition are also feasible under no coalition. The only difference is that the players within a coalition lose their control power for that period, or in other words, coalition serves as nothing but a temporary commitment scheme24. A sharp characterization for this general dynamic game, especially the cases of no coalition or partial coalition, might be very hard, so we will first focus on the following Markov pure-strategy equilibrium. That is, instead of looking at the strategies based on the whole history as defined in (A-2) through (A-7), we look at the Markov pure strategies defined as
ψɶ it : Kt × St −1 → Ψ i ,t .
Dɶ t (ω f ) : K t × St −1 → ( × Ci ,t , × Li ,t ) . i∈N
κɶi ,t : K t × St −1 × Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t → M i ,t × Li ,t .
(A-3’) (A-5’)
We can assume that the agent will be still alive even after having zero consumption at certain period. If we modify this game such that the players cannot make any coalition choices at any period and hence all the production and consumption decisions are made under no coalition, then there is no commitment at all. The game becomes simpler but the general analysis might be still very difficult. If, however, we focus on the Markovian equilibrium and ASSUME that the players are playing a Cournot-type game under no coalition, then we will need this pre-commitment coalition decision to simplify our analysis of partial coalition and full coalition. Hence the whole analysis is based on non-cooperative game instead of the cooperative game. Ideally, we should determine the bargaining power of the three players endogenously when they are forming coalitions in a more standard way. I have not figured it out thoroughly and will discuss this later. 24
κɶ3,t (ϖ 1,2 ) : Kt × St −1 → M 3,t × L3,t .
Dɶ t (ω1,2 ) : K t × St −1 → ( × M i ,t , × Li ,t )
(A-4’) and (A-7’) are different from (A-4) and (A-7) only in that the former are determined under the information K t × St −1 × Ψ1,t × Ψ 2,t × Ψ 3,t instead of the whole history. Definition 2: For the game Γ = ( N ,{H }t∈T , × U i ,t ) , a Markov pure-strategy sub-game perfect e
i∈N t∈T
equilibrium is a collection of the behavioral strategies defined as (A-2’) through (A-8’) such that for each agent i ∈ N , at each time τ ∈ T ≡ {0,1, 2,...} , it must be true that:
U i ,τ ({s*i ,t }∞ t =τ ,{s*− i ,t }∞ t =τ ) ≥ U i ,τ ({si ,t }∞ t =τ ,{s*− i ,t }∞ t =τ ), ∀{si ,t }∞ t =τ ∈ {Si ,t }∞ t =τ , and any coalition result g (ψ
* 1,t
,ψ *2,t ,ψ *3,t ) ,
U i ,τ ({l *i ,t , m*i ,t ,ψ *i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ,{l *− i ,t , m*− i ,t ,ψ *− i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ) ≥ U i ,τ ({l ∀{li ,t , mi ,t ,ψ
i ,t
, m i ,t ,ψ
}∞ t =τ ,{l *− i ,t , m*− i ,t ,ψ *− i ,t +1}∞ t =τ ),
i ,t +1
}∞ t =τ ∈ Li ,t × M i ,t × {Si ,t +1}∞ t =τ
i ,t +1
Before we try to provide a sufficient characterization of this equilibrium, let’s first look at the Markov pure-strategy subgame perfect equilibrium with the additional restriction that the coalition structure is invariant over time. That is, we focus on the set of the coalition-invariant strategies defined as follows: A Markov pure-strategy sub-game perfect equilibrium
σ i ,t : Kt × St −1 → Si ,t for each agent
i ∈ N at each time t ∈ T as defined in (A-11) is called coalition-invariant if the value of g as defined in (A-2) remains constant over time. Definition 3: For the game Γ = ( N ,{H }t∈T , × U i ,t ) , a Markov pure-strategy sub-game perfect e
i∈N t∈T
coalition-invariant equilibrium is a collection of the behavioral strategies that satisfy Definition 2 and are such that g (ψ
* 1,t
,ψ *2,t ,ψ *3,t ) is time-invariant.
A closely related but very different definition of a pure-strategy coalition-invariant equilibrium is defined on a different game, which only allows for a once-and- for-all a simultaneous coalition decision at the very beginning of period 0. The realized coalition structure cannot be changed afterwards. We can characterize the equilibrium for each of the five possible coalition structures in a recursive manner so the dynamic game can be reduced to an equivalent static game described by the two pay-off matrices in table 1-1 and table 1-2. That is, all the three agents first simultaneously make a
coalition choice. Then the realized coalition structure is observed. If full coalition
ϖ f is realized, then
all the three agents have no choice but to follow the instruction of the labor supply and consumption for each period from the fictitious planner for that coalition, who solves the Bellman equation (3) in the main text. The consumption is given by (4), and the labor supply is given by (5). The capital evolves according to (6), and the output each period is given by the production function (1). The total f
sum of the discounted presented value at time zero for each agent is given by Vi (k0 ) in (8). If no coalition ϖ
is realized, all the agents will follow (10) and (11), and obtain the value given by (12).
If partial coalition ϖ
is realized, then all the agents will follow (19), (20), (15), (16) with the
values given by (21) and (17). Similar description applies for the other two partial coalition cases. Foreseeing all the entailed values, each of the three agents makes their coalition choices to maximize their own utilities, and the equilibrium is the Nash equilibrium. We allow will focus on the Pareto-dominant Nash equilibrium if there exist multiple equilibria.
B. An Alternative Representation with Contracts. Consider the following static contracting problem with the following contract space:
Ω(k0 ) = {ϖ f (k0 ),ϖ 1,2 (k0 ),ϖ 2,3 (k0 ),ϖ 1,3 (k0 ),ϖ n (k0 )} , where ϖ
refers to the contract of permanent full coalition, ϖ
i, j
refers to permanent partial
coalition between agent i and agent j , ∀i, j ∈ {1, 2,3}, i ≠ j , and ϖ
refers to no coalition
forever. All of these five types of contracts only stipulate who will be permanently in the coalition, for any given initial capital stock, k0 . The contracting only happens at the beginning of the initial period, t = 0 and each self-interested agent must choose one and only one contract. Pre-play communication is allowed. If they can’t agree on the contract choice, they will be automatically assigned the contract
ϖ n . No random choice over Ω is allowed and we assume full commitment
once a contract is finally chosen. It can be shown that the above static contracting problem is fully equivalent to the following sequential contracting problem: At the initial period, the agents can either choose to remain non-cooperative or choose a permanently binding coalitional contract from Ω '(k0 ) = {ϖ (k0 ),ϖ f
(k0 ),ϖ 2,3 (k0 ),ϖ 1,3 (k0 )} .If
no such coalitional contract is chosen, then people will act non-cooperatively in this period and face the same decision problem next period except that the capital stock next period might be different. Based on the value functions obtained in the main text, we know the endogenous ordering of those contracts for each agent, and hence it becomes a social choice problem with three agents over five
contracts. In a democratic society, voting is presumably the most popular way of resolving the issue of interest conflict. However, unless a full coalition is formed, there is always predation between the coalitions. In the original static contracting problem, Let’s denote “is strictly preferred to” by ≻i for agent
i , “ is weakly preferred to” by ≥i , and “ is indifferent with” by ∼ i , for i = 1, 2, 3 . When
αβ > ζ 1 , we have the following preference order: ∀k0 > 0 , ϖ f (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ∼1 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ n (k0 ) ; ϖ f (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 2 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ n (k0 ) ; ϖ f (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 3 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ n (k0 ) .
When ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 , we have ∀k0 > 0 ,
ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ∼1 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ n (k0 ) ;
ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 2 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ n (k0 ) ; ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 3 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ n (k0 ) . When
αβ < ζ 2 , we have ∀k0 > 0 , ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ n (k0 ) ≻1 ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ∼1 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ; ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ n (k0 ) ≻2 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 2 ϖ 1,2 (k0 )
ϖ 1,2 (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ f (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ n (k0 ) ≻3 ϖ 2,3 (k0 ) ∼ 3 ϖ 1,3 (k0 ) Proposition 1’. Suppose all agents are perfectly identical. When
αβ > ζ 1 , then ϖ f will be chosen.
When ζ 2 < αβ < ζ 1 , any one of the three partial coalition contracts ( {ϖ will be chosen equally likely. When
(k0 ),ϖ 2,3 (k0 ),ϖ 1,3 (k0 )} )
αβ < ζ 2 , ϖ n will be chosen.
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Table 1-1 The Payoff Matrix of the Dynamic Game Agent 2 Cooperate not cooperate
V1 f (k ) , V2f (k ) , V3 f (k )
V11,3 (k ) , V21,3 (k ) , V31,3 (k )
Agent 1 not cooperate
V12,3 (k ) , V22,3 (k ) , V32,3 (k )
V1n (k ) , V2n (k ) , V3n (k )
when Agent 3 cooperates Table 1-2 The Payoff Matrix of the Dynamic Game Agent 2 Cooperate not cooperate
Cooperate V11,2 (k ) , V21,2 (k ) , V31,2 (k )
V1n (k ) , V2n (k ) , V3n (k )
Agent 1 not cooperate
V1n (k ) , V2n (k ) , V3n (k )
V1n (k ) , V2n (k ) , V3n (k )
when Agent 3 does not cooperate
µ3 A
Figure 1: Strategic Behaviors When Political Power is Proportional to Labor Productivity
Table 2
(0, 0.01837)
µ1 a
(0.01837, 0.08)
(0.08, 0.46)
(0.46, 0.5)
ϖ 1,2
ϖ 1,2
(22) Growth Rate c Note: a. No coalition is always an
equilibrium, we focus on the different equilibrium, if it exists, which is more
Pareto-efficient. b. It’s measured in consumption ratio. c. It refers to the growth rate on the BGP when
α =1.
Here (7), (13), and (22) are the indexes for the formula in the main text.
ab a2 1 1−ϕ
ϕ A f
C 1− ϕ
e d Figure 2: Endogenous coalition with heterogeneous political power
a1 c