A Tutoring System for Parameter Passing in Programming Languages

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used in the Comparative Programming Languages course as well as Computer Science I. 1. INTRODUCTION. Parameter Passing mechanisms are an important ...
A Tutoring System for Parameter Passing in Programming Languages Harsh Shah, Amruth N. Kumar Ramapo College of New Jersey 505, Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ, USA, 07430-1680 (201) 684 7712

[email protected] ABSTRACT We have developed a tutoring system for the parameter passing mechanisms discussed in a typical Comparative Programming Languages course, viz., value, result, value-result, reference and name. The tutor helps students better understand these parameter passing mechanisms by administering problems for them to solve and providing instant feedback on their solution. In this paper, we will describe the design and features of the tutor. We will also discuss a test that we conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using the tutor, and present its results. The test confirmed our hypothesis that using the tutor would result in a systematic improvement in the learning of our students. This tutor may be used in the Comparative Programming Languages course as well as Computer Science I.

1. INTRODUCTION Parameter Passing mechanisms are an important part of the study of programming languages. In a typical Comparative Programming Languages course, five different parameter passing mechanisms are discussed: value, result, value-result, reference and name. At least a few of these mechanisms would be new to every student, since no programming language includes all five parameter passing mechanisms. Our students, having studied C++ in their introductory courses, find value-result to be a perplexing alternative to reference, and are stymied by the complexities of parameter passing by result. The presence of global variables, aliasing, array elements, and expressions in array subscripts serve to highlight, and at the same time, complicate the comparison of these parameter passing mechanisms. Specific experience is required in order to recognize general principles [10]. Problems are useful to provide specific experience, and problem-solving is known to improve learning [8]. Therefore, we set out to develop a tutoring system that would help students learn parameter passing concepts through problemsolving.

In this paper, we will describe the tutoring system that we have developed and the results we obtained from evaluating its usefulness. We are currently using this tutoring system in our Comparative Programming Languages course. In the future, we also plan to use it in Computer Science I to help students better understand parameter passing by value and reference. In Section 2, we will describe the design and features of our tutoring system. In Section 3, we will discuss the design of our test to evaluate the tutor and the results we obtained. In Section 4, we will discuss how our work relates to the work of others in this area. We will discuss future work in Section 5.

2. THE DESIGN OF THE TUTOR Our tutoring system is designed to help students learn parameter passing mechanisms by repeatedly solving problems and obtaining feedback on their solution. The capabilities of the tutor include: 1.

Problem Generation: It can automatically generate problems, and is capable of generating an unlimited number of problems.


Grading and Feedback: It can grade the user’s answer and provide detailed feedback about the correct answer.


Statistics: It can keep track of the user’s progress: how many problems the user has attempted, solved correctly and incorrectly.

The tutor is designed to be used as a supplement to classroom instruction, either in a closed laboratory or for after-class assignments.

2.1 Problem Generation The tutor generates complete programs, consisting of a calling function, a called function, and optional global variables and arrays. It generates these programs as parameterized instances of predefined problem templates, specified in pseudo-BNF notation. For example, consider the template in Figure 1. In the template, T refers to a data type, R# a random number, A an array, P a function, P0 being main(), F a formal parameter, G a global variable, and L a local variable. Array subscripts are enclosed in square brackets [], blocks are delimited by braces {}, and function parameters are enclosed in parentheses (). This template highlights the difference between pass by reference, when aliasing is involved, and pass by value-result: the global variable and formal parameter work independently in the case of parameter passing by value-result and in unison in the case of parameter passing by reference.

=; =; (){ =; (,[]); } (,){ =+; []=; []=; =+; []=; =; } Figure 1: A template to illustrate Pass By Reference Versus Pass By Value-Result The tutor randomly selects one of several such templates and generates a program based on the template. It randomly selects names for variables and functions, the data type of variables, values of random numbers, etc. Therefore, the tutor is capable of generating a combinatorially explosive number of unidentical problems based on the predefined templates, and a user may never see the same problem twice. In order to minimize the cognitive load for the learner, the tutor uses the same (C++) syntax for all the parameter passing mechanisms.

2.2 Feedback The tutor can currently provide feedback at two levels: • Minimal Feedback: whether the user’s answer is correct or not. • Detailed feedback: In addition to whether the user’s answer is correct/incorrect, the tutor can explain the correct answer by describing the behavior of the program as it is executed. According to traditional Intelligent Tutoring Systems literature, this is demand feedback [1], i.e., it is provided only when the user asks for it. Demand Feedback: The feedback is provided at four stages of execution: before the function call, during the function call, during the function execution and during the function return. • Before the function call: In the case of value, value-result, name and reference mechanisms, the tutor lists the initial values of the variables used as actual parameters. In the case of result, this is done only if the actual parameters are evaluated at the time of the function call. • During the function call: In the case of value and valueresult mechanisms, the tutor identifies the formal parameters into which values of actual parameters are copied. In the case of reference mechanism, the tutor highlights the aliasing between actual and formal parameters. • During the function execution: The tutor explains the execution of the called function line by line, indicating at each step, the values of any variables that are changed in that step. In the case of parameter passing by name though, the tutor first rewrites the body of the called function, replacing

each instance of a formal parameter by its corresponding actual parameter. During the function return: In the case of value-result, the tutor indicates how the values of formal parameters are copied back into the corresponding actual parameters. In the case of result mechanism, the tutor tailors its feedback based on whether the actual parameters are evaluated at the time of function call or function return. In both the parameter passing mechanisms, it takes into account whether the actual parameters are evaluated left to right or right to left, especially when a variable is used as an actual parameter more than once.

2.3 User Interface Figure 2 (included at the end of the paper) shows the user interface of the tutor. The user is led through a clockwise flow of action: from the program in the top left panel (1), to the problem statement and controls to input user’s answers in the right panel (2), followed by the “Check My Answer” button at the bottom right (3), the feedback in the bottom left panel (4), and finally, the “Create New Problem” button in the left center (5). The tutor makes the “Check My Answer” and “Create New Problem” buttons available only in their correct contexts to avoid confusion. In its feedback, the tutor refers to the line numbers printed alongside the code in the top left panel. For the convenience of the user, the tutor reminds the user of variable initializations at the top in the right panel.

3. EFFECTIVENESS OF USING THE TUTOR In the past, we have reported the results of controlled tests to compare using our tutors versus using printed workbooks to help students learn by solving problems. These tests were conducted with other tutors that we had developed, whose design and objectives were similar. We found that the tutors were at least as effective as printed workbooks in helping students learn the material. Often, the improvement using our tutors was twice as much as the improvement using printed workbooks to practice problem-solving [12,13]. We set out to test two hypotheses with our tutor on parameter passing: 1.

Whether using the tutor would result in a systematic improvement in the learning of our students;


Whether we could observe a difference in student learning because of detailed versus minimal feedback.

We conducted a controlled test in our Comparative Programming Languages course. In this section, we will first describe the protocol we used for the test, and then discuss the results we obtained from the test. In our test, we considered only two parameter passing mechanisms: Value-Result and Name. These were two of the mechanisms our students were least familiar with, i.e., they had not learned about them in any earlier course. We had covered all the parameter passing mechanisms in the class two weeks before the test. We used a crossover design: we randomly divided the class into two sections. We used each section as the control group for one parameter passing mechanism and as the test group for the other.

The control group was provided with the version of the tutor that provided minimal feedback, viz., whether the answer was correct or not, and the correct answer. The test group was provided with the version of the tutor that provided detailed feedback as described in Section 2.2. We conducted a pretest and a posttest for each parameter passing mechanism. The test questions themselves were generated by the tutor, but were typeset and printed in hardcopy. The students were told that the best of the pretest and posttest scores for each parameter passing mechanism would be counted towards their course grade (Together, the two scores accounted for 10% of the course grade). Therefore, our students went through the following sequence of steps:

by detailed feedback for name averaged 2.25 for value-result and 1.75 for name.


The entire class worked with parameter passing by reference to familiarize itself with the tutor.


The entire class took a pretest on value-result for 8 minutes.


One group acted as the control and the other group as the test for practicing with the tutor on value-result. The groups practiced for 12 minutes. Each student was seated at a separate computer during the practice session.


The entire class took a posttest on value-result for 8 minutes.


The entire class filled out a feedback form on the tutor they had just used.


Steps 2-5 were repeated for name, with the control and test groups switched.

After eliminating floor and ceiling effect, 11 out of 13 student scores improved from the pretest to the posttest, confirming our first hypothesis that using the tutoring system would result in a systematic improvement in the learning of our students. According to binomial test, the 2-tailed p-value is 0.0224, confirming that there was a systematic change from the pretest to the posttest performance. We are confident in ascribing this change to the use of the tutor because we had minimized extraneous influences – students did not take a break between tests, they did not have access to textbook or any other reference material during the test, and they were not allowed to discuss among themselves during the test. A mixed factorial analysis of the test scores indicated no statistically significant difference between the improvement in the scores of the control group with minimal feedback and the test group with detailed feedback (p > .10). This finding does not, however, rule out the possibility that detailed feedback is better than minimal feedback because our sample size was small (n=8). However, the feedback we received in Step 5 of the protocol shed some light on this issue. The following two feedback statements written by students are noteworthy: “Did not get good feedback”, “The first one was easier to understand because it showed you what you did wrong”. These statements were written by students on feedback forms after testing parameter passing by name. These students had used the tutor with detailed feedback for valueresult, before using it with minimal feedback for name. Again, the student response to the question: “The tutor helped me learn new material” on the feedback form was consistent. The group that had used the tutor with detailed feedback for valueresult, followed by minimal feedback for name averaged 2.25 (on a Likert scale of 1 for Strongly agree and 5 for Strongly disagree) for Value-Result and 2.75 for Name. The other group, that had used the tutor with minimal feedback for value-result, followed

4. COMPARISON WITH RELATED WORK Problem-based learning improves long-term retention [8]. A tutoring system such as ours has several advantages over textbooks, the traditional source of problems for students: 1.

The tutor can instantaneously grade the user’s answer and provide feedback.


The tutor can provide detailed feedback unlike printed textbooks.


Our tutor can generate an unlimited supply of problems, thereby providing as much practice with problem-solving as the learner wants.


Instructors may use our tutor to assign homework or even administer tests without the fear of plagiarism. They may also use it to promote active learning, and for distance education.

Tutoring systems such as ours have been developed for quantitative disciplines such as Physics (e.g., CAPA [9]), and electronics and control systems (e.g., CHARLIE [4]). Examples of such tutoring systems developed for Computer Science include PILOT [6], SAIL [7] and Gateway labs [3]. PILOT is a problem generation tool for graph algorithms, SAIL is a LaTeX-based scripting tool for problem generation, and Gateway Labs generate problems on mathematical foundations of Computer Science. In our work, we have attempted to build tutoring systems for problems based on programs, problems for which the answers may not always be quantitative [13,14,15]. MuLE [5] has an objective similar to our tutoring system – to contrast the various parameter passing mechanisms. However, it achieves this objective by a different means – by providing an interpretive environment in which the learner can try out code segments. WebToTeach [2] is another work similar to our work, but it administers problems created by the instructor, and does not itself generate the problems. The use of problem generation systems has been shown to increase student performance by 10% in Physics [11], largely due to increased time spent on the task. Our evaluations seem to support this result, indicating that tutoring systems do have a role to play in Computer Science higher education.

5. FUTURE WORK We have developed tutoring systems for other selected topics in Computer Science, including expression evaluation in C++ [12], pointers for indirect addressing in C++ [13] and nested selection statements in C++ [15]. Each tutor consists of the following modules: 1.

Domain Module which implements the particular domain;


Problem Module which generates the next problem;


Expert Module which solves the generated problem;


Student Module which maintains data about the user;


Tutor Module which generates feedback; and


User Interface which implements the View/Controller in the Model-View-Controller pattern.

The User Interface, Student Module and parts of the Tutor Module can be reused from one tutor to the next. The remaining modules are distinct to each tutor. Our long-term goal is to abstract out the common components, and develop a reusable framework for the implementation of tutoring systems. We need to gain more experience in building tutors before we can develop such a framework. We plan to incorporate into our tutor Error Flagging and Immediate Feedback, two other types of feedback often found in Intelligent Tutoring Systems[1]. We plan to continue to test the tutor in future sections of our Comparative Programming Languages course, as well as with Computer Science students not enrolled in the course. The tutor is implemented as a Java applet so that it can be accessed over the Web without constraints of time and space. The tutor uses Swing classes, consists of 18 classes, and is about 207K in size. It is currently available over the Web at http://orion.ramapo.edu/~amruth/problets

6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Gordon Bear in analyzing the results of testing the tutor. Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation’s Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program under grant DUE-0088864.

7. REFERENCES [1] Anderson J.R., Corbett A.T., Koedinger K.R. and Pelletier R. Cognitive Tutors: Lessons Learned. In The Journal of the Learning Sciences, Vol 4(2), 1995, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 167-207. [2] Arnow, D. and Barshay, O. WebToTeach: An Interactive Focused Programming Exercise System. in Proceedings of FIE ’99 (San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 1999), IEEE Press, Session 12a9. [3] Baldwin, D. Three years experience with Gateway Labs. in Proceedings of ITiCSE ’96 (Barcelona, Spain, June 1996), ACM Press, 6-7. [4] Barker, D.S. CHARLIE: A Computer-Managed Homework, Assignment and Response, Learning and Instruction Environment, in Proceedings of FIE ’97 (Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997), IEEE Press.

[5] Barr J., and Smith King, L.A. Teaching Programming Languages by Counter-Example. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference (New Rochelle, NY, October 1995), 48-54. [6] Bridgeman, S., Goodrich, M.T., Kobourov, S.G., and Tamassia, R. PILOT: An Interactive Tool for Learning and Grading. in Proceedings of SIGCSE ’00 (Austin, TX, March 2000), ACM Press, 139-143. [7] Bridgeman, S., Goodrich, M.T., Kobourov, S.G., and Tamassia, R. SAIL: A System for Generating, Archiving, and Retrieving Specialized Assignments Using LaTeX. in Proceedings of SIGCSE ‘00 (Austin, TX, March 2000), ACM Press, 300-304. [8] Farnsworth, C. C. Using computer simulations in problembased learning. In Proceedings of Thirty Fifth ADCIS conference (Nashville, TN, 1994), Omni Press, 137-140. [9] Kashy, E., Sherrill, B.M., Tsai, Y., Thaler, D., Weinshank, D., Engelmann, M., and Morrissey, D.J. CAPA, An Integrated Computer Assisted Personalized Assignment System. American Journal of Physics, 61(12), (1993), 11241130. [10] Locke J. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Book 2, Chapter 1, Section 2, Britannica Great Books, 1952. [11] Kashy E., Thoennessen, M., Tsai, Y., Davis, N.E., and Wolfe, S.L. Using Networked Tools to Enhance Student Success Rates in Large Classes. in Proceedings of FIE ‘97 (Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997), IEEE Press. [12] Krishna A. and Kumar A. A Problem Generator to Learn Expression Evaluation in CS I and its Effectiveness. The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges. (to appear). [13] Kumar A. Learning the Interaction between Pointers and Scope in C++, Proceedings of The Sixth Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2001), Canterbury, UK, (June 2001), 4548. [14] Kumar A.: Dynamically Generating Problems on Static Scope, Proceedings of The 5th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2000), Helsinki, Finland, (July 2000), 9-12. [15] Singhal N., and Kumar A. Facilitating Problem-Solving on Nested Selection Statements in C/C++. In Proceedings of FIE ’00 (Kansas City, MO, October 2000), IEEE Press.

Figure 2: The clockwise flow of action in the tutor - A problem on parameter passing by value-result in progress.