A tool for assessing life cycle carbon emission of ...

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University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430074, ..... Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
A tool for assessing life cycle carbon emission of buildings in Sri Lanka

Ramya Kumanayake*, Hanbin Luo Institute of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430074, China

*Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] Tel: 86-13125147767


A tool for assessing life cycle carbon emission of buildings in Sri Lanka Abstract The critical role of buildings in overcoming global environmental challenges is evident from their high contribution to global energy use and carbon emission. This study was aimed at developing a life cycle carbon emission estimator tool for buildings in Sri Lanka. First, system requirements and system boundary were identified. The carbon emission calculation method for each life cycle stage was established which was followed by development of building life cycle carbon emission database and program. The applicability of the developed tool was verified by using a multi-storey building in Sri Lanka. It was found that operation and maintenance stage has the highest contribution to life cycle carbon emission (55.47%), which was followed by material production stage (42.09%). Ready-mixed concrete, reinforcement steel, cement and clay bricks contributed to nearly 90% of carbon emission at material production stage. The results were comparable with previous research, especially studies based on countries in the same region. As this study is the first-ever attempt in developing a building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool for Sri Lanka, there is much room for improvement. The main challenge was the unavailability of local data for some life cycle stages, as Sri Lanka currently lacks its own building life cycle data inventories. The tool will be beneficial to various stakeholders such as designers, owners, contractors and green building certification bodies in Sri Lanka in low-carbon decision making as well as building certification, thus contributing to the sustainable construction practices in the country. Key words: building; carbon emission; life cycle assessment; sustainable construction; Sri Lanka.

1. Introduction As stated in a recent report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [1] , buildings account for 32% of global energy use and 19% energy related CO2 emissions as well as 57% of global electricity consumption. Hence the importance of their role in overcoming global environmental challenges is evident. The energy use and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to rise significantly in future due to key global trends such as population growth, migration to cities, household size changes and increasing level of wealth and lifestyle changes [1]. Therefore, if the targets for reducing GHG emissions are to be met, decision makers need to pay attention to buildings and buildings must be the focus of every national climate change mitigation strategy [2]. In the other hand, buildings offer immediately available, cost-effective opportunities to reduce


energy demand and carbon emission[1]. With proven and commercially available technologies, it was found that energy consumption in both new and existing buildings can be reduced by an estimated 30-50% without significant increase of investment cost [3]. According to energy sector scenario 2050 forecasted by International Energy Agency [4], carbon emissions in buildings are expected to be reduced by two-thirds through low-carbon electricity, energy efficiency and the shift to low and zero carbon technologies. In order to identify strategies for mitigating carbon emissions, it is essential to evaluate the current building performance in terms of energy consumption and carbon emission. Over the years, numerous research studies have been conducted on energy use and carbon emission of buildings. As carbon emission is a process that takes place throughout the whole life cycle of a building, life cycle assessment (LCA) is considered to be the best approach in evaluating impacts of carbon emissions. Researchers and organizations, mainly in developed countries, have introduced a number of building life cycle carbon emission assessment systems. For developing these, various data sources such as existing databases, standards, codes and reports of the country concerned were used. Although these systems can be applied to any country, they have limited validity outside the specific country or region due to climatic, geographical, technological, economic and socio-cultural differences between countries [5]. Similar to other developing countries, Sri Lanka is currently facing many environmental challenges. Construction is one of the major industries and buildings contribute to more than half of value and raw material consumption in the construction sector [6]. According to the current energy scenario of the country, rapidly expanding building sector consumes about 35% of national energy, thus contributing to a significant portion of carbon emissions [7]. Although buildings are identified as a priority sector in reducing energy use and carbon emissions, national data inventories and systems needed for assessment of energy and carbon emission are currently non-existent in the country. This study aimed at developing a building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool in the context of Sri Lanka which includes a carbon emission estimator program and an integrated life cycle database. The applicability of the developed carbon emission estimator tool was verified using a case study of a multi-storey university building in Sri Lanka. This will be a pioneer research of this kind in Sri Lanka, as it will provide a customized tool for estimating building life cycle carbon emission of Sri Lankan buildings which is currently lacking. With predictions of increasing energy use and rise of carbon emissions in building sector, this type of tool will be highly useful for assessing life cycle carbon emissions of buildings and identifying appropriate strategies for mitigating carbon emissions throughout building life cycle.


2. Literature review Life cycle carbon emission assessment is a technique to quantitatively assess carbon emission associated with all stages of building life cycle [8] which include material production, construction, operation, maintenance and end-of-life. Many countries have been developing systems to evaluate life cycle carbon emission of buildings that incorporate the unique characteristics of their construction industries [5]. Table 1 outlines some of these systems with their specific evaluation features. Table 1 Building life cycle carbon emission assessment programs [5,9–13]. Program





developed SUBA-LCA




Assesses energy consumption, CO2 emission

Building Research

and cost during building life cycle. The

Center, Hanyang

program update is relatively easy.

University AIJ-LCA


Japan Architectural



Composed in Excel worksheet type and assesses building life cycle CO2 and cost. Calculates CO2, NOx, SOx emissions and energy usage. Wide assessment range with industry specific analysis method.






Assesses life cycle CO2 emissions by using statistical data and estimates energy inputs per unit area. Uses CO2 unit data of Japan Architectural Society and enables users to review alternative plans for saving energy.



Daisei construction



Composed of 5 software, such as PAL-navi, ERR-navi, aurora, CarbonCalc and PAL-auto calculation. Interlinked with BIM, it can perform assessment of each stage, and promotes efficient assessment by simulation of CO2 reduction measures.





BHP Research


Composed of simple design interface and

Center and

processes data in checklist form. Provides

University of

efficient material production analysis using


life cycle inventory database.



Web based assessment offers easy access to users. Assessment and analysis results are


given by stages. Processes various data such as structure type, material, land type and endurance period. ENVEST2


Building Research


Assesses building life cycle CO2 and cost.


Offers high accessibility through web based


assessment. Uses Eco Point, the unique indicator of the program.






Reflects weighted value on standard

Energy Agency

proposals through general designing


assessment program.


W/E Sustainable




The first computer program based on building LCA. Capable of assessing various conditions such as effects of energy consumption through building life cycle.



Korea Institute of



Uses CO2 emission rates per basic unit on the basis of inter-industry analysis table.


Apart from the above national and organization-based life cycle carbon emission assessment systems, researchers all over the world have been developing and modifying similar systems based on building certification systems, life cycle databases, standards and codes of the respective countries in order to achieve optimum representation of existing conditions of their countries. Roh et al.[9] developed a design program (SUSB-OPTIMUM) to assess life cycle CO2 emission of an apartment house in South Korea, which included a database of CO2 reducing performance and costs of environmentallyfriendly construction technologies, an interpretation program based on a simplified technique for assessing life cycle CO2 emissions and unit costs based on inter-industry relation table. A Building materials Embodied GHG Assessment criteria and System (BEGAS) for newly revised Korea Green Building Certification System (GSEED) was established [14]. Li et al. [15] developed an automated estimator of life cycle carbon emission for residential buildings in China. The Building Life cycle Carbon Emission Assessment Program (BEGAS 2.0) that evaluates carbon emission quantity in Korea’s Green Building Index Certification System (GBI Certification System) was developed by Roh et al. [16]. Lee et al. [17] established an integrated building LCA model that allows an interlinked application of LCA results of building materials, components and the whole building. They proposed a method for stepwise application of the integrated building LCA model to Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED), a Korean green building certification system. A


LCA tool for buildings which was integrated in TRNSYS environment and has the ability to perform ‘cradle to cradle’ LCA studies was presented by Cellura et al. [18]. The authors developed a database including the specific impacts due to Global Energy Requirement (GER) and Global Warming potential (GWP) of building materials, energy carriers, transport and end-of-life processes. Roh and Tae [19] developed a web-based integrated assessment system to periodically evaluate and manage life cycle CO2 emissions of a building. It included models for simple assessment (SAM), detailed assessment (DAM), construction site assessment (CAM) and results analysis (RAM). In a similar study, the same authors developed a Building Simplified LCCO2 emissions Assessment Tool (B-SCAT) for the application in the early design phase of low-carbon buildings in South Korea [20]. Dong and Ng [21] developed a LCA model namely the Environmental Model of Construction (EMoC) to help decision makers assess environmental performance of building construction projects in Hong Kong. Li et al. [22] developed a dynamic model for calculating carbon emissions in construction phase based on Building Information Modelling (BIM), incorporating basic BIM model of a building, real-time material consumption schedule and carbon emission estimation system. The model was expected to achieve an optimal construction scheme to guide low-carbon construction. The requisite for an LCCO2 assessment program that is based on technical elements of Global Environmental Model/Management-21P (GEM-21P) system was identified by Baek et al. [10]. LBNL China building LCA model for conducting life cycle assessment to residential and commercial buildings in Beijing was developed by Aden et al. [23]. A BIM-based building CO2 emission quantity assessment method to analyze reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emission was presented [24] in which accuracy of BIM based quantity estimation according to major building materials was examined. Fu et al. [25] introduced a LCA tool to calculate and compare embodied carbon and energy for different building plans in construction stage. A program-level management system for life cycle environmental and economic assessment of a complex building project was developed by Kim et al. [26]. A systematic model for developing sustainable building assessment tools and a related performance assessment framework was established by Kang et al.[27]. Stephan et al.[28] Introduced a framework that considered energy requirements at building and city scales. It was implemented through the development of a software tool which allowed rapid analysis of life cycle energy demand of buildings at different scales. In developing the life cycle carbon emission assessment tool for buildings in Sri Lanka, the previous systems which were developed in other countries with attention to their specific features and adaptability in the context


of Sri Lanka were referred. Although the researchers were faced with several challenges, especially due to the lack of country-specific building life cycle data inventories, the developed tool will fill an existing gap in carbon emission assessment of buildings sector in the country to a certain degree and will provide the opportunity for future improvements. 3.

Materials and methods

Life cycle carbon emission assessment is a specific form of LCA where carbon emission is evaluated throughout the building life cycle. In the present study, for life cycle carbon emission assessment, system boundaries and assumptions were established and carbon emission was calculated through life cycle inventory (LCI) and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), which are the phases identified in the LCA methodological framework of ISO 14040- Environmental Management-Life Cycle Assessment [29]. In order to develop the carbon emission tool, carbon emission calculation method and databases were established based on life cycle stages of material production, construction, operation and maintenance and end-of-life as classified by ISO 21931-1: Sustainability in building construction [30].

Fig. 1. Life cycle process boundary of study. 3.1 System boundary The system boundary included both spatial boundary and lifecycle process boundary for the estimation of carbon emissions. The spatial boundary was defined as the closed 3-dimensionsl space constituted by the


foundation at the bottom, the highest point and the façade of the building. All phases in the cradle-to-grave lifecycle process were included in the process boundary as illustrated in Fig. 1. The functional unit for the study was taken as 1m2 of the gross floor area of the building per year. 3.2 Estimation of building life cycle carbon emissions Based on the LCA approach, total lifecycle carbon emission of a building can be calculated as given in equation (1)[31]. (1) where CLC = total lifecycle carbon emission of a building (kgCO2) and CM, Cc, Co, CE = carbon emissions at material production, construction, operation and end-of-life stages (kgCO2). The carbon emissions at each life cycle stage are presented by equations (2)-(5). 3.2.1

Carbon emission at material production

Carbon emission at material production stage CM, includes material production and transportation to the building site which can be calculated as[32]: ∑



where n = total number of material types, mi = quantity of material type i (m3 or kg), fm,i = carbon emission coefficient of type i material (kgCO2/m3 or kgCO2/kg), T = capacity of transportation vehicle (m3 or kg), di = two-way distance between material supply point to construction site (km) and ft,i = carbon emission factor for unit material transported over unit distance (kgCO2/km). 3.2.2

Carbon emission at construction

Carbon emission at construction stage, CC is due to the operation of construction machinery and equipment during various construction activities, which is given as:


where j = total number of construction activities, Qc,i = quantity of construction activity i (m3 or kg), Ui = fuel/electricity use rate for the construction activity i (l/m3, kwh/kg etc.) and fc,i = carbon emission factor for fuel/electricity used for the construction activity i (kgCO2/l or kgCO2/kwh).



Carbon emission at building operation

Carbon emission at building operation stage CO, includes both building operation and maintenance which can be calculated as [32]:


where k = total number of energy sources, fe,i = average annual consumption of energy type i (kWh, L etc.), fe,i = carbon emission factor of energy type i (kgCO2/kWh, kgCO2/L etc.), Y = lifespan of building (years) , Ri = repair interval of material i (years) and ri = repair cycle for material i. mi and fm,i are the same as defined in equation (2). The value (Y/R) is the replacement factor of the material considered[33]. 3.2.4

Carbon emission at end-of-life

Carbon emission produced at end-of-life stage, CE can be regarded as the summation of carbon emissions due to building demolition, transportation to landfill site and disposal in landfill. It was assumed that the whole amount of demolished material is disposed in landfill as recycling of building waste is not very common in the current construction practice of Sri Lanka. The total carbon emission of end-of-life stage is given by equation (5).


where m = total number of demolition activities , Qd,i = quantity of demolition activity i (m3 or kg), fd,i = carbon emission factor of demolition activity i (kgCO2/m3 or kgCO2/kg), Md = total quantity of demolished material (kg), and fd = carbon emission factor for landfill operation (kgCO2/kg). T, di and ft,i are the same as defined in eq. (2). Due to the current unavailability of data related to building demolition, transportation of waste and landfill in Sri Lanka, relevant data are taken from the literature on similar studies.


3.3 Development of building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool 3.3.1 Conceptual model The developed life cycle carbon emission estimator tool consists of three components; input, analysis and results. The conceptual model for the development of the tool is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Conceptual model of building life cycle carbon estimator tool.  Input: Input data is of two types; (1) data stored in the database (related to materials, construction activities, energy sources and end-of-life activities) (2) data entered by the user (material quantities, energy consumption, quantities of construction activities and basic information such as location, type of building, type of structure, gross floor area, number of floors and building life span). The input data is linked to each stage of life cycle for computation of carbon emissions.  Analysis: Life cycle carbon emission program analyses the input data and computes the carbon emission of each life cycle stage as well as carbon emission of materials at material production stage.  Results: Life cycle carbon emission results of the building are given for each life cycle stage in both tabular and graphical form. An assessment report is generated which can be either printed or saved as a PDF document for further use. The development of the building carbon emission estimator tool was carried out in two stages (1) development of carbon emission database (2) development of estimator program and user interface.


3.3.2 Development of building lifecycle database The building life cycle database is composed of four sub-databases; material database, construction database, operation database and end-of-life database. MySQL database management software was used to create the life cycle carbon emission database which can be easily integrated with the estimator programme. 

Material database

The material database was composed of manufacturing, transportation and maintenance data related to each of the major building materials. Rather than considering hundreds of materials used in a building, most of which have negligible overall carbon impact, it was considered more realistic to focus on a fewer number of high carbon impact materials (‘carbon hotspots’) [34]. Therefore, material database was made up materials which contribute to more than 85% of total carbon emission of typical Sri Lankan buildings. These were identified by analysing the bills of quantities of a sample of residential and commercial buildings in Sri Lanka. A similar approach was followed by several previous studies [12,14,16,17,19,35]. For this study ten major carbon emitting materials in the context of Sri Lanka were identified; ready-mixed concrete, reinforcement steel, clay bricks, cement, rubble, concrete blocks, structural steel, ceramic tiles, aluminium and paint. According to their strength characteristics, ready-mixed concrete and concrete blocks were further categorised into seven and four subcategories respectively. Therefore, in the material database, a total number of 19 detailed building materials for all ten major building materials were considered. As there are no existing standards on material transportation in Sri Lanka, details of types of vehicles commonly used for material transportation in the country were investigated. As a result, transit-mixer truck for ready-mixed concrete, 20-ton truck for steel reinforcement and 8-ton truck for all other materials were designated. All the materials were assumed to be supplied from building material supply point within 30 km distance from the construction site. The maintenance related data included repair rate and repair cycle for each building material. Due to lack of country-specific data at present, data required for the material database were taken from recent research literature [16,21,36,37] and international databases such as Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) [38], Centre for Building Performance Research (CBPR) [39], Korea LCI DB Information Network [40], Common Carbon Metric [3], IEA Statistics [41] as well as from consulting construction industry professional in Sri Lanka.


Construction database

For the development of the construction database, the carbon emissions due to use of machinery and equipment during the process of construction of the building were evaluated. In identifying construction activities to be included in the database, the activities to install major building materials were considered. For these construction activities, types of machinery used, energy use rate and carbon emission factor of the energy source were included in the database. The data required for the construction database were taken from the recent research literature [37,42], international reports such as Common Carbon Metric [3], IEA Statistics [41], Sri Lanka Energy Balance [43] as well as from consulting construction industry professionals in Sri Lanka. 

Operation database

In order to estimate carbon emission in building operation, the life span of the building was taken as 50 years. The operation database includes the data related to the energy sources used for building operation; type of energy sources and carbon emission factor of energy sources. For energy sources, the most common types used in Sri Lankan buildings such as electricity, diesel, LP gas and biomass were considered. The carbon emission factors for energy sources are referred from local and international data sources such as Common Carbon Metric [3], IEA Statistics [41] and Sri Lanka Energy Balance [43]. 

Demolition database

Due to the unavailability of demolition data in Sri Lanka, to develop this database relevant data from research literature were considered. The quantity of demolished materials was assumed to be the same as the quantity of material used for building construction. Three main demolition activities were considered; removal of individual elements, ground levelling and crane handling for which carbon emission factors were taken from previous research [44]. It was assumed that a 20-ton truck is used to transport the waste for a distance of 15 km from building site to landfill site. The total amount of demolished materials was assumed to be landfilled using bulldozers and compactors for which a standard fuel usage rate was taken by referring previous research. 3.3.3 Development of carbon emission estimator program The carbon emission estimator programme was developed using Visual Studio C# programming language in .NET Framework. The system architecture is composed of three interactive layers; user interface layer, calculation layer and database layer as shown in Fig. 3. After entering the program, a user has to provide two


types of input manually through user interface layer; (1) basic information of the project such as project name, location, type of building, type of structure, number of floors, gross floor area, land area, building life span and an image of the building (2) building life cycle information such as major material quanities, construction quantities, annual energy consumption and demolition information. Once all user inut eas completed and automatically verified for validity, the calculation process starts. The request for calculation prompts the calculation layer to analyse the given data and with the use of relevant data from integrated carbon emission database, carbon emission of each life cycle stage are calculated by using the programmed carbon emission formula given in section 3.2.

Fig. 3. System architecture of developed tool. Upon the request for calculation results, the carbon emission of each life cycle stage can be viewed in the assessment results interface. Some of the user interfaces of the program; input of basic information, life cycle information and calculation of results are given in Fig. 4. After completion of the computation, a report of the building life cycle carbon emission is generated that can be directly printed or can be saved in PDF format. The report includes the following information: basic building information, carbon emission of each life cycle stage (in kgCO2) both numerically and as percentages of total carbon emission, total life cycle carbon emission (in kgCO2/m2 and kgCO2/m2.year). The summery of carbon emission of life cycle stages and material types can be


viewed both in tabular and graphical forms, facilitating easy understanding and comparison of results.

Basic information interface User input building information such as location, building type, structure type, number of floors, lifespan, gross floor area, height and land area


Major building materials interface User input quantities of major building materials

Calculation interface for material production stage

Main Interface

Carbon emission of major building materials, carbon emission at material production and transportation and total carbon emission at material production stage are calculated

Fig. 4. User interfaces of carbon emission program. 3.4 Case study To verify the applicability of the carbon emission tool developed in this study, life cycle carbon emissions were evaluated by using a 7-storey university building in Sri Lanka. It is a multi-purpose building containing class rooms, examination halls, conference room, auditorium, computer laboratories, cafeteria, offices and residential facilities for visiting faculty. Table 2 gives an overview of the evaluated building for the case study.


Table 2 Overview of case study building Project name

Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University


Ratmalana, Sri Lanka




Reinforced concrete

No. of floors


Gross floor area

5967 m2

Site area

2031 m2

Life span

50 years

3.4.1 Application of developed carbon emission estimator tool The basic information interface and the material production stage interface for case study building are given in Figures 5 and 6. Similarly, data was input for other life cycle stages; construction, operation and end-of-life.

Fig. 5. Basic information interface.


Fig. 6. Material production stage interface. After the completion of data input, the calculation of life cycle carbon emissions of each stage was carried out in the assessment results interfaces. The assessment result interface for material production and end-of-life stages are given in Figures 7 and 8. By using ‘calculate’ function in the user interface, carbon emission at each stage was displayed.

Fig. 7. Assessment results for material production stage.


Fig. 8. Assessment results for end-of-life stage. After computation of carbon emission of all life cycle stages, a results report was generated as shown in Fig. 9, which can be either printed or saved in PDF format.

Fig.9. Report of the carbon emission assessment. 3.4.2 Assessment results The total life cycle carbon emission of the building over the assumed life span of 50 years was found to be 7,015,358.39 kgCO2. The annual emission was 140,307.17 kgCO2 and carbon emission per unit gross floor area per year was 23.51 kgCO2/m2.year. The summary of carbon emission at each life cycle stage as taken from the assessment report is given in Table 3. The highest contribution is from the operation (52.24%), which was followed by material production at 41.76%. Material transportation only contributed to 0.78% of carbon


emission at material production stage. Construction and maintenance contributed to 1.61% and 3.23% of total carbon emission respectively. Table 3 Carbon emission of life cycle stages. Life cycle stage

Carbon emission (kgCO2/m2)

Material production

Material production

carbon emission (%)















Transport to landfill



Disposal in landfill



Transportation Construction


Operation and maintenance



Percentage of



In the construction stage, activities which highly contributed to carbon emission were excavation and removal (53.45%) and lifting of materials (28.59%). The maintenance contributed to 5.83% of carbon emission of operation and maintenance stage. The end-of-life stage shared only 0.83% of total life cycle carbon emission. From this, demolition had the highest contribution of 82.25% and transportation to landfill and disposal in landfill contributed to 10.46% and 7.28% of end-of-life carbon emission. The carbon emissions of life cycle stages; material production, construction, operation and maintenance and end-of-life are shown in Fig. 10. End-of-life 0.83%

Material production 42.09%

Operation and Maintenance 55.47%

Construction 1.61%

Fig. 10. Carbon emissions of life cycle stages.


The contribution of major building materials to the carbon emission at the material production stage was analyzed by the carbon emission estimator tool. Ready-mixed concrete has the highest contribution of 41% followed by cement (18%) and reinforcement steel (17%). Many previous carbon emission studies of reinforced concrete buildings have shown a similar trend [33,45–49]. The main envelope material, clay bricks also has a high share of 13%. As illustrated in the Figure 10, the top four mass materials; ready-mixed concrete, reinforcement steel, cement and clay bricks emitted 89% of carbon emission at material production stage. Although the contribution of aluminium, tiles and paint to carbon emission at material production is low compared to other materials (only 4%), it is significant when their negligible share to total material weight was considered. Therefore, in taking material related decisions, attention should be paid to both mass materials such as concrete as well as materials with high carbon emission coefficient values such as aluminium.

Ceramic tiles, 2% Cement, 18%

Paint, 1%

Ready-mixed concrete, 41%

Rubble, 7% Aluminium, 1%

Clay bricks, 13%

Reinforcement steel, 17%

Fig. 11. Contribution of materials to production stage carbon emission. 3.4.3 Comparison of results with previous studies The results obtained by applying the developed building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool to a Sri Lankan university building was compared with the results of studies conducted in different countries in order to validate the applicability of the tool. Although the results of building life cycle carbon emission studies highly vary due to a range of variable aspects such as type of building, climate, materials and technology used, energy sources, economic and social conditions, assumptions made and methodologies applied, the results were found to be within a reasonable range as shown in Table 4. Especially, the results of the current study, which was based on Sri Lanka, can be compared with the results of other developing tropical countries such as India and


Thailand. The comparison justifies the computation of the developed building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool. Table 4 Comparison of results with previous studies. No.








Total carbon




stage (%)




stage (%)


stages (%) 1





























































































Sri Lanka






study C- Commercial and R- Residential buildings *GWP (Global Warming Potential was measured in kgCO2eq/m2.year).

4.0 Discussion This study has established a computerized life cycle carbon emission estimator tool with an integrated life cycle database to assess life cycle carbon emission of buildings in the context of Sri Lanka. The life cycle process boundary was identified as ‘cradle-to-grave’ where material production, construction, operation and maintenance and end-of-life stages were considered. The study was composed of four man components; (1) identifying system requirements and system boundary (2) establishing carbon emission calculation method for each life cycle stage (2) development of a building life cycle carbon emission database (3) development of the carbon emission estimator program. The applicability of the developed tool was verified by using it to assess life


cycle carbon emission of a multi-storey reinforced concrete building in a Sri Lankan university. It was found that over the assumed life span of 50 years, the building emits a total of 7,015,358.39 kgCO2. The annual carbon emission and carbon emission per unit gross floor area per year was 140,307.17 kgCO2 and 23.51 kgCO2/m2.year respectively. The carbon emission at operation and maintenance stage had the highest contribution of 55.47%, which was followed by material production stage having 42.09% of carbon emission. The four major carbon emitting materials; ready-mixed concrete, reinforcement steel, cement and clay bricks contributed to nearly 90% of carbon emission in the material production stage. The construction and end-of-life stages contributed 1.61% and 0.83% respectively to the total life cycle carbon emission. This study provided an automated tool with an integrated database that can be used to determine carbon emissions at different life cycle stages of a building quickly and accurately. Various stakeholders of the building industry of Sri Lanka can benefit from its use. To name some, designers can use it to compare alternative designs in order to select low-carbon building options and building contractors can select low-carbon construction activities with the use of the tool. Also green building certification bodies of Sri Lanka such as GREENSL Rating System for Built Environment [59] can use it to assess the conformation of buildings to the carbon emission criteria specified in the system. Most of the existing building life cycle carbon emission systems which were discussed under literature review used currently available data inventories developed by recognized authorities of the particular country for the computations [17,19,32,58,60,61]. But for Sri Lanka, there are no such databases available at present, and it had been a major challenge in developing a carbon emission tool for the country. The current scenario of the UK construction industry pointed out by Moncaster and Symons [61] is more or less the same for Sri Lanka. There is no culture of construction material manufacturers estimating and publishing the whole life environmental impacts of their products and the use of sub-contractors for different construction packages and a culture of commercial confidentiality make data of on-site construction and building demolition and waste disposal scarce. Although, the developed tool was proved to be feasible and convenient to use for a real building in Sri Lanka, there is still much opportunity for improvement. First, the database should be further developed and continuously updated with newly available data. With the increased awareness of the importance of assessing building carbon emissions, more realistic and accurate data inventories are expected to be available in Sri Lanka in future, which will enable the further improvement of the existing database within the tool. Most of the previous studies used standard life cycle data inventories which were developed under government authority of


the particular country. For Sri Lanka also, development and maintenance of Life cycle inventory databases (LCI DB) need to be accomplished by recognized government authorities for the promotion of building LCA research. The calculation of energy consumption in the operation stage was based on the input of annual average energy consumption which is manually calculated from monthly electricity bills. In case of new buildings, where these data are not available, suitable energy simulation tool can be connected with the program to estimate the energy consumption based on building characteristics and expected use. In several previous studies, energy simulation software was integrated with the carbon emission tool for this purpose [16,58,60]. The material quantities which are given as initial input to the program are currently manually calculated from bills of quantities, which is time consuming and also may cause human errors. Hence, in future suitable quantity take-off software can be integrated with the carbon emission estimator tool to make the quantity estimation process fully automated. Such software was used in previous studies to make the performance of the carbon emission tool more efficient [26,58].

5.0 Conclusions The study aimed to develop a building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool in the context of Sri Lanka. The developed tool can be used by different stakeholders such as owners, designers, contractors and green building certification bodies of the country for low-carbon decision making and certification. A database for life cycle carbon emission of buildings in the context of Sri Lanka was established, which was integrated with an easy to use carbon emission estimator program. As much as possible, life cycle data were collected from Sri Lankan building industry. Due to current unavailability of country-specific life cycle data inventories for some life cycle stages, recent research literature and local and international data sources were referred. To verify the appropriateness of gathered data, a number of construction professionals in Sri Lanka were consulted. The applicability of the developed tool was verified by using it for estimating life cycle carbon emission of a multi-storey university building in Sri Lanka. It was found that the operation and maintenance stage contributed most (55.47%) to life cycle carbon emission, whereas material production stage followed closely at 42.09%. The contribution of construction and end-of-life stages were relatively low. To verify the applicability of the developed tool, these results were compared with previous life cycle carbon emission studies conducted in different countries. Although results of life cycle carbon emission studies can highly vary from case to case due


to a range of factors, the results obtained were quite comparable with several studies, especially which were based on developing tropical countries like Sri Lanka. The tool also estimated the contribution of major building materials to the carbon emission. Ready-mixed concrete, reinforcement steel, cement and clay bricks were found to make up nearly 90% of carbon emission at material production stage. Relative to the negligible mass used in the building, materials such as aluminium, paint and ceramic tiles also have important contribution to carbon emission. The tool can be used for identifying low-carbon building materials by comparing alternative building designs, hence will support material related decision making. Although this study is an initial attempt to develop a much needed building life cycle carbon emission estimator tool for Sri Lanka, there is much opportunity for future improvements. The integrated database should be updated continuously and with the increasing awareness of the country towards low-carbon buildings, it is expected that in future more accurate and relevant data will be available for improving the database. Also, integration of the tool with quantity take-off software and energy simulation software will make it more efficient and accurate compared with manual input of material quantities and energy consumption data. This study verified the applicability of the developed tool by using a single case study. The study can be expanded by using the tool on different types of buildings, both residential and commercial so that the limitations of the tool can be identified and suitable measures for further improvement can be devised. As a milestone study, this will initiate the practice of assessing life cycle carbon emissions of buildings, which is a timely requirement towards sustainable goals of the construction industry in Sri Lanka.

Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the authorities of the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka and the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB), Sri Lanka for providing the valuable information needed for this research work.

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