A4M Advanced Materials An Alliance for Materials

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European Technology Platform for Advanced. Engineering Materials and Technologies. E. uMa. T. W o rk sho p. E lemen ts. E. T. P S. M. R. S ta k e h old e r F.
EuM EuM aTaT

Advanced Materials

An Alliance for Materials formed by six ETP’s Michael Heine Member of the EuMaT Steering Committee The European Technology Platform on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies

Brussels, September 5, 2012

A4 M

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

The members and the beginning EUMat as initiator of A4M / some figures and concept A4M concept / vision & objectives / key elements

Brussels, September 5, 2012


ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

Brussels, September 5, 2012

A4M – the members

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT 

On 14th December 2010 the ‘Material Letter’ was sent to the Commissioners: Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Antonio Tajani

Brussels, September 5, 2012

A4M – the beginning

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

The objectives and vision of EUMat: Innovative use of existing materials based on good understanding of applications, material requirements and materials degradations mechanisms

Development of entirely new materials or materials groups (nanomaterials, active/intelligent materials, composites, hybrid and multimaterial structures etc.)


Modification of existing materials to fit better for applications (new grades for existing materials systems, possibly new manufacturing processes)

Brussels, September 5, 2012

EUMat – the initiator of A4M

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

Kick-off meeting, Aug. 31 2004 SRA issued April 25, 2006 Official launch meeting Brussels, June 26, 2006 Steering Committee members

Presently: more than 900 registered members 23% of presences from industry

Brussels, September 5, 2012

EUMat – in figures

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

National Mirror Group

High Level Group

Support layer

Steering Committee




Modelling and Multiscale

Materials for Energy

WG6 Material for ICT

Working Groups





WG7 BioMaterials

Decision layer

KMM Materials

Operative layer


Lifecycle, Impacts and Risks

Brussels, September 5, 2012

EuMaT – the structure

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

 Six European Technology Platforms with a strong material agenda in their respective strategies.

 Value Chain Concept transforming the materials in valuable products

 Materials R&D as a crosscutting and enabling technology

 Effective coordination and integration of the different interests and strategies

 Improvement of Innovation Speed and implementation in Europe addressing the Grand Societal Challenges.

Brussels, September 5, 2012

A4M – the concept

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

 Creating the conditions for an effective integration of the stakeholders in the field of materials R&D

 Creating the views for technical, industrial and commercial strategies for new materials

 Creating support by programmes, initiatives or financial tools, at national or EU level to support the R&D and innovation process.

 Acting totally independent in their decision processes and not on the behalf of the single ETP’s.

 Acting as an discussion and sharing point for all material initiatives

Brussels, September 5, 2012

A4M - Vision and objectives

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

– key elements  Including all six ETPs directly related to materials science, technology, production, transformation as a “core of A4M“

 Including other ETPs which have evident links to the materials related aspects [ETPIS, PV, ENIAC, ARTEMIS, NanoMed, etc..] L1

 Including the industrial sectors with the final transformers of materials, and/or the end users [ACARE, ERTRAC, ERRAC, ZEP, ECTP,

The gradual involvement of different ETPs and related sectors systems / organisations is mandatory for an effective implementation of the A4M strategy

Brussels, September 5, 2012


ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies

EuM EuM aTaT

[email protected]

Brussels, September 5, 2012

Thank you for your attention

ETP SMRWorkshop Stakeholder Forum 2012 EuMaT Elements

European Technology P latform for Advanced European Technology P latform for Advanced Engineering M aterials and Technologies Engineering M aterials and Technologies