International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 201-209 (2004)
A PROCESS-ORIENTED METHODOLOGY FOR DESIGNING THE LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDER'S INFORMATION SYSTEM Brian Wang1,2, Hsing-Pei Kao1* and Jason Huang2 1 Institute of Industrial Management National Central University Chungli (320), Taiwan 2 e-Business Integration Section Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Hsinchu (300), Taiwan
ABSTRACT The Logistics Service Provider (LSP) industry is undergoing radical change which focuses on the entire supply chain between manufacturers, warehouses, distributors and the ultimate clients. Due to the complexity and size of service coverage is increasing in meeting a great variety of stakeholder requirements, the LSP has to fully utilize information system that facilitates the transmission and processing of data as well as supporting decision-making regarding strategy, tactics and real-time operations. Hence, the LSP needs a comprehensive methodology to analyze and design the information system to meet business needs. This study proposes a process-oriented methodology for designing the information system of LSP. The systems life cycle design methodology is adopted as the general approach whereas Software Quality Function Deployment and business process design techniques, including Enterprise Ontology and Unified Modeling Language, are applied for detailed design. Keywords: Logistics Service Provider, Software Quality Function Deployment, Enterprise Ontology, Unified Modeling Language
The common perception of LSP is undergoing a change due to two main reasons. First, there is increasing interaction of transport and value-added logistics services. Second, providing successful logistics solutions is becoming more dependent upon Information Systems (IS), process optimization capabilities and, consequently, knowledge [20]. Recognizing these developments, we take a broad view of the definition of a LSP provided by Arthur Andersen Consultant [1]: “All companies that provide transport, forwarding, warehousing, commissioning, knowledge-based supply chain related advisory and other truly transport-related services are regarded as being part of the logistics service provider”. The development of IS should start from business analysis and process design and modeling [19]. Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a technique used for describing, documenting and analyzing the businesses processes. Business process
models are created with the business users to produce an intuitive, non-technical model representing their perspectives of how the business is or should be conducted. In other words, these models form a basis for IS design and business process improvement. Figure 1 shows how BPM provides information about the structure of IS with needed functions and interface in terms of business objects, products, actors and activities.
Business Process Model Business Activities
Corresponding author:
[email protected]
*Object *Attributes *Line history *Hierarchy of objects *Relationships among objects *Mutual behavior
Products Actors
* I/O functions * Dialogue functions * Interface function etc. * Function hierarchy
Object Model
Process Model Transaction Techniques (Design Rules)
Conceptual IS Model Usability Requirements
*buffering needs * user views * data sets
Real World Structure
Real World Behavior
Top-Down Function Structure
Logical Database Structure Technology Constraints and Requirements and Database Design Rules
Technical IS Model
Products Business Objects
Program Modules Structure Technology Constraints/Requirements Program Design Rules
Figure 1: Process analysis for IS development
International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2004)
Besides BPM, information engineers begin to apply Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD) and Ontology Engineering (OE) in the development of the enterprise-wide and usually geographically distributed IS to support various processes. To improve the quality of software systems and its development process, SQFD is adopted throughout the system development life cycle. As a visual methodology, SQFD uses matrix forms to align the business priorities, the design features, and system specifications. Additionally, according to the benchmarked target values, the system designers establish objective metrics to indicate acceptable quality [14]. In brief, ontology is a structured representation of the information and, more exactly, is a domain vocabulary together with a set of precise definitions, or axioms, that constrain the meanings of the terms in that vocabulary sufficiently to enable consistent interpretation of statements that use that vocabulary [13]. Regarding IS development, the predefined ontology will enable consistency and commonality through the interoperability of processes, systems, and databases. As a general approach, ontology engineering should be performed once the goals and objectives of an enterprise have been decided and prior to the process analysis and design [22]. Figure 2 shows where SQFD and ontology engineering might logically fit in the development process and how they might interconnect with other development and engineering activities. SQFD Resources, Organizationa l Culture
Define Goals, Objectives, and Metrics
Enterprise Goals, Objectives & Metrics
Development Enterprise Ontology A2
Ontology Database
Model Enterprise Processes A3
Past Experience Existing Infrastructure
IDEF 0, 1X, 3 & Simulatio n
Optimal Processe s
Reengineering Processes &
Implement Supporting IT Process, Infrastructure Changes, Build Systems Integrate A4 Technical, Functional & Organizational Levels A5 CASE Tools
Decision Support
Technical Int. Tools Cognitive Learning
Integrated IT Systems & Functions; Trained & Staff
Initiate Operations & Measures
Successfully Operating Enterprise
Figure 2: Ontology engineering process This study proposes a process-oriented methodology for designing the information system of LSP (POM_LSIS). The systems life cycle design methodology is adopted as the general approach whereas SQFD and business process design techniques, including Enterprise Ontology, Objected-Oriented (OO) Models, and Unified Modeling Language (UML), are applied for detailed design.
2. SYSTEM FRAMEWORK OF LSP The complete architecture of a LSP’s logistics system is a composition of logistics network, processes, and information system. To develop the methodological framework, we extend the Generic Value Chain proposed by Dantuma [8] to define the value chain of LSP (Figure 3). S t a k e h o ld e r s R e q u ir e m e n t
O r ig in o f L o g is tic s S e r v ic e
P r o c e s s in g
I n fo r m a t io n S y stem o f L S P
P ro cess M anagem ent
T ra n sp o rt
S t o r a g e a n d /o r V a lu e - a d d e d L o g is t ic s A c t iv itie s
D e s t in a t io n o f L o g is tic s S e r v ic e
L o g is tic s N e tw o r k N o t a t io n :
I n f o r m a tio n F lo w
M a te r ia l F lo w
S ig n if ic a n t R e la tio n
Figure 3: Value chain of LSP According to [6,10], the logistics system should be initiated based on the stakeholders’ requirements; “stakeholders” at here refer to the partners who have interests or stakes in the partnership and the power to influence the design of the network and information system. They may include clients who request and receive service from the LPS and the members performing internal and external processes in the logistic network. While stakeholders’ requirements are varied, they are classified according to several characteristics, including services, regions, types of delivered items, pricing, and time (Figure 4). * Different purchaser and receiver * Optional delivery addresses, home or office * Option to request delivery time: -specific time -hrs -just in time * Quick Response, order to delivery * Home Delivery * Delivery pre-advise -note -call * Consolidation required
* Returns and refusals * Claims * Final assembly * Installation * After sales services * Customer Service and Help Desk * Payment modes -Credit and account cards -Prepaid -Invoice * Accurate delivery * Order completeness/damage free
Figure 4: Requirements of logistics services In general, the shipment orders (concerning the origin and destination of the delivered item) are placed by the clients to the LSP. Accordingly, the LSP needs to determine the role of intermediates in the
B. Wang et al.: A Process-Oriented Methodology logistics network to fulfill the order as per the client’s requirement. According to Dantuma [8], the steps of logistic service can be classified into: (1) Processing, which involves receiving and processing client’s order, planning the distribution of the shipments, and packing the item for its destination. (2) Transport, which involves moving the item from place to place, either directly to its final destination, or to an intermediate position in the logistics network. (3) Storage and/or Value Added Logistics, which is an optional intermediate stage in the process that can be used to add further value to the delivered item. There are several tools applicable for logistics process mapping [4]. As shown in Figure 5, the matrix approach is adopted for its simplicity to represent the linkages between logistics service steps, members and categories of the logistic service. Steps of Logistic Network Members of Logistic Network
Logistics Service Provider
Logistics Service Partner A
Storage and/or VAL
Logistics Service Partner B...N
Usually ontology engineering is executed before analyzing business process and designing the IS. Based on the ontology model, we will have a clear view about the LSP with respect to its position in the supply chain and internal organization and operations. The ontology model will ensure the consistency among development stages while keeping the generality of the methodology for various LSPs. In Figure 9, we adopt the ontology engineering of IDEF5, developed by [13], to define the development stages the LSP Ontology. Why
Where exchanges
Information System Entity
Customer’s Requirements
NonInformation System Entity
Types of LSP Carrier
is performed by
Figure 6: Procedure for designing the information system architecture
Information System Development Principles Enterprise Ontology Principles
Express Logistic Provider
Storage Provider
ICT Provider
BPM Principles OOA & OOD Rules
Figure 5: Types of intermediates In the Zachmen framework [25], an Enterprise Architecture Framework is a generic classification scheme for designing information systems. Adopting the concepts of the framework and matrix representation, we start from modeling the operational flows of logistics. Then we identify the performers who are responsible for executing certain operations, and match each operation to an application method (or methods). Finally we identify the needed data or technology for each application method. Following this “operation ↔ performer ↔ application ↔ data ↔ technology” mapping procedure, we are able to clearly portray the overall architecture of the information system. Figure 6 shows the meta-model of this procedure and the relationships between entities.
Literature Surveys about LSP
Develop the Process-Oriented IS of LSP A0 UML
Software QFD
Figure 7: Top level of POM_LSIS Information System Development Principles
Enterprise Ontology Principles
Literature Surveys about LSP
Develop LSP Ontology A1
Meta LSP Ontology Model
BPM Principles
OOA & OOD Rules
Integrate System Analysis and Design A2
Specifications of the IS
Here, we present all information and principles required in the development process. The development stage and I/O relations of top level are represented in Figure 7, which is further decomposed into two sub-functions shown in Figure 8.
Specifications of the IS
Figure 8: Second level of POM_LSIS To develop the ontology model, we firstly survey a great number of LSP websites and existing studies. Accordingly, we identify and specify objects
International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2004)
by using the object-oriented concepts to analyze the collected documents. These object entities are categorized into two groups: (1) Supply Chain Level, which involves all the members in the supply chain. Each member in the supply chain executes a defined role and interacts with others. We divided these members into three main types: origin of logistics service, intermediates (include LSP and its partners), and destination of logistic service. (2) Enterprise Level, which focuses on the LSP itself. At this level, we specify the types of services LSP could provide and what kinds of processes should be designed for satisfying the stakeholders’ requirements. The defined objects can be further categorized as non-information system entities and information system entities. In addition, the relationships between objects can be expressed from the process perspective. Figures 10 and 11 show the meta LSP ontology model and the meta model of logistics service process.
Summary of Surveys
Study LSP Industries A11
Object Classes
Identify and Specify Objects A12
Identify and Classify Relations
Relation Matrices
Refind and Validate Ontology A14
Meta LSP Ontology Model
Figure 9: Development stages the LSP ontology IntermediateLogistics Service Partner
Origin of Logistics Service
fetches goods from
Destination of Logistics Service
delivers goods to
cooperates with
Level 1-
delivers goods to
fetches goods from
Supply Chain
Client’s Requirement
Logistics Service Process is created by
Level 2Enterprise (LSP)
meets fits facilitates
Logistics Service
Figure 10: Meta LSP ontology model Operation consumes
triggers produces
is performed by
Non-Information System Entities
Resource houses
For the system analysis and design, we adopt the concepts from Rational Unified Process (RUP), which is a comprehensive UML and OO focused methodology, to generate four models: Requirement Model, Business Model, Process Model, and Object Model (Figure 12). Enterprise Ontology Principles Literature Surveys about Express Logistic Provider Meta LSP Ontology Model
Construct Business Model A21
Information System Development Principles Business Model of Express Logistics Provider
Construct Requirement Model A22
SQFD Matrices
Business Process Management Principles
Construct Process Model A23
Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD)
Event-driven Process Chain (EPC)
Process Models
OOA & OOD Rules
Construct Object Model
Specifications of POM_LSIS
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram
Figure 12: Object-oriented system analysis model
Enterprise Ontology Principles
Literature Surveys about LSP
Information System Entities
Figure 11: Meta model of logistics service process
Business models act as a blueprint to construct the information system. In the business model, we clearly define the organization structure, functions, applications, location, data, technology and resources of the LSP. The goal of requirement model is to describe what the system should do and allows the developers and the stakeholders to agree on that description. At here, the stakeholders include system owner, system users, system designer, system builders, system analyst, and IT vendors and consultants [24]. A business process is a set of activities that are executed in order to achieve a business objective; this objective is usually to offer the right product or service to a client with a high degree of performance measured against cost, longevity, service to a client [12]. Process modeling is a technique for organizing and documenting the structure and flow of data through a system’s process and/or the logic, policies, and procedures to be implemented by a system’s process. Object model is a way of representing systems and components of a system using the object-oriented concepts. An object model contains a set of business objects, applications, process, actor, data and their relationships. These objects together form a class structure that is the logical design view of all (or part of) a software system. In Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), we clearly define all objects in the system. The steps of OOA include identify objects, identify attributes of object and establish relationship among objects. In Object-Oriented Design (OOD), the specifications of LSP_IS include process model, component model, actor model and meta model.
B. Wang et al.: A Process-Oriented Methodology
We use “service” and “region” to categorize the clients’ requirements since these two factors can be used to validate the distribution architecture. As an example, we choose one pattern (International Air Service between Region A and region C) as the input to the requirement model. Table 3 shows client’s requirement patterns and Table 4 shows requirement-to-role assignment.
In this section, we demonstrate how the proposed methodology POM_LSIS is applied with a simplified case for the Express Logistics Service Provider (ELSP). An ELSP operates large fleets of aircraft for pick and delivery services as well as what are termed express logistics hubs, which are in turn linked to air-freight or road-freight centers. Figure 13 shows the general structure of the logistics network (at the supply chain level).
Table 3: Example of client’s requirement patterns Single Region Region
Region Region Region A
Value Added Logistics Provider
Storage Provider (Express Hub)
Road Carrier
Figure 13: General structure of the logistics network for express logistics provider
Freight Service
Service Nexe-day air
Second-day air
service International air
Value Added Services
Express Logistics Provider
Electronic tracking Delivery confirmation Customs clearance service
●: Strong ○: Medium △: Weak
At the enterprise level, we focus on the definition of entities of process. An example is shown for one entity of process in Table 1. We furthermore summarize the attributes of the specialization of this Entity. Take vehicle routing and scheduling as an example, Table 2 shows the summaries of the attributes of the specialization of the Method.
Table 4: Example of requirement-to-role assignment Role
International Air (Region A) International Air
Transportation Planning Application (Parent: Process)
(Region A to Region C)
Description Order consolidation
Vehicle routing and scheduling Carrier rate management Carrier selection.
Input Output Status
Data Information Being used Completed
Table 2: Example of the specialization of entity Vehicle Routing/Scheduling Method (Kind: Transportation Planning)
Attribute Objective Precondition Input Output
Description Minimize total cost Transportation order has been received Transportation order and constraints Assignment of vehicles, their departure time and sequence of client visits
Value-added Forwarder Storage
Pattern Segment
Table:1 Example of entity Attribute
International Air (Region C)
∗ ∗ ∗
As aforementioned, SQFD is an effective way to approach the initial information collection in the information system development. The POM_LSIS construction includes five stages (Figure 14). Since the requirement-to-role assignment patterns have been defined, they will be the “How” of the first phase in part I. The Operations will be “what” of the first phase. In second phase, the Operations can be decomposed into Activities. In third phase, the relationships between Activity and Actor have been described. In fourth phase, we have defined the needed Data of Activities. In fifth phase, the relationships between Data and Technology are depicted. Tables 5 and 6 show some partial results from SQFD.
International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2004)
206 Function Role
Data Activity
Technology Data
Figure 14: Hierarchy of SQFD matrices Table 5: First phase of SQFD matrix Operation
A. Pre- sales
Role Express Logistics Provider
B. Planning
Value-added Service
In the process model, it is important to develop complete and consistent process representations. Figure 15 indicates the hierarchical relationship between operation flows by presenting the detailed process sequence in terms of events, activities, data and actors. This process combines the results of second, third and fourth phases of SQFD matrices. Figure 16-A to 16-E show five phases of the process model development. (1) Phase 1: (Pre-)sales Operations: establish the agreement between Consignor and Express Logistics Provider. (2) Phase 2: Planning Operations: collect data and translate into information about the chain members. (3) Phase 3: Physical Operations: model physical operations (transport, transshipment and storage). (4) Phase 4: Monitor and Control of Operations: check any unexpected accidents and respond. (5) Phase 5: Administrative Operations: Issue invoice and payment.
Forwarder Storage Provider (Region A)
Road Carrier (Region A)
Function 1
First Layer
Function 2
Function 3
Function 4
Function 5
Storage Provider (Region C)
1…n Event 3.1
Road Carrier (Region C)
1 Second Layer
C. Physical Operation Transportation
D. Monitoring/ Controlling
Fleet/ Vehicle
Activity 3.1
Event 3.2
E. Administration Reporting Invoicing 1…n
1 Activity 3.3.1
Activity 3.3.2
Event 3.3.1
Event 3.3.2
1…n 1…n
Figure 15: Hierarchy of process model
1…n 1…n
F u n c tio n
P re -s a le s
Table 6. Sceond phase of SQFD matrix (partial) Vehicle
routing and
Express Logistics Provider
Transportation (Express Logistics
T ra n s p o rta tio n P la n n in g
O rd e r P ro c e s s in g
E x p re ss L o g is tic s P ro v id e r
O rd e r M a n a g e m e n t
T ra n s p o rta tio n P la n n in g
S to ra g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n C )
and routing
O rig in
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n C )
consolidation scheduling
Operation Planning
C o n s ig n o r
P la n n in g
R o le
Order Processing Order Management
W a re h o u s in g P la n n in g
F o rw a rd e r
T ra n s p o rta tio n P la n n in g
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n C )
T ra n s p o rta tio n P la n n in g
S to ra g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n C )
W a re h o u sin g P la n n in g
Figure 16-A
Figure 16-B
Provider) Transportation Planning (Road
F u n c tio n P re -s a le s
C o n s ig n o r
S to r a g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n A )
Transportation (Road Carrier-Region C)
P h y s ic a l O p e ra tio n
T r a n s p o r t a t io n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
O rd e r P ro c e ssin g O rd e r M anagem ent
F u n c tio n P re -s a le s
W a re h o u s in g P la n n i n g
W a re h o u s in g
F o rw a rd e r
T r a n s p o r t a t io n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n C )
T r a n s p o r t a t io n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
S to r a g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n C )
W a re h o u sin g P la n n i n g
W a re h o u s in g
S to r a g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n A )
T r a n s p o r ta ti o n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
F le e t a n d V e h ic le M o n i to ri n g
O rd e r P ro c e ssin g O rd e r M anagem ent
S h ip m e n t P ro g ress C o n tro l T r a n s p o r ta ti o n P la n n i n g
W a re h o u s in g P la n n i n g
W a r e h o u s in g
F o rw a rd e r
T r a n s p o r ta ti o n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
F le e t a n d V e h ic le M o n i to ri n g
T r a n s p o r ta ti o n P la n n i n g
T ra n s p o rt a ti o n
F le e t a n d V e h ic le M o n i to ri n g
S to r a g e P ro v id e r (R e g io n C )
W a re h o u s in g P la n n i n g
W a r e h o u s in g
C o n s ig n e e
Figure 16-C
M o n ito rin g a n d C o n tro llin g
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n C )
D e s tin a tio n
C o n s ig n e e
P h y sic a l O p e ra tio n
O rig in
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n A ) E x p re ss L o g is tic s P ro v id e r
T r a n s p o r t a t io n P la n n i n g
P la n n in g
R o le C o n s ig n o r
O rig in
R o a d C a rrie r (R e g io n A ) E x p re ss L o g is tic s P ro v id e r
Carrier-Region A) Planning
P la n n in g
R o le
D e s tin a tio n
Figure 16-D
B. Wang et al.: A Process-Oriented Methodology Function
Physical O peration
M onitoring and Controlling
A dm inistrative O peration
Road Carrier (Region A )
Transportation Planning
T ransportation
Fleet and Vehicle M onitoring
Shipment Progress C ontrol
Order Processing
Express Logistics Provider
Order M anagement
Customer Order Customer_order_id quantity date_received delivery_date delivery_location consignor_id consignor_name status
Invoice (To Customer) invoice_id customer_order_id issuer date_time amount discount type of payment payment_term tim_unit status
integer integer date date string integer string [issued, accepted, refused, completed paid]
integer integer string date integer integer integer integer [d, m] [issued, paid requested]
Transportation Planning
Storage Provider (Region A )
W arehousing Planning
Transportation Planning
Forw arder
W arehousing
Forwarding Order Fleet and Vehicle M onitoring
T ransportation
Road Carrier (Region C )
Transportation Planning
T ransportation
Storage Provider (Region C )
W arehousing Planning
W arehousing
Fleet and Vehicle M onitoring
forw_order_id order-id commodity quantity_goods package_type gross_weight net_weight volume date_delivered date_pickup forwarder_id transp_op_id forwarder_name status
Figure 16-E: Complete process model
integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer date date string integer string [issued, accepted, refused, completed paid]
Invoice (From Forwarder) invoice_id forwarder_order_id issuer date_time amount discount type of payment payment_term tim_unit status
integer integer string date integer integer integer integer [d, m] [issued, paid requested]
Figure 19-B: Object diagram
The final stage of the methodology is to constructing the Object Model. According to the procedure in Figure 17, the object model could include various sub-models as shown in Figure 18 and Figures 19-A to 19-G.
Department of Transport
Department of Transport Planning
Vehicle scheduling
Document preparation Movement
Identify Class, Objects
Class Diagram
Space determination
Identify Attributes of Objects Department of Warehouse Planning
Object Diagram
Establish Relationship among Objects
Information Flow
Department of Warehousing
Material Flow
Figure 19-C: Activity model
Figure 17: Procedure of building business object model Application Model (Component Model)
Data to Technology Matrix
Figure 19-D: Objects of method
Role to
Data Model (Data Flow Diagram)
Business Object Model Operation and (Class & Object Operation to Activity to Diagram) Activity
Data Matrix
Activity Model (Activity Diagram)
Transportation Service (from Plant 1~3 to DC A)
Activity to Actor Matrix
Vehicle Scheduling Transportation Planner
Actor Model (Use Case Diagram)
Document Preparation
Transportation Management System
Figure 18: Relations of object models
Receiving Warehouse Operator
Physical Logistics Function
Space Determination Warehouse Planner
Warehouse Management System
Order Processing
Customer Service
Transportatio n
Material Handling
Figure 19-A: Class diagram
Figure 19-E: Use case diagram
International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 4 (2004)
Application Component
LSP_IS Subsystem
Transportation Management System Subsystem
Inventory Management System
Warehouse Management System
Process Control
Interaction Control
Dialogue Control
Order Management System
Business Class Fundament
Data Management
al Classes
Figure 19-F: Component diagram Database
Transportation D ocumentation
Document Preparation O rder Information
Logistics N etw ork
D ate
Vehicle Scheduling
S cheduling Result
Q uantity
S cheduling Result Record
Figure 19-G: Data flow diagram
6. CONCLUSION Although LSPs have become increasingly more important in the integrated supply chain, there are only few researches pertaining to their business models, operational processes, and information systems. In this paper, we propose a process-oriented methodology for designing logistics service information system which integrates Business Process Modeling and System Analysis/Design. By paying proper attention to both theory and the practicality, this methodology consists of the prevalent methods to customize the IS of LSPs. Based on the current study, there are several issues remain to be studied, including the evaluation of the Enterprise Ontology model, the reengineering of LSP process, and project management to design the LIS.
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ABOUT THE AUTHORS Brian F. Wang is the section manager of e-Business Integration Section, TSMC. He is currently a doctoral student of the Institute of Industrial Management at National Central University, Taiwan where he earned a MBA degree in 1998. He has 6 years of experience in implementing ERP and SCM systems in Telecommunication and Semiconductor industries.
209 His research interests include ERP, SCM and Logistics Management. Hsing-Pei Kao is an Associate Professor affiliated with the Institute of Industrial Management at National Central University, Taiwan R.O.C. He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering at Clemson University in 1992. His current research interests include SCM, MES, BPM, and Concurrent Engineering. Jason J. Huang is a System Engineer with Commodity and e-Business Department, TSMC. He holds a MBA in Industrial Management, National Central University, Taiwan. (Received September 2004, revised November 2004, accepted December 2004)