Determination of stable oxide structures. Methane ? Dissociative adsorption
energy of methane on Pd-Pt oxide structures. CH. 4. (gas). CH. 3. + H (solid
surface) ...
Ab initio study of methane adsorption on PdPt oxide structures Arezoo Dianat Methane_Fuelcell.pdf
Institute for material science
Motivation Interest in using methane (CH4) as alternative to coal and oil High H/C ratio
Heat generation with less CO2 emission
Problem: Methane combustion requires high temperature ( >1300 °C) to maintain stable flame undesired NOX production Solution: Catalytic combustion of methane at lower temperatures Methane_Fuelcell.pdf Minimization of NOX emissions Highly active catalysts for CH4 combustion: Metallic palladium and platinum Palladium oxide Palladium oxide supported by Pt
Palladium (Pd) and Platinum (Pt)
Increasing catalytic activity
Experimental findings on Pt supported PdO catalyst in CH4 combustion Time-course of catalytic activities of Pt supported PdO catalysts
PdO + Pt
Increase of catalytic activity Preventing catalyst deactivation Why PdO + Pt better?
623 K for 6 h
K. Narui, et al., Applied catalysis A: General 179 (1999) 165
Our aim: Understanding of catalytic activity of bimetal PdPt and its oxide phases for CH4 combustion 3
Exploration of stable phases of metal + adsorbate Example of monometallic Phase diagram of Pd-O-CO
J. Rogal, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (2007) 2054331
Exploring adsorption on Pd-Pt alloy system Oxygen
Oxygen adsorption energy on different Pd-Pt compositions and configurations
Determination of stable oxide structures
Dissociative adsorption energy of methane on Pd-Pt oxide structures CH4 (gas)
CH3 + H (solid surface)
Exploring adsorption on Pd-Pt alloy system Oxygen
Oxygen adsorption energy on different Pd-Pt compositions and configurations
Determination of stable oxide structures
Dissociative adsorption energy of methane on Pd-Pt oxide structures CH4 (gas)
CH3 + H (solid surface)
Pd-Pt bimetal better than pure Pd or Pt ?
Outline Investigation of oxide structures
Methane adsorption
Oxygen adsorption
CH3 + H
O atoms Pd or Pt atoms
Thin oxide film
Bulk oxide
Computational methods Ab initio calculation based on density-functional theory - quantum mechanical theory to determine the electronic structure (ground state) of many body systems Motion of electrons described by Schrödinger equation and nuclei motion by classical equation of motion Forces acting on atoms evaluated using Hellman-Feynman theorem: Methane_Fuelcell.pdf
Coupling of electronic variables and nuclei motion
high computational cost
We use parallel version of widely used DFT code Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP)
Computational cost High number of plane waves in wave function expansion ( > 10,000) Slab
Number of atoms: 24-60 Methane_Fuelcell.pdf
Number of electrons per atom: 10 About 550 - 1000 h CPU time for each calculation
Simulation cell with periodic boundary conditions
Flow chart of a self-consistent calculation Chose elements and positions of ions
Cutoff of plane-wave basis set {e
i ( k +G ) r
Pick a trial density n(r )
Calculate VH (n) and VXC ( n)
h2 2 ∇ + Vion + VXC + VH ψ = Eψ Solve Hψ = 2m by diagonalization of H K + G, K + G' Calculate new n(r ) Compute total energy
Is the solution self-consistent?
Generate new
n(r ) 10
Oxygen adsorption on Pd, Pt and PdPt (111) surfaces High symmetry on-surface sites
Most favorable on-surface site oxygen metal
High symmetry sub-surface sites
Most favorable sub-surface site 11
Chemisorbed oxygen on PdPt(111) Influence of PdPt configuration on oxygen adsorption energy
Methane_Fuelcell.pdf Eads= - [EO@S - ES - 1/2NOEO2] / NO
oxygen Pd Pt
Layer configuration leading to high adsorption energy
Oxygen adsorption in sub-surface Influence of PdPt configuration on oxygen adsorption with sub-surface incorporation Mean adsorption energy for 1 ML oxygen coverage
Methane_Fuelcell.pdf Higher oxygen binding on mixed PdPt
Thin mixed oxide film of Pt3O4 structure on PdPt(100) Oxygen binding energy
Lattice constant of Pt3O4 (5.63 Å) is almost exactly twice the Pt-Pt distance (2.82 Å)
PdO4/3 film Pd0.67Pt0.33O4/3 film
Pd0.33Pt0.67O4/3 film mixed PdPt
PtO4/3 film
PtO4/3 on Pt(100)
Pd-doping to Pt3O4-thin film on Pt(100) destabilizes the structure 14
Bulk Oxides Pd-Pt-O No experiment data on mixed PdPt oxides
Use known Pd and Pt oxide structures as base for mixed oxides
Mixed bulk Pd-Pt-O: Consider Pd-Pt compositions ¼ , ½ , ¾ Find favorable atomic configuration for each Pd/Pt ratio Favoured configurations for Pd:Pt ratio 3:4
Stability range of PdPt bulk oxides at 1 atm pressure
PdxPt1-xO2 is the most stable phase at low temperature
At higher temperature, mixed phase decomposes to monometallic oxides PdO and PtO2
Increasing temperature, monometallic oxide of PdO and Pt3O4 becomes stable
For T>950 K, PdO-Pt3O4 oxide mixture decomposes into metallic PdPt
Dissociative adsorption of methane CH4 (gas) CH3 + H (on surface) Pt(111)
Eads = 0.19 eV
Methane_Fuelcell.pdf Eads = - 0.08 eV
Eads = 0.20 eV endotherm
Eads = ECH3+H@S - ES - ECH4 Most stable adsorption sites:
CH3 on top-site H on fcc-site
Methane adsorption on oxygen ad-layer
exotherm Methane_Fuelcell.pdf
Much higher methane adsorption energy on oxide structure compared to metal
Interaction of CH3 + H with substrate results in strong reconstruction of oxide surface 18
Methane adsorption on mixed PdPt thin oxide films on PdPt(100)
PtO4/3 on Pt(100)
Pd-doping of Pt3O4-thin oxide film
higher CH4 adsorption energy
Methane adsorption on thin oxide film is stronger than on oxygen ad-layer 19
Summary Study of methane adsorption on PdPt and Pd-Pt-O structures as base for understanding their catalytic activity for methane combustion Exploration of Pd-Pt oxide structures Methane adsorption energy Metallic Pd and Pt Oxygen ad-layer on pure Pd and Pt Thin Pd-oxide and Pt-oxide films Methane_Fuelcell.pdf
Oxygen ad-layer on mixed PdPt Thin mixed oxide film on PdPt
Ab-initio study suggests: Mixed PdPt-oxide structures are favoured for catalytic methane combustion
Acknowledgments Manfred Bobeth (TU Dresden) Lucio Colombi Ciacchi (Fraunhofer Institut Freiburg) Gianaurelio Cuniberti (TU Dresden) Wolfgang Pompe (TU Dresden) Nicola Seriani (Universität Wien) Methane_Fuelcell.pdf Center for information services and high performance computing
DFG joint project with L. C. Ciacchi Ab-inito Modellierung der Oxidation bimetallischer Legierungen
Thank you for your attention 21
Publications 1. A. Dianat, J. Zimmermann, N. Seriani, M. Bobeth, W. Pompe, L. C. Ciacchi, “Ab inito study of element segregation and oxygen adsorption on PtPd and CoCr binary alloy surfaces”, Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 876.
2. A. Dianat, N. Seriani, M. Bobeth, W. Pompe, L.C. Ciacchi, “DFT study of the thermodynamic stability of Pd-Pt bulk oxide phases”, J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 13623. Methane_Fuelcell.pdf